What Labrador mixes look like: a description of the character and characteristics of pets

This article contains all the information about who mestizos are and why it is sometimes better to have them. All the nuances that breeders should take into account before crossing a Labrador with any other breed are also indicated.

If you are going to buy a pet that will be very similar to a Labrador, but at the same time the price will be much lower, then you should pay attention to mestizos.

Mixed breeds are the result of a mixture of two different dog breeds.

At the same time, you should not think that puppies born from different parents will have any defects. On the contrary, such individuals take all the best qualities from their parents.

Only purebred individuals are crossed.

Sometimes even winners of various exhibitions.

The most popular type of mestizos at the moment is a cross between a Labrador retriever and a husky, husky or shepherd dog.

A cross between a Labrador and a Rottweiler and what it looks like in the photo

A cross between a Labrador and a Rottweiler is considered not the most popular at the moment.

It is worth considering what is transmitted at the genetic level to the puppy from its parents.

Labradors are undoubtedly stocky and strong, since the structure of Labradors and Rottweilers is quite similar.

However, if you look at the character of these individuals, it is literally a game of Russian roulette, since although the Labrador genes still take their toll, the fighting character of the Rottweiler cannot be changed. Do not forget that they are among the top most vicious and cruel fighting breeds.

Why are these mestizos so unpopular at this time?

To get a truly worthy hybrid individual, you need to work on crossing several generations of dogs to get a “pure” hybrid.

Now, experts in selective canine design are finding this breed at the earliest stage of development.

Who is better to choose

The retriever group is known for being obedient, but they need to be fed a lot. Huskies are active and restless lovers of play. Labskis combine these characteristics, but it is difficult to judge from a puppy how he will grow up. When choosing a purebred dog, it is easier to navigate its characteristics and, accordingly, there will be less chance of error.

Each person must independently assess their strength and willingness to work on themselves and their pet.

Labski is an interesting experiment of breeders, and such dogs will be excellent companions and comrades. Heredity plays a big role, but more than 70% of a dog’s character should be developed by a loving and wise owner in the first months of his pet’s life.

Labrador and dachshund mixes

One of the most unusual hybrids is a mixture of dachshund and labrador.

The Labrador genes in this cross will be significantly superior to the Dachshund genes, so the individual will turn out more like a representative of the first breed with short legs.

However, such mestizos are not at all deprived of their playfulness and activity. They don’t mind playing with children at all, as they have inexhaustible energy.

Such a different bull terrier

Most people call all dogs with the characteristic pig-like muzzle Bull Terriers. Meanwhile, dog handlers usually use the term pit bull. This name covers dogs with similar physical characteristics and includes the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Dogo Argentino, Dogo Canario, Italian Cane Corso, or any mixture of these.

However, not only ordinary people who have little understanding of cynology, but also lawyers in many countries do not bother with such nuances and equate any dog ​​with bull terriers if one of its parents belonged to the above-mentioned breeds. The fact is that the genetic similarity of these dogs visually makes it difficult to determine “who is who.” In other words, not only here, but also in other countries, dogs with a square head and a powerful body are called bull terriers.

Labrador and Shepherd mixes

The German Shepherd has good guard qualities, as well as equally distinctive devotion to its only owner.
Labradors are very friendly towards children and are easy to learn commands. From these criteria, a crossbreed of these two breeds was obtained, which received protective and friendly qualities from its parents.

Families with children should take a closer look at such a crossbreed, as Labronemese don’t mind playing with them all day long. But it is not only because of the qualities of a kind of “nanny” that one should have such a pet.

If you already have other pets at home, then in this case this will not be a problem, since the dog will get along well with them. Also, don’t forget about the security qualities, thanks to which you don’t have to worry about protecting your home.

Now it’s worth considering the appearance of the mestizo.

The most popular color among Labronemians is black. The ears are in a hanging position. The coat reaches medium length. Of course, all sizes depend on the proportions of the parents.


There are no species or subspecies. However, the popularity and widespread distribution of the breed around the world have added local flavor to national standards. Here is a list of the main varieties:

  • German standard. This is a classic model Rottweiler.
  • English standard. Based on Germanic. It has a calm character and excellent protective qualities.
  • American standard. These are large dogs that are far from friendly in nature. Breeders were able to obtain the ideal animal for guard duty.

Reference. Miniature Rottweilers are not a separate type of breed. Such mini animals are born if a genetic failure occurs. For example, a puppy has sick parents, or an error was made during selection.

Further in the photo you can see representatives of this breed of dogs, including small Rottweilers.

Mixed Labrador and Shar Pei

One of the rarest breed combinations for a crossbreed, as it is in the initial stages of crossbreeding.

But already in a few individuals you can notice a funny structure that resembles a Labrador with folds.

You should not expect that the puppy will be the size of a Labrador, but at the same time completely covered with folds. Most of them will be present on the face in the form of “jowls”.

The adult size will be larger than a Shar Pei , but smaller than a Labrador .

It is also worth noting the resistance to diseases that are inherent in one of their breeds. Why is this happening? A gene from one breed suppresses a disease characteristic of another.


If you think that a dog will be guaranteed to protect you, then this is a mistake.

A mixed breed is an excellent guard only if the genes of the Shar Pei succeed the genes of the Labrador.

But what cannot be taken away from the character is love for the owner and devotion. Don’t forget to help your dog socialize, as the Shar Pei gene can significantly hinder your pet’s ability to do so.

Proper care

Few people would dare to choose such a large animal as a pet. Thick hair and large size are the main characteristics of the mixed breed Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Of course, you need to be able to properly care for her. Such a pet must be combed every day to avoid excessive contamination of the apartment or summer cottage. To make the coat shiny and healthy, it is recommended to decide in advance on the correct feeding. If the owner opts for a natural diet, then it is necessary to remember that the dog’s diet must include beef. It is unacceptable to constantly try to replace it with offal.

Labrador and poodle mixes

This type of crossbreed is the most popular at the moment. Because of which?

The Cobberdog (Labradoodle) is listed as a guide dog that gets along very well and is friendly with people with disabilities.

She will also be an excellent companion for those people who have an allergic reaction to any wool, since they have it hypoallergenic.

Please also note that Labradoodles are excellent caregivers for children, so if you have a family with a child, then this is one of the options for pets that you can adopt.

Let's look at the appearance of such individuals. It should be said right away that due to the design idea, all puppies are not alike, since they take different qualities from a Labrador and a poodle.

However, there is a small list of colors that are typical for cobberdogs:

  • Gold.
  • Apricot color.
  • Chocolate.
  • Black.
  • Coffee color.
  • Creamy.
  • Silver.

Before choosing a pet, you should also pay attention to its size, as they can also be completely different.:

  • Miniature.
  • Standard.

Consistent parenting

When you bring a puppy into your home, you should not let the situation take its course. If you don’t want him to chew everything off you, you need to hide all valuables away. It is highly not recommended to leave your pet alone for a long time. Bored, he can destroy the entire apartment just because he feels scared or uncomfortable. Education must be consistent.

This way the puppy will gradually learn acceptable norms of behavior and will not cause damage to the surrounding area. Any prohibitions must be justified and not excessive. It is recommended to reward the dog for decent behavior in each specific case. This is the only way your pet will soon understand what is allowed and what actions will cause immediate disapproval from the owner.

Cross between Labrador and Alabai

This type of crossbreed is not uncommon, since these breeds are similar in structure. Puppies are distinguished by their kindness and activity.

If you decide to cross these breeds, then it is best to choose light-colored individuals . In this case, the difference will not be so significant.

Now let's look at the character of the Labrador and Alabai mix. He is distinguished by his special activity, which sometimes goes beyond the boundaries of what is permitted.


It is worth noting that the pet should not be left alone for a long time, as he will try to spoil all the things that are in sight during the game.

Also, due to its nature, such a friend is great to take with you on long journeys . He will always be ready to explore new surroundings.


You should pay special attention to your pet's luxurious coat.

The best option would be regular brushing, thorough treatment and bathing at least once every two months . You just need to choose a special shampoo that is suitable for this type of coat.

Character traits

A mixed breed of Shepherd and Alabai is an amazingly beautiful and noble dog. The animal is distinguished by its immense devotion to humans. It is ready to serve him with the undivided loyalty that one can imagine. This is why the dog quickly gets used to following commands. A mixed breed of Alabai and German Shepherd is the ultimate dream of many people who are partial to large breed dogs. Such a dog will not only be able to protect you from any danger, but will also become a wonderful friend. Thanks to its impressive size, it makes a proper impression. It's not scary to go out late at night. Ill-wishers will actually think several times before approaching an animal. The dog has an excellent sense of its own territory. For this reason, she will not let strangers get close, and will not allow anyone to harm the owner.

Labrador and pitbull mix

If you decide to cross these breeds, then you will get a friendly and cheerful friend who does not mind playing active games with you in the fresh air.

However, there is a small chance that the puppy will inherit the aggression and fighting spirit from the pit bull . Of course, it is much less than when crossing two fighting breeds.

Raising a puppy

The dog must necessarily realize its natural potential. Metis Alabai will become an excellent watchman who will serve a person faithfully. He will make a devoted friend who will be able to provide reliable protection in any situation. Of course, this is provided that the owner regularly exercises his pet. The Alabai mestizo should not be allowed to idle; he must be taught to perform certain tasks from childhood. For this purpose, a person must either deal with the dog himself or entrust this matter to a professional. Raising a puppy should begin from the moment you bring it into the house. There is no need to wait for a special occasion to occur, otherwise you could waste precious time, which will certainly create additional difficulties in the future. Socialization of a young dog is an extremely important issue, which is an integral part of the education process. A puppy should not grow up fearful, apathetic, or aggressive towards his own people. If the owner does not properly raise the pet, you should not be surprised that the dog exhibits some strange behavior. Given the strong genes of the German Shepherd, it is necessary to take these points into account in advance. A photo of a mixed breed of Alabai and Shepherd immediately makes it possible to understand what breeds of dogs took part in the breeding. Of course, the puppies turn out very beautiful.

Labrador mix and huskies

This type of mestizos is very friendly and active. It is distinguished by its attachment to a single owner. But it is worth noting that the husky’s stern disposition and independence can manifest itself in everyday life.

They can show their character by barking . These dogs are wonderfully suited for hunting.

Characteristic features of the appearance of the Labrador and Laika mix breeds are pointed, which are directed upwards.

What will he become?

All puppies are cute and adorable. But owners, as a rule, want to imagine in advance what will grow out of the fluffy ball, whether it will fit in the apartment and whether it will obey.

Character traits

If the breed is regulated by a standard, then in the case of a random mating it is difficult to predict what specific qualities the dog will have. Even a purebred puppy’s character does not appear immediately. One individual husky may be calmer than another, and a shepherd dog may be less intelligent than its littermates, but in general their disposition will correspond to the breed norm.

However, trainers and animal psychologists confidently testify that almost any dog ​​can be raised so that it becomes a “positive member of society.” There are exceptions: sometimes psychopaths and maniacs are also born among people. But this (pathological learning disability, innate tendency to causeless aggression) are rare cases, and it is unlikely that you will come across such a dog.

The vast majority of situations associated with antisocial behavior in dogs come from childhood, that is, they are associated with psychological trauma and improper upbringing. If you devote enough time to your pet from the very beginning, patiently raise it and train it, it is almost a guarantee that you will grow up a dog with whom you can negotiate.

Laika and Labrador are breeds with characters that do not contradict each other. So a mixture of the two will most likely be:

  • curious;
  • loving active recreation;
  • smart and quick-witted.

You definitely shouldn’t expect her to become a reliable guard and watchman - none of the original breeds are prone to this. If your dog gets more of this from the Husky than from the Labrador, he will be more independent and wary of strangers. If the labrador genes win over the husky, it will be more trusting and friendly.


Before the birth of mixed-breed puppies, it is difficult to predict what they will be like, but at the age of 1–2 months, the differences between the Laika and Labrador types are already visible:

  • those puppies that received more from a Labrador will be larger, those from a husky will be smaller and finer-boned;
  • from a husky, a child can inherit a donut-curled tail and erect triangular ears;
  • a Labrador puppy's face will not be as sharp.

Color in our case is a lottery. The husky/labrador mix can be either completely white or fawn or darker. But the puppy’s coloring is visible immediately after birth - this will not come as a surprise to the owners.

Labrador and Husky mixes (Labski)

This union is one of the most popular for breeding mestizos. How do they stand out among other mestizos? Labski takes from the husky all the charming features of its appearance.

One of them is the unusual color of expressive eyes. It also happens that a puppy is born with different eyes: one eye is sky blue and the other is brown .

The Labrador gets its body structure and coloring. With all this, the coat can be absolutely varied, sometimes spotted.

It is worth answering the character of the husky and labrador mixes. He is very similar to the Laika and Labrador mixes. A stern disposition can also creep into everyday life, and when danger approaches, they can become aggressive.

However, such pets can easily find a common language with children and play fun games..

The mental qualities of these dogs should not be ignored. They are distinguished by their intelligence and the manifestation of their logic.

Benefits of Parenting

The temperament of the mixed breed Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd is distinguished by its complex character. If you indulge a dog in everything, the result will be an untamed pet that will not obey at all. The owner must be consistent in his upbringing and try to make as few mistakes as possible. The future of the dog depends on how much he can invest in the development of the puppy. You should always remember that it is easy to spoil the character of an animal, but correcting the mistake will be quite difficult.

Education should be approached thoroughly, without making significant mistakes. If you initially spoil a dog, it will become difficult to re-educate it in the future. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase small puppies. The most suitable age for handing over a baby to a new owner is two to three months. It is during this period that attachment is best formed. A person has the opportunity to raise a puppy the way he wants, to make him an excellent guard or just a furry friend.

Thus, a cross between two breeds sometimes looks quite interesting. The photo of the Alabai mestizo certainly attracts attention. True breed connoisseurs will most likely want to see their favorite traits in their four-legged friend. Without a doubt, such dogs are perfect for guarding a private home. It is better to refuse to keep them in an apartment because their fur is too thick and their size is quite impressive.

Mixed labrador and spaniel

When these breeds are crossed, a wonderful puppy is obtained, which is more similar in size to a Labrador, but the ears and structure of the muzzle are similar to a spaniel.

This species of mixed breed is very friendly and active, and is not averse to playing active games with its owner in the fresh air..

The qualities of a restless hunter, passed on from the spaniel, are also well expressed. Due to the combination of all the features, you will definitely not get bored with your pet.

Controversial chronology

Most information sources talk about the birth of the “designer pet movement” in Australia, citing a successful project of cross-breeding a Labrador retriever with a poodle. This is not entirely true: crossing different breeds is a long-standing zootechnical practice. Most “young” dogs are the result of mixing blood, collecting talents, and chasing the desired phenotype.

For example, the best breed created in the Soviet Union, the black Russian terrier, was developed through planned outbreeding. In 1949, an excellent set of elite pairs of Giant Schnauzers, Newfoundlands, Rottweilers and Airedale Terriers of good blood arrived from Germany to the Moscow Zootechnical Institute in 1949. Soviet canine scientists, under the leadership of biologist professor Ilyin and Major General Medvedev, carried out a government order: the selection of a new service and guard dog for work in harsh climatic conditions. The result of the most complex and very long work: the “black pearl of the USSR”, a magnificent “designer hybrid”, frost-resistant, powerful and hardy, ferocious and vicious (with excellent control and manageability) “Russian blackie”.

Labrador and Staff mix

This is one of the crossed individuals that it is better not to have if you have small children at home, as sometimes behavioral factors from the fighting breed may appear.

But don’t think that everything is so depressing.

Most mestizos are friendly to people, and this species is no exception . Once you look at their activity in games and affectionate behavior, you will immediately fall in love with this cross.


The dog is short in stature but has a stocky body, which is inherited from the Staffordshire Terrier . The coat reaches medium length. The nose is elongated like a Labrador, but the size of the eyes, their location, as well as the frontal part are very similar to the Staff.

Independent “examination” of the authenticity of the breed

Coming to the nursery for a 2-3 month old puppy of a valuable breed, the potential dog owner should initially be familiar with the description of the standard of this breed, and also know how to accurately distinguish a Labrador from a mongrel and mixed breeds of this retriever.

A purebred Labrador is distinguished by the following behavioral characteristics:

  • exceptional gullibility,
  • playfulness,
  • good nature,
  • complete absence of aggression.

Labrador/Alabai mix

They also pay attention to the appearance of the pet. Labrador is characterized by:

  • strong bones,
  • medium length nose,
  • jaws and eyes of medium size,
  • medium-sized ears that fit tightly to the head,
  • short, shiny coat of mostly solid color.

When choosing a four-legged friend, potential dog owners should be especially vigilant and know the distinctive characteristics of a puppy of the desired breed, so that they do not have to pay a lot of money for a mongrel or Labrador mix.

Mixed labrador and mongrel

It can be considered one of the most unpredictable crosses of all those presented above . If you are planning to crossbreed a purebred Labrador and a yard dog, then be prepared for a different outcome.

What should you know? If you cross two purebred dogs, you can roughly know the character of the offspring. In this case, you will not be able to predict the puppy’s further behavior.

This will depend on the character of the mongrel . But not everything is so sad. At least you can still know something for sure. Do not forget that the mongrel can pass on qualities that will not suit you at all in the future.


From the Labrador, friendly and active qualities are passed on to the offspring, thanks to which you will not be bored.

You also cannot predict the appearance before the birth of the offspring. You can only determine the approximate size of a dog by looking at the size of its parents and imagine something in between the father and mother.

Features of care

Of course, it is not enough just to have the desire to have a mixed breed of Shepherd and Alabai. It is necessary to properly care for the dog so that it has the opportunity to live in complete well-being. The dog needs to be brushed regularly, and during the shedding period it needs to be done daily. Otherwise, you won't be able to get rid of clumps of fur; it will be everywhere. Even if the dog is kept in the yard, it must be carefully looked after. A caring owner is always concerned about providing his pet with a balanced diet and making his life exciting and interesting. The condition of the fur of your four-legged friend depends on the quality of food.

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