Best answer: Can I have a pit bull in my apartment?

Hello! I am 13 years old, I want to know your opinion: I really want to get a pit bull dog (girl). I am interested in fighting dogs: Dobermans, Rottweilers, American Staffordshire Terriers. The pit bull attracted me with its beauty, brutality, and size. I live in a rural area, in a 2-story house. I really liked the look of the dog. I read articles about the breed, they are all different, I am confused. Who knows about the breed? I have no experience with such a dog. Please write information about the breed and the availability of nurseries located in Lipetsk and the region.


Vaccinations are given only to healthy animals that have undergone preliminary antiparasitic treatment. The puppy is given the first injection at 8-10 weeks. After 21 days, revaccination is carried out with the same drug. Subsequently, the procedure is repeated once a year.

To develop stable immunity, imported complex vaccines against adenovirus infection, enteritis, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and rabies are used.


Height: male – from 46 to 56 cm. Weight: from 18 to 40 kg. Characteristic color: any solid, with brindle markings. Coat length: short. Life expectancy: 15 years. Advantages: does not require much care, the dog is active, smart, easy-going. Difficulties: a responsible approach to training and education; you cannot leave the dog alone, which can lead to mental disorders and cause aggressive behavior. Average price: from 150 to 1200 dollars. Classification: large, companion, family, guard.


The American Pit Bull Terrier is a strong dog, but the breed is prone to some hereditary diseases:

  • allergies (to food, plants, pollen, fleas);
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism – dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Causes hair loss or obesity;
  • heart diseases.

To maintain health, your dog must be vaccinated, treated for worms every three months, and visit a veterinarian regularly.

What is it for?

In recent years, pit bulls have been gaining popularity for the work of government security services, i.e. the police. The ability to immediately recognize drugs and explosives are widely used in searches and help prevent trouble. Dogs become indispensable guards of homes and property. It is only important to always keep them on a leash . They can also protect the owner and family members. They adapt equally and live both in apartments and private households, becoming good companions.

History of the origin of the species

The USA is considered the country of origin of the breed. But the history of the pit bull originated in England. The first American pit bull terriers lived in Spain, Ireland, and Holland. English terriers and bulldogs are their ancestors. There is speculation that British laws that prohibited people from keeping large dogs influenced the appearance of the breed.

The restriction did not include terriers suitable for hunting small animals and bulldogs for guarding. Subsequently, crossbreeding resulted in dogs that combine the agility and mobility of the former and the insensitivity to wounds and courage of the latter.

The word "pit bull terrier" stands for "fighting bull terrier" from the English word pit - pit for fights . Dogs of the breed were called pit dogs, bull terriers, and Yankee terriers . The name pit bull terrier has become official; it reflects the purpose and origin of the breed: fighting bulldog - terrier.

American pit bull terriers were first brought to the New World in the mid-18th and 19th centuries. from England and Ireland. They became famous in America thanks to the organizers of dog fights.

Today it is prohibited to import pit bulls into the European Union; owners from Germany must obtain consent to keep the breed. Often used as service dogs.

Positive sides of the breed

The advantages of keeping representatives of the breed include the following circumstances:

  1. The dog does not require long and complex care. You don't have to spend a long time caring for your fur.
  2. Pitbull is unpretentious in nutrition. The daily diet does not include exotic foods.
  3. The dog has excellent fighting qualities and a natural sharp mind. This makes her learnable and understanding. A pit bull makes the best nanny for small children and a loyal friend for teenagers.
  4. The active and cheerful nature of the pet will make daily communication enjoyable and bring a lot of joy.
  5. The breed is hardy and rarely susceptible to disease.

The main positive quality of a pit bull is its natural strength and brutality. Dogs require an owner with similar character traits.

Pit bull care

Representatives of the breed are unpretentious and are not very difficult to care for.

  1. It is imperative to keep your pet's ears clean. They are cleaned once a week.
  2. Once every 7 days, it is customary to completely comb the puppy. Dogs are bathed as needed. No special routine is required.
  3. The pit bull's claws are trimmed if the growths do not wear off during active movement on the street.
  4. The animal needs to brush its teeth and wash its eyes with herbal decoctions.

The pit bull is a strong and active dog. The dog needs long walks. You will need to walk your pet twice a day for at least an hour. Even if the pet lives in the yard, the dog will have to be walked with active games and training. With sufficient physical activity, the dog adapts well in any conditions.

When choosing a name for your pet, remember that the nickname is chosen to be short and sonorous. With the help of a name, they emphasize features that are desirable in a dog’s character: complaisance and affection, or, conversely, fighting spirit.

Pit bulls are often compared to amstaffs. What is the difference between them?

We can talk about the differences for a very long time, about temperament and appearance. These two breeds have common ancestors and their division into separate breeds occurred relatively recently.

In a nutshell: a higher-legged, leaner and lighter dog is a Pit, a more compact and compact dog is a Staff.

Also, pits are allowed the so-called “red nose” (red nose, matching the color), which is not possible for staff.

The pit bull is not recognized by the FCI, although in other cynological organizations it is listed as an independent breed.

Roughly speaking, a staff is a pit driven into the strict framework of the standard, devoid of zoo aggression (although in reality this is far from the case).

American pit bull

The right diet

The Pitbull is an athletic dog that needs appropriate nutrition. Food for him can be dry or natural.

When feeding dry food, you should give preference to premium or super-premium quality products. It contains the entire complex of vitamins and microelements, as well as the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When purchasing food, it is recommended to take into account the age of the pet.

It is advisable to give young animals food marked “for active dogs”. An older pit bull uses less energy and does not need as many calories. Therefore, he can choose food for older dogs. Acana and Orijen brands of food are best suited for pit bull terriers.

Important! You need to gradually switch your dog from one food to another. To do this, new food is gradually added to the one that the dog ate previously, and the animal’s reaction is observed.

If the pit bull is on a natural diet, then the following products should be present in its diet:

  • meat (beef, turkey and chicken);
  • offal (liver and heart);
  • cereals (wheat and oatmeal);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese and low-fat kefir);
  • sea ​​and ocean fish (hake or salmon);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini and carrots);
  • boiled eggs.

Chocolate, confectionery, smoked meats, tubular bones, river fish, salty, spicy and fried foods should be excluded from the pita diet.

Training and education of pit bulls

When planning to get a pit bull, it is important to remember: the dog is not for beginners or inexperienced dog owners. For a dog to recognize you as its owner, you need to have a strong-willed character and perseverance. Only in this way will the pet recognize the leader in the owner and begin to obey. Otherwise, it is possible to get those horror stories that are replete with the Internet and television.

Initially, it is preferable to contact professional trainers and dog handlers to complete a general training course. This will help your pet learn the basics of submission and obedience. Then it is permissible to continue training the dog for protective and guard duty. By this time, the pet will have already developed the necessary skills. The breed is generously gifted with intelligence, hunting instincts, and discipline.

Only after completing a training course will the animal learn to curb emotional impulses, especially aggression, and the owner will learn to fully control the dog even in unexpected situations. Remember: the owner makes the pet himself. Displays of aggression towards the dog, cruelty and physical torture are unacceptable. To properly educate representatives of the breed, natural curiosity, playfulness and desire to please the owner are successfully exploited.

How to choose the right pit bull puppy

To make the right choice, find out what the dog is for. Dog handlers and breeders distinguish a number of varieties of the breed:

  1. Pet class. Pets are intended for the soul and do not require participation in special competitions, exhibitions and competitions. Dogs are considered unsuitable for breeding offspring.
  2. Show class. Puppies have long pedigrees, a lot of documents and certificates confirming the authenticity of the breed. They participate in competitions and exhibitions.
  3. Breeding class. Descendants of star parents have the right to participate in exhibitions and be kept to produce offspring with a good pedigree.

In Russia, it is customary to adopt a puppy from a breeder at the age of 8 weeks. Of course, the baby will require a lot of free time, care and attention. In this case, it is possible to raise a four-legged friend in accordance with your own concepts, habits and ideas about life. By 2 months, the pet is already strong enough to be weaned from its mother. The puppy will receive his first socialization skills in the company of his brothers and sisters. Don't give in to your first impulse when choosing a pet. It is better to go around several breeders and see all the litters of cubs.


  • Teach your puppy to recognize you as the leader. If he shows aggression, turn him over on his back, hold him a little, repeat this always when he is aggressive. If you are unhappy with him, keep your voice firm.
  • Choose your commands and stick to them strictly.
  • Try to set prohibitions; all family members should know this.
  • Set aside a place for the toilet.
  • Use a leash from 8-16 weeks.
  • Use toys and treats when training.

Pit bull terrier character

People who are little familiar with the characteristics of the breed are ready to make a lot of unflattering comments about it, and also cross to the other side of the street when they see a pit bull, even if it is muzzled.

In the past, the media very often published news about cases of dogs attacking a person, even the owner, but this information has long been outdated. The pit bull, like all domesticated animals, has animal inclinations. Proper upbringing, early socialization and a good attitude can work wonders for any creature.

Pit bull dogs are good companions, understand commands perfectly, learn quickly and are ready to protect the family to the last drop of blood. Their love for people makes them poor watchdogs, but their firmness towards strangers makes up for this.

Like many fighting dogs, the Pit Bull Terrier requires early socialization. The puppy needs to be taken to different places and introduced to people, only in this case will it be able to grow into an adequate and balanced dog.

Pit bull dogs make good companions

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