How to make a model haircut of a Chinese Crested Puff at home

It resembles an elegant exotic flower - small Chinese Crested dog with a fluffy head and a thin, smooth body.

The long-haired variety is rightly called “powder puff” : they are, indeed, like puffs for different unusual shades of powder.

But only those Chinese Cresteds look like this if they are properly cut and whose fur is properly cared for. An unkempt dog will look less like a flower and more like a burdock. And if only it was a matter of appearance!

Important! Grooming Chinese Cresteds has a good effect on the dog's well-being.

In naked people, blood supply to the skin improves . And puffballs have very fine and silky fur; without care, it easily tangles into long tangles. On the head, such “decoration” gets into the eyes, which can cause excessive tearing and darkening of the hair under the eyes. And if excess hair appears on the paws, it can even hinder the dog’s movements: it will move as if it is getting tangled in the grass.

Origin of the breed

The Chinese Crested breed is considered one of the most ancient; the first mention of it in official chronicles dates back to 200 BC. during the reign of the Chinese Han Dynasty. For many centuries, Chinese Cresteds have been considered talismans of successful trade and prosperity, a symbol of devotion and selfless love.

An amazing legend is associated with them. In ancient times, in the forest, a dog found a human cub lost by its parents. To save the baby from the cold, she shook off all her fur on him. In gratitude, the happy parents took the savior with them, making her a member of their family. Having learned about this, the God of Good gave the hairless dog the opportunity to have fluffy puppies in its offspring, so that at the right time it could always come to the aid of its owners and share its fur.

Of course, this is just a beautiful fairy tale, but Chinese Crested dogs are truly distinguished by their immense devotion to their owners.

Let's sum it up

The beautiful hairstyle of this exotic breed can create the perfect look for your dog. If you take care of him regularly, his hair will stay that way forever. Its wool has a unique property: it is self-cleaning and does not cause allergies. There is no undercoat, which makes care even easier.

An animal of this breed, living with a person, will bring a lot of positive emotions. He is active and happy all his life. It's easy to train, making training fun. However, remember that it is best to protect his hair from UV rays, and after bathing, it is best to bathe him in sea water.


Systematic care of the Chinese Crested's coat can begin when your pet is 2-3 months old. The main procedures include:

  • bathing and subsequent drying, treatment of the skin (every 3-4 days);
  • trimming the fur between the toes, trimming the claws (the fur is cut every 2 weeks, the claws are trimmed at intervals of 1.5-2 months);
  • sanitary treatment of the ears, eyes, groin and anal areas (once every 2 weeks);
  • Regular (once every 1-2 days) combing, removing tangles and dead undercoat.

Hairless crested dogs have a smooth, hairless body.
Their fur grows only on the head (a crest that smoothly descends to the neck), in the area of ​​the limbs (“socks” on the paws) and at the end of the tail (in the form of a plume or train). Grooming a hairless Chinese Crested includes hygiene procedures, skin treatment and hair trimming in the head, paws and tail area. A feature of hairless dogs is very sensitive skin, prone to the formation of acne and atheroma (skin tumors), and the appearance of ingrown hairs. That is why their owners need to carefully monitor the condition of the dog’s skin.

Grooming powder puffs is quite complicated; it requires the use of professional cosmetics and tools. One of the main grooming procedures is cutting the downy Chinese Crested dog. Powderpuffs have long, silky, veil-like hair all over the body with a soft undercoat. The need for regular haircuts of powder puffs is due to the tendency of the coat to form tangles and the rapid death of guard hairs.

Health and life expectancy

The answer to the question “how long do Chinese Cresteds live” is clear - they are long-lived animals. In the history of the breed, dogs have been recorded whose life expectancy reached eighteen years. Crested cats are famous for their good health and strong immunity.

Veterinarians focus the attention of owners on the prevention of allergies, problems with joints, teeth

Regular visits to the veterinary clinic, preventive examinations by specialists, routine vaccinations, anthelmintic measures are a guarantee of a long, happy life for your crested pet.

Diseases of the breed

There is a small list of the main diseases of Chinese Cresteds:

  • eye pathologies;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • renal failure;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergies;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • epilepsy.


Pathology of the skin of hairless dogs is a regular headache for all owners of Chinese corydalis. Wen or lipomas (subcutaneous manifestations of fatty origin), acne and comedones (a type of cyst that occurs when the hair follicle is blocked with sebum). The skin needs to be looked after, the wen should be removed regularly: the dog’s skin is steamed, the sebaceous plugs are squeezed out. The main thing in the process: compliance with all hygiene standards, treatment with antiseptic agents, prevention with veterinary lotions and oils.

Most often, wen is a purely aesthetic problem, but (you cannot treat your health negligently) a visit to a veterinary dermatologist is the right solution to the problem.

Exhibition haircuts (“showtrim”)

Pets participating in public shows and events require special grooming and haircuts performed in strict accordance with the requirements of the breed standards and the current FCI standards (No. 289).

Chinese Crested haircuts photosDescription of show haircuts for Chinese Crested dogs
Hairless (hairless) Chinese Cresteds have their hair trimmed in the area of ​​the muzzle, paws, and tail. The length of the hair in the interdigital spaces should not exceed 2 mm, the tail is depilated at the base, its plume is 3/4 of the total length. The skin is treated with a cosmetic scrub and specialized creams.
Show grooming standards for downy Chinese Cresteds require a flowing, veil-like coat. The most common types of exhibition haircuts for powder puffs:
Haircut "hairless crested" and haircut "poodle" . Imitation of a poodle's breed haircut, in the process a pom-pom is formed on the head, the hair on the face is cut short (hair length no more than 1.5-2 cm), the paws are given additional volume along the entire length (they are contoured in the form of “columns”).
Skirt haircut . On the body in the lumbar region a skirt is formed from longer wool than on the rest of the body. The bangs are cut on the top of the head for a topknot, and the panties are cut on the legs.
"Pedigree" haircut . The goal is to preserve the natural appearance as much as possible. During the cutting process, the hair is slightly trimmed in length (no more than 1-2 cm). An experienced groomer can use this type of haircut to improve the appearance and correct some of the dog's physique flaws.

Character traits

Chinese Crested cats, according to reviews from their owners, are distinguished by a friendly and sociable disposition, sometimes even too sociable: they are ready to follow their owner all day long, which not everyone will like. Left alone, they can express their fear of loneliness by howling and whining, or play pranks out of boredom.

To prevent such behavior, the main thing is to teach the dog from puppyhood that its opinion is important... but only after the wishes of the rest of the family members, including the smallest children, are taken into account

But at the same time, the owners note that their dogs have the most tender and loving hearts - so accurately they guess a person’s bad mood and come to console him. Probably, thanks to this feature, crested pets are credited with a supernatural gift of healing - after all, as you know, most diseases have psychological roots.

Due to their intelligence, puffballs are easy to train. They easily comprehend not only the subtleties of good behavior in everyday life, but can also surprise those around them with entertaining tricks learned casually while playing with their owner.

Despite their good nature, these pets treat strangers with distrust.

Decorative or fancy haircuts

Companion dogs that do not participate in exhibitions also require regular grooming. There are no strict standard requirements for pet haircuts, so groomers can show all their imagination and creativity in such hairstyles. There are many beautiful and fashionable options for decorative haircuts and hairstyles for Chinese Cresteds.

decorative haircuts of Chinese Crested photosDescription of decorative haircuts of Chinese Cresteds
Animalistic haircuts . Hairstyles that give your pet a visual resemblance to different animals. The Chinese Crested is traditionally cut like a lion cub or a kitten; the most advanced hairdressers even make hairstyles like an imp.
"Baby-face" . The purpose of the haircut is to achieve maximum resemblance between an adult dog and a puppy. The fur throughout the body is shortened to a length of 3-4 cm, giving the body a rounded shape. A bang is formed on the top of the head, which is subsequently tucked into a top knot decorated with accessories.

Timely and regular grooming of the Chinese Crested will not only preserve the well-groomed appearance of the dog, but also prevent the possible development of diseases of the skin and coat.

All types of show, model and hygienic haircuts for Chinese crested dogs are offered by the ARTEMONoff grooming salon in Moscow. The salon provides complete preparation of your pet for exhibition events, including international ones, in full compliance with breed standards and FCI regulations.

You can find out how much a full range of services costs or prices for individual procedures on the Artemonoff website. All work is performed by certified craftsmen using professional equipment using specialized hypoallergenic Crown Royale cosmetics.

Your pet deserves the best! Welcome to the grooming salon "ARTEMONoff"!

Good to know

The special quality of the Powder Puff coat is explained primarily by the small amount of undercoat, and the dominant grooming hair in a healthy state, according to connoisseurs of the breed, resembles a veil: it is long, delicate and silky. Nevertheless, this is exactly dog ​​hair in its structure and characteristics, but not human hair, with which common myths about the breed identify it.

Using elastic bands for bangs

The pet industry offers a huge selection of various rubber bands and hairpins for decorative breeds of dogs, but not every one of these cute details will benefit your powder pouf.

You shouldn’t give up using them completely - it’s not only beautiful, but also very convenient. Choose jewelry that will definitely not stretch the wool, thereby damaging it. It is preferable to make ponytails from bangs using soft silicone rubber bands, but even these are not advisable to wear for too long - only as needed. Learn to tie bright ribbons of natural composition on wool - it’s beautiful and more or less harmless for the condition of the hair.

Jewelry should not damage the dog's fur.

Some dogs have a habit of chewing their own fur: since the faces of puff dogs are usually shaved, it is the long bangs that get the most damage. If rubber bands do not help, then a special mesh made of natural fibers with a silky structure can be a real salvation in this case.

Protecting wool from weather factors

It is important to constantly protect your pet’s fur from adverse environmental factors:

  • temperature changes;
  • rain and snow;
  • direct sunlight.

Staying under the scorching sun is unlikely to benefit anyone, much less a small dog, especially if it is a powder puff, and even more so if it is dark in color. The sun's rays destroy the pigment, the wool fades and becomes very fragile.

For the same reason, you shouldn’t paint your cute puff coat in fashionable and “cool” colors. Even the most gentle tinting agents can hopelessly ruin the structure of the coat, which you have so diligently taken care of until now.

Such “beauty” is a mockery of the dog and its fur

If the dog is litter box trained, then it is better not to walk it at all in bad weather. Be sure to buy your baby’s wardrobe not only warm winter clothes, but also light summer clothes - they should protect the body and fur from heat and cold.

No synthetics and no raincoats - only natural fabric composition is welcome. Waterproof boots can only be worn on well-brushed paws.

Pay close attention to your pet's wardrobe

Avoiding synthetic bedding

Synthetic bedding negatively affects the quality of wool, causing it to electrify, become thinner and break. The best option is dog mats made of satin, 100% natural.

By the way, cotton rugs are also not recommended.

What to do if there is already synthetic flooring on the floor in the rooms? You will have to choose between the coating and the beauty of the wool.

From puppyhood, you need to teach your dog to lie on the “correct” rugs

Price for grooming a Chinese Crested dog:

BreedWash dryShort haircutGrooming long hairTangles (RUB/hour)Complex
naked Crested 800 1000 1500 300-1000 2200-3000
Crested down 800 1100 1300 300-1000 2600-3500

View the full price list for dog and cat grooming and additional services.

We serve all areas

We serve all areas of the city of Rostov-on-Don. We go to the house.

  • Tufted Hairless Haircut 1st Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Sverdlovskaya street
  • Grooming of the Tufted Naked Varfolomeeva Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Izobilnaya Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Lawn 3rd Lane
  • Hairless tufted haircut Raskatny 10th Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Milyutinsky Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Tsushima Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut on Komitetskiy Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Stolyarny Lane
  • Haircut of a naked crested Ivakhnenko street
  • Hairless crested haircut Loud Lane
  • Grooming of the crested hairless Privokzalnaya Square
  • Hairless crested haircut Sputnik 1st Lane
  • Hairless crested haircut Glubokoy Lane
  • Grooming of the Tufted Naked Yasnaya Ulitsa
  • Grooming of the Tufted Hairless Onezhskaya Street
  • Grooming of a hairless tufted red guerilla on Red Partizan Lane
  • Haircut of the Tufted Naked Peskova Street
  • Hairless crested haircut Mozdoksky Lane

Some of our works:

Grooming a Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese crested haircut

Grooming Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested after haircut

See all photos of dog haircuts in the photo gallery >>>


Anyone can raise and train a Chinese Crested Powder Dog, and older people are no exception. She, like any other dog, should be taught the rules of behavior and the boundaries of what is allowed. Despite the fact that this is a gentle creature attached to people, without proper upbringing it can become inadequate. It is necessary to train and raise a puffball as soon as it appears in the house.

A person should be adamant in his prohibitions and not forget about the socialization of the puffball, because thanks to this moment the dog will not be cowardly and hysterical.

As early as possible, you should accustom your pet to the clothes that he will need to wear in cold or too hot weather. The Chinese Crested is an intelligent and obedient dog, making it easy to train.

A decorative Chinese crested fluffy dog ​​can be bought for about 55 thousand rubles. This breed has become a favorite for many dog ​​breeders. In order for an animal to grow healthy, the owner will have to create the right diet for it, care for it and educate it.

For more information about the characteristics of the breed, see the video below.

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