Pitbull crossbreeds: the most popular mestizos, their description and features

There is a lot of controversy about the Pit Bull (American Pit Bull Terrier) dog breed. Some consider her uncontrollable and aggressive, others say she is friendly, affectionate and loyal.

Wanting to eradicate innate zoo aggression, people began to cross pit bulls with other breeds.

Many mestizos have become not only more flexible, but also have a very original appearance.

Types of Pit Bull Terrier Mixes

Not all dog handlers and breeders are positive about the idea of ​​mixing several breeds. In their opinion, the result can be completely unpredictable. After all, there are no guarantees that mestizos will inherit only the good qualities of their parents.

Other experts believe that competent selection can improve the livestock and give the pit bull new properties. For example, make him a protective guard dog. This is indeed true if targeted work is carried out and individuals with anomalies are culled.

For your information. Puppies obtained as a result of random mating, especially with mongrels, may have less than ideal appearance and character. Therefore, only professional breeders should breed dogs.

A few words about the pit bull terrier breed:

  1. Pit bulls are divided into 3 types. The bulldog type is strong and stocky, the terrier type is dry and lean, the mixed type combines the characteristics of the two types.
  2. The height at the withers is 46-56 cm.
  3. Weight is not limited. It usually ranges from 12 to 36 kg.
  4. The Pit Bull Terrier can be any color.

These dogs are not yet recognized by the FCI. The international organization ADBA is responsible for registering litters. She and the United Kennel Club (UKC) approved the current standards.

Depending on the purposes, animals are crossed with certain breeds. This explains the variety of pit bull crosses. It is worth talking about each of them in more detail.

Pit bull mastiffs - does such a breed exist?

If you refer to international canine standards, study them carefully, you will not find the pit bull mastiff dog breed there. There are breeds there: bull terrier, bullmastiff, mastiff, American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier. Mastiffs, by the way, have many varieties in the standards: Spanish, English, Major, Tibetan, Neapolitan and Pyrenean.

Can't you find why? Because there is no standard for the Pitbull Mastiff breed! It is not included in any international classification. There is no standard, but there are dogs! And even included in some lists. Next we will look at what a pit bull mastiff looks like, what kind of dog it is and what kind of character it has.

Important: you can often come across the statement that pits (the American pit bull terrier breed) do not have an official Standard. This is wrong! Pit bulls are recognized by three canine organizations - ADBA, UKC, AKC.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Husky and pitbull

The mix of husky and pit bull was called Pitsky. Mestizos turn out to be quite tall - from 50 to 55 cm at the withers. However, they are light-boned and graceful in build.

The ears usually stand high on the head, but most owners prefer to crop them in early childhood.

The pigmentation of the iris can be anything - brown, ocher, blue. Crossbreeds with heterochromia (different eye colors) are often found.

The coat is short or medium length. It can also come in different shades. The face usually has a light mask, like a husky. The lower part of the body is often lightened.

Pitskis are friendly, active, hardy and sociable. At the same time, they are stubborn; many crossbreeds have a pronounced hunting instinct.

Mixed pit bulls do not get along well with their relatives. And if husky blood predominates in their veins, then they have a tendency to run away, dig tunnels and pick up everything they see on the street.

Staffordshire Terrier and Pitbull

A cross between a Staffy and a Pitbull, it is a medium-sized dog with a height of 43-49 cm and a weight of 15-30 kg. In the exterior, the characteristics of one breed predominate, or the traits of both are equally manifested.

On a note. Since the Stafford is a close relative of the pit bull, unscrupulous breeders often pass off mestizos as purebreds.

This crossbreed does not show aggression towards people, but it is characterized by stubbornness and intolerance towards other four-legged animals.

Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull mixes require strict education and training. Only with this approach can you get a balanced dog that can live in a family with children.

Chow chow

This huge lion-like dog is very lazy. The Chow Chow is gentle, calm, but at the same time aloof and independent. She usually does not show affection towards family members. She is also not the kind of dog that will wag her tail at any reason. The Chow Chow prefers to lounge around on a comfortable couch or in the backyard.

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It is also difficult to take this dog out for a long walk, but if the owner decides to take it for a walk, it will not jump in puddles, since this breed is very clean. Delicate and unobtrusive, she will be a wonderful pet.

Rottweiler and pitbull

The Pitweiler is a cross between a Rottweiler and a Pitbull. This is a large dog weighing up to 40 kg with a massive body and wide chest.

The head is large, proportional to the body, with developed cheekbones and pronounced stops. The ears are moderate in size and have a “rose” shape. The jaws are strong, but not as wide as those of Rottweilers.

The body of the animal is covered with short and shiny hair. The most common colors are black and brown with tan and white markings.

Properly raised and socialized crossbreeds grow up obedient and loyal. They are fearless and wary of strangers, so they can be used for protection. However, mestizos often conflict with their relatives and do not get along well with other pets.

For your information. This crossbreed tends to be dominant. It must be led by a person of strong character.

Labrador and pit bull

A cross between a Labrador and a pit bull, or Labrabull, the Labrador is an intelligent, loyal and active dog. The animals grow quite large, but have light bones.

Mestizos have ears that are completely hanging or raised on cartilage, a cone-shaped head, and a kind and attentive look. The body is covered with short and thick fur.

This pit bull mix can be any color acceptable for both breeds. The most common:

  • sand;
  • ginger;
  • black.

There are white markings on the body.

The character of animals is usually dominated by the traits of Labradors - kindness, openness, devotion, sociability.

Labraboulls are rarely stubborn and never refuse to play. Thanks to these qualities, they have become popular all over the world.

Mixed Chihuahuas - a mixture of Chihuahuas with different breeds, what they look like, behavior and character traits

When two different breeds of dogs are crossed, mixed breeds are created. Recently, they have become very popular, since as a result of mixing blood, individuals are born that have not only an original appearance, but also new, attractive character traits.

This also applies to the wide variety of Chihuahua mixes. In order not to be deceived in your expectations, it is worth getting acquainted with the main types of hybrids and finding out the main features of their appearance and character.

Doberman and pitbull

Dober Pit is a cross between a Doberman and a pit bull. Metis can have both medium and high height (65-70 cm).

The physique is similar to a Doberman: long limbs, muscular, but not overly massive body. But the head looks more like a pit bull:

  • high-set, semi-erect ears (can be cropped);
  • developed cheekbones;
  • powerful jaws.

Short wool can be of any color. Often there are crosses with the tan markings characteristic of Doberman Pinschers.

There is an innate distrust of strangers in the character. Zoo aggression is not excluded - it is inherent in both breeds.

Dachshund and pitbull

The amazing combination of Dachshund and Pit Bull is a short-legged but very muscular dog with a massive head. Her body is covered with short hair, which does not protect well from the cold.

These animals prefer to spend time close to their owners.

If you cross a pit bull with a dachshund, you will get a cheerful, friendly, playful dog. She gets along with other pets if she grows up with them in the same territory since childhood. However, there are some drawbacks - these crossbreeds are characterized by stubbornness and a hunting instinct.

Alabai and pit bull

A cross between an Alabai and a pit bull grows slightly smaller than a Central Asian Shepherd Dog. The body of the animals is covered with dense wool, thanks to which the mestizos tolerate the cold quite well.

The color can be any:

  • white;
  • red;
  • gray;
  • fawn;
  • spotted;
  • brindle.

These are strong, hardy and efficient dogs with good guard potential. In order for a dog to grow up balanced and adequate, early socialization and competent training are necessary.

Shepherd and pitbull

The cross with a shepherd is called the German Pit. Mixed breeds turn out to be quite large - about 60 cm at the withers and weighing 30-35 kg.

These dogs have a slender and fit body, well-developed muscles, and long legs. The head is compact, the ears are erect, V-shaped, but the ear tissue is thinner than that of German Shepherds.

The coat is a cross between the fur of a German and a pit bull. Any color is acceptable, including light markings and tan. Brindle-colored dogs look especially impressive.

The crossbreeds have the predominant character of German Shepherds - brave, noble and decisive. Dogs are loyal to their owners, get along well with children and are wary of strangers.

As a rule, they have a sharp mind and are highly trainable. In adolescence, mestizos try to dominate. To prevent the dog from taking a dominant position, the owner must behave strictly and adamantly.

For your information. When training a German pit dog, you cannot use brute physical force and deliberately develop aggression towards people in him. Because of this, the dog's character will change for the worse.

CDC Dog Bite Report

The CDC estimates that nearly 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year, but pit bulls are less often the culprit than many other breeds, including chow chows and German shepherds.

Another CDC study conducted in 2000 aimed to assess which breeds were involved in the deadliest attacks from 1979 to 1998.

However, researchers have discovered many problems and shortcomings while trying to make accurate calculations.

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To date, there is no scientific evidence or proof that pit bulls are more likely to be victims of fatal attacks than all other dogs.

Pit bull and bull terrier

Pit bulls and bull terriers belong to the terrier group, but there are significant differences between these breeds. The latter are dense and stocky animals with an ovoid head and a drooping muzzle. Their ancestors were Dalmatians, Old English and English bulldogs. The differences are very clearly visible if you put the dogs side by side.

Pit bulls also have the blood of English bulldogs, but they are mixed with some other terriers. What exactly remains a mystery. This is the reason for the differences in appearance.

Pit bull and bull terrier are fighting species that previously participated in dog fights. However, with proper upbringing, they make loyal companions.

The same can be said about crossbreeds. They grow stockier than pit bulls, but the shape of their heads no longer resembles bull terriers.

A pit bull crossed with a bull terrier is fearless, disciplined, cheerful and stubborn. People with leadership abilities should get such a dog, otherwise it will grow up uncontrollable.


Pit bulls and Staffordshire terriers are absolutely not capricious when it comes to food: dog experts consider these breeds to be practically omnivorous.

A similar diet is recommended for Petes and Staffs. They can be fed both natural products from the table and high-quality industrial feed.

The diet must be balanced and include all the necessary vitamin complexes. The nutrition of pit bulls and Staffordshire terriers must correspond to the age of the pets and their state of health.

Pit bulls have allergic reactions to a number of foods.

Harmful to pitas are:

In addition, pit bulls should not be “treated” to various cereals, unlike other dog breeds. Grains cause rapid obesity in pets.

The exception is puppies during their active growing up period.

Shar Pei and pit bull

The Pitbull-Shar Pei mix is ​​unpredictable - it is impossible to guess who the puppies will resemble, both in terms of appearance and character. These are usually powerful, muscular dogs. Some of them have folds on the body.

Mixed breeds can be aggressive - experienced dog breeders should work with them. From puppyhood, they are independent and refuse to listen to people they do not consider leaders.

This is interesting. In 2015, a cross between a Dutch shepherd and a pit bull named Quasimodo won the world's ugliest dog competition. The animal has congenital spinal defects that make it look like a hyena.

A Pit Bull cross with another breed usually inherits the best qualities of its ancestors: friendliness, loyalty, courage and fearlessness.

However, sometimes the character is dominated by the qualities of only one breed. In any case, a mestizo needs competent education, socialization and training.

Differences in Personality

Amstaffs and pit bull terriers have gained fame as merciless killers. The explanation lies in the original purpose - the breeds were bred for fighting. Particular cruelty is attributed to pit bulls. They are still banned in some European countries and US states, and their content is subject to strict rules and prohibitions.

Today both breeds are companion dogs. They are affectionate, playful and endlessly devoted to their owner. However, only an experienced owner can handle them.

The reputation of aggressive dogs is partly supported by their owners. They unintentionally, due to lack of experience, or deliberately develop cruelty in their pets. As a result, animals grow up uncontrollable.

The standard attributes confidence to both breeds. Cowardice or unreasonable aggression is not allowed.

When deciding who to choose, an Amstaff or a pit bull, take into account the following nuances:

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