Signs of pregnancy, duration and birth of a French bulldog

Pregnancy and childbirth are a difficult period for French bulldogs. This is due not only to hormonal changes in the bitch’s body, but also to the anatomical features of representatives of this breed - they have a narrow, low-lying pelvis and a brachycephalic skull, and the puppies have rather large heads. This is why these dogs often require a caesarean section, which should be taken into account by anyone planning to breed the breed.

Diagnosis, signs

Pregnancy in the early stages is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms. The fact that the mating was successful and after some time it will be necessary to prepare for the arrival of puppies is indicated by a decrease in the dog’s immunity, an increase in its sensitivity to surrounding odors and a change in taste preferences or a complete refusal to eat. Also, 7 to 16 days after fertilization, the bitch may experience morning sickness with foam.

All these signs cannot be called reliable, since in a healthy French bulldog bitch that does not have problems with the kidneys or liver, toxicosis may not appear at all, and her appetite will remain the same or even improve.

You can accurately find out about the onset of pregnancy approximately 3 weeks after mating through an ultrasound.

This will also allow you to determine the number of puppies and find out about the condition of the bitch’s internal organs.

It is also possible to determine pregnancy by palpation: at the beginning of the 4th week, you can feel small lumps located on both sides of the abdomen - these are the embryos of the puppies. This method provides less information than ultrasound and is only possible for bitches with a small layer of fat. Also, with the onset of pregnancy, the dog’s behavior may change: it becomes apathetic, clumsy, and sleeps a lot.

Palpation can only be carried out by a veterinarian or an experienced breeder, otherwise there is a risk of harm to future puppies.


Despite the fact that the first heat, indicating the beginning of puberty, in French bulldogs begins at approximately 6 months, at this age the dog is not ready for pregnancy and childbirth. A six-month-old bitch is not yet fully formed, her body is too weak and will not be able to bear healthy offspring, so it is recommended to carry out the first mating no earlier than the dog is 15 months old. There are no distinctive signs specific to the first pregnancy. The only caveat is a possible later enlargement of the abdomen, due to strong and strong abdominal muscles.

False and frozen

A false pregnancy is the manifestation of all signs of pregnancy in a bitch that has not been bred. Approximately 2 months after estrus, the dog exhibits the following symptoms:

  • she sets up a “nest”;
  • transfers maternal instinct to inanimate objects;
  • behaves irritably and restlessly;
  • her stomach and mammary glands enlarge, milk is produced;
  • Some individuals experience simulated childbirth.

As a rule, this condition is observed in dogs that are not regularly involved in breeding. If the symptoms do not go away on their own, the veterinarian will prescribe sedatives and recommend stopping feeding the dog dairy products and increasing the number and duration of walks. A failed pregnancy is often called false. Despite the similar symptoms, these are different concepts, since in the latter case, signs of pregnancy appear in mated bitches.

A frozen pregnancy can be judged by the absence of movement in the puppies at 8 weeks and the high temperature of the bitch at this time. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Deworming should be carried out 14 days before mating, and vaccination 1 month before.

Features of puberty in bulldogs

Female French Bulldogs reach puberty at 6–8 months, and males at 12–15 months. This process is accompanied by a strong desire to mate.

The reproductive system of male dogs has already been formed, their testicles have descended into the scrotum and sperm have begun to be produced in them. Their psyche is still developing, and due to the uncontrollable desire to mate, they are prone to masturbation. They use any available means as an object of desire: toys or human legs.

They cannot be punished for such behavior, since the animals will begin to associate their desire with a prohibition, and then mating will be very difficult.

Important! French bulldogs should not be mated before 1.5 – 2 years of age.

During the first estrus (the period of sexual heat), it is recommended to distract dogs from the desire to mate with games, long walks, tasty food and training. With rare walks, urine stagnates, inflammatory processes develop and muscles weaken.

Duration by day, periods

On average, dogs of this breed are pregnant for 53 - 70 days. This difference in timing is due to the fact that the attachment of embryos in the uterus of each specific bitch takes a different time, which is impossible to predict in advance.

If mating was carried out three times with a difference of 1 day, then the approximate date of birth of the puppies is 63 days from the second mating.

A French Bulldog's pregnancy goes through several stages, each of which corresponds to a specific week:

  • 1 week – fertilization occurs within 5 days after mating, there are no signs of pregnancy;
  • Week 2 – you cannot carry out deworming and treatment for fleas and ticks, allow stress and change the dog’s daily routine so as not to provoke a miscarriage;
  • 3 and 4 weeks – changes in the bitch’s behavior are noted: refusal to eat, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • Week 5 – the dog’s belly increases, appetite returns, behavior becomes the same;
  • Week 6 – the belly becomes even larger, the fruits can be seen with the naked eye;
  • 7-beginning of 8 weeks - the puppies are noticeably moving, the bitch refuses to eat, the nipples swell, and when they are compressed, colostrum is released.

At the end of pregnancy, signs of an imminent birth become more and more noticeable: 4 - 5 days before giving birth, the bitch’s stomach drops, her back sags, the loop becomes larger, 2 - 3 days - the pet’s body temperature becomes lower, 1 day before giving birth the dog refuses food, behaves restlessly, looks for a secluded place or, conversely, tries to constantly be with the owner.

How many puppies does a bulldog give birth to?

This question cannot be answered precisely, since the number of newborn puppies may vary with each pregnancy. The birth of small French bulldogs is in any case a great joy.

The number of puppies depends on many factors:

  • age of parents;
  • the health status of the giving birth dog;
  • heredity;
  • conditions of detention and proper care of parents.

Typically, young (1.5 to 2 years old) French bulldogs have 3-5 cubs, but this figure is quite approximate. Bitches over two years old can give birth to 6-7 puppies at once. But this is only possible with proper and careful care for the expectant mother.

A French Bulldog's fertility can be judged by her first litter. If a girl gives birth to few puppies, then in the future she will give birth to about the same number. But there are exceptions to this rule. If you choose the right partner for mating, the size of the litter can be increased. Usually few puppies are born from young males. Therefore, it is better to choose male French bulldogs from two years old and older, with excellent heredity and excellent health.

Caring for a pregnant dog

A sudden and drastic change in regime can cause stress in the dog, which should not be allowed. During the first month, no changes are needed at all, you just need to abandon the antiparasitic treatment of the dog and reduce its contact with other animals. With the beginning of the 4th week of pregnancy, you need to make adjustments to your diet and walking regimen. If the dog’s diet is based on natural products, then the menu needs to include more protein foods (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cereals and soups with milk) and greens.

At week 6, you should reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your dog’s diet.
Vegetables and fruits, if given raw, should be chopped in a blender in advance.

During this period, you need to feed the “Frenchie” three times a day.

With the onset of the 7th week of pregnancy, the dog needs to be switched to 4 feedings a day, removing heavy food that is difficult to digest from the diet.

To avoid late toxicosis, it is better to give ocean fish instead of meat (150 g of fish = 100 g of meat).

5 - 7 days before the expected birth, it is necessary to remove all potential allergens from the menu, reduce the daily diet by a quarter, and feed the dog 5 times a day. If the dog’s diet before pregnancy was based on industrial food, then you should switch to products intended for pregnant dogs or enrich the diet with calcium at the rate of 65 g per 1 kg of the pet’s weight, vitamin complexes and proteins.

Walking and physical activity cannot be reduced in time; you just need to avoid high-intensity activities - jumping, long runs, etc. The best option is frequent but not too long walks. A low level of activity and a sedentary lifestyle can cause excess weight gain and lead to complications during birth, as weak muscles will not be able to contract and push out the puppies.

All about knitting

To successfully conceive, you need to properly match the male and female dogs, prepare them for mating, and take care of the dogs after the “date.” But the main thing is to accurately determine the time of ovulation.

When is the best time to breed?

When the estrus begins and the pet is ready for mating, it is determined by several signs:

  • bloody discharge;
  • increasing the loop;
  • the dog becomes affectionate, intrusive, and characteristically crouches.

French bulldogs are mated one day before ovulation. It falls on the 11th – 14th day of estrus. At this time, the discharge will decrease, become discolored, and the loop will lose its elasticity.

Ovulation may be delayed by several days. The exact timing is determined by smear analysis.

A day later, on the 12th - 15th day of estrus, mating is repeated - this will ensure the success of conception. The male must be the same.

Preparation for mating

Both the female and the partner are prepared for mating. Need to:

  • give anthelmintic tablets 1.5 months before French bulldogs come into heat;
  • give more protein foods;
  • introduce vitamin preparations containing calcium, vitamins B, A, E;
  • 5 – 7 days before mating, add 1 tsp to the male’s daily portion. vegetable oil, 5 – 6 drops of liquid vitamin A;
  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • immediately before knitting, wash the loop with an antiseptic solution.

Pets are bred in the male territory - males are more confident at home. Dogs are fed 3 hours before the “date”. Afterwards, the dogs are walked and introduced to them in a neutral zone.

The dog for mating and the bitch must be healthy, without signs of exhaustion or obesity, and vaccinated according to schedule.

Both owners show before mating:

  • certificate of the pet’s physical condition;
  • veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and antiparasitic treatments;
  • documents confirming breeding value - pedigrees, certificates of prizes at exhibitions, breeding permits.

Carrying out mating

There are 2 types of French Bulldog mating: freestyle and manual. In the first case, the dogs mate themselves; in the second, the owners help.

Hand knitting is practiced when:

  • the male for mating is lower or much larger than the female, which is why he cannot mount and get into the loop;
  • the male is inexperienced;
  • The bitch is not interested in a partner and is aggressive.

With the manual type of mating, they put a muzzle on the bitch, hold it by the throat and lift its rear, placing a knee under its belly. The male is held by the croup and guided.

You cannot touch a male dog’s penis - he will refuse to mate.

Regardless of the type of mating, both owners are present at the mating. The help of an experienced breeder is desirable, because... Complications are possible with both types of mating.

Mating is considered successful when the male freezes after several intense thrusts, and his penis is tightly squeezed by the vagina. This is a lock or gluing. It occurs due to swelling of the dogs' genitals from the rush of blood during mating. Lasts from 5 – 20 minutes to an hour.

If a castle does not form, it is imitated by holding the pets in place. A day later, re-mating is carried out.

During mating, breaks are taken so that the pets can rest. The bitch is taken to the next room for 10 - 15 minutes. There is no need to worry, even when mating is stalled. The feelings will be transferred to the dogs, which will complicate the process.

The mating date is marked on a calendar to determine the onset of pregnancy.

After mating, the dogs are walked for 20-30 minutes, fed and allowed to rest. If the male's penis has not shrunk, it is washed with cool water or cold lotions are applied. Sometimes the edges of the prepuce bend inward - they need to be carefully straightened.

Sometimes, after mating, dogs experience a false pregnancy - when conception has not occurred, but there are all the signs, including an enlarged abdomen and the release of colostrum.

Childbirth, tips and tricks

The birth process begins with the release of the mucous plug from the bitch and is divided into 3 stages:

  • preparatory - lasts on average 6 - 24 hours, during which the muscles of the uterus contract, the cervical canal expands, and contractions occur;
  • birth of fetuses, childbirth - characterized by contraction of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen (pushing), due to which, at birth, puppies, one after another, move along the birth canal and come out along with the placenta;
  • postpartum – green or red discharge is observed, which, if everything goes well, gradually becomes lighter.

The number of puppies and placenta released during childbirth must match.

The interval between the birth of puppies is usually 10 - 20 minutes, but can increase to several hours.
After the puppy is born, the bitch gnaws the umbilical cord and licks the baby, getting rid of any remaining mucus and amniotic sac.

A week before the expected birth, you need to prepare a box or crate where the dog will give birth and care for the puppies.

During childbirth you may need: sterile gauze, cotton wool, syringes, iodine, thermometers, scissors, antiseptic, scales, soap or manganese solution. You also need to prepare the bitch herself: wash her, rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate, cut off the hair around the vagina and nipples.

Possible complications

French bulldogs are dogs with a specific skull structure and a tendency to obesity. Therefore, the normal course of labor, in which the bitch does everything on her own, and the owner is simply nearby, encouraging the pet and accepting the puppies, is a rarity for representatives of this breed. Most often, the birth of “Frenchies” is accompanied by complications, some of which require immediate veterinary intervention.

Weak contractions or pushing

As a rule, this is observed if the puppies in the uterus have died, or if the bitch is obese and has weak muscles, which weakens labor. A veterinarian can determine the cause, and, if necessary, he can stimulate labor with an injection. Also, weak attempts may be due to a loss of strength in the dog, in which case you should give it meat broth or sweet tea with milk.

Large puppies or their incorrect position

Puppies that are too big are one of the most common complications. If puppies have too large heads, then they simply cannot pass through the birth canal, getting stuck in it. There is only one way out - a caesarean section. If the puppies are lying incorrectly, there is an opportunity to correct the situation: the veterinarian can give the dog anesthesia and, after relaxing the muscles, try to turn the puppies into the correct position. If this fails, you cannot do without a cesarean section.

Uncharacteristic discharge

Dark, greenish, or other than normal discharge may indicate that not all puppies or placenta were expelled during delivery. It is necessary to immediately contact a veterinary clinic, where the dog will be examined, diagnosed and treated.

Ectopic pregnancy

It is characterized by the development of one or more puppies not in the uterus, but in the abdominal cavity. To save the bitch, an urgent operation is required , followed by a long course of rehabilitation therapy.

Lack of milk

The veterinarian can stimulate the bitch's lactation with an injection. If this does not help, the puppies will have to be fed on their own with special bitch milk substitutes. In addition, French bulldogs often experience mastitis, eclampsia, postpartum tetany, and infection.

How to take it yourself?

Even if the birth goes well and a caesarean section is not required, the owner’s presence and assistance with the dog during childbirth is necessary.
After the puppy is born, it is necessary to rupture the amniotic sac, if this does not happen.

Next, use a gauze napkin to clean the newborn’s mouth from mucus. Otherwise, the puppy may suffocate.

Then you need to use a strong thread to pull the umbilical cord at a distance of 1 - 2 cm from the puppy’s belly, and then cut it with disinfected scissors a little above the dressing site. Treat the edge of the umbilical cord with iodine or another antiseptic, and then give the puppy to the bitch - she needs to lick it and feed it. The emergence of puppies is accompanied by pushing, during which it is better to place the already born babies in a prepared box with a heating pad.

In case of any deviations from the norm or complications, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

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