Chinese Crested Dog – a living “cure” for rheumatism

Chinese Cresteds are miniature indoor dogs with an extravagant appearance and a lively, friendly disposition. For a long time they remained constant companions of regulars at social events and were considered a kind of indicator of the high social status of the owners. Nowadays, decorative dogs have become available to a wide range of people and are increasingly being kept as pets. Let's find out what Chinese Cresteds are and how to care for them.

Description of the Chinese Crested breed

Popularity 226th place among 263 dog breeds


12-14 years old

Breed group:



males: 28-33 cm, females: 23-30 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

20-25 thousand rubles


2.3-5.5 kg
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As with any breed, owners have conflicting opinions about the Chinese Crested. This is due to a lack of knowledge about the rules of care and education of this animal. Some people think it's a toy. However, most dog trainers are convinced that raising “small” dogs is much more difficult than raising large ones.

Vitaly, Stavropol: “We bought Mia about a year ago. My wife saw a Chinese Crested on TV and decided to become the owner of just such a dog. I studied a lot of information about the breed, learned how wayward these dogs are and tried to dissuade my beloved. But she was adamant, and this happiness appeared in our home. We started training our pet from puppyhood. And now there are no problems. This is the most good-natured and sweetest creature. I fell in love with Mia and she reciprocated all the members of our family without exception. She even managed to become friends with the cat Boris. Although this did not happen right away. At first they divided “spheres of influence.” But the firm leadership of the owner, that is, me, quickly resolved the conflict.”

Kristina, Penza: “My parents gave me Joe on March 8th. A small, independent, friendly and sensitive four-legged friend. The bald Chinese Crested instantly detects evil people and bursts into barking. Loyal and devoted Joe is exclusively attached to me. He will never go into the arms of strangers.”

Anna, Volgograd: “I adore my Chinese corydalis so much that I eat it off the same plate. This big smart girl gives a lot of positive emotions. And how funny it is that she climbs onto the table to beg for something tasty. I can't stand ridicule about small dogs. They are not stupid at all, quite the contrary. For example, my pet never wants to walk in bad weather. And he’s only mischievous when he’s offended by me. This is my joy."

Key facts

Representatives of this breed are not the best guards, but they are loyal friends and a strong support. Chinese crested dogs support their owner in difficult situations - they lift their spirits and calm their nerves.

The characteristics of the Chinese Crested breed emphasize that these are domestic animals; it is not recommended to keep them outside - Cresteds are adapted to heat, and even a slight cold snap has a bad effect on health.

Chinese Crested is a decorative breed, it requires appropriate care: frequent combing, haircuts in salons, untangling tangles on capricious silk wool. Dogs of this breed without hair require no less expense: cold weather clothing and skin care products will take some of your budget.

“Chinese” is suitable for melancholic people suffering from attacks of sadness and loneliness. The dog's sunny disposition will brighten up gray everyday life and bring carefree joy to life.

Thanks to their friendliness, these dogs easily get along with other animals and people, and they especially love to play with children. Just do not trust the Chinese Crested to small children for a long time - a rather fragile pet can be accidentally injured.

The description of the Chinese Crested breed says that these are smart dogs, but they are not devoid of character, which makes the training process more complicated.

Crested dogs become very attached to their owner and do not leave him a single step, accompany him everywhere and caress him. If you run away from them, they may be seriously offended.

There are two types of Chinese Cresteds - “naked” and covered with long, soft hair. Hairless dogs and dogs with fur can be born in the same litter.

One of the features of Chinese Cresteds is their hypoallergenic, odorless coat with a low shedding percentage.

The life expectancy of the Chinese Crested Dog is quite long, which visually does not correspond to its fragility. Miniature hairless dogs can live 14-15 years with good care.

Appearance of the breed

Representatives of the breed are miniature and cute. The graceful physique combined with refined proportions is what makes the dog so popular.

  • The legs are thin, but at the same time powerful (the hind legs allow them to make huge jumps).
  • The head is rounded, slightly elongated. The hairless variety has erect, low-set ears.
  • The downy variety is different - their ears can be floppy.

The shoulders are quite strong, with voluminous muscles. The body ends with a long, smoothly tapering tail. There is a brush at the tip - its absence is considered a defect.

A distinctive feature is the long crest on the top of the head, which is how the breed got its name.

History of the origin of the Chinese Crested Dog

Despite the telling name of the breed, its Chinese origin has not yet been proven. Residents of the Middle Kingdom have always been famous for their originality and love for everything extraordinary, but often such things were purchased abroad and brought to China. Based on the research, experts have put forward three theories about the origin of the Chinese Crested Dog.

The first theory states that the breed descended from the now extinct African Hairless Dog, which was imported by sea to the Middle Kingdom.

According to the second theory, the Crested came from the Mexican Hairless Dog - experts note the external similarity of the breeds. True, it is unknown how the animals got to the vast expanses of distant Asia.

The third theory is based on trade relations between China, Thailand and Sri Lanka, thanks to which “crested fish” could be successfully imported into the Middle Kingdom.

Ida Garrett is a journalist from New York, through whose efforts at the end of the 19th century Chinese crested dogs came out into the world and gained universal love. She spent sixty years of her life breeding this breed. By the beginning of the twentieth century, dogs found a response in the hearts of professional breeders, one of them was Deborah Woods. This woman was the first to write a book about the Chinese dog breed, where individuals that met established standards were entered.

Then the story developed rapidly:

  1. 1959 – the birth of the first Corydalis fan club
  2. 1965 - Asian cuties ended up in the UK, where they instantly fell in love with both ordinary people and professional breeders. But this breed was not recognized as official for a long time.
  3. 1981 – The English Kennel Club could not resist the Asian charm. Six years later, the FCI gave in and the Chinese Crested Dog entered the official register.

Only the American Kennel Club continues to stubbornly stand its ground - it recognized the breed only in 1991.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed include the friendliness of the dog, thanks to which it gets along with all pets.

Experienced dog breeders name other advantages of the breed:

  • not aggressive;
  • devoted to the owner and his family;
  • hypermobile;
  • hypoallergenic wool;
  • not demanding for walks;
  • fast learner.

The disadvantages of the breed for dog breeders include grueling grooming and fear of loneliness.

Appearance of a Chinese Crested Dog

General impression

The first look at the dog evokes conflicting feelings, but if you take a closer look at the photo of the Chinese Crested, it turns out that this is the cutest and most unique creature in the world.


Medium-sized round skull. The head is elongated, the cheekbones are not pronounced. The stop is slightly noticeable, the muzzle is slightly narrow.


Aesthetically curved long neck of a sinewy build without pronounced muscles.


The size and structure of the body depends on the type of dog. The deer type has standard body proportions, while the stocky type dogs have a longer, elongated body.

The Chinese Crested has a voluminous chest, strong ribs, and a trained, elastic belly.


Paws are straight, athletically thin. Neat, small shoulders point back from the chest. Pasterns small, vertical.

Hind limbs

Straight, toned thighs with strong muscles. The joints of the jumping apparatus are lowered down. The paws are miniature and narrow. The toes are covered with soft, fluffy fur.


Straight, long tail with a feather base of airy fur. When active, the tail is raised; when the dog is calm, it is lowered.


Soft, aesthetic, calm, unfettered, active.


According to the standard, a Chinese dog should have fur only in the paw area. The body is covered with light down and long feathery airy hair. The hairless and furry species of the breed have a funny tuft of fur on their heads.


The official standard of colors includes a large number, but in Russia several colors of the Chinese Crested are distinguished:

  • white with shades of pink, blue, bronze;
  • white with black
  • white with chocolate color;
  • jet black
  • chocolate;
  • bronze
  • white with bronze;
  • murugiy;
  • mixture of three colors:
  • bluish-piebald.

In other countries there are other acceptable colors.


The height at the withers of an adult animal differs between females and males. The height of Chinese Crested males reaches 32 cm, females - from 27 cm and above. The minimum size for a Chinese Crested is 23 cm; anything below that is considered a deviation from the standard. The weight of the Chinese Crested has a wide range and ranges from 2.5 to 5.5 kilograms.


Coat care depends on the variety of Chinese Crested.

  • Hairless dogs have no hair . Therefore, body care consists of removing sparse hairs from the rump using tweezers. Hair removal is allowed in a veterinary clinic.
  • Powderpuffs require daily brushing of their hair, which if not properly cared for can become matted, causing significant discomfort.

Regardless of the type, you need to keep in mind that the Chinese Crested does not shed, so it is not possible to get rid of unnecessary hair on its own . The hair on the head, paws and tail should be brushed daily. A comb with a large distance between teeth is best for this procedure.

The dog's face also requires additional care . It is recommended to shave all hairs weekly, and treat the skin with special disinfectants and moisturizers.

It is not recommended to use drugs intended for humans, as dogs are prone to allergic reactions.

Personality of the Chinese Crested

This breed is a little bundle of emotions. She subtly senses a person’s mood, and can be seriously offended by rudeness addressed to her.

The Chinese Crested cat beams with happiness and boundless love for its owner. Friendly, kind, joyful, caring - this is the best pet of all time. Sometimes owners have suspicions that the dog has superpowers - he reads thoughts or grants wishes, but in reality he simply loves his two-legged friend disproportionately.

Some people note their healing properties, most often this happens in the hairless type - the skin without fur is warm and feels soothingly pleasant. If you believe some stories, the Chinese Crested Dog relieves pain by replacing a heating pad. Believe it or not - the choice is purely individual, but the fact that “crested flowers” ​​bring an atmosphere of comfort and peace of mind to the house is an indisputable fact.

You should not leave dogs of this breed alone - they are extremely difficult to tolerate loneliness, which they try to inform all their neighbors about by barking loudly and howling pitifully. Alone with themselves, dogs lose their minds - they love to make noise, and this problem can only be solved by strict education.

The decorative miniature size of the Chinese Hairless Dog allows them to be freely transported in any basket or transport convenient for them. Kids are always happy to have new toys and are not averse to playing active games, especially with the participation of children or people around them - they are the real life of the party.

The character of Chinese crested dogs is similar to the habits of felines: they caress, jump on their knees, climb to hug, spin on their feet, but the dogs lack any coldness and arrogance. This breed was created for open breeders who are not afraid of frequent close contact with their pet - “crested cats” become tightly attached and do not leave their beloved owner even for a second. You need to be prepared for fan love from your pet or opt for another breed.

Features of character and behavior

The Chinese Crested is an example of devotion to its “pack”, in which it includes all family members. Friendly to people and other pets, this dog will get along with both owners and guests and will bring exceptional joy from communication. No breed can compare with it in its desire to constantly be near a person.

Physical and emotional contact is very important for the Chinese Crested, and owners should always remember this.

The Chinese Crested can be timid and hesitant in unfamiliar situations. Therefore, if frequent joint “outings” are planned, it is recommended to accustom the Chinese Crested to a change of environment from puppyhood. Otherwise, unnecessary problems may arise with adaptation to places unknown to her, and, instead of the joy of interaction, it will turn out to be “a complete hassle.”

A dog of this breed requires constant care and attention, in the absence of which it can become nervous, expressing its dissatisfaction by constant barking. She needs to be provided with regular caresses, touches, active games and contact with people. Then her cheerful, cheerful and affectionate character will be fully revealed, and she will bring daily pleasure from communication.


  1. The undoubted advantage of the Chinese Crested is its docile nature. She is an ideal friend and companion who does not require special invitations to play. The Chinese Crested cat responds gratefully to any interaction and can instantly improve the mood of its owner.
  2. Very well suited for people who have no experience in keeping dogs , as it practically does not require special knowledge in the field of dog breeding.
  3. It is believed that the Chinese Crested is suitable for allergy sufferers, as it has little or no hair. However, you need to keep in mind that allergies are usually caused not by fur, but by proteins that are secreted by the skin, saliva, and urine of the animal. The common belief about “hypoallergenic” dogs is wrong. If future owners suspect allergies, it is necessary to first pass tests for allergens of this particular breed in order to avoid the need to part with the animal after it gets into the house.
  4. The Chinese Crested does not show aggression and is always friendly.
  5. Another advantage is that there is no need for walking.


The disadvantages of the Chinese Crested are few and boil down to the following:

  • The breed is not suitable for people who are often away from home for long periods of time. Those owners who do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the dog should not choose the Chinese Crested. They cannot stand loneliness. Soft toys can only partially satisfy the high degree of necessary human communication. Any prolonged absence of the owner or other family members is perceived by them as a “tragedy”, which adversely affects the nervous activity of dogs. They become nervous and irritable. Adaptation of an adult dog to another family is impossible without damage to the animal’s psyche.
  • The second problem that owners may encounter is tooth damage due to frequent chewing of various objects. It must be borne in mind that this behavior of the pet is a consequence of its isolation, so you should not leave the dog unattended for a long period.
  • It is not advisable to keep a dog in a family where there are small children aged 1 to 4 years. Given the relative fragility of the bone structure, it can be reluctantly damaged in the game.

Education and training

The Chinese Crested Dog has training abilities, but they should be developed through appropriate exercises. Without exercise, dogs will not be able to educate themselves, despite all their intelligence and high intelligence.

Some people ignore this fact and consider the breed stupid and poorly trainable. It's actually quite easy to get started. It is worth starting to raise and train a Chinese Crested as soon as the pet appears in the house.

First of all, teach your baby to sleep in his own, separate place, and not on your bed. Dogs are quite sensitive, and at first they may miss their brothers and sisters. In such cases, it is recommended to place a heating pad in your pet’s sleeping area - it will imitate a warm friend at your side.

It is important to toilet train your pet immediately, otherwise problems will arise in the future. The peculiarity of the breed is that the dog may not wait for a walk and do his business in the dog litter box or even on the newspaper. Therefore, you should not put off education until later - an outdoor toilet is much simpler and more hygienic.

The character of the Chinese Crested is calm and obedient, which may make it seem that there is no need for separate training - this is a misconception. From a very early age, the pet must learn prohibiting commands and perceive its name - respond to it.

Kids are able to perform simple circus tricks; if desired, you can teach them to dance to music, walk on their hind legs, and show off in front of the audience.

How to choose a puppy

The best place to buy a puppy is a specialized nursery. Conscientious breeders do not hide important facts and warn about the difficulties of keeping them. Purebred babies are physically healthy and have social skills.

Before buying a puppy, you need to visit several different nurseries, read reviews, and perhaps go to an exhibition. Choosing a pet is a very important decision. Communication with him should be a joy. You should not take weak and sick babies: the early loss of a pet will be a real tragedy.

At the screenings, pay attention to the following:

  • organization of living space;
  • appearance and health status of parents;
  • activity of puppies (lethargy and hyperactivity - deviation from the norm);
  • condition of fur, skin, ears, eyes, gait;
  • presence/absence of discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • presence/absence of mechanical damage;
  • reaction to strangers;
  • attitude towards brothers and sisters;
  • availability of declared documents and vaccination marks.

It is best to take a specialist or an experienced owner to meet the puppies. They will notice even minor flaws.

Health and Diseases of the Chinese Crested

Possible diseases

Chinese Cresteds are fairly healthy dogs that rarely get sick, but genetically transmitted diseases do occur. These include:

  • eye problems;
  • accumulation of uric acid salts and stone formation;
  • destruction of the white matter of the spinal cord;
  • epilepsy;
  • Perthes disease;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • improper development of tissues of the hip joints.

A non-hereditary disease is an allergy to certain foods, which manifests itself as a rash on the skin of sensitive “crested patches”.

Reproductive health

By six months - one year of life, bitches reach puberty - the exact period depends on the developmental characteristics of the pet. Estrus begins differently for each individual; even bitches from the same litter undergo individual development.

Most domestic dogs go into heat twice a year, rarely once every ten to eleven months. The average duration of estrus is 21 days.

The “hairless” gene in Chinese crested dogs is dominant; both fluffy and hairless puppies can appear in one litter. The best combination is mating a hairless and fluffy dog. In this case, there is a high probability of giving birth to completely healthy puppies of two different species at the same time.

A mating between two crested dogs may produce puppies of different colors, but hairless puppies may be weak and unviable. The mating of two hairless dogs is definitely prohibited - the offspring simply will not survive.

If there is no need for mating (it all depends on the wishes of the breeder), you should definitely sterilize the dog. It is possible for bitches to develop inflammation of the uterus, and this disease can be fatal. If sterilization was not carried out immediately, it can be done after the second heat.

Neutering male dogs significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. But regardless of the age of castration, pets exhibit fear of thunderstorms.


Chinese crested mating involves a number of rules that must be followed in order to achieve the desired result. In general, crossbreeding between Chinese Crested varieties is permitted in any combination. However, it must be remembered that the gene that determines the degree of hair fouling is dominant. So, when mating a hairless individual and a powderpuff, most likely the litter will be “mixed-haired”, it will contain both hairless and fur-covered puppies.

The constitutional types “deer” and “pony” usually do not mix when crossing. This is especially important for those cases when you plan to show a dog - as a result of mixing, most likely, you will get an intermediate type that will be disqualified.

Otherwise, the crossbreeding of representatives of this breed is subject to the basic rules for mating dogs of other breeds:

  • carried out on the territory of the dog;
  • carried out on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning;
  • despite early puberty (by the first year of life), it is not recommended to mate dogs under 18-20 months of age;
  • mating of close relatives is not allowed.

Features of feeding and diet

The diet of Chinese crested dogs is quite simple and has no special prohibitions. One important rule: you cannot feed your pet food left over after a feast, that is, ordinary human food. Specialized food for dogs exists for a reason - fragile Asians are highly likely to develop food allergies and skin rashes due to certain foods.

If you change your diet incorrectly, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur: rashes, sores, pimples, subcutaneous wen, swelling, deterioration of coat condition, vomiting. If symptoms are detected, be sure to visit a veterinarian!

Despite their rather small size, Chinese Crested dogs love to eat tasty and a lot - and this can cause problems with excess weight. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the correct diet in advance, based on dry or natural food.

These products should be excluded from the crested menu:

  • milk;
  • raw fish and meat;
  • fatty meats - pork;
  • chicken meat can cause severe allergies;
  • sausage and any smoked meats;
  • confectionery
  • flour products;
  • grape;
  • tubular bones;
  • viscous porridge.

Instead, you should include the following foods in your pet’s diet:

  • dietary meat;
  • low-calorie fermented milk products;
  • light porridge with water;
  • vegetables and fruits (preferably green and orange).

For older pets, it is advisable to cut and grind their food until it is comfortable for chewing.

For healthy and energetic young dogs, ready-made dry food of premium quality is quite suitable - it contains a full range of ready-made vitamins and microelements.


Many hairless Chinese dogs suffer from food allergies or refuse to eat when stressed. In such a situation, owners begin to offer their pets treats, which negatively affects their health.

If a Chinese Crested cat eats natural foods, its diet should include meat, cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil, and dairy products.

For adults, two meals a day are enough. Pregnant, lactating females and puppies are fed 5 times a day.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In winter, the dog needs to increase the amount of calories consumed and add multivitamin complexes.

Care and maintenance

It is necessary to give your baby a separate cozy corner in the house - a small house or a soft bed with toys will do: squeakers, rubber animals, balls, cubes. Visiting the veterinarian must be carried out regularly, for this it is worth purchasing a carrying bag.

Complex care is required for both species - hairless and furry. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic skincare products and perform water procedures 1-2 times a week.

Fluffy dogs need a conditioner with a natural composition without fragrances and parabens; after washing, the coat should be blow-dryed, but not often - the concentrated stream of warm age dries out the skin.

The skin of hairless dogs is susceptible to contamination and clogged pores, resulting in pimples and comedones. Be sure to cleanse your skin of them. Use special care products; if possible, it is better to consult a veterinarian for advice and removal of acne. Hairless dogs also need a range of moisturizing creams, sun protection products, nourishing milk and oil.

The fur of fluffy dogs requires untangling the tangles. Water procedures are carried out a little less frequently than in naked species - 2-3 times a month.

Additional accessories on the fur in the form of hairpins or elastic bands are undesirable - they spoil the structure of the airy fur of pets. Possible only rare use for publication or when participating in shows and exhibitions.

Several times a week it is necessary to check the dog for parasites and clean the pet’s ears of dirt, and also rinse the eyes with a special lotion. Caring for the ears and eyes of Chinese Crested dogs is not the most difficult.

You should trim your claws carefully - there is a danger of touching blood vessels. This procedure must be done regularly: the claws grow to an uncomfortable length and can cause pain to the animal.

During puppyhood, it is recommended to accustom your dog to a toothbrush - the pet should not be afraid of using it when brushing its teeth. It’s worth starting gradually; if the procedure is carried out regularly, the dog will get used to it, and the process of cleaning the fangs will not cause any difficulties.

Buy special cleaning bones at the pet store - they remove pieces of food stuck in the teeth and cleanse plaque.

Little Asians should be taken for walks daily, preferably using a leash. In nature, crested animals run joyfully, release their energy, and tirelessly play with surrounding animals, people and plants. They love to dig holes (attention to gardeners and gardeners).

Before a walk in the sunny summer, your pet's skin should be lubricated with sunscreen. In the cold season, “naked” Asians should be dressed in warm clothes and the duration of walks should be reduced.

The fragile Chinese corydalis are an ideal target for insects, especially mosquitoes and ticks. Therefore, you should avoid forests and ponds when walking. A special anti-parasitic collar will help in the fight against dangerous insects.

In general, the rules for the care and maintenance of the Chinese Crested contain many points, but they are easy to learn and implement in daily activities.


Playful, dynamic, Chinese Cresteds love walks. The dog just needs a burst of energy and regular physical activity. The exclusive exterior and playful character turn daily walking into a responsible event that requires special training and equipment.

Crested dogs love to plow the ground and dig holes (like a burrowing terrier). To keep a gambling dog from destroying the pastoral picture of country garden beds and house lawns, walking on a leash is recommended.

In the spring and summer, before going for a walk, naked corydalis are lubricated with sunscreen balm (protecting delicate skin from burns), and the fur of poufs is treated with lotion from drying out and coarsening.

When going out into nature (forest, country house, city beach), dogs are sprayed with repellent against bloodsucking insects.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Chinese Crested dog puppies can be purchased from the age of one and a half months or booked in advance at the kennel, having first familiarized yourself with the pedigree of the pet.

It is difficult to assess the parameters of a future adult from a puppy - as they grow older, the fur becomes lighter, the structure changes, the muzzle becomes elongated, and a distinctive crest - the “forelock” - becomes noticeable.

When choosing naked “crested” cats, pay attention to the fluffy crest - thick hair will become clearly visible as they grow older, but sparse ones will not become thicker.

When deciding on the gender of your future pet, be aware that boys mark their territory and lose control when they catch the scent of a female dog in heat. So they have a tendency to run away.

If the girl is not sterilized, a similar problem arises with the onset of estrus. During this three-week period, the dog may stain the apartment with blood, which is uncomfortable for some owners, and try to escape.

Where to buy and price

The Chinese Crested is not the rarest dog breed, but most of the officially registered kennels are located in cities with a population of over a million. Therefore, transportation costs are often added to the cost of the puppy.

List of nurseries:

  • Imperial status (Moscow, Yaroslavl);
  • Luniks Style (St. Petersburg);
  • Sapphire from Tsarskoye Selo (St. Petersburg);
  • Alpha Adelante (Novosibirsk);
  • May Lucky Love (Murmansk);
  • Chach Beauty (Novosibirsk).

On average, puppies cost 20,000-50,000 rubles. Nicknames for boys: Icarus, Spartak, Umka, Twig, Dixie, Bart, Rudi, Charlie. Nicknames for girls: Kaya, Bonya, Sophie, Iva, Peggy, Florence, Chloe, Holly, Sherry.

How much does a Chinese Crested dog cost?

This breed is quite expensive. Purebred individuals without diseases and meeting the FCI standard cost at least 20 or 30 thousand rubles. The minimum price tag in such cases is 15 thousand, but this is only possible at sales in nurseries. The low price of a Chinese Crested indicates a defect in the breed, most often it lies in appearance.

Hairless Chinese Corydalis are considered more elite, and the price tag for them is correspondingly higher than for fluffy dogs.

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CHS can boast a significant life expectancy. The low load on the heart and musculoskeletal system allows them not to face many diseases.

And they live on average 13-15 years, which by dog ​​standards is a good indicator.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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