Description and characteristics of Alabai puppies. How much can you buy a dog in Russia and abroad?

  • Dogs
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Age (months)123456789101112
Weight, kg)3194045
Height (cm)26357070

Alabay, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or Turkmen Wolfhound. During the USSR, cynologists brought single specimens to Moscow, and they became the founders of modern Asians in Russia. An adult animal can weigh from 50 to 80 kg. and reach a height at the withers of 60–80 cm.

Fact: this breed was officially classified only in 1993, and the new Alabai breed standard was approved in 2010. Alabais are not very common in the world, because they, along with horses, are the property of Turkmenistan and there is a ban on export.

Age table of height and weight

When purchasing an Alabai dog, every owner wants to know the weight and height at the withers by month. But since representatives of this breed grow unevenly, the growth dynamics of these animals is average.

Representatives of the Alabai dog breed

There are situations when a puppy, which stands out among all the others for its small weight and height, overtakes its sisters and brothers in a few months and turns into a large and powerful handsome man. Situations that are completely opposite also happen.

Note! Weight and height depend not only on genetic factors, but also on proper balanced feeding, as well as care and training.

Weight gain occurs differently in puppies depending on their gender.

In order for the owner to be able to check the compliance of the pet’s parameters by month, veterinarians and dog handlers specially developed a table for the height and weight of Alabais. It shows average indicators.

Table 1. Correspondence of height and weight of an Alabai puppy by month

Puppy age by monthHeight at the withers of a male, cmHeight at the withers of the female, cmMale weight, kgBitch weight, kg

At the same time, if we are talking about an adult Alabai, then its growth may differ significantly.
For example, there are dogs with a height of 78 to 85 cm, others can grow up to 98 cm. Note! As practice shows, dogs that are tall and heavy often have serious health pathologies and deviations in exterior characteristics.

The most important thing is that the dog is proportionally built.

A little history

It is difficult to say how the Asian Shepherd was bred - legends and tales have been preserved, but there is very little reliable information about this breed. It is known that dogs with a similar appearance - powerful with a thick mane - were used for dog fighting in the arenas of ancient Roman circuses.

In addition, such dogs served in the army - Alexander the Great himself kept them as part of the army and highly valued them for their courage and power. On the other hand, in the mountains of Tibet, descendants of black wolves, which were distinguished by a large head and a shortened muzzle, have been known since ancient times. There is reason to believe that the Asian Shepherd comes from them. Comparing photos of the Asian Shepherd and images that have come down to us from ancient times, we can say that these dogs have retained their original strength and beauty.

You can also recall the legend that says that in the mountains of Turkmenistan lived an evil and treacherous mythical creature - Syrtlon, who was at enmity with people and plotted various intrigues for them. When Syrtlon’s blood boiled with passion, he mated with shepherds’ dogs - they say that this is how the first Central Asian Shepherd puppy appeared.

There are many supporters of the theory that the Central Asian Shepherd can consider Mongolian dogs, which were used to breed this breed in Turkmenistan, as its ancestors. In any case, the Asian can also be called the Turkmen wolfhound, this name is in use, which means the theory about Mongolian roots is quite reliable.

The Central Asian Shepherd can consider Mongolian dogs as its ancestors

Physiological development

Alabai puppies in childhood look like beautiful, funny plush toys. Subsequently, they turn into devoted friends and fearless guards.

What does a dog need when a puppy arrives in the house?

Despite the fact that the growth and weight gain rates of puppies of this breed are different, there is still a certain dependence on the established parameters. When keeping an Alabai puppy, the owner is recommended to weigh and measure the body monthly. If signs of a significant lag or, conversely, excessive increase are detected, it is necessary to immediately adjust the pet’s diet and living conditions. In this matter, you can seek help from specialists.

Birth and first month of life

The weight of the Alabai at birth must be at least 350 g. Otherwise, the puppies are considered weak and are discarded. If the puppy does not have congenital pathologies, and also if the lactating bitch has a sufficient amount of milk, newborn Alabai gain an average of about 4-4.5 kg in the first month. An Alabai weighs from 4 to 5 kg per month, while the puppy’s height varies from 25 to 30 cm. Up to two months, the optimal feeding option is mother’s breast milk. From two weeks of age, complementary foods are introduced into the puppy's diet.

Important! It is not recommended to feed Alabai puppies with industrial food for up to three months.

Newborn Alabai puppies weigh 350 g

Two month

In Alabai puppies, from the second month of life, intensive growth of muscles and bones begins. This is precisely the consequence of rapid growth and weight gain. By the age of two months, the Alabai's height at the withers should be at least 35 cm, and its weight should vary from 9 to 10 kg.

At three months, the dog’s musculoskeletal system continues to develop. Alabai has been growing very rapidly for 4 months. Due to this, his limbs noticeably lengthen. At four months of age, the puppy already weighs about 30 kg, and the height at the withers varies from 50 to 55 cm.

From 6 months, muscle formation begins, and the puppy begins to grow in breadth. At this time, the dog’s weight can be from 35 to 50 kg, and its height can vary from 60 to 65 cm.

Alabai puppy at 2 months

Period from 9 to 12 months

Closer to the year, the growth of the skeleton and the formation of the chest are completed in Alabais. Subsequently, body weight increases due to muscle growth.

Note! At 9-10 months, the sex of the dog can be accurately determined by exterior differences.

A dog of the Alabai breed weighs from 60 to 70 kg at 1 year old, its height varies from 70 to 80 cm depending on gender.

One year old Central Asian Shepherd

1-2 years

After dogs reach one year of age, the formation of exterior characteristics due to muscle development does not end. Often dog breeders are faced with the fact that the animal begins to lose height. This happens as a result of relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus. There is no need to worry about this, since closer to two years everything will return to normal, and as a result, a powerful dog with an outstanding appearance will grow up.

Two years and older

In males, the formation of the exterior can last up to 3-5 years. For bitches the situation is different. The process stops between 9 and 18 months. This happens during the first heat.

Important! Early mating is contraindicated for both sexes, as it negatively affects the development of the locomotor-muscular system.

In dogs older than 2 years, muscle growth is completed and the nervous system finally matures.

Beginning dog breeders are often interested in how much an adult Alabai weighs. Depending on the gender, a dog can weigh from 65 to 80 kg, while its height at the withers reaches 70-80 cm. But, as practice shows, this is not the limit. Individuals whose height reached 98 cm were recorded.

White and red alabai

Characteristics of puppies

What do they look like?

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has distinct distinctive external characteristics. A massive head, resembling a bear's, with wide lower jaws. Large fangs. The symmetrical brow ridges are clearly visible. Ears are cropped. Most often, the auricle is located at eye level. The eyes are set wide, round, and small. The neck is strong. The paws are large, oval, with a powerful bone structure. The skeleton is massive. Well-developed muscles throughout the body, especially in the chest area. The dog is massive, but not prone to obesity. The weight of an adult Alabai ranges from 60 to 80 kg with a height of up to 80 cm. Typically, males are larger than females. The length of the dog is greater than the height at the withers. The tail is saber-shaped, most often docked. Wool up to 10 cm. Thick, hard, straight, with dense undercoat. The colors of Alabai are white, red, black, gray, brown, with evenly shaped tan marks. Sometimes there is a brindle color.

Alabai puppies (see photo below), like adults, have a massive wide head and a flat forehead. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not clearly expressed. The head is slightly disproportionate: a heavy jaw without protruding lower incisors. The nose is large, with a black or brown pronounced nose. Alabai puppies have round, dark, widely spaced eyes.

The ears are triangular, small, low. Subsequently, the ears are cropped according to the standards adopted in a particular country. The body of Alabai puppies is solid and powerful. Short neck. Deep and wide chest. The back is wide and straight, the stomach is tucked, the croup is wide. Strong, large, oval-shaped paws. The coat of puppies is also coarse, straight and hard, with a thick undercoat.

Description by month

A newborn alabai looks like a small oblong barrel weighing from 350 to 550 grams.

At two months, the Alabai’s height also remains within 30–35 cm, but its weight is actively changing. Babies during this period already weigh about 10 kg. Such a large weight gain is associated with the active formation of the puppies’ bone skeleton.

4 months

This is a period of intense growth. The puppy's height is up to 55 cm, weight up to 30 kg. The puppy's body begins to change, becoming elongated and narrow.

5 months

At five months, intensive growth slows down briefly. At this time, the puppy may grow slightly, by 2–3 cm, and gain weight from 5 to 7 kg.

6 months

But from 6 months, Alabai begin to take on an appearance more similar to an adult. The body becomes wider, more powerful. Weight reaches 50 kg, height at withers up to 70 cm.

10 months

Alabai at 10 months is characterized by a significant increase in muscle tissue, which affects the appearance of the dog. The height of the animal reaches 75–80 cm and weighs from 60 to 70 kg.

1 year

By the age of one year, the height and weight of the alabai gradually becomes constant. Height reaches 80 cm, weight up to 70–80 kg.

Weight and height chart

Age, monthsHeight, cmWeight, kg

How old do they grow?

REFERENCE. The Alabai puppy grows up to 12 months, gaining during this period all the bulk and height, which subsequently change slightly.

At what age can you keep a puppy outside in winter?

This is a rather controversial issue, and in each case it is worth considering the specific conditions. In any case, the puppy's transition to the street should not be stressful for him. Some breeders initially keep cubs and mothers outside, in enclosures. In this case, the issue of changing the environment is not so pressing. If the baby is under the protection of maternal warmth, then he tolerates external climatic conditions more comfortably. If the puppy has already been separated from its mother and is with people, then accustoming it to the street should be gradual and gentle.

ATTENTION! You can take him outside for a short while during the day, making sure to pay attention to his behavior. If he trembles, it means he is not ready for the cold.

In order to comfortably endure frost, a well-formed undercoat is necessary. Some owners keep puppies at home for up to 5–6 months.

How old do they grow?

Loose stools in a dog or puppy: causes and what to do

Intensive growth of Alabai dogs is observed in the first 6 months of life. After this, the pace decreases noticeably.

Most Alabais gain maximum weight and height before one year. But this does not mean at all that the dog does not grow later, it just happens slightly. Alabai grow up to three years of age. But this applies, first of all, to males, since females stop growing with the onset of their first heat.

Physical activity for the Central Asian Shepherd

You need to take your Alabai for walks from the age of 3 months. For harmonious development and to prevent problems with excess weight, you need to walk several kilometers a day.

The optimal number of walks: 2 times a day for at least 1 hour. This is a serious breed, and therefore it needs to be socialized so that there are no problems in the future.

However, it is better to let even a trained Central Asian Shepherd dog off the leash only in specially designated areas.

Important! Alabai must be taught to wear a muzzle.

What affects the development of a puppy

Even the most experienced dog breeder cannot say exactly how much an Alabai weighs at a given age. Numerous factors can influence the height and weight of these animals.

How to find out the breed of a dog by the appearance of the puppy

The most common are the following:

  • nutrition. Its further development depends on what the puppy eats from birth. Feeding representatives of this breed has its own characteristics. Two-thirds must be meat, and the use of fatty types is not recommended. Animals can also be fed with special feeds that have a balanced composition and are of good quality;
  • heredity. In most cases, the size of the animal depends on the height and weight of the puppy’s parents. There are often situations when Alabai of one line gain weight faster than another, so heredity is of significant importance;
  • conditions of detention. In order for the puppy to continue to grow well, he needs to be provided with excellent living conditions and the necessary care. It is necessary to take into account that representatives of the Alabai breed are very large dogs and require certain care and a balanced diet;
  • lack or lack of physical activity. If an animal, especially as it grows up, leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the opportunity to develop harmoniously is significantly reduced. In such a situation, dogs begin to rapidly gain weight and end up looking narrow-bodied.

Note! Past illnesses can also provoke a slowdown in development, especially for serious infections that lead to the fact that animals do not meet standards.

Alabai dog show

How to raise a healthy dog ​​- feeding rules

For the first 10–14 days, the pet should receive the same food that the breeder fed it. This way, you reduce stress levels and avoid indigestion due to a sudden change in diet. Even if you plan to feed the dog “natural”, and the breeder prefers drying, buy food of the same brand with a supply of 15 days, starting from the 10th day, transfer the puppy to the diet of your choice using the admixture method.

Important! When feeding your puppy dry food, it is recommended to soak the granules in warm water 7-10 minutes before serving.

Natural feeding of Alabai puppies involves a diet enriched with proteins and microelements. For proper muscle formation, the baby should receive a menu of 50% meat (up to 15% offal), milk and dairy products, 10–25% cereals, 10–25% vegetables and fruits. Equally important are oils, dairy products, eggs, ocean fish (if the dog likes it) and vitamin supplements for large, fast-growing breeds. Monitor your pet's weight carefully. Obesity, especially at a young age, will lead to joint diseases, and even their physical deformation.


The largest representative of the breed

The largest Alabai in the world is considered to be a dog named Bulldozer. He lives in the Stavropol region. The weight of a representative of this breed is 130 kg, and his height, if he stands on his paws, is 2 m.

The dog has won many awards in completely different parts of the world. Despite its impressive size, the animal is balanced, calm and good-natured. Outside the ring, this dog has never bitten anyone in his entire life.

Note! Turkmen Alabais are attentive and noble dogs by nature. They never set themselves the goal of injuring the enemy, even during battle.

His owner could not even imagine that, by purchasing an Alabai dog, the height and weight of his pet would reach such indicators.

Factors such as genetics and regular training, as well as proper maintenance and nutrition, primarily helped the dog achieve success. The owner paid a lot of attention to his pet and provided regular exercise. Bulldozer won his first fight at the age of three.

Bulldozer - the largest Alabai

When growing Alabai, every owner of these amazing animals should know that they grow unevenly, and the statistics of height and weight are averaged. It is possible to raise a graceful, handsome puppy from a clumsy puppy only if he has good heredity, and also when he is provided with the necessary conditions of keeping and feeding. Regular physical activity is important. Only by observing all this can you raise a beautiful, healthy and large dog that will become an excellent guard and companion.

Security guard character

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd) puppy - at an early age, curious and easy-going. The child eats a lot, sleeps a lot and plays. By themselves they are quite reserved, but by 3-4 months they begin to show increased activity.

Even at this age, they are already beginning to show themselves as guards, copying their mother’s behavior and showing their individual characteristics.

Despite the fact that they are kids, you can see in their behavior: not only interest, but also wariness. They are sociable and friendly, they want to play a lot, communicate with a person and test their strength.

Right now, the dog is beginning to realize what he can and cannot do. It is necessary to begin the process of education from the first days of his appearance in the house. This is an intelligent animal, which has especially pronounced guarding abilities; the more you pay attention to its socialization, the faster it will pass.

With age, they become more wary of strangers, but do not lose their sociability; it is enough to show that the owner treats the stranger well, and they will immediately change their anger to mercy.

  • They will not show increased aggression without a reason, but you should still be careful about contact with strangers; it is better to control the process personally.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that males do not particularly like their fellow tribesmen; various skirmishes and fights between them are possible. At an older age, such contacts should be avoided.

Alabai is first and foremost a guard, and only then a friend and companion; he will need to devote a lot of time, not only for care, but also for education and training, although they are very disposed towards her. Turkmen Shepherd Dogs, for a long time, have become world famous and have been famous for their guarding skills and ideal performance indicators in this area.

Prohibited Products

To avoid poisoning, the development of gastrointestinal pathologies and metabolic disorders, you should not feed your small shepherd dog the following prohibited foods:

  • fatty meat - lamb and pork;
  • sweets;
  • pasta and white bread;
  • all types of leguminous plants;
  • fried, salted, smoked, pickled, spicy foods;
  • raw cereals (except rolled oats);
  • porridge from semolina, millet, pearl barley;
  • citrus fruits;
  • tubular, boiled, bird bones;
  • potatoes;
  • salt.

Health of the Central Asian Shepherd

This breed is prone to a number of diseases:

  • obesity;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin lesions;
  • cryptorchidism, infertility, albinism, fusion of the eyelids, diabetes mellitus (all of them are hereditary);
  • parvovirus.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog does not require much attention in terms of hygienic care and maintenance. But due to their stubborn and independent nature, even simple grooming activities can become a problem.

From any point of view, this breed is intended only for experienced dog owners who lead an active lifestyle and know how to handle a proud and intelligent animal.

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