What breed of dog is in the TV series “Bim” (2022): what kind of dog was filmed

Beagles in books and films

The plot of J. Dale's story “The Kidnapping of the Century” revolves around beagles.

The representative of the breed is one of the heroes of the book by J. McCormack “Friend of the Herd. Notes of a rural veterinarian."

Beagle Sam is one of the main characters in the books of another famous veterinarian and writer - J. Herriot. However, not only Sam appears in his stories, but also other representatives of the breed.

Beagles are often used in experiments. The “dog” detective S. Connant “The Dog Who Fought for His Rights” is about this.

On the same topic is R. Adams’ book “The Plague Dogs,” which is rightfully considered a masterpiece. Warning: if you plan to read it, bring handkerchiefs.

Andy the Beagle is one of the characters in I. Andryushchenko’s book “My name is Brigantine.”

Beagles, thanks to their artistry, star in many films: “Cats vs. Dogs”, “Underdog”, “My Cold Nose Dad”, “Shiloh”, “I Am Fourth”, “My Alien Stepmother”, “Inspector Gadget”, “Growing Up” : the great rescuer”, “On Christmas Eve” and others.



The main criteria that a breeder should consider when choosing a puppy:

  • stability on paws;
  • coordination of movements;
  • appearance;
  • health status;
  • origin and pedigree.

If you get a dog for the purpose of participating in exhibitions and hunting, then it is best to purchase a puppy from a kennel, having first familiarized yourself with its pedigree. The exhibition potential is evidenced by the presence of awards and titles from the parents. Any strong puppy is suitable as a pet. The following qualities indicate good health:

  • strong paws, confident step;
  • smooth, luminous coat;
  • shiny eyes, without mucus or discharge;
  • activity, mobility.

Adult dog

In a purebred beagle, the following are always white:

  • tip of the tail,
  • chest (collar),
  • paws,
  • stomach,
  • muzzle.

The coat should be dense and thick, the eyes should be hazel or brown in color. The nose is black or brown, the muzzle is proportional, with rounded ears, the body is dense and muscular.

Beagles heroes

For centuries, dogs have constantly helped their owners when they fell ill. But not many of the heroes showed such self-control and intelligence as Belle the beagle. Instead of running for help, she called for help.

At one time, Florida resident Kevin Weaver bought Belle from a pet store, and it was probably his most successful purchase. Belle was also lucky: two previous owners, who were not satisfied with the puppy's character, returned her to the store.

Kevin Weaver was a diabetic, and if his blood sugar dropped below a certain level, he would experience dangerous attacks. Weaver decided to train Belle in special courses for assistance dogs. The training lasted 9 months, and as a result, Belle became adept at determining sugar levels by sniffing her owner’s breath every hour. If the situation took a critical turn, she barked a warning: action must be taken!

On February 7, 2007, Kevin Weaver woke up feeling dizzy and weak. The sugar level was dangerously low, but the person seemed drugged and unaware of the risk. But Belle realized what was going on and became terribly worried.

Kevin thought she was eager to go for a walk, so he took the dog outside. However, returning from a walk, he collapsed unconscious on the threshold of the kitchen.

Weaver would have died if Belle had not remembered one important thing she learned in the course. She had to press "9" on Kevin's phone, after which the number 911 would be automatically dialed.

Belle did everything right. When the 911 operator responded, the dog began barking furiously into the phone and did not stop until the ambulance arrived. The doctors arrived on time, and Weaver recovered.

Need I say that Belle became a heroine?

“I am confident that if Belle had not been with me that morning, I would not be talking to you now,” Weaver told The Associated Press. “She’s not just my savior. She is my best friend".


Beagles are good-natured towards people and other dogs. Historically, they were most often kept in large numbers in backyards, so they have a strong spirit of community and collectivism. They make new friends in the yard with amazing speed and happily join in children's games, while understanding that children should not be offended.

However, beagles can be quite aggressive towards cats and other small animals, as their hunting instinct signals that there is prey to be caught.

Beagles are assertive, curious, and stubborn. Once outside, they are not at all averse to running, climbing somewhere, digging in the ground, or meeting dogs.

They stick their noses literally everywhere, and if they haven't had enough release on a walk, they will discover new things at home by climbing on tables, chewing pillows and opening closed doors. There are some character traits associated with the gender of the animal.


Males are more independent and stubborn in nature, which often attracts hunters. However, their independence from the owner can sometimes be of no benefit to the breeder. Males are prone to wandering and are acutely affected by the period of estrus in females. In the spring, they may begin to get nervous, howl, scratch the door with their paws and ask to go for a walk more often than usual, and if they catch the trail of a female dog in heat on the street, they may run away and get lost. They become more aggressive towards other dogs.

Reference! Males need to be walked longer than females, as they have the habit of relieving themselves several times, marking poles and trees nearby the house.


Bitches are more attached to their owner, more savvy and intelligent than males. On the street they behave somewhat calmer than males, nevertheless they clearly express delight in outdoor games and jogging.

During the period of heat, female dogs become more irritable and aggressive, especially due to excessive attention from males.

Famous Beagle Owners

Beagles often became favorites of celebrities.

Elizabeth I and William III preferred this breed to all other hunting dogs, and George IV often posed for artists with his favorite beagles.

Khim and Hin were US President Lyndon Johnson's beagles. In one photo, Johnson holds his dogs up by their ears. After the publication of this photo, a terrible scandal broke out. The President made excuses for a long time, explaining that Khim and Hin simply adore being pulled by the ears and do not experience any inconvenience.

In the photo: President Lyndon Johnson and his beagles Him and Hin

Active animal rights activist Nikki Reed and her fiancé Ian Somerhalder adopted a puppy who survived laboratory experiments. The beagle's name is Emma, ​​and now only ears with stamped numbers and scars remind her of her past. The dog is absolutely happy in his new home.

Landseer dog breed brief description

The Landseer is an ancient working dog breed that was brought from Canada to England around the 17th and 18th centuries. He has long helped fishermen bring fishing nets to shore and saved drowning people. Today it is used in various rescue operations, but is known to many as a wonderful pet.


Landseer is a natural swimmer and diver with a highly developed rescue instinct. For this dog, it is important to constantly be in action and work together with a person for his benefit, while trying to bring him maximum benefit.

Interesting fact

The breed owes its name to the artist Edwin Landseer, who painted the painting “An Outstanding Member of the Humane Society,” which depicts a dog of this breed. According to legend, the hero dog depicted alone, without outside help, saved more than 20 people.


Landseer is a brave and very sensitive dog, has a highly developed intelligence and pronounced nobility. In a home environment - absolute kindness, behaves calmly and confidently, has a strong attachment to the owner.

He treats household members peacefully and kindly, and is always happy to communicate. By temperament he is quite energetic, needs physical activity and active games. It does not tolerate loneliness at all, so it is not recommended to leave the dog alone for a long time.

He has a great love for children and happily performs the duties of a nanny, while it does not matter to the Landseer whether the child is the owner’s or someone else’s.

Relationships with other pets, including dogs and cats, are conflict-free. He meets strangers without aggression, so he is not suitable as a watchman, but as an excellent psychologist, he knows very well who has come with good intentions and who has bad intentions.

Easy to train, but can sometimes be stubborn. With proper socialization and upbringing, he becomes a loyal and flexible friend.

Prices for puppies

Puppies - boys and girls

Purebred purebred dogs cannot be cheap. The high price for breeding puppies from the club is a kind of guarantee for the buyer that the pet has good heredity and has no health problems.

The cost of puppies ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles, because all the activities for mating and childbirth are very complex and expensive.

Is it worth buying an adult beagle dog?

The best age to pick up a puppy and give him your name is 2–2.5 months. Puppies older than six months already have a formed character that only an experienced breeder can curb.

Before getting a beagle, you should weigh the pros and cons and understand how such a dog will fit into the usual foundations of the family. The Beagle is a breed full of tireless energy and enthusiasm for life, which is not suitable for couch potatoes and lovers of passive recreation.

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