How to make an enclosure for a Labrador with your own hands in a private house? Overview – Drawings

The Labrador is a strong, powerful dog with a wide chest, short loin and thick paws.

The full name of the breed is Labrador Retriever, ideal height is 54-57 cm, weight is 30-40 kg.

Life expectancy is 10-14 years.

The most common colors: black, chocolate, brown, fawn, golden, sometimes red and gray.

We build an aviary ourselves

Do-it-yourself dog enclosure is a job that does not require engineering training.
Therefore, we will not tell you how to drive pillars into the ground and hang a gate - almost every man knows and can do this.

But practical advice on arranging the floor, walls, and booths will be useful - this way you can provide for all the details.

Floors in the enclosure

Usually enclosures are simply built on the ground. But if we are talking about a civilized place for a dog, then such a floor is not practical.

In winter, the ground freezes and the animal's paws may become cold.

In spring and autumn, during the rainy season, the enclosure will be so muddy that you will hardly want to let it run around the yard.

Therefore, it is better to make the floor concrete, brick, tile, asphalt or wood.

The exception is cement flooring. In any weather it is cold (the cold is contained inside), which means there is a risk of rheumatism in dogs.

Stone or wood floors are easier to keep clean.

When building an enclosure, you can use this scheme

Feature of wooden floor

Wood is susceptible to rotting, so it is worth making a gap of 5 cm under the flooring for ventilation (this is the principle used to lay floors on the terrace) and as protection against the penetration of various insects from the ground.

Monitor the quality of the boards - they must be perfectly planed, dried, without knots, so that splinters do not even accidentally fall into the pet’s paws.

Aviary walls

We have already mentioned above the chain-link mesh for walls.

It is worth considering that if a dog is active and has a strong character, it may try to bite through the mesh, thereby damaging its teeth or knocking it out in a jump.

Therefore, if you decide to make an aviary with your own hands, think about a different material for the walls.

A lattice fence made of pipes, albeit small in diameter, will do.

The pipes are cemented every 5 cm if the dog is not very large, such as a Cairn Terrier, Wolfspitz, or Miniature Schnauzer, or every 10 cm if your guard is a large breed of dog, such as a Leonberger, Cane Corso, Hovawart or Groenendael.

This concerns one of the walls that opens a view of what is happening in the courtyard.

Other walls can be made blank, at least one or two.

To do this, use wooden panels, corrugated sheets, flat slate.

You can attach the enclosure to the brick wall of the garage, but there is a risk that the dog will perceive the wall as a tree during a walk.

It is worth considering that a dog, if it is active and has a strong character, may try to bite through the mesh, thereby ruining its teeth or knocking it out in a jump

The requirements for a wooden wall are the same as for the floor - the board must be dry, smoothly planed, free of knots, and treated with agents that prevent rotting.

The boards are fastened like a laminate (grooves + ridges), and additionally reinforced with screws.

Don't forget to drill holes for them in advance, otherwise the board may split.

Entrance to the enclosure

Making an enclosure for a dog and not providing an entrance to it is nonsense.

The entrance, that is, the gate, should not be blind - you should see the dog when you approach.

This means that it needs to be installed from the side of the lattice wall - usually this is the front side.

The door should open inward so that the animal cannot jump out.

A lock is needed not only on the outside of the enclosure. Provide a latch or bolt inside.

Luxurious enclosure with a swimming pool

Aviary roof

There are no special requirements for the roof. It is covered with bituminous materials, corrugated sheets, slate, and metal tiles.

The main thing is that the walls of the enclosure can withstand the roof + precipitation pressure: rain, snow, leaves.

The roof should be installed at an angle to allow water to drain rather than be retained.

Aviary interior

How to build an enclosure for a dog is already clear. All that remains is to equip it from the inside: make a booth, install a feeder and a drinking bowl.

It is better to place the feeder and drinker not on the floor, but on a 20-centimeter stand.

This way, the bowl will not slide on the floor, and the dog will not have to constantly bend over.

The kennel is your pet's refuge, so it should be spacious enough for your dog to rest in it.

Dog enclosures can look very attractive, performing not only the function of housing for a pet, but also decorating your garden

There should be no drafts in the kennel. If you live in northern or windy areas, you will need to insulate the walls of the booth, making them double and with insulation inside.

For the same reason, a canvas curtain is hung on the door. The roof of the booth should be flat, slightly sloping and removable.

Firstly, dogs love to lie on the roof, and secondly, the removable roof makes it easier to clean the kennel and take care of the dog if it gets sick.

The area of ​​the enclosure allows - give the dog a summer floor, as it can be hot in the kennel.

The dog should feel comfortable in its enclosure. But don't forget to let her out for a walk sometimes

Construction and materials

The best option would be to build an enclosure with 3 covered, blank walls. This will come in handy when guests come to you in winter and the dog has to be locked up.

This way she will feel more protected. One wall must be built from metal gratings. It is advisable not to forget to build an opening door so that you and your pet can easily get in and out.

If you have a male Labrador, then it is better to install stronger bars for him. In a fit of anger, he can easily knock down the door.

Let's move on to the materials you will need. The first thing to do is make the floor. Of course it can be made from almost any material. But the worst option would be cement or asphalt.

If you love your Labrador, you will not build him a kennel where he will be forced to lie on a cold floor.

Wood is considered an excellent option. This material is hygienically clean and a good thermal conductor. The material must be smooth, without cracks or signs of rotting.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose hardwood that will be resistant to moisture. The boards must be soaked with a special solution to protect them from mold and rot.

Choosing a location for an aviary in the yard

You want to make an enclosure so that your pet feels good, so you need to take into account its character and habits. While in the enclosure, the dog will continue to guard its territory, so it is best to fence off the area on a hill, if there is one. It is very good if the entrance to the house, the entrance to the site is visible, or at least it will be possible to track one of these important points. When choosing a place, keep in mind that your pet needs to see you at least from time to time. You or family members. Otherwise, whining and howling are guaranteed, especially if the dog is not used to restrictions.

When choosing materials, keep in mind that everything that can be chewed will be chewed

When choosing a location, pay attention to the following points:

  • It is better to retreat at least half a meter from the nearest building or fence, otherwise you will not be able to clean the debris from there.
  • The enclosure should not be in danger of snow melting. If a huge mass suddenly falls onto the roof with a corresponding sound, the dog will receive a shock. It will be very difficult to drive her into an enclosure.
  • The structure must be unfolded so that the open part faces southeast or southwest. In the northern regions, it is preferable to go south. Just don't go north.
  • It’s not bad if there is a massive bush or spreading tree nearby - they will protect you from the wind and heat.

Taking all these wishes into account is far from easy, but it depends on how well the pet will feel.

General information

Labrador is a powerful and large breed . It has a rather attractive exterior and is popular among dog breeders. The animals do not require special care; they are easy-going, have an easy-going character and a good disposition. They are loyal, devoted friends and are excellent at home training.

A Labrador will be able to settle normally in an apartment only if its owner organizes appropriate care and strictly adheres to the daily routine. This breed is very active , for normal development the dog will need long walks, during which he can relieve himself, run around and frolic in the wild, which is impossible to do in an apartment.

In addition, this is a rather delicate breed, it cannot be kept on a leash - the dog requires special attention from the owner. Animals do not need special care, especially when they grow up, but still you need to devote quite a lot of time to your pet.

Important features of the structure

Arranging an enclosure has many nuances that will help provide the husky with a good home and make it easier for the owner to care for.

How comfortable the husky’s stay will be depends on its condition.

Tips for arranging a booth:

  • the area of ​​the booth corresponds to the size of the animal;
  • whenever possible, coniferous wood is used for construction;
  • in cold climates, double walls are made, placing insulation between them;
  • removable roof makes cleaning easier;

The booth is located in the far corner of the winter road so that the animal can rest without interference if necessary.

An enclosure is the animal’s permanent habitat, so you should take care in advance of its convenience not only for the dog, but also for the owner.

Recommendations for arranging an enclosure:

  • the wooden floor is laid towards the exit so that swept debris does not get clogged in the cracks;
  • in the winter road there should be a place without a draft for rest;
  • the presence of open ground, which is useful for satisfying the dog’s natural desire to rummage in the ground;
  • instead of a foundation, supports can be dug deep into the ground;
  • the mesh on the walking area is dug into the ground at least 20 cm, since huskies easily dig through walls;

By taking care of the little things in advance, you won’t have to waste time on alterations or put up with annoying inconveniences in the future.

An enclosure for a dog is not a luxury, but a necessary building.

Building it with your own hands is not difficult, and the material for it can be easily purchased at any hardware store or taken from what is available on the site.

Living separately makes life easier for owner and dog. You should not be tormented by a feeling of guilt, this is not driving the dog out into the street - but creating a personal home for it, which is simply necessary for a husky, with its size.

Content Benefits

Most people who dream of owning a Labrador believe that this is the best breed. Attractive appearance, devotion to the owner, high intelligence, cheerful character. In this case, this list of advantages can be supplemented:

  • If you need the perfect companion , then the Labrador is best suited for this. Even as a puppy, the dog quickly becomes attached to its owner and pleases its owner with its devotion throughout its life.
  • Labrador is an active dog that requires constant walks, regardless of weather conditions. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain physical fitness, then your pet will be happy to share these aspirations, being a reliable running partner.
  • Like all breeds with a straight, medium-length coat, this dog does not require grooming , which makes caring for its thick coat much easier. To maintain shine and beauty, you need to comb your pet once every 3 weeks using a furminator. The device perfectly removes dead fur from the surface, thereby improving the appearance of the coat. After walks in nature, the fur should be combed with a metal comb, this will help get rid of thorns.
  • The animal is unpretentious in nutrition, as it has a good appetite . You can give your pet homemade food or dry food.
  • Puppies quickly learn commands , but training must begin almost from a few weeks of the pet’s life.

Cage for a Labrador in an apartment

A dog crate can become a full-fledged secluded place, or vice versa – a cause of stress. Labradors dote on people.

For full psychophysiological development, a dog needs to move and communicate with a person. In many situations, a crate is considered the only solution for a dog's safety.

For example, when there are small children at home who may unknowingly torment the puppy, other animals, repairs.

A dog cage should be larger in size than a regular carrier. Choose a large one with a solid base so that the dog does not accidentally knock it over or move it from its place.

The acceptable height of a cage for a Labrador retriever exceeds 60 cm. The dog should feel free in the cage, be able to stretch its paws, and stand without bending its head.

Choose a cage for growth and from durable material that is easy to care for.

What does it take to make your pet comfortable?

In order for a Labrador to feel comfortable outside in winter, he needs a large and insulated booth, as well as daily walks and the attention of the owner.

Another condition is a large and warm enclosure.

Considering the size of the pet, the enclosure should have an area of ​​at least 8-10 m2. Its floor must be insulated, and its height must be equal to the length of the pet standing on its hind legs plus 50 cm.


The required width of the enclosure is at least one and a half times the length of the Labrador.

In addition, a warm, spacious, dry booth is a prerequisite for an animal’s comfortable stay outside in the winter. Its size should allow the dog to stretch to its full height in a lying position.

Table of correspondence between dog house sizes and dog breeds

At the first stage of building a home for a dog, you need to decide on its size. They depend on the size of the pet. An animal can belong to one of 3 types.

Practice has shown that the following parameters are suitable for each type of dog:

  1. The size of the kennel for small dogs such as a pug, terrier or spaniel is 55 cm wide, 70 cm long and 60 cm high. The opening size is 30 by 40 cm.
  2. For medium-sized animals, such as Shar Pei, Foxhound or Basset Hound, the dimensions of the booth are 75 cm wide, 120 cm long and 80 cm high. The opening size is 35 by 50 cm.
  3. A booth for dogs of large breeds, which include Alabai, Mountain Dog or Dalmatian, width 100 cm, length 140 cm and height 95 cm; The size of the hole is 40-50 by 60 cm.

The dimensions of the booth vary depending on the actual dimensions of the animal. Some animals have non-standard dimensions, in such cases it is better to take individual measurements. The pet's chest should fit freely into the hole. The Alabai breed is distinguished by its large dimensions. The dimensions and drawing of the Alabai booth are determined only after taking measurements from the animal.

Dimensions of a dog house for a husky. The optimal length indoors is up to 100 cm, height (excluding the roof) and width is up to 80 cm. The manhole is small in size, approximately 40-45 by 30-35 cm, with a threshold height of about 20 cm, it can be additionally upholstered with something so that it does not wear out quickly. In winter, the entrance should be covered with burlap or other dense fabric so that the door overlaps slightly over the jambs and threshold.

The size of the booth for a German shepherd is: length 80 cm, width and height (at the lowest point) - 70 cm. The size of the opening is 45x35 cm. It is also advisable to provide a threshold so that water, dirt and dust remain outside.

The housing for a husky is practically no different from the place where a husky or a shepherd will live: length up to 90 cm, width and height up to 70 cm. The size of the hole is 45x35 cm.

A slightly larger booth for the Caucasian Shepherd. Its dimensions will be approximately the following: interior 90x80x110 cm (HxWxD). The hole is approximately 40x50 cm.

BreedBooth dimensions (internal)Laz
Bullmastiff Height: 63 - 69 cm (male); 61 – 66 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 170x120x85HxW (cm): 60x40
Irish Wolfhound Height: 71 - 90 cmLxWxH (cm): 210x140x90HxW (cm): 75x40
Caucasian Shepherd Height: 64 – 72 cmLxWxH (cm): 170x120x85HxW (cm): 60x40
Great Dane Height: 76 - 86 cm (male); 71 – 81 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 210x140x90HxW (cm): 75x40
Saint Bernard Height: 65 - 90 cmLxWxH (cm): 210x140x90HxW (cm): 75x40
English Mastiff Height: 70 – 80 cmLxWxH (cm): 180x130x90HxW (cm): 70x40

Big dogs

BreedBooth dimensions (internal)Laz
Akita Inu Height: 64 - 70 cm (male); 58 – 64 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x35
Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Height: 65 - 78 cm (male); 60 – 69 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 180x130x90HxW (cm): 60x40
Alaskan Malamute Height: 63 cm (male); 58 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x35
Bernese Mountain Dog Height: 61-71 cm (male);
58-69 cm (female)
LxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x35
Bobtail Height: 56 - 61 cm (male); 51 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x35
Bulgarian Shepherd Height: 65 - 75 cm (male); 63 – 72 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x35
Irish Setter Height: 66 - 71 cm (male); 61 – 66 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x35
Drathaar Height: 60 - 67 cm (male);
56 – 62 cm (female)
LxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x35
Cane Corso Height: 64 - 69 cm (male); 58 – 61 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x35
Shorthaired Pointer Height: 58 - 63 cm (male); 53 – 58 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x35
Labrador Retriever Height: 56 - 61 cm (male); 53-58 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x35
Leonberger Height: 71 - 80 cm (male); 65 – 75 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 180x130x90HxW (cm): 60x40
Moscow watchdog Height: 58 - 69 cmLxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x40
Newfoundland Height: 69 - 74 cm (male); 63 – 69 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): {amp}gt;170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x40
German Shepherd Height: 60 - 65 cmLxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x35
Giant Schnauzer Height: 60 - 70 cmLxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x35
Rottweiler Height: 61-69 cm (male); 56-63 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x40
Black Russian Terrier Height: 64 - 74 cm (male); 64 – 72 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 170x120x80HxW (cm): 50x40
Samoyed Height: 53 - 69 cm (male); 48 – 53 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x40
Siberian Husky Height: 53 – 60 cm (male); 50 – 56 cm (female) LxWxH (cm): 150x100x70HxW (cm): 50x40

We suggest you read: Raising a Jagd Terrier puppy Dimensions of a dog house

Important sense organs

A dog's nose is its main asset. This is a guide, a working tool, and an assistant for obtaining food. By its appearance, you can determine the well-being of your pet. If the nose is warm and dry, this indicates unsatisfactory condition, and if it is wet and cold, the dog is in excellent shape. To prevent your pet from catching a cold, you need to protect it from hypothermia.

On the muzzle there are special hairs called vibrissae. This is the main organ of touch in an animal. They help recognize the road and find objects. But over time, the vibrissae can become dirty, so they need to be cleaned periodically. This should be done with a soft cloth moistened with water. But you should not use alcohol or strong-smelling solutions.

A healthy Labrador does not have any discharge from the eyes. Only after sleep may mucous droplets appear in the corners, which should be removed with a dry cloth. Sometimes dirt can get into your eyes, leading to inflammation. Then it is recommended to wash them with chamomile solution.

How to trim claws and when?

A Labrador's nails get worn down when the dog walks outside. As they age, all dogs need to have their hair trimmed a couple of millimeters. You can start at one month of age if the puppy is inactive.

IMPORTANT! The first procedure for trimming claws is best done by a specialist so that he can show the owner how to do it correctly.

Use a nail clipper; for a small puppy, nail clippers are suitable. The main danger of the procedure is that when cutting the claws, you can hit a blood vessel and bleeding will begin.

A bleeding cut should be immediately treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide.

Labradors must be taught all hygiene procedures from puppyhood. While the dog is small it is easier to conduct them. Be sure to reward the dog for exemplary behavior.

Clean ears and dog manicure

The dog's ears also need to be carefully monitored and, if necessary, cleaned with a cloth moistened with boric alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or a special liquid.

Labrador's claws should be trimmed with special tweezers (nail clippers); the main thing here is not to damage the inner tissue of the claw. In a fawn Labrador it will be clearly visible, but in a dark Labrador you need to perform the procedure extremely carefully.

If your dog spends a lot of time walking on rough terrain or asphalt, then its nails will wear down to the desired length and do not need trimming.

If you accidentally remove too much internal tissue, contact your veterinarian. After all, from such a seemingly insignificant wound, the dog can become seriously lame.

Appearance of a Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds. This breed was originally bred as a working dog, so many Labradors are still used as gun dogs, guide dogs, and rescue dogs. The breed originates on the island. Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada.

Ideal height at withers: males 56-58 cm (22-23 inches). females 54–56 cm (21.5–22 inches). Weight 25-40 kg. A dog's place is an area reserved for the animal to rest, where it feels safe. Before purchasing a dog, you should prepare a place in advance to make the Labrador Retriever feel comfortable, according to his needs. The Labrador should be in a quiet place that is not exposed to drafts and located far from heating devices. Usually this place is the corner of the room. Animals must not be placed in the bathroom or kitchen. It is necessary to tidy up the dog's area every day, wipe the floor with a damp cloth and clean the dog's bedding. Once a week, it is recommended to wash the floor using detergent and disinfectant, and wash the bedding. During the molting period, cleaning is recommended twice a day. The bowl should also be clean. When washing the animal's bowl, carefully treat it with detergents. Read about how to choose the right stand for bowls here. We should not forget that a dog, in addition to feeding and care, also needs basic attention, communication, and constant care.

Necessary conditions for comfortable coexistence

Even in a small apartment with one room, a Labrador will be able to occupy the space next to the owner. The main thing is to comply with the mandatory conditions of detention:

  1. There should be daily walks with sufficient physical activity. So, the dog will not have the desire to look for entertainment indoors.
  2. The childhood age of this breed lasts up to 3 years. The puppy can dirty the floor up to this age. It would be prudent to remove all carpeting.
  3. Excessive energy at an early age can lead to injury. It is important to ensure that there are no dangerous objects in the dog’s field of vision.
  4. Floors should not be slippery so that the baby's limbs form correctly.
  5. During the first weeks of weaning from its mother, the puppy needs increased attention and care. He yearns for his mother's warmth and the company of his brothers.
  6. Provide your pet with a variety of toys. Do not give everything away at once, but replace them with new ones as soon as interest in the old ones disappears. This way, you will avoid damage to household property.
  7. Give him a part of the room for his personal space, where there are no radiators or drafts. Build a comfortable, spacious lounger or buy a ready-made one.
  8. You can't place it in the bedroom if you don't want it to take over your bed. It will be difficult to resist this.
  9. Place two bowls in the feeding area: one for food and one for drinking. Make sure that access to the dishes is free.
  10. Do not place your retriever on the balcony. Representatives of this breed do not have a sense of fear of heights. Even a glass barrier will not stop the instinct of a hunter in a dog who has spotted a bird. The dog can easily jump out even through triple-glazed windows.

Booth dimensions

The main condition is that the booth must be spacious so that the dog is comfortable, but not too large so that he does not freeze in winter.

Size calculation:

The height of the dog from head to floor should be equal to the height and width of the booth plus 15-20 cm. If you take the height of the dog at the withers, then add 15-20 cm to it to get the required height and width of the house.

57 cm (height of the dog at the withers) +20 cm = 77 cm – the minimum height and width of the home for a retriever.

The depth of the booth should be equal to the length of the pet + 30 cm. The body length of a Labrador is on average 60 cm + 30 cm = 90 cm - there should be a minimum depth.

The width of the opening should be equal to the width of the dog’s chest + 5 cm. For a Labrador it is 35-40 cm + 5 cm = 40-45 cm - the minimum width of the entrance.

The height of the hole is equal to the height of the animal at the withers - 5 cm. 57cm-5cm=52cm is the required height of the hole.

All indicators are within the minimum range. The size of the home for a Labrador can be slightly increased, but in no case reduced.

Types of booths

All dog houses are divided according to several criteria:

  1. Roof structure. It can be single-pitched, double-pitched or flat. At the same time, the gable roof has a small attic space, in which you can store dog toys and accessories.
  2. Material. Modern pet houses can be made of: wood, plastic, concrete or metal.
  3. Size. There are three main sizes of kennels: for dogs of small breeds, for medium and for large pets.
  4. Booths with or without additional attachments. More expensive products have a vestibule or open area near the entrance. There are also models equipped with windows.
  5. Insulated and non-insulated. Insulated options are usually equipped with a double floor, and their bottom is raised above the ground by several centimeters. Thus, an air gap is formed between the floor and the ground, which serves as additional insulation.

How to choose?

Please pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The size of the pet's housing must fully comply with the standards described above.
  2. The booth must be insulated - this is a prerequisite. The floor of the house should be slightly raised above the ground.
  3. The roof must have a slope for water drainage.
  4. Given the nature of the Labrador, it is better to choose a booth with a vestibule to provide the dog with a comfortable view. In addition, the vestibule will reliably protect your pet from cold and wind.
  5. If you can afford it, buy a wooden dog house. Since all other materials (metal, plastic, concrete) cannot reliably protect against cold in winter and heat in summer.
  6. It is highly desirable that the roof of the booth be removable, this will allow for cleaning, disinfection, as well as ventilating and drying the interior of the house.

How to build with your own hands?

  • The first stage is the drawing. At this stage, you should decide on the size and design of the dog’s housing. As a rule, it is a rectangular structure with a gable or pitched roof. Sometimes the roof of the booth is made flat.
  • The second stage is materials. The best option is a wooden board of coniferous trees. A solid board is used to construct the frame, and wooden lining or moisture-resistant plywood can be used as cladding. The outside of the home can be lined with plastic clapboard.
  • The third stage is the assembly of the structure. The first step is to assemble the panels; for this, the wooden beam is cut according to size, and then a frame is assembled from it (there should be 4 such frames). After that, the boards are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. After the dog house is assembled, its interior is lined with clapboard or plywood, and then insulated with mineral wool or polystyrene foam.
  • The next stage is the outer cladding. The structure is sheathed with plastic or wooden clapboard, sometimes plastic siding is used.
  • The last stage is the construction of the roof. It is performed using the same technology: frame (according to the drawing), fastening of boards, internal and external cladding, insulation.

Photo gallery

As you can see in the photographs, building or ordering housing on the Internet for your faithful friend is not at all difficult. The main thing is to decide on the design and take into account all sizes.

Main requirements for organizing an enclosure

In order to provide the dog with normal living conditions in a confined space, when making an enclosure, you must adhere to the requirements regarding its size, arrangement, and location.


It is clear that the larger the dog, the larger the area it requires. Therefore, before building an enclosure for an Alabai adopted by a puppy, it is worth asking about its size as an adult, and focusing on these parameters.

When determining the minimum standards for the area of ​​the enclosure, the height of the animal at the withers is taken into account:

  • from 6 sq.m. – at a height of 45-50 cm;
  • from 8 sq.m. – at a height of 50-60 cm;
  • from 10 sq.m. – at a height of more than 60 cm.

The height from the flooring to the ceiling also matters. But if 1.5 meters is enough for even the largest dog, then this is not enough for a person. The owner will have to enter the enclosure at least for cleaning, so when choosing this option it is better to focus on your own height and comfort.

Cleaning the enclosure should not be a difficult quest

Internal organization of space

To decide how to build an enclosure for a dog with your own hands, you need to make at least a simple drawing and decide on the main design details. It also has special requirements. When it comes to a stationary structure, it needs to be done:

  • Protected from rain and wind. Therefore, the installation of a roof is mandatory, and at least 2 walls must be made solid, and for the other two, the possibility of temporary fencing from bad weather must be provided. For example, cover them with an awning.
  • Dry, with the flooring raised above the ground. Otherwise, in cold or damp weather, the animal runs the risk of developing limb diseases.

Without roofing and flooring, only light portable enclosures are made for summer or periodic keeping of animals

  • Equipped with an insulated kennel in case of inclement weather with a flat roof - dogs love to climb higher. The parameters of the booth must also correspond to the size of the pet. This is done to ensure that heat is better accumulated. In addition, the opening to the booth is turned towards a solid wall to prevent wind from blowing in.
  • Equipped with an area for walking and performing natural needs. It should be under a common roof and have an easy-to-clean coating, laid out with a slope away from the main part of the enclosure.

Many dogs love to dig holes

  • Reliable and durable. Why are enclosing structures selected in accordance with the characteristics of the breed - size, weight, aggressiveness. The dog, even if it wants to, should not break it. For the same purpose, the gate is made to open into the room so that the animal cannot shake it by rushing at the door.
  • Safe for your pet. This means that there are no sharp protrusions or nails protruding from the boards, and the fencing material should not cling to animal fur. The size of the cells of the fencing mesh or the distance between the bars of the grid must be selected so that the paws or muzzle do not get stuck between them.

By sticking its muzzle through the bars, the dog runs the risk of getting stuck


Before you make a dog enclosure, you need to think about where to place it. In this case, you should be guided not by your own convenience, but by the needs of the animal, especially if the building is designed for permanent habitation.

Unsuitable areas for dogs to live are areas in lowlands where rain and melt water flows. And also near a toilet, a compost or cesspool, or a barnyard: strong odors negatively affect the sense of smell. If possible, the enclosure should not be placed too close to the external fence of the site, which faces a busy street with a lot of cars and passers-by.

Aviary for two large dogs on the site

But your watchman should be able to see the entrance to the yard and the door to the house. And the gate to the enclosure itself is made taking into account the prevailing winds, so that it does not get covered with snow in winter.

How to toilet train outdoors?

The best time to accustom a puppy to the street is 2-3 months.

If the baby is still too small, he will have to be taken outside several times a day . To do this, watch your pet. How does he behave when he wants to go to the toilet: looking for a place, grunting, worrying, etc.

It is at this moment that it should be quickly taken out into the yard.

After you learn to seize the moment, let your dog know what is required of him . In order for the baby to understand this, walk with him until he wants to go to the toilet. And when the job is done, reward your pet with a treat.

Thus, the connection between the street and the discharge of natural needs will be fixed in the dog’s mind . If you do everything correctly, you will quickly achieve your goal.

Step-by-step instructions for making an aviary

Construction of an aviary for a private house

At the first stage of construction, it is necessary to design the future enclosure and prepare the site for its placement. The diagram shows a version of this building with a winter road.

An aviary option for a country house (with a winter road)

First, the supports are installed. They can be concrete pillars, cement blocks or brickwork. When the supports are ready, the area between them is covered with fine gravel. This is done to prevent grass from growing.

Brick support option

At the second stage, it is necessary to install several wooden beams on them, which will serve as the basis for the floor. In places where the supports and the wooden frame come into contact, you need to lay waterproofing material or roofing felt.

Ready base for the floor of the enclosure

The basis for the future floor can be in the form of a metal structure, on which a rough flooring made of boards is laid.

An initial layer of boards is attached to the metal frame

  • Between the first layer of boards and the finished floor, you can lay a layer of waterproofing material.
  • The upper wooden flooring must be laid end-to-end, without the formation of cracks and gaps, having previously treated them in two layers with protective anti-rot impregnation. These actions are carried out before installation. In order to avoid deflection, tongue and groove boards are attached to the joists using screws. In this case, the use of nails is not recommended.
  • At the third stage, the frame of the enclosure is assembled. If it is a separate structure, then a wooden or metal frame is suitable for erecting walls. To do this, vertical supports are installed at the four corners. At least one more support is required, in the middle of each side of the wall. It is necessary to attach boards or wooden panels tightly to each other to these supports. When the walls are ready, you need to make sure that there are no gaps or cracks.

Ready-made structure for wall mounting

If the enclosure is adjacent to a fence or other structure, you can proceed to installing a façade grille or cage. You can use a welding machine to weld the grille, but if you don’t have one, then attach it with bolts.

Used fence wall

If an enclosure is being built to house a dog in winter, then the wall is made with a triple layer. To do this, mineral wool or foam plastic is placed between the internal and external upholstery of the structure. The cracks are filled with polyurethane foam, which acts as an adhesive material.

Foam insulation option

At the fourth stage, the roof is installed. The roof must have a slope to the rear of the structure to drain water

It is necessary to pay attention to the soundproofing of the roof, since the knocking sound of rain or hail will greatly irritate the animal. Roof sound insulation is made using sandwich panels

To do this, a waterproofing layer is laid on the upper joists of the structure, on which these panels are laid. Bolts and nuts serve as their fastenings. The joints between the panels are glued using special adhesives (TOP-UR 15 or Thomsit R710). Roofing material is installed on top (metal sheets, slate, tiles).

Sandwich panels not only insulate from noise, but also retain heat

Construction of an aviary for apartment conditions

To create a home for your pet from a metal mesh you need:

  1. Make a metal frame (it is better to purchase ready-made sections) of any shape convenient for you.
  2. Insert the joints of the sides of the mesh into the grooves or connect them with wire using pliers or welding.
  3. Make one of the metal sides in the form of a door. To do this, the mesh must be attached to removable hinges.
  4. Cover the floors of the enclosure with thick fabric.
  5. Place toys, bedding, a toilet and a bowl of water at the bottom of the fence.

Such an enclosure will not take up much space in the apartment

To create a home enclosure from wooden planks and bars, you need:

  1. Prepare wooden blocks for its frame. Each has a width of 4x4 cm: length 150 cm - 4 pcs. and 90 cm - 4 pcs.
  2. Select slats according to a height of 60 cm and a width convenient for you.
  3. Prepare metal hinges for the door - 6 pcs.
  4. Carefully sand all wooden pieces with sandpaper.
  5. Make 4 separate sections from bars and planks: 150x60–2 pcs. and 90x60–2 pcs.
  6. Connect the convergence points of the wooden elements in the sections (with self-tapping screws) with metal door hinges on three inner sides. The result will be a structure that folds out into a long fence and folds into a square enclosure.
  7. To prevent the animal from running away, the opening side of the enclosure can be equipped with a latch or simply tied with a string.
  8. You need to put a sleeping mat, toys, and a bowl of food and water on the floor.

How to make a home aviary?

A metal cage made of mesh is the most practical, simple and cheap. Therefore, first of all, we will tell you how to make it yourself. To make a home shelter for a pet, you need:

  1. choose the shape of the structure and assemble the appropriate frame from metal rods;
  2. stretch the prepared mesh over the frame, twisting the structure with pre-cut pieces of wire;
  3. one of the parts of the mesh must be placed on hinges - we will get a door that will be tied to the walls with a cord;
  4. We additionally cover the floor inside the arena with linoleum, place a sun lounger in the place where the dog will rest, and place a fabric bedding;
  5. We put containers for food and water, pet things, and create comfort.

An apartment enclosure for small and medium-sized dogs can be built from wood. Some find it more familiar and convenient to work with such material; slats and boards are easier to obtain, so this option is preferable. The playpen is performed in the following sequence.

  1. Determine the size of the required enclosure according to the breed of the dog.
  2. The slats are measured and cut to the required length to make the frame.
  3. The frame parts are connected using corners and self-tapping screws.
  4. Determine the height of the arena. We cut thin boards to the required length and attach them to the frame at a short distance from each other, like a fence. This is how we get the walls of the enclosure.
  5. We make a rectangular frame of the door from slats, and nail boards to it according to the pattern of the walls.
  6. We fix the gate to the awnings and attach a latch for closing.
  7. We cover the floor and equip the interior of the structure. The playpen for puppies or for an adult dog is ready.

You can make an apartment cage with a closed top in the form of a cage as follows.

  1. Prepare a frame in the form of a cube from wooden beams, fastening them with self-tapping screws (height 75 cm, width and length 1 m).
  2. In the middle of the front wall, make a vertical crossbar from timber, onto which the door hinges will be fixed.
  3. We will make the walls from masonry mesh with 50x50 cells, with a rod thickness of 2-3 mm. It is available for sale in construction stores. We cut the mesh into squares 100 cm x 100 cm - 1 pc. (for the ceiling), 75 cm x 100 cm – 3 pcs., 75 cm x 50 cm – 2 pcs.
  4. We attach the mesh to the frame using two self-tapping screws with a press washer.
  5. We hang the door on its hinges and attach the latch to close it.
  6. Check and cut off any sharp elements of the mesh so that they do not injure the animal.
  7. Cut the floor from chipboard or plywood and attach it to the frame.

The enclosure that will be located at your home can be made from chipboard. This design is perfect for puppies and small apartment dogs. The advantages of the structure are its strength and at the same time the low price of the material. Such an enclosure is easy to assemble and can be used for a long time.

To make a square enclosure, the material is cut into rectangles of the required length and height. Chipboard slabs are fixed at the corners using timber inside, and fixed at the top with corners. A door is made in one of the walls at some distance from the corner. It is fixed with 2-3 loops. A latch is installed on the inside of the gate.

To make a plastic aviary-playpen, you need:

  1. cut the profile pipe into pieces, the length of which will correspond to the height of the enclosure, and into pieces 5 cm long to connect the lattice;
  2. we connect a long tube with small tee fittings, getting a fence, we fix the assembled walls with plastic corners;
  3. We make the distance between the rods smaller so that the dog does not jump out and get stuck between them.

The disadvantage of this design is the difficulty in hanging the door. And putting a pet or puppy through a fence every time is not very convenient.

DIY booth for Labrador

If there is nothing suitable in stores, then you can make a doghouse yourself - just find a drawing and adjust it to the size of the dog. In general, you can build a house in a couple of days if you devote enough time and attention to it.

Making a doghouse with your own hands is also interesting, and it will allow the owner to do everything the way he wants.


Ready-made drawings of the booths provide verified aspect ratios and facilitate a complete calculation of the number of boards, screws and insulation so that they can be purchased immediately. All that remains for the owner to do is measure the dog, adjust the size of the kennel to fit his pet and select the necessary materials.

If you wish, you can draw up a drawing yourself, based on ready-made examples.

Taking measurements correctly

The Labrador should not be cramped or very spacious in the kennel - there should be enough space for the dog to sit, lie or stand. It was previously mentioned how to measure a dog and how many centimeters to add to the results obtained.

It is important that when taking measurements the dog stands straight, does not twitch or spin, otherwise it is very easy to make a mistake. It is better to ask someone in the household to hold your pet if it is too active.

Work in stages

There are many shops or workshops in Moscow that are ready to take on the production of kennels. But even in this case, additional difficulties will arise: transportation, finding a suitable specialist and significant costs. Therefore, it is still better to make a booth yourself.

The work of constructing a dog house consists of the following stages:

Selecting a drawing and taking measurements of the dog, drawing up the dimensions of the booth in accordance with the measurements received. Selection and purchase of necessary materials. It is better to choose wood: use a coniferous board for the frame, and plywood or lining for the cladding. A frame is assembled onto which boards are attached using self-tapping screws. The interior lining is made with insulation. External cladding is made using plastic siding or wooden lining. The roof is created. For its construction, the same steps are used: frame manufacturing, cladding with insulation.

When deciding whether a Labrador will live in the yard, it is important to understand the full responsibility for the pet. In a house or apartment, the dog would live in comfortable conditions, which means that you need to take care of creating them outside - this is a spacious enclosure, a comfortable and warm booth

If you follow all the recommendations and rules, the pet will not suffer from street life, especially if the owner continues to pay enough attention to the dog.

Previous Dog breedsHow to choose the right Labrador puppy Next Dog breedsLabrador in an apartment: care and maintenance at home, outdoors

What you can't do without in an enclosure

The aviary is Labrador's new territory. This means that it needs to be equipped with all amenities. The main element of the enclosure is a booth in which the pet will spend the night, hide from bad weather and just spend time. We will talk further about what size booth to make and how to equip it.

No matter how regrettable it may be, the pet will relieve itself in the enclosure. So that the owner does not have to collect waste around the entire perimeter, you can make a toilet for dogs in the corner of the enclosure. This is where the pet will go when nature calls.

You can’t do without bowls for drinking and food in the enclosure. Most often, owners place them in a booth, but here everyone decides for themselves. After all, it is the owner who will monitor whether the dog has food. To keep your Labrador from getting bored, you will need toys, bones, a ball and other things that will amuse him.

Correct installation of enclosure walls

Everyone knows that a wall is a barrier for an animal when it wants to leave the fenced area without permission. In addition, a blank wall protects the area from excessive wind, rain and other negative weather conditions. Well, if we talk about an open wall, then in this case the animal gets the opportunity to observe the environment while sitting in the enclosure. That is, he does not have to leave the fenced area to guard the yard.

It is important to remember that ordinary nails cannot be used to fasten walls during construction. Because the dog can tear them out

Experts recommend using self-tapping screws or screw nails.

Another thing to remember about the grille. Some owners try to save money and decide to use mesh instead of metal rods. But, as a rule, this leads to the animal breaking or tearing the fence under the pressure of its weight. And in the end, you still have to install a wall made of rods. In addition, the animal can injure its teeth with the mesh. For example, if he starts to tear it.

Another expert tip is that it is best to make a grill out of metal rods. In this case, the condition must be observed that the distance between them does not exceed or is less than 10 cm. But if the dog is small or the enclosure is made for a puppy, then the distance can reach 5 cm.

You should be aware that the door must be mounted on the side of the open wall, since when entering the fence, the owner must see his dog, and the dog must see him. Well, don’t forget about the deadbolt or padlock: it must be there.

You also need to take care of the correct installation of the booth.

And it doesn’t matter whether it’s an apartment dog enclosure or a street one, the doghouse should always be in the most protected place. Usually it is hanging around or even immediately made from boards

Then it is sheathed with strong plywood; it is best to make the roof removable. Then the cleaning process will be simplified. By the way, the last piece of advice is especially useful if you plan to breed puppies in the future. As for the entrance, it should be in the form of a round opening. Thanks to this, it is best to retain heat inside the structure. In winter, a piece of coarse fabric is hung at the entrance; it does not prevent the dog from getting inside and thereby provides the required level of warmth.

What is better - a booth or an aviary?

There are several factors to consider here:

  1. If during severe cold weather or for other reasons the Labrador is in the house for some time, then an enclosure is not necessary.
  2. As for the booth, it is always needed. But, at the same time, the animal must have the opportunity to move freely around the territory of the plot.
  3. If the dog does not have the opportunity to move freely, then give preference to an aviary. Buy or build your Labrador the largest playground you can afford.

If we talk about what is best for a domestic dog, then the answer is clear - an aviary, as it gives more opportunities to both the dog and the owner.

Let's sum it up

Now you know which enclosures are suitable for keeping Alabai. We looked at its dimensions, materials and features. And thanks to the visual video, you can do everything quickly with your own hands. In addition, we saw what a booth for an alabai should be like: dimensions, material, features. Now we can say that your pet will be completely satisfied with its new home. And if he lived in the house before, then it will become much easier for you too. However, the presence of an enclosure does not mean that you do not need to walk your shepherd dog and let it go outside. Without such outings, the dog will feel bad. Otherwise, an enclosure and a booth for the Alabai will make your life easier.

Is it possible to keep a Labrador outside in winter?

Not very desirable. The Labrador is not a guard dog and does not tolerate cold well.

But, if you are forced to keep your pet outside, create the most comfortable conditions for him.:

  • Spacious enclosure.
  • Warm booth.
  • No chain.
  • Daily walks and communication.

If the temperature outside drops below -20, it is very advisable to let the dog indoors.

Care and maintenance of an adult dog

For the health of a pet, its good mood and the joy of its owners, the dog needs proper care, regular physical activity, and basic hygiene procedures.

The right diet

Anyone planning to get a Labrador needs to remember that dogs of this breed are prone to overeating and obesity, which can cause health problems in the future.

Retrievers are omnivores, but their diet must be carefully monitored. Your pet's diet should be balanced. You can feed your Labrador with dry food or natural products. However, these two types of nutrition cannot be combined.

Dry food is rich in all essential microelements and minerals. It is preferable to choose this type of feeding for those who do not have experience in preparing a proper natural diet. It is better to buy ready-made food for your pet from well-known brands. At the same time, the food should be liked by the pet and not cause eating disorders.

A Labrador's natural diet should contain the following foods:

  • lean meats;
  • lean fish;
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, oatmeal);
  • finely chopped or pureed vegetables;
  • fruits in small quantities;
  • fermented milk products;
  • boiled eggs;
  • flaxseed oil, olive oil, they are recommended to be added to porridge.

When choosing natural food, you need to additionally give your Labrador nutritional supplements and vitamins.

Should be excluded from use:

  • fatty meats;
  • sausages;
  • pickles;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • sweets;
  • tubular bones;
  • potatoes, cabbage, grapes, exotic fruits;
  • seasonings

Regardless of what type of food is chosen, the pet needs unlimited access to clean water.

An adult Labrador needs to be fed morning and evening. If there is food left in your pet's bowl, you should either store it in the refrigerator until the next feeding or throw it away.

Walking and physical activity

The Labrador is a very active breed, so it needs walks to maintain its health and physical condition. If you limit your pet’s activity, its energy will accumulate and splash out on furniture and interior items.

You need to start walking your puppy after all the necessary vaccinations have been completed. They begin to walk with the baby for 10–15 minutes. When the puppy grows up, walks should last at least 1.5 hours in the morning and evening.

Training and education

The breed is one of the most flexible, training which does not cause any trouble for the owners. Raising a puppy should be done from the first day it appears in the apartment. You need to accustom your pet to basic things.

  1. Know places for recreation and for natural needs.
  2. Do not chew furniture, shoes, things, toys.
  3. Do not jump on sofas or beds.
  4. Do not beg for food “from the table.”
  5. Do not throw yourself at small children while playing.

Labradors have high intellectual abilities. Therefore, they often become guides for people with disabilities, service dogs. A few repetitions are enough for them to learn new commands.

You need to work with your pets every day. Exercises should not be monotonous so that the animal does not get bored. The training process requires diligence and patience, because the pet is not always able to follow the command the first time.

It is very important to reward your Labrador for every achievement, this could be praise, petting or a treat. You can reprimand your dog for pranks. Under no circumstances should you shout or raise your hand

This will upset and disappoint the animal.

Under no circumstances should you shout or raise your hand. This will upset and disappoint the animal.

Care and hygiene

Despite their large size and thick coat, Labrador retrievers do not require specific care. To maintain the health and beauty of your pet, you need to perform basic hygiene procedures.

  1. The coat is combed 1-2 times a week. These dogs shed twice a year, during these periods the procedure must be carried out more often.
  2. The claws of puppies are regularly trimmed with a nail clipper; in adults they are ground down themselves.
  3. Teeth are regularly brushed with a special toothpaste.
  4. Retrievers are bathed once every two months with clean water; you should not overuse shampoos unnecessarily. Frequent bathing negatively affects the condition of the coat.
  5. The pet's ears are cleaned once every 2 weeks with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution.

Labrador Retrievers' eyes require some attention as the breed tends to have eye conditions. Wash your eyes with chamomile infusion or boiled water a couple of times a week.

If, during the procedure, changes are noticed compared to the normal state of the eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It may be possible to stop the pathological process in time.

Dangerous insects

After each walk, you need to inspect your pet's fur for ticks. By brushing your dog, you will remove not only loose hair, but also some of the attached insects. Ticks that have already sucked will fall off on their own. And those that hold tightly must be carefully removed.

Lubricate the tick with vegetable oil to limit its access to air. After 15-20 minutes it should fall off on its own. If this does not happen, then use tweezers or thread to pry the tick and begin to twist it out. Be careful that the insect's head does not remain in the skin. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to consult a doctor.

The presence of fleas in an animal is very easy to determine. Black crumbs (products of their vital activity) appear in the wool. And on the stomach, in the armpits or on the inside of the hind legs you can find bite marks in the form of red spots. Special sprays, powders, drops that can be found at the pharmacy will help get rid of fleas. Among domestic ones, these can be “Bars” or “BlochNet”, among imported and more expensive ones - “Frontline” or Hartz. It is necessary to treat not only the dog’s fur, but also the room where it lives, especially the kennel and rug.

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