What Labrador mixes look like: a description of the character and characteristics of pets

This article contains all the information about who mestizos are and why it is sometimes better to have them. All the nuances that breeders should take into account before crossing a Labrador with any other breed are also indicated.

If you are going to buy a pet that will be very similar to a Labrador, but at the same time the price will be much lower, then you should pay attention to mestizos.

Mixed breeds are the result of a mixture of two different dog breeds.

At the same time, you should not think that puppies born from different parents will have any defects. On the contrary, such individuals take all the best qualities from their parents.

Only purebred individuals are crossed.

Sometimes even winners of various exhibitions.

The most popular type of mestizos at the moment is a cross between a Labrador retriever and a husky, husky or shepherd dog.

A cross between a Labrador and a Rottweiler and what it looks like in the photo

A cross between a Labrador and a Rottweiler is considered not the most popular at the moment.

It is worth considering what is transmitted at the genetic level to the puppy from its parents.

Labradors are undoubtedly stocky and strong, since the structure of Labradors and Rottweilers is quite similar.

However, if you look at the character of these individuals, it is literally a game of Russian roulette, since although the Labrador genes still take their toll, the fighting character of the Rottweiler cannot be changed. Do not forget that they are among the top most vicious and cruel fighting breeds.

Why are these mestizos so unpopular at this time?

To get a truly worthy hybrid individual, you need to work on crossing several generations of dogs to get a “pure” hybrid.

Now, experts in selective canine design are finding this breed at the earliest stage of development.

Standard recognition is just around the corner

In recent years, a breed called Labradoodle, bred by Australian scientists, has been gaining popularity. Its representatives also appeared in Russia. The origins of this still unrecognized breed are worth understanding in more detail.

The first type, obtained by crossing a Labrador retriever and a poodle, has the word original in its name. While working on creating new specimens, animal scientist Wally Korner wanted to develop a breed of guide dog with hypoallergenic coat.

Combinations were created with different percentages of the presence of one or another “blood” of each breed, but these manipulations did not give the desired effect. Puppies of the same litter could have completely different coats: smooth, like a Labrador, or curly, like a poodle. They may or may not shed. In a word, the result was not predictable and it was considered ineffective.

However, based on the experience gained, breeding work continued. The result was the Australian Labradoodle (Cobberdog). It mixed the genes of not two, but six breeds - Irish water spaniel and soft-haired terrier, American and English cocker spaniels, Labrador and poodle. Specialists from research centers used the most modern selection methods. The result was a dog that is agile, easy to train and does not shed.

As for non-allergenic wool, this issue is still controversial. Allergy itself has not yet been sufficiently studied, and new irritants are appearing. Therefore, Cobberdogs cannot be called 100% hypoallergenic dogs. But today they are the most acceptable owners of fur who can live next to a person suffering from asthma or allergies.

Labrador and dachshund mixes

One of the most unusual hybrids is a mixture of dachshund and labrador.

The Labrador genes in this cross will be significantly superior to the Dachshund genes, so the individual will turn out more like a representative of the first breed with short legs.

However, such mestizos are not at all deprived of their playfulness and activity. They don’t mind playing with children at all, as they have inexhaustible energy.

Whom to choose

But is it really necessary to know the breed of your dog if these devoted eyes are looking at you?

The dog is ready to follow all your orders. It doesn't matter what color or size it is.

After all, the main thing is that she be your true friend. No one knows whether such mixtures of breeds will ever be recognized.

Now there are more and more organizations that create special clubs. They help owners properly raise their mestizo, as well as train him.

For a long time now, people abroad have treated mestizos as equals . They don't consider anyone better or worse.

Europeans began to approach this issue from a pragmatic side. Each purebred dog has its own shortcomings, and the mixed breed takes the best for itself.

Labrador and Shepherd mixes

The German Shepherd has good guard qualities, as well as equally distinctive devotion to its only owner.
Labradors are very friendly towards children and are easy to learn commands. From these criteria, a crossbreed of these two breeds was obtained, which received protective and friendly qualities from its parents.

Families with children should take a closer look at such a crossbreed, as Labronemese don’t mind playing with them all day long. But it is not only because of the qualities of a kind of “nanny” that one should have such a pet.

If you already have other pets at home, then in this case this will not be a problem, since the dog will get along well with them. Also, don’t forget about the security qualities, thanks to which you don’t have to worry about protecting your home.

Now it’s worth considering the appearance of the mestizo.

The most popular color among Labronemians is black. The ears are in a hanging position. The coat reaches medium length. Of course, all sizes depend on the proportions of the parents.

Designer things

Nowadays, so-called designer breeds often appear in the world. They are obtained from planned matings of dogs of different breeds. These are some kind of experiments. Perhaps someday they will lead to fundamentally new breeds of dogs. In the meantime, the seemingly funny Shar Pei and Labrador mixes are considered a successful design move.

In order not to fall for the bait of such a “designer” and not to accidentally acquire a cross between a Labrador retriever and someone unknown, you need to be able to identify the breed. Use the following criteria when making your selection:

  • even a small Labrador puppy looks wide and dense, like an adult dog;
  • the tail at any age is similar to that of an otter, thick at the base and tapering towards the end;
  • the coat is short and dense without spots (a small white spot on the chest is acceptable);
  • complete absence of any aggression towards people.

Users of the World Wide Web did not remain indifferent to the mestizos. There are many forums in its vastness where happy owners of such dogs share their experiences. The vast majority of owners love their pets madly. They are cared for and considered the best in the world. Mixed breeds certainly deserve to be treated well, just like all other dogs. They deserve the owner’s love and care no less than purebred dogs.

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Mixed Labrador and Shar Pei

One of the rarest breed combinations for a crossbreed, as it is in the initial stages of crossbreeding.

But already in a few individuals you can notice a funny structure that resembles a Labrador with folds.

You should not expect that the puppy will be the size of a Labrador, but at the same time completely covered with folds. Most of them will be present on the face in the form of “jowls”.

The adult size will be larger than a Shar Pei , but smaller than a Labrador .

It is also worth noting the resistance to diseases that are inherent in one of their breeds. Why is this happening? A gene from one breed suppresses a disease characteristic of another.


If you think that a dog will be guaranteed to protect you, then this is a mistake.

A mixed breed is an excellent guard only if the genes of the Shar Pei succeed the genes of the Labrador.

But what cannot be taken away from the character is love for the owner and devotion. Don’t forget to help your dog socialize, as the Shar Pei gene can significantly hinder your pet’s ability to do so.

Undeniable advantages

The main advantages of Matiz dogs (as mestizos are sometimes jokingly called) include their amazing appearance - no one else on the dog playground will definitely have such a pet. Often one animal combines the best qualities of both parents. Some representatives of mestizos have good health, immunity, and ease of care.

Note! The opposite situation also happens: some mestizos inherit genetic diseases from both parents and are very weak.

These are unusual dogs, with a bright appearance, a specific character, ready to become true friends for many years. Funny crossbred dogs are a great option for those who want to become the owner of an original pet.

Dachshunds are small dogs belonging to hunting breeds.

They are distinguished by their unusual appearance - elongated body, short legs - and cheerful character.

The weight of an adult is from 6 to 12 kg, while the maximum weight according to the breed standard should not exceed 9 kg. Height at the withers is 14 - 21 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The dog has a fairly high tendency to bark, dig, and also has a high need for communication.

Labrador and poodle mixes

This type of crossbreed is the most popular at the moment. Because of which?

The Cobberdog (Labradoodle) is listed as a guide dog that gets along very well and is friendly with people with disabilities.

She will also be an excellent companion for those people who have an allergic reaction to any wool, since they have it hypoallergenic.

Please also note that Labradoodles are excellent caregivers for children, so if you have a family with a child, then this is one of the options for pets that you can adopt.

Let's look at the appearance of such individuals. It should be said right away that due to the design idea, all puppies are not alike, since they take different qualities from a Labrador and a poodle.

However, there is a small list of colors that are typical for cobberdogs:

  • Gold.
  • Apricot color.
  • Chocolate.
  • Black.
  • Coffee color.
  • Creamy.
  • Silver.

Before choosing a pet, you should also pay attention to its size, as they can also be completely different.:

  • Miniature.
  • Standard.

Cross between Labrador and Alabai

This type of crossbreed is not uncommon, since these breeds are similar in structure. Puppies are distinguished by their kindness and activity.

If you decide to cross these breeds, then it is best to choose light-colored individuals . In this case, the difference will not be so significant.

Now let's look at the character of the Labrador and Alabai mix. He is distinguished by his special activity, which sometimes goes beyond the boundaries of what is permitted.


It is worth noting that the pet should not be left alone for a long time, as he will try to spoil all the things that are in sight during the game.

Also, due to its nature, such a friend is great to take with you on long journeys . He will always be ready to explore new surroundings.


You should pay special attention to your pet's luxurious coat.

The best option would be regular brushing, thorough treatment and bathing at least once every two months . You just need to choose a special shampoo that is suitable for this type of coat.

Labrador and pitbull mix

If you decide to cross these breeds, then you will get a friendly and cheerful friend who does not mind playing active games with you in the fresh air.

However, there is a small chance that the puppy will inherit the aggression and fighting spirit from the pit bull . Of course, it is much less than when crossing two fighting breeds.

Labrador mix and huskies

This type of mestizos is very friendly and active. It is distinguished by its attachment to a single owner. But it is worth noting that the husky’s stern disposition and independence can manifest itself in everyday life.

They can show their character by barking . These dogs are wonderfully suited for hunting.

Characteristic features of the appearance of the Labrador and Laika mix breeds are pointed, which are directed upwards.

Ideology of hybridization

Labrador mixes are endowed with a lot of positive characteristics.

  • quick adaptation to a new environment;
  • excellent protective functions of the body;
  • flexible character;
  • inquisitive mind;
  • ease of training.

Mixed dachshund and toy terrier, chihuahua, shepherd dog, spaniel and others

Such animals are allowed to attend exhibitions. True, they are never awarded prizes.

Note! Mestizos are very cheap. And sometimes they can even just be given as a gift.

Labrador and Husky mixes (Labski)

This union is one of the most popular for breeding mestizos. How do they stand out among other mestizos? Labski takes from the husky all the charming features of its appearance.

One of them is the unusual color of expressive eyes. It also happens that a puppy is born with different eyes: one eye is sky blue and the other is brown .

The Labrador gets its body structure and coloring. With all this, the coat can be absolutely varied, sometimes spotted.

It is worth answering the character of the husky and labrador mixes. He is very similar to the Laika and Labrador mixes. A stern disposition can also creep into everyday life, and when danger approaches, they can become aggressive.

However, such pets can easily find a common language with children and play fun games..

The mental qualities of these dogs should not be ignored. They are distinguished by their intelligence and the manifestation of their logic.

Mixed labrador and spaniel

When these breeds are crossed, a wonderful puppy is obtained, which is more similar in size to a Labrador, but the ears and structure of the muzzle are similar to a spaniel.

This species of mixed breed is very friendly and active, and is not averse to playing active games with its owner in the fresh air..

The qualities of a restless hunter, passed on from the spaniel, are also well expressed. Due to the combination of all the features, you will definitely not get bored with your pet.

Keeping puppies at home

Spaniel mixes are always positive and playful, happy to have owners and small family members. They love communication and get along with almost everyone.

When it comes to caring, you need to follow a few simple rules, and then keeping such breeds will only bring you joy.

  • The peculiar structure of the body leads these puppies to frequent problems with the ears - otitis media and hearing loss are not uncommon phenomena here, and therefore careful care is required for the ears to avoid rubbing, scratching and swelling. You need to constantly clean your ears, wipe your ears with a cloth with a bactericidal solution or even just water, wiping them dry. The coat must be constantly washed and combed diligently - this also applies to the ears, since falling hair can get into the ears.
  • Dogs require frequent and long walks. Not all owners are ready for this. The musculature of these dogs requires sports, activity, constant movement and games.
  • Nutrition should be complete, vitamins and minerals taken into account. You need to purchase a bowl for both food and water, which should be available at all times, because both the puppy and the adult pet are always active.
  • It is important to visit a veterinarian in a timely manner for routine examinations and vaccinations , since it is very important to monitor the animal’s hearing and vision.
  • The collar should not be chosen tight, but according to the size of the neck , since often the dog can tug on the leash out of emotion and cause inconvenience to itself: choking itself and rubbing its neck.

Labrador and Staff mix

This is one of the crossed individuals that it is better not to have if you have small children at home, as sometimes behavioral factors from the fighting breed may appear.

But don’t think that everything is so depressing.

Most mestizos are friendly to people, and this species is no exception . Once you look at their activity in games and affectionate behavior, you will immediately fall in love with this cross.


The dog is short in stature but has a stocky body, which is inherited from the Staffordshire Terrier . The coat reaches medium length. The nose is elongated like a Labrador, but the size of the eyes, their location, as well as the frontal part are very similar to the Staff.

Independent “examination” of the authenticity of the breed

Coming to the nursery for a 2-3 month old puppy of a valuable breed, the potential dog owner should initially be familiar with the description of the standard of this breed, and also know how to accurately distinguish a Labrador from a mongrel and mixed breeds of this retriever.

A purebred Labrador is distinguished by the following behavioral characteristics:

  • exceptional gullibility,
  • playfulness,
  • good nature,
  • complete absence of aggression.

Labrador/Alabai mix

They also pay attention to the appearance of the pet. Labrador is characterized by:

  • strong bones,
  • medium length nose,
  • jaws and eyes of medium size,
  • medium-sized ears that fit tightly to the head,
  • short, shiny coat of mostly solid color.

When choosing a four-legged friend, potential dog owners should be especially vigilant and know the distinctive characteristics of a puppy of the desired breed, so that they do not have to pay a lot of money for a mongrel or Labrador mix.

Mixed labrador and mongrel

It can be considered one of the most unpredictable crosses of all those presented above . If you are planning to crossbreed a purebred Labrador and a yard dog, then be prepared for a different outcome.

What should you know? If you cross two purebred dogs, you can roughly know the character of the offspring. In this case, you will not be able to predict the puppy’s further behavior.

This will depend on the character of the mongrel . But not everything is so sad. At least you can still know something for sure. Do not forget that the mongrel can pass on qualities that will not suit you at all in the future.


From the Labrador, friendly and active qualities are passed on to the offspring, thanks to which you will not be bored.

You also cannot predict the appearance before the birth of the offspring. You can only determine the approximate size of a dog by looking at the size of its parents and imagine something in between the father and mother.

Who else can you mix a Labrador with?

How to tell a German Shepherd puppy from a mongrel

Currently, in addition to the above options, breeders are actively engaged in crossing retrievers with other dog breeds:

  • Laika,
  • Stafford,
  • Corgi.

Note! Albino Labradors are not retriever mixes. Such pets are not bred for breeding, and are also shown at exhibitions, due to non-compliance with breed standards. The nose of albinos is pink due to genetic defects.

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