Development of Chihuahua puppies by day and month - what newborn Chihuahua puppies look like, how to choose a healthy chihuahua

Feeding a 4-month-old German Shepherd puppy is carried out in accordance with the general principles of caring for dogs. The owner should determine a convenient and permanent place for the animal to eat. Food should be given on a schedule, at the same time.

At four months, the German Shepherd's body is still in a phase of intensive growth. During this period, the puppy’s molars erupt, its physique changes, and its ears begin to rise. Home care should include a thoughtful, balanced diet.

What do newborn and older Chihuahua puppies look like?

When born, newborn Chihuahuas are absolutely helpless - they cannot take their first breath until the mother licks them, freeing the airways from mucus. The weight of the babies is very small, only 70-150 g, each of them easily fits in the palm of your hand. Due to their small body weight, Chihuahuas are not able to regulate their temperature, so it is important that they remain close to their mother during this period. The babies' eyes and ears are tightly closed.

There are four stages in the development of sneezes:

  • intrauterine – the phase from conception to birth, when all organs and systems are laid and formed;
  • suckling – from the moment of birth to one and a half months, until the transition from breast milk to regular nutrition;
  • from one and a half months to six months – the period of teeth change and active development;
  • from six months to a year is the phase of completion of weight gain and formation of the dog’s character, cessation of growth.

One to two weeks after birth, Chihuahua puppies' temperature reaches 37.8 ⁰C, breathing becomes easy, and the pulse remains rapid. Newborn babies first lose 5-15 g of weight, after which by the end of the second week of life they double their weight. The most active development of sneezes is observed up to three months. If babies stop growing, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Meal place

The eating area must be properly equipped. It is better to purchase a special stand for the bowl so that you can adjust the height of the stand as the puppy grows. The dog should not tilt its head low while eating, this can cause a curved spine. The normal neck tilt is 60 degrees. The front legs are straight. At the same time, they should not slide while eating, so you need to lay a rubberized mat on the floor where the puppy eats.

A dog bowl should be made of quality materials. The best option is stainless steel. Fired ceramic will also work.

The puppy should always have access to fresh water. It is necessary to monitor its cleanliness and change it whenever it gets dirty. It is advisable to pour clean water three times a day. Drinking water is given at room temperature. After each meal, dog dishes should be washed thoroughly.

When do puppies' eyes open?

Newborn Chihuahuas are blind. They begin to see only when their eyelids are fully formed. Usually the development process takes one and a half to two weeks. The opening of the eyelids occurs slowly, starting from the inner corner of the eye and gradually moving to the outer corner. First, a thin slit appears, and then one eye opens completely, then the other. When puppies begin to see, they see the world around them blurred, distinguishing only light and darkness. Gradually they begin to see better, and after a week the vision becomes normal. Do not be alarmed by a cloudy iris or a veil on the eyeball. As soon as Chihuahuas are able to focus their gaze on surrounding objects, the veil disappears, and the color of the eyes changes as the puppies develop (by three months).

The period of 12-14 days for the babies’ eyes to open is approximate. The development process does not always go smoothly, but you cannot interfere with it. It is worth protecting newborns from bright light, and if purulent crusts appear on the eyelids, wipe them with an antiseptic. If there is severe suppuration and swelling, contact a veterinarian.

Early eye opening (up to 10 days) occurs due to individual characteristics or a long gestation period. Late sighting (after two weeks) is associated with developmental delay or illness.

Natural nutrition

If you want to feed your German Shepherd natural food, be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort preparing it. Combine meat, fish, meat by-products (liver, heart, tripe) and poultry (30-50%) with porridge (25-35%) and vegetables (5-20%). Make the most successful combinations the basis of the menu.

Fresh vegetables are preferable to boiled ones. If you feed fresh meat, deworm your pet regularly. Give fruits, crackers and seeds as an addition. Do not get carried away with bones, so as not to provoke constipation and obstruction in the shepherd.

Excess fish (more than twice a week) leads to a deficiency of B vitamins: they are destroyed, digestive problems occur, and growth is delayed.

Menu for the week

Day of the weekTimes of DayWhat to feed
Mondaymorningbeef, buckwheat porridge, grated baked carrots (zucchini)
eveningcottage cheese, buckwheat porridge, rye cracker
Tuesdaymorningoatmeal with chicken, chopped bell pepper
eveningoatmeal, boiled egg, scalded chicken necks
Wednesdaymorninglike Monday
eveninglike Monday
Thursdaymorningbeef liver, buckwheat porridge, apple piece
eveningkefir or curdled milk with cottage cheese, buckwheat porridge, liver
Fridaymorninglike Tuesday
eveninglike Tuesday
Saturdaymorningraw beef tripe, oatmeal, pumpkin
eveningoatmeal, cottage cheese, piece of apple (sweet potato), “sugar” seed
Sundaymorningscalded fish, rice, a little grated turnip (radish)
eveningfish, rice, boiled egg

Watch a very useful video of an example of dinner from the owner of the German shepherd Baileys.

Development of a Chihuahua puppy by days and months

Despite the fact that newborn Chihuahuas are born very small, they quickly develop and gain weight. If the litter is multiple, the process is slower; if there are few offspring, it is faster. In most cases, one-month-old Chihuahua puppies triple their weight. At three months, development slows down, and at six months it practically stops. The height and weight of dogs may vary, but approximate indicators allow us to classify them into a specific category:

  • standard – from 1.8 kg to 3 kg;
  • mini – from 1.5 kg to 1.8 kg;
  • supermini - from 0.5 kg to 1.5 kg.
Chihuahua ageWeight (g)Height (cm)Behavior, stages of development
Newborn70-1503-5The puppy is blind, deaf, has no thermoregulation, can squeak, suck and crawl clumsily.
At 2 weeks110-2704-10The umbilical cord dries up, sharp claws grow that need to be trimmed, and the dog’s eyes open.
At 3 weeks145-3855-12The puppy is trying to stand up to its full height, its gait is shaky and uncertain. On day 21, the pet is dewormed.
At 1 month210-6506-13The sneeze's weight triples and it gains hearing. Anti-helminth medications are given again. In the fifth week, complementary foods begin to be introduced.
At 2 months315-10608-16A two-month-old Chihuahua puppy is teething and his testes are dropping. Babies need to be held in your hands more often and communicate with them. At the eighth week, the first vaccination is given if the weight has reached 600 g or more.
At 3 months435-14209-18Revaccination is carried out. The dogs become independent and can be given to a new owner.
At 4 months565-181010-20Chihuahuas continue to gain weight, socialize, and begin to obey the hierarchy established in the family.
At 5 months670-214011-20The dog expands its living space, remembers it, and reinforces the rules of communication and behavior.
At 6 months750-241011-22The dog is entering adolescence and requires a “steady” hand.
At 7 months860-267011,5-22,5The Chihuahua becomes disobedient and rude; it needs training and education.
At 8 months970-292012-23Girls have their first heat and molt, boys mark their territory.
At 10 months1020-301012-23The Chihuahua gains maximum weight and height.
At 12 months1030-301012-23Dogs become adults, although physical and psychological development continues.

Owner reviews

Veta: “We have little experience with food, but I have already realized that the dog does not always prefer food with more meat. Mine has been eating natural food since childhood, and then I had to partially switch it to ready-made food. She gave me many different samples (there were even expensive grain-free ones) but I refused and didn’t even try. And I ate Happy Dog, although it’s like a porridge substitute, meat ingredients are not in the first place.”

Sergey: “So that my dog ​​doesn’t get fat, I feed him twice, both in summer and in winter. Only his summer portions are reduced. German Shepherds are active dogs and need a lot of exercise. And without movement, he will get better in any case. I go jogging with mine as soon as possible. It’s good for the dog and good for me.”

Photos of Chihuahua puppies

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The German Shepherd is a large, active breed of dog that requires a high-energy diet.
  2. “German” puppies put a lot of stress on their joints, so their diet should not provoke obesity and dysplasia.
  3. The Shepherd does not need a varied menu; One or two basic combinations of products and additives are enough.
  4. A growing shepherd dog is very sensitive to the balance of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D in the diet.

If you are an experienced German Shepherd owner, please share your opinion about this article, whether there are any shortcomings, and advise your feeding option for those who have just got themselves a Shepherd.

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What factors influence the growth and development of puppies?

Several factors influence physical and psychological development and the rate at which a dog gains weight:

  1. Hereditary predisposition - when purchasing a puppy, you need to carefully study its pedigree. Pathology or developmental retardation may appear even after several generations. Genetics dictates what size an adult Chihuahua will be, how quickly it grows, when its first heat occurs, when its teeth erupt or change.
  2. Regime and conditions of detention - the development of dogs is affected by lighting, temperature and humidity in the room, length of day and night, climate, weather.
  3. Litter size – the more brothers and sisters a Chihuahua has, the smaller they are at birth. Further, puppies may lag behind in development if they do not have enough breast milk or develop normally when they have enough nutrition and physical activity.
  4. Feeding and care - a correct, nutritious diet, a cozy, comfortable environment, combined with reasonable physical activity - have a positive effect on the development of the Chihuahua.

Nutrition for health problems

  1. Obesity: exclude diseases of the thyroid gland, problems in the gastrointestinal tract; reduce the size of portions, exclude bread and pasta from the diet.
  2. Hip dysplasia: low-calorie diet (less carbohydrates and fats, more proteins), chondroprotectors.
  3. Pancreatitis: low-calorie diet with light proteins (turkey, chicken) and a minimum of fiber, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, drinking small portions; for chronic pancreatitis, a lifelong diet.
  4. Liver diseases: fractional feeding in small portions at the same time; give boiled vegetables, fermented milk products, low-fat broths, drink decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort.
  5. Secondary hyperparathyroidism (“rickets”): food with low phosphorus and high calcium content (less meat).
  6. Eczema: diet enriched with sulfur, zinc, ascorbic and folic acids.


How old do Chihuahuas grow?

The main physical development of a Chihuahua lasts up to 6-7 months. In the future, the dog’s weight may change due to an unbalanced diet, illness and lack of physical activity.

Up to one and a half months, puppies grow at the withers. At the age of two months, by their appearance it is already possible to determine the exterior of an adult animal. After six months, flat bones increase and the Chihuahua gains a little weight, development slows down significantly, but does not stop. By eight months, the dogs are considered mature, the females begin their first heat, and the males “mark” their territory. If you breed a bitch, she stops growing. Dog handlers advise waiting until the third heat so that the Chihuahua is fully formed.

The development of each puppy is individual, so you should not rely entirely on the breed standards table. Some individuals grow rapidly up to 4-5 months, while in others the process activates later. As adults, male Chihuahuas have a square shape, while girls have smaller, elongated bodies and are shorter in stature.

What not to feed

We figured out what you can and should feed German Shepherd puppies. Now let’s talk about what you should not feed your dog:

  1. Do not mix natural and prepared foods. One or the other. Do not feed porridge laced with canned food for dogs or people. An animal receiving pellets can be treated to vegetables and fruits.
  2. Do not give your pet table scraps. Smoked, salted, spiced foods cause an allergic response or digestive upset.
  3. You can give your dog a whole beef thigh bone to play with and chew on the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints. The bones of an adult bird can split lengthwise and pierce the intestines. In broiler chickens, the bones are soft, they do not split, but they clog the intestinal tube, causing constipation or obstruction. Don't give tails, necks, vertebrae. They may get stuck in the mouth.
  4. Baked yeast bread and confectionery products lead to obesity or cause allergic reactions. A high glycemic index increases the risk of diabetes.
  5. Sweets, candies, chocolate, butter.
  6. Boiled potatoes.
  7. Vitamin and mineral supplements without veterinarian approval.
  8. Hot or cold food.

I will answer questions in the comments.

Read more: When do a German Shepherd puppy's ears stand up?

Deviations from the norm in development

Most deviations in the development of Chihuahua puppies are associated with improper care and maintenance and genetic characteristics of the representatives of the breed. Underfeeding, as well as overfeeding pets, negatively affects their physical condition. Deviations from the standard are considered serious deficiencies. They could be:

  • narrow, too wide or flat skull;
  • weak stop;
  • small or bulging eyes;
  • long muzzle;
  • drooping ears;
  • barrel-shaped or too small chest;
  • short neck;
  • indirect line of the back;
  • elongated body;
  • short legs and their narrow set;
  • stubby or curled tail;
  • jaw displacement, extra teeth.

If there are significant deviations from the standard, you should visit a veterinary clinic, find out the reasons and proceed to treatment, if possible. Most often, developmental disorders occur due to congenital pathologies, digestive disorders, infection with worms, improper care and an unbalanced feeding diet. It happens that babies lag behind in development because they are offended by stronger puppies, pushing them away from their mother’s breast.

Disqualifying defects include:

  • too light build or long body;
  • cryptorchidism in males;
  • weight exceeding 3 kg;
  • bald spots on the body;
  • docked tail and ears.

Determining the size of a dog by parents

The most reliable way is to look at the puppy's parents. If at least the mother is known, it can be assumed with high probability that the father was approximately the same size as her. And then a simple rule applies: the females in the litter will grow to be the size of their mother, the males will be slightly larger.

Unfortunately, often entire litters of puppies end up thrown out onto the street and it is not possible to look at their pedigree.

How to choose a healthy puppy?

To avoid problems with the health and development of your Chihuahua in the future, you should buy a puppy only from official breeders in nurseries, where they can provide all the documents and pedigree. When choosing, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. Inspect the entire litter.
  2. Do not give in to emotions and do not choose an animal only by eye color, color and size.
  3. Examine your pet for compliance with the standard twice (with an interval of 2-3 weeks).
  4. Take the puppy to the veterinarian.
  5. Pay attention to the conditions of detention (cleanliness of litter, air).

A puppy is healthy if it meets a number of criteria:

  • the coat is clean, shiny, there are no fleas or ticks;
  • active behavior;
  • no discharge from the eyes, nose and ears;
  • there is no swelling on the paws, the Chihuahua does not limp;
  • no bad breath or dental problems;
  • digestion is normal, stool is regular;
  • the head has the correct shape;
  • Chihuahua reacts to light and sound;
  • The baby's movements are coordinated, he has no neurological problems.

Basic feeding rules

First, you need to decide on a permanent feeding place so that the puppy does not drag his food around the house. Then choose a specific meal time and stick to it.

The volume of food per day should be 1-1.25 liters.

The bowl with a portion of food should be set out for about 15 minutes and then removed so that the puppy gets used to the time allotted for feeding and does not leave food “for later.”

Do not give hot or cold food. Pet food should be at room temperature.

Natural food

The puppy's menu should be varied and include meat, vegetables, fish, cereals and milk.

Approximate daily menu for a puppy:

  • 400 grams of meat (preferably turkey or beef, as they will not cause an allergic reaction);
  • 150-200 grams of cereals (buckwheat or rolled oats are ideal);
  • egg;
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese (or any other dairy food);
  • 200 grams of vegetables (by the way, carrots help strengthen bones and improve coat);
  • 30 grams of sunflower oil.

How often to feed and how much to give?

All this deliciousness must be divided into several servings (4 is the maximum). Accordingly, one serving will be 250–300 grams.

But every breeder needs to monitor the puppy’s behavior after eating to adjust the portion size. If the dog actively licks the empty bowl, shows restlessness and whines, then the portion size should be increased, and if the dog does not finish eating, it should be reduced.

Harmful products

Harmful products include:

  • potato;
  • corn;
  • fried foods;
  • bread and pastries;
  • pasta;
  • legumes;
  • pork (due to the high fat content of this meat);
  • pickled and salted vegetables.

This is something that should absolutely not be given to a puppy.

Dry food

As already mentioned, for puppies it is necessary to choose super-premium food. Yes, they are more expensive than other classes of food, but you cannot save on your pet’s health.

Popular manufacturers of puppy food are:

  • Dukes Farm;
  • Bosch;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Arden Grange;

You can also use PURINA products, but with caution, because... This food contains a large amount of dry chicken meat, which can cause an allergic reaction.

Decisions regarding food should be made based on the puppy's reaction. If allergies or problems with stool occur, the condition of the dog’s coat, mucous membranes or general condition has worsened, then you should refuse this food.

It will not be superfluous to study reviews on the Internet regarding a particular manufacturer.


You can give dry food as often as natural food (3-4 times a day), but reduce the portions in accordance with the recommendations indicated on the package.


No matter how balanced the puppy’s diet is, a sufficient amount of vitamins does not enter the dog’s body. Therefore, it is necessary to include vitamin supplements in your nutrition plan.

Puppies need calcium. Especially at the age of 4 months, when the formation and development of the skeleton and ligaments occurs.

The following can be used as bait:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium gluconate;
  • glucosamine

Calcium is difficult to absorb in the body of a German Shepherd, so it must be given with fermented milk products.

Vitamin A is found in apples and carrots. If a puppy does not receive enough of this vitamin, then its immunity suffers.

Vitamin B. This includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12. Responsible for metabolism. Contained in liver, dairy products and yeast. If there is a deficiency, the dog’s metabolism is disrupted and the condition of the coat worsens.

Vitamin C is responsible for the absorption of calcium and the normal condition of connective tissues. Contained in tomatoes, cabbage and liver.

Vitamin D. Contained in fermented milk products. With its deficiency, rickets can develop.

Vitamin E is found in oils. Responsible mainly for the hormonal background of the dog. Therefore, a sufficient amount of it is more necessary for bitches, because if it is deficient, hormonal imbalance may occur, leading to stillbirth, infertility, and heart and muscle problems.

Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting and is found in huge quantities in nettles and lettuce.

Regarding vitamin complexes, you can indicate “Trivit” (oil drops, add 3-5 drops per day to food), brewer’s yeast. Add seaweed and seaweed to your dog’s diet.


Garlic flour is harmful to parasites (for example, worms). Don't give too often or too much. A small portion once every 4-5 weeks is enough.

There are also a huge number of vitamin complexes for puppies that can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies.

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