Bloating in a dog: what to do and what is the reason?

  • How does spastic constipation occur?
  • Signs and features of spastic constipation
  • Treatment and prevention of spastic constipation

Most people are familiar with a bowel disorder called constipation.
Developing constipation brings a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant symptoms. Constipation can be accompanied by discomfort, pain, psychological problems and poor health. Constipation is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), in which there is a slow, difficult, incomplete bowel movement. As a rule, a person is diagnosed with constipation if the following symptoms are present: prolonged, most often unsuccessful, straining, stool frequency less than 3 times a week, pain and discomfort when going to the toilet1. More information about the problem of constipation can be found in the article “Why constipation occurs. How to treat?".

There are different types of constipation. In this article we will focus on the problem of spastic constipation.

Forms of pathology

Bloating is just a symptom, not an independent disease. It cannot be cured without eliminating the root cause. Depending on the severity of the accompanying symptoms, there are 2 forms of this pathological condition: acute and chronic.


The acute form occurs suddenly and is accompanied by severe discomfort. Due to pain, the pet may whine restlessly and arch its back. Symptoms quickly increase and are complemented by:

  • decreased or complete loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea and foamy vomiting with mucus or blood clots;
  • breathing problems, shortness of breath;
  • bulging eyes;
  • hiccups and belching;
  • loss of coordination and limb failure;
  • blue mucous membranes.

Most often, this picture occurs when there is excessive gas formation, excess air or liquid. All these conditions put pressure on internal organs and can lead to death. To save the four-legged animal, emergency surgery may be required.


The chronic form of the pathology occurs unnoticed for both the owner and the pet. It can only be detected during an examination at a veterinary clinic or at the time of relapse, when the symptoms become more pronounced. This picture is typical for gastrointestinal pathologies, kidney diseases and hormonal disorders.

How does spastic constipation occur?

Spastic constipation is one of the most common functional bowel disorders1 and is formed due to too high muscle tone, which leads to spasms and creates congestion in certain areas of the intestine. Today, this type of constipation is understood as irritable bowel syndrome with constipation3. Constipation of this type is characterized by convulsive contractions of the intestinal wall (inflammatory and ulcerative processes, reflex response from diseased abdominal organs, fear of pain, etc.)2.

The main causes of spastic constipation are processes distant from the intestines. First of all, it is worth highlighting psychological problems. Most often, spastic constipation occurs against the background of nervous experiences, emotional shocks and stress2.

Why is it important to carry out diagnostics in a veterinary clinic?

Symptomatic treatment provides only a temporary effect. For this reason, it is very important to undergo a complete diagnosis at a veterinary clinic. This is the only way to find out the source of bloating and select drugs that specifically affect it.

Another important point in favor of seeing a doctor is the high likelihood of complications. The most dangerous include volvulus of the stomach and intestines, which can be fatal. Without timely treatment, your pet's condition may worsen. The sooner you take him for examination, the easier the treatment will be.

What can be treated at home, and what should you consult a veterinarian for?

It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on your own. It can only be guessed by chance. Because of this, veterinarians categorically do not recommend self-medication.

If you cannot get to a doctor in the near future, then provide first aid to your pet. You can relieve pain with a light abdominal massage and a fasting diet.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to rinse the animal’s stomach and intestines, but only if the cause of intoxication is known. Washing should also be avoided if gastrointestinal bleeding is suspected, if there is loss of consciousness, or if acids or alkalis have been ingested. In these situations, you should urgently call a veterinary service or go to the clinic yourself.

Most of the medications in your home medicine cabinet are dangerous for four-legged pets. They should only be given after the approval of a veterinarian, who can be easily contacted by telephone.

After passing all the necessary tests, the animal may be prescribed the following medications:

  • digestive enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of food, and probiotics that restore intestinal microflora;
  • anthelmintics, antibiotics and antivirals that act directly on the pathogen;
  • antacids with an enveloping effect;
  • antipyretic, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulators that stimulate the functioning of immune cells;
  • diuretics, sorbents and choleretic;
  • laxatives or antidiarrheals;
  • anti-ulcer, reducing the acidity of gastric juice;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • hepatoprotectors that restore damaged liver cells.

Surgery may also be required. It is used for blockage of the bile ducts, oncology, abscesses and necrosis. Until recovery, the pet is put on a strict diet that reduces the load on the affected organs.

Causes of bloating in dogs and methods of treatment

To determine the cause of the pathological condition, it is very important to record the accompanying symptoms, as well as the time of onset of pain attacks. This will help narrow down the possible diagnoses.

Swallowing air while eating

Eating food too quickly leads to the fact that not only food, but also air enters the stomach. Its excess provokes increased gas formation, which inflates the tummy.

You can get rid of this problem yourself. To do this, you need to review the diet and feed your pet only at certain hours. Please note that the breaks between meals should be equal. This will help eliminate the problem of prolonged fasting.

Many animals benefit from a bowl with special dividers. It prevents rapid swallowing and forces you to fish out each piece of food for a very long time.

Gas formation (flatulence)

Flatulence occurs in dogs due to the abundance of gases inside the stomach or intestines. It is easy to recognize by its characteristic symptoms:

  • hiccups;
  • nausea;
  • frequent belching;
  • spasms;
  • loss of appetite.

The gassy tummy swells and growls. It becomes dense to the touch, like a drum. If the described picture is accompanied by constipation, make an appointment with a veterinarian. Prolonged stagnation of feces causes severe intoxication, impairing the functionality of internal organs.

Gastrointestinal problems

The causes of flatulence in dogs include problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They include the following pathologies:

  1. Intestinal obstruction. A prolonged delay in defecation is accompanied by severe intoxication and an increase in internal pressure, which can lead to intestinal rupture. The pathology is caused by balls of worms, hairballs, foreign bodies and fecal stones (hard feces).
  2. Tumors. They make digestion difficult and disrupt the functionality of internal organs.
  3. Enzyme deficiency. The lack of the required amount of enzymes interferes with the absorption of nutrients. This often leads to weight loss, deterioration of coat quality and distortion of appetite.
  4. Gastritis. Accompanied by the proliferation of fibrous tissue on the gastric mucosa. May be complicated by gastric volvulus.
  5. Volvulus of the stomach or intestines. This pathology is deadly. It causes mechanical twisting of the digestive tract organs, preventing the movement of eaten food.

Please note that tissue necrosis develops during volvulus. All damaged areas must be removed. The most optimal prognosis is given when seeking help within 1-1.5 hours from the onset of the attack.


A hard belly in a dog can be a sign of peritonitis, which is inflammation of the serous lining of the abdominal cavity. This pathology develops against the background of infections, helminthiases and perforation of internal organs with subsequent spillage of their contents. Very often peritonitis is accompanied by ascites, or abdominal dropsy.

Ascites, or abdominal dropsy

With ascites, free fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity: blood, pus or urine. Because of this, the stomach becomes rounded, as during pregnancy. Putting your pet on its hind legs will help you find out the exact reason.

When taking a vertical position, all the liquid will rush down, and the tummy will take on a characteristic pear-shaped shape. After assuming a natural position (stand on all four paws), the shape will again become round.

Infection with worms

The main symptoms of helminthiasis are vomiting and diarrhea. With their help, the body tries to get rid of the toxic waste products of parasites. In addition to acute intoxication, advanced helminthiasis is dangerous due to intestinal blockage. The worms intertwine with each other, forming balls, and block the path for the exit of feces.

Pyometra and other gynecological problems

Another possible cause is pyometra and other gynecological problems of an inflammatory nature. Due to the accumulating pus, the uterus enlarges, and the abdomen grows along with it. Inflammation is accompanied by severe weakness and fever.

Pyometra can be open or closed. When the form is open, some of the pus drains from the vulva, facilitating early diagnosis. When the form is closed, the outflow of fluid is impossible, so animals often die from intoxication due to uterine rupture.


Excess weight creates excess pressure on internal organs, causing pathologies of the esophagus, diseases of the colon, liver and biliary tract. A fat dog often suffers from belching after eating, regurgitation, nausea and hiccups.

If your pet's weight exceeds the recommended norm, put him on a diet. Reduce your usual portions and add more activity.


During pregnancy, the tummy is soft and most often painless, which distinguishes it from pathological conditions. Other characteristic features include the following:

  • decreased activity (refusal of long walks, increased sleep duration);
  • manifestation of anxiety in noisy companies (the expectant mother constantly tries to hide in a secluded corner);
  • sudden increase or decrease in appetite;
  • morning sickness and vomiting;
  • the appearance of viscous mucus from the loop and swelling of the nipples.

A noticeable rounding of the tummy occurs in late pregnancy. If your pet shows unusual aggression, actively builds a “nest” and refuses to eat, get ready for an early birth. After a decrease in body temperature by 1-1.5 ° C, no more than 1.5 hours remain until the puppies appear.

The importance of diagnosis: self-diagnosis or in a veterinary clinic

Self-diagnosis includes a thorough examination of the pet and recording all alarming symptoms. The veterinarian will need this data to collect anamnesis. It is also recommended to immediately take urine, stool and vomit samples with you. As a last resort, you can photograph them.

In addition to basic tests, the dog will have to undergo an ultrasound and x-ray. With their help, you can detect tumors, ascites, kidney abnormalities and intestinal stones, as well as inflammation in the stomach, intestines and genitourinary system. For ascites, a cytology test is prescribed. The examination is carried out until the exact cause of the ailment is discovered, since until this point the treatment is only symptomatic.

How and what first aid can be provided

If your dog has a swollen belly, he should be taken to the veterinarian. Incorrectly selected treatment on your own is fraught with the development of complications, including death. Only first aid aimed at temporary relief of the condition is allowed.

Use of sorbents

Sorbents are the most affordable and effective drugs for intoxication. Usually every home has activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb or Enterosgel. Before using them, be sure to read the instructions to calculate the dosage for your pet.

Vaseline oil

This remedy is used for constipation. It dilutes feces well and is completely eliminated from the body, which eliminates overdose.

The oil is poured orally, that is, directly into the mouth. For 1 kg of dog weight, 1 ml of medicine is required. It should be given 2 times a day until stool normalizes. Relief of the condition is noted in the first 5 hours after use.

Starvation diet

The load on the gastrointestinal tract must be reduced, so it is recommended that the dog be completely deprived of food before the examination. Please note that water must remain freely available. This will prevent dehydration.

When self-medication is prohibited

Despite the safety and effectiveness of the listed methods, in some cases they are strictly prohibited. Contraindications include:

  • injuries and tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heat;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • pathologies of the heart and kidneys;
  • severe dehydration;
  • pregnancy;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • any suspicion of intestinal blockage;
  • bleeding from the anus.

Also strictly prohibited are enemas, laxatives and abdominal massage. If you are unsure of your actions, consult your doctor by phone. 24-hour veterinary clinics will help you with advice even in the middle of the night.

Symptoms of spasms in an animal

The symptoms of spasms in an animal can vary and, as mentioned earlier, it is not always easy to distinguish it from other problems related to the health of the animal. Here are the most common accompanying symptoms, which are often observed along with the spasms themselves.

Severe pain

It is worth noting that in the vast majority of situations, ordinary spasms are accompanied by a strong and sometimes unbearable pain reaction. We also must not forget that symptoms, like the spasms themselves, can easily disappear and appear automatically. During “outbursts” of spasms, the dog may even begin to roll on the floor from terrible pain. Bizarre poses are also not uncommon. Experts note other symptoms in such situations that are also important to know.

Vomiting, nausea

Nausea, which gradually develops into vomiting, is also considered a characteristic symptom for such situations. Vomiting may occur after eating or, for example, when the animal wants to urinate. In other situations, this symptom does not always appear, but it is necessary to know about its existence. Other problems may be a secondary cause of these symptoms. It is worth noting that they are incredibly common in the parallel presence of stones in the gall bladder or even in the kidneys. Intestinal obstruction due to volvulus can also cause similar attacks of vomiting. Also pay attention to diarrhea, as it often accompanies vomiting in dogs.

Tension and enlargement of the abdomen

Among those symptoms that cannot be overlooked, we will highlight changes associated with the condition of the abdomen. The fact is that he gets very tense, and the dog begins to protect him. No matter how strange it may sound, you most likely will not be able to even touch the abdominal area, because the dog will try everything to prevent you from feeling it. There are known situations where even friendly dogs turned into aggressive individuals when spasms appeared. Everything even went so far as to bite the owner, which is definitely not normal.

Breathing problems

Veterinarians say that the dog will lose the ability to take deep breaths, and even small attempts to get air into its lungs will be difficult for it. This symptom is very dangerous, since the body will not receive the proper amount of oxygen for a long time. As for the other features of breathing, it is worth noting its hoarseness, despite the fact that it is superficial. This is especially noticeable during moments of improvement, when the spasms subside a little.

Problems with thermoregulation

In addition to breathing, other problems associated with the serious condition will arise. We are talking about the fact that the body will heat up and will not be able to cool down due to the complete absence of sweat glands. Thus, the dog’s general condition will noticeably worsen. If everything has reached this stage, and you have not yet contacted the veterinarian, then, unfortunately, the risk of death of the animal is very high. Between the temperature fluctuations that occur during the spasms themselves, the dog will feel a little better.

Decreased appetite

You should not try to feed your dog during cramps, because this will still not work due to vomiting. It is also worth noting that the animal itself will not eat food, and this applies even to those situations where the manifestations of spasms are small and the pain is mild.

Redness of the conjunctiva

If you cannot determine what is hurting your dog, look at his eyes. Most likely, if the problem lies precisely in spasms, the conjunctiva will be red. Of course, this sign cannot be used to judge the presence or absence of spasms, but it is quite possible to confirm the guess about the diagnosis.

Note! Stomach cramps in any breed of dog sometimes appear for only 2-3 minutes, but there are about 10 such manifestations per day. But it is worth understanding that this only happens when the cause is relatively harmless, that is, it cannot cause serious harm to health.

In what cases should you go to the doctor?

In some situations, delay can be fatal. You need to go to the veterinary clinic right now if:

  • The dog’s stomach became swollen a day ago, but there was no improvement;
  • the frequency of vomiting is more than 2 times a day, and the masses themselves contain foreign impurities;
  • there is profuse salivation;
  • body temperature is higher than normal and the pet is trembling strongly;
  • signs of suffocation appeared (shortness of breath, blue mucous membranes).

Before transporting, carefully lay the animal on its side. This will make it easier for vomit to come out while moving.

Depending on the diagnosis, medical or surgical treatment may be required. Most often, surgery is used for volvulus, peritonitis and pyometra.

How is the diagnosis made?

Before we describe in detail the action plan for cramps in the stomach area, let’s look at what signs experts use to make a preliminary diagnosis (or a final one, if there is no time to check it or the side symptoms do not raise questions). Only the most serious situations will be analyzed in detail, since the remaining options are not a dangerous problem.

Gastric volvulus. This situation is incredibly dangerous. A characteristic symptom of gastric volvulus is a significant enlargement of the entire abdomen. Experts also identify other deteriorations that were described in the symptoms. The veterinarian always tries to confirm the diagnosis using a probe or x-ray, but if there is very little time and the diagnosis is beyond doubt, then this stage can be neglected.

Relatively harmless situations. When the problem is not so serious, the veterinarian is obliged to identify the diagnosis. This is important because when treating one disease with methods that help another, success will not be achieved. As mentioned earlier, it is easy to endure such spasms, since they do not last long, but are repeated after some time. But if left untreated, even harmless causes can develop, for example, into rupture of internal organs.

Provoking spasms by worms. Tapeworms, which quite often choose the body of dogs as a place of life. They almost always parasitize in the intestines, and in the initial stages this is only accompanied by low appetite. Vomiting and constipation are also possible, but this occurs only when the problem has progressed to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Risk groups by breed

In most cases, large, barrel-chested breeds suffer from bloat. This feature is typical for:

  • St. Bernards;
  • Dobermans;
  • Labradors;
  • German Shepherds;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Great Danes;
  • standard (royal) poodles;
  • golden retrievers;
  • bobtails.

In addition to breed predisposition, there is a relationship with age. The diseases listed above are usually diagnosed in animals over 7 years of age, suffering from chronic pathologies and leading a “sofa” lifestyle.

What to do if cramps occur?

Any dog ​​breeder should first study this part of the material, as it is the most significant. You must adhere to the following course of action based on your previous findings and justified reasons. Here's the plan:

  1. Finding out the problem. At this stage, your main task is to determine that the essence of the problem lies precisely in stomach cramps, because an inexperienced dog breeder can easily confuse them with manifestations of any other ailments.
  2. Contact your veterinarian. Call a convenient clinic and immediately take the animal to the veterinarian, and while you are on the way, you should move on to the next point.
  3. Identifying the cause. The causes of spasms were described in incredible detail at the very beginning of this article. Your task is to select the one that is suitable for your situation. This is important, as it will help the specialist significantly reduce diagnostic time.
  4. Watching the dog. Collect information about your symptoms to help your doctor make a diagnosis.

Currently reading:

  1. Pinched nerves and subtle symptoms in dogs
  2. All the reasons why a dog starts to lose coordination
  3. Diagnosis and treatment of liver cholestasis in dogs
  4. Coughing can cause a dog's trachea to collapse.

Diet for gastrointestinal problems

Until recovery, dry and solid foods, fatty meat broths and animal proteins are excluded from the usual menu. The feeding regime is also changed. The dog is fed more often, but in smaller portions.

Further recommendations depend on the type of feeding:

  1. Ready-made feed. Instead of granules, they give wet canned food and meat pieces in packages. When changing your usual diet, it is important not to make a sudden transition. The finished food should be from a brand familiar to your pet.
  2. Natural products. The daily diet includes slimy porridge in water, boiled vegetables, well-cooked fish (only sea fish and without bones) and fermented milk products with a reduced percentage of fat content.

Please note that increased gas formation is caused by legumes, milk and most food from the human table. All these products are included in the prohibited list even for healthy four-legged animals. If this is your first time seeing this information, be sure to read the more complete list to protect your pet.

Nutritional Features

You will need to analyze and adjust your pet’s diet. This will be the main recommendation for bloating. Make sure your dog eats in a calm, quiet environment. Don't bother her when she starts eating, don't try to stroke or caress her. Warn children not to disturb your pet. During feeding, the dog is hypersensitive and the slightest irritation can lead to injury.

The place where the dog eats is arranged separately, away from strangers. The dog usually swallows food in large chunks without chewing. If there are other animals in the house, this can be a concern. If the dog does not swallow food too quickly, there will be no accumulation of gases in the stomach.

A pet with a bloated belly needs to be provided with liquid, boiled food. Dry food will have to be completely excluded from the dog’s diet. The food actively absorbs water in the pet’s stomach and aggravates the symptoms of bloating. If it is not possible to prepare natural products, soak dry food with plenty of water.

It is preferable to prepare homemade food for your pet from natural products. Dogs that eat homemade natural products recover faster from gastrointestinal disorders.

What is the condition

In most cases, an enlarged abdomen and increased gas formation can be a consequence of the dog eating food that is unnatural for it - carbohydrates. Kind and loving owners, not realizing that they are harming the health of their pet, generously share their food from the table with it. Many dogs simply adore sweet pastries, apples, grapes, raisins, and sweets. All this leads to the stomach becoming very bloated due to increased gas formation. This phenomenon is called “flatulence” and is easily eliminated by taking special medications and following the correct diet, natural for a dog as a predator.

But in cases where the animal’s condition is not caused by improper food, and its health worsens, we are talking about serious diseases. In this case, the dog will definitely need high-quality professional help. Some conditions that cause bloating, such as volvulus, can be an immediate threat to your dog's life.

How to treat heaviness in the stomach

Order in nutrition and other aspects of life helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including helping to avoid the appearance of heaviness in the stomach. Such advice is not a treatment, but definitely refers to effective prevention; they should be considered as a possible remedy for heaviness in the stomach4:

  • increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • follow a diet to train the stomach to work at a certain time, thereby increasing its efficiency;
  • give up bad habits - alcohol, smoking, etc.;
  • increase physical activity to maintain healthy gastrointestinal function;
  • support digestion with special medications.

Some people are afraid to use digestive support medications frequently for fear of addiction. Let's figure out whether this is justified.

When a dog doesn't eat, the belly is swollen: diagnosis for a female

Such symptoms occur in unsterilized bitches with pyometra disease. The uterus becomes inflamed due to infection, and pus accumulates there. An abscess may look like a swelling. The disease is confirmed by signs:

  • heat;
  • discharge of pus from the loop;
  • weakness and lethargy.

The only effective treatment is to remove the organ surgically. A complex of antibiotics is prescribed to completely destroy the infection. Due to the risk of disease, it is recommended to spay females that are not going to be bred.

Although many people wonder how to treat a dog if its stomach is swollen, veterinarians do not advise self-medication. Lost time without contacting a specialist can cost your pet’s health and life.


The most important preventive measures are the following:

  1. Careful adherence to the rules of feeding the dog, in which any “human” food that is unusual for dogs is strictly prohibited.
  2. Timely and regular expulsion of worms.
  3. Use only high-quality feed and fresh food in full compliance with hygiene rules.
  4. Making sure that the dog does not pick up anything from the ground on the street. To do this, from early childhood he is taught not to eat anything outside the home.
  5. Do not feed your dog before a walk. An overfilled stomach during significant physical exertion can cause intestinal volvulus.
  6. If dangerous symptoms appear, such as vomiting with foam, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Monitoring your dog’s health is much easier and more effective than trying to cure it of serious consequences.

Unplanned pregnancy

The second possible reason is unplanned pregnancy in bitches. Mating could occur without the knowledge of the owner if the dog was left to its own devices for a long time. In this condition, symptoms such as:

  • engorgement, enlargement and change in color of the nipples;
  • changes in the pet's behavior;
  • refusal of some food;
  • nausea or vomiting.

In this case, you should immediately show the animal to a doctor - only he will be able to clarify the timing and normality of gestation.

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