Male or female - advice from a dog handler, who is better and why (all about choosing the sex of a dog)

If you have decided that you need a dog, that’s great, but the question still remains: what gender will your pet be? to say unequivocally who is better - a male or a female , because what is considered an advantage for one owner may seem like a disadvantage for another. Dog handlers have discovered a certain pattern: the breeders of male dogs that are larger and more impressive are most often women, even regardless of who will then train their pet. But men prefer females, believing that they are more faithful and devoted companions.

photo: Who is better - a male or a female?

For the most part, what captivates people in male dogs is their courage, endurance and dedication, but at the same time they are more independent and even stubborn, so they should be raised by a person with a strong character. For a male dog, the place he occupies in the hierarchical ladder of your family is very important; he will strive to dominate. Bitches, as a rule, are calmer and friendlier, they adapt more easily to new living conditions, and they have a significantly higher level of intellectual and emotional perception. However, females can sometimes be lazy and do not have as impressive an appearance as males.

Also, when choosing a dog, it is worth remembering about physiology. Bitches have a certain advantage because they can produce their own kind. Many people buy female dogs because they hope to get offspring from them and sell puppies in the future. Every six months, owners of bitches will have to deal with estrus, the duration of which varies from 20 to 25 days. During this period, dogs become unpredictable, so in order to avoid unwanted mating, they must be strictly kept on a leash and not allowed out of the house. You need to take your dog for walks more often - 3-4 times a day, but their duration is reduced to 15-20 minutes.

Males also cause their owners a lot of problems - since they are not limited to periods of heat, they can run away unnoticed in search of adventure, and such dogs need to be walked longer, since they tend to mark their territory. As for the cost of a puppy, the price for a female dog can be several times higher than for a male dog, since there is a high probability of getting purebred offspring from her.

Why do you need a dog?

When choosing a gender, a potential dog owner should consider their priorities, lifestyle and plans for the pet. What may seem like a plus to one may turn out to be a minus to another.

  • For lovers of outdoor activities who are looking for a strong, energetic and worthy companion, a male dog is more likely to suit them; they are larger and stronger, and by nature they are stubborn and dominant.
  • The dog will recognize your authority as an owner only if you demonstrate your leadership qualities and rigor. At exhibitions and competitions, the overwhelming majority of dogs are males; it is from them that the standards are written, since they are outstanding representatives of their breed.
  • You can distinguish a bitch from a dog by its more graceful silhouette and high mobility. Family people usually prefer bitches; they are more obedient and affectionate, become more attached to their owners, and get along better with children.
  • It is generally accepted that they are more intelligent and learn new things faster. Also, if your goal is to breed puppies, then it is better to get a female dog; the requirements for them are not as high as for males.

Wrong spelling

The words “cable” and “male” themselves cannot be wrong. You can make a mistake if, even knowing their differences in meaning, you still write the word “male” incorrectly. Here are a couple of examples:

You can't write like that. You just need to remember the correct spelling of this word. As for the “cable,” you still have to manage to make a mistake. The stress falls precisely on the “problem” vowel, it sounds clearly. You can only write “i” instead of “e” - “kabIl”, but this is completely ignorant.

Strengths of a bitch

The process of training with a female dog will be much easier due to the fact that they are usually less prone to demonstrative protests during puberty, and also have a smaller mass and size, which in some cases makes the task of raising them easier.

They are less likely to cause discomfort to the owner or others during a walk: getting into fights with other animals, pulling on the leash, or showing hostility towards people.

It is worth noting an undoubted advantage for busy people: a female dog can be walked for less time than a male dog, they do not have the habit of marking their territory, this only happens before and during estrus. For those who value an emotional connection with their pet, a “girl” dog will be the best choice.

Bitches differ from males in that they feel people’s feelings better; they are ready to do anything to get affection and approval from their owner. They have a different perception, they experience the world more emotionally.

Well, the most significant, and probably obvious to everyone, sexual difference is that females are able to give birth to offspring. For some, this fact will be decisive in making the decision to get a bitch.


If you have a dilemma about how to write the word “cable” - with an “a” or an “o”, refer to the meaning of the phrase.

When talking about wire, cord, communications, you should write “cable”.

If we are talking about a male dog or a lustful man, a womanizer, we write “male.”

Using the spelling with an “a” in the second case is a gross violation. The spelling of the word “male” needs to be remembered.


Disadvantages of a bitch

At approximately the age of 8-9 months, bitches begin their first heat, its duration varies from 20 to 30 days depending on the breed.

  • In the future, in the absence of health problems, it will happen twice a year.
  • During this period, the dog may not obey, behave strangely and even try to escape.
  • Bitches' discharge has a smell that attracts males, so walking during heat can become problematic; you will have to stay away from other dogs to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

If the dog is unable to keep clean on its own, you will have to buy special panties, make sure that the furniture does not get dirty, and clean the carpets. Physiological characteristics of bitches can disrupt planned hunting or participation in exhibitions and competitions.

Strengths of a male dog

Males, superior in strength, size and weight to females, who, in addition, have a better developed territorial instinct, are considered more reliable defenders.

  • As a hunting or service dog, it is customary to give preference to the male gender.
  • Unlike bitches, they remain productive all year round.
  • Keeping them eliminates the possibility of missing a planned event due to estrus, pregnancy or the recovery period after childbirth.
  • A male dog is capable of fertilization at any time, so the owners do not have to wait for the right moment to have offspring.

And also the price for a female puppy is often much higher. This fact is especially important for those whose plans do not include having puppies, because the premiums come precisely because of the fertility of the bitches.

Etymology and meaning of words

The word "cable" literally means one or more insulated wires. Each of us deals with it every day: there is plenty of such goodness at home. The same word is used to describe more complex switching when laying connections for TV and the Internet. All this colloquially sounds like “cable”.

This word came into the Russian language, presumably, from the Latin “capulum” (literally - lasso), but rather from later French or German versions.

“Male” literally means “dog,” but this word is used specifically to indicate the male gender of a dog. It has a strict, sometimes scientific overtone. Its exact etymology has not been established to this day. Perhaps the word comes from the Ossetian vocabulary.

Disadvantages of a male dog

Males are more difficult to train due to their headstrong nature and dominance. Not everyone can handle this.

  • They are more prone to conflicts, fights with other dogs and disobedience, in which case superiority in strength becomes a disadvantage, making it difficult to control the pet.
  • In order for the dog to obey you, to be a valiant defender of the home and a faithful comrade, you must be able to establish yourself as a leader, show rigor and strength.
  • In addition to its advantages, year-round sexual activity also has a significant drawback - a male dog needs to be constantly monitored; at any time there is a chance that he will meet a female in heat and immediately forget about everything that the owner taught him: He will rush to her or try to escape from the house.
  • And solving this problem by castration can lead to a decrease in the dog’s activity. It will take a male dog more time to empty his bladder, which means the walk, during which he will try to mark every bush, will last longer.

It is impossible to say objectively: Who is better, a bitch or a dog? It is worth noting that much depends not on the gender of the dog, but on training and the owner’s attitude towards it. Thus, a person is able to correct the innate temperament of a pet.

When choosing a puppy, you should study more carefully the behavioral characteristics of various breeds, and pay attention to what character traits it displays already in childhood.

And it is important to remember that there are exceptions everywhere, so you should not expect a dog to necessarily behave in accordance with accepted ideas about its gender.

First of all, a dog is a friend for whose life a person is responsible. You need to love her and treat her well, regardless of gender.

Photos of the best dog breeds

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