What do husky mixes look like: a description of the appearance of the crossbreeds and the character of the pets

Despite the fact that nowadays it is not difficult to purchase a Siberian Husky puppy, some future owners want to buy not a purebred representative of this breed, but a mixed breed.

Many of them believe that a Husky mixed with another breed will be more consistent with their wishes, such as guarding the house or hunting.

Other people believe that purebred dogs are expensive and more difficult to maintain, and therefore they cannot afford to purchase such a pet.

Finally, there are also lovers of everything unusual; for them, a purebred husky seems too ordinary, while any of the mestizos is unique and inimitable.

What kind of crosses with huskies are there and is it true that such dogs have a more original appearance and good health?

Pug/Chinese Crested mix

Proponents of interbreeding claim that puppies inherit the best qualities of their parents' breeds. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to predict in advance what kind of exterior the young animals will have. The character and behavior of the animal are also unpredictable. In addition, individuals have rather poor health and a short life expectancy.

Cute little pugs have become one of the favorite objects of designer selection. They were crossed with representatives of many breeds. In particular, with the Chinese Crested Dog. Metis was called Khokhlomops or Pugese. It is distinguished by an unusual type of skin: skin with folds and tufts of wool.

The photo shows a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested

What kind of husky mixes exist?

There is currently no complete description of all the mixed breed dogs that can result from a Husky. It is believed that there are about 30 hybrid variants of half-breeds. We have summarized the information that is available in open sources, and based on it we have compiled our own list of possible mixes.

List of hybrid breeds

  1. A cross between a Siberian Husky and a German Shepherd.
  2. Wolfdog is a hybrid of a gray wolf and a husky.
  3. Mixed husky and husky.
  4. A cross between an Australian Shepherd (Aussie) and a Husky.
  5. Mixed Alaskan Malamute and Husky.
  6. A cross between a Pomeranian and a Husky.
  7. Hybrid of Husky and Chinese Shar-Pei (Sharberian Husky).
  8. Mixed breed of Pyrenean mountain dog and husky.
  9. A cross between a Great Dane and a Husky.
  10. Mixed Doberman and Siberian Husky.
  11. A cross between a Husky and a Chow Chow (Chusky).
  12. Boxer and Husky mix (Boxsky).
  13. Husky and Rottweiler mix.
  14. Husky and Akita Inu mix.
  15. Hybrid of poodle and husky.
  16. A cross between a Bernese Shepherd (Sennenhund) and a Husky.
  17. Beagle and Husky mix.
  18. Golden Retriever and Husky mix (Siberian Retriever).
  19. Husky Pitbull Mix (Pitsky) – a mix with a pit bull.
  20. Alabai and Husky mix.
  21. Labrador and Husky mix.
  22. A cross between a Samoyed (Samoyed dog) and a Husky.
  23. Collie and Husky mix.
  24. Welsh Corgi and Husky.
  25. Hybrid of Husky and Chihuahua.
  26. Mixed Caucasian Shepherd and Husky.
  27. Siberian husky/pug mix.
  28. Jack Russell Terrier and Husky mix.
  29. A cross between an American Cocker Spaniel (Siberian Spaniel).

Pug/Chihuahua mix

A cross between a pug and a chihuahua shares similarities with both parents. Larger in size than the “Mexicans” and not as massive as the “Chinese”. The coat color ranges from pale cream to anthracite black, and albinos are occasionally born. The mixed pedigree is indicated by a snub-nosed muzzle, characteristic of natives of the East. The owners dubbed the hybrid dogs chops or chihuaps.

With Spitz

Babies born from the mating of a Pomeranian Spitz and a Husky are called Pomskies in official documents. The puppies captivate with their toy appearance, for which they have received the title of designer dog type. Their miniature size makes them ideal companions for city dwellers.

Doggies have a lot of positive qualities:

  • energy, mobility;
  • quick wit, good intelligence;
  • pickiness;
  • endurance;
  • good nature.

Tiny dogs get along well with all household members - people and animals. The exception is decorative rodents, in relation to which the dog may develop a hunting instinct.

Pomskies happily participate in children's games and become devoted friends of the child. Parents can safely entrust their child to a four-legged nanny.

The half-breed, born as a result of an accidental mating of a husky and an Eskimo Spitz, was named Huskimo by dog ​​handlers. The animal is of medium size and has a thick, warm coat. The coat allows you to keep your pet in an open enclosure. Huskimos have inherited unpretentiousness from their ancestors and feel calm in Spartan conditions.

Mestizos make reliable guards. However, the pet must be supervised because it loves to show independence. Huskimos need constant training and long walks. Physical activity helps keep fit and fight the tendency to obesity.

Dogs are easy to train and easily learn basic commands. They announce the approach of a stranger with a loud, loud bark. At the same time, they do not show visible aggression towards strangers, but remain alert in their presence.

Pug/Pekingese mix

The hybridization of the pug with the Pekingese is not a tribute to a newfangled tradition, but a return to the original roots. Both varieties are of ancient Chinese origin. Residents of the Celestial Empire use the general term “Narra dog” to designate them, which means “waddling”. Until the 19th century, Pekingese dogs were called Pekingese pugs in Europe. Thus, emphasizing the connection between the breeds.

The American woman R. Mons decided to revive the long-standing traditions and conducted several matings of two purebred animals. The offspring were given the nickname lo-shi pug (short pug).

The exterior of puppies looks more squat due to short limbs. Reminds one of its parents by the presence of folds on its face. Dogs delight their owners with their funny appearance and friendly disposition. Mestizos have good immunity, immunity to most diseases.

Animals combine:

  • the attractiveness and determination of the Pekingese;
  • the complacency and positive attitude of the pug.

Thanks to their qualities, they quickly find owners.

How to distinguish a purebred husky dog ​​from a mixed breed

Since hybrid breeds are being bred more and more recently, it is important to understand how to distinguish a mestizo from a purebred dog. Mixing of heterogeneous blood can occur both in the first generation and in several previous ones. When choosing a pet, you need to study all the documentation for the puppy and its parents. Assess his external characteristics with the help of a canine specialist and compare them with the breed standard. An undervalued dog is an alarming signal indicating defects in a purebred puppy or its half-breed origin.

Important: only genetic tests can 100% confirm the purebred of a Husky.

No matter who the dogs of this Siberian breed are crossed with, the mixture of Husky blood with any other does its job - the offspring turns out to be an active temperament, increased endurance and unpretentiousness. All mixed breeds are different, but they are united by a positive attitude and high level of energy that comes from dogs. Even if they are not accepted into breed clubs or allowed to take part in dog shows, this does not detract from their undeniable merits. Siberian mestizos make excellent family companions, loyal friends and pets. And how beautiful they all are!

Husky Pitbull Mix (Pitsky) – mix with pit bull

Husky and Rottweiler mix

Hybrid of Husky and Chinese Shar-Pei (Sharberian Husky)

Beagle and Husky mix

A cross between an Australian Shepherd (Aussie) and a Husky

Siberian husky/pug mix

Jack Russell Terrier and Husky mix

Mixed Pyrenees Mountain Dog and Husky

American Cocker Spaniel mix (Siberian Spaniel)

Husky and Chow Chow mix (Chusky)

Photos taken from the website: thesmartcanine.com

Pug/Beagle mix

A mix of a beagle and a native of China is called a puggle. The exclusivity of the appearance is given by folds on the muzzle, hanging ears, and a straight tail. The first individuals of this unusual variety appeared in the 90s. last century. Their unique appearance and cheerful character quickly won the hearts of people.

Puggles love to play and run. Keeping a dog is preferable for active people. Animals need to be walked a lot and undergo regular training.


Representatives of the breeds under consideration are characterized by a number of similar features:

  1. Both breeds belong to the category of northern sled dogs. Their main purpose is to transport people and goods in low temperatures.
  2. The animals have thick fur, so they are not afraid of abnormal cold.
  3. The color of the dogs is almost completely identical.
  4. The dogs are characterized by almost the same height. The difference is literally two centimeters.

Pug/Dachshund mix

One of the designer varieties is the taxi dog. In an animal:

  • compact muscular body;
  • short legs;
  • curled tail;
  • large head.

The muzzle has large eyes and many folds. The advantage of the hybrid is that it is hypoallergenic, allowing people sensitive to dog hair to keep a pet. Dogs captivate with their affectionate, soft character. They make excellent companions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Shepherd mix: what cross-breed puppies look like

The advantages and disadvantages of husky mestizos directly depend on which breed is chosen as a partner for crossing. Each of the mixtures has its own characteristics.

Breed of partnerAdvantagesFlaws
  • high immunity;
  • increased life expectancy (up to 20 years).
  • problems with training and education;
  • complex nature;
  • Rabies may occur, since standard vaccinations for wolfs may not work.
  • goodwill;
  • love for children;
  • well trained;
  • exhibits hunting abilities.
  • it is impossible to predict the appearance.
German Shepherd
  • perky, lively, affectionate character;
  • external attractiveness.
  • difficulties of training;
  • tendency to run away and indulge;
  • unwillingness to obey the owner.
  • attractive appearance;
  • flexible, friendly character;
  • love for children;
  • unpretentiousness.
  • impossibility of keeping in street conditions.
  • independence;
  • independent character.
  • the impossibility of initially predicting what kind of puppy will be born.
  • original appearance;
  • playfulness;
  • mobility;
  • good nature and love for children.
  • The breed is not official, it is not possible to purchase a puppy in a kennel.
  • calm, balanced character;
  • obedience;
  • intelligence;
  • attachment to family members and love for children;
  • high immunity to diseases;
  • developed hunting instinct.
  • aggressive appearance;
  • rejection of other pets.
Akita Inu
  • friendliness;
  • love for children;
  • perseverance;
  • determination.
  • There are no significant shortcomings.
  • courage;
  • independence;
  • sociability and good nature;
  • attachment to family members;
  • hunting instinct.
  • tendency to wander and disobedience;
  • dislike of other pets.
Welsh Corgi
  • cleanliness;
  • high intelligence and learning ability;
  • ability to be kept in a small room due to its small size;
  • love for children, all family members;
  • flexibility and friendliness.
  • long walks are required, otherwise they can play around at home and spoil things;
  • heavy shedding;
  • Possible problems with the spine.
Pomeranian Spitz
  • incredibly attractive appearance;
  • good-natured disposition;
  • attachment to a person;
  • love for children.
  • low immunity;
  • heavy shedding;
  • Suitable for home use only.
Jack Russell Terrier
  • activity;
  • easy to train;
  • friendliness;
  • love for children.
  • rarity of the breed;
  • lack of knowledge.

Most mestizos have more advantages than disadvantages. Most often, they inherited the husky's friendliness and affection for humans. Raising most mixed breeds is easy and enjoyable, but there are exceptions, so before purchasing, you should set your priorities and understand what exactly you want to get.

Puppy keeps biting

Yes, unfortunately, this may be the outcome of the work of inexperienced breeders . When crossing two different genera, one should allow for genetic failures and the fact that the character of the offspring will be influenced not by the best, but by the worst characteristics of the parents.

Such pugnacity is not observed often, but can still occur. In this case, you will need to hire professional trainers and start raising and socializing your pet. Or terminate the purchase agreement and return the brawler to the official breeder.

Description of the breed

To understand how different the animals are before us, let’s list all the differences that exist between them.

  • Laikas have a much wider range of colors. They can be pure black or red, and have a color similar to a husky.
  • The most important difference is the purpose. While some are born sled dogs, others are talented hunters.
  • Another very important detail that catches your eye is the size of the llamas. In huskies they are wide and large, while in huskies they are more refined and narrow.
  • Such bright and beautiful shades of blue can only be found in the iris of a husky. Only they have a rich blue eye color.
  • The wool of Siberian cab drivers has truly invaluable quality; it is hypoallergenic. If you are prone to allergic reactions, then the choice of a four-legged friend for yourself is obvious.
  • For the same reason, they are odorless, which means there will be no unpleasant dog “aroma” in your house or apartment.
  • But huskies are more prone to training and learning. It is for this reason that their group were chosen to fly on the spaceship.
  • The husky's tail is often called a fox tail. It is very fluffy and droops down, while in a husky it is curled up into a ball on its back.
  • If you put them side by side, it will become obvious that the sled dogs are larger and more powerful, while the hunting dogs are slender and thin.
  • The descendants of wolves can howl at the moon, but they will not bark day and night. But huskies can burst into loud barks.
  • Laikas are more suitable for protecting homes and people, and huskies are more suitable as a family dog ​​and children's favorite.
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