The most beautiful dogs in the world - TOP 37 breeds with photos and descriptions

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose lives have long been inextricably linked with the life and activities of humans. These are the first animals that were domesticated and tamed by man, and became his faithful assistants in such vital activities as hunting, fishing, cattle breeding, home defense and much more.

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose lives have long been inextricably linked with the life and activities of humans

Of course, with the development of civilization, a number of important activities, for example, hunting, practically lost their primary importance and turned rather into entertainment, however, even now dogs faithfully serve people not only as companions and nannies for children, but also as service dogs, outstanding whose abilities help solve serious security problems.

There are more than 400 dog breeds in the world, which can be divided into the following types:

  • hunting;
  • official;
  • decorative.

A number of cynologists also distinguish herding dog breeds. And among all this many representatives of the canine world, there are beautiful and majestic dogs, and there are just cute doggies. However, no matter how harmless and cute this animal may seem, we should not forget that any representative is a predator, and almost all decorative breeds were bred on the basis of hunting and herding breeds.

When choosing an animal, many people first of all pay attention to the attractive appearance of the breed. However, a beautiful exterior is not the most important quality that the cutest dog breeds have.

Beauty criteria

A dog is a predator, therefore it must have an appropriate appearance, i.e. a representative of a dog breed should look like a lion, tiger, bear, and in no case like a herbivore (as is the case with the Bedlington Terrier). Professional dog handlers believe that the most beautiful dogs in the world are animals that combine the following qualities and characteristics:

  1. Strict compliance of individual characteristics with the typical characteristics of the breed.
  2. Harmonious color.
  3. Physical and mental health, since the cutest dog, being sick, looks sad and requires special care from the owner.

Golden retriever, house doctor

The retriever is a dog with soft silky fur and a wonderful, good-natured character. He gets along well with children, the elderly, and other animals, including cats. She is very attached to her owners and is happy when you are in a good mood; she easily forgets insults and unpleasant incidents. She is helpful, will not leave you in a difficult situation, is considered a home healer, as she has a great effect on people with disabilities. Experts recommend this breed if your family has children with cerebral palsy or mental illnesses. It performs very well as a “search engine”, helps to find people under rubble, and is valued by rescuers for this quality. With certain training, it can pull a drowning person out of the water, and swims quite confidently. Thanks to her responsibility and affection for children, she can “work” as a nanny and look after the kids.

An adult retriever has a strong build, the height at the withers in a male is up to 60 cm. The body is fit, rectangular in shape, a short neck and a well-defined skull. Dark nose, small oval eyes of dark brown color. The ears are rounded and hang down. The breed is conventionally divided into an American branch and a European branch. “Americans” are longer-legged and darker in color, the golden hue fades into bronze. “Europeans” have a creamy coat, it is very soft and extremely pleasant to the touch. The body is squat with short legs and a heavier croup.

Gallery: the most beautiful dogs in the world (25 photos)

Tibetan Mastiff, discreet and devoted guard

This is a rare breed with ancient roots. It is believed that the ancestors of modern mastiffs guarded Tibetan monasteries. The dog is huge in size and has abundant thick dark hair, which gives it a very stern appearance. In their homeland, mastiffs still help guard houses and livestock. It is rarely seen in the city, apparently because of its “formidable” appearance. Moreover, she not only resembles a bear, but also barks loudly, angrily, in a low voice, especially if she sees a stranger approaching her territory. Keeping such a four-legged guard in an apartment requires a lot of responsibility.

The Mastiff has a powerful build: a straight, muscular back, wide croup, strong limbs, strong bones. The height at the withers in males reaches 65 cm. A large, wide, heavy skull, a fold from the line above the eyes to the corners of the mouth is acceptable. The nose is dark in color, wide with expressive nostrils. The muzzle is large and square in shape, and the eyes are dark and slightly almond-shaped. The coat can vary in color: from light coffee to black and yellow, but is always very thick and tough.

By nature, mastiffs are very friendly towards all family members, express an interest in communication, need attention, and take part in noisy games with small children. Training is vital for them, otherwise with such dimensions the dog may become uncontrollable.

Ten of the most beautiful breeds

Compiling any ratings among dog breeds is a scrupulous matter, and in many ways its results are relative. After all, time passes, the fashion for breeds changes, new varieties are developed and existing ones are improved, “refined”. And it is not surprising that for a real dog breeder, the most beautiful breed of dog in the world is his favorite.


Of course, there are exhibitions where pets are evaluated by a professional jury, therefore, according to professional dog handlers, we can conditionally identify the following top 10 most beautiful dogs in the world. In principle, this top ten should be divided into 2 parts, and the first 5 positions in this ranking are deservedly occupied by representatives of service and hunting breeds:

  1. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog).
  2. Dog.
  3. Russian greyhound.
  5. German Shepherd.

The second part of the top is decorative breeds, namely:

  1. Chow-chow.
  2. English cocker spaniel.
  3. Poodles.
  4. Bolonki.
  5. Pekingese.

These beautiful dog breeds have interesting appearance and characteristic qualities.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, elegant and devoted friend

The popularity of a particular breed often has its own geography. King Charles is very popular in England. They are, according to the British, created for real home comfort. Such dogs are absolutely peaceful, quiet and loyal, and do not require special care. These are the smallest representatives of spaniels. They are only 30 cm tall, since they are rather decorative, indoors.

Graceful, elegant dogs were seen at the court of the kings of England and France in the 13th century. Paintings from those times often depict Charles kneeling or next to their owners. The body structure is proportional, the paws are not very long, rounded, soft. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, the nose is black, well-defined nostrils. The ears hang slightly over the muzzle and are covered with abundant hair. The color can be black and tan, with chestnut spots, tricolor, bright red. The coat is long, silky, without curls. This dog is a wonderful companion, loves children, gets along with other breeds and animals.

A little about the characteristics

The Scottish Sheepdog, or collie, was bred in Scotland at the end of the 18th century. She heads the top of the most beautiful dog breeds. The main qualities of Scottish Shepherds are:

  • endurance;
  • high degree of adaptation to harsh climates;
  • very beautiful shapes;
  • affectionate and gentle character;
  • attentive, calm and trusting look;
  • cleanliness and accuracy;
  • easy training.

Collies, along with Chow Chows and others, are the fluffiest dogs, whose thick coat perfectly protects them from the harsh climate of mountain pastures.

Collie loves people and is an excellent watchdog and protector.

The majestic and regal Great Dane is an ancient breed, originating from the Greek fighting breeds - the Molos. The main qualities of the breed are:

  1. Large, strong, agile and balanced.
  2. They are distinguished by very calm behavior and restraint without nervousness. At the same time, they are affectionate and friendly to the owner and his family. They treat strangers with distrust, but calmly.
  3. Great Danes need proper training and handling because they have a tough character.
  4. Representatives of this breed have prominent muscles.

The most beautiful fluffy dogs - TOP 12

Samoyed husky

An ancient northern breed, amazing with its whiteness, good disposition and endurance. The Samoyed is an excellent nanny that you just want to bury your nose in. Children do this, which the dog himself likes.

Main parameters: male height - 53-60 cm, weight - 20-30 kg; female height is 48-53 cm, weight is 16-20 kg. When choosing a puppy, pay special attention to the coat. It should be spotless white. Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The oldest Asian breed, a descendant of the Tibetan Great Dane. The Caucasian is a service dog with a strong and complex character. Handsome with thick, thick fur. Main parameters: male height - 68 cm (minimum), weight - 50 kg (minimum), can reach up to 110 kg; female height - 64 cm (minimum), weight - 45 kg (minimum). Life expectancy is 10-12 years . When choosing a puppy, special attention is paid to the pedigree and disposition of the baby.

Longhaired Collie

An incredibly graceful animal, although a shepherd. The magnificent coat and interesting color are impressive. The Collie is easy to train, obedient and loyal. When choosing a puppy, evaluate your options. This dog requires a lot of attention and time. Main parameters: height - 48-56 cm ; weight - 14-20 kg . Life expectancy is 10-14 years .


A plush dog with an unusual fawn color was bred in Holland. Its closest relative is the Spitz. The breed is ancient, once the most beloved in the kingdom. The Keeshond's friendly appearance hides an incredibly sharp mind. He will understand not only your words, but also your glance. Main parameters: height - 43-46 cm ; weight - 14-18 kg ; life expectancy - 13-15 years . When choosing a baby, take a closer look at its coat; the color should correspond to the canons.

Great Royal Poodle

This is the largest representative of poodles. The breed was originally bred for water hunting. But the extraordinary exterior turned the dog into a decorative dog. The breed was developed by the French and Germans. Previously, it was kept only at court, hence the name. The smartest dog that even an inexperienced owner can handle. Parameters: height - 45-60 cm ; weight - 20-23 kg . Life expectancy is 15-18 years . When examining the baby, focus on the coat; it should be monochromatic.

Lhasa apso

The decorative apso is one of the oldest breeds. His ancestors once lived in Tibet. Later, the British took up breeding. Wool is the main advantage of a small dog. The height of the male reaches 25 cm at the withers, the females are slightly lower. When purchasing a puppy, carefully inspect it and study its pedigree. Even the slightest deviations are unacceptable.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian has literally conquered the world. But the dog's appearance is worth it. In general, this is a typical Spitz with standard characteristics: “cotton” hair, fluffy forehead and short muzzle. Oranges are characterized by a red tint. The weight of an adult dog barely reaches 3.5 kg , and its height is 24 cm (at best). The breed was developed by the Germans. But the dog is also popular in Poland. The Spitz is an excellent companion. Often - very “ringing”. Choose a puppy from a reliable nursery.

Chow chow

An ancient breed - "a dog from the Tang Dynasty." Literally, chow chow translates as “shaggy lion.” This is exactly the impression she gives. The breed was bred in Buddhist monasteries. The dog has a calm character, but poor upbringing can ruin it. Main parameters: male height - 48-56 cm at the withers, weight - 25-32 kg ; female height - 46-51 cm , weight - 21-27 g. Life expectancy - 9-15 years. This dog is not recommended for families with small children. This is a one-owner dog that doesn't really like to follow commands.

Golden Retriever

The Golden Dog was bred in Great Britain. The Golden Retriever is beautiful and calm. His appearance completely conveys his character. Family is the closest and dearest, but he will not offend a stranger. Parameters: male height - 56-61 cm, weight - 30-34 kg ; female height - 51-56 cm , weight - 25-32 kg . Life expectancy is 10-12 years .

Yorkshire Terrier

The fluffy Yorkie is not exactly an ordinary dog. It definitely resembles a toy, but in fact it is not one. The breed was very popular in Yorkshire, where it was bred in the 18th-19th centuries . People often get such a dog precisely because of its impressive appearance, which requires constant care: grooming, etc. Main parameters: height - 18-23 cm ; weight - 3.2 kg ; life expectancy - 13-16 years . If you want to have such a dog, look for good breeders.

English Springer Spaniel

Of all the varieties of spaniels, the English Springer Spaniel is one of the oldest breeds. His hunting instinct is much more developed, but there are also serious external differences: more impressive size, always spotted color. This dog is very kind and loyal. Appearance - elegant, aristocratic. Main parameters: male height - 48-56 cm , weight - 20-25 kg ; female height - 46-51 cm , weight - 18-23 kg . Life expectancy is 12-14 years . When choosing a puppy, carefully study its pedigree. It is not recommended to take a baby who is less than 6-8 weeks old.


Among other “fluffies”, the bobtail stands out strongly. After all, he is not just fluffy, but also big. The birthplace of the bobtail is Old England. They were brought out to work - to graze cattle and guard the house. The peculiarity of the breed is its short tail, which is how the dog got its name, because the short tail most closely resembles a bob. We achieved such beauty by crossing two breeds of shepherd dogs - South Russian and Briard. The height of males is 56-61 cm at the withers, weight is 32-45 kg ; height of females - 51-56 cm, 27-36 kg . Bobtails live on average 10-12 years. When choosing a puppy, you must immediately assess your capabilities - whether you have the patience and strength to care for its long coat. Such care can be compared to hellish work. Otherwise, there are no significant features in choosing a puppy. A small addition - if the puppy’s tail is longer than normal, it must be docked.

Choosing a dog

Choosing a beautiful dog is not an easy task, but the main criteria for choosing a pet are as follows:

  • individual tolerance, i.e. no allergies to wool, love of animals;
  • having a strong motivation to buy a dog;
  • availability of appropriate conditions of detention;
  • the need and feasibility of lifestyle changes to meet the dog’s needs for movement, walks, etc.

Choosing a dog is a responsible decision on which the quality and emotional fulfillment of not only the owner’s life, but also the life of the future pet depends.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi, little shepherd

Corgis are experiencing a new wave of popularity today, as evidenced by videos featuring them on social networks. They are funny, lively, emotional and at the same time incredibly intelligent. The breed was noticed and began to be bred back in the 10th century; initially, the corgi was assigned the role of a small shepherd. Their miniature size allowed them to run between the legs of cows and sheep, deftly maneuvering and dodging the blows of their hooves. They coped with their direct function - looking after domestic animals - with a bang. However, modern Welsh Corgis are more often found in the park for a walk than in the pasture; the dogs have become mainly decorative. Their owners agree that their pets have a surprisingly easy-going and friendly character. They get along well with small children and never express even a hint of aggression.

The height of a male corgi is about 30 cm, the body is small, resembles a cylinder. The paws are disproportionately short, small, with wide, straight bones. The muzzle resembles a fox both in shape and in coat color - red with white cheeks. The ears are small, sticking up, slightly pointed at the tips. The eyes are round, small, the color of chestnut honey - golden brown. The coat is straight, of medium length, neither soft nor harsh. Corgis come in red, sable, and tricolor colors.

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