Kennels for Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs in Moscow

Kennel of dogs "El Tori". Ridgeback, Rhodesian Ridgeback

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Description:Rhodesian Ridgeback Kennel RKF/FCI "El Tori" offers Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies from Champions of the breed. A complete package of documents, country cultivation, gifts for owners when purchasing a puppy. We provide comprehensive support for the further raising and raising of the puppy: consultations on any issues, recommendations from specialists in handling and training, professional food at a discount.

History of the origin of the Vizsla breed

The ancestors of Vizslas - pointing dogs - appeared on the territory of Hungary back in the 10th century. At that time, nomads – the Magyars – migrated there. They lived by hunting. They were helped by sandy-colored dogs, which were well adapted to the harsh climate and terrain conditions. Bright red fur could be seen from afar.

Gradually, these hardy, graceful dogs became popular among the Hungarians. They were used for falconry, to search for large game along the trail. They had a sensitive sense of smell and endurance.

In the Middle Ages, the Vizsla began to be crossed with Russian greyhounds, eastern pointers, and Salukis. The result was a universal hunting dog with a beautiful golden coat. For this they were called “golden cops.” They became popular among the nobility. These dogs were prohibited from being exported abroad. At that time, there were two varieties: with a reddish coat color they were used in falconry, and light golden ones were used for hunting in the forest.

In the 18th century, the breeding of this Hungarian breed became more targeted. The breeder Zai was doing this. To improve the interior and working qualities of the dogs, he used pointers, Hanoverian hounds, and shorthaired pointers.

But in the 19th century, the popularity of the Hungarian Vizslas decreased. Hunting dogs began to be imported into the country from abroad and the national breed was almost forgotten. Vizslas began to crossbreed with German Smooth Pointers, as well as with Weimaraners. Through the efforts of amateurs, by the beginning of the 20th century the population of the breed was restored. In 1935, it was officially recognized by the International Canine Association.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Hungarian Vizsla was also crossed with the German Wirehaired Pointer. As a result, another breed line appeared. These dogs have shaggy, longer, and coarser coats. On the muzzle it forms a mustache and beard. Now Wirehaired Vizslas are a separate breed and have a different standard.

Dog kennel Tina Trading. Rhodesian Ridgeback

Description:The professional kennel “Tina Trading” offers high-quality RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK puppies from Breed Champions from Russia, South Africa, and the USA. The puppies are well raised, vaccinated according to age, natural health and excellent temperament. There is a selection of puppies of different ages and breeding values. Consultations, assistance on all issues of the breed, raising and raising puppies, veterinary care, exhibitions, food delivery, pet taxi, foster care during departure. Installment plans are possible!!! RKF documents. Shipping to other regions.www.ridge-tt.ru8-916-204-94-24 Elena8-909-630-82-40 Natalya, 8-905-777-45-13 Ksenia

Description of the appearance of the Hungarian Vizsla

Hungarian Vizslas are dogs of medium height. They have a graceful athletic build, long legs, a gracefully arched neck, and an intelligent look. They immediately attract attention with their graceful aristocratic appearance.

The standard height of a Vizsla at the withers is no more than 66 cm for males and up to 61 cm for females. The physique is harmonious. The dog's weight is 25-27 kg, females are a little more graceful.


The head is medium in size, dry, with clear outlines. The skull is moderately wide and convex. The occipital protuberance and brow ridges are slightly pronounced. The muzzle is long, rectangular, not pointed. The forehead is wide, the stop is smooth.

The bridge of the nose is straight, the lobe is wide and mobile. Painted brown. The jaws are strong, well muscled and have a scissor bite. The lips are fleshy, tightly fitting, and do not droop.

The Hungarian Vizsla has medium-sized, oval eyes. Set wide, slightly slanting. Color – any shade of brown, preferably dark. The look is smart and lively. The ears are thin, soft, V-shaped with rounded tips, wide at the base. Set low, slightly behind. When at rest, they hang down and lie close to the cheeks.


The neck is of medium length, muscular, with a pronounced scruff. The physique is graceful and harmonious. The chest is wide, deep, and the underline is slightly tucked up. The back is straight, the lower back is convex.

The tail is set low and tapers towards the tip. The length reaches the hock joints. Can be straight or saber-shaped. When moving, the dog carries it parallel to the ground and does not throw it over its back. In those countries where this is not prohibited, it is docked at ¼ length.


The limbs are long, graceful, but muscular, with strong bones. The front ones are straight, set parallel, close to each other under the body. The shoulders are long, the pasterns are sloping. The hind limbs are stronger. The thighs are long, the hock joints are low and well defined.

The paws are arched, the toes are tightly packed. The claws are brown and short. The Hungarian Vizsla moves gracefully. Trots or gallops, easily changes direction. When moving, maintain a proud posture and a straight back.

Coat and color

The coat is thick and short, shiny, close to the body, there is no undercoat. On the body the fur is coarser, on the head it is soft and fine. The wire-haired Hungarian Pointer has an undercoat, the coat looks tousled, and the length of the guard hair is up to 5 cm.

Vizslas can be any shade of red. It is reddish-golden, wheat, sand. Light shades are undesirable. The shade is uniform, without spots. The ears may be slightly darker. A small (up to 5 cm) white mark on the throat is allowed.

Photos complement the description of the appearance:

Disqualifying Faults

Any deviations from the Hungarian Pointer standard will result in the dog being disqualified. The most common disadvantages include:

  • yellow or chestnut coat color;
  • presence of spots on the body;
  • black or partially pigmented lobe;
  • malocclusion;
  • dewclaws;
  • drooping eyelids, jowls or dewlap on the neck.

Similar breeds

The Hungarian pointer is not very popular in our country. It is often confused with other hunting breeds. Most of all, she is similar in appearance to the Rhodesian Ridgeback and Weimaraner. The Ridgeback is a hound; it is a larger and more muscular dog than the Vizsla. A characteristic feature is a ridge along the spine. The Weimaraner is also a pointing dog. Outwardly, they are very similar to the Vizsla, but the Weimaraner has a gray coat.

Weimaraner and Vizsla photo:

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Vizsla Hungarian Shorthair
Activityin the house3.9
on the street4.8
Dominationin family2.1
over dogs2.5
Defending your territoryfrom people2.5
from dogs2.3
Sociabilityin family4.8
with strangers3.6
with dogs3.6
Concentrationin family1.3
in front of strangers2.4
with dogs2.5
Aggressivenessin family1.1
to strangers1.9
to the dogs1.6
to cats2.1
Family behaviorcalmness4.5
demand for affection4.6
excessive barking1.8
behavioral breakdowns2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.3
over 4 years old4.1
Institutional usewatchman3.5

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Weimaraner, German Shorthaired Pointer, Rhodesian Ridgeback, English Pointer, Belgian Shepherd Groenendael.

The photo shows what a Hungarian Vizsla looks like:

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

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General characteristics of the Hungarian Vizsla breed

The Vizsla is also called the Hungarian Pointer, the Magyar Hound, or the Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer. The word “vizsla” is translated from Hungarian as “to seek”, “to bring”. This is one of the ancient hunting breeds, known since the 10th century.

It is a universal gun dog - it not only tracks prey and points it out to the owner with its stance, but also brings back killed game. Unlike other hunting breeds, Hungarian Vizslas are very people-oriented. They are obedient and easy to train.

This is a balanced dog with a stable psyche, not aggressive and efficient. Thanks to her good-natured character and beautiful appearance, she is popular. Nowadays they get her mainly as a companion.

Nameshorthaired Vizsla, Hungarian pointer
a countryHungary
appearance featuresgraceful physique, long limbs, low-set wide floppy ears, short hair of golden-red color
applicationhunter, companion
character traitsfriendly, affectionate, devoted, hardy, cheerful, balanced
life expectancy12-14 years old
heightmales 58-64 cm, females 54-60 cm
weightmales 25-27 kg, females 20-25 kg
attitude towards a personbecomes attached to the owner, does not tolerate loneliness
difficulty of caresimple, clean, wool does not smell


The Hungarian Vizsla is a versatile dog. She will be an ideal friend for a teenager, an athlete, an active person. This is an obedient pet that will strive to please its beloved owner. Hungarian cops have several more advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • sociability, friendliness;
  • lack of aggression towards people and animals;
  • mobility, endurance;
  • love for children;
  • devotion;
  • balanced character;
  • increased sensitivity to a person’s mood;
  • fast learner;
  • cleanliness, absence of unpleasant odor;
  • The coat does not shed much and does not cause allergies.


But the Hungarian Vizsla is not for everyone. It is not recommended for busy people to get it - this dog cannot stand loneliness, it requires constant communication. The breed is also not suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is an active hunting dog and requires a lot of walking and running. The Hungarian cop has a few more disadvantages:

  • she is touchy, does not tolerate rudeness, and can be vindictive;
  • barks a lot;
  • boredom can damage furniture and things;
  • cannot be a security guard or watchman;
  • does not get along with small domestic animals, as he considers them prey.

The video complements the characteristics of the Hungarian Vizsla:

Video: Hungarian Vizsla. About the breed, features, care

Video: Hungarian Vizsla: features of the breed

Maintenance and care

It is best to keep a Hungarian pointer in a private house with a plot where she can splash out her energy. But you can’t lock her in an enclosure. This dog needs communication. A high fence is desirable on the site, which she cannot jump over.

When keeping in the city, it is necessary to provide the pet with sufficient physical activity - at least 3 hours of active walking per day. While walking, you need to play outdoor games. It is recommended to take the Vizsla out into nature more often and take him to dog parks. She will be happy to accompany her owner on a jog, bike ride, or hike. It is useful to play sports with your pet.

The Hungarian Vizsla has a short coat that does not require much grooming. You need to comb it a couple of times a week with a rubber mitt or a stiff brush. There is no undercoat, so combs are not suitable for combing. These dogs do not shed heavily; during this time, the coat needs to be brushed daily.

Bathing your pet is often not recommended, as this will disrupt the natural oil balance of the skin. The Hungarian Vizsla is very clean and can lick itself like a cat. If washing is necessary, use shampoo for short-haired dog breeds. After swimming in open water, it is recommended to rinse your pet’s fur with running water at home.

Mandatory hygiene procedures also include the following:

  • washing paws after every walk;
  • examining and cleaning the ears several times a week;
  • daily examination and rubbing of eyes;
  • brushing your teeth several times a month;
  • trimming nails monthly.


The Hungarian Pointer is a very active dog. She needs a diet rich in protein. She is unpretentious in nutrition; both dry food and natural products are suitable. To prevent your dog from gaining weight, the food should be low-fat and low-calorie. An adult pet needs two feedings a day, the serving size is 400-600 g.

Ready-made food is easy to dose; the packaging provides recommendations for quantities depending on the weight of the dog. You need to choose super-premium or holistic food designed for active dogs. The composition should not contain grains or artificial additives.

When choosing natural feeding, more than half of the diet should be lean meat. It is supplemented with cereals and vegetables. Fermented milk products, eggs, fruits, herbs, and vegetable oil are healthy. On the veterinarian's recommendation, additional vitamin supplements are given.

You cannot feed your dog fatty foods or food from the human table. Spices, marinades, sweets, and baked goods are prohibited. You cannot give legumes, onions, berries, milk, potatoes, pork.


The Hungarian Vizsla has a fairly strong immune system and good health. She has no tendency to allergic diseases or skin pathologies. With proper care, she can live 14-15 years while remaining active. But sometimes these dogs have the following diseases:

  • retinal atrophy, cataract;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • epilepsy

Characteristics of the Hungarian Vizsla

The Hungarian Pointer is one of the hunting breeds suitable for beginners. She is smart, flexible and affectionate, and has a balanced temperament. This is a versatile pet; it can become a good hunter or a devoted companion.

These dogs do not like to sit still and idle. They need mental and physical exercise, sports. They love to run, swim, fetch a ball or stick, and look for hidden objects. It is recommended to engage in agility, freestyle and other sports with your pet.

This dog has the following character traits:

  • curiosity;
  • cheerfulness;
  • communication skills;
  • intelligence;
  • friendliness;
  • patience;
  • obedience;
  • courage.

The Hungarian Vizsla is a sociable, good-natured pet. She loves people and treats all family members well. But she chooses one owner and remains faithful to him. A dog's love and devotion can be obsessive. She is ready to accompany her owner everywhere and participate in all matters. She needs attention and constant company. This dog cannot stand loneliness and is very bored.

The peculiarity of representatives of the breed is that they love to work for the public and constantly expect praise. Even when hunting, the Vizsla does not run far. Therefore, these dogs never get lost or run away.

Hungarian cops are playful, patient, and love children. They treat babies tenderly and caringly. These understanding, sensitive dogs can be good babysitters. Only because of their great height can they accidentally push the baby. Therefore, it is best for them to communicate with school-age children. For them, the dog will become their best friend, ready to support any games.

Vizslas communicate well with other dogs and do not enter into conflicts. They get along with cats and small dogs if they grew up together. But rodents and birds are perceived as prey. Small animals are especially often hunted on the street, so it is not recommended to let them off leash in the city.

The Hungarian Vizsla does not show aggression towards people. Therefore, it cannot be used as a security guard or watchman. She can only warn her owner about the approach of strangers by barking loudly. But if one of the family members is in danger, the dog will boldly rush to defense.

Education and training

The Hungarian Vizsla is quite intelligent and quick-witted. She is easy to train if you find the right approach and manage to gain authority. She will obey the person whom the Vizsla chooses as her master.

Up to 3-4 months, it is necessary to teach the puppy the rules of behavior and basic commands. It is especially easy to learn the commands “come to me” and “near”, since the dog does not leave the owner and is always happy to be near. Puppies also love to carry things in their mouths, so there will be no problems learning the “fetch” command. After 3-4 months of age, it is recommended to contact a dog trainer for consultation and conduct several classes under his guidance.

It is necessary to teach the puppy the commands “no”, “sit”, “stand”, “lie down”, “place”. You need to immediately show who is boss in the house. The dog must sleep on its own bed. We need to stop biting people on the arms and legs, climbing on the bed, begging for food. These dogs require early socialization. They must get used to cars, strangers, street noise, and other animals.

Dog handlers recommend adhering to the following rules when training a Hungarian pointer:

  • show patience and persistence, otherwise the dog will learn to manipulate the owner;
  • Do not raise your voice or use physical punishment - Vizslas are very touchy;
  • you need to adapt to the puppy’s mood - if he wants to play, conduct training in a playful way, if he is tired, practice the “place” command;
  • Vizslas love intellectual exercises and can learn unusual tricks;
  • these dogs love toys, they can be a good motivation, it is also necessary to reward them more often with treats and affection.

Hunting with a Hungarian Vizsla

Hungarian Vizslas are a gun breed of hunting dog. They are hardy, tireless, ready to run all day. This is a universal hunter, adapted to different conditions. She can hunt in the forest, in the field, on reservoirs, and is well versed in the terrain. The Vizsla tracks down the prey, makes a beautiful stance, pointing at it to the owner. She also easily finds and brings killed game. This dog is not afraid of gunfire and is happy to get into the water.

Hungarian Pointers have innate hunting skills, but special training makes them ideal hunters. It is recommended to train the Vizsla after 6 months.

Photos illustrate the behavioral characteristics of these dogs:

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