Cat and cat of the American Curl breed, varieties: semi-longhair and shorthair

Description of the American Curl breed

Popularity 62nd among 87 cat breeds


12-20 years


Up to 30 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

10-25 thousand rubles


3-7 kg
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Breed overview

WEIGHT : Males weigh between 3.5 and 5.5 kg and females weigh less than 3.5 kg.

LENGTH : from 45 to 50 cm

COAT : short and silky.

COAT COLOR : white, black, blue, cream, red, lilac, brown and silver.

EYE COLOR : amber, blue, blue, copper, green, gold, hazel, odd-eyed, orange, yellow.

How long do they live : usually from 9 to 16 years

Key facts

Despite the congenital genetic mutation that deforms the ear cartilage, furry pets are in good health. With proper care, the maximum lifespan of American Curls is 20 years.

These animals have a hard time with loneliness. The key characteristic of the American Curl breed is its peacefulness. They easily get along with dogs and get along well with children.

According to the official description, the American Curl breed comes in shorthair and semi-longhair. Due to its spectacular appearance, the second variety, which requires more care, is more popular than the first.

These cats are often compared to the main inhabitant of Neverland: like Peter Pan, they refuse to grow up until the very end, maintaining childish restlessness and playfulness into old age.

Description and features

Curls are not the only cats whose breed arose due to a genetic mutation. Genetic failures that affect the appearance of cats occur quite often. In isolated cases, people pay attention to them; extraordinary cats fall into the hands of breeders, who turn the mutation into a breed trait.

Modern science has made it possible to find the gene responsible for reverse curly cat ears. It was named Cu. In addition to American Curls, it is found in free-living Greek cats. With introduced animals, the gene moved to Australia. It is found in Australian semi-wild and domestic cats.

The gene, which causes the animal's ears to roll back, fortunately, did not deform the cat's health or introduce other anatomical or physiological abnormalities. When crossing with cats of other breeds, the Cu gene is not suppressed, but is passed on to the offspring. Reverse ear folding is a highly inherited dominant trait.

Relatively short breeding work left the original genetic set intact. Therefore, the animal does not show propensities for hereditary diseases characteristic of high-born animals. The American Curl is a medium-sized animal with high-quality, silky hair and good health.

History of the origin of the American Curl

The country of origin of the breed is recognized as the USA. In 1981, in California, a family named Ruga adopted a stray cat with arched ears. Just 6 years later, an unusual pet, named Shulamith, was declared the founder of a new breed.

The new owners received their first offspring soon after the appearance of their new favorite. Despite the ordinary appearance of the father, most of the kittens inherited their mother's ears. Only in 1983, the couple decided to seek advice from felinologists. The gene responsible for curling ears was recognized as dominant, which explained such frequent inheritance of an unusual appearance when mating partners of different breeds.

In 1987, the standard and name of the breed were officially established, but only for representatives with long hair. Shorthair cats had to wait another 4 years before TICA awarded them a separate standard.

In old American newspapers dating back to the 60s of the 20th century, you can find one interesting fact. It turns out that California and Oklahoma farmers encountered unusual cats even before Shulamith appeared. If, instead of reporters, they had shared their discovery with employees of international felinological organizations, then perhaps the American Curl cat would have received official status much earlier.

Reproduction and lifespan

From the age of six months, kittens begin to mature. Males are capable of procreation at 8 months. At about the same age, or a little earlier, cats are ready to meet a cat. This, of course, applies to animals whose owners have not spayed or neutered.

The behavior of cats and cats does not raise doubts about their readiness to have offspring. Further actions depend not so much on the animals, but on the experience of their owner. If the owner is breeding animals for the first time, he should seek advice from a club or veterinary clinic.

Considering that the American Curl is a rare breed, every stud or fertile cat is registered in the club and their matings are planned long before entering the period of sexual activity.

Curls have a peculiarity. Kittens are born with normal, undeformed ears. Within 48 hours, the tips of the ears begin to droop back. At four months of age, changes in the shape of the ears stop. The cartilage of the lower third of the auricle becomes hard. The top of the ears remains flexible.

Not all kittens have posterior folded ears. Some remain with erect, straight ears. This does not stop them from being American Curls. The only thing is that the path to the championship ring and performance in show class is closed for them. But these kittens, in turn, can produce offspring with the tips of their ears thrown back.

Similar cat breeds

Siberian cat

Maine Coon

Norwegian Forest Cat

Estimation of breed characteristics

Shedding level:
Social need:
Ease of care:
Attachment to family:
Hair loss/shedding:
Health/susceptibility to disease:

A beautiful cat with unusual curled round ears is the American Curl. It appeared relatively recently, but it is gaining popularity among amateurs and professional breeders at a rapid pace. These gentle American representatives of the cat family are distinguished by their exceptionally pleasant character and unique appearance.

What does an American Curl look like?

The main feature of the breed is its arched ears, which determine the class of the animal depending on the degree of curvature. The ideal shape is a full crescent. Its owners are included in the show class and can count on maximum points from the judges.

The size of the animals is average: males weigh up to 7 kg, and females weigh up to 5 kg. The height at the withers varies from 28 to 33 cm. Boys are always larger than girls, so in the photo American Curls of different sexes are very different from each other. Despite the massive size, the overall impression focuses on the elegance and grace of these animals.


The breed is characterized by a wedge-shaped head with a strong and well-defined chin. Slightly slanted eyes take the shape of a walnut or an elongated oval. Large and wide ears are slightly rounded at the tips. The ear flap is bent within 90°-180°. Deviation from these indicators is considered a deficiency. The bite can be scissor-shaped or straight.

In addition to excessive or too small folding of the ears, the disadvantages include their low fit, as well as a pronounced stop at the nose. Representatives with thickened or patterned ear coverings are not allowed to the exhibition. The same fate applies to those whose ear tip reaches their head.

Body type

The head is located on a strong and slightly massive neck. The rectangular body combines well-developed muscles and elegance of the silhouette. The hind and forelimbs end in plump, rounded paws. The length of the luxurious flexible tail matches the length of the body. Its maximum thickness is observed at the base, and towards the tip it gradually decreases.

Coat and color

The standard allows for 2 varieties of American Curl: semi-longhair and shorthair. The shorter the coat, the greater its shine. Long-haired cats must have a furry tail and collar. Both species have developed guard hair and a small amount of undercoat. Having a coat that is too coarse or “cottony” is considered a fault.

The American Curl can be any color: black, red, white, gray, smoky, cream and even tortoiseshell. The only color limitation is for color point, which requires the presence of blue eyes.


In Russia, the American Curl breed is just beginning to gain popularity. Therefore, there are still few reliable nurseries and they are located in large cities.

  1. "Exclusive Cats", Ufa.
  2. "VolgaStyle", Volgograd.
  3. "VINNIMUR", St. Petersburg.
  4. "MurMarik", Rostov-on-Don.
  5. "Las Vegas Curl", Kaluga.
  6. "CharmingCurl", Moscow.
  7. "Star Best Curl", Soviet.

Many nurseries do not sell their dogs until 4 months of age. Because breed differences are finally formed at this time. American Curl kittens, photos of which each nursery places on its website, can be reserved via the Internet. Typically, breeders will accept a deposit and the official sale will take place within 4 months.

The cost of a show class kitten starts from 40-50 thousand rubles. Breed class is cheaper - from 20-25 thousand rubles. A thoroughbred pet class will cost 15-20 thousand rubles. On free ad sites, the cost of such kittens will be significantly lower. But there is no guarantee that they belong to the American Curl breed. Therefore, it is better to purchase from trusted breeders.

American Curl Personality

Due to the unacceptable attitude towards loneliness, “bow-eared” pets need to always have someone in the apartment. They get along well with children and other animals, and also tolerate noise and easily get to know strangers. They firmly associate the concept of home with a person, so moving to a new place is perceived not as a disaster, but as an exciting journey.

The character of the American Curl combines friendliness, activity and high intelligence. This pet is suitable for those who like to see an animal in their arms at their own request. Despite their affection, curls are not intrusive. If you have one of these cats, then she will not pester you with screams when she gets hungry or wants to express her disagreement.

Life together with a furry little eared animal will not work out only for birds and rodents. A developed hunting instinct simply will not allow them to be perceived as family members, and not as prey. Also try to be careful when leaving your pet alone with a small child. In this case, it is the animal that is in danger, since playful children’s hands can damage its fragile ears.

Characteristics and habits

The American Curl is devoid of arrogance, pride and anger. He does not impose his society, does not defend order, does not enter into conflicts, and has an easy-going character. These are peace-loving and affectionate creatures that themselves are drawn to humans.


The American Curl cat breed belongs to the class of highly sensitive cats that become depressed without human attention and love.


American Curls love to play. Their character can be compared to the habits of a dog. If you do not allow your pet to throw out excess energy, it will not let its owner sleep and will constantly distract him from household chores.

At least an hour every day should be devoted to active games with the animal. Then the cat will be happy, active and will not gain excess weight.


The American Curl has a unique character. This is one of the smartest cat breeds.

They remain just as inquisitive with guests. They themselves show an active interest in new people and even allow themselves to be stroked.

Attitude towards people

Pets love their owners and always try to find an approach to each family member. Moreover, they prefer to steal all the attention. A large family with loving owners is an ideal atmosphere for them. They love children of all ages because... they often play with them.


Despite all the love, the American Curl will not be intrusive.

Education and training

Due to their similarity to dogs, they are trainable. Pets do not need to set restrictions twice. They quickly react to the stern voice of the owner and try to be obedient. Cats love to learn new skills if they are interested in them.

Training is carried out in a game format, without raising your voice. Cats have a capricious character. If an animal loses trust in a person, it will stop obeying him.


The team name cannot be changed. If something is forbidden to a cat, there should be only one word for it, for example, “not allowed.” Reinforcement should be positive - a tasty treat, petting.

Training should begin at 3 months. As your cat ages, it will become increasingly difficult to accustom him to the litter box and teach him commands. If there is already an adult, well-bred cat in the house, it will be easier for the owners. The kitten will learn everything from a more authoritative representative.


The animal is a strong predator. However, with proper upbringing, he can be accustomed to living together with parrots, fish, and hamsters. Still, reviews of the American Curl advise not to leave it alone with small pets.

They do not like to compete with other cats and exhibit tolerant behavior. If a cat finds itself in a wild environment, it will be difficult for it to adapt to new conditions. Pets are used to being pets.

Raising an American Curl

Well-mannered animals do not mark their territory, do not chew their owners’ personal belongings, and do not scratch furniture, so breeders recommend not postponing training a pet indefinitely. After buying a kitten, show him the toilet and gradually begin raising him, explaining the prohibitions in your home. In this case, you won’t have to look for how to wean your pet from inappropriate actions, since he will be able to do everything he needs from childhood.

Due to their high intelligence, Curls are highly trainable and resemble dogs in many ways. A trained pet can master the prohibition command and the game command “fetch”. In the latter case, training will be equated to play, since these cats love to chase a ball or a mouse.

When training, try not to forget that you are training a feline. Unlike dogs, they do not tolerate being pushed around and do not respond well to negative reinforcements. Lower the bar of your requirements in advance and use a gaming technique. Praise your mustachioed pet even in case of failure. In this case, he will enjoy the process and will definitely try to bring you special joy with his successes.

Looking for an American Curl? Find your pet from 2 offers Buy

Content Features

You can walk, but only on a harness with the owner. You should avoid crowded places, during busy traffic, and pick up the animal in your arms. Curls should not be allowed out on their own for walks.

A pet must have its own personal place. To do this, it is worth purchasing a bed or a house in which he will feel comfortable.

With proper maintenance, care and nutrition, there will be no health problems. The only weak point of the curl is the ears. If you carelessly care for them, there is a risk of developing a defect in cartilage tissue.

What to feed

Completely unpretentious in terms of food. But it is worth remembering that if you want to feed your pet industrial food, it should only be a premium product.

When eating natural food, you can give the following products:

  • lean meat, offal (liver, lungs, hearts);
  • ready-made cereals (oats, wheat, rye);
  • low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream).

Additionally, you need to give your cat vitamins that are prescribed only by a veterinarian.

American Curl Health

Good living conditions and the love of the owner are the main factors influencing the life expectancy of a mustachioed pet. If all vaccinations and antiparasitic measures are followed, cats from America live up to 20 years.

Possible diseases

The health of the American Curl can only be envied. Due to the natural nature of the mutation, the breed has no genetic diseases. The only disadvantage of these cats is the ear cartilage, which is vulnerable to mechanical stress. If you do not want to treat injured ears, protect your pet from the hands of children and the enthusiastic hugs of your friends.

Reproductive health

The optimal age for castration and sterilization of an animal is 5-9 months, that is, immediately after puberty. It is recommended to operate on female cats before their first heat. In this case, the risk of developing cancer in the future is minimal.

Those who have decided to have offspring and plan to give birth on their own will have to learn a few nuances about breeding the breed. Both two purebred partners and one outbred partner can participate in mating. In the second case, the probability of giving birth to kittens with arched ears is reduced to 50%. Despite this, such matings are encouraged as they help expand the genetic diversity within the breed.

The pet's pregnancy lasts 62-68 days. The appearance of small pets is a lottery. The parent curl is not inherited. A cat can give birth to less impressive cubs or, conversely, more spectacular ones than herself.

Health status

Unlike most blue-blooded breeds, Curls have not inherited defective genes or hereditary mutations that can affect their health. The only “cosmetic” mutation is the folded ears.

Due to their strong immunity, cats rarely suffer from colds or infectious diseases. If timely vaccination is carried out, then cat pathologies recede into the background. Since they are crossed with outbred animals, there is a mixing of “wild” blood, which has a positive effect on health.

Curl lives on average 13-15 years, but there are cases when purebred individuals lived up to 20 years. Physical activity increases life expectancy, which pets compensate for by playing. Being hyperactive, they need walks: at least once a week you need to walk them on a leash or let them frolic in the clearing near the house.

The only problem with curls is the abnormally narrow structure of the ear canal, which periodically causes various inflammatory processes. Regular ear examinations and visits to the veterinarian help solve this physiological problem.

Note: Crossing with street cats is carried out to strengthen the breed, and half of the kittens in the litter are born with straight ears. Curls are then crossed with each other and all kittens in the litter have the characteristic features of the breed.

Features of feeding and diet

The cost of keeping an animal always depends on its diet. For your pet's good health, never skimp on its food. Choose either natural food or at least premium food. In the second case, the guide for feeding a kitten or an adult animal, indicated on the package, will help you figure out how many times and in what portions to feed your pet.

The standards calculated by the manufacturer are based on the weight and age of the cat, so in case of illness they can be adjusted by the veterinarian. The highest price is set for holistic foods, as they contain a lot of protein. For animals with a high protein content due to problems with the genitourinary system, such feeding can be dangerous. For safety reasons, try to clarify what food to feed your pet immediately at your appointment at the veterinary clinic.

Curls are not picky eaters, so they will happily eat anything you offer them. Uncontrolled feeding is fraught with obesity and intestinal upset, so do not offer the animal more than the recommended amount. When choosing natural nutrition, use:

  • lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef) and heat-treated offal;
  • rice or oatmeal porridge cooked in meat broth;
  • fresh cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk with low fat content;
  • pumpkin, beets, carrots or zucchini, stewed or boiled;
  • vitamins selected by a veterinarian.

Newborn kittens are fed by their mother, so you don’t have to worry about them until they are 2 months old. Up to 6 months, babies are fed 5 times a day, and after 6 - 4. From 1 year, the animal is transferred to three meals a day, and after 1.5 years - to two meals a day, maintaining it until the end of its life.

Pros and cons of the breed

American Curls do not require special care , they are sociable and not prone to illness. They have a friendly character and a high degree of cleanliness.

A significant disadvantage is its rarity. It is difficult to find a reputable breeder. The curl is very attached to its owner: in the event of his death or serious illness, he can become seriously ill.

Animals tolerate loneliness, so they are not suitable for people with busy work schedules.

Care and maintenance

The rules for the care and maintenance of the American Curl require careful treatment of the ears and ensuring sufficient daily activity. For the health of your furry pet, follow these recommendations:

  1. Brush the coat 1 or 2 times a week depending on its length. Long-haired and short-haired cats will benefit from the same set of combing tools: a comb, a massage brush and a slicker brush. During molting, the frequency of procedures is increased.
  2. Carry out water procedures no more than 2 times a year. More frequent washing breaks the protective fat film, so when walking frequently, rinse only the paws. To maintain the quality of the coat, use special conditioners and veterinary shampoos. After a shower, be sure to dry your pet with a towel or hairdryer.
  3. Keep your eyes and ears clean. Clean your eyes daily from any secretions that accumulate overnight, and clean your ears no more than once a month. Do not forget about the fragility of cartilage during processing.
  4. Trim the nails to prevent them from growing into the pads. If you don’t have the skill, seek a haircut at a grooming salon.
  5. Brush your teeth twice a month with veterinary toothpaste or regular baking soda. Regular oral care will help maintain healthy teeth into old age.

Before buying a pet, purchase a bed, bowls, a tray, a scratching post and several toys. Remember that until the first vaccination the baby will be in temporary quarantine, so do not let him into the hallway and hide his outdoor shoes in a closed closet. Try to keep an eye on the kitten for about a year. In search of adventure, he will definitely climb into the trash can or try to spin the drum of your washing machine. After vaccination, your small pet can be walked on a harness. Representatives of this breed love everything new, so try to change routes more often.

Characteristics of pets of this breed

The description of the American Curl in general is no different from the Russian Siberian, but there is a difference. Siberian cats are capricious and not always flexible, although they are very affectionate.

Curls are very intelligent, adaptable, do not require much attention or food, and get along with all household members, even the smallest.

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Children enjoy playing with pets, and they, in turn, are not able to harm, scratch or bite children.

Curls quickly become litter trained. These are purely domestic cats. It is not recommended to let them out for free street walks. Risk of theft. These cats are too beautiful.

It is advisable for Curl to purchase or make several dozen toys. Only with them does he feel like a real cat, a favorite of the household. Babies and adult cats of this breed love affection no less.

Curls are very curious. Many breeders have even noticed that the pet enjoys watching TV. Especially cartoons.

Restlessness quickly turns into flexibility as the Curl matures. Large, fluffy cats and cats are very sedate and calm. It is very easy to teach a representative of this breed to walk on a leash.

Tips for choosing a kitten

It is better to adopt American Curl kittens no earlier than 4 months. Babies are always born with straight ears, and deformation of the ear tissue occurs only over time. If you want to choose a future champion, then it is better to take your time and wait for the final appearance of the curl.

Choose your future pet from a nursery or from a private breeder who is a member of a felinological club. When purchasing a purebred animal, the seller must provide the following documents:

  • contract of sale;
  • veterinary passport;
  • metrics.

The presence of straight-eared kittens in a litter is normal and should not cause your suspicion if their number does not exceed 50%. The cost of such babies will be lower.

In addition to documentation, be sure to check the appearance and activity of the future pet. The presence of an enlarged abdomen, dull fur or watery eyes indicates a disease, so it is better to refuse the purchase.

Maintenance and breeding

Caring for American Curls is not difficult. Their silky coat does not tangle, so even semi-long-haired representatives of the breed need periodic brushing. Bathing, treatment with antistatic agents and other cosmetics are necessary only for show animals before the show. Like other domestic cats, curls require mandatory regular vaccination to protect against rabies and a number of other infectious diseases - panleukopenia, calicivirosis, viral rhinotracheitis.

What to feed the American Curl

The key to your pet's health and good condition is proper nutrition.

The diet does not in any way affect the development of proper ear curl.

Therefore, no special diet has been developed for curls; they can be fed with any premium or super-premium diet. There are a lot of foods on sale that can keep breeding animals and castrates, city couch potatoes and cats leading an active lifestyle in their garden in good shape.

You can feed him food he has prepared himself, but not leftovers from the master’s table. Cats need more proteins and fats than humans, and significantly less carbohydrates. The basis of cat dishes should be ground meat (previously frozen or boiled) - lean beef or pork, offal, chicken fillet with fat. A little porridge (rice, buckwheat) or boiled vegetables is added to the meat. Lean meat is flavored with fish oil and linseed oil. Seasonings and spices are not added to cat food - they do not benefit the animal.

Once a week you can pamper your pet with an egg or fish (the river fish should be boiled first to avoid infection with opisthorchiasis). It is not recommended to feed your cat these products on a regular basis: a fish diet often leads to the development of urolithiasis, and the abuse of eggs leads to hypervitaminosis A.

In the photo - a short-haired representative of the American Curl breed

Breeding Features

A curl's partner for mating can be another curl - with curled ears or straight ones, the so-called straight. Some felinological systems (for example, CFA) allow mating to an outbred animal that externally meets the standard (except for ear set). This “influx of blood” from the outside makes the breed line stronger and healthier, but in this case, as with straight mating, only half or a little more of the offspring will become the owners of crimped ears. In two Curls, almost all children inherit this breed trait, but the degree and shape of the bend does not depend on the curl angle of the parents.

Not very experienced, novice breeders will be helped to find the most suitable partner for their pet at the felinological club. Animals that do not have disqualifying defects are allowed for breeding.

In order to assess the suitability of a pet for breeding, you should take part in at least one exhibition.

Breeding pedigree cats is a fascinating business, but quite troublesome and expensive: visiting exhibitions, providing the necessary conditions for the stud cat, mother cat and newborns, you need to be prepared for the very likely damage to the interior of the apartment from the younger cat generation. Owners who are not ready for such sacrifices are better off neutering their pet. This will not affect the character and temperament, but will free you from many problems - urinary marks, night "songs", a tendency to run away. Such cats and female cats, like fertile ones, can participate in exhibitions only in the castrati class.

Curls are sociable pets that are gentle with children.

How much does an American Curl cost?

The price of an American curl with all documents is at least 10 thousand rubles. For this price you can buy a pet-class animal with defects that are not acceptable for breeding or participation in exhibitions. Straight-eared representatives can be purchased within 25 thousand rubles, but more elite individuals will cost 25-45 thousand rubles.

In addition to class, how much an animal costs depends on the rarity of its color and the status of the seller. Owners of chinchilla, golden and chocolate coats born in the capital's nurseries receive the highest prices.

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Let's buy a small miracle

Buying an American Curl in Russia is quite problematic. There are only 10 nurseries in the country specializing in this breed. If you want to get a thoroughbred, purebred animal, then take your choice seriously. Find a responsible breeder who will provide all the documents confirming the cat’s pedigree and show the parents of your future pet. Pay attention to the conditions in which the kitten was kept. This will affect his future health.

At the age of 3-4 months, the kitten should be playful and active, he willingly takes part in games with peers. There should be no signs of aggression or fear.

Kittens must be healthy, active and mobile

Decide why you are purchasing a Curl: do you need a domestic companion cat, or are you going to breed the breed? The price of the kitten will depend on this. There are three standard breed classes:

  1. Pet is a domestic pet, unsuitable for exhibitions and breeding. The curl of the ear is marked or weakly expressed.
  2. Breed - suitable for breeding work, but have some minor defects.
  3. Shows are the most valuable and expensive kittens with excellent breeding and exhibition potential.

The minimum age for weaning a baby from its mother is 12 weeks. At this age, separation is done without stress. The kitten is vaccinated, accustomed to the tray and “adult” food. By 4–6 months, the final formation of the ear fold occurs.

The price of kittens depends on the class, exterior, origin of the cat and can range from 100 to 2 thousand dollars.

History of the breed

The American Curl breed is native to America. The first kitten with curled ears was born as a result of a genetic mutation.

The owners named the pet in honor of King Solomon’s beloved, Shulamite.

After some time, the cat gave birth to kittens and two of the litter had the same unusually shaped, curled ears. This appearance feature attracted the attention of breeders.

Work on breeding the American Curl began in 1983. And literally after 3 years this breed was officially registered.

Today, the breed is especially popular in its homeland in the USA and is rapidly winning the hearts of Europeans, as well as residents of the former CIS countries!

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