Bonharen Forte (Kontipro, Czech Republic) bottle. 6 ml (3 bottles/pack)

Bonharen is a drug intended for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and tendovaginitis of non-infectious etiology in horses, dogs and cats.

Bonharen contains hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium hyaluronate - 10 mg/ml as an active ingredient, and sodium chloride and water for injection as excipients. The medicinal product does not contain genetically modified products.

In appearance, Bonharen is a colorless transparent solution.

Bonharen is produced in the form of a sterile solution, packaged in 2 and 6 ml in sterile glass bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with rubber stoppers and reinforced with aluminum caps. Each bottle is labeled in Russian indicating the name of the manufacturing organization, its address and trademark, name, purpose and method of use of the medicinal product, name and content of the active substance, expiration date, storage conditions, volume of the drug in the bottle, date of manufacture, batch number , the inscriptions “For animals” and “Sterile”, information on confirmation of conformity, state registration number and provide instructions for use.

Store Bonharen in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, protected from light and inaccessible to unauthorized persons, separately from food and feed at a temperature of 5 to 25°C. The shelf life of the medicinal product, if conditions are met, is 36 months from the date of manufacture. Bonharen should not be used after its expiration date.



on the use of Bonharen for the treatment of horses, dogs and cats with diseases of the musculoskeletal system
of non-infectious etiology (organization - “Contipro C as”, Czech Republic).

  • Bonharen is a drug intended for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and tendovaginitis of non-infectious etiology in horses, dogs and cats.
  • Bonharen contains hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium hyaluronate - 10 mg/ml as an active ingredient, and sodium chloride and water for injection as excipients.
  • The medicinal product does not contain genetically modified products.
  • In appearance, Bonharen is a colorless transparent solution.
  • Bonharen is produced in the form of a sterile solution, packaged in 2 and 6 ml in sterile glass bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with rubber stoppers and reinforced with aluminum caps. Each bottle is labeled in Russian indicating the name of the manufacturing organization, its address and trademark, name, purpose and method of use of the medicinal product, name and content of the active substance, expiration date, storage conditions, volume of the drug in the bottle, date of manufacture, batch number , the inscriptions “For animals” and “Sterile”, information on confirmation of conformity, state registration number and provide instructions for use.
  • Store the drug in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, protected from light and inaccessible to unauthorized persons, separately from food and feed at a temperature of 5 to 25 °C. The shelf life of the medicinal product, if conditions are met, is 36 months from the date of manufacture.
  • Bonharen should not be used after its expiration date.

Bonharen's active ingredient, hyaluronic acid, is a naturally occurring compound present in connective tissue, skin, vitreous body, and in the highest concentrations in the synovial fluid of mammals. Hyaluronic acid normalizes the cellular composition and viscosity of the joint fluid, improves its lubricity, activates the mobility of granulocytes and macrophages, eliminates the consequences of inflammatory processes and helps restore the physiological function of the joint. Hyaluronic acid, when administered parenterally in high concentrations, accumulates in the synovial fluid, where it exerts its therapeutic effect. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Bonharen is a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have a locally irritating or sensitizing effect, and does not have cumulative properties.

  • Bonharen is prescribed to horses, dogs and cats for the treatment of acute and chronic arthrosis, polyarthrosis, subacute and chronic arthritis, acute and chronic tendovaginitis, tendonitis, bursitis and osteochondrosis of non-infectious etiology.
  • The drug is administered intravenously or subcutaneously to horses at a dose of 0.01 ml per 1 kg of body weight (0.1 mg/kg in terms of sodium hyaluronate), dogs weighing from 5 to 80 kg - at a dose of 0.05 ml/kg body weight ( 0.5 mg/kg for the active substance), dogs and cats weighing up to 5 kg - at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg of body weight (1 mg/kg for the active substance). The course of treatment is 3–7 injections with an interval of 5–7 days.
  • No side effects or complications were identified when using the drug in accordance with the instructions. When administered intravenously, strict adherence to the rules of asepsis is necessary. In some animals, as a result of needle movement, diffuse swelling may appear, which disappears after 24–48 hours. Bonharen can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Bonharen should not be used simultaneously with cationic antimicrobial substances (erythromycin, amoxicillin, cefquin), as they cause clotting of the drug.
  • After using the drug, products from animals can be used for food purposes without restrictions.
  • When working with Bonharen, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions adopted when working with medicinal products for animals.
  • It is prohibited to use empty bottles of the drug for household purposes.
  • Bonharen should be stored out of the reach of children.

Indications for use

The medicine is used as an independent medicine or in complex treatment of diseases.

When it comes to caring for your dog, it will be useful for you to learn how to get rid of dog hair using a furminator, how to train a dog at home, how to choose a clipper, and how to make a kennel and enclosure yourself.

The list of pathologies in dogs that can be treated with Bonharen is as follows:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tendinitis and tendovaginitis;
  • non-infectious bursitis.

Important! The drug "Bonharen" is also used in the case of eye diseases in animals: conjunctivitis, corneal lesions, keratitis.

Inclusion of Bonharen in the treatment regimen for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system of large breed dogs

Diseases of the joints and tendon-ligamentous apparatus can be considered in two large groups: acute and chronic. Acute cases include wounds, injuries, sprains and ruptures of tendons and ligaments, and acute arthritis. Chronic diseases include contractures, bursitis, tendonitis and tendovaginitis, deforming arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, etc. I would especially like to note such a pathology as dysplasia, which usually affects the hip and less often the elbow joints. In all three groups, the inclusion of parenteral administration of hyaluronic acid in complex therapy brought positive results.

PHENYLBUTAZONE, a widely known analgesic and anti-inflammatory non-hormonal drug, was used as a symptomatic (reducing the manifestations of pathology) agent. We chose BONKHAREN


As an active ingredient, BONHAREN contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid - a natural component of all joint tissues. The entry of HA into the affected joint (or ligament and tendon tissue) interrupts the inflammatory process, restores tissue, and initiates the internal production of HA molecules. As a result, it is possible to significantly reduce the severity of the disease, avoid complications and reduce financial costs.

The dog sprained its paw, what should I do?

With dislocations, bones are displaced, violating the integrity of connective tissues (fascia), ligaments and tendons.
Dislocations happen:

  • congenital, associated with genetic disorders (dysplasia in puppies);
  • acquired, taught due to bruises or lack of vitamins in the dog.

If your dog’s paws hurt, mobility and coordination are impaired, and grinding or clicking noises are heard when moving, then there is no doubt that he is sick.

Please note that, unlike a sprain, a dislocation affects not only the elastic tissues, but also all other tissues of the joint. Such an injury requires urgent medical intervention and first aid:

  1. Wrap the swollen joint in several layers of cloth and apply ice, limiting the affected dog's movement.
  2. Contact your veterinary clinic. Treatment is carried out only after taking an x-ray.

Remember that self-reduction or delaying the start of treatment is fraught with:

- improper fusion; - gangrene leading to limb loss; - muscle atrophy and complete paralysis.

Buy Bonharen and Hiovet

Bonharen is one of the leading drugs that effectively restores joints and the musculoskeletal system for joint diseases in dogs, horses and cats . You can buy Bonharen for dogs at the lowest price in our online pharmacy. We provide unique discounts and take care of our customers. Price for Bonharen from 1700 rubles!

Degenerative changes in the joints of animals, mainly dogs, cats and horses, are most often caused by intense training, genetic predisposition, and age-related changes. Joint diseases require an integrated approach to treatment: taking medications and minimizing physical activity.

The use of bonharen is recommended for:

  1. Treatment of arthritis in dogs - this disease can be the result of age-related changes, excess weight, injury, significant physical activity, as well as previous physical illnesses. When the first symptoms appear (the animal becomes lethargic, may begin to limp, etc.), it is necessary to begin treatment after consulting with a veterinarian;
  2. Treatment of arthrosis/polyarthrosis in dogs - diseases that most often affect animals that spend most of their lives in enclosures. In addition to dogs, cats also suffer from arthrosis/polyarthrosis. Failures of metabolic processes, excess weight, unhealthy diet, injuries are also the reasons for the appearance of symptoms of these diseases. Bonharen strengthens the joint fluid and increases its lubricity. As a result of regular use of the drug, the functions of the diseased joint are restored by 85%;
  3. The treatment for tendonitis in dogs is damage to the tendons. Horses and cattle are most often susceptible to these diseases. Tendonitis is the result of enormous physical exertion, as well as bruises and sprains. Bonharen will be most effective in combination with anti-inflammatory therapy;
  4. Treatment of Tenosynovitis in dogs - lesions of the tendon areas of the vagina. In this case, bonkharen is not only an effective method of treatment, but also an excellent prevention of the occurrence of tenosynovitis;
  5. Treatment of osteochondrosis in dogs - damage to the elbow, shoulder, hock and knee joints. Bonharen, in combination with analgesics, prevents the development of inflammatory processes, prevents changes in synovial fluids and the proliferation of bone tissue;
  6. Treatment of bursitis in dogs is inflammation of the synovial sac (a small cavity filled with fluid). Bursitis mainly affects dogs and horses, due to the fact that these animals experience great physical stress. Hypothermia, infections, and constant sleeping on wet bedding can also cause this disease. Treatment of bursitis in dogs and horses with Bonharen is effective at any stage of the disease. In some cases, treatment can be supplemented with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptics, painkillers and warming.

Compatibility with other drugs

Bonharen can and should be used in combination with other medications. The product acts as a chondroprotector, and its action alone may not be enough.

Then, if necessary, some antibiotics and painkillers are introduced into treatment. When treating eye diseases in an animal in combination with Bonharen, take a break between doses of medications for about half an hour.

Antibiotics that are used for dogs include Sinulox, Streptomycin, Tylosin, Tsiprovet.

The interaction of the drug with cationic agents containing “Erythromycin”, “Amoxicillin”, “Cefkin” provokes the coagulation of sodium hyaluronate. When using ointments in treatment, use them after Bonharen drops.

Bonharen: what is unique?

The demand for bonharen for the treatment of joint diseases in dogs, cats and horses is due to its high efficiency, lack of side effects and contraindications. The drug is completely safe for pets.

The basis of production is hyaluronic acid of natural origin. Connective tissues, synovial fluid, and the skin of mammals of all species contain hyaluronic acid. There are cavities inside the joints that are filled with fluid. A sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid can improve this fluid at the level of cellular composition and ensure the restoration of its lubricity.

In addition, taking bonharen to dogs and other pets helps activate macrophages and granulocytes - cells that destroy and neutralize viruses that contribute to the development of infections. The uniqueness of the drug Bonharen is that it has a comprehensive effect on the joints and is guaranteed to lead to their improvement without irritating the soft tissues.

It works as follows:

  • Reduces painful sensations;
  • Increases the functionality of affected joints and thereby maximizes synovial viscosity;
  • Eliminates the destruction of the structure of the affected joint;
  • Strengthens articular cartilage;
  • Suppresses all inflammatory processes in joints, corneas and ligaments, without having a destructive effect on the animal’s immunity;
  • Optimizes regenerative processes and tissue nutrition.

Bonharen is administered intravenously to dogs, horses and other domestic animals, which is also its advantageous feature. Intravenous administration ensures the safety of the joint from additional damage. Hyaluronic acid has a low molecular weight, so it easily penetrates the joint and acts on the entire area of ​​inflammation. Literally a couple of hours after the drug is administered, the therapeutic effect occurs and the animal feels relief. Bonharen administered intravenously to dogs, cats, and horses is effective for two to three days, depending on the disease, the degree of damage to the musculoskeletal system and the body weight of the animal. The drug has no cumulative properties.

Today, veterinarians recommend buying Bonharen for the treatment of joint diseases, as well as for maintaining the ligamentous apparatus, in almost all types of domestic animals. The drug quickly stops the disease, prevents it from spreading and has an analgesic effect.

Bonharen is purchased for dogs of all breeds and other pets in an injection solution. The course of treatment lasts five to seven days; depending on the complexity of the disease, three to seven injections per day may be required. The dose and duration of treatment should be determined by a qualified veterinarian.

How to use

The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the method of application of Chondartron, the weight of the animal and the form of the disease. When the volume of medicine consumed is reduced, the healing effect decreases and recovery is delayed. Chondartron is created on the basis of natural ingredients. In severe forms of the disease, it is best used as an addition to other medications.


Chondartron injections act as quickly as possible. They are done once or twice a day, injecting the medicine subcutaneously into the withers area or intramuscularly into the thigh. The dosage is calculated depending on the size of the dog. For 5 kilograms of weight there should be a maximum of 0.1 ml of medication.

For fractures and sprains, as well as for the treatment of acute arthritis and bursitis, the drug is administered twice a day for two weeks. For chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the animal is pierced three times a week for a month.

To prevent exacerbations, Chondartron injections are given once a day for 3 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated after six months.


The medication is given in tablet form in the morning and evening. The dosage depends on the size of the dog: 1 tablet per kilogram of weight. Treatment lasts 14-28 days. The course is prescribed by a veterinarian individually, depending on the stage and severity of the disease. If the chronic form becomes acute, it is better to resort to injections.


A chondroprotector for dogs in the form of drops is prescribed for the purpose of prevention, recovery from illness, injury, acute inflammation, and surgery. The oral solution is given 7-10 drops twice a day for injuries and acute arthritis. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. To prevent chronic forms, drops are taken in courses of 28 days.


Chondartron in the form of an ointment is used externally only. The animal's fur must first be trimmed in the areas where the medicine is applied, and the skin must be wiped with an antiseptic. The gel is rubbed in twice a day until improvement occurs. Before starting use, it is advisable to read the instructions. If the wound is open, the gel should not be used to treat dogs.

Bonharen's analogue

An analogue of the drug Bonkharen is an injection solution produced in Belarus - Khiovet. There are 10 mg of active substance per 1 ml of solution, in this case it is sodium hyaluronate. Hiovet also effectively copes with joint diseases, disorders of the ligamentous and musculoskeletal systems. The therapeutic effect occurs almost immediately after administration, resulting in:

The surfaces of the affected joints, which were rubbing against each other, are separated. The active substance reliably protects cartilage, eliminates inflammation and pain; A shock absorption effect occurs and the integrity of the cartilage surface is restored. Accordingly, the demulsification of the joint stops; Regarding its characteristics, Hiovet is close to the composition of healthy joint fluid, therefore, when administered, the synovial fluid is restored and the joint environment is normalized; Does not affect healthy organs, muscles and tissues. The active substances of the drug do not migrate in the animal’s body. The occurrence of allergic reactions is completely excluded and does not cause rejection.

Khiovet is little known in Russia; the manufacturer prefers not to spend money on marketing, and accordingly, its cost is much lower. The drug is certified for sale in the Russian Federation, the only official distributor is the Vet-House company.

Pharmacological properties

The drug "Bonharen" is an ophthalmic, moisturizing solution of natural origin. Hyaluronic acid is an organic compound that is part of biological fluids and body tissues. Thus, due to it, the joint fluid is replenished.

The effect of Bonharen on the pet’s body is as follows:

  • restoration of mobility;
  • relieves pain symptoms;
  • lyses inflammation;
  • brings the consistency of joint fluid back to normal;
  • resumes the processes of formation of new cartilage tissue cells.


The causative agents of synovitis are viruses and bacteria that create pathogenic microflora in the affected joint. A sharp weakening of the immune system is also considered to be the cause of inflammation.

The disease develops in 2 forms:

- acute, characterized by a sharp deterioration in condition; - chronic, occurring unnoticed in the first stages.

In addition to the general signs, the dog has:

- swelling of the bends of the limbs, accompanied by loosening of the tissues (they become like dough); - the appearance of severe pain diagnosed by palpation; - occurrence of lameness.

If left untreated, arthritis can develop, so therapy for the diseases is similar. In addition to the above, the animal is treated with other medications to prevent further development of the infection (penicillin antibiotics). They are administered by intramuscular injection for 4 days.

General information

Chondartron belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines and includes a set of components of natural origin, as well as micro- and macroelements. This composition makes it effective and safe. It is available in various dosage forms: tablets, drops and injection solutions. This makes it possible to choose the appropriate option for each pet.

Composition of the drug

The complex composition of Chondartron includes several groups of elements. Natural components of the drug:

  • rhododendron - rhododendron;
  • rhus toxicodendron - poisonous sumac;
  • comarum palustre - marsh cinquefoil;
  • symphytum - comfrey;
  • ledum - wild rosemary.

Minerals with a set of macro- and microelements:

  • causticum - complex chemical compound;
  • sulfur - sulfur;
  • lithii carbonas - lithium carbonate;
  • calcium fluoride - calcium fluoride.

The product also has auxiliary elements: ethyl alcohol, water, hydrochloric acid, saline solution, calcium stearate, etc.

Release forms

Depending on the severity of the pathology and the condition of the animal, certain types of medications may be prescribed. Hondatron is available in several forms:

  • Tablets packed in blisters.
  • Bottles made of safety glass or plastic with a pipette dispenser.
  • Injections in ampoules.

Experienced veterinarians recommend using injections and tablets for treatment, and drops for disease prevention.


Many veterinarians from different clinics across the country speak positively about this drug. Especially when using it for arthrosis in dogs. The main advantages are that Bonharen not only anesthetizes, but also treats and fights the direct causative agent of the disease. Also, the absence of side effects and the environmental friendliness of the drug are considered a very important indicator.

Regarding the cost - although it is higher than average, experts say that it is better to use this one drug rather than injecting the animal with many other drugs, which are not guaranteed to help or be effective.

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