Decorative breed with long straight hair Biro York: description and characteristics

There is hardly a lover of small companion dogs who can resist the charm of the Yorkshire Terrier. A small dog with a cute face and soft, plush-like fur is common in many European countries, America and Russia.

Time is unable to influence a person’s attachment to Yorkshire terriers, just as it is unable to stop talented breeders working with this breed. In 2004, the list of varieties of charming pets was added to one more line - Biro York.

History of the origin of the breed

Biro Yorkies are a fairly young breed; the first dogs with this color were born in 2004. First, a white-chocolate puppy was born from a Biewer Terrier, which belonged to the breeder B. Resner. After some time, history repeated itself, but with another breeder, R. Cyrus.

Biro York - a new variety of Yorkie

Both breeders liked the unusual dog coloring so much that they decided to continue the experiment and breed a new breed with chocolate-white fur. She received her name from the names of the breeders who bred her - Bee (Birger) Ro (Robert) York.

Disadvantages of purebred dogs

To exhibit a pet, it is necessary that its appearance fully meets the breeding requirements. Biewers and biros sometimes have the following deviations from the breed norms:

  • light eyes;
  • lop-eared;
  • predominance of white in color or color similar to the Yorkshire Terrier;
  • missing teeth, distorted jaw;
  • too sparse or curly coat.

When choosing a Biro or Biewer Yorkie, you should carefully read the breeder’s reputation and reviews of his work and the pedigree of the puppy’s parents.

Appearance Features

Golddust York Terrier (golden): description

Biro Yorkshire Terriers are very attractive, and the description of the breed fully confirms this. These small dogs have a proportional build and a neat muzzle. More detailed characteristics are given in the table.

Weight and heightNormal weight ranges from 2.8 to 3.2 kg. Height can vary from 18 to 23 cm.
Body typeProportional. The back is straight, the stomach is flat. The tail is covered with hair and pointed upward.
HeadThe size of the head is proportional to the body. The erect ears are small and covered with hair. The nose is brown. Scissor bite. The eyes are small with a black border on the eyelid.
WoolLong and thick. There is no undercoat.
ColorThe white color of the coat is combined with chocolate spots or stripes.

Important! The Biro York dog breed is not yet officially registered, so external characteristics can be taken as an approximate standard.

Biro Yorkies are very attractive in appearance

Biewer Yorkies

A German breeder named Biewer gave the world these charming, fluffy ball-like dogs in 1987, naming the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la pom-pom in his honor. Within a couple of years, the German Dog Lovers Club registered the breed as an independent breed; in Russia it has been officially recognized since 2009.

Excellent companions, cute Biewer Yorkies are happy to accompany the owner without burdening him, because the weight of the Biewer is 2-3 kg, and the height does not exceed 22-27 cm.

Character and behavioral characteristics

Parson Russell Terrier: description of the dog breed

Despite their small size, Biro Yorkies are very brave and courageous dogs. They fiercely protect their owner and actively respond to danger with a loud bark. Sometimes these brave little ones can rush even a larger dog without thinking about the difference in size.

Representatives of the breed can be called excellent companions. They are attached to the owner, feel his mood and can adapt to him. Biro Yorkies do not tolerate separation well and even within an apartment they prefer to be close to a person. Also, these dogs are very friendly and get along well not only with their relatives, but also with all members of the household.

Character of Biewer York - description of the breed

Biewers are ideal companion dogs. They are ready to be close to family members around the clock and take part in all family matters with pleasure. Dogs quickly become attached to all members of the household and are happy to receive love and give it in return. The breed is incredibly loyal. The dogs get bored without their person, look forward to their owner’s return from work, and are joyfully greeted at the doorstep.

Cheerful, affectionate and very inquisitive animals that look like a beautiful fluffy toy are excellent antidepressants. It's impossible to get bored with them. Three-colored dogs have a stable psyche. One of the positive traits that these animals have is balance. However, do not forget that these are still terriers, so they may have bouts of stubbornness and outbursts of temperament.

From terriers, these animals inherited the brave heart of a lion and fearlessness. They don't know that they look like plush toys, so they boldly rush to protect their family members, protecting them from strangers who seem suspicious to them. But at the same time, dogs are not aggressive. Aggression is a disqualifying fault for this breed.

What character traits make beavers family favorites:

  1. Devotion.
  2. Positive attitude.
  3. Lovingness.
  4. Cheerful temperament.
  5. Curiosity.
  6. Activity.
  7. Loyal attitude towards children and other pets.
  8. High level of intelligence.

Important: do not leave your pets alone for a long time; they need constant attention and communication. Longing for people makes them nervous and moody.

Education and training

Tibetan Terrier: description of the dog breed

Do not think that such decorative varieties of dogs do not require training. Like all other dogs, they need to know a set of necessary commands.

Important! Raising a pet should start from puppyhood.

You need to raise a pet from a young age

This process involves getting used to a daily routine, walking, learning commands and socialization. It’s worth learning more about each:

  • daily regime. After the puppy gets into the house, it is necessary to accustom him to a certain daily routine and rules of behavior that must be followed. This applies to places to sleep and eat, duration and frequency of walks. Of course, as the dog grows up, some points will change, but from childhood the dog should be taught discipline;
  • learning commands. For a little Biro, it will be enough to learn a few simple commands, such as “Sit”, “Come”, “Stay” and “No”. They are necessary for comfortable coexistence between owner and pet. You should start by practicing commands at home and gradually get used to executing them while walking;
  • socialization. Biro Yorkies are very sociable and friendly, but lack of socialization can cause the dog to grow up to be cowardly. This will cause the owner and pet a lot of problems in the future. You need to introduce your dog to its relatives and other people from a young age. If you plan to travel with your four-legged friend in the future, then you should gradually accustom the puppy to cars, transport and crowded places.

Raising a puppy is not easy work. Due to their active and playful nature, Biro Yorkies are fidgety. This makes training more difficult, and learning may be slower than desired.

Note! Before learning commands, you should teach your puppy concentration. This implies the dog's ability to focus all its attention on the person without being distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Basic command training

A Yorkie puppy can master the commands “Come” and “Place” at a very early age (from 2 months). The training procedure does not require complex manipulations. As mentioned earlier, you need to start training in a familiar environment.

"To me"

When inviting your pet for the first feeding, you should loudly and clearly say the name and the command “Come to me.” Feeling the fragrant smells coming from the kitchen, the pet will come running immediately. If the training is carried out at every feeding, the Yorkie will quickly remember the command, which can then be practiced during walks in the fresh air.

Don't despair if your pet ignores the command the first time. It is necessary to say it loudly again and, upon successful completion, give a reward in the form of a treat.


To prevent the puppy from constantly fussing under your feet, on the very first day you need to show him his personal place (bed, bedding, house). Having played enough, the tired child is carefully taken to his place with the words: “Place, my dear, place.” After some time, the baby will independently fulfill this request.

"Sit and Lie"

The next most difficult commands are “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Walk”. You need to constantly train your puppy. The first time, at the level of reflexes, he will sit on command if the owner interests him with a treat and places his hand behind the pet’s head. It is worth repeating the exercise several times.

Before you start teaching the “Lie Down” command, you should understand the latter well. A Yorkie will lie down without hesitation (from a sitting position) if you entice him with a treat, lowering him down. When finishing a walk on a leash, the owner can release the pet with the encouraging words “Walk.”

From the age of six months, pets must follow the “Fetch” command. Many Yorkie puppies at a young age happily run after toys - squeakers, balls. Having heard the words “Give”, the baby should, without hesitation, give the toy to the owner, who in return rewards him with his favorite treat.

"Nickname of York"

As soon as the puppy arrives at his home, he needs to be named something. You need to come up with a nickname in advance, even before it appears; the shorter and clearer it sounds, the better

Repeat the name - constantly, pet it, calling it by name, attract attention, gradually he will begin to perceive the nickname as his name


The command “fu” and “no” are two different commands. “Fu” is an indicator of disapproval for a dog; such a command is given on the street if the animal picks up garbage or takes a treat from a stranger.

"It is forbidden"

A command indicating prohibited actions that must be stopped immediately. It is given clearly, clearly and with serious intonation. The animal must know that it will be followed by punishment for failure to comply.


An important command, when pronouncing it, you need to pull the leash towards you, unless it happens to be pulled with a stronger jerk, sharply and accurately. The dog must be on the left side of the owner, at least 30 - 40 cm, be careful when jerking, the Yorkie is a miniature dog, you may not calculate the strength.


The dog is located on the left side of the owner, the leash itself is held in the right hand, supported only by the left. The command to sit is given, after which give the command to “stand” by lifting your stomach with your hand; as soon as he stands up, praise him and give him a treat.

Features of care

The coat of the Biro Yorkie requires the most attention. It should be washed 2 times a month, combed daily and cut periodically. After bathing, you should dry your dog with a hairdryer, otherwise the fur will look untidy, and the pet itself may catch a cold.

Wool requires special care

It is also necessary to regularly monitor the condition of your ears and teeth. If there is the slightest change in their condition, you should contact your veterinarian. It is worth examining your eyes periodically to prevent inflammation.


The diet can be made up of natural products or dry food and canned food. It is compiled at the discretion of the owner, but in any case, the main condition is balance.

Important! Dry food should be at least premium, which is intended for small breed dogs. It is advisable to choose those that do not contain wheat, as it can cause allergies.

A diet of natural products should include meat, cereals, fish, dairy and vegetables. Fruit can be given occasionally, but caution should be exercised regarding citrus fruits. By-products can supplement the diet, but not more than once a week.


The Biro dog feels great in an apartment and can go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter box. But this does not mean that the dog should be locked up. She needs activity and fresh air for full development.

Activity and fresh air are essential

You should take your pet for a walk 2 times a day for at least 30-40 minutes. It is advisable to find friends for the pet among its relatives, this will allow the dog to run around and play enough. Yorkies are very active and need regular exercise.

Where do they come from?

Breeders of the breed tend to agree. Chocolate color is nothing more than a weakened black gene. Therefore, previously such puppies were sold as breeding marriages. Breeders were embarrassed by the appearance of defective offspring among elite parents.

At the moment, the chocolate-colored Yorkshire Terrier (pictured), born from purebred parents, is a real exclusive.

The American Kennel Club recognizes such dogs as rare and valuable. In Russia, unfortunately, they do not yet have sufficient value and are not welcome in the rings. But this does not at all detract from the merits of unusual doggies.

Life expectancy and health

Representatives of the Biro York breed can safely be called the longest-livers among dogs. Their average life expectancy exceeds 14 years. With proper care, some pets live up to 17 years.

These miniature dogs have good health and rarely get sick. The only health drawback is the high likelihood of allergic reactions. Pathologies of the breed also include hypoglycemia and hip dysplasia, but there are not many cases.

Note! To keep your pet healthy, it is necessary to undergo annual vaccination. Small breeds are particularly susceptible to infectious diseases, and in some cases can be fatal.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

The first vaccination is given to the puppy at the age of 2 months. The baby is given a comprehensive vaccine against the most dangerous infections for dogs. Within a few days after vaccination, there may be an increase in body temperature, diarrhea, and a decrease in activity.

Revaccination against the same diseases is done every other month. 10 days after the second vaccination, the dog can be taken outside. A Yorkie is vaccinated against rabies after all teeth have been replaced, at the age of 6–8 months.

Next, revaccination is done when the Yorkshire Terrier turns 12 months old.

The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, like many other small breeds, is considered a long-liver. With good care and initially good health, he can live up to 15 years. However, the tiny dog ​​is prone to a number of diseases:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Dermatitis.
  3. Necrosis of the femoral head.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Pancreatitis.
  6. Problems with the liver and kidneys.

Choosing a puppy

The Biro York is a fairly young breed, but many kennels in different countries are already breeding these dogs. There are such breeders in Russia. Buying a puppy involves several steps:

  1. Choosing a nursery. It is worth finding as many breeders as possible who breed this breed. It is necessary to evaluate the experience of the owners, review information about the dogs in the kennel and, if possible, check the availability of the necessary certificates and documents for the animals.
  2. Having decided on the choice of nursery, you should first meet with the breeders for a personal conversation. Even a short conversation will help you understand how much a person loves and knows his business.
  3. After a personal meeting, you can begin choosing a dog. In addition to external qualities, it is worth paying attention to the behavior of the puppy. He should be playful and active.

A healthy puppy should be active

Important! Don't rush and immediately buy the first puppy you like. Careful selection of your future pet is the key to a comfortable future living together with him. Congenital defects or behavioral problems can become a big problem in the future for both the owner and the dog.

Where to buy a dog?

There are several nurseries in Russia that specialize in breeding chocolates. You can also buy chocolate mini Yorkshire terriers. The photo is presented below.

The price starts from 50,000 rubles. The higher an animal is valued, the more expensive it is. The cost of the baby is not affected by the reluctance of the future owner to engage in breeding or attend exhibitions.

Price range

The Biro Yorkie breed has appeared recently, and for this reason there are not many puppies for sale. This is the reason for the rather high prices for babies - from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.* Such a large range is due to a lot of factors that affect the cost. This includes the availability of documents, coloring features, and the reputation of the nursery.

Important! You should not save money and buy a puppy secondhand. There is a very high probability of becoming a victim of deception and buying a purebred dog at a high price.

Price and owner reviews

It is difficult to name the exact price, given how rare this breed is, and ten clubs are scattered throughout Europe and America and are actually considered closed.

To read: A cheerful pet with a sad look: getting to know the basset hound

In this case, it is not enough to have money; you also need serious connections in canine circles in order to be able to come to an agreement, get in line for a baby and not stand in this line for ten years. Let's hope that in the coming years Biro York will become available to mere mortals.

Feedback and recommendations from the leading dog handler of the ElRo kennel, Nikiforov Eduard Petrovich, who has been working with Yorkshire terriers for 10 years:

“Keeping a rare breed animal at home is a serious responsibility, especially if you are not a professional. Big money is not always able to solve problems, and Biro Yorks should be especially carefully looked after. This is a new breed, born through natural mutation, and it is not yet completely clear what features other than coat color may be revealed.”

Pros and cons of the breed

Cute Biro Yorkies have already won the hearts of many dog ​​lovers. This breed combines all the advantages of Yorkies, complementing them with high decorative qualities.

The Biro Yorkie breed has many advantages.

The advantages of the breed include:

  • attractive appearance;
  • friendly and playful character;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • high life expectancy;
  • good health;
  • ability to get along with children.

It is very difficult to find flaws among the qualities of Biro Yorkies. There are practically none. The only difficulty is the need for constant coat care, but this issue is easily resolved by haircuts.

The Biro Yorkshire Terrier is a young breed that is already very popular among lovers of small dogs. These beautiful, obedient and loyal dogs can be excellent companions for both families with children and the elderly.

*Prices in the article are for January 2022.

Such different Yorkshire terriers

Breed recognition for Yorkshire Terriers came in the 19th century. Yorkies were created by crossing Skye Terriers, Manchester Terriers, and possibly the Maltese. Over time, 9 variants of Yorkie coat color appeared, and tri-colored dogs became very popular.

Biewer and Biro Yorkies are prominent representatives of the group of companion dogs. Unlike active hunters, Yorkshire terriers, Biewers and Biro are exclusively decorative breeds. In addition, they have an important property - the coat of these types of dogs is hypoallergenic, they practically do not shed, so they can be adopted by people with various allergies.

If, in the eyes of a layman, the differences between the breeds are barely noticeable, then a specialist will immediately determine what makes these cute dogs unique.

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