Rating of super premium dog food according to experts

If you are choosing the best dog food, a rating that takes into account the quality of the food, its vitamin composition, the opinion of veterinarians and consumer reviews will come in handy. After all, caring owners must take a responsible approach to choosing food for their four-legged friend, since the pet’s health and longevity depend on its quality. Premium class food includes a full range of substances and vitamins necessary for a dog. There are even special therapeutic solutions designed to stabilize digestive and other processes in the animal’s body. We present to your attention a rating of super premium food for dogs, taking into account the physiology, breed, health status and age of pets.

No. 10 – Acana Grass-Fed Lamb

Price: 320 rubles

Hypoallergenic dry food intended for dogs with digestive problems. It contains New Zealand lamb meat, freeze-dried liver, apples and two types of pumpkins: nutmeg and table pumpkins. Eating Akana dog food allows you to normalize the animal's digestion, which is particularly sensitive to nutrition. All brand products are manufactured at the NorthStar factory and boast the freshness and naturalness of the ingredients in their composition. The food is grain-free, does not contain animal fats, and only vegetable and flaxseed oil are included in its composition. It is rich in B vitamins, zinc and biotin, which ensure a thick and healthy dog's coat.

Acana closes the dog food ranking. The advantage of this product is its hypoallergenic properties, the absence of GMOs and chemicals. In addition, the food has a healing effect. Unfortunately, nutrition does not take into account the age characteristics of the animal.

Acana Grass-Fed Lamb

Pro Plan

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:USA
Feed price:
  • 3 kg – 880 rub.
  • 7.5 kg – 2000 rub.
  • 14 kg – 4500 rub.

The food is produced by a well-advertised company, which does not make it the best. The fact is that it cannot be classified as a super-premium class due to the large amount of corn and animal fats in the composition. Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates 27% turkey, it is worth understanding that this figure includes not only meat, but also bones, sinews, and skin.

Certain advantages include a wide range of tastes and intended uses (for puppies, elderly, pregnant, sick pets). Good vitamin supplements included. But one of the significant disadvantages is the increased content of cheap carbohydrates - corn, cereals; unknown flavors; poor composition; blurred percentage of meat components.

Customer Reviews

№9 – DOG CHOW Adult 440

Price: 440 rubles

Dry food for adult pets. The manufacturer of the product is a branch of the well-known Nestle company – Nestle Purina Pet Care. The main component of the food is cereals - 50%, 16% of the composition is occupied by meat ingredients - chicken, turkey, lamb. The food contains vegetable protein and oils, as well as some vegetables - spinach, carrots, beets, chicory - about 2%. Beets help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dog Chow food contains many vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Interestingly, the product has a heterogeneous structure: there are small and large granules. This cleans the teeth and allows the animal to develop its jaw muscles, since food has to be chewed intensively.

Among the advantages of DOG CHOW are a wide variety of flavors and their low cost, natural healthy composition with a large number of vitamins and prebiotics. However, the composition of the feed is quite poor, since it contains little meat, and it is not so easy to saturate the animal with it.

DOG CHOW Adult 440

Wet food and canned food for dogs: which are the best?

Dogs simply adore them - they smell delicious and are easy to chew. Canned food can be medicinal, for feeding on an ongoing basis, or delicacy. It contains a lot of protein and is digested faster than other types of food. This type of product is usually enclosed in a tight pouch or tin.

In the top 3 best wet food:

  • Bozita
    . The line includes canned turkey, chicken, venison, elk, beef and salmon. There is food in the form of pate or jelly with fillet pieces. The products of this brand do not contain dyes, grains, flour, or soy.

  • Hills
    . The manufacturer offers two options: with chicken or turkey. The product also contains bran, flaxseed, vitamins and microelements. Hill's food has an ideal balance of fatty acids.

  • Belcando
    . Holistic wet food comes in lamb, veal, beef, chicken, duck and turkey. The meat content is high - 80%. The manufacturer claims that it contains no processed foods, soy protein or GMOs.

Wet food is convenient. But keep in mind: their constant consumption can harm your dog. Canned food must be combined with dry food. Otherwise, your pet may end up with obesity, liver and heart problems, tartar on the teeth, and gum degradation.

No. 8 – Brit Care Junior Large Breed Lamb & Rice

Price: 405 rubles

Czech dog food Brit is known for its high meat content, which contains more than 40%. The food is intended for large breeds in adolescence - from three months to two years. The food is hypoallergenic, lamb meat takes up 42% of the total components, rice is used as a side dish - 36%, another 3% is dried apple and fish oil. Brit food is rich in important nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and has an acceptable amount of calcium and phosphorus in its composition, which ensures the strength of the animal's bones and cartilage. Consuming this product has a positive effect on the digestive system.

Many consider the advantages of Brit to be its nutritional value and satiety, as well as the presence of a large amount of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. The obvious disadvantage is its limited use - it is only suitable for dogs of a specific age and weight category.

Brit Care Junior Large Breed Lamb Rice

Composition of premium feed

You shouldn't skimp on dog food if you care about the fate of your pet. Cheap food cannot be used constantly, and it is highly likely to cause an ambiguous reaction in the dog, for example, allergies or indigestion, problems with the digestive tract and intestines. It is better to spend a little more money, but buy premium food, than to spend money later on going to the veterinarian with your animal.

Contains safe components:

  • Squirrels . This is often poultry; some products contain lamb meat and even exotic species such as kangaroo meat, ostrich meat and camel meat.
  • Fats . Fats of animal or vegetable origin are used. Omega fatty acids obtained from fish oil are of particular value.
  • Carbohydrates . Good foods include barley, oatmeal and oats, which are indicated for animals with allergies. Cheap ones often use wheat and corn - these are allergens that can cause problems for your dog.
  • Cellulose . Represented by vegetables, fruits, and in some products, berries. Fiber is necessary for the normal absorption of other macronutrients.
  • Vitamins . The most important are vitamins A, C, E and B.
  • Minerals . Zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and other minerals important for maintaining health.
  • Preservatives. Found along with antioxidants. Buy food in which these components are of natural origin.

Important: if you are buying food of a certain type and brand for the first time, do not immediately buy a large package. Take the minimum amount available and give it to your pet. If the dog consumes it without dissatisfaction or allergies, you can buy a full package. Otherwise, you will have to throw away a large amount of food if it is not suitable for the dog. Many manufacturers offer small food packages of several hundred grams.

№7 – Grandorf 4 Meat & Brown Rice All breeds

Price: 680 rubles

Nutritious food containing large quantities of four types of meat: rabbit, duck, lamb and turkey. This is a dry product with a low grain content and no GMOs. It contains no artificial colors or chemicals; the food is suitable for pets susceptible to allergens and sensitive to non-natural ingredients, since it contains only natural substances. Only natural dyes and flavors are also used. It is suitable for pets of any breed and can be used from one year old. Constant consumption of Grandorf food ensures your pet's silky and thick coat, as well as the durability of its joints. The food fills the nutritious diet with the energy necessary for the activity of the animal, and is easily digested by any, even particularly susceptible intestines.

Independent experts consider the advantages of Grandrorf to be its natural composition with an abundance of meat and many useful substances, the list of which includes chondroprotectors, as well as excellent digestibility of the feed. The disadvantage of the product is its considerable price.

Grandorf 4 Meat Brown Rice

ProNature Original

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:2.7 kg – 900 rub.
6 kg – 1900 rub.

20 kg – from 4000 rub.

Standard inexpensive food, which still does not reach the super-premium class. The manufacturer specifies 20% chicken and turkey flour content. As practice shows, there is almost no meat in this percentage. Giblets, bones and skins are used, which do not provide the required amount of protein and nutritional value. In addition, the production lists corn oil and gluten. Otherwise, the food is no different from similar ones and contains the necessary vitamin complex.

Pros : low cost, abundance, lack of preservatives, natural flavors. Cons : high corn content, low meat content, questionable composition.

Customer Reviews

#6 – Hill's Science Plan Canine Adult Small & Miniature Lamb with Rice

Price: 840 rubles

Hill's dog food is designed for mini breeds. The natural components included in its composition ensure proper digestion, oral health and clean skin of the pet, and antioxidants increase the dog’s immunity and life expectancy. To care for the oral cavity, manufacturers have developed special crunchy granules that pets simply adore. Lamb meat occupies 11% of the composition, the same share belongs to brown and white rice. It contains a lot of cereals, flaxseeds, vegetables and fruits. The food can be used for dogs aged from one to six years.

The advantage of the product is its effectiveness, the presence of fiber, easy digestibility, a lot of proteins and a pleasant taste. Negative aspects include high cost and limited application.

Hill's Science Plan Canine Adult Small Miniature Lamb with Rice


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Germany
Feed price:
  • 2 kg – 1600 rub.
  • 7.5 kg – 4300 rub.
  • 15 kg – 6400 rub.

Quite a young food, it appeared in Russia only in 2010. It attracted attention with its unusual variety of food lines and names. The fact is that the company is focused on standard adult dogs, without deviations or diseases. Divided according to guidelines into sizes. There is a separate line for puppies.

This is a high-quality holistic product with a high percentage of protein (30-40%), which means that it is suitable only for active pets. The first place in the composition is occupied by sweet potato (potatoes), which is not entirely correct. Then comes game meat, namely meat, not flour and offal. Venison is used to a greater extent. Dried fruits and vegetables are sources of fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Advantages - rich natural composition, high percentage of meat, lack of preservatives and flavors. Disadvantages : not widespread, expensive, low fiber content.

Customer Reviews

№5 – Farmina Vet Life Canine UltraHypo

Price: 1240 rubles

Farmina is a dry food for dogs with allergies, the main component of which is fish. The exclusivity of this product lies in the use of only high-quality raw materials for production and the latest technological equipment, which allows preserving the beneficial properties of the ingredients used. The food is enriched with proteins that provide the animal with energy, and fish oil helps relieve irritation and restores damaged areas of the dog’s coat. The carbohydrate source here is rice starch. Farmina food has medicinal properties, so it is good to use them as a medicine to eliminate the effects of allergies and prevent their recurrence.

The advantage of this product, which ranks in the middle of our TOP 10, is its pronounced therapeutic effect: the natural ingredients and prebiotics in the composition serve to ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and maintain the functioning of the immune system. The cost of the feed is quite high, but its effectiveness and quality justify it.

Farmina Vet Life Canine UltraHypo


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Germany
Feed price:
  • 1 kg – 400-600 rub.
  • 5 kg – 1950-2400 rub.
  • 15 kg – 4960-5600 rub.

German food with a wide range for different breeds, ages, activity levels . There are separate lines for pregnant, elderly and sick animals. The product is suitable for holistic people. The approved composition indicates 50-70% protein content and natural meat products.

The main ingredients of the food: poultry and fish, vegetable fats, cereal substitute (amaranth), brewer's yeast, herring flour. Chia seeds and a selection of dried herbs are mixed in as additives. The advantage is that the company produces a really wide range of products with different protein options.

Lack of food - negative reactions of pets: diarrhea, vomiting, gas, bloating. Customers have complained that kibble in the mini dog ranges are too large. In addition, the product is difficult to purchase in Russia.

Customer Reviews

No. 4 – Bosch Sensitive Lamb & Rice

Price: 1500 rubles

Dry hypoallergenic food from the German company Bosch. This brand produces super premium food of high quality. The ingredients included in the composition are completely natural, so they can be used even by humans. The food does not contain chemicals, artificial colors, flavors and GMOs. The main component is fresh lamb meat, the share of which is 20%. 37% comes from the source of carbohydrates – rice. The composition contains a small amount of potatoes, vegetables, flaxseed, animal and fish oil.

Consumption of food reduces itching, inflammation, redness of the skin, stops shedding, and gives the coat shine and thickness. Prebiotics ensure normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The disadvantages include the cost of the product. Bosch Sensitive can be given to adult dogs of any breed.

Bosch Sensitive Lamb Rice

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Premium food is highly rated in terms of manufacturing quality and is affordable for many budgets.
  2. For each breed of dog there is an individual food that contains certain proportions for a healthy diet.
  3. Many foods contain a wide variety of products that are used in the production of food, to reliably find out whether this premium food is suitable for your pet, you need to consult a veterinarian.
  4. To switch your friend to a portioned diet, it takes time to change taste preferences and organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, gradually start adding the premium food you have chosen to your usual diet and watch your pet’s reaction. If it is digested well and your dog’s mood is cheerful and cheerful, then you can fully feed it with dry or wet premium food.

#3 – GO! Sensitivity + Shine Salmon Dog Recipe

Price: 1656 rubles

Dry food for dogs of all ages and breeds, which does not contain grains. The main protein source of food is fish, which allows the product to be consumed by animals with a sensitive digestive system. It is easily digestible and does not cause allergic reactions in the pet. The food components do not contain gluten, by-products, preservatives or chemicals. There is also no dangerous, difficult to digest or allergenic protein. Only salmon meat, which is an excellent source of protein and serves to enrich the dog’s body with essential omega-3 and omega-6 substances.

The advantages of GO food are natural ingredients, taking into account the needs of the animal at an early stage of development, and a hypoallergenic composition. We consider the disadvantage to be the complete absence of carbohydrates, which dogs still need, and the considerable price of the product.

GO! Sensitivity + Shine Salmon Dog Recipe


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 2.3 kg – 1800 rub.
  • 6.8 kg – 3000-4000 rub.
  • 13 kg – 6800 rub.

The most expensive holistic food supplied to Russia. A feature of the production is the approved slogan, the essence of which is that the food is based on a natural nutrition formula. This means that the dog will receive the same substances that it could obtain in the wild. A distinctive feature is the high protein content (30-40%), some veterinarians consider this harmful. On the other hand, a dog is a predator. The products are good for large active breeds, although there are separate products for small pets.

The composition is replete with meat: chicken meat, chicken meal, liver, herring, turkey (fresh fillet only); as additives - cartilage, hearts, fresh eggs. Carbohydrates include red and green lentils, peas, and sweet potatoes.

The advantages of the food are clear - high-quality ingredients, fresh meat, absence of preservatives and low-quality carbohydrates. Disadvantages - suitable only for active animals, not recommended for allergy sufferers, low fiber content and high cost.

Customer Reviews

#2 – NOW FRESH Grain Free Small Breed All Ages Recipe Dog Food

Price: 1520 rubles

Dry food, also free of grains, intended for puppies and adult dogs of small breeds. NOW Fresh brand food is developed taking into account the needs of pets of different ages. The food includes a large number of components - about forty-six of them, as well as several vitamins and minerals. The manufacturer uses only natural substances and fresh products in the production of feed. The main protein component of Fresh is turkey fillet.

The advantage of this product is that the production takes into account the needs of small animals specifically. This allows you to choose the optimal and balanced diet for them. The food does not contain meat flour, hard-to-digest beef, grains, gluten or by-products. At the same time, flavorings and flavor enhancers are present only in small quantities.

NOW FRESH Grain Free Small Breed All Ages Recipe Dog Food

Basic principles of feeding

By following the basic rules for feeding your pet, you will eliminate the possibility of your friend getting sick.

Dogs often like to eat when they are already full and can overeat their daily caloric intake per meal, so it is important to maintain the standard daily portion at different times of the year. We will find out the standard weight norm for your dog breed, how many calories are needed per day and put it on a diet.

Dogs do not smell food well, focusing primarily on smell, so an important criterion when choosing premium food is aromatic additives, for example, natural chicken liver in many products, which is indispensable for your pet to eat the day’s food with appetite.

The digestion of food in dogs is much faster than in humans, and therefore, in order to keep your pet full and healthy, it is better to feed it in small portions 3-4 times a day.

Dogs' stomachs are not able to fully digest some foods in order to obtain the necessary benefits of vitamins, and therefore manufacturers often include a complex of minerals for joint health, coat preservation, etc.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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