Features of mini-pugs: how they differ from classic ones and how to care for them + photos of these small dogs

Pugs are considered the largest breed among decorative dogs, but few people know about the existence of mini-pugs - an exact, albeit smaller, copy of the original.

This breed is called the American Lo-Shi Pug and is currently only recognized in the United States.

These small dogs will be discussed in the article. You will learn about their character, how to care for them, and what health problems they may have.


The Lo-Shi breed originated in ancient China and was bred for a long time exclusively for the imperial court and those closest to it. Initially, these decorative dogs were more similar to modern Pekingese: a small protruding nose, a short head, but short hair. This same breed later led to the emergence of the modern pug.

Unfortunately, over time, after the strengthening of trade ties with Europe, precious dogs almost completely lost their original gene pool as a result of uncontrolled crossing with other breeds.

The American pug Lo Shi, as an independent breed, reappeared relatively recently - only 30 years ago, and has not yet been officially recognized by the International Canine Federation. Breeder Rebecca Mance, who studied the history of Lo-Shi for a long time, began to revive it in the 80s of the last century, and, by crossing a pug and a Pekingese, again breathed life into this ancient imperial breed.

What types of mini-pugs are there?

Lo Shi are funny and attractive. Due to the variety of colors of dwarf pugs from black to white, they are often not alike, which allows you to choose a puppy to suit every taste. As a result of selection, varieties and types appeared, obtained from crossing short pugs with other breeds:

  1. Shar Pei - bred as a result of mutation and genetic failure, it is rare, a distinctive feature is a large number of folds on the skin.
  2. Hairy – with unusually long hair.
  3. Terrier – attractive, with a high neck.
  4. Bulldog – has a wide chest and a powerful body.

Breeders are working on breeding mini-dogs with different characteristics and have already received mixed breeds from crossing with Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds, and French Bulldogs. Decorative dogs are very attractive, but have not yet received official recognition as a separate breed.

Description of the breed

  1. This is a stocky, very small dog.
  2. The tail curls like a donut and lies on the back.
  3. The limbs are strong, short and widely set. The front legs are slightly curved.
  4. The chest is wide and well developed.
  5. According to breed standards, the head of an adult dog should not look large in comparison with the overall size of the body; between the ears the skull is wide and flat, with a sharp transition from the forehead to the short muzzle.
  6. Folds of skin extend from the forehead to the flattened nose.
  7. The upper jaw protrudes slightly above the lower jaw.
  8. The neck is thick and short.
  9. The ears are hanging, medium size, set high.
  10. The eyes are large and round.
  11. The coat is smooth and short, with little undercoat.
  12. The color, in general, can be absolutely anything, just like the eye color.

For every taste!
Adult dog height: 21 cm. Weight: from 2 to 5 kg. The average weight of a three-month-old puppy is 1 kilogram.

It's a shame they don't live long

Pug puppies have a genetic disease - pituitary dwarfism. Babies can be born healthy and acquire this disease later, then they stop growing. Their forms become dwarf. The external signs of the disease are the same as in humans. Pugs have unusually short legs or a disproportionately large head. There are also very small specimens, weighing barely more than a kilogram.

Sometimes there are cases when the number of puppies in a litter is too large. As a rule, the last puppies are born small and weak. When a bitch has well-developed instincts, she herself throws aside non-viable offspring.

If a compassionate breeder pays attention and feeds the last ones from a pipette and nipple, then these individuals have a chance to grow into dwarfs. And they will undoubtedly become public favorites, thanks to their original size.

Struck by the miniature nature of such dogs, lovers of decorative breeds begin to specifically look for mini-pug puppies. At the same time, without thinking deeply about whether such a breed actually exists. And they find it. Not too often, but it still happens when breeders offer a dwarf pug for sale. We assure you that there is no such breed. And such an announcement is just a publicity stunt.

But be that as it may, having received such a tiny miracle with a snub nose, the owner falls in love with it. And it’s a pity that dwarfs have a very short life span.

How is a small one different from an ordinary one?

  1. First of all, this is, of course, the size of the animal. The pug is larger (up to 30 cm) and weighs from 6 to 8 kilograms.
  2. There are also many fewer color options for pugs . It is black, silver and fawn, accompanied by a dark mask on the face.
  3. Like many ancient purebred breeds, pugs have a number of serious hereditary diseases. This will make your pug more expensive to care for. You also need to take good care of Lo Shi pugs, but there is a lower risk of hereditary diseases, albeit not much .

In a word, an ordinary pug will require a little more effort and investment from you.

Changing teeth

Replacing baby teeth with molars is the main indicator of growth and development of puppies.

1 monthThere are canines, incisors, first and second false teeth.
2 monthsAll baby teeth grow in.
3 monthsChanging the central incisors.
From 3 to 5 monthsThe middle incisors change.
4 to 6 monthsThe edges (outer incisors) change.
From 4 to 5 months of ageChanging fangs.
5 - 6 monthsReplacement of false-rooted teeth.
7 monthsMolars grow (42 permanent teeth).

Slower growth of teeth, their weakness and fragility indicate improper development of the animal, the reason being the lack of vitamins A and D and mineral salts in food.

Diseases and possible problems

  1. First of all, the American short pug, like ordinary pugs, is prone to diseases of the eyes, respiratory system, dysplasia, as well as obesity. It is very important to pay attention to what your pet eats. Only high-quality food is suitable for this breed; the dose must also be carefully controlled.
  2. The folds on your pet's face often collect dirt, dust and even food debris, so it is very important to keep them clean and wipe them with a cotton pad or swab from time to time.
  3. Cataracts or retinal atrophy may develop unnoticed; close attention should be paid to the condition of your pet's eyes.
  4. The short hair of the dwarf pug makes it unstable to cold, and the structure of its muzzle makes it susceptible to extreme heat.
  5. Due to the structure of their nose, these dogs often snore loudly, so you also need to be prepared for this.

Proper care

When choosing a mini pug dog, the description of the breed and the features of their content must first be carefully studied. Despite the fact that caring for these animals is completely simple, the dogs need to be provided with certain living conditions.

Pugs need to have their nails trimmed regularly, their teeth and ears checked daily, as well as their face wiped between the folds and their coat groomed. Folds on the face of animals cause a lot of discomfort, especially in the hot season, so their condition needs to be monitored especially carefully. Otherwise, irritation, pain and rashes on the skin may occur.

You need to brush your dog once a week. Bathing your pet is required as needed.

Where to buy a puppy

Since this breed has not yet become widespread in Russia, buying a puppy will be a costly and time-consuming task. The breed's breeders are located in the USA, and only three of them are licensed, so you should take care to book and deliver your future pet in advance. Breeders can be contacted directly by email.

  • Becki Manns
  • Donna Marshall
  • John (Jerry John)

Puppies should be looked for and booked in mid-winter or late summer. Services such as puppyfinder.com or hoobly.com can also help with this. Sometimes advertisements appear one-time on avito, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Designer fantasies are gaining momentum

Today, another type of pug is being obtained by mixing with the Chihuahua breed. They even came up with a name for it - chops or chihuaps. Their muzzles are slightly elongated. The body does not harmonize with long legs and looks too powerful. But overall it doesn’t spoil the impression.

The resulting animals are in good health. They take this quality from the Chihuahua, because this breed was created in a natural environment. The ability to learn is also passed on to descendants, regardless of age. That is, such a dog can be taught all kinds of commands in old age. And finally, a pathological love for the owner is inherited, whom the chops try to protect even from his family.

Of the problems, the most significant is the birth of puppies with large heads, which complicates the natural birth process. Therefore, a bitch expecting offspring must be carefully monitored. And if there is a danger of the birth of such a fetus, then care should be taken in advance for a caesarean section.

We hope that after carefully studying the material you have read, you have a clear understanding of the different types of pugs.

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Owner reviews

Owners of American Lo Shi Pugs agree that this is a friendly and loving dog that gets along well with other pets. These dogs do not trust strangers and can be aggressive towards other animals on the street.

They are very smart, you need to show them who is the leader in the house. In general, this is an easy-to-carry companion dog that will happily share with you both a Sunday relaxation on the couch and a trip to the nearby park.

First vaccinations

When the dog is 2 months old, you can give it its first vaccinations. 10 days before vaccination (sometimes 2 weeks, which is agreed with the doctor), the puppy is given anthelmintic drugs.

Important! On the day the vaccination is scheduled, the animal should feel good, healthy and vigorous. You cannot vaccinate a sick dog!

After vaccination, the dog is not washed for a week or 10 days. After 2-3 weeks, the 2nd vaccination is given - the puppy should be healthy and feel good. 2 weeks after this is the incubation period, when the pug still goes to the litter tray; washing the pet is also not recommended.

The next vaccination occurs at the age of 11 months (closer to 1 year), and then the pug is vaccinated annually. It is important not to forget to get vaccinated on time!

Pugs can be distinguished as one of the easiest dogs to care for and have a pleasant character. But remember: babies are very curious and will run after you everywhere. Therefore, it is important to constantly clean the house, remove hair (pugs shed a lot), and not leave small objects on the floor that the pet could swallow. Select a quiet place for the puppy, where there is no draft or heat, then the baby will be comfortable in his new home.


The American Short Pug is a good option for those looking for a less active companion dog.

  • This dog will happily go with you for a short walk, and then sleep soundly on the sofa. These are obedient, loyal animals that are sure to become everyone’s favorites.
  • Aggression is not typical for this breed, so it gets along well with both children and other animals.
  • Luo Shi do not tolerate loneliness very well, so it is better not to leave them alone for long.
  • The dog is very curious and warns the owner about the arrival of strangers with loud barks.
  • He may try to get into a fight with animals on the street, so it is important to instill in your pet basic manners and teach commands.
  • Lo Shis learn quickly, especially because they love to eat, and for correctly following a command you can get a treat.
  • For its size, the American Stunted Pug barks and howls quite loudly, but is not inclined to do this often due to its calm nature.

Black mini fashionista!

Deviations are misleading

We often get asked questions about the existence of Pugs-Terriers or Pugs-Bulldogs. In fact, there are no such breeds. Simply due to some circumstances, puppies are born that have the characteristics of terriers or bulldogs.

In terms of appearance, ordinary pugs are divided into three types. If a dog exhibits, for example, a long neck, then this type is called terrier. And if she has a too wide chest, a powerful body and puts her legs like a bulldog, then this look is called a bulldog.

The most unacceptable is the Shar Pei variety of pug. This is when he has too many skin folds and the excess weight is definitely noticeable. However, such representatives at one time even received awards at exhibitions. Now the breed standard does not allow such deviations. They are all shortcomings. And it does not mean that these pugs had bulldogs, sharpeis or terriers in their family.

What to feed?

Despite their noble origin, these dogs are not too picky about food and eat extremely sloppy. While eating, Lo Shi often dips his muzzle into the offered treat, so after eating it is better to check whether pieces of food are stuck in the folds around the nose .

It is necessary to feed only high-quality food designed specifically for small breeds. It is worth looking for food with a high calcium content in the diet to prevent dysplasia and deterioration of dental health.

Make sure your dog always has access to clean water.

Lack of exercise and overeating can lead to obesity. Your pet may look hungry after eating, but don’t believe it , because this is just a clever attempt to beg for something else.


It is best to purchase such puppies only from trusted breeders, because otherwise scammers may slip you a dwarf who is sick with various genetic diseases, has a large head and a short life span. Professional breeders will show the kitten’s parents, tell everyone about its contents and will be able to help with advice and recommendations at any time.

The price depends on many characteristics, but on average ranges from seven to twenty-five thousand rubles. It is better not to choose the cheapest offers, because in this case you may soon be disappointed.

Before buying, prepare the apartment and purchase special goods for the puppy - a basket in which he will sleep, a tray if you plan to train him to the toilet, more toys, bowls for food and water, food.

How often should you wash and comb?

It is important to know that mini-pugs shed a lot , so you need to brush them with a stiff brush once a week or even more often.

You also need to wipe the folds on the dog’s face once a week. Vaseline or special lotions that can be purchased at pet stores are suitable for this. This will prevent possible inflammation.

The number of baths directly depends on how often the dog goes for a walk. For couch potatoes, 1 bath every six months is enough, for more active dogs - 1 time every 3 months.

Suitable nicknames for dwarf pugs

Among a huge number of nicknames, each owner chooses the one that matches the character and appearance of the small pet.

Nicknames for mini-girls: Iris, Agatha, Bianca, Cherry, Gabi, Donna, Cleo, Kim, Liona, Maya, Nikki, Princess, Pepper, Samantha, Tess, Fifi, Florence, Chelsea, Heidi, Elzy, Utah and others.

Nicknames for mini-boys: Buster, Woody, Harry, Justin, Zuf, Zephyr, Leo, Mojo, Nikki, Oscar, Pepe, Steve, Titan, Fabio, Hitch, Sheriff, Shrek, Chaco, Eric, Jupiter, Yantar and others.

Classic pug or Lo Shi: how to choose?

It all depends on your preferences and desire to deal with transporting a puppy from the United States. Lo Shi is difficult to find in Russia, so there is a high risk of being scammed. There are quite a lot of nurseries for ordinary pugs throughout our country.

Care and feeding for both breeds are almost the same.

The Lo Shi and the Pug are similar, so only choose an American Stunted Pug if you are a fan of the breed, or if size is of fundamental importance to you.

Interesting Facts

  1. Lo Shi is originally from ancient China, but is now only bred in the United States.
  2. This dog breed falls into the mini or toy category, unlike pugs.
  3. There are only three licensed Lo Shi breeders in the world.
  4. Mini-pugs are very sensitive to their owner's mood. They pick up any idea on the fly. Take a walk, be sad, have fun, play with the children: the dog will definitely notice changes in your behavior.
  5. The breed was officially registered in the USA in 1989.


Just look at the photo of these wonderful American lo shi pugs:

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