Muscle dogs: the most muscular in the world

There are many varieties of dogs, varying in size, shape, proportions and temperament. Those who want to have a pet can choose a gentle furry friend who prefers to spend time on the owner’s lap, or choose a giant as a guard.

Many people like strong, well-built muscular animals with strength and power. These are not hard to find in the dog community, but the amount of muscle mass varies between breeds. Below is a list of the most muscular dogs.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Undoubtedly, the American Pit Bull Terrier ranks first among the most muscular dogs.

When creating the breed, breeders set a goal to develop such characteristics as strength, determination and developed muscles. The result was a dog with a great desire to work. Thanks to this quality, together with proper nutrition, American pit bulls have an incredibly muscular body.

Initially, representatives of the breed were used in fights with bulls and with each other, which was later recognized as inhumane and prohibited at the legislative level.

Today, the strength and athleticism of these animals is used exclusively for positive purposes. American Pit Bull Terriers take part in dock jumping (jumping) and weight pulling (carrying) competitions.

Due to their high performance, representatives of the breed perform well in search and rescue operations and in police service.

Care and maintenance

The Alapaha Bulldog can live both in a private house and in a city apartment. We just don’t recommend keeping it in a small apartment - the breed is prone to obesity, the animal will become lethargic, apathetic and may get sick. He needs to move a lot, both indoors and outdoors.

Take regular long walks and exercise sessions. The ideal place to keep it is a veranda next to the house with access to the premises. He must know that he can see his owner at any moment. Otherwise, his dog's heart will be upset with grief.

Caring for your dog is simple - once or twice a week, wipe it with a damp towel or just your hand to collect loose hairs. During the molting period, you can take a hard mitten and comb his fur. Both useful and pleasant. They bathe him rarely, once every 2-3 months is enough.

Keep an eye on your eyes, ears and teeth. Everything needs to be treated periodically: eyes every day, ears once a week, teeth - once every 10 days. Trim the nails as they grow. And, of course, visit your veterinarian regularly for examinations and cosmetic procedures.

It is strictly forbidden to keep a dog on a chain. He may develop mental disorders and nervous disorders. Alapahi dogs are usually fairly healthy dogs, but some genetic diseases do occur occasionally:

  • Allergic reactions. White bulldogs are more often affected; signs appear in the form of dermatitis.
  • Turn of the century. In this case, the eyelid turns outward or inward and is considered a pathology dangerous to the eyes. Surgery is required.
  • Dysplasia of the elbow or hip joints. The joint does not develop properly, leading to lameness and then the inability to move the leg. When you see the first signs, immediately contact your veterinarian. In the early stages it is treatable.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. They are not genetic, but can be caused by excess weight.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Representatives of this breed are often confused with American Pit Bull Terriers due to their similar appearance, temperament and personality traits. Amstaffs are known for their playful nature and gentler behavior towards other dogs (compared to a pit bull).

American Staffordshire Terriers are energetic, agile, well-built animals, which is why their use in various dog shows is popular.

Like most muscular dogs, Amstaffs can be quite dangerous, especially if they fall into the hands of an irresponsible owner, are bred improperly, or are victims of abuse.

Representatives of the breed do not tolerate changing weather conditions; during hot periods they must be provided with cool places.

Reproduction and lifespan

This breed is not produced in Russia. If you want to purchase a purebred puppy, look for kennels or a reliable breeder in the States. Remember that this is not a lap dog and is completely unsuitable for people without experience.

And also, before purchasing, be sure to evaluate your capabilities - the dog needs daily walks, education, proper feeding, and training. Alapaha Bulldog puppies are so rare that you shouldn't waste your time searching or buying one if you don't feel ready for such a serious pet.

If you adopted a puppy when there were already other animals in the house, he will get used to them and make friends with them. But he will grow up - still keep an eye on the “baby”, after all, he is a fighter, not a plush toy. Lives up to 12-15 years.

Doberman Pinscher

These powerfully built working dogs were bred for guarding and police work, but their magnetic personalities have made them popular as family pets.

They are friendly, although their intimidating physical forms often mislead others. Representatives of the breed are intellectually receptive and have developed learning abilities.

The Doberman Pinscher is one of the most recognizable breeds. He can often be seen as a character in television shows and films, as well as a participant in various exhibitions. This dog has a slender, athletic and muscular body; She is durable and capable of high speed.

The Doberman has a powerful grip, making it excellent as a police or military dog. His main traits are strong character, authority and impulsiveness. Nevertheless, the representative of the breed is not as scary as it seems at first glance: training allows you to get a sober dog with correct behavior.


One of the most popular dog breeds was bred on the island of the same name, although dog experts have never come to a consensus about the time of appearance and the direct ancestors of the strong and beautiful breed.

Like St. Bernards, they are rescuers, but they only save people on the water, because they know how to swim and dive so well. Newfoundlands have virtually no hunting instinct or aggression. You can confidently talk about them - strong, but good-natured.

In addition, this is one of the smartest dogs, capable of making independent decisions.

We remind you that our website has already written about the most beautiful dog breeds, we highly recommend you take a look!



This versatile dog, with its impressive size, finds application in various fields. At home in Germany, it was used as a draft force (harnessed to carts), for transporting goods, grazing livestock, and also for protection. However, times are changing, and today the Rottweiler is kept as a family pet.

When getting a representative of this breed, you should remember that he requires well-planned socialization and training to develop correct behavior. Rottweilers are assertive and strive to dominate others that match their size and build. Because of this, it is important to start obedience training as early as possible to avoid losing control of your dog.

Rottweilers are incredibly intelligent and need intellectual stimulation. Lack of exercise can cause behavioral problems.


The Central Asian Shepherd is one of the oldest breeds in Central Asia, from where it spread throughout the world. It is an aboriginal breed, and the name “Alabai” is secondary.

Education and training must be carried out until the age of 3; it is by this age that Alabai are fully formed, both physically and intellectually - psychologically.

It is valued as an excellent guard and can easily withstand any fighting breed and wild predator.



The Boxer is a well-built and muscular dog with a prominent, square muzzle. It owes its origin to mastiffs.

Representatives of the breed are excellent pets that get along with children and are suitable for family life. Their main traits are energy, stubbornness, willfulness and suspicion towards strangers. These qualities allow the Boxer to be an excellent watchdog.

Boxers have a strong jaw and powerful bite, which allows them to hold large prey. They are extremely active and require constant exercise, lack of which can lead to behavioral problems such as chewing, digging and licking. When spending time with your Boxer outside, you should monitor the weather conditions - due to the short muzzle, dogs do not tolerate heat well.

Boxers are the seventh most popular breed in the United States, according to 2011 data provided by the American Kennel Club.

Siberian Huskies

For the sake of fairness, it is worth mentioning sled dogs, since among the strongest and toughest dogs, they are the most resilient. The Husky breed undoubtedly falls into this category.

Experts believe that they first appeared among the peoples of the North, namely the Chukchi, when the nomadic people began to expand the territories of their hunting domains. Huskies easily endure long treks, and are capable of pulling heavy loads and riders together.

In addition, Siberian Huskies are one of the smartest and bravest dogs, who have more than once rescued their owners in difficult situations.

Absolute record holders

Now let’s introduce individual representatives of the dog world who are absolute record holders in various fields.

Dogo Argentino

This dog is an excellent guard dog and, with proper socialization, is an ideal family pet.

Dogo Argentinos are strong, robust animals with a muscular body. They are endowed with an innate desire to fight large animals and even kill them. At the same time, these dogs are unwaveringly loyal to their owner and his family members.

The breed was developed in Argentina and was used for hunting game and also in dog fighting. Its first representatives appeared in 1928 as a result of crossing the Cordoba fighting dog with a wide variety of individuals of other breeds. The creator of the Dogo Argentino, Antonio Martinez, set the goal of creating an animal with courage and the ability to protect its owner.

Dogo Argentinos are distinguished by their discipline; they rarely bark and almost always remain calm and balanced. However, if provoked or not trained from an early age, they can become aggressive.


The Alapaha Bulldog is a dog prone to excessive weight gain. You should not overeat, he will quickly gain weight. And this is harmful to health. You can feed him natural food or prepared food. Industrial food is chosen from super premium or holistic classes (from natural products) for an active pet.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. If you choose natural food, you should feed your dog only based on the recommendations of a canine nutritionist or veterinarian. He will create the right diet for your pet. We list the products that must be used in any case:

  • lean meat;
  • liver and other offal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cottage cheese, kefir and other fermented milk products;
  • cereal porridge (buckwheat, millet, rice);
  • eggs.

About 80% of the diet is, of course, meat. The rest comes from other products. You yourself can choose vitamin and mineral supplements for him, taking into account the time of year, the characteristics of the dog and his state of health. Puppies should be fed approximately 4 times a day, in small portions; adult dogs are given food twice a day. Usually after a walk.

Bully Whippet

The Bully Whippet was the result of a gene mutation. Since these changes made the animals faster, this line of dogs continued to be used in breeding.

The rapid growth of muscle mass and a genetic mutation in whippet puppies forced the breeders to take DNA samples to a scientific center to identify the cause of the changes and get rid of it. The results of the work showed that the mutation works to the benefit of the animal, allowing it to build muscle and surpass its rivals in speed. Following these findings, breeders may decide not to remove a gene that gives an animal an apparent advantage.

This genetic mutation is associated with myostatin. Whippets that have received the altered gene are called bully-myostatin whippets. In appearance they are very different from ordinary dogs, but in fact they are completely healthy pets.

How to quickly build muscle in a dog

The most dangerous dogs in the world: top 10 breeds

It is possible to build muscle mass in a dog, but a special approach is required. You should not strive to turn your pet into a pumped-up dog in a few weeks, because it is necessary to maintain consistency in training.

For muscle development you should use the following exercises:

  • running load. This exercise includes not only jogging, but also on rough terrain or behind a bicycle. Running builds endurance and trains all muscle groups. The Boxer breed especially loves running;
  • swimming. It also promotes the development of all muscle groups, and also forms the necessary relief. Swimming will allow you to pump up your dog gradually, without causing him stress;
  • walking up the stairs. In this case, only moving up the steps brings the effect. This exercise develops the muscles of the hind legs and helps them express themselves better;
  • jumping over barriers. This exercise allows you to strengthen muscles that are not involved in other types of training. To avoid increased stress on the joints, you should choose low barriers;
  • carrying heavy loads. It is not recommended to use weights that are attached to a leash or harness; it is better to let the dog carry the selected load in its teeth;
  • balancing. Balance exercises are necessary for pets who play sports or participate in shows. They help you learn how to make sharp turns and jumps while negotiating the track. In addition, when performing a task, the dog improves coordination of movements and strengthens the muscles of the back and legs.

It is prohibited to use steroids to create a muscular body in a dog.

Breeds of pumped up dogs, despite their aggressive appearance, can be friendly family members, because, according to dog experts, there are no aggressive dogs, there are only evil owners.

American Bully

The height of the American Bully is 43-43.5 cm at the withers. His body structure resembles that of a pit bull, only more massive and muscular. By standard, the breed's appearance is less extreme than some of today's bullies, such as the Mr. Miagi (The Bully Campline pedigree database).

The American Bully is a short, wide and muscular dog bred from the American Pit Bull Terrier. The most popular bloodlines include pets such as Razors Edge and Gottilin.

The American Bully is considered a fairly new breed (compared to the Pitbull), but the demand for it is growing rapidly. A distinctive feature of the dog is its softer temperament. As for weight, it can vary (depending on the nursery). Some breeders prefer extreme looking animals (Gottiline pedigree is an example), others strive for the standard (Remyline dogs). Choosing a pet with an impressive appearance or focusing on working qualities is a matter of personal preference.

Saint Bernard

Our list of strongmen opens with the strongest dog, and it was bred in the 17th century by the monks of the monastery of St. Bernard to save people. overcoming mountain passes and saving people in ice, year after year this breed only improved its abilities.

Loyal, very obedient St. Bernards sincerely love people, and communicate very carefully and tenderly with children. A very large dog, reaching up to 80 cm at the withers, has massive paws, and the color is usually red with white spots, or vice versa.

The image of these human favorites is widely represented in various fields of art, from painting to feature films.



Last on the list of the most muscular dogs, the Greyhound is by far the fastest in the canine world. Representatives of the breed are not susceptible to diseases such as hip dysplasia, but suffer from digestive problems (the most common are gastroenteritis, malabsorption in the small intestine and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency). The first signs of disorders are discomfort and rare bowel movements.

Another health-related trait of Greyhounds is their poor responsiveness to anesthesia. When visiting a clinic for surgery (sterilization, castration, etc.), you must make sure that the veterinarian is aware of this fact.

The amount of anesthetic given to a 34 kg pit bull would be lethal to a 34 kg greyhound.

Based on

Tibetan mastiff

Quite a rare breed, which has been known since Antiquity. The beautiful and calm dog is surrounded by many legends, and it is said that its bark can even stop a snow leopard.

Since ancient times, mastiffs have been used in the mountains to search for missing people, guard herds and houses. She has excellent knowledge of the terrain and served as a caravan guide.

They grow up to 80 cm, and the maximum weight ranges from 65 to 80 kg. Let us note that this is also the oldest dog, whose puppy was once purchased for the fabulous price of 1.5 million euros.



Certain areas of South Africa are considered to be the breeding ground for this breed. A distinctive feature of dogs is their strength and endurance in hot climates. The Boerboel has a rebellious disposition, so they can only be tamed by a strong and powerful person, in whom they recognize authority.

The height of adult dogs of this breed can be 61-70 centimeters. It can weigh approximately 60-85 kilograms.


  • Massive skeletal frame and muscle layer.
  • Large and heavy figure.
  • Most often they have a brick-red color.
  • The coat is short and hard to the touch.

In the absence of proper education and training, they will become bloodthirsty cannibals that nothing and no one can stop.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

With its fearlessness and decisive character, this dog has won the hearts of many people. The first documentary facts about the origin of the shepherd dog were recorded in the 8th century AD. In the 70s, the animal was presented at a Paris exhibition. Today he shows himself brilliantly as a hunter, companion and just a good friend.

A strong and strong-willed character allows the Caucasian wolfhound to protect its owners who are in danger. It can show aggression towards strangers and can spend hours watching the yard and looking out for trespassers.

The pet's weight category is 45-70 kg, height is 64-75 centimeters.

Let's note what an adult looks like:

  • Coarse, rather long coat.
  • Large elongated body, wide chest.
  • The color range is varied - white, gray, brown, piebald, with the exception of a black tint.

Cane Corso

This dog is a descendant of the fighting dogs of Ancient Rome, which were brought to gladiator fights for greater entertainment. Representatives of this breed are born bodyguards, helping in the service, hunting and in the field.

Cane Corsos have a very cool temperament, but are moderately obedient. The animal is absolutely selfish and cannot stand other dogs. If another dog appears at home, the Cane Corso will strive to defeat its opponent.

The standard weight of a pet is from 40 to 50 kg, and the height at the withers is equal to 60 cm. Quite large “tailed” animals, in size, are in the category with Akita Inu and Leonberger.

Read Dogs that do not cause allergies - 20 breeds

External data:

  • black, gray and red wool;
  • pronounced pectoral muscle;
  • The surface of the coat is smooth, almost glossy.


At the end of the 19th century, in the German city of Leonberg, the head of the municipality wanted to create an unusual symbol of the city - a lion dog. As a result, we managed to cross several species (Sernbernar, Newfie and Large Pyrenean dog) to get the desired color.

The dog is an unsurpassed guard who, without grinning or excessive aggression, will scare away a person who has encroached on someone else's livestock or property. Thanks to their keen hearing, strength and endurance, they make excellent guide dogs, shepherds and companions.

The approximate weight category is from 40 to 75 kg, the length at the withers is no less than 65 and no more than 85 centimeters.

Appearance features:

  • Like a lion, the dark color of the face is combined with bright red fur throughout the body. White-gray color is also possible.
  • Large build with powerful paws.
  • Long ears hanging down to the cheeks.
  • This is a long-haired animal that requires special care.


The Alapaha purebred bulldog is quite stubborn. If he has made a decision, he cannot be convinced, rest assured that he will achieve his goal. This is why such a dog needs to be trained from an early age. An inexperienced breeder is unlikely to be able to cope with this pet.

We advise you to immediately contact a professional trainer. The dog must be made to understand who is the “leader of the pack.” Otherwise, he will imagine himself in this role, and you will never cope with him. the character of the Alapaha Bulldog yourself.

With proper upbringing, this is a balanced and disciplined dog. He is indifferent to cats, to his relatives and other animals. However, do not forget that he has hunting instincts; small animals are potential prey for him. And the reaction of the Alapaha, despite the impressiveness, is very fast, and the speed is high.

Hunting and guarding lessons are not suitable for him, as for other dogs. This pupil needs “obedience courses”. He needs to follow commands, obey and be neat in the house. The basic basics of training must be completed within six months. Then his skills are “cemented”, and after the age of 12 months, it will be impossible to re-educate the stubborn person; he will already get used to doing what he wants.

Avoid developing anger and capriciousness in him. If you are planning to get other dogs, be careful, the Alapah can establish its dominance. Fights between animals can only be avoided if you have become the undisputed leader for all pets.

Akita Inu

Historically confirmed facts of the breeding of this breed appeared approximately 8000 years ago in Japan. At that time, people adhered to hunting traditions and found use for such a dog there. Akita was also able to protect the house and the surrounding farm in turbulent times: in conditions of constant raids.

She is the largest dog in the Spitz category. She doesn't bark for no reason, so you should listen to her protective instincts.

External data:

  • Red-fawn, white or brindle color.
  • The ears are raised up, with rounded tips.
  • Strong build, but light weight 30-40 kg and tall height - 65-71 cm.
  • Developed muscular frame.

Treats each family member with love, with the exception of other pets, in whom he sees a rival.

Irish Wolfhound

This “killer” was bred by the Irish to exterminate large game (wolves and boars) about 2000 years ago. There is a legend that they could deal with elk and deer.

Despite its dangerous past, the dog has an easy-going character and is not dangerous to humans. They make good watchdogs and companions.

The height at the withers is the highest in the world - 80 cm, weight starts from 41 to 55 kg.

External data:

  • A large, wire-haired dog with a thick, shaggy beard.
  • The standard colors are white, red, beige, brick and gray.
  • Muscular, proportional body with a long, developed neck.
  • Coat color is beige, black or brindle.

Today the wolfhound is the mascot of Irish military personnel.

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