Dog from the movie "Adventures of Electronics": breed

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After the release of the film “The Adventures of Electronics” in 1979, there was not a boy or girl in the Soviet Union who did not dream of having a dog like Ressy as a pet. She embodied all the best qualities of a true true friend: intelligence, devotion and courage. Who played this role and what breed is this dog?

  • 2 Why the Airedale Terrier
  • 3 The artist who played the role of Ressi
  • 4 Interesting facts about the Airedale terrier breed

    4.1 Video: Airedale terrier dog breed


  • Description of the Airedale Terrier breed
  • Russian National Airedale Terrier Breed Club
  • Terrier-Union of Russia
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Bull Terrier (standard and miniature) • Staffordshire Bull Terrier • American Staffordshire Terrier

Australian Silky Terrier • English Toy Terrier (black and tan) • Yorkshire Terrier

>Dog from the movie Elektronik: breed, photo, price

About the dog

Two dogs were responsible for this role: Sin and Duke. And beyond the Thames, where the adventures of three bachelor Londoners take place, are the Neman and Sheshupe rivers in the Kaliningrad region. According to the plot, it was a sunny summer, but in reality, filming lasted until November and it was far from hot.

“I was with the guys for about a month,” says People’s Artist Georgy Shtil, who played the mustachioed captain. – Some episodes became a real test for the actors. At the end of summer it is quite cold to be on the water, and we had to film in swimsuits. In addition to the fact that they needed to control the boat, the guys had to find a common language with dogs - understudies named Sin and Duke. Two dogs were specially cast for the role of Montmorency.

The fact that Shirvindt did not really like dogs and threw Sin into the water is not true...

— According to the script, this dog is not only smart, but also kind. And fox terriers are not particularly merciful. So we selected animals completely different in character. The Duke was very capricious. If he didn’t like something, he could get angry, but he responded to commands and performed all the tricks exactly. But Sin was soft, absent-minded and did not do what was required of him, he was distracted by those around him, and could not concentrate for a long time. The fact that Shirvindt did not really like dogs and threw Sin into the water is not true. Alexander has a huge soul and a kind heart. He knew how to find the key to any animal, despite all the difficulties.

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“I’ve always had dogs since childhood,” actress Irina Mazurkevich (she plays the role of Patricia) admits to Antenna. “I liked to blow on the dogs’ noses, and then they would start licking them.” This touched me. During the filming, I also decided to do the same with the fox terrier, but apparently he misunderstood me. Almost bit off the tip of my nose. Miraculously, I managed to dodge! It even remained in the feed.

The nickname "Ressy" stands for "Rare Electronic Perfect Dog". The electronics were given to him by the owner of a toy store because the boy helped him fix broken mechanisms. A boy brings his pet to life and turns him into a robot. This delighted the young spectators, because everyone dreamed that their toy would speak.

The film is based on the story of the Soviet writer Evgeny Veltistov “Electronic - the boy from the suitcase.” In it, Ressi is referred to as a black terrier. In the film "The Adventures of Electronics" the dog breed is slightly different - the role of the robot dog was played by the Airedale terrier Chingiz. This is a fairly large dog, some grow up to 60 cm in height.

The character of this breed is ideal for filming in films. Active, sociable, and intelligent animals obediently follow commands and easily make contact with people. These animals have a good memory - they can remember grievances even from childhood. Thanks to their developed intelligence, animals learn quickly and easily.

Sometimes the dog does not pay attention to commands, but this is not due to misunderstanding, but due to excessive independence. Airedale Terriers can become stubborn at the most inopportune times. Another of the main character traits of the breed is emotionality. Dogs clearly show their feelings, but are not at all aggressive.

You can keep a dog in any residential premises: both in a private house and in an apartment. They get along well with people if they are loved and given enough attention. A well-groomed Airedale Terrier really looks like a soft toy come to life, like the dog from the movie “The Adventures of Electronics.”

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Erdel Chingiz, who became famous thanks to this film, continued his film career after filming. In 1980, the film “The Life and Adventures of Four Friends” was released, in which the dog played the role of Bagel. And the breed itself became very popular in the Soviet Union - every young viewer wanted a dog like the one in Elektronika.

Everyone knows this

From the movie “The Adventures of Electronics” The name of the dog is Electronics Ressi

Words by Entin Yu. Music by Krylatov E.

If the light in the window fades, Cats scratch your soul, Who can help you, Who will drive the cats away.

Everyone knows this, these are not words, There is no creature more devoted to a dog. There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

If someone decides to encroach on the owners, who will be able to stand next to them and bite the impudent one.

Everyone knows this, these are not words, There is no creature more devoted to a dog. There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

He who understands any order without a word, who does not demand rewards, is happy to be around.

Everyone knows this, these are not words, There is no creature more devoted to a dog. There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

By the way, after the series was published, puppies of this wonderful breed appeared in many Soviet families. I remember how terribly jealous my classmate Yulka was that she had an Airedale whose name was Jerry. The dog was adopted from a kennel and already knew all the commands. Nevertheless, this well-mannered dog was not averse to jumping in the huge spring puddles to the delight of all the children and to additional work for Yulka’s not very pleased father. I was also amazed that the airedale let me wipe my dirty paws every time before entering the apartment after a walk. What was the name of the dog from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics"? You can hear it for yourself, see for yourself if you don’t believe it, by watching this film on the Internet online. I also offer you a list of films with dogs by breed, our wonderful four-legged favorites. “Electronic dog’s name,” by the way, is never repeated in the song.

Club address: st. Dovatortsev 52V (intersection with Kosmonavtov Street). Opening hours: from 10.00 to 17.00, closed on Monday. Phones: 8 8

Lassie - the personification of honor and valor

The fictional collie movie character, the famous Lassie, turned 82 this year. It was in 1938 that the story “Lassie Come Home” was published in the Saturday Evening Post magazine. A little later, in 1940, the author of the story, British writer Eric Knight, expanded it into a novel.

In 1943, the book was adapted into the first film about Lassie, called “Lassie Come Back,” which was completely consistent with the plot of the book, where Roddy McDowall brilliantly played the leading role.

Famous Lassie

Since then, numerous sequels have been filmed - films, series, and television programs in which characters from other stories about animals act. It should be noted that Lassie is still more alive than all living movie characters; more than 80 years after her first appearance on the screen, she is still a highly sought-after film brand. Truly, this character (like the cat) has nine lives.

This adorable collie manages to become much more than just a dog who spends the entire movie just going home. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain once said:


There are quite a lot of Airedale nurseries in Russia. On average, the price for Airedale terrier puppies varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. It depends on the titles of the parents and the level of the nursery where you buy the puppy.

By asking private breeders, you can find pedigree babies starting from 10,000 rubles.

They say about Airedale Terriers that they are dogs with sharp teeth and a sharp mind, created for those who want to try everything in life! Buy it and in return you will receive a devoted friend with a huge loving heart.

Interesting facts about the Airedale Terrier

The most interesting facts related to the Airedale Terrier - the king among terriers:

The breed appeared in response to the need of hunters for a dog that could swim well, hunt in water and on land, dig the ground, drive out burrowing animals and run fast. The Airedale Terrier fully satisfies all the requirements of a universal hunter. Endurance. This Airedale trait is colorfully described by June Dutcher and Janet Johnson Framke in The New Book of the Airedale. The dogs drove the water rats into the water and starved the otter, which was accustomed to the water element, by swimming around it, and sometimes diving after the prey until it was exhausted. Fearlessness. In The Hunt (1760), Daniel describes how the Airedale terrier alone copes with a badger or wild cat. He penetrates the fox's dark hole, tearing it apart or dragging it out. The dog boldly enters into battle even with several opponents, with agility and speed forcing them to surrender. Friendliness and contact. Erdeli get along well with children and adults. Even an adult dog quickly gets used to a new family and home. Independence in decision making. During competitions popular in the 19th century. in Northern England, the Airedale Terrier had to work on both sides of the water barrier, and since this made leadership difficult, the dog itself had to learn to make instant decisions. Mental stability. Erdeli are not afraid of loud, sharp sounds or flashes, so they were often used as “gun” dogs. During the wars, Airedale Terriers served as orderlies, signalmen, miners, and demolition workers. These brave warriors earned the title of "tank destroyers" as they bravely threw themselves under the tracks and dropped their deadly payload. Excellent sense of smell. Airedale Terriers are used in geological exploration parties to search for ore deposits, which they sense at a depth of 7-12 meters. Devotion to duty. Airedale Terrier Joe, owned by English Army Colonel Richardson, saved an entire battalion at the cost of his life

The seriously wounded dog brought an important report to headquarters and died after handing over the package. A similar feat was accomplished by the airedale Kashtanka, who was wounded in the head and for two weeks after that maintained contact with the reserve until she died near Narofominsk, and the airedale Fry, who went with reports 33 times. Last time, a mortally wounded dog delivered a package and died from a shrapnel wound to the head.

In Ukraine (the village of Legedzino) a monument was erected that immortalizes the deadly hand-to-hand combat of 150 border dogs and a regiment of German soldiers. Among the brave companions of the border guards were 19 Airedale Terriers

The last time, the mortally wounded dog delivered a package and died from a shrapnel wound to the head. In Ukraine (the village of Legedzino) a monument was erected that immortalizes the deadly hand-to-hand combat of 150 border dogs and a regiment of German soldiers. Among the brave companions of the border guards were 19 Airedale Terriers.

Thanks to these qualities, the Airedale Terrier not only won fans among writers, artists, politicians, but also the hearts of viewers who saw the good film “The Adventures of Electronics.”

The artist who played the role of Ressi

The Airedale terrier Chingiz was chosen to play the role of Ressi. Trainer L. Ostretsova helped him become a real film actor. During filming, Chingiz showed the best qualities of the breed:

  • endurance;
  • developed intelligence;

    Not only the dog Chingiz, chosen for the role of Ressi, was distinguished by his developed intelligence; this is generally a distinctive feature of the breed

  • ability to make independent decisions;
  • fearlessness.

True, there was also a bit of stubbornness, which Airedale Terriers are also known for, but under the guidance of the mentor, this quality was overcome.

Chingiz coped so well with the requirements placed on him that immediately after filming “The Adventures of Electronics” he was taken to another film “The Life and Adventures of Four Friends” (1980), where he played the role of Bubrick.

What is the success of tailed actors?

I think that scientists will be explaining for a long time why films where a dog appears in the frame enjoy truly phenomenal success among viewers. I myself can guess - because a dog is a symbol of devotion, wisdom, openness and perseverance, that is, those qualities that we also need.

Maybe this is why even “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” the most “horror” work of Arthur Conan Doyle (and in Soviet cinema, Igor Maslennikov) gives off something... soulful, warm and entertaining in those moments when a dog appears in the episode.

Members of the film crew of this wonderful film say the same thing. They claim that it would be difficult to find a more sensitive, more gallant creature than the black dog who played the “monster from the peat bogs.”

However, even in this case, according to Maslennikov, the dog in the frame was still a faithful friend, a reliable assistant and, to some extent, an ally of its owner.

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Beverly Hills babe

The creators of the Disney comedy “Beverly Hills Baby” could say the same about the courage and dedication of tailed artists. Don’t they know what artists are capable of, whose documents contain only “a mustache, paws and a tail” and a couple of certificates from the veterinary clinic.

What is the comedy "Beverly Hills Babe"? This is not just a movie that revolves around one cute chihuahua, it’s a whole Noah’s Ark - there were as many as two hundred dogs involved here! And not just any dogs, but what kind of dogs! This comedy stars a whole international troupe of dogs of different breeds:

  • chihuahua;
  • Dobermans;
  • German Shepherds;
  • poodles;
  • pugs;
  • Chinese Crested Dogs;
  • Labradors;
  • dachshunds;
  • Dalmatians;
  • Spitz;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Saint Bernards;
  • various terriers;
  • hounds;
  • bichons;
  • Pekingese.

Nearly 50 Chihuahuas from the United States and Mexico portrayed the wild Chihuahua people living in the lost Mexican city of Techichi, while 40 stray dogs from a shelter near Mexico City actually played themselves.

Still from the movie Beverly Hills Baby

In addition to dogs, the film featured snakes, pigeons, coyotes, one cougar, as well as a virtual tree rat and an iguana. This whole team, barking, meowing and sparkling with a wide variety of sounds, was “kept in check” by about 60 trainers.

The American Humane Association closely monitors all filming with animals to ensure the safety of four-legged actors, especially in the summer heat:

  • make sure the dogs don't overheat,
  • checked the pads of their paws in order to prevent abrasions,
  • provided timely food.

It seems that the ideas promoted by the film found a response not only in the hearts of the audience, but also the members of the film crew.

After filming wrapped, the homeless “stars” of this educational Disney comedy went to live with their first and perhaps only trainers from Birds & Animals Unlimited. Some of them were dismantled by those who participated in the filming.

nickname, name and description of the breed

After watching the popular film “The Adventures of Electronics” in the USSR, many people remembered the hero’s dog. According to the plot of the film, the animal was a funny fluffy toy in a store, but the main character managed to turn it into a real one. An Airedale terrier dog named Ressy became the boy's devoted friend. After watching the film, many Soviet families got such pets - cute animals with a short tail and fluffy black-brown fur.


Deciphering the nickname

Electronic's friend's name is Ressy. The nickname has the following decoding: “The rarest electronic perfect dog and so on.”

It was no coincidence that the Airedale Terrier was chosen to play the role of assistant to the main character, since it is a very smart, easy-to-train breed.


Description of the breed

The Airedale Terrier is considered the king of terriers, as it is the largest representative of this group of dogs. The breed got its name from the valley of the Aire River in Yorkshire. The dogs were bred to hunt river rodents. Erdel is a physically resilient dog with well-developed muscles. The animal is characterized by high intelligence and playfulness, which explains its popularity among breeders.

Physical characteristics:

  • height at withers - 59-61 cm;
  • strong, moderately long neck;
  • muscular lower back;
  • the body, neck and tail of the dog are black or gray with brown markings;
  • the wool is hard and dense to the touch.

Erdel is not a dog for passive people. The dog of this breed is very active and mobile, so it cannot do without daily long walks. Since the pet is a born hunter, even on the street he will dig the ground, bark loudly and chase small animals and birds. At home, the dog will hide the owners’ things: clothes, shoes, etc. It is not advisable to keep an Erdel in a small apartment, since the animal needs a large territory for active life.

A dog of this breed loves to chew things, therefore, when leaving him at home alone, it is necessary to hide away valuables that could be destroyed by the pet. It is advisable for the Electronics dog to purchase dense toys that he could chew while training his jaws.

The Airedale Terrier is warm towards children, which is why it is considered an ideal choice for families with small children.

The dog needs professional training and proper upbringing, as it has high intelligence and a lot of energy. An ill-mannered Airedale Terrier acquires such character traits as excessive stubbornness and aggression.



The dog's thick coat requires weekly brushing. It is recommended to take your pet to the groomer once every 3 months. You need to bathe your pet when it gets dirty, since frequent washing causes the animal’s fur to become dull and brittle. It is necessary to check the condition of your Airedale's ears every week, especially if your pet goes hunting.

This breed is prone to hip dysplasia, so you need to carefully monitor your dog's health.

Who is Ressi

The film “The Adventures of Electronics” was based on the book of the same name by Evgeny Veltistov. It, like the film, consists of three parts. In the second, the dog Ressie appears - a come to life toy from a children's store, given to the Electronic boy by a saleswoman.

Ressi - a toy come to life

Actually, Electronics himself gave the dog a nickname: Rare Electronic Perfect Dog And so on.

In the film, Ressi appears as a loyal dog, smart and brave. And it is no coincidence - the same qualities are possessed by Airedale terrier dogs, one of which was chosen for the role of Ressie.

About character

When getting such a dog, you need to remember that it has a very bad character towards other pets. The only exception is when a dog grows up next to a cat from a small age. Otherwise, they will not be able to live together.

Airedale Terriers are highly trainable and easily learn new commands. But, the main thing is to use game elements in training so that the dog does not lose interest in the ongoing process.

Physical punishment must not be used. This is perceived as an insult and can cause aggression. Therefore, only love and patience, and as a result, excellent fulfillment of the owner’s requirements.

Their coat is hard and thick, requiring regular brushing with a special brush. It is odorless and does not cause allergies. Due to his active nature, he needs to be walked at least twice a day, for at least an hour. During a walk, it is advisable to play outdoor games with him.

Despite the presence of an element of aggression in his character, he rarely uses it in relationships with people. He gets along great with children. And aggression can only be shown towards other dogs or strangers. After all, he is an excellent guard.

This dog is in excellent health, although it is predisposed to certain diseases. But with proper care there is no need to worry about this.

This is an excellent choice for people who lead a very active life and travel frequently. Great for apartment living. He is an excellent companion, watchdog and a very loyal friend.

Dog from adventure electronics

The children's film "The Adventures of Electronics" was released on Soviet screens in 1979. The story in 3 parts immediately fell in love with young viewers, and in the territory of the former Union, there was probably not a child who would not watch this film several times.

The sympathy of the children was won not only by the main characters Elektronik and Seryozha Syroezhkin, played by twin brothers Volodya and Yura Torsuev, but also by the dog Ressi (the Rare Electronic Perfect Dog) - a toy from the store that came to life. This brave and loyal dog was admired, and many children dreamed of having such a faithful friend. And also the question arose, what is the name of the dog breed from your favorite movie?

The dog Ressi from the famous film “The Adventures of Electronics” was played by an Airedale Terrier.

In the book by science fiction writer Evgeniy Veltistov “Electronic - the boy from the suitcase”, based on which the film’s script was written, a black terrier is mentioned, but the breed of dog from the film “Electronic” is called an Airedale terrier.

The role of Ressi was played by Airedale Chingiz, and he coped with the role brilliantly. But the tailed actor’s film career did not end there, and in 1980 he starred in another children’s film, known as “The Life and Adventures of Four Friends,” where he bore the nickname Bubrik.

Dogs of this breed often appear in various films and are also mentioned in literary works. Why are they so remarkable? Let's try to figure it out.

Airedale relationship with children

Dogs of this breed are very fond of outdoor games, which makes them active participants in children's entertainment. They will have no equal in joint family walks to the park or forest. A tireless investigative nature will give children the opportunity to develop next to the dog, learning and studying the world around them together.

The fur does not shed, so children who come into close contact with the dog will not have allergies or asthma attacks. They are loyal to their owners, but do not expect groveling from them. If necessary, he will easily come to the defense of the owner and younger family members thanks to his excellent service qualities.

His innate resilience allows him to endure the kids’ tricks. But you should not leave children alone with a dog, because due to its considerable size, it can accidentally cause damage to the baby.

Dogs of this breed love active games.

About the breed

The breed of dog from "Electronics" is the Airedale Terrier. Its history begins at the end of the 19th century, from the moment when such dogs first appeared at exhibitions. Since then, their external data has remained virtually unchanged. They were bred for hunting, now they are kept more at home, and if they go out hunting, it is very rarely.

The Airedale Terrier is the largest of all terriers (up to 61 cm at the withers). The head is elongated, the jaws are powerful, and the muscles are well developed. The eyes are small, usually dark, the nose is black, and the ears are drooping. Due to the fact that the dog belongs to the hunting breeds, it has a strong back and a narrow and deep chest. The tail is docked in puppyhood so that it is level with the back. Very strong bones and muscular paws allow the dog to run quickly and pass obstacles deftly. The coat is very coarse, curly, and the color is tan and black on the upper body, although other colors are now appearing.

The Elektronika dog breed requires care in the form of regular showers, brushing, walks, outdoor games, haircuts, etc. A complete list can be obtained from the breeder or veterinarian.

The breed of dog from “Electronics” was chosen for filming for a reason. Airedale Terriers are active, emotional and very intelligent dogs; they quickly grasp what is needed during training. The Airedale can be stubborn and try to dominate, but with the right attitude and timely training, he will become a good friend and a decent representative of the canine family. But for this it is necessary that the dog sees not only a friend, but also authority in the owner, otherwise there will be no obedience at all, and the older the individual is, the more difficult it is to deal with it.

Song about Ressi

In the second part of the film, entitled “Mystery 6 “B””, there is an entertaining scene. In it, Elektronik shows Syroezhkin and his classmates his miracle pet. First the boy makes the toy start moving. When the dog first came to life, he began to growl and even rush at the guys, but after a few moments Ressi allowed himself to be stroked and scratched behind the ear. The dog obediently follows commands and even moves in space according to the word Electronics.

The boy pulls a guitar out of thin air and begins to sing a song dedicated to his four-legged friend. At this time, on the screen, others join hands, smile, dance and sing along. The dog is having fun with the guys, jumping and participating in games. At the end of the scene, the guys surround the dog and pet it, then a close-up of the muzzle of a barking Ressy appears.

The full lyrics of the song about the robot dog from “The Adventures of Electronics” can be found here.

After the release of the film, the song about the dog from “Electronics” became very popular. This children's hit, like other compositions from the film, was written by Soviet composer Yevgeny Krylatov. Many Soviet children sang the song about a faithful friend, and today it remains a classic of Russian children's music.

We invite you to listen to a song about a dog from the film “Adventures of Electronics”: video

History of appearance

The history of the Airedale Terrier begins in the English county of Yorkshire in a river valley called the Aire. England is home to a large variety of terriers, due to the specifics of the area and the different needs and difficulties of people.

Supposedly Yorkshire had a large population of water otters to contend with and rats that destroyed crops. The first terriers were used to hunt them. Large dogs hunted in reed thickets and swamps, but had rather mediocre results.

There is a version that a special order was received for breeding the breed, which included a number of requirements.

On the “base” of the ancient terrier, work began on a new breed, into which the blood of the Otterhound, a noble otter hunter, was poured.

At the same time, in England, hunting also had important sporting significance; regular competitions were held to determine the best dog.

The first Airedale Terriers were very different from modern pets.

The peculiarity of the animals was their excellent working qualities, not their appearance. At the same time, the first mestizos stood out for their uncontrollable behavior at those moments when they became excited. To eradicate this trait, they had to be crossed with herding dogs. It took almost a hundred years to get a hardy, smart, strong and excellent working dog.

Very quickly, from Yorkshire, which was at the crossroads of trade routes, dogs spread first along the River Aire, and then even further.

There was a time when Airedale Terriers were in great demand among the poor. The poor were starving because they did not have the right to hunt in reserves, and they did not have money for a license. The intelligent animal was taught to independently track, kill game and quietly bring it to its owner.

The Airedale terrier dog was never used in burrow hunting, but it perfectly picked up a scent and followed it, and was simply unique in the water.

The Airedale Terrier is a terrier native to the Eyre Valley.

In 1886, the breed was officially recognized and registered.

Representatives of the breed became world famous after they took part in wars. Animals were used as orderlies, signalmen, and rescuers. The dogs could assess the situation, understand the risks and make independent decisions.

In Russia, dogs served in the Red Army.

Today there are even large breeders clubs in our country.

Famous Airedales: hero dogs and the image of Airedales in world literature

As a signalman, a dog of this breed was first used by the English Colonel Richardson to deliver correspondence across marshy areas.

Airedale terrier dogs were used in the war as signalmen.

According to the military man’s story, the Airedale Terrier helped save an entire battalion from death, moving several kilometers under intense fire with an important report. The dog reached the part already wounded, its jaw was broken and its front paw was broken. After delivering the package, she died.

In the Soviet Union, these animals were used to detect mines during World War II. The head of the sled dog school, Colonel Medvedev, animal training instructor Captain Golubev and Quartermaster 1st Rank Orlov developed a special training program, and one of their first graduates was the Airedale terrier Lor. He discovered explosive devices of various designs and models with record speed, and by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, animals of this breed were actively used by military dog ​​handlers in the Soviet troops.

In those terrible years, a representative of this breed named Freya became famous when, while defending the height of the Cross, she made 33 flights with a total length of 70 km, with correspondence in her collar. During the delivery of the last report, the dog died from a mine fragment, which shattered its jaw.

Dog school

What qualities should four-legged sappers have? Of course, a good sense of smell, but that’s not enough. The dog should not be aggressive towards strangers (remember, it is not a watchman, but a sapper) or afraid of them, since it will also have to work surrounded by a large number of people (for example, at an airport). She must be well trained, and also have a stable psyche and not react to various extraneous stimuli - from the smell of sausage to loud sounds.

The last criterion is especially important, because in a minefield, a dog that panics at the sound of gunshots and explosions is certain death for both the dog itself and its handler. All these qualities are tested during the “entrance exams” that puppies go through between the ages of 10 months and 1 year, and then develop during the training process. Recognized “sniffers” such as Labradors, retrievers and spaniels, as well as universal breeds such as German and Belgian shepherds, are best suited for mine detection service.

The training itself consists of a general training course (for dogs this is like a human high school) and specialized training (in this case it is the search for explosives). Training lasts from several months to a year, and, as a rule, the dog’s handler, the person who will work with it, is also taught.

“Many dogs do not react very well to a change in leader, whom they perceive as a leader,” explains Sergei Degtyarev, teacher of the training cycle for service dog breeding specialists at the MCC. “For six months we train a conscript soldier to become a counselor, for another six months he works full-time with the dog, and then he is demobilized. In this sense, contract workers are much more preferable.”

The incentive for training and the reward for good work can be a treat or a favorite toy. “For a person, searching for explosives is a serious, dangerous and responsible job,” says Alexey Obarchuk. “And for the dog it’s just an exciting game with the owner, for which there is a reward.” And until the “retirement age”, which occurs for dogs at eight years old, the game continues.

Interesting facts about the Airedale Terrier

The most interesting facts related to the Airedale Terrier - the king among terriers:

The breed appeared in response to the need of hunters for a dog that could swim well, hunt in water and on land, dig the ground, drive out burrowing animals and run fast. The Airedale Terrier fully satisfies all the requirements of a universal hunter. Endurance. This Airedale trait is colorfully described by June Dutcher and Janet Johnson Framke in The New Book of the Airedale. The dogs drove the water rats into the water and starved the otter, which was accustomed to the water element, by swimming around it, and sometimes diving after the prey until it was exhausted. Fearlessness. In The Hunt (1760), Daniel describes how the Airedale terrier alone copes with a badger or wild cat. He penetrates the fox's dark hole, tearing it apart or dragging it out. The dog boldly enters into battle even with several opponents, with agility and speed forcing them to surrender. Friendliness and contact. Erdeli get along well with children and adults. Even an adult dog quickly gets used to a new family and home. Independence in decision making. During competitions popular in the 19th century. in Northern England, the Airedale Terrier had to work on both sides of the water barrier, and since this made leadership difficult, the dog itself had to learn to make instant decisions. Mental stability. Erdeli are not afraid of loud, sharp sounds or flashes, so they were often used as “gun” dogs. During the wars, Airedale Terriers served as orderlies, signalmen, miners, and demolition workers. These brave warriors earned the title of "tank destroyers" as they bravely threw themselves under the tracks and dropped their deadly payload. Excellent sense of smell. Airedale Terriers are used in geological exploration parties to search for ore deposits, which they sense at a depth of 7-12 meters. Devotion to duty. Airedale Terrier Joe, owned by English Army Colonel Richardson, saved an entire battalion at the cost of his life

The seriously wounded dog brought an important report to headquarters and died after handing over the package. A similar feat was accomplished by Kashtanka's Airedale, who was wounded in the head and for two weeks after that maintained contact with the reserve until she died near Narofominsk, and by Fry's Airedale, who went with reports 33 times

The last time, the mortally wounded dog delivered a package and died from a shrapnel wound to the head. In Ukraine (the village of Legedzino) a monument was erected that immortalizes the deadly hand-to-hand combat of 150 border dogs and a regiment of German soldiers. Among the brave companions of the border guards were 19 Airedale Terriers.


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"White Bim, Black Ear": setter Bim

The devoted dog of the writer Ivan Ivanovich, a Scottish setter of the wrong color, was actually named Styopka. And he was an English setter. The dog got used to the role so much that director Stanislav Rostotsky laughed: “Has he read the script?”

“We all knew him as Bima, and he was distracted by this name,” Anna Rybnikova, who played Lucy, shares with Antenna; her character and her grandmother adopted a dog. – I was 8 years old, and he was as tall as me on his hind legs. But I wasn’t afraid of him at all, since we had a spaniel at home. I remember how, before filming, they took Styopa to the make-up artist and specially inked his ear with carbon paper, since it was not dark enough. And when Bim had to scare the harmful neighbor (played by Valentina Vladimirova), he himself became more afraid. Valentina Kharlampievna held a treat in her hand to entice him. The dog came up, and she screamed so much that the poor fellow ran away. The first take became the last, and it was included in the film. Later I heard that Vladimirova bought a dog of the same breed and named it Bim.

Before filming, Stepa was taken to the make-up artist and his ear was specially inked with carbon paper.

The loving dog quickly found a language with the leading actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

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“Coming to the set, the first thing I did was go for a walk with the dog,” the actor recalled.

And when filming began, he searched all over the studio, they literally had to be separated for some time. Styopka didn’t know how to pretend, but, having really missed the actor for a couple of weeks, he played the required part in one take. After filming, the setter returned to his owner.

Having an animal in the frame is a must!

By the way, the same Gaidai considered the very presence of an animal in the frame to be completely justified and extremely necessary (preferably a cat, but sometimes let there be a dog).

“Yes, rumor says that children and animals do not know how to act in films, but I will say with categorical frankness,” Leonid Iovovich is decisive in his speeches - a dog is the best film actor, the wisest. A dog is capable of “stretching out” a frame with just its presence, making a weak episode strong, helping the actor cope with the situation...”

And that's only if the dog is the star of the episode. What if she is announced as the main character?

Breed of dog

The nickname "Ressy" stands for "Rare Electronic Perfect Dog". The electronics were given to him by the owner of a toy store because the boy helped him fix broken mechanisms. A boy brings his pet to life and turns him into a robot. This delighted the young spectators, because everyone dreamed that their toy would speak.

The film is based on the story of the Soviet writer Evgeny Veltistov “Electronic - the boy from the suitcase.” In it, Ressi is referred to as a black terrier. In the film "The Adventures of Electronics" the dog breed is slightly different - the role of the robot dog was played by the Airedale terrier Chingiz. This is a fairly large dog, some grow up to 60 cm in height. Airedales have strong muscles and strong jaws. The chest is quite narrow, and the paws are massive. The tail of dogs of this breed is docked in early childhood. The coat is curly and coarse, dark, almost black on the back and light beige or reddish on the paws and face.

The birthplace of the breed is England. It was in this country that it was bred in the 19th century by crossing red terriers with Old English black and tan terriers and Otterhounds. At the end of the century, the breed was officially recognized by the National Dog Lovers Club. At first it was considered exclusively hunting. Airedale terriers tracked prey, attacked it, and then brought it to the owner. During the First World War, dogs often helped at the front - they carried the wounded and delivered postal messages. Erdeli are distinguished by high endurance. They are excellent at running long distances, jumping and overcoming obstacles.

The character of this breed is ideal for filming in films. Active, sociable, and intelligent animals obediently follow commands and easily make contact with people. These animals have a good memory - they can remember grievances even from childhood. Thanks to their developed intelligence, animals learn quickly and easily. Airedale Terriers need to be trained and constantly trained so that the dog becomes obedient and follows all the owner’s commands. This must be done from a very early age so that the dog does not grow up stubborn and self-willed.

Sometimes the dog does not pay attention to commands, but this is not due to misunderstanding, but due to excessive independence. Airedale Terriers can become stubborn at the most inopportune times. Another of the main character traits of the breed is emotionality. Dogs clearly show their feelings, but are not at all aggressive.

You can keep a dog in any residential premises: both in a private house and in an apartment. They get along well with people if they are loved and given enough attention. A well-groomed Airedale Terrier really looks like a soft toy come to life, like the dog from the movie “The Adventures of Electronics.”

Erdel Chingiz, who became famous thanks to this film, continued his film career after filming. In 1980, the film “The Life and Adventures of Four Friends” was released, in which the dog played the role of Bagel. And the breed itself became very popular in the Soviet Union - every young viewer wanted a dog like the one in Elektronika.

Why Airedale Terrier?

Indeed, why was the Airedale chosen for the role in the film? By this time, “Come to me, Mukhtar” (1964) had already been filmed, and in the same year “Border Dog Scarlet” (1979) was released, where the main roles were played by shepherd dogs. In the eyes of ordinary Soviet people, the Airedale Terrier seemed, if not exotic, then at least an infrequently encountered breed. Why did the choice fall on her? There are several likely explanations:

  • In the 70s, Airedale terriers gained popularity among Soviet dog handlers.
  • In the toy store, only a dog of this breed looked like a real one.
  • Among the four-legged actors selected for the role of Ressi, the Airedale Terrier turned out to be the best and most capable.

I am one of those whose childhood was spent watching the best Soviet films, including “The Adventures of Electronics.” As I remember now, this picture was shown only during the holidays, usually summer. And indeed, more than anything in the world I wanted to have a dog like Ressy. On the screen she still seemed very soft and fluffy. And even though I now know that Airedale fur is rough, for some reason the associations with Rassie remain the same.

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