Chinese Crested Dog - reviews from owners about the breed

Today, the Chinese Crested Dog (sometimes the Crested Powder Dog) is, without a doubt, the dog-attribute of stars of all sizes. Based on the name, its home country becomes clear - China. What made it popular in such a “high” environment? When answering this question, you should immediately pay attention to the main thing about this dog, namely its size. Just like other breeds from the Middle Kingdom, such as Chihuahuas, Chins, etc., the Chinese Crested is quite miniature and, of course, an aristocratic dog.

History of the breed and its origin

There are many legends about the origin of the breed. It is believed that the ancestors of the Chinese corydalis ran around the imperial apartments more than 2 thousand years ago.

One version says that modern representatives of the breed are the heirs of African hairless dogs.

And they arrived in heaven with trade caravans. Another legend says that representatives of the breed are the ancestors of hairless dogs from Mexico. The third assumption is that the ancestors of the “hokhlatiks” arrived on ships with Thai traders.

At the end of the 19th century, a journalist from a large American city brought the first “naked ones” home.

The woman simply “fell in love” with the breed and devoted more than half a century to them.

In the 30s of the 20th century, the first stud book about the breed appeared in America. In the middle of the 20th century, a club for crested fish lovers opened. A few years later, one of the pets of the American dog owner Mrs. Woods moved to new owners in England. Alien dogs began to conquer the world.

The Kennel Club of England recognized the breed in 1981, and 6 years later the FCI gave in.

In the states, crested dogs were recognized only in the early 90s.


There are two varieties of Chinese crested cats - the deer type and the stocky type. The former are distinguished by their refined bones and grace.

“Corkies” weigh 2 times more than “fawns”.

Weight ranges from 2.3-5.5 kg. The height at the withers for males is 28-33 cm, and for the fair sex it is 23-30 cm.

Their head is slightly elongated, their muzzle is slightly narrowed. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite. In representatives of the naked variety, molars may not erupt.

This is not a deviation from the norm, but is inherent in genes.

The nose is small, any color. The eyes are small and dark. The ears are standing. And “puff puffs” can have hanging ones.

The neck is long, with a graceful curve. The chest is wide. The body length of the stocky type is different, the body is elongated lengthwise.

The forelimbs are thin. The shoulders are laid back, the position of the metacarpus is almost vertical.

The tail is long, straight, with fan-shaped hair.

When the dog moves, the tail is slightly raised.

Depending on the type of coat, three varieties are distinguished:

  • Naked. They don't have hairs. Although you can find a few hairs on the hind legs and shoulder blades.
  • "ponies" or "koniks". There is some hair on the body. The paws, neck and head are covered with abundant hair.
  • "Powderpuffs" or puffs. Their fur is silky, long and extremely beautiful.

Acceptable colors are white, black, cream, bronze, blue, chocolate, two-color (variations with white), tri-color, sable (murugi), black and tan, chocolate and tan.

Blue coat color is found only in Chinese Hairless dogs. It is determined by the color of the skin. The wool is sable or white.

A cute “forelock” on the head flaunts all varieties of the breed.

Character, characteristics of the breed

The Chinese Crested Dog treats its owner with special tenderness, does not want to be left alone, and is ready to follow on his heels. It is very difficult for her to cope with the change of owner, she is sad and may get sick.

Loneliness is usually accompanied by intense howling and barking.

It is quite difficult to wean your pet from this bad habit. (Read the article “How to stop a dog from barking to no avail”)

“Chinese women” are sociable and literally idolize their owner. Representatives of the breed are easy-going and will gladly accompany their owner on various walks and trips.

"Corydalis" are kind to children.

They happily play ball and any other outdoor games.

The behavior of puppies resembles the habits of cats. They climb onto the owner's lap and rub against their legs.

Attachment to people can reach the point of obsession.

Choosing a puppy

Before buying a small pet, you should visit exhibitions, look at breeders’ websites, and choose a nursery with a good reputation. You can also ask an expert to participate in the transaction.

When choosing a corydalis, you need to know that its color may change as it grows. “Dark-skinned” puppies acquire a bluish tint. The exact color will be clear only by three months. By this age, the roots of the hairs will acquire an “adult” color.

Care and maintenance

Claws are trimmed 1-2 times a month to prevent them from growing back. "Chinese" can scratch its delicate skin when it itches.

Teeth are brushed once a week.

You need to accustom your pet to the procedure from puppyhood.

The eyes are wiped daily with hygienic cotton wool moistened with plain water.

The ears are examined once every 7 days so as not to miss allergic rashes and inflammatory processes.

Haircut is a very important point in caring for the corydalis.

A beautiful hairstyle can turn a pet into a “glamorous beauty” or an impressive macho. This is especially important for an exhibition specimen. And for representatives of the pet class, a fashionable haircut won’t hurt. Therefore, you need to visit the groomer regularly.

You need to bathe your “naked” pet 1-2 times a week.

Use products for sensitive skin, preferably without dyes or fragrances.

Acne formations must be removed from the skin of hairless specimens.

To do this, steam the skin by wrapping the pet’s body in a hot towel.

You can remove formations with hands treated with an antiseptic.

To care for the skin, you can use Bepanten cream. In addition to it, it is advisable to purchase a moisturizing and nourishing cream, and for the hot period - sunscreen.

Puff puffers are combed with a wide-toothed comb; their luxurious fur can form tangles. Before combing, the wool is moistened with a special lotion. They are washed 1-2 times a month.

Don’t forget about aesthetics - the tuft can be braided with beautiful bows and elastic bands.

Chinese Crested dogs are kept only at home. Get a soft bed for your pet. For down varieties, it is better to use satin to prevent the wool from matting.

It is advisable to purchase a tray or stock up on diapers.

Although you can train your four-legged friend to do his “tricks” on the street.

Daily walks are necessary for your pet. In summer, it must be protected from sunlight and bloodsucker bites.

The Chinese Crested Dog is easy to train and performs excellent small circus tricks.

Good to know

The special quality of the Powder Puff coat is explained primarily by the small amount of undercoat, and the dominant grooming hair in a healthy state, according to connoisseurs of the breed, resembles a veil: it is long, delicate and silky. Nevertheless, this is exactly dog ​​hair in its structure and characteristics, but not human hair, with which common myths about the breed identify it.

Using elastic bands for bangs

The pet industry offers a huge selection of various rubber bands and hairpins for decorative breeds of dogs, but not every one of these cute details will benefit your powder pouf.

You shouldn’t give up using them completely - it’s not only beautiful, but also very convenient. Choose jewelry that will definitely not stretch the wool, thereby damaging it. It is preferable to make ponytails from bangs using soft silicone rubber bands, but even these are not advisable to wear for too long - only as needed. Learn to tie bright ribbons of natural composition on wool - it’s beautiful and more or less harmless for the condition of the hair.

Jewelry should not damage the dog's fur.

Protecting wool from weather factors

It is important to constantly protect your pet’s fur from adverse environmental factors:

  • temperature changes;
  • rain and snow;
  • direct sunlight.

Staying under the scorching sun is unlikely to benefit anyone, much less a small dog, especially if it is a powder puff, and even more so if it is dark in color. The sun's rays destroy the pigment, the wool fades and becomes very fragile.

Such “beauty” is a mockery of the dog and its fur

If the dog is litter box trained, then it is better not to walk it at all in bad weather. Be sure to buy your baby’s wardrobe not only warm winter clothes, but also light summer clothes - they should protect the body and fur from heat and cold.

Pay close attention to your pet's wardrobe

Avoiding synthetic bedding

Synthetic bedding negatively affects the quality of wool, causing it to electrify, become thinner and break. The best option is dog mats made of satin, 100% natural.

What to do if there is already synthetic flooring on the floor in the rooms? You will have to choose between the coating and the beauty of the wool.

From puppyhood, you need to teach your dog to lie on the “correct” rugs

Food quality

The organization of feeding and a properly structured diet have a huge impact on the health of any dog ​​and specifically on the condition of its coat, which is especially important for the Powder Poof breed. And not in all cases, even high-quality ready-made food can completely solve the problem - you need to be able to choose it wisely. Of course, even more difficulties may arise with the preparation of a natural menu - it should not only be perfectly balanced, but also moderately high in calories

Of course, even more difficulties may arise with the preparation of a natural menu - it must not only be perfectly balanced, but also moderate in calories.

Such a “natural” will definitely not do the dog any good

Breeders usually strongly recommend that buyers of their puppies not experiment with natural food, but rather choose high-quality professional food for the dog at a level not lower than super-premium class. Listen to these tips from experienced people: it is best to continue giving the dog in a new place the same food that it was used to in the kennel, and only then you can try to gradually switch the animal to a new type of food, if it is more suitable for the individual characteristics of the pet.

Even a well-chosen food will not immediately improve the coat - but after about three months you will see convincing results. However, good nutrition will improve the quality of not only the coat, but also the overall life of your pet.

An experienced groomer is well aware of the rules for caring for the coat of a Chinese Powder Dog. But the owner of this little furry miracle is responsible for daily care, which is of enormous importance. Therefore, every owner of a powder poof will have to become at least a little bit of a groomer.


Before offering your pet any treat, you need to assess the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Unfortunately, the Chinese Crested Dog often suffers from them.

Therefore, the menu is selected very carefully. New products are being introduced little by little.

Sweets are excluded. They may cause watery eyes.

Fried foods, pickles, animal fats, smoked foods are strictly prohibited, no matter how sweetly the dog begs for a tidbit.

Dogs of this breed are partial to fruits. It is better to choose green fruits: apples, pears, kiwi. Oranges, tangerines, and pineapples are introduced into the menu very carefully.

Proteins should make up approximately 60% of the diet.

It is better to choose dietary varieties of meat and fish, dairy products.

The rest is cereals and vegetables, fruits. You can give eggs.

Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day, after a walk. Puppies – 3-6 times a day.

Chinese Crested Dog - owner reviews

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This is the kindest creature in the world. When I decided to get myself a dog, I thought about this issue very seriously. I weighed the pros and cons, and took into account that I had a small 2-year-old child in my arms and I would have to rely only on myself. I didn’t expect help from my husband, because... he was against animals. And I didn’t intend to have just a soft toy for entertainment and my own pleasure, because in the past I was already the owner of two poodles for 16 years and understood that for a dog you need to sacrifice a lot of yourself and your time so that it grows up healthy and smart and neat. I was tormented by my thoughts for three months after we moved to our own apartment separately from my husband’s mother. I really wanted a dog, but... There were a whole bunch of buts... I was afraid that the puppy would not let me and my child sleep at night. And sleeping at night is a painful topic for me, because... It was very difficult for me with my child and I only started sleeping normally when he was two years old. Then my mother-in-law had a very talkative dachshund cat. lived with us for seven years, loved to bark with or without reason. Second question - I was very afraid that the dog could harm the child, one of my poodles was very aggressive, in her old age she simply did not let me pass by and bit my legs. The stitches were repaired for my mother and brother. And the dachshund cat. lived with us and attacked the child more than once. Third: how will I pull a dog and a child outside 6 times a day? And wool? I don't like shedding dogs that smell like dog. So I went on the Internet to find a poodle, of course, and then an advertisement popped up - a dog like a poodle. Khs breed. What are these three letters that I haven’t figured out at all and what does it mean like a poodle? The photo shows white fluffy puppies. I called, and the breeder told me that he is not lazy, does not smell, there are practically no aggressive ones, and he loves children very much. Sleeps at night. I thought for two more days. And the most important thing that amazed me since the last conversation is that you can train him to use a litter box. I made up my mind. They brought it to me all the way from the other end of the country. Well, I still think I’ll go crazy with two children. One is 2 years old, the other is 2 months old. And what it turned out to be was that I was the owner of the most beautiful breed. When this little one arrived, it settled itself under my bed, and slept quietly all night, and if it started to rustle, then one day in May it froze until the morning. I didn’t believe in it, every time I thought that that night would come and she would stop listening to me and wake everyone up. That night came and she began to sleep without her hind legs at all. After a couple of weeks I started going to the patch, lo and behold, but I still took her out 5 times and took the baby under my arm when my husband was on a business trip. Nothing, two children and I only benefit from fresh air. Now we are 6 months old. and we walk three times a day. Of course, there are no problems with wool or odor, I have a powder puff. And no barking, the first time I heard her voice was at 5 months, when she was scared of some aunt on the street. And this is the kindest creature in the world, he and his son together do whatever they want and never an evil growl, much less bite. We are half a year old and not a single damaged item. It only gnaws on twigs outside. And the child doesn’t hang on me all day long; he plays great with the dogs. Another feature of Chinese women is their alternative appearance. I love it when a dog is different and I love cutting and combing it, and what a beauty it is afterwards?! And people on the street always admire them. I forgot, my husband just adores her.


My review is negative. I chose the Chinese Crested, Hairless, deliberately, for the reasons that the dog does not shed, does not stink, and has a minimum of hygiene. I thought we could handle everything else. I was wrong. The only thing that lived up to expectations was that it doesn’t shed.

Now about the disadvantages. The dog craps always and everywhere! On sofas, on armchairs, on the bed, on your soft couch, in my arms when he sleeps, when he lies on his back. This is just horror and a nightmare! We live in our own house, there is a yard and grass, that is, an accessible walk, we walk 100 times a day, but when he comes in from the street, he can immediately piss. Further. He chews wooden furniture, although he bought about 10 toys, he chews them all. He's digging the chair, he's already torn it up. Further. Nerves are useless. He screams as if he is being cut. For example, I dress him in a knitted overall, his paw gets stuck in a claw, he screams as if I’m tearing his paw off, loudly and for a long time, and then he walks around offended. Smell. He is! Unpleasant, even after washing with shampoo. Now some positives. Everything is there. Not picky. Behavior. Playful, affectionate. But, wayward, this discourages the desire to bask with him. Conclusion. I'm not happy with the dog. I want to give it away.



Crested is one of the most beautiful dog breeds. She is unusual. Because of its appearance, the dog is sometimes called a fairy horse. Unlike mini terriers and other small breeds, crested ones have an excellent temperament in the absence of any manifestations of anger. And it’s a pleasure to sleep in bed with her. Warm, hairless skin. The downy variety has the same gentle character. Soft toy. But at the same time, these dogs are very cheerful and lively.


The neighbors have a dog, my nightmare, it doesn’t sleep, it makes noise, I hated it, it’s just a fiend for me, you with your love for dogs, think about your neighbors, often animal lovers are very cruel people, many are sadists, there are plenty of historical facts, love animals passionately



Positive traits

Friendly, active, playful, very attached to the owner, practically does not bark, fully corresponds to the definition of a companion dog.

A non-shedding breed, with proper care it does not smell at all. He easily gets used to doing his business in a potty, which, you see, is very good, especially in bad weather or when there is no time.

Rumors that the breed does not cause allergies are, of course, a myth.


Very affectionate, sometimes I don’t like it. The breed requires grooming. The downy variety requires trimming the muzzle and neck, and some naked dogs also require epilation of excess hairs on the body.



A small, cheerful, athletic dog. It is very convenient for keeping in an apartment, but it can also happily live in a private house, if not in a booth. This breed has no dog smell at all. This breed is very attached to its owner.

Pets him like a little horse.


She acquired her Tequila about a year ago as an adult. In general, the dog is not bad, kind, not aggressive, and lacks the hunting instinct, unlike terriers. She is sanguine by temperament, always ready to communicate, active, but without hyperactivity. Does not require much physical activity. One of the main disadvantages was the problem with the toilet, I was shitting on the bed, I don’t know what it was connected with, but I just got hysterical. The whole mattress stank, I didn’t have time to wash the clothes. I slept like I was in a barnyard, that was the aroma. It ended up that after poking her with her muzzle, she apparently realized that it was really unpleasant. I read that many dogs of the same breed shit on furniture. Before her, I had a large male pit bull, he never allowed himself to do this, even on the bed loved to lie around. Another minus is the dog is very nervous. If she doesn’t like something, for example, combing or trimming her nails, she starts yelling at the whole house, not barking, but yelling. But I dealt with this by simply ignoring these hysterics, and she put up with it. She steals and eats everything that lies poorly, I feed him good food according to his weight, not a gram less, but she is always hungry. Once she got to the bag of food and ate half - one and a half kilograms, considering that she herself weighs three, she almost moved her horse after that. Skin problems such as acne, peeling, allergies.



She is kind, gets along with children, well-groomed, you can sleep and play with her, she does not shed.


Beggar, weak immune system, freezing.

Hello everyone, and finally it’s time to write a review, not about chips, not about films or cartoons, but about my pet! I have very, very many of them, and I love them all equally, but still my favorite pet is a Chinese Crested dog. She was given to my mother by friends who could not care for her. I wanted a cat, not a dog. But after I lived with her for several days, I not only got used to her, I fell in love with her! By the way, my dog’s name is Kira, and she is already 3 years old! She is very kind and playful, you can sleep with her, as she is small in size and takes up little space. She also gets along and plays with children. She does not shed due to the fact that 90% of her body is not covered with hair. You don’t need to comb the dog, because like a cat, it licks its body (and me too). Overall, she is easy and fun to care for! But in a barrel of honey, there is a fly in the ointment! Because it has several disadvantages. 1: the dog is a terrible beggar, and in order to get a tasty morsel she is ready to make eyes at you and even hit you with her paw, and sometimes she goes so overboard that she climbs onto the table and steals food! 2: She has a weak immune system, and because of this, she cannot be fed anything, but must be fed with dog food, which in turn costs as much as 560 rubles! 3: she always freezes, not only outside, but also at home (in the summer), so we wrap her in different clothes and sheets. But despite these shortcomings, we have had her for a year now, and I continue to love and respect her!

FunnySvetik 06


Beautiful view, activity, affection


We had a nasty one

Greetings, dear friends! On June 11, 2015, our family got a Chinese Crested dog. We bought her for several thousand; the puppy was then 2 and a half months old. And here is a photo from that day: Initially, he was quiet and timid, whining at night, missing his mother and brothers. The dog (name Plush) turned out to be very affectionate and friendly. He always fawned over us and greeted guests joyfully. True, after being vaccinated against rabies, he was very scared and began to behave worse: he began to shit more and then began to tear up the wallpaper. We took him to the stadium and he ran very smartly there. I would like to note that our dog was very active and capable. Many other people have also noticed the activity of Chinese Cresteds. But when he started doing more mischief, we planned to give him away. Sometime in October 2015 he ran away from home and two weeks later he returned when we picked him up on the street. And already in December, on the 26th, we gave the dog into the good hands of a good family, because we no longer had the opportunity to continue to support this dog. Of course, based on the pet I had, it is impossible to say what breed the Chinese Crested is. Each dog of any breed is individual. Ours was a little mischievous, he could do some mischief, but he was friendly and loved everyone. But it is well known that Chinese Cresteds are very active, agile and friendly. I still love my former pet. I remember this devoted creature, his smart, kind eyes and gentle bark. He was a good friend and he even knew how to guard a little. Now he lives with other people outside the city, thousands of kilometers away. Ours was bald, but there is also a downy crested variety. These dogs are cute in appearance. Ours ate properly and had a routine. He was friendly and got to know other dogs. I recommend this breed to you. In my opinion, these dogs are not bad!


This is not a dog, this is a misunderstanding.


They gave me a dog for my birthday. Now my male Renaldillo, or Reni for short, is already 2 years old. And from the very beginning of my life, “surprises” began in my apartment! Up to a year he relieved himself on the floor and it didn’t matter at all whether we walked 6 times or 8! Moreover, not just a puddle somewhere in a corner, but a whole river throughout the middle of the room, or even more than one. He carefully placed his piles under the doors, so I got up sleepy in the morning, left the room and there was a surprise for you in the studio. I did everything I could with him, I even hit him with a slipper. I myself am against violence against animals, but this was too much, believe me! Thank God, through some incredible efforts we overcame the addiction to crap our houses a hundred times. And then our weirdo decided not to give peace of mind. Terrible problems with food began. I took him to the doctor and he was healthy, but the diagnosis was that he was unhealthy for food. I gave him 60-70% meat, rice or buckwheat + vegetables. Do you think he devoured this yummy food that I wouldn’t refuse? But that was not the case. Oh, how much meat (not at all cheap) we threw away. About two weeks ago I freaked out and decided to switch to food, so at least it can stay in the toe longer and not spoil. I bought him Acana, expensive, high quality! Figurines, I went on a hunger strike, but I don’t give up and pour in food. He looks thin around the abdomen, although he weighs 6 kg. Anyone who has encountered poor appetite in dogs or other animals will understand how this affects him. After all, I’m worried that he hasn’t eaten for two days. This is moral hell. On the street we are active and positive. We jump onto people's feet, bags, and bags... Oh, and if you see a dog in the distance, then Nastya hang on! He begins to whine at the top of his lungs, to the point of wheezing, in short, quiet horror. And yes, if you let him off the leash, he will boldly follow any dog ​​and not look back. It is quite difficult to train these comrades. As the dog handlers told me, every day you have to repeat the same thing and it’s not a fact that he will understand. This is really a couch dog! I wrote a lot, breathed a sigh of relief... phew) But despite all the disadvantages and a great desire to swear in his direction, I love my dog ​​with character, I endure and love! =) Because he is kind, affectionate, he feels when I feel bad. Every evening he comes to wish me good night, it’s like a ritual)) He is cheerful, playful, positive and knows how to dance like a circus poodle. I hope he loves me as much as I love him... although no, I know that)) And advice , if you are not a fan of rules and obedience from a dog, or want to replace a child with one, then this is your option 100% =)



Loyal and hairless



These dogs are very attached to their owners, but they are not for everyone and are well suited for people with allergies. They eat everything but they have problems with their teeth, it is advisable to feed them soft food. They can get acne if you don't take care of their skin. You need to bathe them every other day, lubricate them with cream so that the skin does not dry out. In winter, you need to dress warmly, and in summer, avoid direct sunlight so that the dog does not get burned. They are very loyal, but jealous and can be offended by you for a long time. Capable of learning various teams. They get along well with other animals. They love children very much. If necessary, they will protect you to the end. In general, these dogs are wonderful, faithful friends of adults, children and other animals.

Lenok Inspiration

no offense to the owners of this dog!!! I don’t want to offend anyone - I’m writing my opinion. I don't like this breed at all for any reason. It’s even a pity that nature offended the dog so outwardly. and by nature she can be very cocky. Personally, she barked angrily at me on the street. And the other 2 growled and barked at a good-natured Yorkie puppy.



Affectionate, active, cheerful.


no and never will be!

Our lucky name is Betty. Purchased on 04/28/14. She loves to play and fight. I think she looks a lot like a dinosaur. Nice little girl and very proud. The most affectionate creature! P.S. the first dog is her. I got along with the flow and they became friends like water! END!

Tanya Karnaukh

I don't like this breed. I don't want to offend breeders and owners. They are kind of scary in my opinion. We have one living in the yard, so when I used to pass by with my little one, I wouldn’t give us any rest. She rushed and barked, I was still surprised that my dog ​​didn’t rush at her. If I were in his place, I would have bitten her myself, and Bucks walked past as if he hadn’t noticed her.






I recommend this dog to everyone, they are very kind, love to play with children, and especially love children's soft toys, they are very nimble, they don't have a lot of hair, they are not picky and very affectionate pets, when they run they look like deer, that's why they probably have and there is this type of deer. I advise everyone, especially those who have children, you will be happy with this dog, because there are for lovers, the mini Chinese Crested breed and larger ones, fluffy and hairless. You will not regret. You can bathe them with baby shampoo once every two weeks, in the winter you have to wear them because they get very cold, and in the summer you need to apply sunscreen, so good luck.


We also have a Chinese Crested dog, only a fluffy one. By the way, from the point of view of beauty, I prefer downy corydalis. In each litter, even two hairless ones give birth to one or more puffballs - this is the nature. I just want to warn you right away that they are larger than naked ones - we were even scared at first - Where does it grow?? and then suddenly. But no, we have a dog with a pedigree with all the bells and whistles as it should be. And indeed she is a faithful and devoted friend, but she also has a lot of troubles. As it turned out in my husband’s and my example, a large dog is easier to raise and train than this one (we had different large breed dogs at different times). So, according to my husband’s stories, I didn’t have such problems with them. Firstly, during the first year she chewed everything!!! whatever we could get, including shoes, every morning we counted the losses (all sorts of distracting toys, bones, sprays, punishments did not help). She still has a weakness for pencils and all sorts of small toys. Secondly, of course, all the dogs bark at the noise in the entrance, but this is not the point of maniacal behavior, but here the loud-mouthed guard is exhausted and at the dacha - at every rustle. Well, and thirdly, there are constant problems with the fur: you need to wash and dry it with a hairdryer, then the fur looks beautiful like fluff, and if not, then you end up with a lapdog - a mongrel with curls and is also prone to all kinds of dermatitis and hair loss, although it does not shed. PS This is a complete mockery - I over-praised!!!! While I was writing this review, this piece of shit chewed up the wire from the camera, which was not removed in time.



These are not dogs - these are children in this doggy form!


Well, how can you talk about the disadvantages of your own children!

My baby's story is very sad! My pet was cruelly abused by the previous owners, a woman found her and went out, this woman searched through the Internet, looking for people who would really love her! When I found this woman and agreed to look at this dog, I was warned over the phone 100 times about what breed it was, that these are permanent children and they need love and affection, that 100 times think about whether you need it or not, 100 times read about this breed whether you can stand it mentally or not... After careful preparation, my son and I went to meet the baby! Arriving at the meeting, I saw not a dog, but actually a child with whom I fell in love and without any doubt said that I would not leave without her! We took this baby, she lived with us for 3 years. She sleeps exclusively in bed with me, knows how not to cry, but just sob, very smart, understands instantly, even better than some people, loving and very devoted! Now my girl is preparing to become a mother, we are looking forward to it! And for those who are planning to purchase this breed, think about whether you are now ready to take a child from an orphanage, in my situation it turned out exactly like that, I don’t regret it at all and I love her very much!!!


One day, a work colleague asked me to take her dog, a Chinese Crested, for the weekend. Then I literally fell ill with this breed and half a year later I bought a Chinese Crested club puppy. It was a charming, sweet and affectionate creature that walked on your heels and looked devotedly into your eyes, tried to climb into your bed and fall asleep on your pillow, covered with a blanket. But very soon we all had to regret such an acquisition. It turns out that the dog absolutely cannot be alone in the apartment. Something terrible begins, screams and squeals as if he were being killed. It’s been 5 years now that we have to take it with us everywhere, even when we need to quickly run to the store for bread. I remember when I first saw these hysterics, I called the breeder, and then the director of the club. To which they answered that yes, this is the breed. They refused to take the puppy back. I asked a colleague whose dog I was sitting with at the time - everything was the same. So think carefully before adopting this breed. If you don’t have grandparents at home who will guard this creature in your absence, you will have to carry it with you everywhere.


I really wanted to get a small dog, and even thought about a Yorkshire terrier. But they gave me (long story) a hairless Chinese Crested, a boy, when he was still a puppy. It took me two weeks to get used to it, at first it even irritated me. But somehow an attachment to him came on its own. At the time of his arrival to me, he already had a name - Boni.

At first, I fed him only boiled meat and cereals without milk, as he had problems with bowel movements. In general, the dog itself is an omnivore, but this breed is not allowed to do much, otherwise there will be several days of torment and cleaning the apartment from loose stool.

The huge disadvantage of my Bonnie was that he did not like children, no children at all! He lunged at them, barked and tried to bite them. Therefore, when I gave birth, we found him a new owner - an elderly woman who has 5 dogs and loves them all madly. She often sends me photos of Boney because I miss him.

In winter, he had to be dressed in warm clothes, otherwise he would shake all day. Bald skin and elevated temperature cause chills in the cold. But overheating is also harmful for this breed, and after sunbathing, the skin darkens, just like humans! In general, this is a very capricious breed of dog; you constantly need to take care of the bald skin, long hair on the head and tail, from which you can make hairstyles. It is necessary to do epilation - remove the fluff growing on the body, otherwise the dog will look bald!


Guys, this is a handbrake. If you want something warm that can fit in your hands, get a hamster. It seems like a dog should be a dog, well, at least it should potentially do something useful, and not just be furniture.

A friend has one like this, but I still don’t understand her or those who keep them. She is no protector, she rather needs to be protected herself, she is quarrelsome and at the same time cowardly... Leaving is a whole story, in winter there is a whole train of problems.

In general, it seems to me that such people are loved by people who either lack the worship of others, or need to look after someone and coddle.

The only noticeable plus is that the dog does have brains.


We adopted our dog on August 2, 2016. She turns one year old this month.

Let me start by saying that I have long liked crested animals. And I knew that my first dog would be a Chinese Crested. I searched the entire Internet to learn as much as possible about the breed. And now, we are ready to take on a second pet. My joy knew no bounds. I went to a well-known application for selling goods, services and animals and began browsing through numerous offers. Most of the photos of the puppies left much to be desired. All of them are unsightly and wimpy, but I came across an advertisement from our breeder. All the puppies are clean, beautiful, in order, just a sight for sore eyes. We called and agreed to meet. There were about 5 puppies, different colors, hairless and downy. We took a liking to the girl, a little puffball, sitting at a distance from her brothers and sisters and looking askance in our direction. She was so much more beautiful than the others that I didn’t need any other dog! The choice is made! We bought it for 8,000 rubles.

When we arrived home, we placed her carrier next to the bed, removing the top part. The first day she was very shy, sat in her place, but by the evening she was already taking her first steps on the floor. Our cat sniffed her from all sides, he was very curious about who it was and what to do about it? At night, we didn’t put away the cat’s bowl of food, as we thought that Sinty would simply not reach it, it’s scary) But that was not the case, in the morning the bowl was shining, there wasn’t a crumb of food left in it, and our cat Ralph never ate everything is complete. Then diapers began, playing, feeding, a few spoiled things, wires and wallpaper. There’s no way without this. It seemed to me that the dog was a little distant; when I sat her on the bed to pet her, she didn’t seem to understand affection. Some time later, we noticed she was coughing when she ran around. We went to the veterinary clinic, took tests, x-rays, and in the end they scared us and said that she most likely had a heart condition and had “kennel cough.” We went to a cardiologist, underwent another examination and the specialist gave us a conclusion: “The dog is completely healthy, and the cough is a common cold.” A couple of days before the symptoms, we simply left the window slightly open and because of this she caught a cold. Then there was a month of medications and antibiotics. And finally, the day of the long-awaited second vaccination arrived, after which I could go for a walk. I dreamed so much about how we would walk, play in the fresh air, how she would have fun with other dogs. We bought her a jumpsuit, a collar, a leash and went to the park, not far from home. In order for her to follow us, Cinthy had to call and persuade for a long time. As a result, she was not impressed with the first walk, like all the subsequent ones. Sinti doesn’t like to walk at all, she only goes outside to the toilet, immediately does her business and immediately rushes towards the house. When I go to the park with her, she doesn’t go willingly, but as soon as we turn towards the house, she pulls so hard that I don’t have enough strength to hold her. There is nothing to be done, she strives to go home, regardless of the weather, persuasion, educational measures, so that at least she walks calmly and does not delay like crazy. Also, she doesn’t like other dogs, although not a single dog has done anything bad to her, they just come up to say hello, Cinthy at this moment panics, she begins to break free, trying to run away wherever she looks, or sits on the ground and bares her teeth. She also panics at the sight of cars, people with a cane, on a bicycle, or rollerblades. She simply forgets everything in the world, does not react to me, to my voice, she simply tries to run, pushing off with all the power of her hind legs, so it is difficult for me to keep her on a leash. In general, for almost 8 months I tried to show her that there is nothing scary about other dogs and people, I tried to at least teach her to walk around the house and not be afraid, but nothing helps, she is so afraid that she won’t even take a treat from my hands when walks. So now, I decided not to torture the dog too much, since it is so stressful for him. I take her outside for 10-15 minutes. This is enough for her to do her business and run home. My dreams of walking were dashed.

Every day she becomes more affectionate, she can come up to you, let you pet her and massage her ears, she loves this. Greets you every time like it’s the last. Even if I went out for 5 minutes to take out the trash, she jumps on her hind legs, bites her hands, licks, asks to be held and is so happy - this is love ♡ She has only one friend - our cat Ralph. With him she can run around the house and play all day long, but he doesn’t mind, it’s become much more fun for him. When I leave, she doesn’t whine at the door, probably because Ralph stays with her and the two of them aren’t bored)

Now I’ll tell you about care.

The fur is long and white. It needs to be thoroughly combed and washed.

To do this, I use a special shampoo for white coat Pet Head and a hair mask (human) Natura Sebirika, oddly enough, it suited us best, I tried conditioners specifically designed for dogs, but they did not give such a moisturizing effect and are not so easy It was possible to read the wool after washing. I use a massage comb with metal teeth, I can comb it with my own, and there is a special one for dogs. It is enough to comb once a day. We cut his face about once a week with a ziver clipper, special for animals. I also trim a small area in the butt area every few months for hygienic purposes. Nails also need to be trimmed as they grow. And I trim off the excess hair on the paw pads and a little under the armpits so that it doesn’t get tangled. If a tangle does form, I sort it out by hand. Teeth need to be brushed with a children's brush and a special paste for dogs, we do this during washing, once a week or even less often. After washing, I dry it with a hair dryer and comb so that the coat is straighter and neater. I also sometimes trim the hair on my ears. Sinti's ears are very rich, which is why they simply fall off when too much hair grows on them; they need to be dressed periodically.

We feed her Natyka dry food, it suits her well, I mix in Happy Dog canned food and she eats everything with a bang, we feed her 2 times a day. She loves to beg for our food and of course we give her something from the table that is not dangerous. For example, a piece of chicken, and then it makes her eyes water. This is bad, but she really wants something tasty, because without treats, life is not nice even for people... She also loves vegetables (cucumber, tomato, carrot and others)

We go outside 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed, but when we are at home, during the day she pees at home a couple of times, and when we are at work, she endures and waits for someone to take her out, she will never leave a pile or a puddle, she is very smart in this plan. Knows the command to sit, take a seat, come to me, and brings a toy. But he only does them at home; he will never do them on the street because of fears. She doesn’t spoil much at home anymore; it happens very rarely, and if you scold her, she understands why.

The dog is good, but with some quirks. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong, or perhaps this is just a peculiar character. Anyone who likes to fuss with a pet and spend most of their day on them and give them a lot of attention - I definitely recommend this breed! When choosing a puppy, ask about its character and habits so that you can choose the one that is more suitable for you!


One of the most common misfortunes is allergies, especially in individuals with light coat color.

Crested dogs get sunburned easily.

They sometimes have problems during childbirth, which is associated with the structure of the pelvis and the rather large size of the puppies (about 150 g).

Other diseases that the Chinese Crested Dog is susceptible to include:

  • Keratoconjunctivitis;
  • Osteochondropathy of the femoral head;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Dislocation of the kneecap;
  • Hyperuricosuria.

It can be noted that the immune system is weakened and the gastrointestinal tract is sensitive. Another unpleasant feature is the tendency to develop acne.

Average life expectancy is 14 years.

What to feed?

Dwarf dogs love to eat tasty and hearty food, they have a tendency to obesity. The nutrition of an adult animal and puppies should be balanced, and it is worth choosing whether the feeding will be homemade or industrial dry food. Corydalis has a tendency to allergies, so the choice of products for it must be responsible. You only need to buy dry food that is fresh and of high quality, namely premium quality. Before a small pet appears in the house, it is worth checking with the breeder about the specifics of its previous feeding.

Homemade food should be ground, using only good quality products. The animal's diet should contain the following ingredients:

  • meat;
  • marine fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dairy products.

If you want to introduce something new into your dog’s diet, you should do it gradually.

You can also feed the animal boiled vegetables, nuts, kefir, and berries. The owner of a dwarf puffball should know that the dog should not be given the following foods:

  • bones, as they can cause injury to the stomach and intestines;
  • sweet;
  • fat meat;
  • saltiness, smokedness;
  • flour;
  • roast.

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