8 most effective flea shampoos for dogs + instructions for use

Water procedures are an integral part of pet care. In addition to cleansing the dermis, they prevent skin diseases and help improve the appearance of animals. However, in addition to the benefits, bathing dogs, especially miniature breeds, can be harmful. Read on to learn how to bathe a Chihuahua and what detergents to use.

How to bathe a Chihuahua

Physiology of the skin of dogs

To understand the advisability and frequency of bathing your four-legged friends, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of their skin. This information will help prevent the occurrence of dermatological diseases and help make your pet’s coat more well-groomed.

Skin structure

The skin is considered the largest organ, covering the entire surface of the body. This is a kind of boundary barrier between the body and the environment, subject to its aggressive influence. It is a strong and dense bodily shell, consisting of several layers:

  1. Epidermis. The cells of the integumentary tissue of the cuticle are grouped into 2 layers. The first is horny, formed from dead cells. The second consists of continuously multiplying living cells, which gradually move into the upper layer.
  2. Leather. This is the bulk of the skin. It contains sweat and sebaceous glands, nerve fibers, arteries, hair roots, veins and lymphatic vessels.
  3. Subcutaneous layer. It is a layer between the skin and muscles. Fat is deposited in this area, which serves as excellent protection during the cold season.

During water procedures, detergents act mainly on the epidermis and partially on the skin.

Table 1. Types of skin glands

GreasyLocated throughout the skin, with the exception of the nipples and soft parts of the limbs. They create a fatty secretion that is a lubricant for the epidermis and hair. This natural cosmetic product promotes skin elasticity, prevents it from drying out, gives shine to the coat, protects against fungal pathologies and repels water.
SmellyModified sweat or sebaceous glands located in the groin area. They secrete an odorous secretion that serves to mark territory boundaries and species identification.
SweatThey are located in the deep layers of the dermis. In addition to removing decay products, they provide thermoregulation of the body. In dogs they are poorly developed.
MilkyPresent only in females. Perform the function of hormonal regulation.

The compact stratum corneum protects the skin from drying out

Functions of the skin

The skin performs several important tasks for the body. Among the most significant is protective. It helps prevent loss of heat and water, protects against damage and bacterial attacks.

Table 2. Basic qualities of the skin

ProtectiveLocated in the area of ​​responsibility of the epidermis. Protects from exposure to radiation and partially from ultraviolet radiation, from the penetration of chemicals and harmful bacteria.
RespiratoryIn addition to the lungs, oxygen enters the body through the skin. Using microscopic pores, it inhales oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Sweat glands take part in the process of skin respiration.
PerceivingReceptors located on the surface of the skin, especially nerve endings, give the body the ability to sense temperature, touch and other irritants.
SuctionThe skin cannot be compared to a sponge, but it is capable of absorbing a number of substances. When wet, this ability is enhanced. The skin practically does not allow water to pass through, but sometimes it turns out to be defenseless against toxins. In addition, gaseous elements easily penetrate into the epidermis.
excretoryIt is carried out thanks to the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which remove toxic substances and metabolic products from the blood.
ThermoregulationHair and blood vessels provide protection from hypothermia or overheating. Fatty lubricants and fiber also participate in this process.

Dogs have sensitive dermis, so most pet diseases are characterized by skin syndrome

Chihuahua skin type

In addition to distinct breed characteristics, dogs are also classified by skin type. Representatives of the canine family have 4 types of skin:

  1. Thin, tight fitting. It is found in pets with a delicate or miniature constitution.
  2. Thickened. Characteristic of large individuals.
  3. Dense, tight fitting, thickened at the nape. It is observed in animals with a lean and strong build.
  4. Loose, fleshy with folds. Primarily found in wrinkled dog breeds

Chihuahua skin belongs to the first type. This skin structure requires soft, delicate care.

Natural skin cleansing occurs due to the exfoliation of microscopic skin particles

Dry cleaning

In some cases, it is simply not possible to properly bathe a pet in order to put it in order. The reasons for this may be different. For example, some dogs that were scared as children are simply hysterically afraid of water. It happens that a dog has to go to an exhibition after a long journey, and there is simply nowhere to take a normal bath. In addition, if the apartment is cold and there are drafts, the dog should not be wetted at all - there is a risk of serious colds.

In any case, dry shampoo will come to the rescue. It is very simple to use - sprinkle the powder over the entire surface of the dog’s body and massage thoroughly so that it penetrates to the roots of the coat. After waiting a few minutes, the shampoo can be removed - the easiest way is to use a brush glove and comb your pet, removing the powder along with the accumulated dirt.

Bathing rules

Before you start washing your pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of this procedure. First of all, this concerns the frequency of washing and age restrictions.

First bath

In the first few months of a puppy's life, its fat layer is highly dense. This quality allows you to protect it from the effects of pathogenic bacteria during the development of immunity. Therefore, bathing is recommended no earlier than the baby reaches 3-5 months. Otherwise, this safety barrier may be damaged.

In addition to this factor, vaccination should be linked. The first water procedure is possible only after 2 weeks after the last injection. Otherwise, your pet may catch a cold or get pneumonia.

Bathing a Chihuahua under 3 months is not advisable.

Frequency of bathing

Dog breeders have differing opinions on this issue. There are supporters of frequent bathing - at least once every 10 days and supporters of the most gentle intervention in the animal's dermis, no more than 2 times a year. The former explain their position by keeping the dog for a walk, during which it is exposed to aggressive environmental influences. The latter argue their point of view with the harmful effects of detergents that neutralize the protective layer of the skin.

Using detergents, Chihuahuas should be bathed 4 times a year. After daily walking, you can limit yourself to washing your paws. If the pet is very dirty, bathing in water without using cosmetics or wiping with terry napkins is allowed. Unscheduled swimming is possible before participating in exhibitions.

Dogs must be bathed before participating in championships.

Consequences of errors in bathing

Both excess and lack of water procedures are fraught with the occurrence of skin diseases in your pet. Most often, owners torment their four-legged friends with constant washing, which sometimes leads to irreversible processes in the dermis.

Table 3. Consequences for the skin depending on the frequency of bathing

Sweat and sebum form an antibacterial layer on the surface of the skin, protecting against the penetration of germs. After washing with detergents, it is destroyed, and it takes several days to restore it. This leads to dry skin and its subsequent greasy condition, hair loss, deterioration of the hairline, itching and the spread of an unpleasant dog odor. Due to the fact that after washing the skin's absorption function increases, various chemical elements penetrate into the dermis. When the skin is moisturized, its thermoregulatory function decreases, which causes colds. If you bathe your pet sporadically, for example once a year, excess sebum mixes with dead pieces of dermis and clogs the pores. This blocks the access of oxygen to the skin and leads to the formation of dandruff.

Frequent bathing causes the greatest harm

How to bathe a dog

A couple of decades ago it was believed that it was impossible to bathe a dog more than 2 times a year, and that it was harmful. Indeed, the use of soap and shampoo intended for humans did not bring much benefit. Our skin and hair have different pH levels, and human cosmetics are too harsh for animals. It dries out the dog's skin and coat and can cause allergic dermatitis and various types of problems. It is strictly not recommended to wash your dog with such products!

Today, the pet products industry offers a huge range of hygiene products, including various shampoos (cosmetic, medicinal, preventative and even “tearless”), conditioners and coat balms. Thanks to these products, you can bathe your dog with shampoo as often as necessary.

Cleanliness primer: how to bathe a Chihuahua

Important points when washing dogs of this breed are their miniature size and thin skin. Thanks to these physiological characteristics, decorative pets are more likely than others to catch colds during water procedures. To ensure that the event brings maximum benefit to your four-legged friend, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its implementation.

Step 1. Preparatory steps

For swimming you will need the following accessories:

  • 2 terry towels;
  • basin;
  • mug;
  • sponge;
  • rubber mat;
  • shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • hairdryer

How to wash a toy terrier puppy

So, it's time to bathe that terrier. What do we need to prepare before washing our toy terrier puppy?

Dog shampoo is sold only in concentrated form, so be sure to dilute the detergent in a plastic bottle (or other container) in the ratio indicated on the package. If nothing is written on the bottle about diluting the shampoo, then make the ratio of product and water in a ratio of 1:10. Add only warm water to the shampoo.

Roll small balls of cotton wool to cover the ear canal in the dog’s ears and create a barrier for water and shampoo. In order not to damage the ear canal of your toy terrier and completely prevent liquids from getting into the ear, drop one drop (no more) of olive oil onto the balls.

Cover the bottom of the bathtub or tub with a mat and fill it with warm water. The temperature of the bathing water should be approximately equal to the dog’s body temperature – 38-39 degrees. If you have a thermometer, you will absolutely prepare some water, but if you don’t have a thermometer, then follow your own feelings - the water should be well warm, but not hot.

Now the most interesting thing is to close the doors to the bathroom and put the terrier on the bath mat. When bathing for the first time, when you do not know whether the pet will calmly accept water procedures or not, resort to the help of household members or secure it by tying a leash to the faucet. Next time you will be prepared for your pet's behavior during bathing.

Insert cotton balls into the ears. Before you start bathing, let your pet sit in the water and get used to it. Now your task is to wet the toy terrier’s fur. A calm and curious dog, who perceives bathing as a game, will allow himself to be poured with water from his owner’s palm or a mug. The wool should be wetted thoroughly. The first time you do it, you will be surprised how long it will take you. And all because the “resistance” to water in the canine family is higher than in humans due to fatty lubrication and thick undercoat.

We begin to apply diluted shampoo to the well-moistened coat from the back. Having washed the back, we move on to the sides, tummy, groin and paws. I wash my face last - not all toys like this procedure. And if you start soaping from the face, you risk leaving the rest of the body unwashed.

Now the shampoo should be washed off and lathered again. And after that, wash the wool with water from the detergent, which is called “until it squeaks.” When rinsing, carefully pour water around the head so that the water does not get into the eyes and ears.

Wring out the fur and apply conditioner with massaging movements, which, like shampoo, must first be diluted with water. It takes time for the air conditioner to take effect, at least one minute. And to keep your dog from freezing, you can wrap him in a towel and pick him up.

Many people believe that conditioners for dogs are not necessary. In principle, this is true if the animal dries naturally. But when you use a hairdryer to dry your pet, you can’t do without balms, since their action is aimed at nourishing the skin.

After rinsing off the conditioner, pat the toy terrier dry with a towel and remove the cotton wool from the ears. For a long-haired toy terrier, sort through the fur with your hands. Take the next dry towel, wrap your pet in it and rub it, massaging the dog's body so that it does not freeze.

After bathing, everyone, without exception, dogs, love to run, shake their fur and wipe their faces on towels or carpets. Give that terrier freedom of movement - let him run around the apartment. Three kilograms (or even less) of happiness are unlikely to knock down something valuable, but running around will save you from hypothermia.

To be on the safe side, you can dress your smooth-haired Toy in a flannel shirt or terry robe. Dry a toy with long hair with a hairdryer. When drying with a hairdryer, be careful so that the hot stream of air does not burn the dog. Don't overdo it with the hairdryer, it's better to leave the wool at the ends a little damp, it will dry on its own. And then comb your pet.

Immediately after swimming (taking a bath), do not take the dog out for a walk. Even if it seems to you that the toy terrier is completely dry, wait a couple of hours.


Which brand of dog shampoo to choose?

There are a lot of types of shampoos for dogs, as well as similar products for people. The product must be selected individually, focusing on the dog’s breed, coat condition, and color. In addition, you need to bathe your animal only when necessary, otherwise there is a risk of drying out the skin.

Most dogs do well with regular strengthening shampoos or conditioners. Of course, the less chemicals they contain, the better. Environmental friendliness in this case plays almost the main role.

We advise you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best shampoos for dogs. It is compiled in descending order of user interest in the brand:

When choosing a hygiene product for your pet, you should first of all take into account the breed of the dog. To make short hair shiny, you need to choose a shampoo with mink oil and silk protein. They will also prevent the appearance of tangles and dandruff.

A long-haired dog is more difficult to care for. The shampoo should make it easier to comb, prevent the appearance of parasites, and improve the structure of the coat.


You can decide how often you can wash your dog yourself, based on all the conditions listed above. Ideally, taking into account all external factors, 2-4 times a month. The main thing is to do it correctly - use only products specially designed for this, follow simple bathing rules and try not to cause discomfort to the dog.


The little toy terrier is so touching that you want to constantly cuddle him and carry him in your arms. But a terrier can give off an amber that evokes exactly the opposite desire. This is especially true for the Russian Longhaired Toy Terrier. You can put your little boy in order only by giving him a bath. And then many people begin to panic about whether they need to bathe the toy terrier.

A puppy comes into our world from water; it is born wet. The baby receives his first bath from his mother, who diligently licks him. Then the mother also carries out a kind of “bathing”. If there are few puppies in the litter (one or two), then the tiny toy dogs receive a daily dose of licking, until they are completely “wet.” If there are more puppies, then the mother, distracted by other puppies, may simply not have time to manage her restless family. In this case, the owner has to come to the mother’s aid and wash the babies off their own poop.

The best shampoos for short-haired dogs

Argan Oil Shampoo from Espree

The shampoo contains aloe vera, coconut extract and a number of vegetable oils that saturate the skin with essential minerals and moisture, restore the structure of the coat, making it resistant to negative environmental factors: UV rays, temperature changes. Adds shine, moisturizes well, stimulates skin regeneration.


  • Large packaging.
  • Minimum percentage of chemical additives.
  • Can be used from an early age.
  • Foams well and has a pleasant smell.


  • Not cheap.
  • Individual intolerance in certain types of dogs to the composition of the product.

PhytoElite shampoo for short-haired dogs

The product is based on nettle decoction and also contains fatty acids of coconut oil, glycerin, and bischofite. Gives wool elasticity and shine. Perfectly removes dirt and unpleasant odors.


  • Low cost.
  • Rarely causes allergic reactions.
  • Leaves coat soft and smooth with regular use.


  • Effective only with regular use (at least once every two weeks).
  • Used up quickly.

The best shampoos for long-haired dogs

8in1 Tea Tree oil Shampoo

The shampoo contains tea tree oil, a known natural cleanser. Perfectly relieves inflammation, softens the coat, and moisturizes. The product is suitable for dogs with sensitive, delicate skin that suffer from itching and other allergic reactions. It perfectly removes unpleasant odors and makes the coat pleasant to the touch for a long time.


  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Affordable price.
  • Has a persistent pleasant aroma.
  • Perfectly nourishes the skin.


Doctor Zoo for long-haired dogs

It washes wool well, even from old dirt, and is used economically. One package (250 ml) is usually enough for six months if you bathe your dog once a month. The shampoo has a strong herbal scent that repels fleas, ticks and other parasites.


  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Easy to wash.
  • Perfectly moisturizes and cleanses the coat.
  • Makes combing easier.


  • A strong herbaceous odor can impair an animal's sense of smell.

PhytoElite detangling shampoo for long-haired dogs

The shampoo is based on a decoction of yarrow. Contains D-panthenol, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium chloride. It efficiently removes even old dirt after the first wash. Makes wool pleasant to the touch and unravels tangles.


  • Makes combing easier.
  • Gives wool smoothness.
  • Affordable price.


  • Allergic reactions are possible.

Pet Head Blueberry shampoo-spray without rinse for dogs, without sulfates and parabens (450 g)

Photo: https://market.yandex.ru

The fourth place in the rating category is occupied by a premium class blueberry shampoo-spray that does not require rinsing. The product has a deodorizing effect, so your pet's fur will smell pleasant after washing. The line contains shampoos with different scents: strawberry, yogurt, orange, etc. Natural components in the composition will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the epidermis and coat, adding shine and elasticity. The product is suitable for both long-haired and short-haired breeds. Thanks to the convenient sprayer, it is easy to control the consumption of shampoo by applying the right amount.

Pet Head Blueberry shampoo-spray without rinse for dogs, without sulfates and parabens (450 g)


  • does not contain petroleum products, sulfates and parabens
  • neutral pH
  • sufficient volume – 450 ml
  • reasonable cost


  • not detected

The best shampoos for dark-colored dogs

Espree Dark Coat Aloe Herb Oil Shampoo

The shampoo has a natural base. The composition includes herbal decoctions, aloe juice, orange and citronella oils. The latter component provides a beautiful dark coat color. In addition, the product contains citrus extracts that provide a pleasant, fresh scent. The shampoo prevents insect bites and is not addictive.


  • pH balance is balanced.
  • Protects against insects.
  • Gives the coat a beautiful dark shade.


  • May cause itching on the owner's hands and animal's skin.

8in1 Black Pearl Shampoo

Shampoo and conditioner for dark-colored dogs. Contains natural mother-of-pearl extract, which enhances the natural color of the coat. Also contains aloe vera and boysenberry extract. The conditioner makes the coat shiny, makes it easier to comb, and increases volume. Prevents the appearance of tangles.


  • Gives the coat a beautiful shiny dark shade.
  • Economical to use.
  • Affordable price.


  • Need for frequent use.

Caring for the Russian Toy's teeth.

“Why do some small dogs have no tartar, while others have it as a constant problem?”

Answer: All small dogs are susceptible to tartar. However, the frequency of brushing your teeth against this scourge really differs from one toy to another. It depends on the enzymatic composition of saliva and diet, as well as preventive measures taken by the owner to prevent the appearance of tartar.

“How to recognize tartar? Is it possible to rid a Toy of it at home?”

Answer: Tartar is a hard yellowish coating that appears on the teeth of a toy, especially in places of contact with the gums. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of it at home. This procedure must be carried out in a specialized veterinary hospital by a professional veterinarian.

“What preventive measures should be taken and how to care for the teeth of a Russian Toy Terrier in order to protect his teeth from tartar?”

Answer: To prevent the formation of tartar, it is necessary to brush your small dog's teeth regularly. You need to take a cotton or gauze swab, apply toothpaste to it and, opening the dog’s mouth, carefully treat the teeth and gums, especially in those places where they come into contact with each other. After this, wash off the toothpaste. This can be done using a spray bottle or a damp cloth. In addition to brushing teeth, special biscuits and bovine skin bones, which can be freely purchased at any pet store, are used to prevent tartar in dogs.

The Best Dog Shampoos for Fleas and Ticks

Shampoo for dogs Doctor Zoo against fleas and ticks

The product contains many chemical additives: sodium sulfoethoxylate, diethanolamine and other additives. But the shampoo copes with its direct task - to rid the animal of parasites. It has a medium consistency and a specific smell.


  • Low cost.
  • Effectively kills fleas and ticks after the first wash.
  • Has a convenient dispenser.


  • Tangles long hair.
  • May cause redness and itching on the animal's body and human hands due to the large amount of concentrates.

Espree Knock Out (E 00175)

The product contains essential oils of cinnamon and tangerine. These known natural antioxidants are effective in killing parasites. The product is available in the form of a spray. Does not contain alcohol or chemical compounds. Safe for puppies from the first month of life. The spray protects against strong UV radiation.


  • Easy to use, does not require rinsing with water.
  • Affordable price, large packaging.
  • Effective in the fight against ticks, flies, wasps and fleas.


  • Cannot replace a full wash.
  • Used only in rare cases, such as on vacation.

Hartz Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo

Flea shampoo with a pronounced pine aroma. It disinfects wool well and kills fleas. The composition includes oats, panthenol, vegetable oils. They penetrate deeply into the skin, prevent scabies, moisturize and soften.


  • Effective against large numbers of fleas and ticks.
  • Prevents delamination of the upper layers of skin.
  • Large packaging at an affordable price.


  • Not recommended for puppies under 3 months.
  • The strong smell of pine needles can impair the animal's sense of smell.
  • It is possible that the owner's hands may become red during the process of kneading the animal.

General information about bathing toy terriers.

Now about the actual bathing. Warm water, if the contact is short-term, does not in itself threaten the health of the terrier. Remember that hypothermia poses a threat to life and health. Yes, if you wet our warm-blooded creature with water and do not create certain conditions for drying, then hypothermia of the animal is not far off. If you protect the dog from drafts, do not allow it to stay in cold water for a long time, do not allow it to naturally dry out in the wind or cold air, and take a towel and wipe the animal dry, then you can bathe the miniature terrier.

Compared to human skin, dog skin is dry and does not require frequent bathing. Daily and weekly washing of the animal causes serious disturbances in the natural balance of the skin (dandruff appears) and dog hair. Special literature about dogs, kennel owners, and veterinarians insist on the frequency of bathing no more than once every six months. And it is right. A lap dog doesn't get so dirty that it needs to be put in the bath. And you can wash your paws and tummy that are dirty after a walk or wipe them with a damp towel.

The best shampoos for dogs with sensitive, allergy-prone skin

Herba Vitae Shampoo for Dogs Tar

The shampoo contains tar, which contains more than 10 thousand useful microelements and mint, a well-known soothing plant. The product has an antimicrobial effect, improves blood circulation, and stimulates skin restoration. Can relieve pain and inflammation. Effectively removes dandruff and flaking on the skin.


  • Low cost does not come at the expense of efficiency.
  • Promotes healthy coat growth.
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Doesn't foam well.
  • Used up quickly.

8in1 Sensitive Shampoo for dogs with sensitive skin

Created specifically for dogs with delicate, easily vulnerable skin. The product contains aloe vera and a number of vegetable oils. It calms well and relieves irritation. Makes the coat shiny and soft to the touch. Stimulates skin regeneration. Smells nice.


  • Perfectly nourishes the skin.
  • Destroys dirt and unpleasant odor on the dog's body.


  • Used up quickly.
  • Not cheap.

Espree Aloe Oat bath Medicated Shampoo

The shampoo is based on oat protein, aloe vera, panthenol and vitamins A, E, D. Enriches the skin with beneficial substances. Perfectly soothes and restores the structure of the coat. Recommended for dry sensitive animal skin.


  • Natural composition.
  • Gives wool shine.
  • Removes dirt and unpleasant odors.


  • Not cheap.
  • Use only in diluted form.

Shampoo Goodman Doctor with birch tar for dogs 200 ml

Photo: https://market.yandex.ru

The shampoo promotes cell regeneration and strengthens hair follicles. The coat acquires a lively shine, is easier to comb, does not form tangles, and the shedding period is significantly reduced. The gel whips well into foam and is consumed slowly. The product of the domestic brand has an antimicrobial effect, suppressing the vital activity of staphylococci, yeast-like fungi and other pathogens of dermatological diseases. In addition, it enhances the effectiveness of antiparasitic drugs.

Shampoo Goodman Doctor with birch tar for dogs 200 ml


  • insecticidal prophylaxis
  • high antipruritic effect
  • visible improvements in coat condition
  • elimination of odors and their causes


  • not detected

What dog shampoo to buy

1. Owners of a French bulldog, beagle and bull terrier will benefit from Argan Oil Shampoo from the manufacturer Espree.

2. Shampoo from the FitoElite brand can remove dirt and make combing easier for long-haired breeds.

3. Owners of Samoyeds, poodles and bull terriers often buy Artero Blanc for their pets.

4. 8in1 Black Pearl Shampoo can maintain a beautiful dark color.

5. Do you want to rid your animal of fleas, ticks and other parasites? Use dog shampoo from the manufacturer Doctor Zoo.

6. Herba Vitae Tar will relieve irritation on the dog’s delicate sensitive skin.

Very often, the optimal hygiene product for a dog is not selected the first time. The trial and error method is relevant here. One pet is perfectly suited to a cheap shampoo containing a lot of dyes, while another needs only a natural one at an expensive price.

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Dogs are the most sincere and devoted pets. They not only protect, amuse, and help brighten up loneliness, but can also be true friends who will support you in difficult times. The dogs trusted their owners one hundred percent. They are ready to give their lives for a person. People, in turn, must not only provide shelter and food for their four-legged friends, but also pay attention to their health.

One of the components of a dog's health, in addition to proper nutrition and physical activity, is providing hygienic care. This primarily includes bathing with appropriate detergents and using shampoo for dogs.

How does a puppy wash itself?

Small dogs are the most sensitive to temperature because their bodies are a degree warmer. wash your Russian Toy Terrier using the following items:

Dog shampoos are concentrated, so the bathing product must be diluted in a plastic bottle (or other container) according to the proportion indicated on the label. If the bottle does not have any inscriptions regarding consistency, then the ratio of detergent and water is proportionally 1:10. Add shampoo with warm water.

Roll medium-sized cotton balls to cover the ear canal in the dog's ears and create a barrier to foam and getting wet. To prevent damage to the ears and to prevent the auditory organ from getting wet during soaping, you need to drop one drop (no more) of olive oil onto the balls.

A cotton ball is inserted inside the ear. Before starting the scheduled wash, the pet must stand in warm water in order to feel comfortable further. And then you can start to wet the wool. A curious and calm dog, who perceives bathing as fun, allows himself to be watered from a mug or special small toes. Wet the fur thoroughly so that the liquid does not get on the eyes. For a puppy who is bathing for the first time, it will take more time to adapt to the procedure. It should also be taken into account that the “resistance” to water in toy terriers is higher than in humans due to the high density of the undercoat and fatty lubrication.

Those who have a representative of this breed of dog should know that combing out the dog’s hair tangles is carried out before washing, since wet fur becomes additionally tangled, and after bathing, combing the animal will be quite problematic.

Well-wetted fur should be lathered with evenly diluted shampoo. After treating the back, you need to move on to the sides, stomach, groin and paws. The muzzle is washed last, as it requires caution. Not everyone likes this procedure, therefore, if you start with this particular part of the body, you will lose interest and whims will begin.

After completing the water procedures, the fur is slightly dried with a hairdryer, or the dog is wrapped in a warm terry towel.



Features of dog hygiene

For the most part, dogs are active and curious animals. While walking on the street, they will not leave a single bush or puddle unattended. Even in dry and clear weather, they manage to stain not only their paws, but their fur. If the dog lives with people, its cleanliness becomes even more important.

But this does not mean that pets need to be bathed daily or even once a week. The frequency recommended by veterinarians for washing dogs is once a month. This means a complete hygiene procedure using shampoos or soap. Every day after a walk, it is enough to wipe the paws or, in case of emergency, rinse the pet with warm, clean water.

How often can you wash your dog?

First of all, pay attention to the dog’s lifestyle, its size and coat characteristics. If the dog lives in the house and sleeps on the bed with you, then naturally the dog needs to be bathed often. The best option is to bathe once every 1-2 weeks.

Many will say that this is quite common, and the dog needs to be bathed much less often. After all, when bathing, a significant amount of fat is washed away from the skin, as well as fur, which protects the dog. However, few owners of four-legged dogs will like the fact that a dirty, smelly dog ​​is lying next to them on the bed or sofa.

Yorkie bathing

Rules for choosing shampoo for dogs

Animals are all different: each has its own skin type, coat structure, and health characteristics. Finding the right shampoo for your pet the first time will be difficult. You'll have to try several options. In addition, manufacturers offer a huge selection of care products, making the choice even more difficult. But you don’t need to be led by beautiful bottles and jars. When choosing a dog shampoo, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • the product must take into account the type of coat;
  • the product should contain as few fragrances and dyes as possible (ideally, without them at all);
  • the composition should include natural ingredients (oils, herbal decoctions, etc.);
  • it is important to take into account the condition of the skin and coat: the presence of allergies, itching, dandruff, sensitive skin;
  • the presence of parasites in the dog;
  • popularity of the manufacturer of the hygiene product and reviews from dog owners.

Is it possible to make dog shampoo with your own hands?

If there are no safe cleaning products in the house, you can make them yourself. To do this, use any of the following recipes:

  1. Oat. Mix 1 cup of ground oatmeal with 0.5 cup of baking soda and dissolve the resulting mixture in 1 liter of warm water. Please note that the baking soda contained may change the color to a lighter shade.
  2. Corn. Mix 1 cup cornstarch with 1 cup baking soda. Rub the resulting mixture directly into your pet's skin, hold it for a couple of minutes and comb it out with a brush. This option is ideal for pets who are afraid of getting wet.
  3. Oil. Dilute 100 ml of olive or coconut oil in 1 liter of warm water. These products will not only cleanse the skin, but also thoroughly moisturize it, making it easier to comb further.

The simplest and safest option is to use chicken yolks (in the proportion of 2 yolks to 1 glass of water), but they only help with minor stains. It is better to wash with an egg under cool water, since it curls under the influence of hot temperature.

Types of shampoos

The entire variety of dog shampoos can be combined into 4 large groups:

They are used to cleanse wool of dirt and germs. There are for dogs with short, long, coarse hair, smooth-haired dogs, etc.

They perform a therapeutic and preventive function for skin and hair diseases. Relieves the appearance of dry skin, dandruff, rashes, peeling, etc. Suitable for washing puppies and pets with sensitive skin.

used to kill parasites.

Designed to enhance coat color (for dark dogs) or whiten (for white dogs). They are used if the pet participates in exhibitions. Can produce a conditioning effect.

These are powders, powders, sprays that are used in cases where the dog cannot be wetted or the dog does not like to bathe.

Let's look at the best dog shampoos in each group.

Skin diseases

There can be many reasons for skin problems. The most harmless, symptomatic treatment that does not require medication is incorrectly selected cosmetics or bathing regimen. Using the wrong shampoo, too often, or, conversely, not washing often enough can lead to dry skin, dandruff, and oily seborrhea.

Other reasons are more serious and can harm the pet’s health:

  • pathogenic bacteria that are normally present in healthy microflora;
  • viruses, or rather their pathogens;
  • fungi are part of the normal flora present in every organism;
  • parasites – fleas, ticks, worms.

Skin diseases can also be a symptom of some serious diseases:

  • allergy;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • endocrinological diseases;
  • oncology;
  • hereditary diseases.

In any case, if you notice dandruff or a rash on your pet, if he is constantly itching or showing restlessness, you should consult a veterinarian. You should not self-medicate or listen to the advice of fellow dog lovers. Some diseases have similar symptoms but require completely different treatments. Only a doctor, after additional research, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

The best shampoos for dogs

The best hygiene shampoos

Concentrated shampoo with argan oil. Ideal for washing animals with short hair. Due to argan oil, the skin becomes moisturized and the coat is shiny. Panthenol and jojoba oil promote healing of damage to the dermis and coat. When used on long-haired breeds, combing and styling become more comfortable. Volume: 500ml.

Cost: from 970 rub.

  • concentrated, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8;
  • not greasy;
  • creates protection from UV exposure and other climatic influences;
  • contains a detergent base of organic origin;
  • foams well;
  • mostly natural ingredients.
  • Expensive;
  • contains flavoring.

Shampoo for dogs with coarse hair. The unique composition of the product includes 14 amino acids, keratin and soy proteins. The listed components ideally protect the color and maintain the texture of rough wool, strengthening it. In addition, they protect against UV radiation. Volume: 270 ml.

Cost: from 450 rub.

  • the coat becomes softer without losing structure;
  • after using shampoo, the animal’s skin becomes moisturized and without peeling;
  • contains natural ingredients.
  • not found.

Foam shampoo for decorative miniature dogs. Main ingredients: coconut oil, argan oil, cocoa, jojoba. They help nourish and moisturize the skin of pets. With constant use, the wool becomes soft and silky. Dense foam copes even with severe dirt. Volume: 150 ml.

Cost: from 400 rub.

  • safe for the eyes;
  • pH neutral.
  • quickly consumed;
  • Expensive.

This care product can be used for dogs with different coats. Contains Australian tea tree oil. Unique components have a calming effect, relieving itching from bites and other skin irritations. Systematic washing makes the coat silky and shiny. Volume: 250 ml.

Cost: from 350 rub.

  • only natural ingredients;
  • universal in relation to breeds;
  • hypoallergenic.
  • quickly consumed.

Shampoo with provitamin B5 and keratin is aimed at pets with long hair. After regular use of the product, the coat acquires a healthy shine and excellent volume. In addition, combing and styling are easy. The conditioner protects against rapid re-contamination. Volume: 250 ml.

Cost: from 110 rub.

  • economical;
  • the herbal smell repels parasites;
  • foams well and washes off;
  • inexpensive.
  • The smell is a little strong and may not be to your pet's liking.

The shampoo is ideal for washing short-haired breeds, taking into account the structure of their coat. The product is based on a nettle decoction, which makes washing effective and provides a deodorizing effect. Volume: 220 ml.

Cost: from 105 rub.

  • thick;
  • light herbal aroma;
  • foams well and rinses off easily;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • acceptable price.
  • not found.

Shampoo-conditioner protein-lanolin Bio-Groom Protein/Lanolin, for dogs and cats, 946 ml

Photo: https://market.yandex.ru

The shampoo is best suited for long-haired dogs: its formula makes combing easy and prevents tangling and tangles. The mild product does not dry out hair or irritate eyes. Coconut oil gently cleanses and moisturizes. After washing, the brightness of the natural color increases. The high lanolin content repairs damaged hairs, making the coat strong and shiny. This shampoo can be used on puppies. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:4.

Shampoo-conditioner protein-lanolin Bio-Groom Protein/Lanolin, for dogs and cats, 946 ml


  • easy combing
  • does not irritate the eyes
  • economical use


  • high price
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