"Dana Spot-on" for dogs: instructions for use

Pets living side by side with people have long turned from just animals into family members. Many owners watch their dogs much more closely than they watch themselves, and there is a reason for this. The fact is that it is much easier for pets to get some kind of unpleasant illness than for us. They are constantly in danger: in particular, many problems arise due to infection with various ectoparasites, such as fleas, ticks, lice eaters, etc. These harmful insects not only cause inconvenience to our pets in the form of constant itching, but also destroy the animal’s skin and provoke the development of many serious diseases. Today on the veterinary market there are a large number of products that can completely cure the suffering of our furry family members. In this article we will talk about one of them: Dana Spot-on for dogs.

"Dana Spot-on" for dogs: instructions for use

"Dana Spot-on": pharmacological action

This drug is now very actively used to rid dogs, as well as cats and other pets, of various ectoparasites. The product is used for external application to the body of an infected animal. In fact, “Dana Spot-on” is an insectoacaricide - a drug that works against insects such as:

  • demodex mites (subcutaneous);
  • ixodid ticks (dangerous for humans);
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • sarcoptic mites (a microscopic organism that feeds on the blood, plasma and epithelium of the dog);
  • lice eaters, etc.

The active substance included in Dana, which exactly kills the pests that cause our dogs so much inconvenience, is called fipronil. It works great at all stages of parasite development:

  • effectively destroys insects that have not reached sexual maturity;
  • also remarkably eliminates sexually mature individuals.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the manufacturer and can be adjusted by a veterinarian

This drug works as follows:

  • the product is applied to the animal’s skin;
  • insects come into contact with the product;
  • the drug leads to a blockade of the transmission of nerve impulses in the body of parasites;
  • As a result, insects develop paralysis of the body, which becomes the cause of their rapid death.

This product is applied to the animal’s withers because:

  • the animal is not able to lick the product;
  • in this place, extremely inactive absorption of substances by the skin occurs, which causes minimal penetration of the product into the animal’s body;
  • after some time, the drug is evenly distributed over most of the surface of the animal’s body, accumulating inside skin cells, glands that produce sebum, and hair follicles, which causes an exclusively contact effect on ticks.

The product is applied to the withers

This medicine “gains momentum” from 12 hours to 24 hours after you apply the drops to your dog for the first time. After the specified period, the dog’s body will begin to cleanse itself of ectoparasites.

Please note: one treatment with Dana Spot-on provides your pet with protection from harmful insects; its duration will be a month to a month and a half.

According to the official information available about the drug, the corresponding hazard class is fourth, that is, this drug is low-hazard for animals. Therefore, many pet owners choose it, because using “Dana Spot-on” you don’t have to worry about your pet having:

  • skin irritation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • rashes associated with the drug entering the human blood.

The drug lasts 1.5 months after one treatment

However, you should still follow some safety precautions when using this drug:

  • use the dosage prescribed by the doctor, or the one indicated in the instructions for the drug;
  • do not apply the drug near the animal’s eyes, as it may cause irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • do not allow the animal to lick the product;
  • Do not rub your own skin, eyes, etc. with hands stained with product.

Please note: there is a list of living creatures for which the application of this drug is strictly contraindicated due to its high toxicity. Please avoid using drops on:

  • rabbits;
  • fish and other river, sea, and lake inhabitants;
  • bees.

This is what the ampoule looks like

The high popularity of this product is explained by some of its unique distinctive features. This is about:

  • broad spectrum action;
  • providing complete protection against ectoparasites for a period of a month and a half;
  • resistance to water;
  • equally high efficiency when used on animals with short and long coats.


Very convenient to apply. Doesn't take much time. And it doesn’t cause any particular difficulties. You can apply drops to the withers or back in any position of the animal: when it is standing, lying or sitting.

Processed only once a month. There is no need to constantly bathe your pet with shampoos and torment you with water treatments. Because by their nature, cats do not like water.

Long-term exposure promises protection against new fleas and saves from old ones. A few hours after the procedure, Dan drops are distributed throughout the coat and carried by the blood. For fleas, the fatal dose will be after one meal. Gradually all the parasites become infected and die. The effect can be noticed after a few days, when the animal stops constantly scratching.

Affordable price. The product can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or specialty store for animals. The average cost of a package is 155 rubles.

Instructions for use of the medicine

If your pet is tormented by ticks, fleas, lice eaters, other ectoparasites, or it is simply time for a preventive measure, use the Dana Spot-on product. How to do it?

  1. First of all, you must open the package and take out the ampoule from the box, which, in fact, you will apply the product to the animal’s skin.
  2. The tip of the removed ampoule needs to be cut off to open the way for the product to flow out.
  3. Feel the animal's withers (the place on the back where the neck meets the back) and move the fur in different directions in this place so that a strip of skin is exposed to you.
  4. Apply along the animal's spine directly to the skin. It can be a dot applique, or it can be a single strip.

“Dana Spot-on” for dogs: this is what the instructions look like

When applying the product, it is very important to follow the dosage recommended by veterinarians and manufacturers of the drug. Let's see what it will be like in the table below.

Table. Recommended dosage of the drug "Dana Spot-on"

The weight of the animal is less than 10 kilogramsOne pipette (one pipette contains 1.5 milliliters)
The pet weighs from 10 to 20 kilogramsTwo pipettes or 3 milliliters
The weight of the animal is 20-40 kilogramsThree pipettes or 4.5 milliliters
The dog weighs more than 40 kilogramsFor an animal of this weight you will need 4 pipettes or 6 milliliters

Provided that such a need arises, the procedure can be repeated. However, according to safety precautions, it should be repeated no earlier than 30 days from the date of first application. Otherwise, undesirable side effects may develop, since the insectoacaricide is a poison and is just as dangerous for animals as it is for ectoparasites.

Please note: even if you kill all fleas or other parasites on your pet's body, their eggs and larvae may still survive in your pet's bedding.

Spray "Dana" is suitable for treating bedding

This means that it needs to be processed too. Dana spray is perfect for this. However, it doesn’t hurt to pre-wash the contaminated litter. In this case, protection against parasites will be provided for a period of approximately 2 months.

If you need to remove an ixodid tick from an animal’s body that has already attached itself to it, do this.

  1. Apply a few drops of Dana to the site where it penetrates the skin and wait half an hour.
  2. After half an hour, the tick will either fall off on its own, or you can unscrew it very carefully with tweezers. The most important thing to avoid is tearing off the head of the pest and getting it stuck in the skin.

If you are fighting demodex mites that have infected the ears of an animal, you must follow the instructions below.

  1. Clean the ears with a special product or antiseptic to remove accumulated secretions, dirt and fallen hairs.
  2. Place approximately 3-5 drops of the product into each ear.
  3. Massage the dog's ear at the base on both sides, as if folding it in half.

Dana drops also help with demodicosis, otodectosis, etc.

Provided that the damage to microscopic mites has occurred in other areas of the body, apply the product to the affected areas and distribute it evenly. To avoid licking the drug, put a muzzle on the animal.

Reviews from dog breeders

Yana. Previously, we had never heard of ticks. But more and more often I began to learn from fellow dog lovers about the infection and even death of dogs. We treated our terrier with Dana Ultra drops. It’s convenient to drip; ticks were found after treatment, but only dead ones.

Ramil. Last year I used a different product. Fat marks appeared on the dog, and the hair came out. I decided to change the drug. According to the instructions, it turns out that Dana is less toxic than imported products. Although it does not give a 100% guarantee. We tried to dig it in: there were no stains, the hair didn’t come out, the ticks were dead, the fleas were gone. I will repeat it in a month.

Olga. I read that Dana is one of the most harmless drugs. The dog is small, there is a fear of overdose. Over the summer they dripped three times. The ticks were removed, but there were no signs of infection.

Contraindications and possible side effects

In our articles we often mention that there is no medical drug in the world that does not have side effects and contraindications. Of course, with a quality product they are reduced to a minimum, but they still occur. So, when using these insectoacaricidal drops, it is very important to take into account the following contraindications:

  • the drug should not be used on pregnant dogs;
  • sick and weak animals can react much more acutely to the drug, so hold off on flea treatment in this case;
  • This medicine should not be used simultaneously with the treatment of a dog with an illness of infectious etiology;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use animals whose age does not exceed 10 weeks from birth for treatment;
  • the skin to be treated must be dry and free of any visible damage before applying the product;
  • within 48 hours after applying the product, there is no need to bathe the animal in plain water, much less wash it with special cleansers.

Nausea is one of the possible side effects when using the drug.

Now let's turn our attention to potential side effects, which are rare, but still sometimes appear in particularly sensitive animals or those dogs whose owners incorrectly calculated the dosage of the drug.

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Excessive saliva production.
  3. Muscle cramps.
  4. Various allergies and skin irritations.

To ensure that your dog gets better without suffering one of the side effects, after the above-mentioned time has passed, give him a bath with shampoo. This way you will remove the remaining medicine from her, which no longer provides any benefit.

How to wash a dog?

Owners who are particularly sensitive to the issue can also reduce the level of intoxication in the animal’s body to a digestible level by giving it a large amount of water.

Please note: these medications are strictly not recommended for use with other drugs of similar action to avoid overdose. The manufacturer does not establish such prohibitions regarding pharmacological agents with other properties.

Video - How to properly treat your dog for fleas and ticks?

Infection with exoparasites

Dogs and cats have long been home to fleas. It is even believed that this neighborhood is beneficial for both parties. A healthy animal has substances in its blood that inhibit the growth of parasites and slow down their activity. As a result, fleas do not cause any concern to the owner.

But as soon as the animal’s immunity decreases, the parasites begin to actively multiply. In this case, their population grows greatly and begins to cause only harm. This especially applies to pets. The pet begins to itch, suppuration may appear in the scratches, and the condition of the coat worsens. Young and old animals are especially affected by fleas. In addition, if a pet becomes infected with parasites on the street, they can get some kind of infectious disease.

This possibility is always present even for those animals that only walk in the yard. And if the owners take their pet to the forest or to the country, it can pick up more than just fleas. Exoparasites also include ixodid and ear mites, lice, and lice. All of them can carry infectious diseases and cause serious trouble to the animal.

How to store the drug?

The shelf life of the medicinal product in question is two years from the date of its manufacture. Once this period has passed, the product will become several times more toxic and less safe. Therefore, its use is strictly prohibited.

After the expiration date, it is prohibited to use the drug

Storage of drops is allowed:

  • only in the same packaging in which they were sold;
  • in places where there are no food products, cosmetics, feed;
  • only in a dry place;
  • where there is no direct sunlight;
  • at temperatures ranging from -2°C to + 25°C.

Release form

Dana Spot-On drops are produced in special metal-polymer dropper tubes with a volume of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 ml, which is very convenient for small pets. Manufacturer's cardboard box contains:

  • dropper tubes of the same volume - 3-4 pieces;
  • instructions.

Larger packaging has been developed for veterinary clinics - 15 ml dropper bottles.

Recommendations for working with the drug

There is a list of rules that a person who owns a dog that needs to be cured of fleas or other ectoparasites must follow. First of all, it is necessary to carry out processing in elementary protective equipment, such as:

  • latex gloves;
  • mask for the face;
  • unnecessary home clothes.

      Latex gloves are an adequate measure of protection against contact of the product with the skin.
  1. While applying the drug, do not eat, drink, smoke, etc.
  2. For the next 24 hours, the animal treated with the product is literally untouchable. You can’t touch him, even if the pet fawns on you - it’s better to endure it for a while. Otherwise, you will remove the medicine from the animal’s fur and reduce its effectiveness, and even poison yourself with this insecticide.
  3. If you have an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, avoid direct contact with it.
  4. If you accidentally dropped the drug onto the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, etc., immediately wash the area with plenty of warm water, if possible with soap.

    If you have an allergic reaction, go to your doctor and take the product label with you

  5. Used packaging (both boxes and dropper ampoules) is strictly prohibited from being used after the medicine has been removed from it. Dispose of the packaging so that no one else can be harmed.

Veterinary principles of combating ectoparasites

To combat ectoparasites, several methods have been developed that are used depending on the general condition of the animal, and also the concentration of parasites on it. The main ones are:

  • Use of drugs internally.
  • Use of parenteral administration (intramuscular or subcutaneous injections).
  • External treatment - drops on the withers, use of insecticidal shampoos, collars.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages; there is no ideal method. For example, injections are the most effective way to combat parasites, but they are toxic to the animal. External methods, that is, drops, are practically non-toxic for a dog or cat, but are not so active against parasites, as a result they must be used repeatedly to achieve a good result.

As for the more serious insecticidal preparations used, they are used only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Therefore, for ordinary household use, if fleas are very annoying, simple products on the surface of the skin are sufficient.

Let's sum it up

The drug in question, “Dana Spot-on,” is an insectoacaricidal drug. This medicine quickly and effectively fights parasites that inhabit your dog's body, such as fleas, ticks, lice, etc. The harm caused by the medicine is minimal and only if you have not fully followed the recommendations of the manufacturer or veterinarian. The effect of the drug lasts up to one and a half months, during which your animal is completely protected from re-infection with ectoparasites. Use the product strictly according to the instructions, and soon you will forget about pests forever.

Veterinarians recommend Dana Spot-on for protection against ticks, lice and other parasites

Dana ultra-spray

1 ml of spray contains 5 mg of fipronil and 0.5 mg of cyfluthrin. The mechanism of the insectoacaricidal action of the aerosol is the same as that of drops. A

The spray for cats is produced in a volume of 95 ml, for dogs - 100 cm3.

The cost of a 100 ml bottle in January 2022 was 239 rubles.

Fipronil is a representative of insectoacaricides of the phenylpyrosol group, and cyfluthrin is a pyrethroid group. The drug protects pets from fleas, ticks and dipterous insects and mosquitoes immediately after treatment. Protection against flying parasites lasts for 5 days, ticks for a month, and fleas for a month and a half. An aerosol can is indispensable when the owner takes his pet with him when going outdoors. This spray protects animals from infection with Dirofilaria, which are carried by mosquitoes, and Pyroplasmas, which enter the bloodstream with the bite of an ixodid tick.

When spraying, it is necessary to protect the pet's eyes and mouth from the insecticide. The solution becomes safe when it dries, so for 20-30 minutes you need to put on a muzzle, Elizabethan collar or tie the jaws with braid.

The following aerosol insecticides have a similar effect:

  • Aerosol Bolfo;
  • BlochNet;
  • Delix;
  • Frontline.

Side effects, contraindications, storage rules are the same as for Dan drops.

Contraindicated for whom

The drug is low-toxic, so it is recommended even for puppies over 2 kilograms.

However, in order to exclude possible harm to the offspring, the drug cannot be used to treat pregnant dogs, during the period of feeding puppies and for puppies up to 1.5-2 months.

Also, you should not use it on animals that are sick or weakened after illness.

Dana drops will help get rid of parasites quickly

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