Curly dog: large and small curly breeds

Curly-haired dog breeds are especially popular today. Every aesthete will appreciate such an unusual coat. A wide variety of such breeds will allow you to purchase a pet from the smallest to the largest at your discretion. If you decide to have a curly-haired four-legged friend, then this article will introduce you to the most unusual breeds.

Features of the curly dog ​​breed

A curly dog ​​never goes unnoticed while walking with its owner. Before you buy such a four-legged friend, you need to take into account the characteristics and features that curly-haired dogs have.

Curly-haired puppies, thanks to their beauty, always attract the attention of passers-by

There are a number of basic rules that the owner must take into account:

  • The coat of such pets requires daily and high-quality care. During the hot season, long-haired representatives need to visit a groomer.
  • Curly-haired dogs need to be bathed once a month, but not more often. Otherwise, there will be a risk of drying out the skin.
  • The owner will not have to regularly clean the house of hair, because curly-haired dogs usually do not shed, but they should be combed regularly.
  • Males and females, although similar in appearance, still have differences. Thus, males have a powerful and muscular body, so they are more resilient than females. However, males have negative sides. For example, they try to take a dominant position over the owner and need personal space. Females love to spend time with their owner, have a gentle character and are more developed than males. But the negative feature is weak endurance and the need to mate only with purebred companions.

Curly coat type requires constant care


Originally bred by Yorkshire breeders and used for duck hunting and rodent control, Airedales - the largest terriers in their group - still retain a strong hunting instinct. And while they are sweet and loyal, mischievous dogs, they can also be stubborn and difficult to train. Their coarse, tightly curled coat requires regular brushing, but Airedale Terriers usually only need clipping a few times a year. They also shed little and are compatible with allergy sufferers.

Review of beautiful curly dog ​​breeds

Fluffy dogs: small and large shaggy breeds

There are many beautiful breeds of curly-haired pets, so when making a choice, you should pay attention not only to external parameters, but also to character traits and sizes.

Important! The larger the dog, the more difficult it is to care for its coat.

Bichon Frize

This is a cheerful, physically developed curly dog ​​who is in dire need of communication with people. However, representatives of this breed are extremely wary of children under the age of 4 years. Despite all the advantages, individuals of this species have a significant drawback, namely, they are difficult to learn the technique of executing commands.

English Cocker Spaniel - a dog with curly ears

The long, attractive coat on the back and sides can be white, gray, brown, complemented by wavy strands on the ears. This breed is active, sociable, and also needs daily exercise.

Important! The Cocker Spaniel is suitable for friendly living with children and can be used as a watchdog.

Black Russian Terrier - large curly dog

This breed is unique, and all thanks to its huge size, because individuals can reach 70 kg in weight. It is worth noting that the Black Russian Terrier is a first-class watchman who does not tolerate the presence of strangers in the territory he protects.

The Black Russian Terrier is one of the largest representatives of large curly pets.

Havanese lapdog

The name of the breed misleads inexperienced dog breeders who believe that the lapdog's homeland is Hawaii, but it comes from Argentina. The Hawaiian lapdog is a charismatic dog with a good-natured and playful disposition. Due to the nature of its coat, it requires constant care and regular bathing. The weak points are the ears and eyes, so they need to be examined every day.

The Poodle is a breed of dog with curly hair.

A distinctive aspect of the breed is endurance and calmness. A friendly character helps to get along with all animals, especially if the dog grows up with them from childhood. Most often these are white individuals in color palette.

Important! The disadvantage of the breed is the inability to maintain attention on one object and weak indicators for protecting its owner.

Toy poodle

He is extremely dependent on his owner and needs constant affection. It is well suited for keeping in a small apartment, since it can reach up to 28 cm in height. It is quite simple to maintain, since it does not have long hair and therefore will not shed much.


At first it was used for hunting animals, but over time it turned into a service and decorative dog. It is calm and friendly and does not try to take a dominant position over its owner. Representatives of this species can be used as bodyguards and watchmen, since with evil intentions directed at the owner, they can repel an ill-wisher.


This species is a designer breed that looks more like a soft toy than a dog. A small curly dog ​​cannot live without human love and attention. Such an ornamental pet lends itself well to training, but only if it takes place without the use of physical violence on the part of the owner.

The Maltipoo, due to its tiny size and coat type, looks more like a teddy bear.

Bedlington Terrier

In terms of the type of fur, the pet resembles a sheep. He is calm and does not like to spend time actively. Such a curly red dog has a negative side, namely, it can be too noisy.

Kerry Blue Terrier

This four-legged friend has an aggressive character, which he shows towards other dogs and cats, because he does not tolerate competition and zealously defends his territory. The Kerry Blue Terrier loves to spend time actively and is suitable for an owner who prefers jogging and playing sports.

Note! The Kerry Blue Terrier copes extremely poorly with the role of a bodyguard.

The Kerry Blue Terrier is ideal for an owner who loves sports.

Scottish Terrier

This puppy is distinguished by calmness and endurance, as well as a low need for active games. It is not aggressive towards people, but is wary of animals.


If you are a lover of cute dogs with hair accessories, then the barbet is for you. Barbets with long, shaggy hair in a variety of colors are often found wearing a clip or hair band to keep hair from getting into their eyes.

These friendly, playful dogs, although they don't shed much, require brushing about once a week to keep their thick fur from matting. Intelligent and energetic, Barbets love to swim and need constant exercise and exercise to avoid creating chaos in your home.

How to properly care for curly-haired dogs

A special feature of curly pets is the need for daily and total care of the undercoat. Show dogs are groomed so that they fully comply with the breed standard, and cosmetics are also used.

Hunting dogs: breeds, small and large types

When caring for pets, it is enough to brush them regularly and remove dead hairs. It is recommended to visit the groomer once every 2-3 months. You need to bathe your pets once a month, but not more often, as there is a risk of drying out the skin.

Note! For water treatments, it is recommended to use conditioner to improve the condition of the hair and remove dog odor.

To comb the wool, you must use slickers, combs or combs. The slicker helps to painlessly remove lifeless hairs, while the cover is combed, starting from the paws, moving to the stomach and above. The comb is used to comb the fur and remove stuck together knots that are located closer to the skin.

You need to care for the coat of curly dogs regularly and carefully using special accessories.


If you've ever met a Puli dog, they've probably made a big impression on you. This breed's long, curly hair naturally forms dreadlock-like curls, giving it the appearance of a four-legged mop .

The Puli's coat can be left corded, or combed so that it resembles a giant puffer coat, or trimmed short - although this should only be done by a professional groomer. Originally bred as herding dogs to withstand cold and icy water, these friendly family dogs are playful and obedient.

How to choose a curly dog

Toy dogs: small indoor breeds

Before you start choosing a pet, it is important to decide on the purpose for which you are buying it. If you need a dog for a family, then it is better to choose a breed that loves children and does not have an aggressive disposition, which often manifests itself in relation to other animals and people. For protection, it is worth buying large individuals that are easy to train. If the goal is an exhibition, then you should pay attention to the health and pedigree of a particular dog.

When making a purchase, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Check with the breeder how many puppies are in the litter. Thus, strong and physically fit puppies are born to a female who has at least 7 dogs in her litter.
  • When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention not only to its characteristics, but also to examine its sisters and brothers. They should not have any deviations in physical development. If deficiencies are found, this may indicate poor genetics.
  • If the owner wants to buy a purebred dog, then he should not buy it second-hand without a pedigree. It is better to contact official breeders.

When choosing a curly-haired puppy, you need to look at the number of puppies in the litter and the pedigree

A curly dog ​​will become a good friend for a person, but it is necessary to regularly monitor its coat and then the pet’s appearance will delight the owner for many years.

Curly coated retriever

The coat of the Curly Retriever is simply amazing. Highly prized as hunters for their ability to withstand water, snow, thorny underbrush and other hostile conditions, these large dogs are covered in tight curls that rarely need to be trimmed and should not be brushed . Instead, a grooming rake is all they need. Extremely intelligent and full of energy, these beauties need regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Bichon Frize

With the possible exception of the toy poodle (the standard poodle is much larger), the bichon frise is the smallest dog on our list. He is a fun and affectionate dog, which makes him a great companion, but his curly and fluffy coat makes them especially good for mature dogs. They are also quite intelligent and willing to please, making them good for training and learning tricks...

This is one of the most recognizable curly gray dogs. Although there is almost always a white, peach or gray Bichon Frize. Impact dogs, however, are generally limited to being only white. Not all Bichon Frizes are curly , but most are. Curls tend to decrease with longer layers. They don't give up much, but they do need grooming. Many are decorated with interesting designs to show off.

Bedlington Terrier

Are you ready for a Bedlington Terrier to come into your life? It's worth preparing! This cute little terrier's energy is something to be envied. The Bedlington Terrier is easily recognized by its pear-shaped head, arched back and fluffy coat that makes it look like a lamb. This breed does not shed, but needs to be brushed several times a week to keep the coat from matting. Many owners like to cut their Bedlington Terrier's hair to help define its body shape more clearly. These loyal dogs love nothing more than to frolic and play , especially with small children.


Weimaraners are elegant dogs that are always ready for adventure. They need plenty of exercise and love to play with their people. This breed is incredibly loving and easy to train , making Weimaraners excellent family dogs as long as they get enough exercise.

Basset Hound

You probably immediately thought of a basset hound when you heard “floppy ears.” Their ears appear even longer due to their elongated snout and tiny legs. Basset Hounds are stellar trackers and are easily recognized by most people. Although these dogs can be quite stubborn, they are generally low maintenance and will remain loyal no matter what.

Did you know that Basset Hounds boast the second best sense of smell in the canine world (after the Bloodhound) and are designed to track and find prey over long distances. Strong and wide paws help them quickly dig out burrowing animals.


If you are an experienced dog owner with a passion for rare breeds with strong personalities and truly unique coats, then the Komondor is for you. Bred to protect sheep from predators, these curly-haired dogs will keep a watchful eye on you and your loved ones throughout the day and may shy away from strangers.

These big, energetic furballs need regular exercise and plenty of room to run around . Caring for the Komondor's coat is also a routine job. Its wool needs to be braided and dried thoroughly after washing.

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Also known as bloodhounds, bloodhounds are the best dogs for finding missing persons. Their sharpest sense of smell in the canine world can sometimes cause trouble on walks, as they tend to sniff everything. Besides their long, floppy ears (which should be checked daily for ear infections), these hounds have a love of barking like no other. They howl at everything, which is why Bloodhounds are not the best choice for families living in cramped apartments.

Fun fact: Bloodhounds can track up to 210 km away and can follow a scent left almost a week ago. Often used in search and rescue missions, Bloodhounds are considered such accurate trackers that their tracking results can be used in court.

The long, floppy ears are an advantage for the sensitive noses of bloodhounds and add to their charming, soulful appeal. Who wouldn't want to pat the ear of this sweet pie with a sad look?

Standard Poodle

Perhaps the closest dog that comes to mind when we think of purebred dogs is the poodle. They are known for their fur, which is why breeders value their appearance so much. The American Kennel Club does not classify dogs by their fur; rather, dog breeds tend to be grouped more by size and purpose (such as hunting or working dogs). According to the American Kennel Club, poodles fall into the non-sporting group and breed especially good dogs...

Poodle coats are single-layered, which is not the case with most dogs, which are double-layered. Because it doesn't throw much, it's something that can take longer or swollen coats of poodles often having fun. Your coats must be in good condition, otherwise your fur may become tangled. Regular brushing and scrubbing will also help prevent insects and leaves from getting on your skin.

Irish Water Spaniel

With the muzzle of a cocker spaniel and the size and coat of a standard poodle, the Irish Water Spaniel is a hypoallergenic playmaker with boundless energy and agility. Natural swimmers with webbed feet , these dogs appreciate the opportunity to splash around in a pool or lake. Their coat contains oil, which makes it water-repellent, but also retains dirt, so the Irish Water Spaniel needs frequent brushing, as well as periodic trimming at home or at the groomer.


These exotic dogs are avid hunters with great strength and endurance. Slender but strong, Salukis are known as agile sprinters who love a good run. But, despite their sporting nature, Salukis are quite gentle and loyal pets.

Did you know that the Salukis were held in such high esteem in Egypt that their bodies were often mummified like the bodies of the pharaohs.

Saluki is one of the oldest dog breeds. This sighthound has been used by Arabs for thousands of years to hunt gazelles. Graceful and independent, Salukis do best with daily exercise. They shed little but require weekly brushing and occasional bathing. Many Saluki owners use a headband to keep their ears away from the food bowl.

Saint Bernard

A massive and powerful dog, the Saint Bernard was originally bred in Switzerland to rescue travelers stranded during a snowstorm. The breed has two varieties: short-haired and long-haired. Both species have a gentle temperament , making the noble and intelligent Saint Bernard an excellent companion and devoted family dog. But be aware that this breed drools a lot and its coat sheds frequently, requiring regular grooming.

Did you know that the breed was named after Saint Bernard de Menton, the patron saint of climbers and skiers.


Another small curly gray dog ​​is the Bolognese. They are just as adorable as the Bichon Frize and they have certain similarities in terms of size and appearance. Its name has nothing to do with spaghetti dinners, but that's because they originated in the Italian city of Bologna. The curly curls in their fur may give the appearance of thickness, but have no inner layer. This is why you may see a lot of dog jackets in winter.

very intelligent dog with curly hair , the Bolognese responds very well to training. They can be doggy and will form a very strong bond with their human family. With such strong attachments, they are prone to separation anxiety when left alone for long periods of time...


Although not a recognized "official" breed, Labradoodles - a cross between a poodle and a Labrador retriever - are among the most popular "mutts" in the world. Whether your Labradoodle has curly, wavy, coarse or straight hair depends on how much of the KRT71 gene he inherited from his Poodle ancestor. But whatever the coat, the Labradoodle does not shed, but requires regular brushing. Keep these playful, active dogs occupied and don't let them feel lonely—they are definitely people-oriented dogs!


Beagles have a huge amount of energy, which is funny because they are close relatives of the very docile and calm Basset Hound. Beagles were bred to hunt in packs, so they prefer to be around other dogs or members of their family and require a lot of play time. They are friendly and energetic family dogs, always ready for adventure. But sometimes their energy can be too much for the average family.

Interesting fact: beagles belong to the group of hounds, but, unlike them, they love to bark. And it’s not surprising, because “beagle” “screamer” in French .

Beagles are renowned for their strong sense of smell—the dogs will tirelessly track prey for miles—but they are also known for their large mouths and bottomless stomachs in addition to their luxurious floppy ears.

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Curly-haired friends can live in an apartment or small house without any problems, but it is advisable to take them for walks. Usually 2 such walks are enough: in the morning and in the evening.

If it is not possible to go outside with your dog often, then it is better to get small breeds and put a litter box for them in the apartment. But even after this, the pet will need walks for good health.

The diet should be varied, but it is advisable to limit the intake of fatty foods.

You can include in your diet:

Following these simple recommendations will help your child grow up beautiful and healthy.


Bouvier des Flanders

Life just got a lot easier for the Bouvier des Flanders. Bred to be a hard-working farm dog, this curly-haired, wavy-coated breed originated in what is now Flanders, Belgium. The breed was almost destroyed as a result of the First and Second World Wars, but breeders managed to restore its population. Today, the Bouvier des Flandres is a popular family dog ​​that is particularly good with children and is also a surprisingly good guard dog. Bouviers des Flandres need a place to entertain, so a large fenced yard suits them best. Daily teeth brushing is a must!


Pumi were bred in Hungary as hard-working herding dogs. They still love to be busy either with herding chores or endless games of tag . Luckily, caring for your Pumi's softly curled coat won't take too much of your time. These curls need to be brushed several times a week and then wetted to bring the curls to life. You may want to trim your pet's fur from time to time, especially around the face, but regular trips to the groomer are not necessary for this energetic breed.

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