Poodle haircut: how to properly cut a boy's and girl's dog's haircut

There are many hairstyles for poodles. Some of them are intended for home use, others are only for exhibitions. Therefore, when choosing a model, the owner must decide whether he is going to make a champion out of the poodle or not.

The choice of haircut also affects where the pet will be cut: at home by the owner or in a salon by a professional. You can do simple haircuts yourself, but complex haircuts are best done by a professional.

Grooming a Poodle: General Rules

The general list of recommendations is as follows:

  1. Before you start cutting your hair, you should choose a hairstyle and read about it in detail. The haircut will be better if you know the sequence.
  2. The dog needs to be bathed and dried before grooming.
  3. If the poodle bites and does not allow the procedure to be carried out, it is better to postpone it until later.
  4. The dog is groomed while standing. They always start cutting from the back and move downwards. The muzzle, anus and fingers are sensitive places, so you need to handle them very carefully.
  5. Movements with tools should follow the shape of the poodle's body. The pet will look more natural and the haircut will be neater.
  6. The cover is trimmed in the direction of growth. Exception: forelimbs.
  7. When cutting a short haircut, do not remove all the hair at once, but do it layer by layer.
  8. The tummy and paws must be trimmed - this is important from a hygiene point of view.
  9. Trim the hair between the fingers.

What is the best way to trim a small and royal poodle?

The American Lion style hairstyle is ideal for Royal Poodles. For small poodles, we recommend choosing one of the following styles:

  • kinds of sports;
  • classical;
  • shortened, which is designed for the summer;
  • with or without a skirt;
  • winter, during which not as much hair is removed as usual;
  • child's face;
  • bikini.

Should you trim your poodle at home or at the groomer?

A regular hygienic poodle grooming can be done at home if the owner has the necessary tools and skills.

But if your pet is preparing for an exhibition, you cannot do without the help of a professional. Moreover, the master must have experience in grooming specifically with poodles.

If the owner is afraid of injuring the pet or is not confident in his abilities, then it is better to go to a salon for a hygienic haircut. A professional will find a common language with the dog and do everything efficiently for an affordable price.

Options for interesting haircuts: photos, names, scheme of work

It is enough for your pet to have a regular hygienic haircut. However, you can give it an original look with the help of such interesting hairstyles as “Lion”, “Daddy Clip”, “Teddy”, “Asian”. If you strictly follow the hairstyle pattern, then usually there are no difficulties in the work process. A well-cut dog should look like the photo of the chosen model.

Grooming a Poodle for the First Time: When to Start

You can cut your puppy's hair from the age of four months. It is better if the procedure takes place at home, in a familiar environment. At first, the baby may not understand what is being done to him, so it is important that he worries as little as possible.

Important! Some salons provide. This will save the owner from hassle, and the puppy will learn to communicate with a stranger.

When your baby gets used to getting a haircut, you can take him to the salon. It is better for the owner not to be present during the process.

The poodle may begin to get nervous and look for protection in the owner, and therefore will constantly fidget and interfere with the master’s work. This means the risk of injury from sharp scissors increases.

For the same reason, you should not call your pet or attract its attention.

Hairstyle options

Today there are many haircut styles for this breed.

Classic versions reflect the history of dogs.

When they were hunters, they were most often cut like a lion.

Other styles evolved from the “lion version.”

Now the following variations are considered “classics”:

  • English saddle;
  • Scandinavian and English lion;
  • continental;
  • modern

In accordance with breed standards, there are areas of the body that must be shaved, regardless of style.

These include:

  • hips;
  • muzzle;
  • stomach;
  • tail;
  • paws.

However, there are fashionable styles that do not follow the standard rules.

For example, the “Pappy Clip” cut of a poodle looks very cute and impressive, but the hair on the tummy and hips is not shaved bald, but only shortened.

Poodle haircuts: shapes and types

The poodle's coat encourages experimentation. There are many interesting models for this breed. A simple hygienic haircut will suit your pet. And show dogs require special shapes.

Important! Choosing a hairstyle for your pet should also take into account the time of year.

Haircut "Scandinavian Lion"

It’s not difficult to guess from the name; a poodle trimmed in this way resembles a lion. The hair on the head has a direct transition along the neck, the eyes remain open.

All hairs on the face are completely removed. But boys can keep short mustaches.

The coat is even on the ears and remains long along the body, except for the butt and hips. Balls or pom-poms are made of wool on the limbs and tail.

Haircut "Modern"

The limbs, muzzle, throat and foretail are completely shaved. In other places the cover is shortened. According to the norm, it should not be longer than a centimeter.

There are variations of this hairstyle, so the groomer must be well versed in it. Improper execution will be grounds for disqualification.

Anglo-Saxon haircut

Looks like a lion's hairstyle. The general shape is cut according to the principle of a lion. However, on the back, lower back and groin, the hair is kept up to 1 cm long. A ball is made on the tail.

The entire muzzle and neck are shaved. It is permissible to trim the “cuffs” on the hind legs.

Korean haircut

A poodle clipped in this way is like a lamb. The fur on the body and limbs is cut to two and a half centimeters.

The length on the head can be longer, the main thing is that the dog is similar to a children's toy.

Hygienic haircut

When the pet has not been groomed for a long time, this haircut is performed. The coat is completely shaved to rid the poodle of tangles and tangles. This is done when nothing can be combed out or fixed in any other way.

Another case is trimming a haircut. The groomer simply evens out the coat, making the poodle more neat.

Important! If injuries are found during the cutting process, they should be treated immediately. If necessary, contact a veterinarian.

Haircut "Continental"

This is a show haircut. The head, body and paws are cut according to the “lion” principle. The difference is the formation of two balls of fur on the poodle's body.

Japanese haircut

She's "Asian". The main task is to turn an uncut poodle into a “toy”. Girls have their hair braided, beads, bows and other decorations are hung.

An important difference from all previous styles: the master cuts the dog’s hair based on its character. Delicate pets are given appropriate shapes. Geometry is given to more menacing dogs.

Haircut "Lion Mapogo"

All fur is cut to the same length. The coat is maintained throughout the dog. Exception: the ball at the tip of the tail.

Haircut "English saddle"

The muzzle, forelimbs and tail are trimmed. The hind legs retain fluffy hair. The joint area is shaved down to the skin. The tail is made the most magnificent and round.

Kennel haircut

The most practical. The hair is the same length as a poodle clipper. The limbs are shaped with scissors. The tail, muzzle and ears remain fluffy. In the finale, everything is modeled by a machine for smooth transitions.

Lamb haircut

Similar to the previous hairstyle, but only the muzzle hair is cut short. Another difference is that the coat is much shorter than in the Kennel cut.

Dutch haircut

Difficult even for salon execution. Effective only on royal varieties. Owners of toy poodles should avoid this hairstyle. Lush hair without pompoms is formed on the limbs. The beginning of the tail is shaved completely to make another large pom-pom at the tip. In the middle of the body, the hair is shaved to zero.

Bichon haircut

Performed with scissors. The main task is to form a contour so that the poodle looks like a Bichon Frize dog.

Bikini haircut

The muzzle is cut short. The paws are shaved, but the bottom can be formed into balls. The foretail is trimmed, and a lush oval is made at the tip. The chest is also completely shaved.

"Puppy" haircut

Performed for show poodles. The muzzle is shaved. The head and ears are lightly trimmed and combed for volume. The body is straightened. The paws are cut so that there is more fur at the bottom. The beginning of the tail is shaved.

Main types of haircuts

a lion

So, the question arises: how to trim your pet? As we said, there are many hairstyle options. The most common is “under the lion”. In this guise, the poodle can even participate in international exhibitions. This haircut involves trimming the back of the dog's body down to the ribs. Pompoms are left on the dog’s paws and at the end of the tail. In front, the animal's fur only needs to be trimmed a little with scissors. A mustache must be left on the upper lip, and the hair from the tips of the ears is cut off. Thus, a miniature lion is obtained.


“Continental” is practically another name for the “Leo” haircut. Let us remind you that the hair is cut off on half of the dog’s body and on the tail, and the hair is also removed from the paws and muzzle.

English lion

This is a variety of "Lion". The difference will be a narrow belt that is cut at the waist. The “pants” on the hind legs are made narrow. The mane should be of such length as to cover the elbows of the forelegs.

English saddle

The most winning version for dogs of this breed. The scheme of this haircut is practically the same as that of the “Lion”. The front of the poodle remains practically uncut, and on the rest of the body the hair should be no longer than 2 cm. The pompom occupies most of the tail. There is no need to leave a mustache; the fur on the heels should also be at least 10 cm long. The fur above the forehead is collected in a topnop.

Similar article: Description and breed standard of the Large Royal Poodle

Scandinavian lion

The Scandinavian Lion version of the Toy Poodle's haircut is suitable for dogs with non-ideal proportions. If the haircut is done correctly, you will be able to hide many imperfections. Again, it is similar to the Leo haircut. A cap is left on the head, pom-poms are cut on the paws and tail. The fur on the front of the dog is cut in a semicircle.


Modern is a very popular haircut for the decorative poodle. The haircut itself usually starts from the back, gradually cutting off the back. A pompom is made on the tail. During the cutting process, you will have to use both scissors and a clipper. A hairstyle in the Art Nouveau style suggests that the length of the hair should be at least 1 cm. Carefully trim the hair between the toes - this can be done either with scissors or with a machine. But form the “pants” with scissors. If you have a boy, then the Art Nouveau style allows you to leave a beard.

How to trim a poodle at home: step-by-step instructions

For owners who have not yet gotten the hang of it, there are special instructions. It’s enough just to study the picture well - and you can start manipulating.

What tools are needed

You should purchase in advance:

  • a dog clipper (human clippers will not work);
  • hairdresser's scisors;
  • guillotine for claws;
  • shampoo;
  • hair dryer;
  • towel;
  • combs and combs;
  • rubberized mat;
  • robe.

How to trim paws and claws

The dog is washed, dried and combed.

The paws should be held so that the person's thumb is at the top. You cannot twist the dog’s limbs or bend them in an unnatural direction.

The fur from the paws is cut along the entire length, except for the ends where pompoms are formed. It is more convenient to do this with scissors.

The claws are trimmed a couple of millimeters. It is important not to touch the blood vessels so as not to cause pain to the dog.

How to trim your face and head

Roll the ears back so they don't get caught by the scissors. Hold the poodle's muzzle with your hands so that he does not twirl it. Move the machine from the ears to the nose through the cheeks.

Trim the areas around the eyes with a reduced trimmer or manicure scissors.

Next, lift your head up and remove the hair from the neck. You can leave a little fur on the chin.

How to trim ears and tail

Cut the hair from the ears to the same length and comb it for volume.

Hold the tail in your hand and process it with a machine. Movements from base to end. In this case, you need to leave a little wool to form a ball.

Finally, trim the fur between the dog’s hind legs from the inside.

How to trim your belly

Raise the poodle's front legs slightly. Direct the machine from the groin to the chest. Moreover, the closer the chest is, the longer the fur should be left.

Bathing after a haircut at home

After grooming, the dog should be bathed again. Basic Rules:

  • the water should be warm;
  • the shampoo must be rinsed off well; if this is not done, the hair will stick together and turn into a lump;
  • to sew the fur around the eyes, lubricate them with oil or Vaseline, plug the ears with cotton swabs;
  • after washing, treat the wool with conditioner so that it becomes fuller and easier to comb;
  • squeeze out excess moisture and dry your pet.

Step-by-step haircut instructions

If you follow the simple steps in the instructions, cutting your poodle at home will be just as good as a professional one.

First, prepare the necessary supplies: nail clippers, shampoo, towel, hair dryer, scissors, clipper, metal comb and brush, cotton swabs. And, of course, the main thing in all this is the poodle itself. You need to make your pet stand still during the entire haircut. You need to be especially careful about this if the procedure is being done for the first time.

Secure the poodle puppy on the table where you will perform all the manipulations. This can be done using a special collar or a regular leash. During subsequent haircuts, the dog does not even need to be tied up; it will endure the entire procedure calmly.

Before grooming, bathe your poodle with shampoo, dry with a towel and dry with a hairdryer. Gently comb the fur with a metal comb and brush, and remove all tangles with your fingers. Be careful not to hurt your dog; even one sudden movement can be to blame. A hygienic haircut is a shortening of the poodle's coat.

Head and neck

Let's start cutting the head and neck. Gently fold the ear back. Take the muzzle in your hand. Start moving the machine from the base of the ear and move it to the spout. All movements must be careful but firm. While the machine is in reverse, draw a straight line from the ear to the corner of the eye. Make movements from the ear along the cheek, trim the hair in the area under the eye and above. End each movement on the muzzle.

Let's move on to the neck. Lift your pet's head up and treat the neck with the clipper. If you like, you can leave a small amount of fur on the chin. Now the opposite side is processed in a similar manner.

Hold the poodle's paw in your hands with your thumb on top. Holding your paw firmly, trim the fur from all sides. Very carefully trim the hair from the fingers. Don't worry that it might not turn out very neatly. At the end, everything can be trimmed using scissors.


In the tail area, we direct the machine from the base to the end. We remember that you need to leave wool at the tip, from which a pom-pom will be formed - the pride of any poodle. Now carefully lift the tail and treat the area between the hind legs.


Place your pet on its hind legs and hold it firmly by its front legs. Move the clipper from the navel down to the place where the fur is thicker on the paws. Gently lift each paw individually and use the clipper to remove hair from the belly. So you managed to trim your poodle.

Instructions for model haircuts

All haircuts should be performed following the general rules. Here is a description of the most popular haircuts that can be done at home.

Scandinavian lion

How to trim:

  1. Prepare a minimum length nozzle for the machine. Trim the face, neck and cheekbones.
  2. The hind limbs are also treated with a clipper to prevent bending according to the growth of the coat.
  3. Shave the thighs and groin area to zero.
  4. Trim the area between the toes with scissors with rounded tips so as not to injure the poodle.
  5. Shave three quarters of the tail to zero and form a pompom at the tip.
  6. Make bracelets on the paws at a height of 2–3 centimeters from the floor.
  7. Trim the chest, head and back with scissors.


How to trim:

  1. Shave the entire muzzle. Boy poodles sometimes have their whiskers trimmed with scissors.
  2. Cut a haircut on your head.
  3. Model a mane that goes from the neck to the sides.
  4. Trim the tail and paws with a clipper. The limbs should look like “pants”. Carefully remove the hair between the fingers with scissors.


The nature of the haircut depends on the condition of the laces. For a well-groomed poodle, the hairstyle can be simply adjusted:

  1. Trim the face with a clipper with a minimal attachment from the chest to the ears, and then to the corners of the eyes. If present, trim the mustache with scissors.
  2. Shave the fur on the paws completely. If there are pompoms, they must be adjusted with scissors.
  3. Trim the tail with a clipper.
  4. Trim the abdomen, groin area and anus with a clipper with a minimal attachment.
  5. Trim the back, front of the chest and sides either with scissors or a clipper. It all depends on the hairstyle.

If the poodle has not been clipped and its fur has become matted, the entire coat is completely clipped. Scissors will only be needed to process the space between the fingers.


How to trim:

  1. The poodle needs to be thoroughly washed using shampoo and conditioner. To eliminate electrification, an antistatic agent should be used. Next, the wool is dried. The hairdryer should blow on the base of the hair so that it lies immediately as required for the haircut.
  2. Brush the dog to maximum volume. The fur should take a vertical position.
  3. Trim the body, neck and paws to the same length of 2.5 cm. It is allowed to leave slightly longer hair on the lower third of the limbs, forming “Cossack pants” using scissors.
  4. Trim the muzzle with scissors to form a mustache and beard. A poodle should look like a puppy.
  5. The fur on the ears is made long, with hanging strands.
  6. Trim the tail either to a classic pompom or make it look like a bird's feather.

Should a poodle be cut?

Thick and wavy fur is both decorative and problematic. She has her own care requirements. During shedding, the hairs remain in the undercoat; without regular brushing, tangles form that will have to be cut out.

Poodle hairstyle is not a sign of luxury, but a necessity

A clipped poodle is a tribute to necessity, not to aesthetic considerations. At all times, haircuts have been used for various reasons:

  • the clipped hair on the paws did not interfere with the dogs' swimming;
  • the fur on the body protected from low temperatures;
  • the pompom at the tip of the tail protected the skin from thorns and thorns;
  • long hair on the muzzle covered the organs of vision from dirt and dust.

Modern requirements for haircuts have a different background:

  • convenience, hygiene and comfort. Short bangs like a poodle's do not interfere with swimming, do not get into the eyes and do not spoil vision;
  • well-groomed coat prevents the development of dermatological diseases;
  • the animal will not be allowed to exhibit unless it is trimmed to the standards.

Important! The frequency of hairdressing procedures should not exceed once every 3-4 months. In the summer, the pet is cut more often than in the winter.

Haircut price in Moscow

The cost of the master’s work depends on the type of hairstyle desired and the size of the poodle.

Poodle typeHygienicScandinavian lionModernAnglo-SaxonKorean

If you trim your pet incorrectly, you can ruin the hair structure. This can cause skin diseases, as the poodle will become more susceptible to the fluid and bacteria in it.

Therefore, if the owner is not sure that he will do everything correctly, it is better to seek help from a professional or take a course for groomers.

What haircuts are best for puppies, miniature and toy poodles?

Modern poodle haircut

The choice of hairstyle largely depends on how old the pet is and its size - large, dwarf, toy. The puppies are suitable for the puppy versions “Modern” and “Pappy Clip”, for toy dogs - “Lamb”, “Miami”, “City”. In addition, dwarf dogs are cut in the “Modern” style and like a lion. For those who do not have an undercoat, “Modern” and “Bikini” hairstyles are suitable.

If desired, the animal can get a haircut of any complexity, regardless of existing skills, guided by master classes, for example, by the famous specialist Roman Fomin.

Caring for a poodle, cutting a toy poodle, grooming a poodle, video tutorials on cutting a poodle

On this page we will try to show the basics of caring for a poodle. People ask us a lot of questions, we will try to answer them.
A poodle is washed depending on the structure of its coat, its dirtiness, and the presence of tangles on the animal's coat. Washing once a week can be considered ideal. If the need arises, then more often... there are very clean individuals, with very good hair that is not prone to forming tangles... sometimes such dogs do not cause trouble in caring for their coat up to once a month..

The poodle is washed in the bathroom with warm water and good shampoo!! All kinds of inexpensive zoo shampoos are categorically NOT SUITABLE!! They will ruin the coat, it will fall off like felt boots, the dog will smell bad, get dirty quickly... There are good professional shampoos for dogs and some of them are quite suitable for caring for a poodle... of these, we will point out the shampoos of the "Milord" and "Spa Lavish" series If there are none, then use my good human shampoo, such as Pantin pro vi extra volume, Glis chicken for colored hair..

The washing itself proceeds in the following simple way:

The dog is wetted with water, showered with shampoo diluted with water (not thick), thoroughly rub the shampoo into the hair everywhere and then rinse.. Then repeat the procedure again.. lather with shampoo at least twice to ensure thorough washing and cleansing of the animal’s coat.. After shampoo I recommend using conditioner.. apply the conditioner, hold it in a little, and wash it off..

I repeat - shampoo at least twice, and then condition.

We get the animal wet, wrap it in a towel, pick it up and enjoy the angelic appearance of our poodle!!)))))

After five minutes, when the towel has absorbed almost all the water, you can start combing the poodle's wet fur! This is done in order to sort out tangles if there are any.. it is much easier to do this on wet wool... At this point, it becomes necessary to use additional products to make combing easier - they are also sold in cosmetics stores (professional spray for grooming dogs or human gel chickens for easy combing)

To comb wet wool, use a slicker brush with a good rubber handle... comb up, down, in different directions, carefully sorting the wool into strands..

Having combed the wool well, we begin to blow with a hairdryer at the same time as combing it with a massager, trying to straighten the curls when drying, make the hair straight, and pull the hairs under the hairdryer using a massager or slicker.

Little by little, the coat dries out and becomes straight... if you don’t pull it back, the coat will dry out in curls, cords, strands... the dog will look completely different, and then the coat will most likely tangle faster..

In this photo we can already see a dried poodle, but now we still need to comb it with a sparse comb to lift the fur..

So, in principle, we are done with washing and drying.. it’s time to move on to the haircut.. the haircut shown below is called the Scandinavian Lion, home version.. Before actually cutting, you need to estimate the boundaries of the vest, the transition point, and all that.. On our model the visible traces of the previous haircut.. one third is usually considered the limit, but here everyone has their own preferences!!

The haircut starts from the back, we do the back, butt, hips...

after drawing the lines, we go through all the necessary places with bent scissors, smoothing the silhouette, giving completeness

it turns out something like this

Leave the back part and move on to the chest.. Create the front border of the chest..

cut off excess hair from the sides of the neck to highlight it..

at this stage we already have the lines of the back and front of the chest... comb the vest and start shaping it

we smooth out the lines with bent scissors, form the front legs in the shape of pipes..

We finish giving the vest the shape we need.. and we get this result..

our semi-finished product is ready, we need to apply a little gloss on the uneven areas.. finish the hind legs.. remove the remaining defects.. this can be done ad infinitum))))))

NEXT we will do what should have been done BEFORE the haircut!! Before the haircut, we had to shave the dog’s fingers, belly, tail, face, and make top notes... well, no problem, we’ll do it now..

Now we shave the muzzle.. from the edge of the ear to the nose.. and throat..

Now the toes.. clean the toes, the hair between the toes and on the underside of the paw..

We also shave the tail and belly, private parts...

Don't forget to trim your toenails

Sometimes, when cutting the claws, we cut a vessel, and blood comes out... we don’t worry, but we cauterize it with a cotton swab with potassium permanganate crystals... the blood stops instantly.

And finally our dog is washed, trimmed, and put to bed... nice to see)))

(they forgot about the tail...))) in general, the tail needs to be combed and neatly arranged in a circle... alas, I can no longer show it. however, a home haircut differs from an exhibition one in that you can forget about something)))) and that’s okay)))

Here are the tools we used...

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