Cockapoo or a cross between a poodle and a spaniel - description of the breed

The Cocker Poodle or Cockapoo is a newly developed dog breed.

Despite the fact that they are not officially recognized by any canine association, cocker poodles, thanks to the work of many breeders and breeding enthusiasts, are confidently developing and gaining popularity among dog breeders around the world.

They are most widespread in their homeland - in the USA, as well as in Australia.

These charming, seemingly smiling dogs cannot leave anyone indifferent.

In the article we will tell you everything about this designer breed - about its characteristics, specific care, attitude towards children, and so on.

History of the breed

Cockapoo is an incredible breed that has not found popularity in the Russian Federation.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, dog handlers in England and America were faced with the task of breeding a miniature breed that would not have diseases along the hereditary line. For this purpose, a poodle and a cocker spaniel were taken. As a result, the first litter consisted of cheerful and friendly puppies. The result was to my liking, thanks to which active breeding of these dogs began.

For the first time, a club for fans of this breed was opened in 1999, where it was decided that only adult individuals would be used to produce offspring.
Important! The Cocker Poodle breed is not officially recognized by the World Kennel Club.

Nutritional Features

Cockapoos have inherited a tendency to overeat and become obese from poodles and cocker spaniels, so the owners of these dogs must strictly adhere to the feeding regime of their pets and control the volume of their portions.

The natural type of food allows the owner to independently control the quality of the products the dog eats and eliminates the possibility that the dog will quickly get bored with the food.

At the same time, inexperienced owners may have difficulty preparing a balanced diet, which can lead to the development of various diseases in the animal.

When feeding naturally, the menu must include:

  • lean meat (beef, poultry, rabbit);
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish (hake, pollock, blue whiting, navaga);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

You should not feed your Cocker Poodle:

  • pickles, smoked meats, marinades;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes;
  • fatty meat;
  • river fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • bones;
  • fried, spicy foods.

In consultation with the veterinarian, the dog’s diet should be supplemented with a vitamin and mineral complex.

As an alternative to natural food, you can use industrial feed. They contain everything necessary for the proper growth and development of the dog, and the owner will not need to prepare food for the pet on a daily basis.

Preference should be given to premium, super premium or holistic foods designed for feeding small breeds of dogs and suitable for their age and activity level. Products from the brands NOW, Grandorf, Almo Nature, Purina Pro Plan, Bosch, Acana, 1st Choice, Monge, Royal Canin, Hills, Orijen are popular.

Photo and description of the breed

Spaniel-poodle crosses come in several varieties, varying in size:

  • Dwarf cockapoo. The weight of individuals does not exceed 3 kg.
  • Toy. The minimum weight of pets is 3.5 kg, the maximum is 5 kg.
  • Miniature cockers. Weight category is up to 9 kg, and height at the withers is from 35 to 38 cm.
  • Cockapoo. Representatives of this species are rare; their weight can reach 30 kg.

The Cockapoo is one of the breeds that is not officially recognized by the IWC.

A pet needs constant human attention

The incredibly beautiful fur of the Pikapu is the calling card of these individuals.

The cockapoo is a cocktail that combines the intelligence of a poodle and the hunting instinct of a cocker spaniel.

Representatives of this breed are excellent with children and other animals.


With proper care, the lifespan of a cockapoo ranges from 13 to 15 years. In general, young dog breeds cannot boast of excellent health, which is understandable; they seem to “absorb” all hereditary diseases. The Cocker Poodle is no exception. But by being aware of vulnerabilities, problems can be prevented or minimized. Diseases that cockapoos are primarily susceptible to:

  • developmental disorder of the hip joint (HJ);
  • dislocated kneecaps;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergies and dermatitis;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines (volvulus, disorders);
  • liver pathology;

By following the tips for caring for your pet and eating a sensible diet, you will save him from possible problems. Vaccination and routine examinations at the veterinary clinic are points that will have to be followed literally.

General information and standards of the Cocker Poodle breed

Since the cockapoo is an unapproved dog, its standard is not registered. The dogs are proportionally built, look active and cheerful. They look more like poodles than spaniels:

  • The Cocker Poodle Cockapoo has a head that is proportional to its body. The skull is rounded, the muzzle is pronounced, the nose is dark in color.
  • The eyes are round, in most cases there is a dark brown iris.
  • The ears are long, set low and droop somewhat.
  • The back is straight, the chest is developed.
  • The limbs are long, with developed muscles.
  • The tail may hang down or may be shaped like a sickle.

Character traits

Representatives of the cockapoo breed are kind, calm and loyal animals. They communicate well with both adults and children. Pets are absolutely not prone to aggression and are excellent companions for both people and other animals. The dog will tolerate the appearance of another animal in the house well, even if before that it was the only favorite, and will not become jealous of its owner.

Peekapoo dogs are cheerful four-legged friends who love to spend time playing. At the same time, they are inherently curious, so they obviously will not sit still while walking, because it is important for them to get to know the world around them.

Important! Over time, love for the world around him will be passed on to the owner; before he even notices, he will begin to enjoy what surrounds him.

Representatives of this breed can boast of high intelligence. They adapt well to a new environment, quickly make decisions and are well trained in the technique of executing commands. Pets have a keen sense of smell, so they can keep company while hunting, but not for large animals.

Peekapoos are curious individuals who love to explore the world.

Relationships with other animals, children

The undoubted advantages of the breed are intelligence and obedience. The cockapoo immediately grasps what a person wants from him. The animal inherited a sharp mind from the poodle, so there are no problems with training the puppy. The dog likes to please his owner. If you generously praise your pet, he will happily do everything in his power.

Cockapoo socialization is easy. The puppy is immediately accustomed to the company of people, relatives, new sounds, smells. But the dog has an extremely sensitive nature. If she does something wrong, it’s enough to say it with the appropriate intonation. Under no circumstances should you shout, much less beat the animal. However, pampering cannot be encouraged - the owner should act gently but decisively.

The cocker spaniel gave the cockapoo an easy-going character - he gets along well with other pets. You can get a puppy even if there is already a cat, bird or other animal in the house. The dog will not be jealous of its owner towards its four-legged comrades.

The cockapoo breed is extremely active and energetic. Playing with a pet can be entrusted to children - everyone will enjoy the time spent together. But you can't treat a cocker poodle like a toy - he will get offended and leave. Reviews from the owners confirm that this is a full-fledged person who requires an appropriate attitude.

Cockapoos love tactile contact and prefer to rest next to their owner.

Advantages and disadvantages

A cross between a poodle and a spaniel, that is, a peekaboo, has its pros and cons, which the breeder needs to become familiar with before purchasing such a pet.

Positive traits:

  • absence of shedding and repulsive odor;
  • beautiful exterior;
  • high life expectancy;
  • good character;
  • ability to get along with people and animals.

Negative features:

  • loneliness is difficult to bear;
  • feel the need for long walks;
  • predisposed to a number of diseases.

Color Variations

Adult dogs are selected for mating. Their color is not taken into account, so individuals can have a variety of coat colors:

  • brown;
  • beige;
  • black;
  • fawn;
  • apricot;
  • white;
  • creamy;
  • silver

Important! Wool can be dyed in a mixture of colors.

It is acceptable to have speckles on the fur

Photo gallery

The Kopaku dog, which you can see in the photos below, will become a favorite for children and make friends with other animals living in the apartment.

Care and maintenance

The decorative cockapoo breed needs careful and specific care.


The coat is the calling card of this breed, so it is important to properly care for it. To prevent tangles from forming on the wool, comb it out with a comb 2-3 times a week.

The dog should be groomed once every 2-3 months, and the hair around the eyes and between the paw pads must be shortened.


Your pet should be bathed once every 2-3 weeks using a special shampoo. If you carry out the procedure more often, the coat will become dull. But after each walk, your pet should wash its paws and belly.


These individuals need daily walks, and the walk should not last less than 1.5 hours and should be active.

Cockapoo walks should be active and interesting for him


Ears are cleaned as they become dirty, clearing them of wax and removing hair from the ear canals.


Since dogs are very active when walking, their claws wear down during the walk. If this does not happen, they need to be cut daily.


The Cocker Poodle is prone to the formation of plaque and tartar on its teeth, so brushing is required 3-4 times a week.


Representatives of this breed clean their eyes every day with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or regular boiled water.

Popular nicknames

A nickname for a dog is like a name for a person, it’s not easy. It’s better to think twice than to regret it later. Of course, your pet will already have a legal name in its passport, but rarely does anyone use it in life. If you want to call your dog just Bagel, it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to forbid it. Let’s give a small list to start with so that you have something to start from, and then decide for yourself.

Nicknames for males:

  • Arro
  • Kay
  • Ike
  • Bean
  • Voli
  • Wilson
  • Babys
  • Guy
  • Degai
  • Derry
  • Hindu
  • Corsang
  • Eddie

Nicknames for bitches:

  • Valissa
  • Anfiska
  • Marseilles
  • Ozya
  • Shmonya
  • Mioni
  • Deinis
  • Elisha
  • Zuma
  • Nancy

The main thing is not to forget about the importance of the moment, because “what you call a ship is how you will sail on it.”

Training and education

Thanks to their innate intelligence and quick wit, cockapoos can master a training program of any complexity without experiencing any particular difficulties. Pets are very sensitive, so during training you need to be firm, but not to the detriment of their psyche.

Important! Cockapoos do not tolerate aggression and anger.

The breed is easy to train, so cockapoos will not have any difficulties in following commands.


Since the pet is very active, it requires two daily walks in the fresh air. The smallest representatives of this breed are taken out for walks only in good weather; they are trained to use a litter box or a special diaper to go to the toilet.

Dress according to the weather

To keep the baby from getting bored, they buy him various balls and squeaky toys for entertainment.


It is quite difficult to organize mating in Russia, because the breed is not widespread in the country. If it was possible to find a suitable dog, then the pets are first introduced, and then a female is brought into the male’s territory and a manual mating is carried out.

Pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks, and a litter usually produces no more than 7 puppies.

Only adult individuals are subject to mating

Price range

Buying a cockapoo puppy in Russia is not easy - almost no one breeds this breed. There is only 1 kennel specializing in designer dogs, including cocker poodles - DiDog , located in Moscow.

Due to the rarity of the breed, the price for these puppies is quite high - from 40 thousand rubles. from professional breeders and about 10 thousand rubles. from amateurs.

How to choose a puppy

Before making your choice, you must personally come to the nursery and view all the puppies from the litter. In a healthy puppy:

  • eyes without redness and active lacrimation;
  • clean ears;
  • there are no signs of allergies or irritation on the skin;
  • correct bite – scissor bite;
  • shiny wool.

A pet that does not suffer from diseases behaves actively, cheerfully, shows curiosity about the world around it and does not behave aggressively.

When choosing a puppy, it is important to take into account the appearance and characteristics of its behavior.


In Cockapoo dogs, the ears and eyes are most vulnerable. Regular hygiene procedures help reduce the risk of problems to a minimum. Also, these animals are more likely than other breeds to suffer from the following diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • epilepsy;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • luxating kneecaps (a common problem in small dogs);
  • allergy.

To protect your cockapoo from diseases, you should regularly visit the veterinarian and carry out routine vaccinations.

The chance of raising a healthy pet increases if its parents are checked for the presence of hereditary pathologies.

Interesting Facts

There are many interesting facts about the cockapoo breed. Here are a few of them:

  • Cockapoos are hypoallergenic dogs, so they can live in an apartment or house with people prone to allergies.
  • A cockapoo named Alfie won the title of "Dog with a Smile" in a competition run by Penguin Books. According to the jury, this animal is constantly smiling. Many breeds competed for this award, but the 9-month-old Cocker Poodle was awarded the award.
  • The breed is popular not only in America; its qualities are also appreciated in Sweden, Australia and Great Britain.

The breed is ideal for participation in beauty contests.
Cockapoo is a person’s best friend and cheerful companion. He is able to empathize with his owner and at the same time try to cheer him up, which cannot but be appreciated.

Are there any disadvantages?

The disadvantage of pets is the habit of barking loudly. This can be inconvenient, especially if you live in an apartment. As a rule, the dog begins to voice when left alone.

Despite his pretty appearance and easy-going character, the dog wants to be taken seriously. He is offended by being treated like a toy. Therefore, the opinion of the cockapoo will have to be taken into account.

A minor character defect is also increased suspiciousness. The dog, not receiving the desired attention, may be offended or think that it has displeased you with some behavior. An animal can walk around in its thoughts for a long time. The final disadvantage of the breed is its relatively poor health and predisposition to many types of illnesses.

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