Pedigree dog food: reviews, composition analysis, price

Does your family have a puppy? Congratulations, you can consider this another child who requires attention and love. How should this be expressed? High-quality food and regular walks are the key to proper growth and development. Today we will talk about Pedigree food for puppies. Feedback from veterinarians on this issue is mixed. Some advise switching your pet exclusively to a ready-made diet, while others, on the contrary, recommend buying natural products. Who is right, let's try to figure it out together.

The beginning of time

Today we will talk about feeding puppies. The period of active growth, which begins at one month of age and lasts until about a year, is a defining stage in the life of the animal. Making sure your puppy gets enough protein, fats, vitamins and minerals will determine how healthy he grows up. A lack of any important element in the future will result in a chronic disease that will have to be treated long and difficult. Therefore, it is not so important whether you decide to give your puppy meat and cereal or commercial ready-made food. Does Pedigree puppy food meet these criteria? Reviews suggest that most veterinarians do not agree with this.

About the manufacturer

The manufacturer gave its products an interesting name, “pedigree” is translated from English as “thoroughbred”, “pedigree”, “having a pedigree”. The release of food under this name dates back to 1957, based on Chappie diets. In Russia, sales began in 1992. Initially, deliveries were made from factories in Germany. Currently, dog food is produced at Russian factories located in the Moscow Region.

Pedigree Petfood is a subsidiary of Mars Incorporated; the corporation takes an active part in organizing professional dog shows and actively supports charitable projects in the field of animal welfare.

General description of feed

Before filling his pet's bowl, a loving owner should ask what exactly the food is. And even more so if we are talking about industrial, finished products. This composition allows you to track how much nutrients your pet will receive.

"Pedigree" refers to economy class food. That is, there can be no talk of high quality, no matter what the advertising tells us. If it contains meat, it is only in small quantities. You don't even need to perform complex analyzes to understand this. Just look at the composition. Meat components are not listed in first place, which proves their insignificant content. As a rule, we are talking about cheaper components, which make this food much more accessible to buyers. At the same time, a balance of nutrients and minerals is maintained.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of economy class dog food Pedigri include:

  • low cost, which is due to the composition;
  • availability in stores;
  • the presence of a complex mineral supplement that has a rich composition for food of this class;
  • a wide range, including canned food, pouches, snacks, special products for cleaning teeth - “Denta Stix”.


  • contains a small proportion of meat ingredients;
  • the percentage of ingredients is not indicated;
  • the presence of by-products in large quantities without indicating their name;
  • low-quality cereals are in the first positions of recipes;
  • poor composition.

Puppy ruler

Often it is the large selection and adaptation for each specific age that is noted in the reviews. Pedigri food for puppies is divided into three breed categories: for small breeds, medium and large. Each of them also differs in age:

  • For babies aged three weeks and older.
  • For menstruation and two months.
  • Six months old.
  • For teenagers aged 8 months.
  • For juniors, 12 months.

Each composition should be optimally suited to the tasks of a particular age. It is assumed that the puppy does not need to give anything else; inside the package there is everything that is needed for its development.

"First feeding"

This is dry food that can be given to babies starting from the third week of life. In most cases, puppies cannot yet chew crackers, so it is recommended to soak them in warm water. In rare cases, you can replace water with milk, but you need to monitor your bowel movements.

The weight of the package is 600 g, and in the first stages it is used very economically. Doctors recommend starting to offer puppies literally one granule at a time. The food is created taking into account the digestive characteristics of puppies of this age. By alternating it with cereals and fresh minced meat, you can create an optimal diet that will allow you to smoothly transition from breast milk to solid food. This is very convenient for the owner, because you don’t have to prepare a small amount of fresh porridge every time.

Feeding rules

A well-designed diet and diet for a dog is the key to keeping it healthy. The food that people eat often harms animals, because the dog’s body is not adapted to its normal absorption.

Nutrition should be balanced. It should contain the required amount of useful ingredients that are necessary for the dog’s well-being.

If the owner prefers natural food, then it is important to correctly calculate the dog’s daily diet. It should be compiled so that it is varied and meets the needs of the animal. In this case, the pet needs to be given vitamin supplements regularly. His diet should be high in calories and easily digestible.

The most convenient for the owner and the best for the dog is the use of special ready-made food. The advantage of this type is that it takes into account the characteristics of animals. The Pedigree food line provides a good choice for the consumer.

Manufacturer's feeding recommendations are located on each package and are distributed according to your pet's weight. Owners should pay attention to the fact that one of the conditions for optimal nutrition will be a combination of dry and wet diets. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the dog, its temperament and the conditions in which it is kept.

For puppies

A growing body needs much more nutrients than an adult dog. Babies' food should contain the amount required for proper development and growth. Using the Pedigree line, veterinarians recommend switching the animal from 2 months to a special dry food that promotes its normal development and strengthening the immune system. Along with this, it is advisable to add a wet diet created for this age group.

From six months onwards, the diet changes. In particular, for puppies of large and giant breeds, you need to use a different special food, since these dogs continue to actively grow. They need proper nutrition to develop their musculoskeletal system. At the same time, wet food is still combined with dry food.

For adult dogs

In the diet of an adult dog, it is necessary to take into account its physiological characteristics, activity, age, and living conditions. Nutrition should be balanced.

With a mixed diet, the types of diets should be alternated, without using them simultaneously in 1 meal.

Your pet should always have constant access to a container of clean and fresh water.

Universal option

There is a good food "Pedigree" for puppies of all breeds. These are delicious chicken-flavored pieces. The food is specially created for puppies aged two months and older, taking into account the needs of your pet. It includes meat, vegetables and grains. Its composition is as follows:

  • chicken meal;
  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • beet pulp;
  • corn;
  • meat flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • animal fat;
  • additives, brewer's yeast, minerals and vitamins.

Thanks to this, the food promotes healthy growth and harmonious development of your puppy.

Pedigree food line

Dog food includes dry and wet food. In addition, owners are offered healthy treats to choose from. The advantage of diets is the gradation according to the size and age of the pets.

A staple of dog nutrition, Pedigree dry food contains fiber to aid digestion. And each granule helps maintain the normal condition of the oral cavity, because it is formed in such a way as to help clean the animal’s teeth.

On average, the price range of dry food is from 120 to 160 rubles. per kg. Packaging allows the buyer to choose a convenient volume.

Wet food, which is close to natural nutrition, is no less healthy. It is not as high in calories as dry food, and this helps control the dog’s weight and prevent overfeeding. And a significant amount of moisture has a beneficial effect on the dog’s urinary tract. The cost of 1 serving of such a diet with a volume of 85-100 g is on average 20 rubles. per package.

Dry food

This type is presented for adult dogs in various versions, and for puppies in several diets, but with a single chicken taste. An indication of the size of the breed the pet belongs to and its age will help you make the right decision.


Currently in Russia, the manufacturer offers 2 types of dry food “Pedigree” with poultry flavor:

  1. For puppies of all breeds from 2 months. When preparing the nutrition, the specifics of the baby’s body and their need for an active increase in growth and normal development were taken into account. The food is easily digested, and the dog receives the nutrients it needs, including vitamins (E, group B), zinc and omega-3-6 fatty acids.
  2. From 6 months. This diet is formulated taking into account the specific body structure of large animals and giant breeds. The formation of the musculoskeletal system in such pets must be carried out correctly and evenly. As in the previous form, the nutrition includes the required microelements and vitamins in the proper balance and quantity. In addition, it is enriched with glucosamine, as well as acids: omega 3 and 6.

Veterinarians recommend the use of these foods for whelping and lactating bitches, because they need more energy.

Food for large breeds

It’s one thing if your pet’s genes are determined to become a tiny dog ​​weighing up to 5 kilograms. And it’s completely different when it’s a Caucasian Shepherd or Great Dane. The growth rate is so fantastic that it requires huge amounts of nutrients. Therefore, the composition of Pedigree food for large breed puppies was created taking into account these needs.

This is a high-calorie, highly digestible diet that allows the puppy to grow healthy and strong. It is designed for dogs aged 6 months and older. Now active growth and development begin. Let's note the main features:

  • The manufacturer monitors the balance of calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary for healthy dental development.
  • The composition includes linoleic acid, zinc and B vitamins, which are essential for healthy skin and coat.
  • The high fiber content optimizes digestion.
  • Vitamin E and zinc support the immune system.

Pedigree food for large breed puppies can be a good solution for a busy owner, but it must be remembered that there is no meat in the composition, and the stated vitamins are often only available on the packaging. Therefore, it is best if you leave your puppy dry during the day and give him quality meat in the evening. In this case, you don’t have to worry about your pet’s development.

But the quality of the food is not at all as bad as reviews sometimes claim. Pedigree food for large breed puppies includes the following ingredients:

  • corn;
  • chicken meal;
  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • beet pulp;
  • meat flour;
  • vitamin supplements.

Reviews from dog breeders

Our dog is allergic and picky, his digestion is very sensitive, so the search for suitable food took more than one year. Having tried a lot of expensive and cheap options, one day we decided to buy Pedigree food for him. After the treat there were no adverse reactions, but rather the opposite. The stool returned to normal, the eyes stopped running, the smell from the mouth disappeared. The dog is active and joyful and has stopped begging from the table.

Alexandra, amateur dog breeder

I inherited a small hunting dog of the Border Terrier breed. I don't have time to cook porridge, so I wanted to find suitable food. When choosing, I was guided by the composition and price, so I settled on Pedigree. When I finally introduced this food into my diet, I did not notice any negative reactions. The dog runs and jumps. There is no bad breath, my teeth are cleaner. Everything is fine with my stomach and digestion. The food suited my dog ​​one hundred percent.

Alexander, Border Terrier owner

My Malamutes have been eating Pedigree for 8 years now, they are healthy and beautiful. I breed Malamutes for sledding, so it is important that the puppies have strong joints, good muscles, and excellent digestion. Pedigree for large dogs and large breed puppies helps me raise such puppies. In this price range there are no foods of similar quality to Pedigri and with the same set of functions.

Mangusheva Elena, professional breeder

Food for miniature breeds

This line includes crackers and canned goods. The choice is up to the owners. Dry food lasts longer, doesn't spoil during the day, and helps your pet's jaw develop, so it has its benefits. We will not list the ingredients; the manufacturer indicates similar ingredients.

But doubts may arise here. Miniature, pocket dogs are usually creatures with a very problematic metabolism. They physically cannot eat enough to meet their body's energy needs. Therefore, they require special food, which is an energy concentrate. The composition, where corn comes first, does not fit this description.

Beef korma

Chicken-based varieties were described above. But some animals have an allergic reaction to this type of meat. It doesn’t matter, there is Pedigree food for puppies with beef. The advertisement says that this is a complete formula that is created taking into account the needs of small dogs. But let’s not dwell on the promises, but consider the composition:

  • In first place is corn. Despite its high calorie content, this product is very modest in its nutritional value.
  • Rice is a source of carbohydrates, which is where its beneficial properties end.
  • Wheat.
  • Chicken meal.
  • Meat flour. Only in fifth place, despite the fact that the food contains beef. And what is the raw material for it is not reported.
  • Beet pulp.

Veterinarians say that it is not recommended to completely switch a puppy to a food that contains a huge amount of grains.

Advantages of Pedigree food compared to other foods

Any dog ​​food has some advantages compared to other foods. Pedigree dry dog ​​food has a very wide range compared to other foods. In addition to dry food, the line includes wet food, as well as various treats.

REFERENCE! The Pedigree food line includes 9 varieties of dry food, 10 varieties of wet food and 9 varieties of treats. The line of treats highlights those that help care for teeth (denta stix pedigree for dogs).

In addition, the advantage of Pedigree food is that the food differs depending on the dog’s age and breed. It is easy for dog owners to choose the necessary food that is suitable for their dog. A significant advantage of Pedigree food is the presence in the line of food for puppies from the age of three months, with the help of which a soft transition is made from mother's milk to industrial food.

Wet food

If you have become the proud owner of a baby Yorkie, you have probably thought about what you will feed him. You need to start from what the breeder fed him. But if the choice fell on buying ready-made products, then it is best to choose Pedigree wet food for Yorkie puppies. Reviews say that the package contains thick jelly with pieces that look like meat. At the same time, veterinarians claim that giving clean meat to the baby will be cheaper and healthier for the puppy’s body.

Let's take as an example the Pedigri food for puppies with beef in sauce (85g). Reviews often note that puppies happily eat bag after bag. Does it contain meat? Studying the packaging, you can only find a proud inscription that the beef content is at least 4%. And this despite the fact that a puppy needs at least 70% meat in its diet. Therefore, veterinarians note that Pedigree food for puppies with beef in sauce (85g) can be used as a treat or snack on the road.

The composition of wet food cannot be called bad or harmful, but grain crops predominate in it. In addition, they contain thickeners, dyes, and flavorings, which makes them not at all as attractive as the advertisement makes them out to be. And if you count the cost of the bags needed to feed your pet for a month, then the amount is not so small. You can stock up on meat, cereals and vegetables, which will provide your pet with quality nutrition. In this case, the amount will be identical.

Advantages and disadvantages

After a detailed analysis of the line and composition, it is possible to identify the pros and cons of feed produced by Pedigree.


  • Among the advantages, the first place is, of course, its low price, thanks to which the food has earned great popularity among amateur dog breeders.
  • The second advantage is that you can buy food not only in pet stores, but also in almost every grocery store. This is especially true when a forgetful dog owner urgently needs to buy a bag of pet food late at night.
  • Availability of dry and wet food for different ages and breeds, as well as a unique offer - sticks for cleaning teeth.
  • A good marketing policy, thanks to which the name of the Pedigri brand is on everyone’s lips.


There are quite a few disadvantages to these feeds.:

  • Poor feed composition with a minimum amount of meat ingredients;
  • A large number of cheap products that are useless for the dog’s body;
  • Almost complete absence of pure meat, which is replaced by offal of unknown origin;
  • Lack of offers for dogs with diseases or individual characteristics.

Owner reviews

Omitting all the features of the food composition, I would like to note the reviews of ordinary owners who gave it to their pets and know about it firsthand. There are a lot of reviews, and they are quite mixed. However, most owners note that the puppies eat these foods with great pleasure and look good afterwards. No stomach upsets or health problems. Let's summarize everything that has been said:

  • There is an opinion, and some veterinarians support it, that the composition is toxic and harmful. In fact, there is nothing terrible about it. Many owners feed their yard dogs porridge cooked in water, without any signs of meat.
  • The origin of the by-products included in the composition is a topic of debate, because their nature is not known. There is an opinion that these are claws and feathers. It can be assumed that the manufacturing company is too serious to save so much on important components.
  • Dogs really love these foods, which is why there are rumors about the content of narcotic substances in them.
  • The downside is the presence of dyes. The pieces are colored red and green to imitate the vegetable content. World-famous manufacturers have long abandoned this practice.

Why is this food better than others?

Darling food

French diet from Purina. In the first place in the composition of the food are cereals, and the manufacturer does not even specify which ones. Offal and meat are responsible for the source of protein - there is no indication which one. Compared to Pedigree, Darling products often have a completely faceless composition, although many pet owners give a positive assessment of the diets. Dyes are used as an additive, because the granules are painted in different colors. The manufacturer does not give the name of the dye and antioxidant.

Dilly feed

Dry granules are produced in Russia (Altai region). Contains many sources of protein. but it is of plant origin: soybean meal, wheat germ, corn gluten. In 22% of protein, the proportion of vegetable protein is very large, but such ingredients are much less easily absorbed by the dog’s body and have a high allergenicity index.

Chappy food

Pedigree and Chappie are products of the same corporation. But the composition of Chappy's diet is even less detailed than Pedigree's. It contains: cereals (no specifics, but the dog may have severe allergies), meat and offal. The meat component is not indicated, we can assume that it is beef or chicken, since there is such a note in the name of the food. But the composition does not say this. An interesting ingredient is “protein plant extracts”, “vegetable oils” - without a name or percentage indication. Most likely, vague wording hides waste from the food industry, which is of no benefit to the dog’s body.

Reviews from veterinarians

Pedigree food for puppies rarely evokes any emotions from doctors. Most of them directly state that this is a cheap, economy-class food. It can hardly be called a complete diet for a growing body. But there are no harmful components in it. Why can you find so many negative reviews online?

The answer lies on the surface: affordable food can be purchased by a huge number of consumers. If they are trying to save on pet food, then it is quite possible that they do not visit veterinarians. This means that one hundred percent of the incidence rate in this sample will be much higher than among those who spend a lot of money on the best food and preventive examinations. This is fully confirmed by reviews from veterinarians.

Pedigree food for puppies is not harmful, but it can hardly be called complete. Therefore, be sure to consult with the veterinarian you are seeing. In some cases, a specialist will advise alternating its intake with high-quality, natural nutrition. This option will be optimal in terms of price and providing the body with all the necessary substances. An excellent alternative would be to completely switch the puppy to natural food.

But for an adult dog, in which all organs and systems are developed and formed, Pedigree dry food is quite suitable as a variety of diet. It will be especially convenient for those owners who do not like to sit at home and take their dog with them.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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