Dog breeds similar to Labrador: features of the appearance and character of pets

In international canine standards there is no separate group - service dogs. This concept refers to breeds that help a person perform certain types of service. These are helper dogs, working dogs. Moreover, the scope of application of service breeds is very wide.

What are service breed dogs? What types of services do they provide? What breeds belong to this group? How are these breeds described in international standards? Find answers to all these questions in our material.

# Golden retriever

Let's start, perhaps, with the golden retriever itself.


a retriever is a hardy and energetic dog that has a good memory and instinct, allowing it to work perfectly both on land and on water, where it is able to find downed game.
Golden Retrievers were originally bred to hunt (fetch game).

Currently, golden retrievers have successfully mastered many other professions.
They work at customs, search for drugs and explosives, and participate in rescue operations


The Golden Retriever was bred in England as an all-purpose hunting dog for retrieving game. Shares the same ancestors with the Labrador.

According to one version, which does not have any documentary evidence, the appearance of the breed is associated with the name of Lord Tweedmouth, Sir Dudley Majoribanks. In 1858

he visited Brighton at a performance of a visiting circus, where in one of the rooms he saw dogs that amazed him with their intelligence. He was so captivated that he immediately purchased eight dogs from the circus.

However, the most complete information about the formation of the breed is available in the huntsman books kept by the Scottish estate of Gwisekan Lord Tweedmouth from 1835 to 1890

. According to these books, the breed was formed by crossing the now extinct Tweed Water Spaniel - a large # dog of a light brown color with curly hair, small feathering on the ears and front legs - and a small type of Newfoundland. Retrievers also received the blood of Irish setters, water spaniels and bloodhounds [1].

The last letter of the letter is “r”

Answer for the question "Golden dog that brings game", 8 letters: retriever

Alternative crossword questions for the word retriever

A dog feeding a hunter with killed game

Breed of hunting dogs, curly-haired

Long-haired dog breed

Definition of the word retriever in dictionaries

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary Retrievers are one of the types of hunting dogs. The task of dogs of this type is to find and bring the shot undamaged prey to the hunter. In this regard, the dog must have a good sense of smell, a gentle character and a soft jaw. In England, retrievers were used.

How does a service dog breed differ from others?

Since ancient times, dogs have lived next to humans and performed various jobs that their owner entrusted to them. The list of canine “professions” changed and expanded in accordance with changes in human needs.

At the dawn of their careers, dogs helped people hunt. Then they learned to herd livestock and guard the master's home. Over time, this list has become even larger, and the number of breeds that serve humans has increased. But all service dogs share common characteristics that distinguish this species from all others.

Characteristics of dog breeds included in the list of service dogs

Service dogs must have the following qualities to ensure productive work:

  1. High level of intellectual abilities.
  2. Easy to learn, ability to quickly remember commands.
  3. Endurance, good health.
  4. Focus on human interaction.
  5. Ability to analyze and make decisions.

Important: each type of service dog has its own specific performance characteristics.

Shih Tzu

The name is translated from Chinese as “lion cub” or “beautiful dog”. One look at this dog is enough to understand that the Chinese were definitely not mistaken with the name. Some representatives of the breed look like royalty.

The future owner of a handsome dog needs to prepare mentally and financially for the fact that caring for the dog’s coat will be difficult and expensive. Some owners find a way out of the situation - they simply cut off the pet’s long fur, thereby saving their energy and money. But connoisseurs of the breed fundamentally leave the Shih Tzu in the form in which it should be.

Who are service dogs?

Different countries have different approaches to classifying breeds as service breeds. For example, in America, “Service Dogs” include dogs that help people with disabilities lead a more independent life. And these are not only guide dogs for blind people. Specially trained dogs help their owners call an ambulance, carry oxygen cylinders, and determine the level of insulin in the blood by smell so that the owner can take medicine on time.

These smart dogs are specially trained for a specific owner. In America, no one would call Service Dogs a pet. No! These are not pets! These are dogs that serve humans. They must always be nearby, always on alert. If necessary, they are the first to come to the aid of the owner. To ensure that others understand what kind of dog is next to the person, the animals are given special vests with identification marks.

In the European standards, which are also used in our country, belonging to a service breed can be found in the “Purpose” column of the standard. It is at this point that the working functions of the animal are indicated. The functionality of dogs belonging to service breeds is significantly wider than in America. In addition to dogs for the disabled, there are guards, hunters, watchmen, rescuers, sled and search animals. According to the FCI classification, service breeds make up one third of the total number of breeds presented in the standard.

A dog of this age needs to move.

Just because your puppy has grown doesn't mean he no longer needs to move or go for walks. Not at all! All dogs should be physically active daily if appropriate for their age.

The puppy is full of energy and never stands still and in the house it is a small earthquake that is difficult to keep in check.

An older dog has a weaker and less resilient physique, so it cannot exert much effort and is limited to quiet games and short walks.

What about an adult dog? These dogs still have a lot of energy in their body, even if they are no longer young, and so they just need to continue with their daily routine.

An 8-year-old dog should walk and play in the company of its owner and family. In fact, the ideal is to find games and mental exercises that stimulate his mind and keep him always clear and active.

If we have the time and a way to do it, we could build some DIY toys to take to the park or use at home. All a dog needs is the company of his owner, the love of the whole family, and maximum participation in fun and stimulating activities (and napping on the couch!).

Types of service dog breeds

As mentioned above, a third of all breeds are classified as service breeds - this is about a hundred names. It is impossible to consider them all in detail within the framework of one article, so we classify them according to several criteria: by type of functional activity, by size.

Where do dogs serve?

Dogs are used in various types of service: police, drug control, customs, border service, security of sensitive facilities. Depending on the work for which dogs are used, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • hunting;
  • shepherds (guarding the herd, grazing livestock);
  • watchmen (protection of residential and non-residential objects and territories);
  • bodyguards;
  • search (search for people, stolen property);
  • customs dogs (search for money, prohibited substances, weapons);
  • search and rescue (search for people in forests, mountains, in places of natural and man-made disasters);
  • guard (protection of sensitive facilities and the state border);
  • sledding (transportation of people and goods);
  • bomb disposal dogs (search for explosives and explosive devices);
  • therapeutic (canistherapy);
  • guide dogs for blind people;
  • assistance dogs for people with disabilities.

The most popular breeds of service dogs

We talked about different types of service dogs, found out what work service dogs do and how they help people. Now let's try to make our TOP popular breeds that are most often used in the service.

TOP popular service breeds:

  1. German Shepherd. These versatile dogs top all popularity lists. Smart, quick-witted, easy to train, loyal, brave and determined - all this is about them! Shepherd dogs are used to guard the state border, in customs, in the police, in guard service, to guard various objects, in canitherapy, and as guide dogs. Any job offered by a person is within the power of the Germans. If you need to herd livestock, shepherd dogs will remember their historical purpose. You can safely leave your kids with them; they will be affectionate and patient nannies. But intruders who try to attack the owner or enter the territory guarded by the shepherd will not be happy!
  2. Rottweiler. The ideal watchman and bodyguard are characterized by lightning-fast reactions and boundless courage. No one has ever escaped from such a pursuer!
  3. Doberman. The gracefully built dog perfectly adapted to the role of a policeman, rescuer and personal bodyguard. He has all the qualities that are important in these activities. Dobermans are decisive and have quick reactions.
  4. Giant Schnauzer. These dogs are often hired by the police, customs and airports. Dogs have a unique sense of smell and can easily detect contraband, illegal substances and illegal migrants.
  5. Black Russian Terrier. The breed is the pride of our country and was originally bred for harsh service at secret military facilities.
  6. Saint Bernard One of the largest breeds of dogs is most often used in search and rescue operations. However, this does not prevent them from playing the role of nannies, accompanying people with disabilities and guarding houses.
  7. Belgian Shepherd. Of course, dogs are excellent shepherds, but in modern realities they have no equal in sports activities. Belgians are willing to spend hours training and learning new tricks.
  8. Cane Corso. There is no need to guess for a long time about the occupation of this dog - it’s obvious! Giants of Italian origin are ideal guards and watchmen. In addition to their outstanding physical characteristics, Cane Corsos are distinguished by their incredible intelligence.
  9. German boxer. Another bodyguard. In America, these dogs are among the top ten service breeds. Dogs are also popular in our country.
  10. Newfoundland. Large dogs do an excellent job as guards of private property.
  11. Labrador Retriever. When people talk about guide dogs, they most often remember Labradors. The dogs are easy to train, have great endurance and patience, and are not at all aggressive. All these qualities make them ideal assistants for blind and visually impaired people.
  12. Golden retriever. Another breed that is successfully used to work with people with disabilities. Like Labradors, golden retrievers are also used in various types of canistherapy.
  13. Miniature Schnauzer. It is no coincidence that we included these cheerful bearded dogs into small working dog breeds. In the blood of “bearded men” there is a desire to protect everything around: the owner, his children, household property. They do this energetically and decisively. Miniatures don't understand that they are small, so they behave like big dogs. And although we wrote above that we do not agree that a small dog is the smallest service dog breed, they provide impeccable security!
  14. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. This giant doesn’t need to imagine himself as a big dog - that’s what he is. This is an excellent security guard, scaring away intruders with just its appearance.
  15. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Another generally recognized watchman and home guard. No one in a sober mind would dare to enter the territory guarded by the Alabai.
  16. Bullets. Hungarian breed of shepherd dog. Because no one knows how to deal with sheep with bullets! They dashingly jump on the backs of animals and drive them in the right direction. Those who do not obey are bitten on the limbs by bullets.
  17. Commander. Shepherd dog from Hungary. Their impressive size and thick coat, consisting of dense dreadlocks, allow the dogs to protect flocks from wolves and other wild predators. Such a fur coat is too tough for them!

The owner of a dog belonging to a service breed must fully understand his responsibility. A number of performance characteristics of such pets can be dangerous to others, in the absence of proper education and special training. Dogs need to be trained from a very early age, teaching them obedience and strict execution of commands given by the owner.


Large shaggy dog ​​with a balanced temperament. Perfect for the role of a security guard and family member. The height of a male is 72-80 cm, that of a female is 65-75 cm. Weight is 59-77 kg for a male, and 45-59 kg for a female. This breed is characterized by good nature and love for people, and is also a good companion.

Leonbergers are family dogs, they get tremendous pleasure from games and communication.


A big, powerful and fluffy dog. Very smart and friendly. The Newfoundland has a passion for water; it is also called a diver. He is able to dive, swim for a long time and save drowning people. Their height is 66-71 cm, and their weight is 54-68 kg.

A large house outside the city with a body of water nearby is ideal for keeping a Newfoundland. You can't put him on a chain.

English Mastiff

The largest of the mastiffs. Despite its impressive size, this dog is gentle and good-natured. The weight of a male is about 72 kg, that of a female is 68 kg. Height at the withers, for a male - from 76 cm, for a female - from 69 cm. The English Mastiff is an excellent guard. Distinguished by calmness, stubbornness, dominance in character. Colors include black, fawn, fawn, apricot, dark fawn and silver fawn.

It has a strong attachment to its owner and loves to cuddle together.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A large, massive dog with a menacing appearance, but loyal and obedient. The Neapolitan is very friendly, kind and caring towards his owner. He is also jealous and in this case can show aggression. The mastiff's weight ranges from 50-70 kg, height - 60-68 cm in females, and 65-75 cm in males.

Neapolitans need an experienced dog breeder who can competently teach them the rules of behavior

Breeds with long hair

Among long-haired dogs, the exterior qualities of Labradors are present, first of all, in the Nova Scotia Retriever, as well as in setters - hunting dogs that were directly involved in the development of the Labrador Retriever breed.

The airy, soft and slightly curly coat of Tollers and Setters is similar to the coat of Goldens, the closest relatives of Labradors.

Newfoundlands can also be called similar to Labradors..

Despite their enormous size, these are docile and loyal dogs that love children very much. In terms of proportions and body structure, divers are similar to Labradors, only many times larger.

The features of a Labrador are also visible in the muzzle and ear set, because it is not without reason that Newfoundlands participated in the breeding of this breed.

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