Dogs for children - choosing a breed, what to look for +Video

  • Hunting
  • Companions
Sizemedium (11-25kg)
Main features
  • Very devoted
  • Friendly
  • Suitable for hunting
  • Little barks
Included in
  • Which dog is suitable for Pisces?
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Frequent illnesses
  • Deafness
  • Laryngeal paralysis
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Video Dalmatian

These spectacular dogs were valued by English aristocrats and respected by American firefighters. And thanks to cinema, the whole world recognized and loved them. We are talking about the Dalmatian breed, or in the movie “Dalmatian”. After the film was released, the breed became extremely fashionable. However, this only harmed hundreds, if not thousands of dogs.

Viewers were shown the Dalmatian as an ideal family pet, who is smart, obedient and does not cause any unnecessary trouble. The bright appearance of the spotted dog also had a positive impact on the image of the breed. Graceful and elegant Dalmatians attract everyone's attention and arouse admiration. However, how often do you see them on the streets? Unfortunately, the incredible wave of popularity ended with an equally large-scale setback. People who adopted puppies, believing the movie image, began to abandon the dogs due to their problematic nature. It turned out that this active and strong breed is not suitable for everyone; an inexperienced dog breeder is unlikely to cope with it.

We will tell you without bias about the strengths and weaknesses of Dalmatians, as well as who will get along with this dog without any problems.

Symptoms of reverse sneezing in dogs

Distinguishing the syndrome from a regular sneeze is not so difficult. It is accompanied by a prolonged series of convulsive breaths and other characteristic symptoms:

  • adopting an unnatural posture (the neck is stretched forward as much as possible, and the paws are spread wide apart in different directions);
  • severe tension in the pectoral and abdominal muscles due to convulsive shaking of the body;
  • drawing in air through the lips through barely open jaws (may be accompanied by profuse drooling or bulging of the eyes);
  • heavy breathing, complicated by snorting, grunting and wheezing.

This terrible picture lasts no more than 1 minute, and sometimes ends after 10 seconds. Immediately after the attack, the dog’s condition is completely normalized. She does not feel pain or other discomfort and exhibits her usual activity and appetite.

History of the Dalmatian breed

Exact information about the origin of the spotted dog breed has not been preserved, but the first mentions of it date back to the third century BC. According to one version, the homeland of the Dalmatian is India, according to another, Egypt, and according to the third, the Mediterranean.

In 2010, cynologists came to an agreement: to believe that the breed originated in Croatia. It was there, in the province of Dalmatia, that documents were found describing a spotted dog and its image. The first description of the breed, made in the middle of the 18th century, was also found there. The French biologist de Buffon spoke about Dalmatians in his work “Natural History”; he said that these dogs are used to hunt hare and bird in the Mediterranean. In 1771, the English naturalist Pennant first used Dalmatian to name the breed. And twenty years later, nature explorer Thomas Thomas Bewick added it to the “General History of Quadrupeds,” where he described the dog and its drawing.

Spotted dogs had many names: Turkish Dog, French Hound, Calico Dog, Plum Pudding, Harlequin - this is how they were called in different countries. Officially in canine documents the breed is called Dalmatian. But after the appearance of the cartoon “101 Dalmatians” it was dubbed differently. At the same time, the demand for puppies increased fivefold.

Over many years of serving people, Dalmatians have mastered various professions. In the 18th century in England they were called “coach dogs.” An escort of elegant animals accompanied the ceremonial exit of the aristocratic owner. Large dogs not only gave a rich and sophisticated look, but also had to clear the way for the carriage, dispersing passers-by. They also guarded passengers and horses in the stable. About

9. Anatolian shepherd dog (Kangal)

Kangal is a brave shepherd originally from Turkey. This breed is distinguished by lightning-fast reactions and vigilance. The Anatolian Shepherd has a distrustful but very balanced character. This large breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm!

Although most often described as a herding dog, the Kangal is actually a guard dog, protecting the herd from jackals and wolves, and even bears.

Appearance of a Dalmatian dog

The Dalmatian is distinguished by the appearance and habits of an aristocrat. This is a large but graceful dog. She is about 60 centimeters tall and weighs about 30 kilograms. With such a refined figure, Dalmatians are hardy and athletic animals. They are very agile and fast.

Dogs of this breed have a long, proportional head, muzzle and skull of equal length. The bridge of the nose is straight, the color of the nose is brown or black, it depends on the color of the spots. Pigmented lips do not droop, but are pressed tightly against even, snow-white teeth. The jaws are well developed, only a scissor bite is allowed. The round eyes are set quite widely. They are bright and shiny. The look is intelligent and slightly wary. Eyelids with brown or black pigmentation, brown iris, shades from darkest to amber. The hanging ears are medium in size, wide at the base and evenly tapering at the end. A spotted pattern is desirable on them.

The Dalmatian has a high, beautiful neck without dewlap. The back is straight with a muscular lower back. The croup is slightly sloping. The chest is quite deep, but not very wide. The ribs are long, slightly rounded, but not flat or barrel-shaped. The stomach is well tucked. The tail reaches the hock joint. He is strong, but not rude. If the dog is calm, the tail points downwards and is slightly curved at the bottom. During movement, it is raised slightly above the back, but is not vertical. The limbs are immaculately straight and muscular. The paws are round, well assembled, cat-type. The pads are elastic. Claws are allowed in black and white. The Dalmatian moves plastically and gracefully. He has a strong, rhythmic and sweeping stride.

This dog's fur is short and harsh, and has almost no odor. It is shiny and adheres tightly to the skin. The main feature of the Dalmatian is its color. The breed standard allows only two options. On a white background there are black or brown spots that should not be connected. Moreover, ideally, marks of different sizes should be on all parts of the body, including the tail.

You will not find two Dalmatians alike. Each has its own pattern of spots. It is unique, like a person's fingerprints.

Defects that lead to disqualification are problems with bite, multi-colored or blue eyes, partial or complete deafness, tricolor (a combination of a white background and black-brown spots), light brown (orange) markings, and behavioral abnormalities.

Great Dane Dog

Giant Great Dane breed. Height up to 92 cm, and weight up to 90 kg! The Great Dane was originally bred as a hunting dog. They are also depicted on Egyptian artifacts, dating back to 3000 BC.

In 2012, the Great Dane named Zeus was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest dog in the world, which had 112 cm at the withers.

Dalmatian character

The Dalmatian, especially the young one, is full of energy. He will not passively observe the world around him, but will readily support any activity. This is a very sociable and friendly dog ​​that will fit perfectly into the life of a family. In the morning she will go for a run with her owner, then help her with household chores and play with the younger members of the household. The Dalmatian is a sensitive companion, he is ready to adapt to a person’s regime and does not bother him. Of course, such mutual understanding does not come immediately, but when the dog grows up and learns the established rules.

The Dalmatian will get along well with school-age children. He is interested in teenagers, and they will also enjoy working with the active dog. However, it is better not to leave him unattended with children. A spotted dog will not show aggression, but may frighten a child with excessive activity, accidentally push or knock over.

The friendliness and sociability of Dalmatians extends not only to their family members, but also to everyone around them. Dogs of this breed love when guests come to the house. They greet everyone indiscriminately and rush towards them with affection and hugs. They rejoice at passers-by on a walk. Sometimes such all-encompassing love irritates dog owners and they become jealous. But in vain, nevertheless, a specific person is important for a Dalmatian. This breed is very affectionate and loyal. But she will make a mediocre security guard.

Without a cheerful company, a cheerful dog quickly begins to get bored. He may fall into melancholy or begin to have fun on his own. Then stories appear about the destructive power of Dalmatians, about damaged furniture and eaten curtains. The character of dogs of this breed is also negatively affected by the lack of sufficient physical activity. They need to release excess energy. This happens during outdoor games, sports, or just free running.

Dalmatians by nature are good-natured and cheerful. They are usually tolerant of other pets and can make friends with cats and even rodents. They can conflict with outside dogs, but they rarely get into fights. If the enemy is also peaceful, most often the matter ends at the level of negotiations. Sometimes young dogs can be cocky, but over the years they calm down.

But life-loving polka-dot dogs almost cannot stand loneliness. If they remain without an owner for a long time, they can become sad and suffer. Dalmatians communicate their sadness to the world with a loud howl or bark.

TOP 5 medium-sized dogs

These dogs are small, they can be kept both in an apartment and in a house, due to their size and disposition.

  1. The Beagle is a wonderful, inquisitive dog, a supporter of active games and travel, and loves big companies.
  2. The Welsh Corgi is an extremely active, sweet dog, loves to be the object of attention, and happily takes care of children.
  3. The Miniature Bull Terrier is a charming, cheerful dog that will appeal to all family members.
  4. The Poodle is an ideal smart dog for family people. Gets along well with kids of any age.
  5. Sheltie is a sociable pet that will easily accept the endless games of a child.

If you want to get a dog for your child, you should remember that this is a responsible step. A puppy is like a child. At first, damaged shoes, torn wallpaper, and damaged furniture are quite likely. Most of the care will be provided by adults, since children, due to their age, will not be able to perform all the responsibilities related to the pet.

At first, the puppy should not be left alone for a long time; it may require a short vacation. Owning a dog will cost a certain portion of your household budget. First you need to purchase all the necessary things (bowl, bed, collar), then on an ongoing basis - food and veterinary needs.

Pros and cons of the Dalmatian breed

Like any other dog breed, Dalmatians are distinguished by their positive and negative qualities. For some reason, they are often accused of stupidity and bad character. However, many shortcomings are not the fault of the animals, but the result of mistakes made by the owners. Therefore, we will be objective when considering this issue.

Advantages of Dalmatian dogs:

  • Attractive appearance;
  • affectionate and friendly character;
  • playfulness and sociability;
  • knows how to get along with children;
  • differs in intelligence.

Disadvantages of Dalmatians not related to parenting problems:

  • They shed profusely and almost constantly;
  • long walks are required;
  • need significant physical activity;
  • require training;
  • often suffer from food allergies.

What could cause

Possible causes of irritation of the larynx and soft palate are divided into harmless and pathological. In the second case, you can notice something is wrong by the accompanying symptoms.

Non-hazardous factors

Non-hazardous factors cause short-term irritation that does not require veterinary attention. These include:

  1. Strong odors. An attack is provoked by prolonged exposure to a smoky room or inhalation of paint.
  2. Excessive emotionality. Small breeds often suffer from this problem, peeing with joy when meeting their owner. A similar situation is typical for negative emotions: fear, anxiety.
  3. Various foreign bodies caught in the respiratory tract. An animal may suddenly inhale dust, pollen, or simply choke while rushing while eating or drinking.
  4. Items of dog equipment squeezing the neck. The collar must be worn so that there is space between it and the neck for your finger. Otherwise, a sharp jerk will lead not only to an attack, but also to damage.
  5. Lack of oxygen, hot weather and increased physical activity. Trying to catch his breath, the dog may overdo it a little and cough.

Please note that if a foreign object is too large or deeply embedded, you will have to seek help. Otherwise, there is a risk of pushing it further or damaging your throat.

Factors indicating illness

The pathological causes of reverse sneezing syndrome in dogs and how to treat them are determined by your veterinarian. Your task is only to record all the noticed symptoms.

Hazardous factors include:

  • allergens, viruses and bacteria;
  • mechanical damage that softens or displaces the cartilage inside the pharynx;
  • tumors inside the nasopharynx, blocking the lumen in the respiratory tract;
  • helminths that parasitize the lungs;
  • hypothermia.

If your pet's condition worsens, make an appointment at the veterinary clinic. The exact cause of the malaise can be found out only after diagnosis.

Raising and training a Dalmatian

A properly raised Dalmatian is calm and balanced. He understands his owner very well, gets along well with all family members and behaves appropriately during walks. To achieve this result, you need to train your puppy from a very early age. Moreover, one must first treat him as an unintelligent child, and then as an obstinate teenager.

First, your pet must learn his name and understand what is not allowed and what actions are approved. We need to discuss it with the whole family and develop our own system of prohibitions and permissions. Everyone must follow it at all times. For example, if you decide that the dog shouldn't sleep on the couch, don't let the puppy do it, even if he whines and you feel sorry for him. Unless you want to raise a beggar, don't allow your dog to sit at the table during meals.

Then you need to patiently teach the dog the basic commands: “come to me,” “next to me,” “sit,” “lie down.” It is especially important to teach her not to pull on the leash, but to move at the person’s leg. Without this skill, walking will turn not into pleasure, but into pain. A young Dalmatian will benefit from a general training course. Moreover, group classes are the best option. These dogs love company and easily imitate others. In addition, by communicating with other people's animals and people, the puppy will learn the rules of behavior in society. He will be more tolerant and friendly towards others.

Dogs of this breed do not tolerate rough treatment; they can become angry and uncontrollable. At the same time, young Dalmatians strive to take a leadership position. Attempts to dominate must be stopped immediately, but calmly and without violence.

Dalmatians are naturally very curious, they are extremely interested in everything new and unknown. Moreover, they accept changes easily and painlessly. The owner needs to use these qualities. It’s worth walking your dog in new places, taking it with you out of town, on trips, and introducing it to people. Thanks to the abundance of impressions, the Dalmatian will loyally perceive any environment. He won't cause any unnecessary trouble.

Dalmatian dogs have a very flexible character and are easily adaptable. Therefore, they can be adapted to a wide variety of activities. They can become hunters, bloodhounds, nannies, rescuers, security guards, athletes, artists, or just couch potatoes and bosom friends. What exactly the Dalmatian will be is up to the owner to decide.

Sometimes Dalmatians, like other young dogs, can be stubborn and capricious. But you should not give your pet to a dog trainer for behavior correction. Representatives of this breed become strongly attached to their owner and family. Therefore, someone close to you should train the dog. It is better to take a general training course with your dog. Such activities will further strengthen the bond between a person and his pet.

St. Bernard

St. Bernards standing on average have a height of 68-90 cm and a weight of 64-91 kg. The Saint Bernard is truly a giant breed. They were originally bred for rescue missions in the Alps.

Daily walking is a must for this breed to keep them in good physical condition. Saint Bernards are also good observers. These large dogs can be a big threat to burglars.

Care and maintenance of Dalmatians

The best place to keep a Dalmatian is in a private house, always with a well-fenced area. Otherwise, the dog may run away from the yard without permission. Aviary life is not very suitable for a short-haired dog; frosty weather will be a serious test for it. In addition, Dalmatians become sad if they cannot constantly communicate with people.

You can also keep a dog in an apartment, but it will require a long walk and exercise. Therefore, you will have to set aside time, at least 2-3 hours a day, and think about physical exercises for your pet. You can, for example, organize joint bike rides or swims; many Dalmatians love to swim and even dive. The easiest option is a regular jog, preferably over rough terrain.

The special color of Dalmatians is not only beautiful, but also practical. The spotted pattern protects dogs from overheating.

To avoid problems, on the eve of moving the puppy, hide all dangerous objects in an inaccessible place, remove cables and wires. At home he needs to allocate a place and arrange a soft bed. You will also need 2-3 bowls (for water and food separately), a collar, leashes of different lengths, one of them at least 5 meters long - on a reel. It will create a semblance of free range. It would be good to buy clothes for the outdoors; they will protect the dog’s fur from dirt and prevent it from freezing. The puppy will need dog toys. Giving him old shoes to tear to pieces is a bad idea. Having dealt with an unnecessary pair, he can switch to good shoes and boots.

How to care

The Dalmatian does not shed seasonally, so if kept in an apartment, it should be brushed at least every other day. To do this, it is better to use a silicone or rubber brush or glove. After a walk, just wipe the dog’s paws and body with a damp cloth. There is no special need to bathe your dog, only when it gets dirty. You need a soft shampoo; this breed has delicate skin that is prone to allergies.

The dog's ears should be inspected frequently and dirt should be removed. From puppyhood, you need to teach your Dalmatian to brush its teeth. But the claws usually grind down on their own, but it is better to control their length. And if you notice that they have grown, trim the ends with a special nail clipper and file the edges.

How to feed

You should ask the breeder about how to feed your puppy correctly. At first, the Dalmatian's diet should be the same. Then you can choose what suits your pet: natural food or ready-made food.

It is difficult to create a balanced menu from natural ingredients. In addition, representatives of this breed often suffer from food allergies. Therefore, the diet should contain only high-quality products: lean meat (preferably chicken or turkey), white sea fish, cereals, vegetables. Beef offal and fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, herring) should be fed with caution. They provoke urolithiasis. Pork, river fish, potatoes, corn, as well as any dishes from the master’s table: smoked, salted, sweet, spicy are completely prohibited.

Many Dalmatian owners prefer to give them premium dry food with a good composition. It is necessary to choose hypoallergenic mixtures for active animals.

How can you rinse your dog's nose?

For prevention, nasal rinsing is not carried out in dogs. For preventive purposes, the procedure may be necessary only if the dog likes to “vacuum” objects with its nose, often inhaling dust. Foreign objects can damage the mucous membrane. In addition, there are breeds, for example, the double-nosed hound, which hunt in special conditions. Usually her daily activities involve wallowing in swamps and chasing birds. As a result, fluff and feathers often get into the nasal passages. Therefore, sometimes such a dog needs to rinse the nasal passages.

How to rinse your dog's nose:

  • In most cases, rinsing is only necessary if the dog has mucous discharge from the nose, which is associated with allergies, foreign bodies, or infection. Rinsing must be done using ordinary boiled water. For these purposes, you can use saline solution, a one percent solution of chlorhexidine or furatsilin. However, experts recommend using furatsilin in case of bacterial infections, when snot is caused precisely by the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The antibacterial properties of furatsilin help prevent the development of bacterial flora. To prepare a solution of furatsilin, you need to crush two tablets into powder, pour them into a small container and pour 250 ml of warm boiled water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and left for 1 hour. During this time, the crystals should completely dissolve, and the water should turn bright yellow.
  • Dioxidin or Interferon after rinsing the nose with ordinary boiled water . Dioxidin is a remedy that helps remove inflammation on the surface of the mucous membrane and prevent the growth of bacterial and viral flora. Furacilin solution or regular saline solution is considered universal. Experts do not recommend preparing a saline solution yourself, but advise purchasing ready-made liquid at a pharmacy of a certain concentration. This will prevent foreign impurities from entering the solution and will minimize the possibility of complications.

The main task is not to injure the dog, but to handle it calmly. Experts recommend training in this procedure from a young age in order to discipline the animal and prevent the emergence of resistance. If the dog is trained, it is easier to rinse the nasal passages.

Health and illness

The average life expectancy of Dalmatian dogs is 13 years. But if you monitor your pet’s health, feed it properly, and give it exercise, it will live up to 17 years.

Unfortunately, selection aimed at preserving the white color has negatively affected the genetics of Dalmatians. This breed has congenital deafness. Breeders are required to check puppies for this pathology. BAER testing is carried out when the chicks are 45 days old. The results are provided to future owners.

Another problem caused by genetics is a predisposition to urolithiasis. Males are more prone to it. Therefore, for prevention, you should adhere to a special diet of natural products without purine proteins or choose the same dry food. It is useful to walk your pet more often. From time to time you need to check the acidity of his urine using test strips. If there is an increase in pH, you should contact your veterinarian.

Tibetan Mastiff

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mentions of them date back to 1000 BC. This is a working dog breed bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals.

Considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan Mastiff ranges from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is 60–77 cm.

How to choose a Dalmatian puppy

The Dalmatian is a very beautiful, artistic and active dog. It is perfect for an active and sporty person who will devote enough time to education and walks. The dog cannot do without physical activity. If you like outdoor games, hikes and sports, a cheerful Dalmatian will fit perfectly into your life.

Those who are constantly away from home and those who prefer a passive lifestyle should not have a restless pet. This breed is not recommended for elderly people and families with small children; it is not very suitable for an inexperienced dog breeder.

Before getting a large dog, you should evaluate not only your lifestyle, but also your financial capabilities. High-quality food, veterinary services, things for the dog - all this is quite expensive. Consider whether you are ready for such expenses.

Do not buy a Dalmatian puppy until he is at least one and a half months old. Only at this age can it be determined whether he suffers from congenital deafness. Be sure to ask the breeder for test results.

If you are determined to buy a Dalmatian puppy, look for a reliable kennel. Taking a large breed kitten from unknown people is dangerous. He may be physically and mentally unhealthy. Chat on forums of breed lovers, find out independent opinions about breeders. Then it would be nice to go and see with your own eyes where and how the dogs are kept.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its appearance; it must be healthy and correspond as much as possible to the standard exterior. Evaluate the character of your future pet. Dalmatians are already extremely curious and active at a young age. Therefore, choose someone who is eager to get to know each other and is not shy.

Features of choosing a dog

It is important to study the characteristics of suitable breeds, think over the long term how the dog will be cared for, who will feed and walk the dog, what responsibilities can be entrusted to the child. Of course, it is important to take into account the age of the baby. So, if he is no more than six years old, then all care responsibilities will be assigned to the parents.

A child from six to twelve years old can take on some care activities - give a bowl, comb the fur. Children over 12 years of age can be delegated the main part of caring for and raising a pet. An important point when choosing a dog is where the family lives. Different dog breeds are suitable for apartments and private homes.

Important!!! When choosing a dog, it is recommended to pay attention to the dog’s temperament, its size, activity, and care characteristics.

There are a large number of dog breeds, it is difficult to choose one ideal for a child. The main thing is patience and friendliness. A dog that shows the slightest aggression is prohibited from being near children. When choosing the size of a dog, you need to remember that animals that are too small or too large are undesirable. Little ones can suffer from careless handling of the baby, while big ones, on the contrary, can inadvertently harm the child. The gender of the dog is not important; it will become the baby’s best friend only with the right upbringing.

Often parents decide to get their child a small dog, hoping that it will be easier to maintain. But they, on the contrary, have a more complex character, which is not entirely useful for a child to observe. It is better to opt for medium-sized dogs.

How much do Dalmatian puppies cost?

The cost of Dalmatian puppies is influenced by a special classification by which breeders determine the quality of the offspring. The cheapest kitten will be classified as pet class. That is, someone who can only be a pet. He will not be allowed to take part in exhibitions and is not suitable for breeding. Such a pet can cost 8-10 thousand rubles.

Breed-class puppies are suitable for breeding, but are unlikely to become champions. Such a pet will cost you 10-15 thousand rubles. Future stars of exhibitions, show-class Dalmatian puppies, cost an average of 20-30 thousand rubles.

8. Central Asian shepherd (Alabai)

Although it is not the largest breed in the world, it is a very large dog. Males at the withers reach 70 cm and weight up to 80 kg! Alabai's ancestors were ancient herding dogs that served man thousands of years ago in Central Asia. The Central Asian Shepherd has a complete lack of aggressiveness towards children.

Dog handler's opinion: the list of dangerous dogs was compiled by amateurs

The list of potentially dangerous dog breeds, published at the beginning of March on the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, caused a heated discussion among professional dog handlers and breeders. For an expert opinion, the Kuban 24 portal turned to dog handler Artur Artamonov:

“The problem is not really the dogs, the problem is the people.

Among the breeds there are shepherds, hunters, service dogs... Each of them has its own temperament, character and behavioral characteristics. When buying a puppy, these features need to be taken into account. When choosing a dog, you can’t just focus on “like/dislike.” It is important to understand what the dog is inclined to do and how these inclinations are consistent with how you want to use it. This comes first.

Secondly, not every person can be trusted with this or that dog. I believe this is the process that needs to be licensed.

Here's an example: service dogs in law enforcement agencies are equated to special equipment, and there are clear regulations for their use and training. In Soviet times, in order to own a service breed dog, you had to study the basic training course for a year, then pass exams, and only at the end could you get permission. It’s just that you wouldn’t be trusted with a dog whose genes contain the possibility of aggression towards humans. And now - please.

But there are no dangerous or safe dogs! There are unscrupulous owners. Even a spaniel can be dangerous for a small child if the owner has not raised the dog. But it's not the dog's fault! In 2011, together with a children’s rehabilitation center, we launched the “Friends of Man” project in Syktyvkar. Our dogs there, many of which are on this list of “potentially dangerous”, do an excellent job with children who have health problems. This is all proper upbringing!

Therefore, I believe that what is needed is not so much a list of breeds, but rather the promotion of dog breeding culture and training people in keeping dogs. A person himself will think before adopting a dog: whether he is ready for it or not.

If we talk directly about the list, then it itself is quite absurd. There is a feeling that it was compiled by amateurs using an Internet search. But as a reason to talk about responsible dog breeding, the list is important.”

At the request of the Kuban 24 portal, Artamonov expressed his opinion about each breed from the list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,

1. Australian boar dog

— I only know the Australian hound. Perhaps this is what they meant. But even from the name it is clear that this is a hunting dog. And when breeding “hunters,” they develop aggression towards wild animals, but in no case towards humans.

2. Ainu

— The breed is Japanese, very rare among us. I haven’t personally worked with them, I can only judge from the Internet, and they report that the dog is used for bear hunting and can be aggressive towards strangers. Taking this into account, we can assume that it is clearly not the best option for keeping it in the city.

3. Akabash

— I’ve never heard of this breed. Perhaps it is very rare, but rather the compilers of the list got the name wrong.

4. Akbash

— I have never encountered such a breed. The Internet suggests that this is a Turkish herding dog, unrecognized by the international community. Traditionally guards livestock, very large ones. And if it is large, then in the hands of an inexperienced owner it can show character and be dangerous.

5. American Bandog

— The correct name is bendog. This is not a breed, but a breed group. That is, these are mestizos, most often pit bull terriers with representatives of mastiffs. I have seen these dogs at work - they are physically very strong, so in inexperienced hands they can pose a threat.

6. American Bulldog

- Today this is a companion dog. Decorative dog. Where direct conflict with a person is implied, they are practically not used. But this is a very large breed. Physically strong. Initially, in its homeland it was used as a universal dog: to protect the farm, to work on wild boar, and so on. If not raised correctly, it can be dangerous due to its natural strength.

7. Ambuldog

— Ambuldog is an American bulldog. For some reason, the compilers of the list doubled the name.

8. American Pit Bull Terrier

— This breed is more than 100 years old. She was used in dog fights all the time. That is, they encouraged intraspecific aggression, but any aggression towards humans was categorically suppressed. Representatives of the breed who showed the slightest aggression towards humans were exterminated - they did not participate in exhibitions or breeding. But the 90s left their mark on the reputation of this dog in Russia, and today pit bulls suffer because of this image of a “bloodthirsty beast.” But there is still a problem in using this breed. If the owner of a pit bull wants to raise a protector, this is wrong. A pit bull has a task in its head to work for its own kind, but it is forced to bite a person? This breaks the animal's psyche. You can't do that. A normal pit bull should not have any aggression towards people at all.

9. American Staffordshire Terrier

— This is a decorative version of the American Pit Bull Terrier. At one time, admirers of the pit bull breed decided to move away from participating in battles, began to unite, raised dogs, so to speak, in love and harmony with their relatives, and subsequently achieved recognition as a separate breed. The dog is a companion, easy to train, active. But it also requires the right attitude and education.

10. Anatalian karabash

- Shepherd dog. Very large and powerful. I won’t tire of repeating: if approached incorrectly, it can be dangerous.

11. English Mastiff

- Today it is a purely decorative breed. Inactive, heavy. The only threat to humans is their appearance.

12. Dogo Argentino

- Hunting breed. It was used for hunting large game - puma, jaguar. The breed is large, very active, and with the wrong approach to education, anything can happen.

13. Bandog

- Well, for some reason they duplicated the same American bandog from 5 points.

14. Belgian Mastiff

— I’m not familiar with this breed. But if a mastiff means a large dog.

15. Dogue de Bordeaux

— The closest relative of the English mastiff. Large, but mobile. Requires a serious approach to education.

16. Brazilian Bulldog

— I’m not familiar with the breed.

17. Bully Kutta

— The roots of this dog are from Pakistan. Local residents infused the blood of bull terriers into their herding dogs. They are used mainly for tournaments, for fights among themselves, but also for protection. The breed is very large - up to 90 kilograms - and serious. Not everyone can be advised to start one, and certainly not a beginner.

18. Purebred Alapaha Bulldog (Otto)

— This is the closest relative of the American bulldog (point No. 6). In principle, in terms of character and upbringing, everything is the same.

19. Bullmastiff

— The breed was obtained due to the influx of English bulldog blood into the English mastiff. The dog is more active. At one time she was a forester's dog, helping in guarding and hunting. I have several representatives of the breed at work: although the dog is large, it is very responsive in character and does not create any special troubles or problems in training.

20. Bull Terrier

- Well, this dog is on everyone’s lips. In general, this is a companion dog, although the breed was also used for hunting wild boars. In battles, contrary to stereotypes, they were almost never used, because they did not prove themselves there. Initially, bull terriers were bred for show-off purposes. There were Staffordshire Bull Terriers, but these dogs were mainly owned by working class people. And the breeder Smith wanted to create a dog with which a gentleman could take a walk somewhere along Piccadilly. This is how modern bull terriers appeared. Unfortunately, these dogs exhibit destructive behavior, a psychological illness.

21. Boerboel

— The South African Boerboel is a serious breed. The roots are related to Molossians, the same mastiffs. Behavior similar to the Bullmastiff. Requires training in education.

22. Bendog

- Well, for some reason he appears here for the third time...

23. Wolf-dog hybrids

24. Wolfdog

— Wolf-dogs, these are wolf-dog hybrids. There is the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, for example. Our institute in Perm is also engaged in crossing dogs with wolves. In general, it’s clear from the name what kind of hybrid this is. Quite large. What can I say about education - the teeth are sharp, which means that if approached incorrectly, it can cause harm.

25. East European Shepherd

- This is already our domestic breed. It has existed for quite a long time, but was registered only recently. The service breed, with everything that follows from this, is ready to attack a stranger.

26. Highland hound

— Judging by the name, this is a hunting breed. I can't say anything more about her. I don't know this one. The Internet reports that the breed exists only in the USA, but is rare there too.

27. Walnut Shepherd

28. Walnut Shepherd

- Obviously two points about the same thing. I myself have not come across such a breed, but the Internet writes that this is a shepherd dog, a relative of the Turkish Akbash. Protects the yard and the owner from strangers, works against both animals and people. That is, in terms of characteristics it is close to the familiar Caucasian Shepherd Dog - a breed that is undoubtedly dangerous, difficult to train and demanding in terms of living conditions. Definitely not for an apartment.

29. Gul dog

- I don’t know this breed. I think the compilers of the list made a mistake in the name again. For example, they meant the Pakistani Gul Dong. The dog is large, but it is not found outside Pakistan.

30. Doberman by Vladek Roszyna

“But this breed definitely doesn’t exist.” This is a fictional character from stories. According to legend, some evil doctor secretly bred the most evil breed of dogs and named it after himself. It has nothing in common with the real history of dog breeding.

31. Doberman Pinscher

— A service dog that was bred specifically for the needs of the police. So it can be considered a “special means”. Very active, large. Requires a serious, thoughtful approach to education.

32. Irish Wolfhound

- Today this breed has been restored, it was on the verge of extinction. And those representatives that I see now are very phlegmatic, calm dogs that can scare away only with their appearance.

33. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

— Initially, they were a herding dog, but in Soviet times they were also used for protection, and they showed themselves very well in this. So it's worth keeping on this list. A powerful animal capable of making independent decisions. Requires early and very attentive education.

34. Canary dog

35. Dogo Canario

- This is the same breed. They were used as shepherds for cattle, but they were also trained to protect the owner and property. So it can work on a person. Deservedly on the list.

36. Kangal

— The Turkish breed is similar to our Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs, they have common roots. Accordingly, the character is the same.

37. Cani Corso

— A close relative of the Dogo Canario. A powerful animal, if not properly trained it can be dangerous.

38. Kangaroo dog

— A very rare breed of hunters. She is not represented at exhibitions, breeders are not interested in her. From personal experience I can’t say anything about her.

39. Commander

- We have very few of them. This breed has huge problems with very long hair, so there are few people who want to keep them. In terms of behavior, he is a “shepherd” of pure water. But the dog is large and can be dangerous.

40. Karelian Bear Dog

41. Korelian Bear Dog

- Well, it’s not clear here. The compilers couldn't decide on the letter? Let them clarify. My colleagues and I argued about this topic, who they meant. Most likely, this is a Karelian husky. This is a pure medium-sized hunter. She never developed distrust or aggression towards people.

42. Languedonian Cattle Dog

— To be honest, I’m not sure that such a breed exists. And for sure - it is not registered. If you look at the name - a shepherd in the mountains. I assume that in character it may be close to Caucasian Shepherd Dogs.

43. Leopard hound

— I’ve never seen anything like this in Russia. Information on the Internet varies. Someone writes that he is a hunter, someone that he is an official. Too rare a breed for our canine world.

44. Mallorcan Bulldog

- Do not know. Judging by the Internet, the dog is a serious guard. That is, it is dangerous.

45. Maremma

— European breed of shepherds. But they were also used to protect flocks. So there may be a lack of trust in strangers.

46. Moscow watchdog

- This is our breed. Even from the name it is clear that it was created for security. Can work per person. Dangerous without proper attention.

47. Neapolitan Mastiff

- One of the oldest breeds. Today it is a purely decorative breed, but quite large.

48. German Shepherd

- I think everyone knows them. Originally a shepherd, and now a service breed. But by and large, all service dogs were shepherds in the past. Now the “Germans” are divided into two types: service ones - they are used for special services, for security. And show dogs are for exhibitions. The latter do not have very developed service qualities, but as a person they still know how to work. In addition, mental and behavioral abnormalities can often be found in the breed.

49. German dog

— I didn’t work with them, I don’t know them closely. But the dog is big.

50. Daufman Shepherd

- Here is another legend on this list. Allegedly, the Third Reich developed the most aggressive breed of dogs. This breed does not exist in real life.

51. Pitbullmastiff

- I don’t know this breed. This is clearly another name for the bandog, which we have already talked about.

52. Pyrenean Mastiff

— Mastiff means a powerful dog. This means that it requires proper upbringing.

53. Rafeiro do Alentejo

— I can only judge from the Internet. Large guard dog with character. Not everyone can educate, not everyone will listen. But I have never seen this breed in Russia.

54. Giant Schnauzer

“I also started out as a shepherd.” Then they developed their service qualities and showed themselves well. But due to the fact that the breed requires careful care of its coat, the law enforcement agencies quickly abandoned it. Nowadays she is usually kept as a decorative dog, but I want to point out that the dog is tough! Can be dangerous in the hands of an inexperienced owner.

55. Rhodesian Ridgeback

- This is a pure hunter. It doesn’t even make sense to talk about some kind of aggression inherent in genetics.

56. Rottweiler

- This is the missal. So you can safely leave it on the list. Serious, strong dog.

57. Romanian Shepherd

— I don’t know one from work, but according to information on the Internet, she looks like a Caucasian Shepherd. Like the “Caucasian”, it will protect livestock from both the wolf and the bear, but on its territory it is aggressive towards strangers.

58. North Caucasian Shepherd Dog

- The Internet does not share it with the Caucasian Shepherd, but they have already talked about “Caucasians”.

59. Central asian shepherd dog

- Well, this is also basically the same. Externally there are differences, but the character is similar.

60. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

— I am the owner of this breed. I can say that, like pit bull terriers, breeders categorically do not accept aggression towards humans in this breed. If there is any deviation, the dogs are rejected, not allowed to participate in competitions, to breed, and so on. The British are very proud of this breed. With the right, proper upbringing, they can be, like Labradors, very good nannies for children. But let me clarify, with due attention. The only thing they have is intraspecific aggression.

61. Superdog and his cross with Maykong

— Another fictitious breed of dog from the horror stories of the yellow press. They don't exist.

62. Tibetan mastiff

— Like all mastiffs, the dog is large and serious. There is a nuance to this. The breed is now very popular, but it is expensive - from 150,000 rubles. Accordingly, who can afford it? Businessmen who have money, but no time to take care of their pets. And these dogs are very demanding in terms of training.

63. Tosa Inu

— Japanese breed. The dog itself is large. It was used for fighting, but at the same time for working on people. So she deservedly appeared on this list.

64. Tuvan Shepherd

— I didn’t work with them. I haven’t heard of these in service dog breeding. Judging by the Internet - a shepherd, a wolfhound. That is, the character should have a lot in common with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

65. Uruguayan Cimarron

— I haven’t seen it in Russia. Judging by the Internet, he is a large, active, independent dog. It can only be trained in early childhood. Aggressive towards strangers, and with a lack of movement, aggressiveness can increase.

66. Fila Brasileiro

— A large, heavy dog ​​with a fairly tough character. It was bred to work on humans. She belongs on this list.

67. Black Terrier

— Our Russian breed. According to legend, it was bred on Stalin’s instructions to make a universal dog for any conditions. They mixed the blood of Caucasian Shepherds, Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, and Rottweilers. Today these dogs are almost never used, but nevertheless they exist and yes, genetically the breed is genetically distrustful of strangers.

68. Shar Pei

— Chinese breed, used for fighting with their own kind. But the dog is unique. Requiring a very thoughtful approach - not every dog ​​handler will undertake to correct their behavior. Very often people buy them because of their appearance, do not pay enough attention, and then face a lot of problems. In reality, this breed is very difficult to work with. Very often I come across Shar Peis who show aggression in the family.

69. South Russian Shepherd

- This is our dog, a shepherd, who is also used as a guard dog. With a bad owner it can be dangerous.

Authors: Nikolay Khizhnyak

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