All about trimming miniature schnauzers coat care haircut

Grooming and trimming a miniature schnauzer at home is quite a complex undertaking; without skills and experience, plucking out coarse hairs and shaping the coat is not easy. If the owner has patience and a great desire to carry out the required procedures on his own, then in the article you can find step-by-step guidance and advice from experienced groomers.
It is important to adhere to the rules and use professional tools. Inept actions can cause harm to the dog: injuries, improper hair growth, deterioration in the quality of the coat. If in doubt, you should contact a pet salon for comprehensive hair care.

What is grooming and trimming?

If we remember biology, grooming is the actions performed by animals to cleanse their fur and body of dirt. In fact, the dog and cat do not wash themselves, but engage in grooming. If we consider this event from a modern point of view, then grooming a schnauzer and other animals is a hygienic or model haircut of animals, trimming claws, sanitizing ears and teeth, shaving the fur on the paws, etc. Some dog breeds have lost their natural ability to shed. These include terriers and schnauzers. Hair has 3 stages of “growing up”: young guard hair, mature and dead (old). So, in terriers and schnauzers, dead hair remains in the coat. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the trimming procedure twice a year, i.e. plucking out old hairs. This event can be considered hygienic, since old wool causes discomfort. Thanks to trimming, the pet's appearance becomes well-groomed and neat. You can see the difference between the two procedures thanks to numerous photos. We can say that trimming is a subtype of grooming.

Must remember! Trimming cannot be replaced with a haircut. This can lead to the fact that the hard coat inherent in some breeds will become soft and fluffy after cutting. The fact is that coarse hair has a non-standard structure: the hair is thin at the base, thick at the end. After plucking, exactly the same guard hair grows back, and the coat remains the same as before the procedure. After cutting, the hair grows from a weakened base, so the entire coat becomes soft.

Miniature Schnauzer trimming and grooming, muzzle trimming, diagram, photo

Standard breed trimming and grooming of a Miniature Schnauzer (preparation)

carried out based on standards for the outline of the bones and muscles of a square-format dog, the resulting dog should have a stocky appearance. After finishing the haircut or trimming, all lines on the dog’s body and paws should be invisible, but on the head, on the contrary, clear.

The dog is not washed before trimming. The process of trimming a miniature schnauzer begins on dirty fur by combing out the undercoat (carding) with a special tool with a stripper or furminator (whoever has what) and only then begin to evenly pluck out dead (longer, duller, thicker) hairs. They pluck the fur according to its growth using special tools: a trimmer, a stone, or fingers, on which they put on a rubber glove, a finger guard, or use powder to prevent them from slipping. Finally, a special pumice stone is passed over the wool. After proper work, the coat will be thinned out, there will be no thickened areas, it will become smooth and adhere to the dog’s body. Attention, the dog should not appear, let alone become, bald! Trimming for dogs with properly matured hard coat should not be a painful procedure; otherwise, it means that the coat is not mature, or the miniature has initial deviations in its structure, or the texture has changed after haircuts.

Before clipper grooming, the dog is washed and dried. To maintain a natural look, it is better to cut your dog's hair as the coat grows. It is recommended that after cutting, go over the fur with a furminator and pumice stone to remove dead hairs and free the bulbs from them at least a little.

The procedure and scheme for breed trimming (stripping), or cutting a miniature schnauzer:

The body for stripping dogs and for clipping dogs has the same outline, see the diagram. A short skirt is kept on the lower part of the body, which should be very short in the groin area and smoothly lengthen towards the chest area, creating the illusion of a “deep chest” and an athletic build. The fur on the top of the tail is the same length as on the body. The lower part of the tail is very short. The thighs should have a powerful appearance and the length of the hair as on the back. The line of transition to the long part of the dog's legs and to the skirt should not be sharp. The decorative fur on the legs should be quite voluminous, in proportion to the body, and create the appearance of straight columns. On the front of the neck, a very short V-shaped section is formed from the base of the ears to 3 fingers above the sternum. In front, in the shoulder area, a W-shaped area is formed with a smooth transition into longer hair on the paws and skirt, which should fall strictly vertically when looking at the dog in profile.

The head and muzzle of a miniature schnauzer should have a rectangular format. The forehead is straight. The ears are cut very short with smooth edges. The eyebrows are triangular, arched from below along the contour of the eye socket, very short on the outer edge and long on the inner edge of the eye, reaching the middle of the bridge of the nose. The space between the inner edges of the eyes, (stop), can be trimmed, dividing the eyebrows, or left long, at your discretion. The main thing is that the eyebrows, when looking at the dog from the front in total, have a triangular appearance and the dog’s gaze seems sharp. The dog's temples and cheeks are cut short: from the outer corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth, but which must be covered, along a clear line highlighting the corner of the mouth. According to the breed standard, the bridge of the nose and the area under the eyes are not cut. It forms the same rectangular format. The length of the beard, according to the standard, is kept in its natural form, but its lateral parts are formed - when viewed from the front and side, it should have a rectangular shape and straight lines from the corners of the eyes clearly downwards.

Trimming and grooming a show class Miniature Schnauzer.

We consider preparing a dog for an exhibition, especially a wire-haired one, and in particular a schnauzer, a labor-intensive and regular process that should begin at 3-5 months of age, gradually accustoming the dog to this procedure. Take into account the class division of show miniatures: babies 3-6 months, puppies 6-9 months, juniors 9-18 months, intermediate class 15-24 months, open class 15 months - 8 years and veterans 8 or more years.

Rolling is considered the ideal grooming technique for a show Miniature Schnauzer. Throughout the dog's show career (until it reaches 8 years of age), hygienic grooming and trimming (combing out the undercoat + plucking mature outer hair) should be carried out every 1-1.5 months. In such conditions, the dog will always look 5+. After such regular procedures, she will develop a multi-layered, hard, healthy coat that fits tightly to the body. Before the exhibition, the dog is treated with special cosmetics to make the coat appear tougher; some owners do not wash their dogs. Next, an exhibition edging haircut is carried out, giving the dog the correct silhouette, hiding flaws (which, in principle, exhibition specimens cannot have) and emphasizing the advantages.

Types of facial haircuts for non-show miniature schnauzers - pets

It doesn’t matter whether you are trimming or grooming your non-show Miniature Schnauzer. You can choose or come up with a new image for him, different from the standards. This looks especially impressive and practical when designing a dog’s face. The Miniature Schnauzer has a unique coat. If you don’t put much effort into caring for it, it can become very long, plump, and curly, then the scope for the imagination of the owner and groomer is almost unlimited:

A very long, uncut, always dirty and tangled beard of a miniature schnauzer does not decorate him at all, but on the contrary, makes him unkempt. The same can be said about the shaggy eyebrows that cover the dog's eyes. Are you often able to look into your pet's eyes? And he has them, after all, so beautiful, big and understanding of everyone! Only skillful trimming of a miniature schnauzer's muzzle immediately makes the dog not stern and angry in appearance, but impossibly charming and easy to care for. Think about it.

First grooming of a miniature schnauzer puppy. When to start, what to do?

A Miniature Schnauzer puppy needs the first grooming at 3-4 months of age.
As a rule, this is hygienic grooming, described above, with the initial stages of trimming - light combing of the undercoat and trial plucking of the puppy's hair. That is, we are already removing mature hair that is starting to fall off and accustoming the dog to grooming. Water, hair dryer, tools, nail trimming, groomer's hands - the puppy must know and not be afraid of this, otherwise there will be problems later! So, you have started grooming and now regularly and patiently, at least once every 2-3 months (not a show pet), continue this process. It should be noted that all puppies' coat is initially plump and difficult to trim. At the present stage, despite regular trimming, many dogs begin to have coarse hairs by the age of one year, for some it takes longer. In this case, if you are going to attend exhibitions, the dog is trimmed bald, plucking out all the outer hair. It should be noted that this will be a painful and time-consuming procedure, but you will probably achieve the result - the growth of a new hard spine. However, in some specimens the fur remains soft throughout its life; this is a breeding defect.

How much does it cost to cut and trim a miniature schnauzer, price?

The price of cutting and trimming a Miniature Schnauzer at Mishka's pet salon is based on the size of the dog, the time spent on the work and additional services, such as the presence of mats. You can see all prices in the price list. On average, the cost of a grooming complex with trimming for a standard size miniature schnauzer (up to 7 kg) = 3500 rubles. Grooming complex with a haircut = 2800 rubles. The cost does not include Discounts and Promotions.

How exactly does haircut, trimming and grooming take place?

  • To begin with, the “chin-chest” line is cut with a machine with a special attachment.
  • The fur on the cheekbones and sideburns is shortened in silhouette (for clarity, you can study the photo).
  • The hair above the eyes should absolutely not be touched.
  • The bangs should be narrowed and cut evenly, i.e. should not be wider than the forehead.
  • The beard is in no way shortened, it is only given a neat appearance.
  • The fur in the ears should be plucked or clipped. The final manipulation of hair growth is being carried out.
  • The outer side of the ears is also processed. The ears are given a strictly contoured appearance. The edges should be aligned and the fringe removed.
  • A haircut with a clipper is carried out in the abdomen, genitals, and on the inner thighs. Depending on the time of year, the haircut can be done with or without an attachment. All tufts and irregularities on the paws are trimmed. The result of the haircut should be a neat appearance of the paws without corners on the coat.
  • After the procedure, you need to comb your pet. After 10-14 days, a cosmetic haircut should be carried out to remove “stray” hairs or “antennas”.

Important to remember! If the haircut occurs during the cold season, the pet must go outside in special clothing for 2-3 days.


Dear schnauzers!

I think it is quite obvious to each of you that the schnauzer is the most charming, cheerful, cunning, independent dog. Once we have become acquainted with this breed (regardless of its size - Risen, Mittel or tiny miniature) we often fall under its charm and become its faithful fans. Indeed, in addition to a healthy psyche, excellent learning ability and wonderful character, schnauzers also have wonderful hair, which, on the one hand, does not create problems in everyday life (owners of other breeds may not believe or be sincerely surprised, but in the house of schnauzers there is really no hair on furniture and clothes owner), and on the other hand creates a unique image of these dogs - funny and stern at the same time. However, to maintain its unique appearance, the Schnauzer requires regular grooming. In wire-haired dogs (which also includes schnauzers), natural shedding is difficult (and there is practically no hair in the apartment), so it is necessary to periodically remove the hair mechanically.

When grooming Schnazers, we can choose one of the care options. First, let’s look at the “material parts”, that is, consider the basic concepts:

Trimming is the process of removing mature hair from wire-haired dogs. The wool is removed after full maturation once every 5-6 months. You need to pluck both the guard and the undercoat. After trimming we have a hairless "exotic breed" dog with a beard, bangs and furry paws. Before trimming - a shaggy lapdog. And only in the middle of this period, after 2.5-3.5 months, the schnauzer’s coat reaches the peak of beauty and power that is inherent in this breed.

Trimming - Miniature Schnauzer Rona Do

Trimming - Miniature Schnauzer Rona After

Stripping - pinching with a special knife. Stripping can also be called artificial shedding. As a result of stripping, the dog's hair is renewed.

And finally, the hero of our article is rolling , the so-called pinching. Ideal for dogs with a busy show schedule. If rolling is done correctly, the dog always looks appropriate for its breed.

For those schnauzers whose schnauzer is not only a house or working dog, but also a show participant, and possibly a ring star, the peculiarities of coat growth pose additional difficulties. When trimming, the hair reaches show condition 2.5-3.5 months after the procedure. I think many of you have encountered the fact that the exhibition calendar does not always coincide with the trimming calendar. And often you have to miss a show that is promising for the dog, because during this period you are not coat-ready. Or you have already signed up for the exhibition, the participation fee has been paid, but it is unknown whether the fur will have time to grow to the condition that you want to show to the judge. With proper rolling, these problems disappear - your Schnauzer's coat is always in good show condition.

Rolling gives us the opportunity to have a dog ready to go to shows at any time. The procedure is quite troublesome, but it's worth it! The idea of ​​rolling is to create 3 layers of fur on the dog. I will try to share my technique with you.

Miniature Schnauzer Tema before Rolling

Miniature Schnauzer Theme after Rolling

It is best to start working with a puppy at the age of 3 months. Let's consider this option (transferring an adult dog that was previously trimmed to rolling has its own specifics, which I will discuss below).

So, you have decided to keep your puppy rolling. Let's be patient and get started. Our goal is three layers of wool, but we begin to form them gradually. So:

Formation of the first (top) layer:

This is the puppy's first acquaintance with the pinching process, so most likely he will be very indignant. Be gentle, but decisive, let the puppy know that you intend to see the job through to the end. Over time, the dog gets used to regular nipping. The first step is to remove the fine “puppy” hair that sticks out in all directions. You need to pinch (with your fingers) evenly throughout the entire body, not forgetting the head, shoulders and hips. After trimming, it is necessary to remove the undercoat randomly along the body. The undercoat is removed with special tools, but be careful not to injure the dog's skin. In the future, the undercoat will need to be combed once every 7 days. Removing undercoat is very important! Excessively thick undercoat makes it difficult for the hair to emerge.

Schnauzer puppy before the 1st subtip Schnauzer puppy after the 1st subtip

Formation of the second (middle) layer:

After 4-5 weeks, it’s time to work with the second layer. During this period, your dog's fur will look patchy and patchy. Don't be alarmed - this is normal! Under no circumstances should you cut your dog’s hair to even out its fur; you need to be patient here! Now you need to pluck the dog again, evenly removing all the untidy hair. When you remove the unwanted hair, you will see a short, prickly “hedgehog” of new hair under the undercoat - this is the regrowth of the hair that we removed during the first trimming. At this stage, this is our first and so far only layer. We also remove the undercoat every 7 days over the next month.

Schnauzer puppy up to 2nd subtip

Schnauzer puppy after 2nd trimming

Formation of the third (bottom) layer:

After 4-5 weeks, you start working again, boldly removing all the remnants of long, old hair. Underneath you will see a new, tough and beautiful awn. It already consists of two layers, top and middle. The dog already looks neat and beautiful, but its fur is still short. In another month, your dog will already have 3 layers - top, middle and bottom. The bottom layer is short, it is almost invisible, after a month it turns into the middle one. The middle layer is the perfect length, but after a month it grows out and becomes the top layer.

Then you simply pluck the top coat monthly and remove the undercoat weekly. In order to clearly understand how much wool you need to pluck, lift the wool and look at it against the light, you will see that the wool of the top layer will be longer, and you need to pluck it without affecting the middle layer. It will take you 18-20 weeks to fully transition to rolling.

If you are transferring an adult dog, the tactics are the same as with a puppy, but in an adult, previously trimmed dog, you need to wait until the spine is almost completely ripe and not remove all of it, as with trimming, but pluck evenly, while leaving some of the hair for the next month. This is needed to create layers. In the third month, you need to remove all the old hair. It will take longer to fully transition an adult dog to rolling than a puppy.

Unfortunately, the entire rolling technique cannot be fully described in words; skill comes with experience. Over time, you begin to feel with your fingers exactly how to pinch to get a beautiful result. Through trial and error, one day you get a result you can be proud of. And after a moment you think that you could have done it even better, but this is already lyrics.

Good luck to you in our difficult task! I will be glad if the article helped you in some way! Go for it, because even the best grooming masters once did their first rolling of the inimitable Schnauzer.

Olga Lubenskaya


Proper nutrition and care promise your pet a life of up to 14 years. However, a hereditary predisposition can cause damage:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • melanoma;
  • cataracts;
  • hip dysplasia.

The urinary system is also susceptible to diseases after freezing.

Grooming a Schnauzer: what do you need to know?

Grooming Schnauzer dogs at home involves trimming the hair on the neck, face, paws, and belly. In these areas, the coat is aligned along the contour (see photo).

Grooming a Schnauzer begins with plucking coarse hair from the base of the neck to the end of the tail; how to do this correctly can be seen in numerous videos. Trimming a schnauzer at home (and plucking is trimming) then moves along the withers, shoulder blades, elbows, sides and chest. Plucking the fur on the thighs is left, so to speak, “for dessert.”

Important to remember! The hairs need to be plucked against their growth. Otherwise, young hair will be affected, and this will lead to the appearance of bald spots. It will be difficult to restore the coat to the way it should be and only with the help of professionals.

Numerous videos show the next stage:

  1. The thumb of one hand presses the small clump of fur firmly against the blade of the knife.
  2. The fingers of the second hand hold the skin.
  3. One sharp movement in the direction of hair growth - and the old hair is removed.
  4. For this procedure, it is advisable to purchase a trimming knife.
  5. The remaining coat is smoothed with a machine.

It should be remembered that if the pet’s coat is clean, then bathing is carried out after cutting. If you had to bathe the schnauzer before grooming, then after the procedure the animal is washed with clean water.

Basic rules for grooming a miniature schnauzer

Grooming a miniature schnauzer has its own characteristics and rules that cannot be neglected. They do not shed on their own, so human assistance is additionally required, otherwise the pet will turn into a ball of fur of unknown origin.

Pekingese haircut: how to cut it at home

The Miniature Schnauzer's coat consists of a dense, thick undercoat and awns - longer, coarser hairs. Taking into account the course of the life cycle, guard wool is divided into the following types:

  • young hair is characterized by softness and fineness;
  • mature hair has a medium length, a denser structure, and is hard to the touch;
  • the old one is the hardest to the touch and faded, long and dead.

Grooming a miniature schnauzer according to the pattern involves plucking the mature guard fur.

Note! In order for a dog to look neat, it must be cut by a competent specialist.


The mustachioed, bearded, robust creature has well-developed muscles; in the larger variety, the height reaches 70 cm and the weight reaches 47 kg. External image:

  1. The head has an oblong skull, a wedge-shaped muzzle and is equipped with strong jaws.
  2. Nose with black lobe and large nostrils.
  3. Straight-set eyes of a dark color. The eyelids are tightly connected to the eyeballs.
  4. The ears are set high in a classic triangular configuration. They, like the tail, are often docked.
  5. There are no skin folds on the slender, graceful neck.

Schnauzer trimming

Trimming a schnauzer at home is best done after visiting a specialist and studying all the nuances. This procedure is mandatory for schnauzers, since in other breeds, during the molting period, the old six “leave” the coat on its own. A biological feature of schnauzers is the absence of shedding, but the accumulation of dead hair. How the first trimming of a schnauzer occurs at the age of 6-10 months is shown in the video. Why do hairdressing procedures begin at this age? Because by this period the puppy acquires a “formed” coat.

Why is it better to contact a specialist for the first time? A professional can easily distinguish young hair from mature and dead hair by touch. Over time, the owner will gain such experience.

When trimming a schnauzer, only the body of the animal is processed; the photos of the master classes show that the hair on the neck, paws, inner thighs, and head is not affected.

It is advisable to trim twice a year. If the pet has a coal-black color, then the procedure is repeated 4 times a year. This is due to the fact that the gray or brown undercoat grows somewhat faster than the guard hair. If the pet has to travel to an exhibition, then trimming is carried out 2 months after the start of the competition, and then 2 weeks before the significant date.

If the owner decides to do hairdressing for his pet, step-by-step photos are available on the Internet. Thanks to such master classes, the pet owner will always be able to properly trim a schnauzer or other breed with hard hair at home.

Types of grooming for a miniature schnauzer

Shih Tzu puppy haircut: how to cut it at home

Miniature Schnauzer grooming is divided into several varieties according to its purpose.

Cosmetic (hygienic)

Cosmetic haircut of the miniature is carried out at least once a month. The procedure includes thorough combing of the undercoat, trimming the fur near the paw pads and directly on them, removing excess hair in the ears, under the tail, in the groin area, trimming the bangs and beard.

Hygienic haircut

Seasonal grooming

Seasonal trimming of a schnauzer is necessary during the period of active shedding, that is, twice a year. In between seasonal rolling of the Miniature Schnauzer, it is necessary to carry out a hygienic and basic haircut.

Basic haircut

This haircut should be done at intervals of 2-3 months. During the procedure, dead undercoat hair is removed and trimmed over the entire body. Additionally, all hygiene measures are carried out.

Basic haircut

Exhibition grooming

This procedure is carried out only before exhibitions, various shows and rings.

Note! An inexperienced and unqualified specialist can ruin a pet’s appearance and deprive him of the opportunity to compete at promising exhibitions.

Exhibition grooming of a miniature dog


Risen's ancestors are ancient Germanic herding dogs. A common theory is that the purpose of further selection was to help pastoralists. It is possible that the genes of pinschers, mastiffs, and shepherd dogs are present in dog blood.

For the first time, images of handsome dogs appeared in portraits of high-ranking nobles. In 1909, the Munich exhibition presented 29 individuals to the audience, which fueled interest in them.

The burghers used animals to transport beer and goods; in rural areas they carried out security service. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed was successfully used by the police of many Western countries. In the Soviet Union they learned about it in the 70s.

General rules

When processing the cover, it is important to take into account the nuances and know what features step-by-step haircuts have by area:

  • The cover is two-layered, consists of a dense undercoat and a fairly short guard coat,
  • There are different types of hairs on the dog’s body: new, very mild plus tousled, medium length plus coarse and long, dying elements. It is the last category that gives the animal’s coat an unkempt appearance; the coat loses its smoothness and shine.

A characteristic feature of miniature schnauzer haircuts is the treatment of local zones:

  • Use scissors to trim the beard, give the eyebrows the correct triangular shape, and trim the hairs on the front and hind legs. For a smooth transition, the formation of a small “skirt” into the cover on the chest area, these areas are carefully processed,
  • With the help of a clipper they cut the area of ​​the ears, belly, areas around the pride and cheekbones. Additionally, the hair around the genitals and anus is shortened.

The fur around the paw pads grows back quite quickly. This area must be passed through with small scissors.

There is an important difference in grooming between a miniature and, for example, a Yorkshire terrier. For the wire-haired dog breed (miniature schnauzer), the main emphasis is on trimming and rolling - removing hairs (bristles) by plucking the coat. Pets with soft, silky hair (Yorkies) need regular hygienic haircuts.

Learn about the characteristic symptoms and treatment of cholecystitis in dogs, as well as how to prevent the inflammatory disease.

How and how to treat gum inflammation in small breed dogs? Effective treatment options are collected in this article.

Types of haircuts:

  • cosmetic. Trimming the cover with a machine and scissors is performed as the hairs grow. Be sure to cut off part of the cover between the paw pads so that the hairs do not bother the dog. The best option is to do “cosmetics” every one and a half to two months. During the procedure, the overgrown undercoat is combed, hairs are cut off in the genital area, areas near the tail, neck, decorating “columns” on the paws are trimmed,
  • basic. The classic option is a combination of trimming with leveling and shortening the length on the chest and “skirt”, belly, ears, giving a characteristic shape to the beard and eyebrows,
  • exhibition. The basis of preparation for exterior competitions is a cosmetic haircut in a pet salon. Before the procedure, the dog is bathed, dried with a hairdryer, and a special balm is applied. Additionally, overgrown hairs on the paws are cut off, and the stages of a classic haircut are performed so that all areas have clear shapes according to the standard.

Important details:

  • Plucking dead, tousled hairs is the main care for a miniature schnauzer's coat. Model haircuts are rare. Before exhibiting your pet, be sure to perform cosmetic work on limited areas. Without plucking coarse hair over the entire surface of the body, the pet will have an unkempt appearance. Machine grooming of a dog on all parts of the body degrades the quality of the coat.
  • With proper trimming in the first year of life, the coat becomes smoother, the coat takes on a look that meets standard indicators by the age of two. Strong plucking of hard hairs on the dog’s body must be carried out taking into account the rules, otherwise the growth of the coat can be disrupted and the quality of the undercoat may deteriorate.
  • Every five weeks you can trim the wool (from 10 to 30%). The procedure is called rolling. Addition – cosmetic haircut and hygienic treatment on paw pads. It is important to lubricate the decorating coat with a special balm and conditioner. When rolling is performed correctly, the dog looks perfect, the length of the coat is from 1.5 to 2 cm, the pet does not look “bald” and “bald”, as after full trimming, if the owner does not perform rolling, but waits for the dog to completely “overgrow”.

What tools to cut hair with

Modern poodle haircut: how to cut it at home

Before you figure out how to trim your miniature schnauzer at home, you need to purchase all the tools necessary to carry out the work. If the owner decides to cut his pet's hair on his own, he should first take several lessons from professionals.

Grooming a miniature schnauzer is not an easy procedure. To achieve the desired effect, it is important to use quality tools. The following professional devices will be used:

  • nail clipper;
  • at least three types of combs - with curved ends to give volume to the coat, for styling after bathing and with fine teeth;
  • knives with short and long teeth for capturing hair and undercoat of different lengths;
  • a special machine designed for cutting “hairy” breeds, the kit should include high-quality and sharp blades;
  • furminator - a device necessary for combing out the undercoat, provided that the guard hair has grown strongly;
  • pumice, equipped with a porous surface, is necessary for cleaning the undercoat after trimming a miniature schnauzer;
  • stripping allows you to partially remove dead skin cells from its surface (used mainly during rolling).

Basic set of dog grooming tools

Inexpensive tools will also have appropriate quality. You can buy everything in beauty salons for dogs or order it in specialized stores, directly from equipment manufacturers.

Using the machine

Breed-specific clippers are used for zonal cutting of wool, to create model and complex haircuts. It is important that the device is of high quality, powerful and professional. When choosing, special attention should be paid to the quality of steel knives.

Using a comb

A pet owner should have a wide variety of different brushes, since they are a basic tool and are intended for daily use. Only after high-quality combing of the wool can it be trimmed and subjected to trimming and rolling.

Combs must be made of metal, equipped with teeth with blunt ends, the length of the teeth no more than 1 cm.

Important! Combs-rakes with rotating teeth allow you to cope with the tasks more efficiently.

Trimming and cutting

It is important to know: without proper plucking of hairs, the coarse coat of a Miniature Schnauzer is not completely renewed, even with regular combing and trimming. The owner will have to choose: either take the dog to a pet salon two or three times a year for trimming, or learn to perform the procedure on his own.

How to proceed:

  • Prepare all the necessary tools and place them next to the table. If the owner bought a special table with a device for securing the leash, then it will be easier to remove dead hairs,
  • it is important to know: the cover acquires a neat appearance by local processing of certain areas with a machine and scissors and plucking out hard hairs using a special knife,
  • You cannot pluck hairs on the head, some areas of the neck, hind and front legs. To process these areas, scissors with long, even cutting parts are used. The same tool is needed to give the correct shape to the fur on the face.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions


  • scissors are used to process the forehead, back of the head and nape of the neck area, which gives the head a shape that meets the standards,
  • then create a triangular bang with a smooth transition from the forehead directly to the muzzle,
  • Be sure to cut the hairs on your ears and ear canal short. To clean the ears, remove wax and dirt, use a cotton pad or swabs moistened with a hypoallergenic balm,
  • The hairs from the sides of the head are briefly processed with the machine, but you cannot go beyond the main line,
  • comb the trimmed parts of the head and beard correctly, in the direction of hair growth,
  • be sure to lift the bangs, remove overgrown hair in the transition zone,
  • after carefully combing, give the beard a wedge shape,
  • then move on to the body, trim the “skirt” so that the decor is of medium length,
  • on the inner thighs and groin area, the hair is carefully trimmed using a clipper,
  • When treating the coat of male dogs, it is important to carefully treat the area near the genitals,
  • overgrown hairs on the front and hind legs are combed, carefully combed out, then given a standard shape in the elbow and axillary area using long scissors,
  • the next stage is processing the paw pads using small scissors. Additionally, they give this area a more rounded appearance,
  • The final stage is hair removal for more comfortable treatment of the claw area. Using a special tool, the claws are trimmed and the stratum corneum is shortened,
  • Be sure to bathe your dog after grooming to get rid of short hairs on the body that can irritate the skin.

When trimming (plucking out coarse hairs) is done by an inexperienced “home groomer”, the first few times the procedure takes two to three days. In the salon, professionals perform a full range of treatment of a miniature schnauzer’s coat in a few hours. After a full trimming procedure, an overgrown dog looks “bald,” which frightens some owners. The cover grows back in about 2 months. Many groomers recommend cosmetic trimming and rolling, and trimming your dog twice a year.

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Consumer opinions and veterinarian reviews about Pedigri dog food can be seen in this article.

On the page read about why a dog eats its own excrement and how to wean your pet from a bad habit.

Grooming a miniature schnauzer

We would like to conditionally divide grooming (care) for all schnauzers, including miniature schnauzers, into several types, so that it is clear to the owners:

  1. Hygienic, regular grooming for each Miniature Schnauzer.
    Every dog, including the miniature schnauzer, needs it; it should be done every 2-4 weeks. Hygienic grooming consists of: trimming and sharpening nails with clippers + removing excess hair from the paw pads and around the foot along its contour (to maintain its shape and the dog’s movements) with a trimmer and scissors + removing excess hair from the ear canal and cleaning the ears with a specialized lotion + bathing the dog with specialized cosmetics (we use super-cleansing shampoo, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner) + drying and combing the dog, especially decorating hair on the paws, belly (skirt), face (beard and mustache) because they may tangle. The beard needs to be washed and combed more often (every evening), it quickly becomes dirty and tangled when using beard shampoo. + Rolling, if your dog is regularly trimmed, but more on this below (it’s better to do it before bathing, on dirty fur).
  2. Grooming with trimming for dogs that do not attend exhibitions
    should be carried out at least 2 times a year, and ideally every 2-3 months. You will see for yourself when your dog needs it. After all, within 2 months a miniature schnauzer will turn into a shaggy dog ​​(see below) without a specific breed. The back, neck, shoulders and hips must be trimmed, usually according to the standard scheme given below, and the forehead, temples and ears - if possible and desired (trimming or haircut). The miniature schnauzer's muzzle can also be designed according to the breed standard (see below), but there can be variations to simplify care and for hygienic purposes - the dog's eyebrows and beard are shortened, and hair is left on the ears. Then, the dog’s eyes will be open, the beard will get less dirty, and fluffy ears, bangs, or a “hat” on the head of different shapes will give the miniature cuteness, creativity and individuality.
  3. Grooming with haircut for dogs not attending exhibitions.
    This type of grooming is for those owners who do not trim miniature schnauzers, but simply cut their hair. This practice actually disrupts the texture of the Miniature Schnauzer's coat, which has a regular, two-layer, hard structure. Over time, the coat becomes thin, soft, wavy, with a predominance of undercoat. But, this method is the most economical and less labor-intensive. And it is suitable for miniature schnauzers with initially plump, soft hair that is difficult and painful to trim, as well as for older dogs. If you follow certain rules of cutting, a scheme that takes into account breed standards, then an inexperienced dog observer will never understand whether the dog is being trimmed or cut. The dog will be beautiful! The principles of operation are the same as in paragraphs 3 and 1, just trimming is replaced by a haircut.
  4. Exhibition grooming of a miniature schnauzer
    involves exclusively trimming
    Whether it will be only pre-show trimming, which we believe is not true, or whether you will keep the dog in rolling (trimming every 1-2 months) - the ideal option when the dog is always ready for a show, it’s up to you to decide. But, more on this method below.


The menu is replenished with lean meat, excluding chicken and lamb, offal, vegetables, sea fish, cereals and fermented milk products.

Natural vitamin supplements in the form of seasonal greens and dietary supplements with chitin and salmon oil are desirable. Never give food from the master's table; sweets, salty and fatty foods are contraindicated for the dog. Raw food is healthier and do not grind it into minced meat.

If you are a supporter of an active lifestyle and are ready to master the intricacies of training, choose this dog without hesitation. The description of the Giant Schnauzer breed proves that by winning his heart, you will receive a faithful friend and partner for many years. A tireless worker will work honestly for the benefit of an owner who has proven his worth.

How will be correct?

Grooming is carried out in three stages. The set of tools required for the procedure consists of:

  • trimming knife;
  • metal comb with non-sharp teeth;
  • hairdressing scissors;
  • trimmers;
  • brushes for cleaning dogs from hair residues.

During processing, most of the Schnauzer's body is trimmed, that is, pinched. The first trimming is carried out at the age of four months, then the dog needs to be treated 2-3 times a year, depending on the rate of hair growth (it is individual for each individual).


A bossy dog ​​always wants to dominate, so the owner must have training experience or turn to professionals. To avoid raising a monster, you will need to take parenting seriously. Socialization will be required during puppyhood.

The animal is capable of performing both basic and complex commands, but due to its natural stubbornness and internal resistance, it will require patience and consistency of demands.

A hot-tempered nature needs to extinguish aggressiveness in childhood. It is not difficult to entice dogs; a game form that ends with reward is suitable for this. Before the lesson, take a walk to release energy, concentration and satiety will interfere.

When ignoring orders, do not indulge in these tricks, otherwise leadership will end. The trick is expressed in testing the owner's strength. The pet can play around as if he doesn’t hear, always get your way, otherwise you will pay with loss of respect.

Additional training is provided for individuals participating in shows; they are required to tolerate the touch of strangers and not growl. They are also working on the exhibition stand.

Rules of care

It is noteworthy that the coat of schnauzers, if cut with a regular dog clipper, loses its quality and ceases to meet the standard approved by influential canine communities.

In particular wool:

  • becomes thinner;
  • changes color;
  • becomes softer;
  • thins out.

All this cannot but affect external data. If the dog has a show career and is expected to continue to participate in breeding, such care is unacceptable. Even attempts to remove dead hair on your own can lead to loss of wool quality.

A haircut

Caring for schnauzers is quite difficult. Here, combined methods are used to give the dog a show look. Haircuts with scissors and clippers are used, but only in strictly defined places.

Important! The haircut must be done against the pet's fur. Every groomer should know this.

A haircut with a clipper is carried out in the area of ​​the dog’s neck and “pants”. Use scissors to straighten the fur on the animal's face, legs and belly. The rest of the coat is subjected to a trimming procedure. Each groomer himself chooses the number of procedures for this operation. Not all dogs can handle the lengthy process at one time. Often, owners have to bring their pet to the salon several times in a row.


Trimming is the plucking out of dead fur. Be sure to do this according to hair growth. For this, a small special knife is used, which is clamped with the master’s right hand. The left hand holds the skin on the treated area.

Important! After treatment, the dog's skin remains almost bare. During the cold season, you need to take care of warm clothes so that the dog does not freeze.

It should be noted that pinching is very unpleasant for the pet and the procedure can become a real test for the master and the schnauzer. But if it is carried out regularly, from about 6 to 8 months of age, the puppy should get used to it over time.

Features of the Schnauzer's coat

Dogs of this breed have very coarse hair with a dense undercoat. Nature dictates that all pets shed several times a year, and the Mittel is no exception. However, dead hairs do not fall out of the animal's hair, remaining in place and irritating the pet's skin.

Important! If loose hair is not removed promptly, it can lead to serious skin irritation, scratching and inflammation.

This causes a lot of inconvenience for dogs. For healthy and proper care of your pet, you must take him to an appointment with a groomer. This is a special dog groomer who can help and carry out the trimming procedure as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Price for services and frequency of procedure

The cost of a procedure in a salon depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the region of residence, the level of the salon and the skill of the groomer. On average in Russia the price ranges from 700-5000 rubles.

The frequency of haircuts depends on the preferences of the owner. It is recommended to carry out a hygienic haircut at least once a month.

Trimmed miniature puppy

Grooming a miniature schnauzer is not an easy procedure. It is possible to master the skills, but to do this, it is highly recommended to take several lessons from an expert in this industry and familiarize yourself with as much information as possible.

Miniature Schnauzer head trim

The head of a Miniature Schnauzer's haircut is a rather complex and important part. It determines the appearance of the dog and its characteristic breed traits. Trimming the muzzle of a Miniature Schnauzer takes quite a lot of time, as it requires attention to small details.

First, we shave the hair from the dog’s neck and smoothly move onto the head. We shave exactly to the beginning of the bangs, to the brow ridges! Next, we comb the dog’s bangs up and use a clipper to shave a triangle on the nose, smoothly starting from the nose and moving up along the back, slightly expanding the range of motion of the clipper. After this, we shave the cheek area, strictly until the long hair of the dog’s beard begins to grow, and then we remove the hair on the inner corners of the eyes approximately until the eyebrows begin to grow. Next, we proceed to the ears, using a clipper smoothly, against the hair growth, and shave the hair towards the head. First, from the outside, and then we turn the dog’s ear inside out and begin to trim the hair from the dog’s ears, and only after that we shave off the remaining hair on the inner surface of the ear with a clipper. We trim the shape along the edges of the ear with scissors and that’s it, the main work is finished - we go with the dog to the bathroom to wash off the fur and then dry it. Everything comes with experience and in the course of work you will be able to discover for yourself what pace of work is most suitable for you, what tools you need to purchase for grooming a Miniature Schnauzer and see improvements as a result of your work.

Miniature Schnauzer haircut video Rostov-on-Don

Step-by-step algorithm of actions

It is not at all necessary to always resort to the help of a salon to make your dog look neat. For owners who do not plan to present their pets at various exhibitions, it is permissible to trim them with a clipper at home.

How to cut a miniature haircut at home

The sequence of actions on how to cut a miniature schnauzer at home is as follows:

  1. Place your pet on a table with a rubber anti-slip surface.
  2. Carefully comb the fur to remove tangles. To remove larger lumps, additional thinning scissors and webbing cutters are used.
  3. After completing the preparatory activities, the dog needs to be bathed and the fur thoroughly dried.
  4. The body is trimmed with a machine. The dog is not completely exposed during the procedure, but the hair is kept short.
  5. It is necessary to trim the body strictly against the growth of the hair, starting from the tail and ending with the area where the bangs begin to form. The hips are cut from the outside, creating the shape of a pointed triangle.
  6. On the ears, the hair is trimmed on both sides.
  7. The beard and bangs should only be trimmed using scissors.
  8. Finally, pay attention to the paw pads. Excess hair is removed from them using a trimmer, then the wool is given rounded, neat shapes using scissors.
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