An ancient distinctive breed - Rhodesian Ridgeback (African Lion Dog)

Small lion dogs are small, strongly built animals with their heads held high and a proud gait. Thanks to their unusual appearance and affectionate, obedient character, they have established themselves as excellent companions and are popular among residents of big cities.

Let's figure out what small lion dogs are and what features are hidden behind their pretty appearance.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:Southern Rhodesia
Conditions of detention:Apartment, house
Purpose:Hunting dog, guard dog, companion dog, service dog
Color:Shades of red
Wool length:Short
Adult dog size:The height of females is 61-66 cm, males 63-69 cm, weight of males is approximately 36 kg, females - 32 kg
Average life expectancy:10-12 years
Walk:Need two walks a day
Physical activity needs:High physical activity needs (regular or daily exercise for more than 3 hours per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 6: hounds and related breeds; Section 3: Related Breeds
Puppy price:From 18,000 rubles to 70,000 rubles. Without pedigree – 18,000-19,000 rubles, pet class – 20,000-30,000 rubles, breed class – 40,000-60,000 rubles, show class – 70,000 rubles


Perhaps these are the first Bolonki that existed in the world. Similar dogs were described by Charles Darwin in his works. Images of white little dogs were found on burial slabs from the 8th century BC. And these Bolonki were sailors. The name arose due to an error in the texts. In fact, the animals originated on the island of Meletus near Croatia.

The animals were noticed by rich people and kings, so Maltese did not have to serve in the navy for long. Mary Stuart herself and Queen Victoria maintained small kennels of lapdogs. The breed has gone through a long selection process to improve the quality of its coat and reduce its size.

In the 1930s, breed clubs grew, a standard was issued, and the breed gained recognition. It is assigned to the Italian canine organization. The lap dogs must be white; beige shades are rarely allowed. The coat without undercoat is straight, soft, silky and shiny.

There are currently two breed standards:

  • American (characteristic short muzzle, reduced weight to 3 kg);
  • Worldwide (animal weighs 3.5-4 kg, stretched body format, muzzle of medium length).

This is a pampered and spoiled breed, very touchy and selfish, often the dogs are jealous and impatient. Despite this, the animals are loyal and affectionate, non-aggressive, kind and sweet. With proper upbringing, the Maltese will not bark for no reason, play around and spoil things. The average cost of puppies is 15,000-25,000 rubles.

History of the origin of the species

This breed is definitely one of the most ancient and original. Images of similar animals are found in Egyptian pyramids and caves - the homes of ancient people. One way or another, the first dogs were officially registered by the colonialists of Britain and France who arrived on the African continent (16th century). These dogs were used by ancient tribes to hunt lions, cheetahs and other large cats, which is how the second name African Lion Hound appeared.

Rhodesian dogs are called because of the region in which the population was discovered - Rhodesia , the territory of the modern country of Zimbabwe. And the second part of the name, ridgeback , appeared thanks to a special crest - ridge , which adorns the back of the dogs.

The colonizers' pets died from heat and lack of moisture, so they were crossed with the dogs of the aborigines. According to the main version, the blood of modern Rhodesian Ridgebacks contains mastiffs and continental hounds.

In 1922, the first Lion Hound kennel was opened in Rhodesia and the first standard was written by Richard Barnes. He took the description of the Dalmatians as a basis.

Now the breed is used as a hunting breed for any game, as a service breed in law enforcement agencies, and as a companion breed.

Brief historical background

The name of the breed is inextricably linked with the German town of the same name, located at the foot of the Black Forest hills in southwestern Germany (Baden-Württemberg). The ancient coat of arms of this settlement contains a royal cat and, accordingly, it is called the city of the lion. A certain Mr. Heinrich Essing, who is both a passionate dog lover, a dog breeder and an adviser to the city magistrate, in the 30s of the 19th century set out to perpetuate and glorify the name of his city by breeding dogs that looked like lions.

The basis was taken from two large breeds: a long-haired Saint Bernard and a black-and-white Landser (Newfoundland). Subsequently, Essing used other dogs, presumably these were Pyrenean mountain shepherds and golden St. Bernards. The new breed became extremely popular; many celebrities of that time owned Leonbergers (Queen Elizabeth of Austria, Napoleon III, Wagner, Emperor Hirohito of Japan, etc.).

Specialty exhibitions are held in the city of Leonberg with enviable regularity; there is even a monument to the symbolic dog.

A monument to a lion dog has been erected in Leonberg

However, as a result of their research, German dog handlers found that references to dogs very similar in type to Leon were found in documents from the early 17th century (the diary of the Mettermich family). These dogs were in demand among local shepherds and farmers, but almost all of their livestock died out as a result of some kind of epidemic (possibly distemper). A few surviving specimens remained only within the walls of the monastery near the city of Leonberg, as they were in isolation.

Thus, most likely, Essing used these dogs in his breeding activities; he restored the old breed, and did not invent a new one. The first breed standard was developed in 1895 by another dog handler (Albert Kuhl), since the author himself did not leave any records about the breeding process and appearance of his pets. The international canine community recognized the Leonberg in 1905. In the FCI register they are included in group 2 - Pinschers and Schnauzers - Great Danes and Swiss Mountain Cattle Dogs (section 2 - Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs, subsection 2.2 - Molosser and Mountain Cattle Dogs) under number 145. The latest current and valid standard dates back to September 20, 2002.

The first leons were brought to the territory of our country in 1989.

Distinctive features

Lion dogs should be strong, muscular, but fit and harmoniously built, like all hounds. They are graceful and elegant, easy in their movements. Their physique helps them develop great speed, and their short coat allows them to withstand the highest temperatures.

A distinctive feature of Ridgebacks is the ridge formed by the reverse growth of hair on the back. It should resemble a violin and have two symmetrical curls behind the shoulders. There are several forms of ridges that are acceptable for this breed. However, they should all be wide at the shoulder blades and tapered towards the tail. The absence of a comb, irregular shape or location is a defect.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is the only South African breed officially recognized by kennel clubs. The last standard was published in 1995.

  • The head is small, the skull is round, wide between the ears, flattened on top. The frontal sulcus and stop . The occipital protuberance is outlined.
  • the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the head. Voluminous, narrowed towards the nose. The jaws are wide and strong. Scissor bite
  • The nose is large and black, light colors are acceptable.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, slightly slanted, almond-shaped. The color is similar to that of the dog.
  • The ears are thin, long, set high, and fit tightly to the head. The shape resembles a triangle.
  • The body is strong, dry, muscular. The topline is straight. The back is long (the dog is rectangular, elongated). The loin is slightly convex, the croup is sloping. The chest is not very wide and deep. The belly is well tucked. The neck is long and muscular.
  • The tail is long (to the hock), set just below the loin line, not thick, tapering towards the end. In the active state, it bends like a sickle, but does not twist.
  • The limbs are straight, strong, with good muscles and pronounced joints. Paws with strong, pointed toes and rounded claws. Movements are free and springy.
  • The coat is short, hard, shiny.
  • Colors: light and reddish shades of red and wheaten, white spots on the chest and paws are acceptable.


At the time when experiments were carried out to improve the species, much attention was paid specifically to the visual resemblance to lions. It was to the head that the greatest number of demands were made

The head should be relatively short, but at the same time quite wide. The body is small, compact, curly. Llamas are small, rounded. The tip of the nose is pigmented black. The eyes are round, the iris is dark. Small ears are in a hanging position, abundantly covered with hair. The tail is long, thin, low-set, and curved so that the tip touches the lower back. The coat is wavy, but curliness is considered a fault. Quite thick and long

It is important that its length does not interfere with the animal’s walking. Any color is accepted except brown and the entire palette of this color. Average weight is six kilograms. Maximum height is thirty-two centimeters.

When we talk about this type of lapdog, the external resemblance to wild large predators is placed at the forefront of their entire image. A haircut is required for them, and if you want to preserve their natural uniqueness, then the hairstyle must be appropriate. Otherwise, all the tenderness and attractiveness of these lovely creatures is lost.

Photo of an adult dog


Breeders and experienced users recommend feeding Levchens based on professional dry food and premium canned food. From a milk puppy to an older dog, for every taste and level of physical activity, for pregnant and lactating bitches, for dogs prone to overeating, for dogs in need of veterinary diets, with all the necessary vitamins and mineral supplements, ready-made food is an excellent choice for the modern owner little lion dog.

Minimum labor costs and maximum results: a healthy and long-living dog is a dog with the right diet.

The norms and requirements for natural nutrition are standard for all Bichons:

  • balance of meat and cereal components;
  • low-fat fermented milk assortment;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • vitamins and nutritional supplements as recommended by your veterinarian.

Fresh drinking water is available around the clock.

Photos of puppies

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The breed was named after Dandy Damon, the literary hero of the novel by V. Hugo, who kept a whole pack of terriers. Dogs were bred in Scotland to guard farms and hunt badgers and foxes.

Behind the pretty appearance of the dandy dinmont lies an independent character.

Dandies are only partially fluffy. The elongated body is covered with a semi-rigid coat of mustard or pepper color up to 5 cm long. The head is decorated with a soft fluffy hat. The height of dogs is 20 – 28 cm.

Most often, dogs behave with restraint, but if they feel threatened, they can get into a fight. Dandies choose one owner and treat the rest with loyalty. They love to play with children, but will not tolerate mistreatment. They do not quarrel with domestic cats and dogs.

The average life expectancy of a Dinmont dandy is 12 years. For other small terriers up to 30 cm tall, read the article “Breeds of small terriers.”

Features of character and behavior

Ridgebacks are strong, courageous dogs with strong territorial and hunting instincts. They are ideal as service and watchdogs. Their character is not easy: obstinate, wayward pets who do not like to obey anyone. Therefore, the owner must be firm and adamant, but at the same time, love the dog and sometimes pamper it with treats.

With good quality training, the Rhodesian Ridgeback becomes a good family dog ​​that will faithfully protect all household members and the territory entrusted to it.


The advantages of these dogs include:

  1. Good physical shape, endurance, strength (can withstand grueling workouts even at very high temperatures);
  2. Calmness, balance, “taciturnity” (dogs do not like to bark, they do this only in dangerous situations to warn the owner);
  3. Playfulness, activity, energy;
  4. High intelligence, ability to learn and train;
  5. Elegant appearance;
  6. Loyalty, friendliness and obedience (but only towards familiar people and family and with proper upbringing).

Ridgebacks get along well with children, but it is not recommended to leave them alone or buy such a pet “as a gift.” Rhodesians are powerful and can hurt a child by pushing or stepping on them.


This breed is not an easy one. It is not suitable for beginners and teenagers. To raise a good pet, you need to know about possible temperament flaws and be able to stop them:

  • Stubbornness and willfulness (Ridges do not like to be commanded, they are used to deciding on their own, only a firm owner can break such a character);
  • Touchiness and vindictiveness (does not forgive enemies and rude attitude);
  • Ridgeback tends to dominate in the family;
  • Intolerance to other dogs and cats;
  • Dislike for strangers;
  • Excessive activity, tendency to stalk game and run away.


A few reviews:

  • “I can’t imagine my life without my little Molly. She is my friend and my companion. I always have the feeling that I am not alone and that I have a like-minded person, a fellow traveler and just a living being who understands me.”
  • “When we were choosing a puppy for our daughter, we chose Lövchen. My daughter was delighted, and for me this is the most important thing. She takes care of her dog herself. True, I have to pay for a haircut at a hairdresser. And this pleasure is not cheap.”

Care and maintenance

African dogs are very mobile and active. In size, they belong to medium breeds and do not take up much space, so they are suitable for apartment living. But it would be best for such a pet to live in a country house with a large area surrounded by a fence. In summer, a pet can live in the yard, but in no case on a chain or in an enclosure. Dogs need to come into the house to communicate with their owners.

Before buying a dog, you need to make sure that there is a place in the house for the pet: you have purchased a bed, bowls with legs, toys, and hygiene products.

We must remember that Ridges need frequent active walks, so such a dog is not suitable for a homebody or a busy person.


This breed is unpretentious both in maintenance and feeding. But its representatives are allergic, so any negative reaction to any product should be recorded. The owner needs to select types of food that will not cause harm to the pet’s digestive system and general condition.

Like all dogs, protein is important for Ridgebacks. Your dog can get them from dry food or natural meat. The choice is up to the owner. Typically, breeders advise continuing to feed the puppy the same foods that were given to him at the kennel. If you plan to switch to another type of food or even another company, then it should not be abrupt. Gradually, the dog is mixed with new food or fed it as a treat.

Food for Lion dogs can only be super-premium or premium; the best option would be hypoallergenic holistic for medium-sized breeds with a high level of activity. Typically, an adult dog needs 600-700 grams of granules per day, diluted with water or broth.

Natural food must contain:

  1. Lean chicken, lamb, veal or turkey, processed or raw (about half of the daily menu);
  2. Cereals (porridge boiled in milk, broth or water, no more than 30% of the menu);
  3. Vegetables and fruits;
  4. Dairy products and eggs;
  5. Sea fish without bones.

Dogs should not be fed human food; they should not be given bird and fish bones, potatoes, flour and confectionery products, fatty, fried and smoked foods. It is also not recommended to mix natural and dry feeding. A constant supply of water in the drinking bowl is mandatory, especially in warm, dry climates.

  • Typically, adult Ridgebacks are fed 2 times a day. Some breeders are inclined to one-time complex nutrition.
  • Puppies are fed more often: up to 2 months about 5-6 times, from 2 to 6 4 times, after 6 months to 1 year three meals a day.


Rhodesians are quite strong and healthy dogs; they live 10-12 years. Early mortality most often occurs due to improper care. In addition, there are several genetic diseases that these dogs are susceptible to.

It is important to vaccinate puppies on time and monitor their nutrition and physical development, supply them with vitamins and necessary products. The key to health is proper care and attention from the owner.


To protect the puppy from dangerous infectious diseases, it is necessary to vaccinate it annually, according to a personal calendar. The nursery usually carries out the first two vaccinations. But the owner must be aware of the procedures in order to stick to the schedule.

  • The first vaccination is given at 1.5-2 months, when the puppy’s maternal immunity ceases to function.
  • It repeats after 2 weeks , at six months and at 12 months .
  • Then the procedure is carried out annually. All medications are included in the pet’s veterinary passport. The complex vaccine provides protection against enteritis, paravirus, leptospirosis, salmonella and other dangerous viral diseases.
  • The second necessary vaccination is against rabies. It is done when the puppy reaches 7 months . It is a little more expensive than a comprehensive one (approximately 400-1000 rubles), but without it you cannot take your dog abroad. Vaccination is repeated annually.

All procedures are carried out under the guidance of experienced veterinarians. Dogs must be healthy and dewormed. After each vaccination you must undergo quarantine.


Some of the diseases of African Lion Dogs are related to the joints and musculoskeletal system:

  • Osteochondrosis (deposition of salts in joints);
  • Hip dysplasia (occurs due to excessive stress on the hind limbs and obesity, cannot be cured, causes acute pain and deforms the paws);
  • Fractures, sprains, dislocations.

In addition, dogs are susceptible to digestive problems:

  • Volvulus of the intestines and stomach;
  • Obesity;
  • Food allergies.

Dermatitis and ear infections are also common. This happens due to improper or poor quality care for the pet. If you experience any negative symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Rhodesians are very active. This is due to their genetic hunting task. They spent a huge amount of energy slaughtering the lion. Therefore, their walks should be appropriate. An excellent option would be free walking in the area adjacent to the house. If the dog lives in an apartment, then two walks a day for 2 hours with running exercises and games are needed.

Ridges do not like wet and muddy weather. They will not splash in puddles or jump into ponds. In a damp climate, such a dog will feel uncomfortable. You need to put a raincoat on him.

Hunting with the owner is the best walking. If there is no opportunity to hunt, then you need to organize forays into public gardens and dog parks, where your pet can frolic with animals and people. It is necessary to teach the puppy that it is fun to be with the owner. Training games will help with this.


Rhodesian Ridges are short-haired and do not require special care:

  • One brushing per week with a natural bristle brush is enough. This not only helps remove dead hair, but also improves blood circulation.
  • They are bathed 2-3 times a year with shampoos for short-haired dogs. As it gets dirty, you can wash it more often, but without hygiene products. After walking, wipe with a damp towel.
  • The eyes are examined a couple of times a week, and occasionally wiped with a towel soaked in a chamomile solution. Ears are checked daily and cleaned 2-3 times a week.
  • Teeth can be strengthened and cleaned with chewing cords. Nails are trimmed once a week.
  • This breed freezes during the cold season. Ridges are dressed in special protective suits. In hot weather they feel great. But do not forget about treatment against ticks and fleas.

Lyon Bichon Health

Lövchen is a dog breed that is distinguished by good health and a relatively high life expectancy: 12–14 years. But there are cases where a pet lived to be 18 years old.

The most common genetic diseases among dogs of the Lyon Bichon breed:

  1. Cataract is a disease that is accompanied by a layer of cells in the retina of the eye and leads to deterioration of vision. A clearly visible spot is visible on the eye. The disease is most common in aging pets. It is treated through surgery, during which the lens of the eye is replaced.

    Cataract - formation of an eyesore

  2. Progressive retinal atrophy is a vision disorder caused by the loss of photoreceptors in the inner wall of the eye. Leads to complete blindness. To date, there are no medications or treatments for the disease.
  3. Dislocation of the knee joint (dysplasia) is a disease in which the patella, consisting of three parts (thigh, patella and tibia), is in an incorrect position. The disease does not manifest itself from birth, but throughout life, in the form of lameness or abnormal gait. A joint that is malformed or damaged as a result of injury, with constant contact, “erases” the cartilage tissue, causing pain. The destruction process then affects the bone. The pathology prevents your pet from leading an active lifestyle. If the disease is detected in the early stages of development, it is possible to stop the destruction process, otherwise the dog will remain disabled.

Failure to treat dysplasia is a sure path to pet disability


Breeding a Rhodesian Ridgeback is a responsibility, because the breed is rare and any defects in the litter must be taken into account and excluded. In order for everything to be official, the puppies have a pedigree and some kind of status, you need to contact the nursery and get a formal certificate. It is filled out by the owners of the bitch and the dog, who agree on the mating date among themselves. The cost of mating is also discussed in advance. Usually it is appointed by the owner of the dog. He can take one puppy or a certain percentage of its value.

Puppies become sexually mature by 10 months. But it is recommended to knit only by the age of 2, when both the female and the male are physically capable of conceiving and bearing healthy offspring.

By the beginning of her heat, the girl becomes aggressive or playful. During this period, you only need to walk her on a leash away from other pets. The loop is hard and produces unpleasant-smelling secretions. By the 15th day from the beginning it softens and loosens. This becomes a sign of readiness.

Dogs need to be walked together . Then the girl is brought to the male dog’s territory, where there should be a lot of free space. You can invite a breeding instructor to help your pets. If the bitch is ready, the male will be able to mount. Even if the castle did not happen, it does not mean that the female is empty. Repeated mating is prescribed the next day or two days later.

Leonberger's diseases

Leonbergers are considered a healthy breed that rarely gets sick, has a strong immune system and excellent health. They are not characterized by any specific diseases of a genetic or hereditary nature. Rarely occurring pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (hip dysplasia, arthritis, etc.) are characteristic of all large and giant canines.

Unfortunately, lion dogs do not live very long - about 7–9 years.

Key points in training

Exotic pets are quite obstinate, especially if you don’t take care of their upbringing in time. The puppy must be accustomed to the hierarchy in the family from the first days of its arrival in the house. He must understand that a person is higher than a dog. The owner, in turn, must always show leadership, authority, and prove it every day. The pet is fed only after all family members, it is not allowed to jump on furniture and sleep in the same bed with members of the household. You cannot be rude, shout or hit the animal. Ridges are vindictive and do not forgive insults. The punishment can be the owner's “offense” or lack of treats.

Ridgebacks are strong hunting dogs. They need to train a lot. Agility courses and running exercises are good options. The best option would be a trip to the forest or countryside, where they can show their instincts.

An important point in education is the socialization of the puppy. You need to gradually get used to the street and crowded places. First, the dog is walked in quiet, calm parks. Later, you can take him out onto avenues and noisy boulevards so that the dog understands that people are not dangerous and suppresses sudden outbursts of aggression and fear.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Interesting Facts

  • A romantic and tragic story is the story of a dog named Bijou. In the 18th century, a little lion lived in the German castle of Weilburg. When his owner went hunting, Bijou began to sunbathe, he did not understand why he was not taken with him. Bijou tried to get out of the castle and catch up with the owner - he jumped from a 25-meter wall and crashed.
  • It is believed that this Lewchen is more often than other breeds present in paintings, from the Renaissance to the 17th century. After which she began to disappear, and not only from paintings.
  • In the middle of the last century, there were no more than a dozen purebred Levchens left. As a result, in the 60s, the breed was included in the Guinness Book as the rarest decorative dog.
  • Levchen is one of the few dogs whose breed standard includes a type of haircut. At the same time, the standard not only specifies that the dog should be cut, but also specifies the style of its hairstyle.
  • A unique fact is that the style of dog grooming has changed little since the 15th century.

How to choose a puppy

To buy a high-quality healthy puppy, you need to contact an official nursery that specializes in breeding the breed.

  • Breeders have the right not to sell a dog if they do not like a private person or are not suitable as the owner of such a pet. Usually, nurseries provide a full package of necessary documents, give advice on choosing and keeping a dog, show the parents and talk about the breed line.
  • Choosing a puppy begins with the owner deciding on the gender and class of the future pet. Bitches are usually softer and more obedient, they can give birth to offspring.
  • Males are better suited as service dogs and have better physical qualities.
  • The class of the dog determines his future career. Pet class is suitable as a pet, breed class is a puppy for breeding, show class is show animals with an ideal pedigree.

To decide which little lump will make a good pet, you need to talk to the breeder and look at all the dogs. They should be healthy with sparkling eyes and a playful disposition. The cost depends on the class of the puppy, ranging from 18,000 to 70,000 rubles.

A dog is not a toy; buying such a pet is a decision that the whole family must make. The responsibility for the puppy lies on the shoulders of each member, even the child. Ridgeback is a serious dog that requires attention and training.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )


Despite the efforts of breeders, the lion dog is still considered a rare breed. In the West, in Europe and in the States, prices range from $2,000 to $8,000. In Russia you can find advertisements in which the price of levchen is within 25,000 rubles.

Reputable breeders and well-known nurseries adhere to world prices for little lion puppies. They can document the high origin of the animal. Otherwise, you can get a dog of an unknown breed, with an unpredictable character.

Tibetan mastiff

Let me be the first to warn you not to accidentally cut your dog to look like a lion when he is not meant to look like a lion. Many breeds (like me) with a lion-esque appearance have physical traits that were also developed to make work easier or to maintain healthy, tolerant weather. My mane, for example, keeps me warm. As for my breed, we were developed in Tibet to guard herds and homesteads, but our specific early history is still a mystery. However, I know that my ancestors were b

Given our large size and imposing appearance, we are reliable deterrents today. Although protective and loyal, we ab

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