Bull Terrier: everything about the dog, photos, description and characteristics of the breed

Miniature Bull Terrier puppies!

Litter starting with the letter "F" kennel "Iz Constellation Adomas" mini bull terriers! TWO GIRLS AND A MALE ARE AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATION!

Birthday 11/12/2021


07/21/2021 miniature bull terrier puppies were born, litter starting with the letter “T”!!!!


All puppies on the link: >>> VIEW

Dad: Ansgar Freya Walter for the Adomas Constellation!


Junior Champion of Russia Junior Champion of RKF

Mom: Lori'El from the Adomas Constellation!

LITTER "P" miniature bull terrier puppies!!!

All puppies are sold!

Pippi from the Constellation of Adomas (3.5 months)!

Birthday: 08/14/2019 minibuli puppies were born!

History of the origin of the bull terrier

The name of the breed itself indicates its mixed origin. Purebred representatives of bulldogs and English terriers played a huge role in the development of the breed. Dalmatians also played a big role in the history of the bull terrier breed. What was the reason for the selection work?

The Bull Terrier is a relatively young breed. Its origins began in the 19th century, when such entertainment as hunting and dog fighting were in fashion. In sparring it was possible to exhibit completely different breeds. Bulldogs were particularly aggressive. However, the value of dog fighting was not only the opportunity to win a bet, but also to admire the cruel spectacle. The bulldogs, despite their power and strength, were too inactive, and sparring was boring. Therefore, adrenaline junkies decided to cross them with terriers. This is how dogs appeared, which were simply called “bull and terriers”. The bred animals were aggressive and powerful, but at the same time active and energetic. However, such “fighters” could not boast of beauty. They had crooked legs and a curved back.

The unaesthetic appearance of the Bull and Terrier forced James Hinks to continue experiments with crossbreeding. He began crossing Bull and Terriers, Bulldogs, English Terriers and Dalmatians. Some speculate that Foxhounds and Spanish Pointers were involved in the selection process. However, there is no exact data, because James Hinks did not describe his experiments. The result exceeded all expectations. The new “bulls” retained their activity and muscularity, but became more elegant. They were pure white in color and even earned the nickname “gentlemen in white.”

The white bull terrier was first shown to the world in 1862 at an exhibition. Since then there has been a surge in the popularity of the breed:

  • 1887 - a club for bull terrier lovers was organized in Great Britain.
  • 1907 - the same bull terrier club opened in the USA.
  • 1939 – Colored Bull Terriers were recognized as a breed variety.

Interesting fact! The first boules with colored coats appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, they often suffered from various diseases, especially deafness. Therefore, such representatives of the breed were for a long time prohibited from participating in exhibitions.

Possible diseases

The Minibull was genetically bred. This means that he is prone to hereditary diseases, which are sometimes difficult to detect at birth. They can manifest themselves during life and lead to a very sad outcome.

The weakest points of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed are the heart, ears and kidneys, and common ailments include aortic stenosis, tracheal hypoplasia, destruction of the kneecaps, as well as eye problems, such as lens dislocations.

Deafness is also considered a congenital defect, and it is more difficult to determine if only one ear is affected. The salvation can be the initial purchase of a dog with a good pedigree. Thanks to her, many diseases will be avoided.

Another vulnerable area is the skin, especially when it comes to white minibulls. These are various types of dermatoses and eczema. As a preventive measure, careful care of the epidermis using gentle products such as dry dog ​​shampoos is recommended. If your dog doesn't have enough zinc in his diet, it will lead to a weakened immune system, resulting in nervousness and discolored skin.

Breed standard: main characteristics of the bull terrier

The exact description of the Bull Terrier is given in FCI standard No. 11 (2009). It indicates not only the appearance of the animal, but also its behavior. So the dog should have a strong, muscular body. Males look more masculine, even if they are small in size. Bitches have feminine habits that do not contradict their powerful exterior. The animal is absolutely not aggressive towards people and has a balanced character. He obeys his master, but can be stubborn.

  • Head. Long, tapering towards the nose and almost flat between the ears. There are no depressions or bulges on the skull. When viewed from the front, it resembles an egg. The head shape is called “Down-face”. It is unique and not found in any other breed. This is the main feature of the Bull Terrier.
  • Muzzle. The nose should be black, with developed nostrils. Narrow eyes are also black or dark brown, slanted, triangular in shape. They are located much closer to the ears than to the nose. The lower jaw is especially powerful. The strong teeth have a scissor bite. The absence of the fourth premolar is allowed, as well as slight deviations in the bite, since it changes throughout the dog’s life.
  • Ears. Small, triangular in shape, mobile. Boule can strain them to stand.
  • Frame. The powerful body consists of clearly defined muscles. Flat back, wide chest. The belly line curves smoothly upward: from the chest to the back.
  • Paws. The limbs are of medium length and are parallel to each other.
  • Tail. Wide at the base and tapering towards the end, the tail is short and carried horizontally.
  • Wool. Short, stiff and shiny. In winter, a soft undercoat may appear. In the classic version, the bull terrier has a white color, but other options have become recognized: red, tri-colored, murugi. The brindle color is especially prized, while the bluish-gray and liver colors are considered undesirable.

The standard is regularly reviewed and minor changes are made. Based on FCI No. 11, exhibition animals are assessed and individuals are selected for breeding.


The standard does not have exact requirements for the size of a bull terrier. The main condition is that the animal must look massive, harmonious and powerful. On average, an adult dog reaches 55 cm at the withers, but there are representatives that reach a height of 100 cm. The miniature bull has up to 35 cm at the withers.


The weight of a bull terrier is also not limited. The animal must not be obese. With a standard height of 55 cm, the usual weight is 30 kg. Particularly large representatives of the breed can weigh 55 kg.


Like most other breeds of this size, the Bull lives up to 12-14 years. How long bull terriers live is affected by nutrition, physical activity, and timely visits to the veterinarian.


Some people think that this breed is not very intelligent. However, it is not. The reason for this opinion is a certain stubbornness. An intellectually developed animal evaluates its surroundings and consciously chooses a line of behavior. A willful character can be called one of the manifestations of high intelligence, so it is important to raise a bull correctly.

Bull Terriers

Character traits

Fighting dogs are an exclusive class of animals. They require a lot of attention and careful training. But bull terriers are not vicious, hateful dogs. On the contrary, behind powerful physical data there is a vulnerable soul hidden. The dogs have a restrained and balanced character. Pets become strongly attached to their owner and constantly strive to prove their love.

The appearance of dogs is original. Distinctive features:

  • Height is about 60 centimeters, weight reaches 30 kg.
  • Powerful, muscular body with flexible, athletic legs.
  • Smooth short coat that does not require special care.
  • Thin short ponytail.
  • The muzzle is slightly elongated, the eyes are smart and good-natured, the forehead smoothly moves to the nose, which creates the image of a “dog in a muzzle.”

Bull Terriers are sporting animals . They need daily exercise and walks. It is necessary to diligently educate and train the dog. Without the proper enthusiasm of the owner, the pet easily becomes lazy and develops bad habits. If you are thinking about buying a Bull Terrier, be prepared to walk outdoors more often, for example, start jogging. A pet will be the best company for you.


Initially, the breed was bred for dog fighting, but for more than a hundred years such entertainment has lost its relevance. The first place for breeders was not aggression, but balance and a calm disposition. Now the bull terrier is a companion dog. But initially the animal was absolutely indifferent to people, so the nickname “killer dog,” to put it mildly, is exaggerated. For this reason, despite its power, the animal will not become either a good bodyguard or reliable security.

The character of the Bull Terrier is filled with boundless love and devotion to its owner. She chooses “her” person and accepts only him as the leader. Bool will not obey every family member. He has only one authority. To become one, the owner must initially show who is boss in the house. At the same time, you cannot show aggression and anger. A firm tone will suffice. In return, the pet will reward you not only with loyalty, but also with active affection. He will prove his love again and again, jump on your lap and caress at every opportunity.

The bull is tolerant of other animals only if he grew up with them. This is a jealous breed that will not tolerate being dominated by someone else. In addition, the bull terrier is quite touchy and proud. Take this into account and, when coming up with entertainment, try not to hurt his pride.

Another important issue is the bull terrier and children. The dog has a great time with teenagers, enjoys playing and frolicking with them. But it is not advisable to leave small children with a bull. First, the baby may unknowingly cause pain or irritate the animal. Secondly, a pet is capable of causing harm without malicious intent: pushing, crushing, dropping. Some boules are phlegmatic and periodically need solitude. If the dog is tired and wants to be alone, do not disturb it.

Breed characteristics and character

Britain is considered the homeland of the minibull, and the breed arose relatively recently - about 100 years ago, appearing as a result of selection of the standard bull terrier. The final standard for dwarf boules was adopted in 1991.

Since that time, dogs began to gain popularity throughout the globe. They have been known in Russia for about 20 years, but have not yet received mass distribution due to their relatively high cost.

Miniature and standard bull terriers are not much different in character. Both dogs strive for leadership and dominance. They are more prone to disobedience than other breeds. If there is no proper training from puppyhood, the character can become a real disaster for the owner. By the way, the training takes place with great difficulty.

Here the four-legged friend can demonstrate the whole range of stubbornness. This is why the breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog lovers. If you are not sure that the training will be carried out efficiently, it makes sense to entrust the dog to a specialist.

The dog is stubborn, but at the same time courageous. Together, these qualities give her the attitude to rush at other dogs, chase cats, and show aggression towards strangers.

At the same time, minibulls are endlessly devoted to their owner and other family members, and can find a common language with pets. The animal absolutely cannot stand loneliness, preferring to accompany the owner everywhere.

Training and education

The Bull Terrier is not a dog for beginners. She needs proper education and training. The purpose of education is to instill the following qualities:

  • masculinity and courage;
  • the ability to obey the owner;
  • equilibrium.

Education must begin from an early age. The puppy must understand that the owner is in charge. From day one, show what is and is not allowed in your home. Since even a small bull can be stubborn and ignore the rules, be patient and persistent. It is also important to socialize the animal as early as possible: take it for walks, go to friends who have pets. Never set your dog against other people or animals.

Important! Do not punish children or other pets in the presence of a bull terrier. This lowers them, in the eyes of the dog, to the bottom rung of the hierarchy. In the future, the dog will show dominance, which will only bring problems.

An amateur will not be able to cope without the participation of a professional dog handler. The first lessons can be carried out when the puppy reaches the age of six to eight months. However, do not threaten or punish your pet under any circumstances. Training should evoke pleasant associations, not fear.

Physical punishment is absolutely ineffective for a bull, but he is very sensitive and reacts to his owner’s emotions. Influence the animal with the tone and volume of your voice. Praise him more often, because he is so eager to please his person.

Commands that the bull terrier must unquestioningly carry out:

  • To me.
  • Near.
  • Place.
  • Lie.
  • Sit.
  • Ugh.
  • Give.
  • Voice

Wear a muzzle for your bull terrier when walking. This will help avoid conflicts with a person who fears the dog, as well as avoid fights with other animals on the street. You need to walk your pet at least twice a week, and the duration of the walk should be at least an hour. During this time, the animal must throw out its energy, so any active pastime is suitable: jogging, cycling, various games. Sometimes the boule finds uncontrollable joy. He loses control of himself and frolics, destroying everything around him. Active walks will help avoid damage to furniture and interiors in your home.

Bull Terrier

Recommendations for keeping a bull terrier

It was previously noted that bull terriers have a rather complex origin. However, if you decide to buy a fighting pet, raising the dog should come first. After all, the traits that will appear in a four-legged friend directly depend on the attitude of the owner. A puppy needs love from the first days, surround the baby with care. In addition, constant training, walking, and most importantly, patience will bring positive results.

The dog's nutrition is of great importance. When raising a champion, it is important to be responsible when choosing food. You can consult an experienced veterinarian about your animal’s diet. Undoubtedly, it is advisable to feed your pet natural food.

And the last thing is concern for cleanliness. Bull Terriers do not require special coat care, but they should be kept clean to avoid allergies.

Rules of maintenance and care

An adult bull terrier is easy to care for. Its main need is the presence of a person. An animal cannot be alone for a long time. It begins to yearn and suffer. Because of this, the breed is not recommended for very busy people who do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to their pet.

It is not advisable to keep a bull outside. It cannot withstand cold and high humidity. However, a cramped city apartment will not be enough for him. All this needs to be taken into account before getting a four-legged friend.

Care includes the following rules:

  • Bathing. For short wool, simply wipe with a damp towel. It does not have an unpleasant odor. The boule is bathed several times a year.
  • Shedding. To avoid litter in the house, comb the coat once or twice a week with a special mitten. In the off-season, it is advisable to do this every day due to shedding.
  • Claws. When walking on hard surfaces, the claws wear down by themselves and there is no need to trim them. But if your pet walks exclusively on soft ground, you need to use a nail clipper.
  • Hygiene. Check your ears and eyes regularly and remove dirt if necessary.

Be sure to get vaccinated according to the plan developed by your veterinarian. It is better to make entries about them in your passport, so that if you need to travel abroad, the documentation will be ready.

Places for sale of bull terrier puppies

It is possible to buy a first-class baby from a qualified nursery.
Be sure to ask for all documents, a medical card, and study the puppy’s pedigree. When choosing a pet, carefully observe it: what is its activity and curiosity. The pet should have a good appetite and good weight. In addition, you can buy a friend through an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet, as well as at the poultry market. These options do not always guarantee that the animal is healthy, has a good pedigree, etc. It is worth remembering: a purebred bull terrier is quite difficult to find from a private person.

What to feed?

The Bull Terrier's diet is not significantly different from other breeds. If you prefer ready-made food, opt for premium products. It is also worth considering such factors as whether the dog will participate in exhibitions, what kind of temperament and mobility it has, and whether there are any health problems.

For those who choose natural food, there are several rules:

  • Daily rate: 2-3% of the animal’s weight. If the animal begins to gain weight, reduce the portions; if it loses weight, increase it.
  • Meat should make up 70% of the daily requirement.
  • By-products can replace meat a couple of times a week. Moreover, their volume should be twice the usual amount of meat.

According to reviews from owners, boules are prone to obesity, so nutrition must be selected carefully and taking into account individual characteristics. It is better to consult with the breeder and veterinarian.


Dogs of this breed are characterized by a tendency to gain excess body weight, in other words, obesity. The weight of a miniature bull terrier , if we are talking about an adult, should not exceed 15 kg.

Owners are under no circumstances recommended to feed their pet from their table. In addition, it is important to monitor portion dosages. It’s good if the dog receives factory products, and it should be of the premium or extra-premium category.

In this case, manufacturers have already calculated the balance, as well as the amount of microelements and vitamins, and prescribed the dosage of servings on the packaging, based on the size and age of the dog.

Miniature Bull Terrier Puppy

If the dog receives natural products, then the owners themselves must calculate the required number of grams, and also include vitamin supplements in the diet. Miniature Bull Terrier puppies eat up to 6 times a day; with age, the number of feedings per day decreases and by 9-10 months the dog can be switched to a two-time diet.

It is important to ensure that there is no food left in the bowl after eating. In any case, 20 minutes after feeding, the dishes must be removed. But drinking water should be constantly available at any time of the year and day.

In addition, for dogs that eat natural foods, it is important to exclude sweets, flour, salty and fried foods from their diet. The basis should be meat and offal, fermented milk and vegetables. Sometimes you can give porridge.

Rice and buckwheat cereals are suitable. They are optimal for almost any breed, including those prone to obesity and allergies. It is important that the food is not only high in calories, but also easy to digest.


Dogs of this breed reach sexual maturity by one and a half years, and the optimal time to start mating is 2-3 years. The gestation period lasts about 2-2.5 months. Usually there are 5-7 pups in one litter.

Choosing a puppy

To choose a healthy puppy, you need to contact a nursery. Official breeders have a guarantee that this is a purebred animal. Due to the specifics and characteristics of the Bull Terrier breed, it is not advisable to buy mixed breeds. They can be aggressive and have an unbalanced psyche. You can check the reputation of the kennel on the website of the National Breed Club.

Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the following factors:

  • No deafness.
  • Appearance. The puppy must be well-fed, with clean ears and eyes.
  • Behavior. Healthy bull terrier babies should be playful and wary, but kindly, towards strangers.
  • Teeth: completeness and bite.
  • Parents. Look at the puppies' parents. Their appearance and behavior. This will allow you to imagine what the grown dog will be like.
  • Conditions of detention. Puppies should be kept in a clean, draft-free area.
  • Pedigrees. Documentation is a guarantee that this is not a rejected puppy, but a purebred puppy that meets FCI standards.

Be sure to take the breeder’s phone number so that you can get further advice on care and education. The age when the baby is ready to move to a new home is 2.5-3 months.

How much does a bull terrier puppy cost?

The Bull Terrier needs daily walks and exercise. You need to constantly educate your four-legged friend. Without the owner's enthusiasm, the dog will become lazy and develop bad habits.

To determine how much a puppy costs, you first need to understand the standard classification:

  • show;
  • Pat;
  • brid.

The most expensive and outstanding pets are representatives of the show class. The puppies of this litter have an excellent pedigree. They are predicted to have a wonderful prospect as a champion and participation in exhibitions. A healthy and chic bull terrier in Russia costs about 60 thousand rubles. and more.

The second group is not characterized by outstanding features. A budget pet will cost 20-40 thousand rubles. This representative of the breed is also unique and capable of a long and active existence, sometimes not inferior to elite bull terriers.

The third class belongs to pets that are not deprived of health and excellent data, but do not have a remarkable pedigree. Such puppies can later take part in exhibitions and win ranks and titles. Such babies cost from 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

It is not uncommon for breeders to sell older dogs. A 4-6 month old bull terrier is valued more expensive than small puppies. The cost for a grown dog starts from 40 thousand rubles.

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