Estrus in dogs from A to Z: symptoms, duration, problems

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The female puppy sweetie quickly becomes a pretty, mature lady. There is something inevitable about a dog’s growing up that every owner should be aware of. A dog's estrus is a natural process, indicating that the female puppy has already become an adult and can take part in mating and bearing puppies herself. We invite you to learn more about what estrus is in dogs and what owners can do about it.

How is estrus going?

If the breeder has a good understanding of the basic physiological aspects of the process, then no special problems arise. If the owner has no idea what is happening in the dog’s body, then there is a high risk of unwanted pregnancy. For breeding bitches intended for breeding, this can cause subsequent culling. That is why it is important to understand how estrus occurs and what dangers await your pet during this period.

Estrus phases

The entire period of the cycle can be divided into four phases. Each of them has its own physiological nuances and behavioral signs.

1. Proestrus . This phase is also called the precursor phase. Duration ranges from 7 to 10 days . At this stage, the dog shows the first signs of impending estrus. The blood supply to the external genital organs increases, they increase in size and “swell”. A few days later the first spotting appears. For the most comfortable keeping in the house, you should purchase special underpants for your dog, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises on the floor and interior items.

The pet's behavior also undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable, actively marks its territory, and shows interest in male dogs. She's flirting, but not ready for mating yet. When trying to mate, it shows aggression, moves to the side or sits on the ground.

2. Estrus . The second name of the phase is rut. The period of sexual hunting itself. During the first 2-3 days after the onset of estrus, ovulation occurs. Several eggs are released from the ovaries, ready for fertilization. This phase begins on average 11 days after the start of bleeding. The owner should remember that the dog allows male dogs in for several days, and not just at the time of ovulation. Consequently, the risk of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males persists for quite a long time.

The classic sign that demonstrates the female’s readiness for mating is the complete absence of discharge, as well as a change in bloody color to transparent or light pink. A heavily swollen loop is also a characteristic sign that the dog is ready to mate. When trying to stroke the base of the tail, the female moves it to the side, raises her pelvis and freezes in this position.

Pay attention to our article: Dog mating. From theory to practice

3. Metaestrus . Its duration is about 60-100 days . The discharge has stopped and the size of the vulva is gradually decreasing. The female shows aggression towards males who show interest in her. The attenuation of sexual activity gradually appears.

During this same phase, the animal experiences an increased amount of progesterone. The result is often a false pregnancy.

4. Anestrus. This name is given to the period between two heats. Its duration ranges from 4 to 8 months . The duration of the period varies depending on the breed, size and age of the pet, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism. Different cycle lengths can be observed even in one individual and this depends on its physiological and psychological state, as well as a number of other factors.

Changes in behavior with the onset of estrus

From the very first day - proestrus - females lose control over themselves. A calm and kind girl suddenly becomes uncontrollable, constantly tries to run away or shows aggression towards members of the household. In addition, changes in behavior with the onset of estrus are characterized by increased interest in the opposite sex. At the same time, the bitch can rush at females and behave aggressively, and when she sees a male dog she becomes energetic.

Appetite may change, either upward or vice versa. There is a frequent urge to urinate, associated with blood supply to the genital area. Disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system are almost always observed in females with the onset of estrus.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

For an experienced breeder, the first heat will never come as a surprise. But what if this is your first dog or until now you have only kept males? Veterinarians remind that there are a number of signs that will help an observant owner recognize an approaching heat and prepare for its onset.

The most characteristic signs indicating a dog’s puberty include:

  • Swelling of the genital loop. At first it is slightly noticeable, but after a few days the swelling increases;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge in the urine;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge;
  • Behavior change. The animal becomes aggressive towards other females and becomes nervous;
  • There may be a change in appetite. The dog may completely refuse food or begin to absorb it in larger quantities than usual;
  • Flirts with male dogs;
  • At the moment of touching the pelvic area, the dog freezes and moves its tail to the side;

Another sign of estrus is molting. It can cause additional troubles to the owner, in addition to the classic discharge during this period.

It is important to understand that during the first heat the signs may not be clearly expressed and it is quite easy to miss the start of the cycle. Males, at the same time, may not pay attention to the female. Or they may show increased attention to her. This is due to the hormonal background of the animal and it is practically impossible to predict the development of events.

Features of caring for a bitch in heat

During their first heat, dogs may not be careful and leave bloody spots everywhere. If the dog does not lick itself thoroughly, you can put on special hygiene panties for the first time. They resemble baby panties and are sold in pet stores. But you shouldn’t abuse wearing panties - it’s important that the dog immediately gets used to licking itself. For the same purpose, it is recommended to remove carpets in the house.

Features of caring for a dog during heat:

  1. Walk your dog on a leash throughout the entire period of heat. It is advisable to abandon the roulette leash at this time and switch to a short leash.
  2. Walk in places where there are no males or other females. Females become aggressive and may behave inappropriately towards dogs of both sexes.
  3. Limit walking outside in cold weather. The current bitch's body is susceptible to hypothermia and infections.
  4. Do not allow your dog to swim in ponds. During the period of estrus, the animal's vulnerability to the genitourinary system increases.
  5. You cannot approach male dogs even on a leash. Mating can happen in a matter of seconds.

How to ensure cleanliness

The issue of hygiene is one of the most important during the estrous cycle. A walking female will leave blood stains on the floor, furniture, and carpets. What should owners do to ensure cleanliness?

  • Remove all fabric and carpeting from the floor.
  • Cover all the upholstered furniture on which the dog is used to lying and sleeping with old towels or blankets. There is no need to drive the dog away from these places - this will negatively affect its psyche.
  • Carry out daily wet cleaning. It is advisable to remove stains as they arise.
  • Use special underpants for dogs.

Briefs for heat

The pet industry offers many models of pet panties of varying quality and size. Panties help keep the house clean and protect the animal from bacteria and infections. The product is convenient because it can be worn at home, on a walk, or while traveling on public transport. Wearing underpants during emptying is especially important for pets sleeping in the owner's bed.

Types of panties:

  • disposable (diapers);
  • reusable fabric (with a pocket for padding).


  • protect furniture and floor surfaces from stains;
  • interfere with random mating;
  • protect against infections and bacteria.


  • cannot be worn constantly;
  • not all pets can relieve themselves in them;
  • dogs may experience discomfort.

How does a dog's behavior change during heat?

During the period of estrus, the mood and behavior of the dog undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable. There may be difficulties with behavior during walks. A previously perfectly trained dog may refuse to follow basic commands, show dissatisfaction at the end of a walk, react aggressively to other bitches and show increased attention to males of any breed.

A negative reaction to individuals of the same sex continues throughout the entire period of sexual hunting. But the female begins to let males in from the second phase. That is why dog ​​handlers and experienced breeders strive to teach a dog to wear special underpants and prefer to walk the animal only on a leash. This allows you to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy, as well as maintain control over your pet’s behavior.

Limiting your dog's walks in crowded places will help avoid the consequences of inappropriate behavior and reduce the risk of unpleasant situations.

Until what age does sexual estrus last in females?

The female's estrous cycle does not stop throughout her life. In older bitches, signs of heat may be less pronounced and occur less frequently. However, the dog retains reproductive capacity. Therefore, the owner needs to keep an eye on the animal: walk the pet on a leash, keep male dogs away, and use means of protection against unwanted mating.

The complete cessation of estrus in an “aged” female indicates the presence of pathologies of the thyroid gland or genitourinary system.

Timing of the onset of the first estrus in dogs of different breeds

As a rule, females of miniature breeds enter puberty much earlier than their larger female friends.

Thus, in Yorkshire terriers, French lapdogs, Italian greyhounds and toy terriers, the first heat occurs at the age of 5-6 months.

For animals of medium breeds, this period shifts to 7-9 months. Bitches belonging to large breeds (shepherd dogs, Labradors, Rottweilers) enter puberty closer to one year.

And representatives of giant breeds (St. Bernards, Great Danes) mature after a year and their first heat appears much later than in other females.

What can the owner do

Interfering with the natural processes of hormonal regulation unless absolutely necessary is not only not necessary, but also not advisable. What should the owner do during the first heat? It is important to alleviate the pet’s condition and make the hunting period safe.

  1. Be sure to record the time of onset of estrus and the age of the dog at that moment. Pay attention to the duration and nature of the manifestation of the stages in the cycle. Note for yourself the behavior and clinical manifestations of estrus throughout the entire cycle.
  2. The dog should be monitored with increased attention, but you should not scold it for behavior that is unusual for it during this period.
  3. To prevent the bitch from staining anything around her with secretions, it is recommended to put special panties on her or keep her in a separate room, regularly changing the bedding in the place where the animal sleeps.
  4. Walking the dog should only be done on a leash to avoid escapes and unnecessary contact with male dogs.
  5. Strictly do not allow other people's dogs to lick the dog's loop to prevent infection.
  6. When the dog is in heat, bitches are usually not taken to shows, festivals or dog competitions.
  7. Swimming in open natural bodies of water is not recommended to avoid infection with various infections.
  8. Interrupting estrus with medication should only be done with strict instructions from a veterinarian.
  9. You should monitor the diet and frequency of feeding - overfeeding is not recommended.
  10. It is not advisable to impregnate a female dog during her very first heat, because... the body has not yet prepared for bearing puppies.
  11. You should definitely give the bitch a bath after her first heat, washing off the peculiar “hunting” smell that attracts males, which will allow her to quickly enter the resting stage if fertilization does not occur.
  12. If the dog owner does not plan to breed puppies, then after the end of the first heat it is better to sterilize the dog

Problems during heat

One of the most common problems faced by dog ​​owners is frequent urination immediately before the start of the emptying session. If the animal is not used to limiting itself, then it is recommended to increase the frequency of walks or transfer the pet to an enclosure where it will be alone.

The use of special panties and constant monitoring allows you to avoid unwanted pregnancy. If the dog stops obeying the owner and tries to escape during the walk, then the optimal solution would be to walk the animal on a leash during the off-leash period.

Some bitches may experience changes in the frequency of estrus, its intensity, or the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge. You should not try to figure out the problem yourself. You should seek help from a specialist who will identify the cause of this dog’s condition. It will also help correct the estrus cycle.

General condition of the bitch

You can understand that a dog is in heat either using a special calendar or based on the symptoms it exhibits. The first option is more reliable, but is completely unsuitable for determining the first void.


A dog's behavior before going into heat manifests itself in different ways. Some show aggression, others show excessive friendliness, and others show apathy. Such states are individual, but rarely coincide with the usual state of the pet. If you notice the first behavioral changes, do not forget to check the physiological ones. Only together do they indicate the onset of menstruation.

Physiological changes

Physiological symptoms of estrus in a dog are manifested in loss of appetite, deviation of body temperature from normal and the appearance of urinary incontinence. Eternally hungry animals begin to refuse their favorite food or finickyly dig into the bowl, throwing out some of the food.

There is an increase in body temperature within 0.5°C. Frequent urination occurs due to increased estrogen levels, which reduce the number of nerve cells in the bladder sphincter. As a result, the valve ceases to fulfill its role of containing urine.

Undesirable consequences of estrus

Subsequent complications include the mating of a small female with a large male, which will lead to the formation of large fruits. In this case, independent delivery is difficult. And if the breeder missed the moment of mating, then the supervision of a veterinarian is necessary in order to monitor the condition of the bitch.

There is also a danger of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males in females intended for breeding. If this becomes known, the pet will forever lose the right to participate in improving the line and maintaining the purity of the breed.

Unwanted pregnancy

If the breeder suspects that the bitch has been bred, then the only reasonable solution would be to visit a veterinarian. The specialist examines the dog and, based on its physiological state, selects a drug to terminate the pregnancy.

It should be understood that such a decision will not be easy and may cause certain health problems for the bitch in the future. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of medications that can be used both on the first day after mating and a few days later.

Abortion could be a radical solution. In this case, the dog is no longer suitable for breeding because its uterus has been completely removed. In any case, the decision should be made only after consultation with a veterinarian. The specialist will talk about possible complications and adverse consequences of any choice of the breeder.

Pay attention to our article: Pregnancy in dogs: main signs

False pupishness.

If the bitch has not been bred, then after a short time she may show signs of pregnancy. This condition is called “false pregnancy” and is associated with an increased level of progesterone in the animal’s body.

It is extremely rare for a dog to cope with the problem on its own and its hormonal levels gradually return to normal. In most cases, the help of a veterinarian is necessary, who selects a course of medications to normalize hormonal levels and stabilize the psychological state of the pet.

We have previously written about false pregnancy in dogs: False pregnancy in dogs - what to do and how to treat?

Drugs to reduce or stop estrus

Many owners do not want their dog to produce offspring every year. This is especially true for those who do not have purebred animals, mongrels, or who do not plan to sell puppies later. In this case, veterinarians advise the use of special medications, divided into two types:

  • hormonal-based drugs that stop estrus;
  • drugs that reduce sexual desire, on a non-hormonal basis.

Important! Hormonal medications should not be given to a dog without the supervision of a veterinarian. They must be given to the female according to the schedule, as they interrupt ovulation, which can lead to complications in the body.

Table of hormonal medications to stop estrus:

Name, manufacturerActionPrice
Kovinar, (Netherlands)Available in the form of injections, it prevents estrus and provokes termination of false pregnancy.From 1800 rub. up to 2200 rub.
Sex Barrier (Russia)Available in the form of drops or tablets. Intended for contraception. 10 tablets – 170 rub.
Bottle of drops (3 m) – 245 rub.
Stop Intimate Api Sun
Tablets to delay or interrupt ovulation.Pack of 12 tablets – 190 rub.

Drugs to reduce sexual desire on a non-hormonal basis do not stop estrus, but significantly reduce the female’s arousal and make it easier to endure this period.

Anti-estrus tablets for dogs:

Name, manufacturerActionPrice
Hormone Balancer
Plant-based product. Improves dog behavior and has a calming effect. Used during estrus, after childbirth, during false pregnancy. The bottle contains 25 ml of liquid - price 2,700 rubles.
Da-ba Relax Plus
Calming tablets. Helps the female survive estrus without stress for herself and her body. Pack of 30 pcs. tablets. Price – 450 Russian rubles.
Api San Stop Stress
Drops for internal use. They reduce libido and have a calming effect on the nervous system. 15 ml in a bottle – price 260 rubles.

Important! Before using any medications, consultation with a veterinarian is required!

How to discourage male dogs during heat

It is not possible to completely discourage male dogs during the period of heat. But manufacturers offer a whole range of high-quality and effective sprays that will help partially eliminate the odor and reduce the number of males attracted.

The following products are available on the domestic market:

  • Spray from ;
  • “True Friend” - eliminates oestrus odor;
  • Manufacturer Le Artis offers touch-me-not spray;
  • From the domestic manufacturer Himol, you can find the drug “Antikobelin” on store shelves.

It’s worth noting right away that it will not be possible to completely remove the smell of a bitch and males will still pursue her when free-walking. But the aroma that attracts them will become significantly less and the likelihood of attracting animals from more distant territories will be much lower.

Unwanted dog pregnancy

An unwanted pregnancy in a dog can be a real shock for the owner. The problem most often arises due to the owner’s carelessness. Unwanted fertilization and pregnancy can be prevented only if you adhere to a number of rules:

  • always keep your bitch on a leash while walking;
  • avoid walking areas with male dogs (you can pick up a small bitch and carry it home, try to distract a larger one with treats and also leave the place);
  • for a walk, wear sanitary underpants purchased at a pet store according to the size of the animal;
  • keep the female in the enclosure if a male lives in the same territory.

Using hormone-based drugs to stop estrus is a big mistake, which can lead to dire consequences in the future.

How to keep a bitch and a dog in the same room when the bitch is in heat

Safely keeping a dog and a bitch in the same room during the emptying period is a difficult and troublesome task. For a bitch, you need to stock up on a large number of special panties that are securely fixed on her body and prevent unscheduled mating. The use of sprays can reduce the intensity of the odor and partially alleviate the condition of the dog.

Manufacturers of veterinary drugs also offer sedatives that will help the pet survive the most dangerous period of emptying. How safe are these medications? Of course, they are not beneficial for the dog’s health. Should I use sedatives on my dog ​​if the bitch is in heat? The answer to this question must be decided by the animal owner himself.

One of the most effective and efficient methods is to separate dogs during estrus. It is necessary to place the animals in different rooms to minimize the risk of unwanted mating. Also, some breeders practice "vacation". During the period of heat, the male is simply sent to close friends or relatives.


On what day of heat should a dog be bred?

This indicator is individual for each individual. The optimal period is considered to be 9-13 days. Breeders keep a calendar and calculate the best day for mating empirically.

Is it possible to spay a dog during heat or should I wait until it is over?

There is no clear answer to this question. This should be answered by a veterinarian. The doctor must take into account the dog’s health status and the presence of medical contraindications.

Can a dog get pregnant without being in heat?

Of course not. A pregnancy that is unexpected for the animal’s owners is the result of an estrus that went unnoticed.

What should you do if your dog has swollen mammary glands after estrus?

Immediately show the animal to the doctor, he will be able to make a diagnosis. A symptom usually has two causes. The first is that fertilization has passed and pregnancy has occurred. The second is false pupishness.

How many times do dogs come into heat per year? What frequency is considered normal?

In veterinary medicine, a frequency of 1-2 times a year is considered conventionally normal. The indicator is individual.

Do spayed dogs go into heat?

If a sterilization operation is performed (without removing the reproductive organs), then the dog remains in estrus. If castration (ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy) was performed, there should be no heat. The presence of bloody discharge after castration is a bad sign.

Until what age do dogs go into heat? At what age does this process stop?

Dogs do not have menopause; the estrous cycle continues throughout their lives. But, veterinarians and professional breeders believe that all dogs over 7 years of age must be sterilized with complete removal of the uterus and ovaries. Pregnancy and childbirth in dogs older than 7 years is a big risk and burden on the animal’s body.

We have a Labrador Retriever. The girl is not sterilized. The last heat was a little over a year ago. Why hasn't my dog ​​been in heat for a year?

You did not specify the age of the pet. In older pets (over 8 years old), estrus may occur less frequently and less intensely. A delay in young females indicates problems.

Is it possible to worm a dog during heat?

You can deworm and treat for external parasites without any restrictions. The only thing that cannot be done is vaccination.

Is it possible to wash a dog during heat?

There are two opinions on this matter. Some veterinarians believe that water procedures are completely contraindicated. The latter do not see the need to refuse the owners. They allow pets to be bathed. The only thing they are unanimous about is that you shouldn’t let your dog into open, cold water. There is a risk of infection and inflammation of the genitourinary system.

How to walk a bitch during heat?

The frequency of walking does not change. Where there are no or few other dogs. The leash is short. Excessive physical activity is not allowed. Before going outside, it is recommended to treat your dog with a spray that neutralizes the smell of a female dog in heat.

What to do if your dog doesn't eat after being in heat?

Lack of appetite after estrus may indicate serious problems with the reproductive system. Be sure to take your dog to the vet.

Does your dog have white discharge after being in heat? What to do?

White discharge, discharge of any other color (brown, green) is an indication for a visit to the veterinary clinic. Call a specialist immediately to your home if the discharge has a strong odor.

What time of year is it most common for dogs to go into heat?

Street pets usually go for walks with the arrival of spring. There is no such pattern for pets.

Veterinarian advice

The correct behavior of the owner during the dog’s heat period is the key to its health and well-being in its subsequent life. Veterinarians remind that if the breeder does not currently plan to obtain offspring from the dog, then it should not be bred.

Every mating is a huge risk of getting an unwanted pregnancy. Before estrus, your veterinarian may prescribe a course of medications that prevent ovulation. After the end of estrus, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the animal. After 2 months, signs of a false pregnancy may appear. In this case, you will need to consult a specialist and possibly prescribe medications.

If the owner does not plan to breed a bitch, then sterilization will be a good solution, which will immediately solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy.

The main sign of readiness for motherhood

Estrus is the main sign that a dog’s body is ready to bear puppies.

The physiological mechanism of this phenomenon is exactly the same as the mechanism for the appearance of menstruation in women.

A dog's first heat appears at different times, depending on its breed:

If we are talking about mating a bitch and subsequent pregnancy, then you should not expect that this will happen during the first heat.

Only a veterinarian will tell you the exact period of the onset of estrus after examining the dog.

When does the first heat occur?

In dogs of medium breeds, estrus begins in the age period from 7 months to 1.5 years. It can be noticed by the onset of heavy molting. The first heat is usually the shortest in duration. It may be mild, with a small amount of blood. It usually begins after the dog's teeth have changed.

False estrus also occurs. It is possible in dogs close to puberty. If mating is allowed during it, estrus may be interrupted without ovulation occurring. However, after a few days, estrus may resume, the discharge will become abundant, which will attract male dogs.

How many days are there?

The duration of the cycle depends on several factors: nutrition, conditions of detention, age, size, breed. A specific value can only be determined through observation and recording of data. On average, the period lasts 20-25 days . Although the first heat is often short-lived, it can last 3-5 days . Stability of the cycle appears only by 2-3 years.

How long does it last for representatives of small breeds?

Puberty occurs earlier in small dogs; as a rule, the first heat appears at 6-12 months . It lasts no longer than 10 days . The next phase comes after 6-8 months and lasts about 18-20 days .

In large breeds

Large dogs mature later, at 12-18 months . Due to their size, the volume of secretions is greater than that of small females. The duration of the first cycle lasts up to 15 days , and subsequent phases take place in 25-30 days.

If there is no heat

It is worth understanding that the organisms of each individual are individual and cycles can develop differently. According to generally accepted veterinary standards, estrus should occur twice a year, but ideal coincidence of intervals is a rare case. The regularity of the process is monitored only in experienced strong females aged from 4 to 7-8 years .

Young females are extremely unstable. The first heat does not have to go according to schedule. It is considered normal if a dog begins to leak at 6-18 months. The next phase is planned after 4-8 months , sometimes after 1 year . It depends on the breed (Laikas and Greyhounds breed less frequently), size, and psychological state. It is worth contacting a veterinarian if the heat does not occur for more than a year, and the second and third do not come within 6-8 months .

If the owner plans to breed or breed puppies, then it is important to monitor the frequency of the cycles, but there is no need to worry about delays, especially if the female feels normal.

If there are cycle disorders in an adult, there is no need to panic right away.

  • Firstly, the owner could simply have determined the date incorrectly.
  • Secondly, there are different durations of the quiet phase. Usually, long and short alternate. Therefore, the delay may be just a long phase; it usually occurs in the autumn-winter period.

Another reason for delay or failure is the simple aging process of the body. Older females flow less frequently, this should not bother the owner, although it is still necessary to monitor the phases. Dogs do not have a complete stop in reproductive activity; the absence of estrus in this case requires a trip to the veterinary clinic.

Sometimes estrus is delayed due to negative environmental factors. The pet's body can independently decide when it needs to block reproduction. For example, if the conditions for the birth of puppies are currently unsuitable, the female is subject to severe stress, works or trains hard, and eats poorly. Relocations, changes of owners, and climatic conditions may affect this.

If there really is a delay, then there is reason to worry. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian to determine the cause. The absence of estrus is not always a dangerous disease. There are several congenital problems not related to diseases of the reproductive system, which are characterized by instability of the cycle, but do not harm the health of the animal:

  • Anostria is a congenital pathology in which sexual estrus never occurs and estrus does not occur; may manifest itself in the form of a galloping form, when regular estrus is replaced by their long-term absence;
  • Subacute - almost imperceptible phases of estrus, which can only be detected through analysis.

The absence of sexual heat can also be a symptom of serious diseases that cannot be determined only through observations and conclusions. The cause may be inflammation of the uterus, tumors, hormonal imbalances, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. In this case, the specialist will prescribe tests: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, urine and blood tests, cytological analysis and other research methods.

Hygiene rules

Dog owners often wonder: should their pet wear special underpants during estrus? There are pros and cons to wearing them.

Veterinarians do not recommend using such a hygienic device during estrus, since the dog must lick itself.

But sometimes such panties are simply necessary: ​​for example, a pet is used to sleeping on a bed or she has to travel on public transport. In the second case, you should take care to protect the dog from infections.

When choosing hygiene panties for your dog, you should evaluate the material from which they are made. It must be natural. A hole is necessary for the tail, and seams are undesirable so that the animal's skin is not irritated. This item must be chosen in size so that the dog feels comfortable. There are options with Velcro and fasteners. There are even overalls.

Owners who want to save money make such products themselves from children's rompers or shorts.

How to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But it is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating will be an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to keep an eye on the dog while walking, do not let it off the leash and do not allow strangers to get too close.

You can purchase a special product at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores that eliminates the odor that attracts male dogs. It is used to treat the back of the pet’s body before each walk.

On what day of heat can a dog be bred?

First of all, it is important to know that you can breed a female no earlier than her third heat. It is then that the formation of the body ends, the girl is ready to bear and give birth to strong, healthy offspring. Experienced females themselves know when to let a male in. It works on an instinctive level. The most favorable days are considered to be 11-13 , when the loop softens and the discharge acquires a transparent whitish color. Although a girl can accept a male at 14-17 days .

We recommend that you read the article: “Features of caring for a pregnant dog: what you need to know about it.”

After giving birth, it is advised to skip 1 heat before the next mating, although if the dog is in heat once a year, then you can breed each time. It is believed that during this period the girl has time to recover. Sometimes breeders breed animals 2 times without skipping, and on the 3rd they allow the female to rest. The best period for giving birth is the autumn-winter period, then the puppies appear strong and strong.

A few words about terminology

You can distinguish an experienced dog breeder from a beginner by simply asking: “Who is your dog?” When you hear the answer with pride: “Bitch!”, you know that in front of you is an experienced owner. Dog ladies are definitely females, and gentlemen are males, which does not prevent them from remaining beloved by girls, boys, daughters and sons.

So, the internal genital organs of the bitch:

  • ovaries
  • uterus
  • fallopian tubes
  • vagina

The vagina ends with the vulva (loop) - the external genital organ. The loop is located slightly below the anus. During estrus, it increases in size, swells, and becomes soft.

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