How to stop a kitten from chewing wires - care and education

Many adult cats and almost all baby kittens love to chew on the wires that are available in the house. Take, for example, television, telephone and computer wires or garlands - all of them can be damaged by the sharp teeth of pets. Are such games dangerous? Undoubtedly! Not only can household appliances fail, but the pet itself can easily suffer from electric shock or suffocation if the wire is wrapped around the neck, that is, such pampering can lead to death. In this article we will figure out how to stop a cat from chewing wires.

Why do cats chew wires?

Lack of attention

All cats, like children, need attention. If you don't pet them or play with them, they will try to attract attention using other methods. Due to lack of attention, they often break vases, drop pots of flowers on the floor, and chew wires.


This trait is inherent in every kitten, as it tries to explore this world in all available ways. And tasting is one of the common methods of interaction.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

In their normal habitat, all cat species obtain essential vitamins and minerals from the environment. To do this, they gnaw on various grass, twigs and the like. They get everything they need exclusively from food. Many wires have a very specific smell, and this is what attracts them, so they try to chew them to get something useful. But, unfortunately, eating pets can only harm their teeth.


The pet has few toys

Little kittens need special attention as they always have a lot of energy and always want to play. Therefore, if you do not devote time to your furry, then you should definitely buy him toys. At an early age, the kitten is not picky about toys, so you can make toys yourself. To do this, take a fishing line and tie cocktail tubes and candy wrappers onto it. If the kitten has no toys at all, then he may soon become interested in wires.

Dental diseases

If you feed your pet soft food, plaque will soon form on his teeth. It causes discomfort, so they try to brush their teeth in different ways. And one effective method is to chew the wires. Plaque on the teeth should not accumulate, as in the future it can provoke the appearance of tartar. To prevent plaque from accumulating on your cats’ teeth, you need to have a proper diet. It should contain both hard and soft food.


Fighting a bad habit

Many years of experience in friendship between humans and tailed animals have developed effective ways to overcome the problem. The easiest and simplest, and also the most effective way to wean an animal from chewing wires is to hide them in an inaccessible place, thus depriving the cat of access to them at all. If you are getting a cat, keep this point in mind. Move the wires away from the room or hide them in cable ducts for his safety, while you yourself do not know the disposition and habits of your pet.

When there is nowhere to hide the wires in the house, think about what substance or product you can treat them with so that the kitten does not want to get close to them. You can use lemon, which is used to make preparations that stop cats from chewing cables and wires, tearing up furniture throughout the house with their claws, and marking the space in each room. Citrus or aromatic grapefruit oil is used to treat the surface of objects that attract a cat.

There are cat breeders who treat objects with a clove of garlic, pre-cut, ground pepper or mustard. Do not repeat such steps, not only because a long-lasting unpleasant odor will remain in the apartment, but also because the pet may completely lose its sense of smell due to pepper getting into its nose. After all, for a cat, the loss of smell is equivalent to the loss of vision in a person.

The smell of citrus does not linger on the surface of the wires for long, so you can wrap them with insulating tape or tape. Cats are squeamish about sticky surfaces.

Many cat owners rub the wires with aloe juice. The juice of the plant is very bitter and can cause the animal to drool profusely. Therefore, he definitely needs to rinse his mouth with water. This method is not entirely humane, but it is justified in contrast to the possible death of the pet.

If there is a small kitten in the house, then the wires can be treated with anti-gnaze and give it Greenies treats especially for cats with the taste of fish and chicken. The treat will massage the cat’s teeth, and he will not want to chew on cables and wires after it.

How to avoid the problem

Try to find other ways to stop your cat from chewing on wires. For example, these:

  1. Buy him a soft toy from the veterinarian that he can fiddle with and chew on.
  2. Pay more attention to the kitten, play with it more often.
  3. Buy your pet special vitamins containing taurine and iron. Today there are a large number of vitamins, the intake of which can save cats from bad habits.
  4. Change your cat's diet in consultation with your veterinarian.
  5. Check the animal for worms.

Stop your cat from chewing wires from childhood, because later it will be much more difficult to do so.

What not to do

There are a number of taboos in overcoming the problem. An attentive owner should take these into account:

  1. Do not use cruel methods to combat the animal's habit of chewing wires.
  2. Do not use chemicals that may harm the kitten's health.
  3. Do not use a stream of water from a spray bottle or water pistol for weaning.
  4. Do not harshly punish an animal for chewing wires. Indeed, in each case, our pets, not speaking, try to tell us about their problems. How they do it is another question. But in each specific case you must understand and take appropriate measures.

Have restraint and patience, and everything will be fine. Know that animals love you very much!

We stop chewing wires

As soon as you discover bitten wires, you must immediately take any measures.

How to stop chewing wires

We use improvised means

The smells of the following products are good at repelling cats:

  • Orange peels.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Vinegar.
  • Ammonia solution (ammonia).
  • Aloe juice.

Take dry wipes and moisten them with a weak vinegar solution. After this, they can be placed next to the wiring that your cat has his eye on. A sharp specific smell will scare him away, and therefore he will not even come close.

Orange and Cat

Sound repeller

Many pets are afraid of loud noises, so you can place a rattle or other toy near the wiring. You can put it down and then tie a thread to it. When the cat approaches the wires, it will most likely snag the thread and the rattle will fall. She will immediately run away from such loud sounds.

You can also find special devices on sale that have built-in motion sensors. And if your pet passes nearby, the device will emit a loud beep.


In stores that sell everything for pets you can find repellent sprays. For example, Antigryzin is very popular. It contains many citrus essential oils. The spray can be used not only to protect wires, it can also be sprayed in places that your pet likes to mark or scratch with its claws.

Wire insulation

If possible, it is best to hide all wiring in the house in cable channels. In this case, everything will remain intact, both the cable and your pet, as he will receive an electric shock.

Corrugated pipes and cable ducts can be used for insulation. Some owners wrap the cables with food foil, after a while it can be removed. Cats don't like foil because it leaves an alkaline taste in their mouth after biting it. You can use this trick, and in this way you can stop your cat from chewing wires.

Chewed the wire

Several ways to fix the problem

Before you decide what to do if your cat is chewing on wires, you need to determine the exact reason for this behavior. We have listed all the possible factors that provoke a kitten to such actions. Now let's look at several effective ways to wean your pet from such dangerous and thoughtless games with wires.

Shorten or hide the wires

The best solution is to remove wires and cables from free access. If there is no possibility of moving it to a hidden place, use special accessories to “hide” the wires from tailed family members.

Specialized stores sell various boxes and corrugated tubes that allow you to protect your living space from the rash actions of children and animals.

We use sprays

Veterinary pharmacies and pet stores sell special sprays that have a special smell that repels cats. These compounds can be used to treat not only wires, but also other places where a small predator likes to “spoil.”

Anti-rodent sprays do not have a pungent odor that is unpleasant to humans. As a rule, the main aroma of such products is citrus. Cats cannot stand the smell of lemons and oranges, so if a special spray is not available, you can use fresh juice or the peel of these fruits.

Loud sounds

Don't know how to stop a kitten from chewing wires? Try raising a little mischief maker using a loud tone for the “no” command. Teach the rules of the ban from an early age, which will allow you to raise an obedient cat with good manners.

To quickly scare the kitten away from the wires, you can use loud sounds, for example, clapping your hands. Experts also suggest using balloons.

If you hang it on a cable that is especially attractive to the animal, you can quickly wean the kitten from playing with a dangerous cord. During the game, the ball may explode, which will scare the little mischief-maker. As a rule, attempts to get closer to an interesting product after such an incident are not repeated.

We use improvised means

The cat chews wires for the first time, what should I do? We use everything we have at hand to scare away! For example, a baby rattle or a bell for a sound effect.

Water distracts cats' attention very quickly. You can direct a stream of refreshing liquid at the playful prankster using a spray bottle or a children's water pistol

But, be careful not to allow water to come into contact with electrical wires and sockets!

What to do if your cat chews on wires in your absence? In this case, you need to treat the surface of the cable using a spray or improvised means. A good repelling effect is observed when lubricating the wires with cinnamon, citrus fruits, ammonia, vinegar or cologne.

Any of the above methods will help solve the problem quickly. To choose the right weaning method, try to find out the main reason why your cat chews wires.

And, most importantly, never use physical force in raising your tailed friend, even if he often breaks the rules of behavior in your home!

What to do if your pet is electrocuted?

  1. If you see that your pet is lying motionless, and next to him there is a bitten cable, then first of all there is no need to panic.
  2. Call your pet, and if he does not react in any way, then first of all disconnect the power cables that are live. Only after this can any action be taken.
  3. Try to grab the cat by its hind legs and then spin it around its axis. This way you can ensure a rush of blood to the brain. If the cat wakes up, then it must be immediately laid on a flat surface. Try not to disturb him, as he needs time to come to his senses

The harmful effects of electric current can adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system. If the cat is shocked, you need to react within 3 minutes. If the current continues longer, it will most likely lead to death.

Although, check the wiring in your apartment once a week, and if you notice bitten cables, you need to take action immediately. We wish you all the best!

Dangers that an animal may encounter when playing with bags

After playing, your pet may tear the bag and swallow part of it. Polyethylene is very negatively perceived by the cat's digestive tract, especially if the animal is older than 7 years.

Important! Self-medication and attempts to induce vomiting are unacceptable; it is important to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. A piece of cellophane stuck in the throat can cause a cat to suffocate, so postponing a visit to the clinic in the hope that it will go away on its own is unacceptable.

A piece of cellophane stuck in the throat can cause a cat to suffocate, so postponing a visit to the clinic in the hope that it will go away on its own is unacceptable.

Sacks, boxes, bags - these are the best resting places for cats

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