Dogs with big ears: list of popular and rare breeds

Dog breeds with long ears

Eared dogs make a lasting impression. They are elegant and noble. But they require special attention and careful care - long ears are often susceptible to infectious diseases. Photos of dogs with long ears - a gallery of a real breed and harmony.

Shih Tzu.

Shih Tzu

These are small but quite strong dogs. The Shih Tzu exhibits nobility and sophistication. It looks like a toy and delights especially children, to whom it responds completely in return. This is the favorite of the whole family, all the members of which, no matter how big it is, he loves equally tenderly and devotedly. Delicate and affectionate, he is a real talisman of the house, but does not tolerate loneliness at all.

Cocker Spaniel.

cocker spaniel

Spain is considered the birthplace of spaniels (even the name of the breed indicates this - “Spanish”). This is a passionate hunter and an excellent swimmer. He is very playful, affectionate, loves children and is their most faithful companion in all their undertakings. The appearance of the modern English spaniel is the merit of the British. Dogs are divided into two categories based on weight: cocker and springer spaniels. The English Cocker Spaniel is the smallest but most adventurous bird hunter.



With a bright appearance, flexible character and high intelligence, this is an ideal option for keeping in city apartments. The first dogs that looked like modern dachshunds appeared in the 16th century in southern Germany. But they claim that images of dachshunds can also be found in Egyptian shrines. This is the oldest burrow hunting dog.

Basset Hound.

Basset Hound

A true gentleman. Makes a great impression with self-esteem and independence. He always has his own opinion, which requires respect. Unobtrusively, very charmingly, he always manages to insist on his own. The owner requires great tact and patience. In ancient times, the purpose of this dog was to hunt small game. Despite its somewhat melancholy appearance, the Basset Hound will require an active lifestyle from its owner.



A sea of ​​charm, excitement, energy - this is the beagle. He cannot live calmly, without moving, for a second. He is distinguished by a very sonorous voice, which greatly helped him in his main activity - hunting. An ancient hunting breed. It acquired its modern appearance thanks to English dog breeders. England is considered the homeland of beagles. Very sociable, positive-minded, devoted companion.

Cocker Spaniel

First on the list of people's favorites is the cocker spaniel. Its curly, soft ears that provide tactile pleasure are a feature of the American, Russian and English subspecies. The most compact of them, the English one, has a modest size and an aristocratic disposition, loves children and is a very passionate partner in hunting and outdoor games.

The spaniel is a game catcher, and this feature gives reason to consider such a dog to be the most accurate in catching a moving target: a stick, a ball, a frisbee, etc. While eating, the dog’s ears are tied on the top of the head with a special rubber band or clothespin, or narrow bowls are used, into which only the muzzle fits.

Small dogs with big ears

These dogs have a lot of admirers all over the world. Small dogs, graceful, mischievous and very cute, they leave no one indifferent. Meet the five brightest representatives of this category:



Phalene is a miniature dog with rather large ears, shaped like butterfly wings. There are varieties in this breed: if the ears stand up, it’s a Phalene, if they hang, it’s a Papillon. The coat is very thick and shiny. They come in two-color, sometimes three-color. They are distinguished by a cheerful and kind disposition.

Chinese Crested.

Chinese Crested

This dog is impossible not to notice! She has smooth skin, with large and fluffy ears in complete contrast. The head is decorated with a fluffy crest. This is an active, cheerful dog, and at the same time it is distinguished by real innate delicacy - it will never noisily attract attention to itself.

Prague rat.

Prague rat

The Prague rat is a real aristocrat and handsome. Bred at the court of Czech kings and decorates modern living rooms with great dignity. This is the smallest dog in Europe. However, she is extremely brave, fast, an excellent hunter who does not know defeat. From the name of the breed it is clear that this little one is best at dealing with rats. Extremely loyal to the owner.

Russian toy terrier.

Toy Terrier

Quite a compact dog. High-set large ears are the main decoration of this little one. By color, toy terriers are fawn, black and red, sand, brown or blue and tan. Playful, affectionate, very active, they require constant attention and the most careful care from the owner.



Chihuahuas are known as the smallest dog breed in the world. The length of the body is not much greater than the height. The eyes are large and round. The ears adorn the head, covering the sides like wings. These are strong, hardy dogs, despite their external fragility. They are irreplaceable companions for the owner on his long walks.


Next comes the dachshund, which is not only distinguished by its increased paw-earedness, but also has a very original body structure. This breed is not at all a toy for children, although it is quite tolerant of their society.

She defends herself in any situation where she feels disadvantaged, and can show her teeth even to the owner. The long claws and powerful paws of this dog indicate a passion for digging. Probably, many have seen how a dachshund tears open a mole or fox hole and very often returns from a walk with prey.

Dog breeds with floppy ears

A dog with floppy ears has an aristocratic charm. These are, of course, one of the most harmoniously built representatives of the animal world.

Blue Great Dane.

Blue Great Dane

In the old days, the word “Dog” did not define a specific breed, but simply any large, strong, hardy dog. In 1878, experts combined all varieties of the breed into one - the Great Dane (blue color). This is a dog of extremely noble appearance, powerful build, a living embodiment of pride and strength. In terms of stature, few can seriously compete with Great Danes. Requires the most serious attitude towards education. This is not a salon dog, it needs an authoritative, confident owner.

Bichon Frize.

Bichon Frize

Tenderness and boundless sympathy are the feelings that Bichons evoke at first sight. This is officially a French breed, but appears to have Spanish origins. They were highly valued among seafarers, as they were excellent at hunting rats and were distinguished by their unpretentiousness and cheerful disposition. Together with the ships, during long voyages they gradually settled around the world. They quickly gained enormous popularity among secular beauties. The Bichon Frize is always in the best mood and is also highly valued for its unique ability to not shed, which is especially important in families with allergies.



The history of this breed goes back thousands of years. They got their name from the region in the north-west of the Balkans - Dalmatia. They were especially popular in the 18th century in England. They were valued as hunting dogs. But most importantly, they decorated the courtyards of influential nobles, accompanied and protected crews on their travels. This is certainly a very beautiful, strong, hardy dog.

Czech fousek.

Czech fousek

The owner of a very bright appearance. Already during the time of the Holy Roman Empire, these dogs were famous as excellent hunters. The Czech king sent them as a precious gift to European monarchs. Fousek has a flexible, obedient character and is extremely devoted to his owner. He is quick-witted, tireless, swims and dives well. This is an excellent companion dog that needs regular exercise.


Porselen (porcelain hound)

One of the oldest French breeds. A graceful dog with a difficult character. Requires an experienced hand in education. Smart and affectionate, she is a ruthless hunter, passionate and purposeful. A very independent and independent dog, at the same time, infinitely loyal to its owner and obeys only him. Gets along well with a family and loves children. Unpretentious in maintenance, but needs intense physical activity. A rare breed, it is widely bred only in France, as well as in Italy and Switzerland.

Bichon Frize

A dog that is difficult to distinguish from a toy is the Bichon Frize breed. Her face seems to be smiling, her small eyes sparkle, and the sides of her head are decorated with large ears with voluminous fur.

Dense cover is observed throughout the dog’s body, but the most intense growth is found in the head, ears and tail. The history of the breed goes back to the times of Spanish sailors, when animals were valued as rodent catchers.

The Bichon Frize is an excellent rat hunter, has a keen sense of smell and a detective’s sense, and for the breeder family it is a full-fledged member, with its own rights and responsibilities.

Breeds with short ears



The Airedale Terrier is not only a real beauty, he is distinguished by his high intelligence, wonderful character and talent as a hunter. Temperamental and very friendly, this breed is very popular. Performs excellent guard duties, is a faithful and reliable companion to the owner, and communicates well with children. An ideal family favorite.

Border Terrier.

Border Terrier

This breed was bred in the 18th century, in the area where Scotland and Great Britain border each other. Hardy, fast, brave dog. He carries out any assignment very responsibly and thoughtfully, be it hunting or security. At one time, the first borderers regularly served, guarding the borders. The breed is valued precisely because of its working qualities, hard work, devotion, and unconditional obedience to the owner.

Shar Pei.

Shar Pei

Versions of origin say approximately one thing - the breed appeared somewhere on the Chinese coast. It is absolutely certain that Shar-Peis have existed since the Han Dynasty. In poor villages, they worked long and hard: they guarded herds, guarded homes, they took part in battles and hunted big game. The structural features of the skin made the dog invulnerable, and it was not lacking in battle ardor. A brave and resilient dog.



The history of this breed dates back to the Chinese dynasties. They invariably accompanied the imperial people, because the pug is a loyal friend, an extremely pleasant companion and a caring assistant. His unusual appearance immediately determines a strong reaction - either they fall in love with him at first sight, or they don’t take him seriously. He is able to devotedly love his owner, protect him at the cost of his own life, protecting and giving attention to all family members. Whatever the pug does, he always does it, filled with self-esteem.



Rottweilers are not a decorative breed, they are working dogs: they guarded herds, protected trade caravans, transported cargo, and helped police officers. High intelligence, power and courage, absolute fearlessness - these are his undoubted advantages. These dogs are very popular all over the world. A wonderful protector and faithful companion, but also a formidable weapon, the Rottweiler is not suitable for everyone. A complex character requires professional training and education.

English bulldog.

English bulldog

This is no longer a terrifying and all-conquering fighter, but once upon a time this dog bravely fought angry bulls in specially arranged spectacular fights. Over time, bulldogs became real aristocratic gentlemen, whose purpose was to protect the home. This is a favorite of children and adults, a gentle and caring nanny for kids. The Bulldog loves comfort and is a true decoration of the home. He is distinguished by loyalty and good nature.

Biewer Terrier

Charming and tender babes.

The second name of the breed is Biewer Yorkshire Terrier. The FCI does not recognize this breed as an independent breed.

Biewer Terriers are adorable! Miniature sizes (weight from 1.8 to 3.2 kg) and a smile from the entire face have a hypnotic effect on people. And beavers have a wonderful character: affectionate, adoring their owner, very playful and active. In relation to strangers, the dog, at first, shows distrust. But after a few minutes, he already considers his new acquaintance his best friend.

When getting such a pet, you should take into account the characteristics of its character. Despite its tiny size, it is a very active and lively dog. Bievers exhibit puppy-like behavior well into old age and are always ready to play and have fun. If there are children of primary school age in the house, the pet will become their best friend. Only children need to be explained that a small dog requires careful treatment, it is easy to injure.

Most terriers do not like training, the Biewer is an exception. These dogs easily remember commands and are always ready to demonstrate their obedience skills. But they don’t particularly like to walk for a long time.

Dogs with erect ears

Australian heeler.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Heeler is an Australian cattle dog, bred in the 19th century. Very hardy and efficient. Popular as guard dogs, very loyal to their owner and family. They vitally need a lot of physical activity and space to move. Training a heeler is not easy - the blood of a wild dingo dog requires a very serious attitude towards this breed.



The breed is of Russian origin. In Siberia and the Far East, the Laika was a hunter, sled dog, and faithful companion. Valued for its calmness and excellent trainability. The ancestors were wolves, this can be seen with the naked eye, so the dog must be brought up in strictness and discipline. Energy and mobility require the owner to lead an active lifestyle.

Miniature Pinscher.

Miniature Pinscher

Compact dog with long muscular legs, energetic. With a difficult character. Raising a puppy is a big and serious job. They get along well with all family members, but do not tolerate it when the boundaries of their independence are violated. They have a pronounced guardian instinct. A brave, loyal dog that always readily protects its owner and his property.

Belgian Shepherd.

Belgian Shepherd

These are excellent guards and huge workers. The dog is very thoughtful in the performance of its duties, extremely energetic, active, and passionate. She will be an irreplaceable and faithful companion to her owner in any activities and long, exciting walks.



The Doberman has long been the object of cult worship. Almost everywhere, in every country, there are passionate and devoted lovers of this breed. A strong, prominent, swift dog is the very embodiment of pressure and power, energy and swiftness. In addition to its impressive external advantages, the Doberman captivates with its high intelligence and enormous, simply boundless love and devotion to its owner. He is very attached to home and family members. He bravely protects everything he values, and is especially kind to children, for whom he is an ideal companion in all kinds of games and amusements. Proper upbringing and a clear hierarchy help achieve excellent results: the Doberman conscientiously fulfills its duties, faithfully serves family members, fearlessly protects its property and will never show unnecessary aggression in the absence of a real threat.

Do external factors affect growth?

Breed is far from the only thing that affects the growth of an animal. In addition to this, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. Floor.

    Females will always be smaller than males.

  2. Balanced nutrition.

    The better the diet, the stronger your baby will be. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not become obese.

  3. Health.

    Lagging behind peers is possible in the presence of genetic diseases, as well as various infections. During illness, the body spends its energy on maintaining basic functions, postponing the process of growing up until later.

  4. Activity.

    Physical activity allows you to keep your body in good shape. As with feeding, it is important to observe moderation. Otherwise, option 2: extra pounds from inactivity or injury from too much stress.

  5. Environment.

    Constant stress is the same disease. It has a detrimental effect on development and can lead to stunting. It is most difficult for small dogs, as well as some hunting breeds with a delicate psyche.

Try to avoid negative factors and be sure to monitor your pet’s parameters at each of the stages listed above.

Dogs with pointed ears

Scottish Terrier.

Scottish Terrier

A strong, hardy dog, despite its small size, it amazes with courage and bravery. He has an integral and sociable character. A cute appearance can be misleading - the terrier will not allow anyone to offend its owner and not take into account his own opinion. Very energetic, smart, sensitive to moods. Curious and always ready for adventure. For all his adoration for his owner, he is not prone to sentimentality and will never impose his love; he is restrained and delicate in behavior. He knows very well how charming he is and knows how to use it. The lively nature will not allow this dog to lead a measured lifestyle; he will be an excellent companion for a person with an active lifestyle.



The very striking appearance has made the breed extremely popular in recent years. For this dog, movement, active long walks, and fairly serious exercise are vital. Without them, a husky simply cannot feel good. This is a sociable dog with an easy-going character, easily trained, selflessly adoring all sorts of training and complex tasks. We should never forget about the origin of the husky - the blood of wolves flows in it. Husky will not tolerate familiarity and does not tolerate severe restrictions on freedom. The breed was bred as an assistant to man in his daily affairs - they transported goods, made long trips in sleds. These are extremely strong and resilient dogs. A properly raised Husky is friendly and obedient. But if discipline is weakened, it will be difficult to correct; puppies are prone to real hooliganism and are capable of literally tearing a house to pieces without supervision. They get along great with children.



Behind the toy appearance lies intelligence, deep character, and a devoted heart. A cheerful and cheerful, sensitive friend, the Spitz will become the most pleasant companion for its owner in any matter. Charming and generous. The breed appeared in the Prussian province, from its name comes the name “orange spitz”, literally - sea spitz. English breeders improved their shape and coat, and in this form, Pomeranians quickly gained recognition throughout the world. The Spitz always accompanies the owner, is infinitely devoted to him and bravely protects both him and his property. Always on guard, always vigilant, does not like to lose control of the situation. He easily switches from restraint and some detachment in behavior with adults to unbridled energy and fun with children, whom he loves very much.

Yorkshire Terrier.

Yorkshire Terrier

The king of social events, a regular on glossy covers, a famous fashionista. But at one time these dogs regularly helped people protect homes and outbuildings from small rodents. Terriers were famous for their abilities as quick-witted, passionate and dexterous hunters. This is a truly inexhaustible source of positive energy, cheerfulness and curiosity. The terrier gets along well with others and is very devoted to his owner. For all its decorativeness, it is distinguished by its intelligence and innate sensitivity. A very fragile creature that needs constant attention from the owner and careful care. He just can't stand being alone.

German Shepherd.

German Shepherd

In ancient times it was used as a herding dog. In 1899, the first standard of this breed was bred in Germany. High intelligence and amazing performance allowed the shepherd to cope perfectly with its duties - protecting herds and housing. From her ancestors - wolves, she inherited stamina, power and strength, endurance and fearlessness. The German Shepherd is rightfully considered the best working breed in the world. Fits perfectly into family relationships and is a full member of the family in which he lives. This is an excellent guard and an unrivaled watchman. With all its strong-willed qualities and strong, purposeful nature, the shepherd dog treats children very carefully, is tenderly attached to them, protects and selflessly protects its little owners.

Chinese Crested

The Catay Crested is a large freezing creature. Such a dog is dressed in clothes even when it is slightly cold, since the breed is prone to colds.

Such a pet is a silent one who will look faithfully into the eyes, but will never attract attention with noisy behavior. The appearance of the crested dog is the main trump card that distinguishes the breed in the family.

The hairless body contrasts with lush ears and a tail with a tassel, as well as beautiful boots on delicate paws. A cute tuft on the top of the head makes this pretty face look like a toy, and a button nose adorns the elongated and graceful face.

The breed is not very common in harsh climatic zones.

How to put ears on a dog

How to position the ears.

According to the standard of some breeds, the ears should stand up. This is not only an aesthetic requirement, but also a necessary condition for hygiene for many breeds. In order to meet the standards, the ears must be straight on the Boxer, East European Shepherd, Doberman, German Shepherd, Chow Chow, Laika, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua and many others. In dogs of these breeds, the ears most often stand up on their own during tender puppyhood. But sometimes owners will need a whole range of special measures.

Sometimes the owner does not immediately pay attention to the existing problem: both ears are not working, or only one; It happens that the puppy’s ears do not straighten completely or are in an inclined position relative to the head.

The sooner you can start correcting this defect, the faster you can resolve the issue, by the way, without making much effort.

You must clearly understand that with your inept and illiterate actions you can bring real trouble to a defenseless puppy: very often the ears are purposefully subjected to all sorts of tests, fixed in all sorts of ways, wrapped, glued. You can lead your experiments to serious complications , which only qualified veterinarians can handle in clinics.

In breeds in which the ears are not covered with continuous thick hair, special devices can be attached without special preparation. Toy terriers, for example, will not cause you any additional trouble, but the hair around the Yorkie's ear must be carefully trimmed with scissors, both outside and below.

Ear frame.

You can buy the right type of frame for your puppy at a pet store. Dogs definitely don’t like such designs. After some time, the puppy will most likely take it off. In the case where the ear is already standing without fastening, it is not necessary to reinstall it. Re-strengthening is necessary if the ear suddenly drops again after some time. In this case, we reinstall the dog's ears. Depending on the size of the ear, this procedure may need to be repeated several times.

If you decide to seal your pet’s ears yourself, use only special medical tape and glue for this. Do not attach the patch over the entire width of the ear, because then you can only remove it along with the delicate new fur. After inevitable injuries, irritation and dermatitis will appear on the skin.

Practical tips:

  1. The patch should be no wider than 2 cm. Be sure to make several wide holes so that the skin can breathe.
  2. Very carefully remove the patch, and then treat the skin of the ear with zinc ointment. Breaks between procedures must be strictly observed.
  3. You should absolutely not keep the patch on for more than six days in a row. Do not lubricate the ear with alcohol solutions under any circumstances.
  4. In some cases, a special massage is required; only a competent veterinarian can recommend it. Otherwise, you can only worsen the situation, and so much so that it will no longer be possible to correct it.
  5. If you have fixed ears, they need to be examined carefully every day. If you do not do this and do not correct the difficulties that have arisen in a timely manner, you can get otitis media. And in a sick dog it doesn’t matter at all whether the ears meet the standards or not.

If you cannot solve the problem yourself, you will need advice and help from specialists.


Phalene is a breed whose head shape resembles that of a butterfly in wingspan. This effect is achieved thanks to large ears with hair flowing down.

Moreover, there is a fundamentally important difference between the Phalene and the similar Papillon. The first type has erect ears, the second one hangs and has softer tissues. This is due to the shortened cartilage of the auricle, which nature has endowed with the kind and playful Papillons.

The dog has no ears

Are they not standing on their own? Let's deliver!.

You can determine whether your pet's ears are developing correctly by the following signs: they should become heavy and increase in size. Puppies' ears often fall back.

The ears can independently take the correct position quite late, for example, only by eight months or even later, by a year. But if you are worried about the situation, it is best to show the puppy to specialists.

Dogs' ears do not stand up for many reasons : because the animal has suffered from an illness, is weakened, or lacks minerals and vitamins.

At the age when puppies change their baby teeth, the ears may not stand up immediately or may fall back after some time. Veterinarians will help determine the cause and help you choose the right vitamin and mineral complexes.

Ears that are not erect have no effect on the performance of official functions or on the personality of your animal. So it is the owner’s choice whether to take action or accept his dog for who he is.

Deviations from the norm and their correction

Knowing how many months dogs grow, you can easily determine deviations from the norm. The most common problems include the following:

  1. The bitch has problems with lactation or the litter is too large. In these cases, some puppies will be much smaller and weaker than their counterparts. In the wild, such animals die, but thanks to artificial feeding this problem can be avoided.
  2. Rickets. Develops with hypovitaminosis. The method of treatment depends on the cause of vitamin deficiency, which can only be determined after diagnosis in a veterinary clinic.
  3. Worms and infections. If babies are not growing well, be sure to get tested for helminths and make sure there are no viruses and bacteria. Remember that until all mandatory vaccinations are completed, your pets’ immunity is very weak and vulnerable.

Record your pet's parameters once a week to prevent lag in height and weight. For this you will need electronic scales and a tape measure.

If you suspect an illness, do not self-medicate. Not all drugs are suitable for a child’s body and can pose a serious threat to life if the wrong dosage is used.

Russian toy

Oh those eyes

The advantages of the breed are size (from 1.4 to 3 kg), activity, intelligence, people-oriented and devotion. However, there is a big minus that negates the advantages of toys - this is a weak psyche. Representatives of the breed are easily overexcited and are often unable to cope with their emotions. When the toy's head turns off, they stop hearing their owner and begin to bark loudly and shake slightly.

Loud sounds are one of the sources of irritation, for this reason the dog is not suitable for noisy families with children.

Due to their activity, Russian Toys are the worst choice for an older person.

They can be trained, but must be approached with great care. Any pressure on the pet provokes hysterics. The dog is suitable for patient and active people who are ready to put up with the peculiarities of the breed.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

Almost free stand

The dog is miniature (3-5 kg), considering itself large. The miniature pinscher is a crazy, in the good sense of the word, creature with a serious character. If you take a responsible approach to raising and training your pet, it can give a head start to some large breeds.

Miniature Pinschers are inquisitive, brave and intelligent. They make good watchdogs, despite their size. Dogs not only bark at strangers, they also defend their territory. Pets forget that they are miniature dogs, and various problems arise from this. The Miniature Pinscher may rush recklessly into a fight with a large dog or attack a stranger, and he himself will suffer as a result.

The breed is not one that enjoys obedience training. Its representatives are very independent, they need to be trained in such a way that the pet is interested, and he does not understand that they want to subjugate him. Miniature pinschers are absolutely not suitable as a decorative dog sitting on the sofa. Also, families with children under 10 years old should choose a different breed.


Dog with butterfly ears

The second name is continental toy spaniel. The maximum weight of a dog is 4.5 kg. A distinctive feature of Papillons is their ears, similar to the wings of a butterfly.

Representatives of the breed are smart and calm. Such a pet does not need long, active walks, preferring to lie next to the owner or on his lap. Papillons should be owned by families without small children, because miniature dogs will not tolerate intrusiveness towards them. As for strangers, pets make good little guards. Of course, with the right approach to training.

Other pets are considered by the Papillon as bad neighbors. But the toy spaniel does not show aggression towards them.

Bolognese (Italian lapdog)

Small but faithful friend

An ideal breed for people who are ready to devote most of their time to Bolognese. Italian lapdogs are extremely sociable, the meaning of their life is to please their owner and treat him affectionately.

Small pets (2.5-5 kg) with white fur evoke affection among those around them. Unlike the Bichon Frize, with its activity, the Bolognese is calmer. A representative of the breed is suitable for an elderly person, a family with children or a man/woman living alone. The Italian lapdog feels comfortable in the company of its owner, but strangers can cause aggression. It's not because the dog is so angry, it's just afraid. And to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to socialize the Bolognese from puppyhood.

Pets are quite jealous; keeping them with other pets is not recommended. Bolognese will definitely arrange a showdown that threatens to develop into a serious conflict.

Dogs are jealous of the owner even of a newborn child. It is better to have a representative of the breed in a family where the children have already reached primary school age. Firstly, this will help to avoid jealousy towards a very young child, and secondly, it is safer for a fragile dog.

Bologneses love to learn various tricks and are happy to demonstrate their skills. But problems can arise with obedience; tricks are one thing, submission is another. They prefer short walks to long walks.

Yorkshire Terrier

All attention

A tiny dog ​​(2.5-5 kg) with the character of a real terrier. Yorkies are affectionate and gentle with their family, but strangers make them suspicious. For this reason, a small dog may bark at guests or passers-by during a walk. Relationships with pets are specific: if a puppy was brought to an existing one, then they will get along. But a second pet taken to an adult Yorkie runs the risk of experiencing all the charms of his character. The Yorkshire Terrier will definitely try to prove who is the true master of the house by challenging the newcomer.

Representatives of the breed love the company of their owner, long walks and are easy to train. If you pamper your pet, forgetting that he is a dog, the owner will get an insolent creature that sits on his neck and dangles his paws.

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