How to cut your Yorkie's hair at home yourself

The Yorkshire Terrier is a long-haired dog breed. A special feature of Yorkies is their low weight (from 1.5 to 3.5 kg) and the unique structure of their coat. Dogs of this breed have long, thick hair, which makes grooming a Yorkie a rather complicated but necessary procedure.

There are several types of Yorkshire Terrier haircuts; they are selected depending on the color, length and degree of hardness of the hair. An experienced groomer will recommend haircuts and styles for your pet in accordance with its coat type and breed standards.

Yorkie haircut

Yorkshire Terriers have a coat whose structure is similar to human hair. They do not have an undercoat, so caring for the coat is quite simple. The main thing is to wash, cut and comb regularly.

Regular grooming of Yorkshire terriers allows you to save time and effort on combing. If left untreated, the fur can grow to a length that is twice the dog's height.

The type of haircut depends on the hair type and gender of the pet. Also taken into account:

  • participation in exhibitions;
  • character and temperament;
  • wool growth rate;
  • how the hairstyle will change as it grows;
  • the time that the owner is willing to devote to care.

Hair care for an adult dog, features and nuances

The main difference between the Yorkie's coat is the fine structure of the hair and the absence of undercoat. These features allow them to avoid seasonal molting.

The basis of systematic care is regular washing and combing. Bathing is carried out once every 2 weeks at a stable air temperature of at least 25°C, water temperature 33 - 35°C. Show dogs need more frequent bathing – once every 10 days. Claw treatment is carried out as necessary, after a visual inspection.

Proper care and regular grooming of Yorkshire terriers allows you to get rid of the characteristic “dog” smell, and the absence of shedding significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions in the owners of these dogs.

One of the problems with caring for Yorkies' coat is the frequent formation of mats. Regular grooming of your Yorkie, in addition to bathing, also includes combing out tangled lumps, haircuts, and sanitizing the groin and anal areas.

Types of Yorkshire Terrier haircuts


It is carried out approximately every two weeks. Grooming comes down to thorough combing and removing tangles, trimming hair all over the body and trimming nails. Hair is also removed from the ears, paw pads, abdomen, armpits and anus.

Before this, the master bathes the dog with shampoo and conditioner, then dries it. This will make it easier to untangle the tangles and prepare the coat for shearing.


A cosmetic haircut is a necessary condition for participation in the exhibition. This involves trimming the hair between the fingers, groin and armpits. The coat on the body is only slightly trimmed and thoroughly combed, and a topknot is created on the top of the head.

Such care has one goal - to preserve the dog’s natural appearance as much as possible.


Model haircut is suitable for dogs that do not take part in the exhibition. You can experiment with your pet's appearance. There are many types of model hairstyles. These include Korean style, imitation of other breeds, creating the image of a puppy, etc. Let's take a closer look at them.

Types of model haircuts

Like a puppy

This is the most popular look for Yorkies. The pet is cut short with a clipper, the hair length is no more than 4 cm. The hairs on the head are the same length. The pet becomes visually younger, and its face looks like a puppy’s.

This haircut reduces washing and combing to a minimum. She is easy to care for. This is a great option for summer.


It looks like a puppy hairstyle. The covering on the paws and body is cut short. The hair on the head is processed in such a way that the muzzle resembles a square. Gel is applied to the ends of the hairs to fix the shape.

Under the schnauzer

With this hairstyle, the Yorkshire Terrier has features similar to the Schnauzer. The fur on the paws remains long, while the body, back of the head and ears are trimmed short. The hairs on the bangs, cheeks and beard remain long.


Here the pet gets a fur coat like a chinchilla. The cover is cut in transverse or diagonal stripes. The result is layers. They not only look impressive, but also help hide uneven backs.

Under the Chinese Crested

Almost all of the dog's hair is cut off. It remains only on the paws in the form of boots and on the tail in the form of a tassel. The covering on the head is also removed, leaving only the edging of the muzzle.

This hairstyle is easy to maintain. The only thing is that the “flares” on the paws will collect dirt during walks, so you will have to wash them more thoroughly.


This haircut is also called Asian or Japanese. With it, the animal takes on a toy appearance. The fur on the paws is almost left untouched, but on the muzzle it is cut short. The body is machined. Long fringes are left on the ears so that it is possible to create fancy hairstyles.

Under the miniature schnauzer

Yorkies with a miniature haircut look very cute. The paws are trimmed to resemble “pants”, and the body is trimmed completely. Most interventions are on the head. Vegetation on the pet's ears and crown is removed. Long hair remains on the beard, cheeks and eyebrows. You can also leave a strip of long hair along the body from the chest to the groin.


There are no clear rules here. Creative grooming allows you to conduct various experiments on your pet's image. You can make any design on the back of the animal, leave stripes for braids and other hairstyles. It is possible to experiment with length. Due to the fact that the Yorkie's coat grows quickly, it is easy to change the hairstyle if the experience is not to your liking.

The Yorkshire Terrier can not only be cut, but also dyed. Rainbow tails and “cuffs” evoke affection and make the dog fashionable and noticeable. You can give your pet a tiger or leopard color or apply any design. The dye does not spoil the wool and does not destroy its own pigment. It is harmless to the skin and lasts until the coat is trimmed.

Yorkshire terrier puppy coat care

The coat of puppies is different from the coat of an adult dog. The color develops during the first year of life and may change slightly over the course of 3 years. The structure of the Yorkie's coat is identical to the structure of human hair; each hair grows from one bulb in length throughout its life.

According to breed standards, at the age of 4 - 5 months, the length of the Yorkshire Terrier's coat should be approximately equal to its height at the withers, i.e. reach floor level. The monthly increase in coat length for a puppy that meets breed standards is 15-20 mm. After 1 year of life, the growth rate slows down slightly - 8-15 mm/month.

Experienced groomers advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. The first grooming of Yorkshire terrier puppies is carried out at 1.5 months. It includes hygienic hair removal in the groin and anal area and sanitization of the ears and the area around the eyes.
  2. It is recommended to do a haircut at 4 - 4.5 months, 10 days after the main vaccination (provided that the dog does not participate in exhibition events). Machine grooming of a Yorkie puppy is carried out after it has become accustomed to other grooming procedures (bathing, combing, trimming hair with scissors, hygienic treatment in the groin and anus area). This haircut is best done after 1 year of life, when the structure of the coat is finally formed.
  3. During the first haircut, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 20-30 minutes, so as not to cause any discomfort to your pet. Regular bathing and brushing of puppies begins at an early age (1-1.5 months). This develops a habit in them and makes future care easier.
  4. Great importance is given to combing out the mats of small Yorkies. This is done daily using care products and a special comb. A slicker brush is not suitable for removing mats from Yorkies due to their lack of undercoat.
  5. After 5 months, before bathing, you can make oil masks for the coat. After bathing, apply a specialized hair balm. In order not to overload the coat, it is necessary to carry out only one of these procedures.
  6. A balanced diet is very important for the proper development of the puppy. Dryness, flaking and itching of the skin, atypical hair loss signal a lack of sodium and chlorine. The formation of crusts and plaques in the area of ​​the ears and eyes, as well as the root part of the hair, is associated with a lack of zinc in the dog’s body.

Haircut for Yorkie girls

Owners of girls want to highlight the beauty of their pet. The look often includes various accessories: the hair is decorated with bows, hair clips, ribbons, etc. This type of care gives the dog a luxurious and well-groomed look.

Long haircuts are often chosen for girls, although short ones are also popular.

For Yorkshire terrier bitches, a Korean haircut, like a crested or chinchilla, is well suited.

A very attractive option is a “skirt” hairstyle. The back is cut short, and elongated fur remains on the lower sides and on the belly.

Girls often have long bangs and hair on the sides of their heads, which gives a lot of room for hairstyles and jewelry.

Animal grooming – how to choose a specialist who can cut your dog’s hair?

Conventionally, dogs can be divided into shedding and non-shedding breeds, hard-haired and soft-haired. As a rule, soft-haired and non-shedding pets are most often clipped. Wire-haired breeds require haircuts more rarely. Why? It's simple, soft-haired dogs have fur growing all over their body, which prevents them from living freely and actively moving. The fur begins to clog the ears, falls into clumps, which is why the animal begins to hear worse, problems with the skin arise, and parasites appear. Due to the tangles and dirt compressed between the toes, the dog's paws may become sore. For this reason, spitz haircuts and poodle haircuts are highly sought after among pet owners.

Wire-haired breeds are not subject to shedding, but they require artificial plucking. For this purpose, dog grooming is used - trimming. With its help, the fur becomes stiffer and fits tightly to the skin. Lack of grooming gives dogs an unkempt and unkempt appearance, as the hair does not fall off evenly, leaving a short undercoat. For this reason, experts recommend trimming at least twice a year, ideally repeating the procedure at least once a month.

Because soft-haired breeds grow hair faster, they need to be trimmed every four weeks. Shedding dogs, if they do not participate in various competitions and exhibitions, can be cut only to give an elegant appearance. This is how poodles, spitzes, yorkies and other breeds are groomed.

Types of hairstyles

You can also groom your dogs at home. The most popular options are:

  1. Tail. It is easy to make and decorate with different accessories. The most convenient option is a hair clip or elastic band with a bow. If the hair on the forehead is not too long, the tail will form a cute palm tree, which gives the dog a playful appearance. The tail removes hair from the eyes, and nothing bothers the pet.
  2. Onion. If the wool is long, it can be used to make a fashionable onion among people. First, a regular ponytail is made. Then a bun is formed, similar to an onion, which is secured with a bow. This option is also convenient for the dog, and it looks interesting and cute.
  3. Braids. There are a lot of weaving options. Braids are created on the head, along the spine or on the back. The main thing is not to make tight weaves, otherwise your pet will be uncomfortable. Bows can be used to decorate not only the bangs, but also the body.

Step-by-step haircut by area

The step-by-step instructions are presented in several main stages. They are as follows:

  1. Clipperwalker. The first stage involves cutting the split ends. A regular electric machine is suitable for this. It is used to treat the back, chest, neck, withers, croup and ear. At the time of this procedure, the ears should be cleaned of dirt.
  2. Flatwork. In this case, the main goal is to maintain the required length of hair on the paws, muzzle and head, as well as the tail. Before cutting, you need to comb the soft wool, as it curls very quickly and easily.
  3. Thinning. This process is required to smooth out the strong difference between long and short hair. Some people skip this step because it is not always noticeable.
  4. Creating a ponytail. The final stage involves creating a small hairstyle. A 10 cm long ponytail is kept on the head and tied into a small strand.

Important! It is difficult to do a hairstyle for an exhibition on your own; it requires a lot of experience.

A common question concerns how to trim a Yorkie's face. In this case, you need to be careful, as awkward actions can lead to injury. Haircutting is done with scissors; you need to use the tool carefully and cut the hairs sequentially. If your pet is tired, you can stop the procedure for a while.

At the time of cutting, difficulties with the paws may arise. The fur should be trimmed along the contour, 5 millimeters away from the nails. Hairs between pillows are shortened only as needed. They also grow quickly, but not luxuriantly. This procedure requires a machine.

Nails need to be trimmed at a certain angle. This procedure is carried out after bathing, after which the claws become quite soft.

Long hairs under the tail are removed using a 2-3 mm nozzle. You need to work carefully and quickly. The same attachments are used in the armpit area. The groin area is treated when you need a haircut for the summer. In boys, the hair in the area of ​​the intimate organs is not cut, as it protects against various irritants.

There may be some difficulties with your stomach. To work, you need to put the dog on its hind legs; it is not recommended to put it on its back. If long hairs are left, they are leveled horizontally with scissors. For sampling, a nozzle with the widest knife available is used.

First haircut

Yorkie puppy grooming

The puppy requires care already on the 5th day of life. At this age, he needs to have his claws trimmed. In the 3rd week, ear care is added.

At the age of 1.5 months, the puppy needs to trim the hair in the anus area. The first hygienic haircut is required in the 4th month of life, and starting from 6 months you can already experiment with hairstyles.

Many people are afraid to cut their pet's hair until it is a year old. It is believed that this will ruin the wool. In fact, this is not true. You can and even need to cut your puppy's hair: this will not only make grooming easier, but will also help you avoid tangles that quickly form on soft fur.

Haircut standards for different dog breeds

Depending on the breed, a specialist can do one or another treatment of dog hair, based on generally accepted standards. Poodles are among the most difficult breeds to care for. They require monthly hair trimming on the sea and paws. Regular grooming of your poodle should be done once every two months. Among the classic models, one can highlight the “Lion” shape, in which the legs and back half of the body are cut short, while the front part is left longer. Characteristic “pom-poms” remain on the paws and tail.

Which haircut to choose depending on your coat type

  • Fluffy: Yorkies with a furry coat look great with Korean haircuts. Thanks to its rounded shape and fluffiness, the pet becomes very similar to a toy.
  • Coarse: Medium hair length is suitable for these animals. If you cut it short, the hairs will stick out and your Yorkie will look unkempt. And if the wool is long, it will not lie in even strands even after balm. Such a dog, again, will look untidy.
  • Smooth, silky: Yorkies with this type of coat suit all haircuts. With this type of cover you can participate in exhibitions and conduct experiments.

An experienced groomer will help you choose the best option that will make your pet look attractive.

Coat type

There are two main types of wool: smooth with a sheen, or hard. Each structure has its advantages and disadvantages, both in maintenance and the presence of hairstyles.

For example, smoother and shiny, there is a wide range of proposed ideas that will please their owners with variety. But the smooth structure requires much more care than its counterpart.

More rigid, it allows you to spend less time on its maintenance. It is recommended to make this trimmed look of medium length, since with a short length of the coat, the aesthetics of the animal may be lost, and its excess forms tangles and becomes electrified.

Short or long

The length depends on the character of the dog and the preference of the owner.

If the animal is active, spends a lot of time outside, plays with children, a short haircut will suit him. Wool will not quickly get dirty and tangle.

If the owner has time for careful care, you can choose a long hairstyle. It will show all the beauty of the pet and demonstrate the owner’s efforts in caring for the pet.

But no matter what the haircut is, your Yorkie still needs to be brushed and bathed regularly.

Bathing the dog before grooming

Before bathing, be sure to comb out all tangles so that they do not become even more tangled. Even if you use conditioner, the wool still gets tangled very quickly.

You need to bathe your dog with a special shampoo that cares for its fur and does not get rid of fleas and ticks. It is also good to use conditioner, which makes combing easier. Shampoo must be diluted with water before bathing, because such products are usually highly concentrated. And this can have a bad effect on the condition of the pet’s fur and skin in the future.

Do I need to cut my Yorkie's hair for the winter?

Many people think that the long hair of the Yorkshire Terrier keeps the pet warm in winter and therefore does not cut it short. Actually this is not true. Yorkies do not have undercoat, so the hair warms the body in much the same way as our hair warms the head.

During a walk, snow, dirt from sand and reagents get clogged into long wool. Snow lumps stick to the cover, and when melting give the dog a feeling of chills. And it’s difficult to wash out deposits of dirt.

A jumpsuit will keep your pet warm, but long hair will get tangled.

In addition, in winter, due to low humidity, hair deteriorates and dries out. Additional care is required: intensive hydration and nutrition.

If the Yorkie does not participate in exhibitions, a medium and short haircut will make it easier to care for in winter and will not cause discomfort to the dog.

Step-by-step instructions at home

To independently maintain your dog’s health, you should read the step-by-step instructions; it will be useful to watch video tutorials.

You can do any haircut at home - the main thing is to gain experience

What tools are needed?

To cut your own hair, you will need the following tools:

  • Scissors specially designed for grooming. You will need several options for the device: with rounded ends for sensitive areas, mini ones for ears and paws, larger ones for fur.
  • Machine. Many owners prefer cutting their hair with a special device (works on the principle of a trimmer).
  • Rug. You can use any that is available, the main thing is with a rubberized base, since the dog needs stability.
  • Tweezers, guillotine for trimming animal claws (to size), nail file.
  • Comb.
  • Colt cutter, if necessary.

Attention! All tools must be of good quality so as not to harm the dog and really save money (inexpensive devices often break, scissors become dull). It is unacceptable to use devices intended for people - they differ in design and level of safety.

All instruments are prepared in advance

About washing before cutting

Experts advise bathing your pets before grooming. Benefits of the procedure:

  • the dog is clean, calm;
  • the amount of garbage and pollution is reduced;
  • Dirty wool makes tools dull faster;
  • Clean hair is easier to style – cut, trim.

After cutting, bathing is also recommended to remove cut off hair. You can try a thorough combing. The cut hairs will disturb the animal and remain throughout the apartment.

Attention! Yorkies are bathed no more than once a week. Double washing when cutting your hair is not a problem if you use professional shampoos and conditioners. The second time you can only use water and balm.

Bathing is a mandatory procedure, it is better to use special means for this

Features for boys and girls

There are no significant differences in the procedures. Each owner chooses the type that he likes or is appropriate in the current situation (for example, for an exhibition). The only feature is the anatomical component. Careful grooming of Yorkie boys and girls is the key to success.

Hygienic and standard haircut

Any handling of the Yorkshire Terrier requires great care. The dogs are small and quite mobile. Grooming a Yorkie's head begins with trimming the ears and eyes. Incorrect work with tools will lead to problems with the animal’s skin and a general deterioration in the pet’s health.

How to trim your Yorkshire Terrier's nails and paws

Long claws in Yorkies lead to difficulty walking and displacement of joints. In advanced cases, the blood vessels on the paws are damaged. The first signs of a neglected situation:

  • the pet has poor posture;
  • muscle tone decreases - the animal moves less, although it is a very active breed;
  • the springiness of gait decreases.

Attention! Overgrown claws become a serious problem for puppies. Babies develop a skeleton and constitution. Any violations lead to deformations that can rarely be corrected in older age.

Yorkies have their nails trimmed about once every three weeks.

Where is the best place to get a Yorkie haircut?

  • In the salon: this is the most effective option. Experienced groomers will find an approach to your pet and make it well-groomed. The grooming salon has a large set of tools, convenient washing and high-quality cosmetics.
  • At home: this option will be comfortable for dogs that are afraid of unfamiliar surroundings. The dog will behave calmly, which will significantly facilitate the procedure.
  • On your own: in this case, the owner needs to purchase a special tool and gain basic skills.

If you choose grooming from a specialist, ask about his education. He must show at least a diploma of completion of the courses. It would be great if the groomer regularly improves his skills and can confirm this with certificates. A friendly attitude towards your pet is extremely important. Any rudeness towards an animal is unacceptable.

It doesn’t matter what you choose: self-grooming or professional grooming. The main thing is the well-being of your pet. Regular care will allow the animal not only to look attractive, but also not to experience discomfort.


Necessary tools and workplace

Regardless of the cutting technique used, you will need special tools:

  • hairdresser's scisors;
  • single-row metal comb;
  • slicker;
  • medical clamps;
  • stripping scissors;
  • spray.

This is quite enough for a hygienic haircut. When performing a short haircut, you cannot do without a special clipper for animals, but novice hairdressers are better off avoiding such work, since they need to know how to use this tool correctly.

Important! You cannot use a clipper to cut people’s hair, as it can quickly break down, and at the most inopportune moment - during the procedure.

You need to properly prepare the place for grooming your dog. Many people do not pay attention to this point when trying to get a good haircut on their knees. The optimal place may be a wide bar counter or a table of normal height. Attention is also paid to the degree of illumination of the workplace. Proper preparation of the workplace and the acquisition of high-quality tools allow you to achieve the best results.

Required Tools

How to cut a Yorkie puppy's hair for the first time? Secrets of groomers

The Miniature Yorkie is a sweet little breed that requires special care. In addition to daily brushing and regular bathing, your Yorkie will also need to be groomed and his nails trimmed. It should be understood that this is not a whim, but a necessity - the exterior of the Yorkshire Terrier largely depends on how carefully you care for it.

The advantage of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is its coat.

What should be the first haircut?

There are many dog ​​hairstyle options specifically designed for Yorkshire Terriers. When the owners have decided at what age they cut their Yorkies for the first time, they also have to think about what kind of haircut it will be. A lot depends on the gender of the dog.

Haircuts for girls

A Yorkie girl can be decorated with ponytails and braids. Their fur is decorated with:

  • bows;
  • hairpins;
  • rhinestones;
  • multi-colored rubber bands.

The popular skirt haircut looks very elegant when the groomer cuts the hair from the back and sides, and leaves the hair on the legs and belly untouched. The fur is only slightly trimmed to the same length. Thus, you get an elegant skirt.

Haircuts for boys

Many haircuts have been developed for male Yorkies. A haircut with panties looks quite elegant. The paws also require a special approach; usually, they are cut in the form of “slippers.”

When to start

The Yorkie puppy's first grooming is done by the breeder - he should also trim his nails. Further responsibility for these procedures falls on the owners of the puppies. However, after purchasing and moving your baby to a new place, give him three to four weeks to get comfortable.

So, given that dogs are usually sold at 3 months, the first time you will need a haircut for your pet is at 4 months.

There are several options for cutting a Yorkshire Terrier:

  • If you are inexperienced and do not know how to cut a Yorkie, it is better to take him to a grooming mall. Experienced Yorkie groomers work there, photos of their work are evidence of their qualifications and creative talents;
  • You can call a professional to do a haircut at home. This is the most convenient, but also the most financially expensive option;

You should not experiment with Yorkie haircuts - it is better to entrust it to a professional

  • You can come to the hairdresser’s home and have your Yorkie cut at home. However, there is a need to adapt to his schedule or leave the pet for several hours with a stranger. This can be quite stressful for the puppy;
  • The ideal option is to buy the necessary tools and learn how to groom a Yorkshire Terrier yourself at home. This will help you gain independence from professionals and protect your pet from stress. However, it should be taken into account that if you plan to exhibit your dog, it is better to entrust it to the master. There are certain exhibition standards - if the dog does not meet them, it may receive fewer points from the jury.


The first thing you should know about the groomer is whether he or she has previously done the same haircut that you have chosen for your Yorkie. It is possible that the groomer has done this type of haircut on other breeds, which is also good experience. Ask him to share more information with you and be sure to ask for some photos.

And while we're talking about pictures, you should also show the professional at least one photo of the Yorkie haircut you want. Of course, you can simply explain the haircut to the groomer, but it is always better if he has a complete picture or idea in front of his eyes. It will be much easier for both of you.

Types of haircuts

The length of the coat of dogs of this breed usually depends on the time of year - in winter they are warmer if they have a warm “fur coat”, and in summer they are much more comfortable with short fur.

The length of a Yorkie's coat depends directly on the time of year.

There are many different options - cutting a Yorkie puppy can be done according to any of them:

  • hygienic Yorkie haircut - the name speaks for itself. This procedure is necessary in order to create more comfortable conditions for your pet and make it easier to care for;
  • classic - almost the same as a hygienic Yorkie haircut. The fur is left as long as possible, simply freeing the muzzle, removing tangles and everything unnecessary;
  • removal of split ends - practice shows that split ends look very unsightly. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly cut off the damaged ends to make it look smooth and shiny. Most often, the scruff of the neck, paws, tail and back are affected - they have to be tidied up much more often.

If you do not plan to take part in exhibitions, you have a very wide scope for realizing your own creative ideas. There are many ready-made model options - haircuts for Yorkie girls, for boys, Yorkie haircut for a puppy, etc.

Benefits of grooming in professional salons

Dog handlers and veterinarians often advise giving preference to grooming Yorkshire terriers in specialized grooming salons. This is explained by the difficulty of working with the long hair of Yorkies, the strict rules imposed by the breed standard and the effectiveness of the use of professional cosmetic and medicinal products. Systematic daily care for dogs of this breed is difficult at home due to the need to purchase special tools and care products.

Grooming salon "ARTEMONoff" in Moscow offers a wide variety of haircuts and procedures for the care of the Yorkshire terrier. Our prices are very affordable, the convenient location of the salon (Levoberezhny and Khovrino districts) and the proximity of the Belomorskaya and Rechnoy Vokzal metro stations will allow visitors to quickly and comfortably get to us.

Model, hygienic and exhibition haircuts for Yorkie boys and girls are performed by certified hairdressers who work using specialized hypoallergenic Crown Royale cosmetics. Experienced groomers will select the most suitable haircut for your pet, taking into account the structure and characteristics of the coat.

The cost of a haircut depends on its type, length and thickness of the dog's coat. On the salon’s website you can find a detailed price list and find out how much a haircut or comprehensive grooming of a Yorkshire terrier costs.

By visiting the ARTEMONoff grooming salon, you can be sure that your pet will maintain a well-groomed and beautiful appearance for a long time, and the use of professional cosmetics for animals will be a good prevention of skin diseases and the development of fur pathologies.

Removing split ends

First, we always remove split ends - this procedure looks like this:

  • comb your pet with a mat cutter to remove any matted fur;
  • separate the fur with a long-toothed comb;
  • take a small curl, twist it and cut off everything that sticks out;
  • do this wherever you do not plan to trim the dog.

Remember that damaged ends slow down hair growth, so their removal is necessary.

Hygienic haircut

Next, a hygienic grooming of the Yorkie puppy is performed:

  • using a trimmer, carefully trim the outer edge of the ear, leaving about 5 centimeters of length;
  • at transitions, shorten the hairs using rounded scissors;
  • Using the same scissors, treat the areas around the eyes, inside the ears, in the groin and between the fingers, the recommended length is 1 centimeter.

Next, you can perform a model haircut using your imagination or ready-made solutions that can be found in photographs on the Internet.

Preparing for your first haircut

The first haircut of a Yorkie is carried out in the second month of his life. At this age, puppies have their fur trimmed on their paws, ears, and private parts, and the hairs on their faces and tummy are trimmed. But such a haircut cannot yet be called a full-fledged haircut. Such manipulations are performed more for hygienic purposes than for aesthetic purposes.

How many months can a Yorkie have his first real haircut? This occurs in the sixth or seventh month. But you need to accustom your baby to this procedure in advance. For this purpose, the puppy begins to be taken to a groomer - a dog hairdresser, from three weeks of age. Once every three weeks, the puppy is brought in for a hygienic haircut; a model haircut is not recommended for young puppies.

The first visits to a specialist should not take more than 15 - 20 minutes. During this time, the groomer will have time to give the Yorkie a standard haircut and comb its fur to avoid the formation of lumps. Gradually the duration of the procedure increases. In this case, when you need to cut your Yorkie puppy's hair for the first time, he will already be ready for this procedure.

Trimming nails

Trimming the nails is also a mandatory procedure - since the nails, if not shortened, begin to crack and bleed, which causes your pet great suffering.

Just like human nails, your Yorkie's nails should be trimmed regularly.

If you hear your dog clicking while walking on the parquet floor, it means it’s time to trim his nails. Before trimming your Yorkie puppy's nails to cope with this procedure, stock up on the following:

  • nail clipper;
  • cotton buds;
  • nail scissors
  • nailfile;
  • dry potassium permanganate.

After cutting, the dog’s nails should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Below are step-by-step recommendations on how to cut your Yorkie’s nails:

  • place your pet on your lap and secure it tightly;
  • move the hair from the finger you plan to process and lightly press it - the claw will extend and it will be more convenient to trim it;
  • at an angle of 45 degrees, trying not to touch the claw bed, trim the claw;
  • do not forget about the fifth fingers that are not visible;
  • if you accidentally hit the claw bed and blood comes out, treat the area with a cotton swab, dipping it in dry potassium permanganate;
  • a trimmed claw is too sharp - your pet can injure himself or someone else with it. Therefore, process it with a file;
  • Next, remove all the hair from the base of the paw - dried dirt accumulates there. Dogs love this procedure much more than the nail trimming that precedes it.

And finally, one more piece of advice - it is best to trim the nails after bathing, when they are as soft as possible and well processed. If you don’t have a nail clipper, it’s okay, you can easily do it with ordinary nail scissors.

Useful tips

To choose an appropriate and successful haircut for your Yorkie and decide whether to change it, it is best to seek the advice of a professional groomer, unless, of course, you have sufficient experience in grooming and grooming your dog. It's always easier to ask. You can also conduct a short interview with the groomer to get an idea of ​​whether they are the right person for the task.

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