Monge food for dogs - reviews from veterinarians and a detailed analysis of the line

According to veterinarians, the composition of Monge dog food is one of the most organically pure and complete. But how did an ordinary Italian pet food company manage to achieve the highest performance in the world rankings and maintain adequate product prices?

The production of super-premium food requires the intervention of professional veterinarians and many years of selection of components. This is what the employees of the manufacturing company have been doing for more than fifty years.

About the manufacturer

Italian farmer Baldasar Monge founded a dog food company in 1963. Until this moment, his family was engaged in the production of high-quality chicken meat, supplying it to the best restaurants in Italy.

The business was profitable, but during the production and cutting of chicken carcasses, a residual product appeared - skin, bones, cartilage, etc. Such raw materials were not suitable for dishes supplied to restaurants. As a result, the farmer decided to found a company for the production of canned animal food, which would use leftover chicken.

The business was based on the concept of the need for proper nutrition for dogs; the product was aimed at those owners who want good health for their pet and choose only natural food.

The company currently produces a wide range of feeds, including dry granules. As before, the family business supplies poultry to restaurants in Italy, but producing food for dogs is now a priority. The company has a research department that develops new types depending on the needs of dogs.


The company produces five lines of cat food.

Classic dry cat food

In this line you can find suitable food for a small kitten, an expectant mother, and an experienced mother of many children.

Adult cats and older animals are not ignored

Functional dry food for cats

A line of specialized foods for the various needs of your little pet. There is food here intended for animals that do not leave the apartment, and, therefore, are less active than their free-ranging counterparts.

If your cat has health problems - for example, with the digestive or urinary systems - you can choose one of these foods for her.

Owners of sterilized animals will be able to appreciate the company's products designed specifically for their four-legged friends.

Well, for those whose pets have the luxurious hair of a Hollywood movie star and flatly refuse toothpastes, it will be a great relief to know that dry food also exists for this purpose!

Super premium canned food for cats

These are six delicious dishes, at least one of which will definitely please your picky eater. Exquisite combinations of salmon with tuna, delicious chicken with seafood, tuna and chicken meat, cats’ favorite beef with chicken and fresh fish, tuna, chicken and shrimp, or just a jar of tuna will surely please your mustachioed pets.

Foods that meet the instincts of cats

Looking with affection at the stern Briton, with appetite devouring raspberries with cream, you, I think, have not forgotten that he is a real predator? On occasion, treat him to food with anchovies or hare meat, he will definitely appreciate your concern! Just do not offer these foods to babies or their elderly relatives. Hares and anchovies are the food of real men.

Grain-free veterinary diets for cats

Is your cat recovering from an illness and cannot eat regular food yet? Dietary grain-free food will help the poor thing brighten up the recovery period and not feel half-starved.

The line of these foods includes those that are intended for animals suffering from struvite or oxalate type urolithiasis, skin diseases, problems with the kidneys, liver and digestive system, and those diagnosed with diabetes. If you yourself are on a diet and your furry friend decides to keep you company, there is the right food for him too.

BWILD Feed the Instinct

BWILD Feed the Instinct is a new feed sourced from Monge. All recipes correspond to the best nutrition for an animal that has almost completely adapted to life at home, but, in fact, remains a predator.

BWILD products are almost grain-free and filled with the best of meats, which are delivered fresh and specially selected for this range.

This product line contains 2/3 of easily digestible meat, natural fibers, herbs and fruits, vitamins, and oats.

Veterinarians' opinion

According to veterinarians, Monge for kittens is the most common food, but it has a unique natural composition, without hormones and antibiotics. In addition to natural components, it contains a large number of prebiotics, which have a positive effect on microflora and also stop putrefactive processes in the intestines.

The food increases the pet’s immunity and prevents them from gaining weight, as can happen from another type of food. The range also includes a line specifically designed for removing hairballs from the stomach.

Veterinarians recommend Monge food

Experts recommend Monge food for kittens, because it is based on poultry meat, which is raised at home and does not use chemical additives during feeding. Unlike many other brands, Monge for kittens is a little more expensive, but buyers know what they are paying for.

Important! Wet food, including canned food, contains a minimum of fat, which does not give the cat a chance to gain weight. Among the wide range of food for pets, veterinarians recommend using only high-quality natural food that is not harmful to health and saturates it with useful microelements and vitamins

Among the wide range of food for pets, veterinarians recommend using only high-quality natural food that is not harmful to health and saturates it with useful microelements and vitamins.

The food line includes foods that are ideal for cats with gastrointestinal problems. During this problem, pets may not go to the litter box for a long time, which is fraught with negative consequences. But by consuming Monge daily, your pet will easily have a bowel movement every 1-2 days. While consuming this type of food, the stool becomes softer, making the sick pet feel much better.

According to doctors' recommendations, Monge is one of the best solutions not only for healthy cats, but also for those with health problems.

Thus, when buying Monge, every owner will be 100% sure that his pet will grow healthy, strong and will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Composition of Monje feed

The manufacturer positions it as super premium, offering a wide selection depending on the age, size and needs of the dog. Let's see what products make up the basis:

  • The source of protein in Monge brand food is various types of meat: chicken, salmon, lamb, beef. The meat is not frozen (deep frozen); only the freshest meat is used, which has been dehydrated to increase nutritional value. In addition, part of the meat component is added fresh and unaltered. Most often, the protein source makes up about 30% of the diet;
  • carbohydrates: brown and white rice, corn, corn flour - about 27%. This proportion of the carbohydrate source increases the energy capacity of the feed;
  • source of fiber: dried beet pulp. Note that, as a rule, the proportion of fiber in the composition is about 4%, which seems insufficient;
  • source of fatty acids: chicken fat. In Monje, chicken fat is preserved using antioxidants that are only of natural origin;
  • vitamin supplements: yeast (group B), Omega-3 and Omega-6 (for healthy coat and skin), L-carnitine (control of weight and muscle development of the dog);
  • chondroitin and glucosamine: hydrolyzed cartilage and crustaceans. These substances take care of the joints and bones of the animal;
  • KOS and MOS – prebiotics;
  • methylsulfonylmethane – additive for joints and ligaments;
  • hepatoprotectors: echinacea, artichoke extract, garlic, oregano;
  • spirulina – algae extract to enhance immunity and as a source of a complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • Yucca Schdiger - a substance that reduces the smell of excrement.

From the analysis of the components of Monge's food, we can conclude that the diet is balanced and contains many natural ingredients.

Gemon dog food range

The diet is designed to feed breeds of all sizes, with different composition, appearance and tastes, which allows you to choose a product to suit your pet’s liking.

Dry options

These foods are intended for daily consumption.

It comes in the flavor of rice with tuna or chicken.

The product is suitable for pregnant and postpartum bitches.

  1. Gemon adult. A dry, healthy type of food for dogs aged 1 to 8 years and weighing 12-80 kg. The product has a beneficial effect on the body of a four-legged pet. 4 types have also been developed: mini, medium, maxi and general.

They have different tastes:

  • with Chiken;
  • rice with tuna or lamb.

In addition to the listed types of food, there is also a light version for dietary nutrition and overweight dogs, containing a minimal amount of fat (Gemon dog light). And with increased L-carnitine, intended for pets that spend a large amount of energy every day (Gemon dog action energy).

Manufacturers do not produce food for pets prone to allergic reactions.

The cost of each type of food may vary due to the requirements of suppliers, store owners and the method of purchasing the goods (via the Internet or directly). The table shows the approximate price per package.

Type of feedWeight (kg)Cost, rub.)
Puppy & juniorAdult

Canned options

This type of product for dogs can be used as their main food. It differs from dry in appearance (pieces with gravy) and lighter packaging weight (100-400 g).

  1. Gemon dog light. Tin cans of 200-400 g, costing from 100 to 300 rubles. This product is a lightweight food for obese dogs. It is divided according to the weight and age of the animals, but the taste variety is common to all:
  • rice:
  • with turkey;
  • chicken;
  • lamb
  • beef.
  • tuna with salmon;
  • liver;
  • rabbit.
  1. Gemon dog pouch. Pauchi differs from the previous version in the larger size of the pieces. Price – up to 70 rubles. Dzhimon food is recommended to be used as a supplement to the main diet in the form of a dry product. The assortment includes types for different ages of dogs:
  • 0.5-2 years (chicken based);
  • 2-8 (ham, beef, cold cuts);
  • 8+ (turkey).
  1. Gemon dog pate. The pates are packed in lamisters (aluminum boxes) of 150 g each. The cost is up to 150 rubles. This is a convenient food for dogs that are unable to chew large, hard pieces. Like spiders, these foods are divided only by age, but the flavor options are more varied:
  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • tuna with salmon;
  • rabbit: mono, with fillet.

Product cost

The high-quality composition of Monge and the positioning of the entire range as super-premium determines the high market value of any packaging of dog food. But one pack, in accordance with the feeding table, is enough for a long time, because the standard dosage of Italian food is small. And diet is not the best way to save money. The health and longevity of your four-legged friend directly depends on it, so choosing expensive products is completely justified. Especially if you are going to give it to a puppy, elderly or nursing dog.

Hepatic and other medicinal mixtures cost from 722 rubles per kilogram. Sometimes Hepatik, Renal and other medicinal mixtures can be purchased at a lower price. But for this you need to make a wholesale purchase. Prices for canned food in small packages start from 75 rubles per 100 grams. On average, the cost of a pack is calculated using the formula 150 rubles per 100 grams of food. Dry food is measured not in grams, but in kilograms. So, for three kilograms of dry food for adult Special dog dogs you will have to pay from 1032 rubles.

Video: Monge dog food, its composition and reviews

Food Manufacturer

Monge dry and canned dog food has been on the market for over half a century. The manufacturer is the company Monge & CSpa, founded by Baldassard Monge in 1963. Over time, the food of this company entered the list of leaders in Italy in terms of quality and sales.

The plant where super-premium dog food is produced is located in Monasterolo di Savigliano, that is, in an area of ​​​​Italy that is considered the standard of environmental friendliness. This allows the company to create highly specialized diets for dogs with chronic diseases. The plant’s equipment complies with EU standards, and veterinarians are involved in modernizing recipes. Therefore, there is no doubt about the quality of the medicinal products produced - for example, Monge Gastrointestinal dog food or the Renal dietary line - and even ordinary mixtures.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • protein source - fresh meat;
  • a varied vitamin and mineral complex;
  • only natural preservatives and antioxidants;
  • wide range and affordable price.
  • the use of corn in many products;
  • there is no clarification about the presence of by-products;
  • The store does not always stock the entire line of products; an order is required.

Features of Farmina food

Farmina has three factories: in Italy, of course, in Brazil and Serbia. The quality, thanks to extensive production experience, remains at its best. This is not surprising, since Farmina began its work in 1965. Since then, the best specialists have worked for the benefit of four-legged pets, improving the quality of products and developing new formulas for nutritious food.

To produce diets, Farmina always purchases only fresh and high-quality products, and in limited quantities so that the leftovers do not spoil. Indeed, in this case, the company’s reputation will suffer. And since this has not yet happened, rest assured that every Farmina brand food you purchase has been quality tested and contains only the best ingredients.

Each food is unique and combines everything a pet needs for a good and healthy life. When making food, the weight, age and breed of the dog are always taken into account.


Farmina company protects four-legged friends and takes care of their health. Therefore, in the food of this brand, as in other nutritious high-quality diets, you will not find any preservatives, additives, dyes, or antibiotics that could be contained in the meat of other foods. The food also does not contain by-products, dyes or flavor enhancers.

Meat suppliers are only trusted companies, and only Italian, fresh meat is taken. Fish for feed preparation is delivered from Northern Europe. The quality of feed from the arrival of fresh cod and herring directly to the plant only improves. Animal protein, chicken and fish oil are the main components of the feed.

Among other things, the composition also includes vitamins and mannanoligosaccharides straight from chicory root. Thanks to this, they block bacterial receptors, forcing them to leave the animal’s body. Thanks to this, the animal’s body is enriched with fatty acids and amino acids - all the necessary balance that can prevent various diseases in the pet and strengthen the immune system. After all, healthy nutrition for your pet is the key to its long and healthy life.

In the production of Farmina food, fructosaccharides are also used, which are found in fresh fruits and vegetables. To maintain the pet’s optimal weight, peas and sugar beets, rich in dietary fiber, are added to the composition.

After studying the composition of the food, we can safely conclude that this diet, filled with natural ingredients, is what your pet needs. Such nutrition will definitely make his life easier, and make it not only nutritious, but also healthy (the author of the video is Artem Pavlov).

Dog Excellence

This product for dogs is one of the best. It contains fruits and vitamins.

This series provides animals with food products designed for a diet using natural ingredients, and also supports a healthy lifestyle for their four-legged friend.

These products include flax seeds, which, thanks to Omega-3, effectively support the heart muscle, and citrus plant extracts, fight free radicals and slow down the aging process. One of the main components is vitamins. There are no preservatives at all.

  • Brit food for dogs - review from veterinarians and owners of affordable premium food (115 photos)

  • Profine food - customer reviews, analysis of composition and rules for use in the diet (125 photos)

  • Gemon dog food - reviews from veterinarians, composition, price and tips for use in the diet (105 photos)

Detailed characteristics of Monge feed

Among the main advantages of its products, the company claims a high meat content, compliance with European quality standards, the absence of synthetic additives in the formulations and the presence of special recipes for animals with special needs. In all feeds, the first place in the list of ingredients is occupied by components of animal origin, and this is a mixture of dehydrogenated raw materials with fresh ones. Water is evaporated from the latter, so its share ultimately decreases by 4–5 times, but fresh raw materials are not subject to long-term storage and enter the conveyor directly from farms. This guarantees the absence of third-party preservatives and maintaining the maximum concentration of nutrients.

Monge canned food has a good composition, but is very expensive: to feed a cat with wet food alone, you will have to spend 300–600 rubles. in a day

The corporation offers a wide selection of dry and wet food. The range includes both everyday products and preventive and veterinary series. The latter also contain pates, which is a very good solution: for many diseases, wet food is preferable to dry food for animals, since it injures and irritates the mucous membranes less, and also provides the pet’s body with moisture.

Table: Monge food range

Name of series or individual foodTypePeculiarities
Monge Cat NaturalWet (canned)Cat Natural is a series of canned foods that traditionally contain several types of meat components and sometimes herbal additives. The food consists almost entirely of ingredients of animal origin. All varieties have either seafood or tuna and salmon. Canned food can only be used as supplementary food. The advantages include a completely natural composition, a high content of animal protein and an improvement in the condition of the fur and skin of animals due to the presence of fish, which contains vitamins A and E, as well as unsaturated fatty acids.
Monge MonoproteinWet (canned)The line consists of 5 varieties of canned food. Flavors include rabbit, turkey and chicken. 3 types of canned food contain only one type of meat; 2 types additionally add a little carrots or peas. This is a complete food, so it can be used as the basis of a menu, but it is better to combine it with granules. Eating softened foods can provoke digestive disorders and inflammation of the anal glands. Monge canned food, on the other hand, has a natural texture: chunks and fibers of meat. This reduces the negative consequences, but in any case you need to monitor the animal’s well-being.
Monge Superpremium KittenDryThe food is recommended for kittens and pregnant or lactating cats. Compared to other products in the classic line, it contains more fat (20%), as well as vitamins and minerals.
Monge Superpremium Adult CatDryClassic dry food for adult cats from 1 year to 7 years. The composition is no different: the proportion of fats and proteins is average, the additives are the same as in other products of the brand. The only thing you should pay attention to is the relatively high levels of calcium (1.8%) and phosphorus (1.2%), as well as their non-standard ratio: 1.5:1 instead of 1.2:1. It is advisable to undergo regular tests to monitor the health of your pets. It is recommended that spayed and neutered animals be switched to another food from the line.
Monge Superpremium Cat SeniorDryThe product differs from other foods in the line by the presence of preventive additives. Pineapple core extract contains bromelain, a natural anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent. Glucosamine and chondroitin support joint health. The food contains more antioxidants, which normalize metabolism and slow down the aging process.
Monge Superpremium Monoprotein Trout KittenDryFood for kittens with trout. Well suited for animals with allergies to bird protein. Some cereals are replaced by potatoes, but corn is present in the composition.
Monge Superpremium Cat SterilizedDryFood for sterilized cats. It has a reduced calorie content, but this effect is ensured by reducing the proportion of fat to the minimum acceptable (10%), which can provoke a deficiency in some cats. Additionally, the manufacturer has reduced the concentration of minerals to prevent the development of urolithiasis. Disadvantages include the lack of preventive additives to normalize urine pH levels.
Monge Superpremium Monoprotein Sterilized TroutDryThe composition leaves mixed impressions. Theoretically, this food may be suitable for cats prone to allergies, but it contains wheat and corn, so it cannot be called hypoallergenic. The proportion of minerals is minimal: calcium is only 0.6%, and phosphorus is 0.5%. This can trigger the development of a deficiency. But fat is 12%, which is an acceptable figure. When eating this food, it is advisable to get tested regularly.
Monge Superpremium HairballDryThe food contains more sources of fiber for hair removal. Additionally, the composition contains fish oil and dehydrated fish. This allows you to reduce the intensity of shedding.
Monge Superpremium Salmon Adult CatDryThe main source of protein in the food is salmon, but chicken is also present. The diet is better suited for cats that have dermatological problems, since it contains more easily digestible vitamins A and E.
Monge Natural Superpremium Monoprotein (Rabbit/Duck)DryThe line consists of 2 foods. The source of protein is either rabbit or duck depending on the type of diet. The food contains wheat and corn, so it can cause allergies if you have a food intolerance to grains.
Monge Superpremium Cat UrinaryDryThe food helps prevent urolithiasis due to its optimal pH level. Officially, the diet does not qualify as veterinary: it is not used for exacerbations; there is a more effective recipe.
Monge Superpremium Cat IndoorDryTheoretically, the food should help you lose weight and maintain a normal weight, but it is practically no different from other diets. The manufacturer does not indicate calorie content, but antioxidants and L-carnitine are found in all Monge products.
Monge Superpremium Cat SensitiveDryThe food is stated to be better suited for cats with sensitive digestion due to the presence of prebiotics in the composition, but these are included in all Monge diets. The product contains less fiber, so it does not irritate the mucous membranes as much, but it can cause constipation to worsen.
Monge VetSolutionDry and wet (canned)The line consists of special foods to alleviate the condition of cats with diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, as well as diabetes, obesity and oxalate or struvite-type urolithiasis. Additionally, the series includes canned food for rehabilitation after an illness or surgery.
Monge BWildDryThe line consists of 2 foods with improved recipes. They contain more meat and preventive additives. The proportion of cereals is reduced.

Monge feed composition

We will not consider the composition of veterinary feeds, since in this case manufacturers have to take into account some restrictions and deviate from general norms in order to preserve the well-being of the animal. To get a completely unbiased opinion, we have selected 1 wet and 2 dry foods from several ranges. Because the ingredients for each type of food will be different, it is important to evaluate both types of diets. In addition, it often turns out that wet and dry food of the same brand belong to different classes due to savings on the composition of spiders and canned food.

Monge Superpremium Kitten dry food contains the following components:

  • chicken (dehydrated 26%, fresh 10%);
  • rice;
  • animal fat (99.6% chicken fat, preserved with natural antioxidants);
  • corn;
  • hydrolyzed animal protein;
  • dry beet pulp;
  • corn gluten meal;
  • egg powder (high in complete protein);
  • fish (dehydrated salmon);
  • fish oil (salmon oil);
  • brewer's yeast (source of MOS and vitamin B12);
  • insoluble pea fiber;
  • taurine;
  • XOS (xylooligosaccharides 3 g/kg);
  • hydrolyzed yeast (HYE);
  • Yucca Schidigera;
  • rose hip.

What immediately catches your eye is the fact that the list contains many common items: fish, animal fat, chicken, etc. The latter formulation most often indicates the use of whole carcasses without internal organs, but with skin, but it would be better if the manufacturer specified the type of ingredient. There are clarifications next to the other components, which is a little alarming. It is unknown what is added to the feed along with chicken fat. For owners of allergic animals, it is important to know the complete list of ingredients. In the case of fish, the situation is approximately the same. Dehydrated salmon is better than just "fish", so the manufacturer might as well not leave it vague. This means that either the company uses additives that it wants to keep silent about, or the composition of the feed changes regularly. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the corporation is trying to improve the attractiveness of the diets. It is possible that unspecified fish and fats are used as flavoring agents. In this case, such a decision may be due to the secrecy of the recipe, but buyers have the right to know about the composition of the product.

The granules of classic food are very light due to the fact that they do not contain as much meat as, for example, Orijen or Acana

The advantages of the food include the high content of animal protein. According to this indicator, Monge, of course, loses to holistic products, but still surpasses economy and premium class products. Monge food can be used for systematic nutrition: animals will receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids from it. However, not everything is so simple. The products contain many grains, including corn - a source of fast carbohydrates and a potential allergen. The latter is even divided into 2 ingredients. Cereals practically do not contain useful substances that would be well absorbed by cats, but they burden the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. The pancreas of predators has to synthesize enzymes that are necessary to digest plant foods. This increases the risk of inflammation and the development of pancreatitis. This is far from the only problem associated with an excess of grains in cat food: there is a possibility of excess weight, liver problems, kidney pathologies, etc.

If you need to change the brand of food, you need to start from the condition and habits of your pets. For example, I have two cats. One of them has been fed premium diets from a breeder since childhood, and at six months I switched her to super-premium food. The other one has been living with me since childhood, I immediately taught her to be holistic. Since the gastrointestinal tract organs are finally formed and adapted in childhood, the second cat now accepts all high-protein meat foods well, but the first cat often experiences adverse reactions. I still have to feed them separately. I once tried to switch both of them to Monge diets from the BWild series: they suited me in terms of price-quality ratio, as well as the average meat content. As a result, the cat’s fur began to fade and her shedding increased. The other one is fine. I had to feed the pets separately again. However, if you have special needs, finding veterinary food better than Monge will be problematic. Its only rival may be the Farmina brand.

Monge BWild Hare dry food contains the following components:

  • rabbit meat (fresh 15%, dehydrated 35%);
  • yellow peas;
  • cassava starch;
  • animal fat (chicken fat content 99.5%, preserved with natural antioxidants);
  • rice;
  • oats;
  • dry beet pulp;
  • hydrolyzed animal protein;
  • brewer's yeast (source of MOS and vitamin B12);
  • powdered eggs (1% high in complete protein);
  • flaxseed (1%);
  • dehydrated carrots (1%);
  • dehydrated tomatoes (1%);
  • insoluble pea fiber;
  • taurine;
  • XOS (xylo-oligosaccharides 3 g/kg);
  • Yucca Schidigera;
  • pineapple stem;
  • dehydrated blueberries;
  • dehydrated cranberries;
  • dehydrated raspberries.

This food has a much better composition than representatives of the classic lines, but the price is almost 2 times higher. The manufacturer uses more meat and fewer plant components. The latter are represented mainly by legumes and cereals, which contain slow carbohydrates. Rice rarely causes allergies. The same can be said about hare meat. The food contains preventive additives. Yucca Schidigera reduces fecal odor. Pea fiber, beet pulp and pineapple stem contain fiber and help normalize intestinal function. The berries help control the acidity of urine and prevent the development of urolithiasis. The food contains relatively little calcium and phosphorus (1% and 0.8% respectively), which reduces the likelihood of kidney stones but can lead to deficiency.

The BWild line of food differs greatly from the classic ones not only in the composition of the granules, but also in the packaging design

This food can be a holistic alternative if your cat has difficulty digesting high-protein foods. I later switched my pet, who was accustomed to premium food as a child, to this particular diet. Of course, this is far from the best food: it contains hydrolyzed protein and taurine, which indicates an insufficient amount of meat. However, it is the best among those that suit my cat. It contains herbal ingredients, but they are relatively safe. This is better than feed containing wheat or corn. In this price category you can find much more balanced options, but for sensitive digestion, the BWild series can be a real salvation.

BWild series feed granules are darker than classic ones: this is due to the high meat content

Monge Cat Natural Tuna, Chicken and Beef Wet Food contains the following ingredients:

  • tuna (45%);
  • chicken (26%);
  • beef (5%);
  • rice (1%);
  • fructooligosaccharides (FOS).

In the case of wet food, there are no significant disadvantages. Perhaps I would like to see more beef and less chicken, but the manufacturer also has other types of canned food, including those without additives. Rice here is not used as a filler; it helps normalize digestion. It even contains prebiotics that help improve microflora. However, this is only a supplementary food, it does not contain all the necessary nutrients, so it should be combined with granules.

Wet food consists of individual pieces and fibers of meat

Cost and availability of Monge feed

The cost of Monge feed greatly depends on the variety. Canned monoprotein (80 g) costs 105 rubles, a jar of wet food from the Natural series (80 g) is a little more expensive - 140 rubles. The price of 1 kg of food from the classic line is 400–500 rubles. If we are talking about the BWild series, then the cost rises to 700 rubles. for 1 kg. You can’t buy Monge food in all pet stores, so it’s better to order it online.

Why is this food better than others?

The main advantage of Monje over other premium segment products is the presence of dehydrated and fresh meat as a source of protein.

For example: in Proplan (Purina) food, the first ingredient in the composition is chicken (about 21%). However, there is no indication of its origin or processing method.

In addition, we can highlight the complete safety of the food - the manufacturer has completely abandoned the use of synthetic dyes, and only natural antioxidants are used as preservatives; there is no sugar or salt.

For comparison: the Natures Table line of food contains an indication of salt content, the accumulation of which in the body can provoke various diseases of internal organs and joints.


Advantages and disadvantages of Monge diets

Monje diets have the following advantages:

  • A large assortment that takes into account the needs of dogs at all stages of life, different activity levels and in accordance with their health status.
  • A high percentage of animal protein and high-quality sources of meat raw materials, as well as the bulk of other products.
  • Using innovative technologies to preserve maximum nutrients in products.
  • Availability of grain-free diets and a line of monoprotein feeds.
  • Use of medicinal herbs and beneficial supplements in formulations (glucosamine, chondroitin, L-carnitine).
  • Low daily volume: indicates high digestibility by the dog’s body.
  • The price of the food is optimal for the quality and outperforms lower-class brands.

The disadvantages include:

  • Contains corn. This grain is not very healthy for dogs and is a cheap and available source of carbohydrates. Its presence at the top of the ingredient list indicates a significant proportion of carbohydrates in the product.
  • Some unspecified positions leave open the question of the quality of the incoming raw materials (for example, hydrolyzed animal protein).
  • Some food compositions intended for dogs of different groups are identical, which causes confusion. The answer to the question is most likely a marketing ploy to advertise the product and expand the customer base.

In general, Monje is a good food option for dogs, with the note that some ingredients, despite the general profile of the line “for dogs with hypersensitivity,” may just cause allergies.


“Monge” is an Italian super premium food for dogs and cats, with which in 1963 the history of the development of not only this brand, but diets for pets in the country as a whole began. Today it is a well-known European brand of high quality food.

In 2013, Monge was recognized as the leader in the production of dry animal feed in Italy.

The use of the latest technologies in meat processing allows the manufacturer to provide the required amount of animal protein in this food, as well as an attractive taste. No flavorings, coloring substances or preservatives are used in production.

The range of feeds offers a choice of mono-protein, gluten-free diets, as well as dietary food that is specially designed for animals in need. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of ingredients produced in the European Union.

Review Reviews

Monge brand food has been known on the Russian market for many years. During this time, pet owners have managed to formulate different opinions about them. Dog breeders note that some branded foods contain increased corn content, which does not allow the diet to be classified as super premium. Experienced breeders argue that there is some discrepancy between the actual amount of fat and what is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Also, not everyone is satisfied with the increased amount of calcium in the feed.

Any medicinal brand food can be given to pets only as prescribed by a veterinarian. Specialized nutrition cannot be prescribed to an animal at your own discretion. Therefore, it can only be purchased in veterinary pharmacies or specialty stores.

Customers like the food due to its enriched composition and lower consumption compared to other categories. The downside is that the necessary food is not always on sale and not every owner can afford to buy it.

In general, this is an excellent quality food in its segment, manufactured under the strict control of technologists and according to the recommendations of experienced dog breeders. A wide range allows you to choose the optimal diet for your four-legged friend, focused on his taste preferences and characteristics of development and body.

Monje wet food range

Wet canned diets began to be produced from the moment the company was founded and to date a very wide range is presented on the market:

  • Monoprotein – diet based on monoprotein;
  • Gastrointestinal – for animals with pathologies. Gastrointensive food is produced not only in the form of canned food, but also in dry granules;
  • Fresh – gluten-free products;
  • Grill – a diet for furry gourmets using grilled meat;
  • Fruit – contains pieces of fresh berries and fruits.

Monge Fresh Canned Dog Food

The lamb-flavored pate contains a high meat content (80%). In addition, the composition contains only minerals and vitamins, and natural products act as thickeners and gelling agents. Contains a balanced content of vitamins A, E and D.

Canned dog food Monge “Monoproteico Solo”

The monoprotein composition of the food includes only one type of protein source - fresh chicken meat. The composition does not contain gluten, gluten, dyes or preservatives.

Canned food Monge "Gemon Dog Pouch"

The composition of the food is designed for active animals under the age of eight years: 45% raw meat and offal. For small dogs - Yorkies or Chihuahuas - you will need about three spiders per day.

Type of feed

The abundance of Monge food lines is impressive: they produce dry mixtures, wet food in the form of canned food and packs, as well as special diets for animals with health problems. To choose the right food for your pet, you need to study all the features of dog nutrition from Monge & CSpa

Dry food

Monge dry food is sold in small, medium and large paper packs of 800 grams, three kilograms and 7.5 kilograms respectively. The larger the pack in weight, the more profitable it is to purchase such food in terms of price.

  1. Baby, puppy & junior is a hypoallergenic food for nursing or pregnant bitches and small puppies.
  2. The line of dry food with a high protein concentration is called the Specialty line.
  3. Grain free is suitable for dogs that cannot tolerate grain components.
  4. The Bwild dog line of dry food contains wild animal and poultry meat.
  5. The standard diet for adult dogs is called Daily line dog adult.

Line of wet food

The collection of wet diets is divided into pates, pouches and canned food familiar to dog breeders. Pates and patches are packaged in small aluminum trays with a volume of 150 grams, which is optimal for small breeds of dogs. Canned food is sold in 400 gram jars.

  • Italian dog food from the Monoprotein line is distinguished by a large percentage of monoproteins in its composition.
  • The Fresh line is gluten-free.
  • The Fruit series contains fruits or berries: citrus fruits, apples, raspberries, blueberries, and so on.
  • Grill tastes like a familiar human dish, because the meat is lightly baked over the fire.

Veterinary diets

Medicinal rations are packaged in paper packs of two and 12 kilograms. You can also find products in the form of canned food of 400 grams and pates of 150 grams. But it is difficult to find any of the forms of release on open sale: usually specialized varieties are supplied directly to veterinary clinics.

  1. The Dermatosis dietary series was developed for dogs with problem skin.
  2. Gastrointestinal puppy or simply gastrointestinal - food for puppies with an imperfect gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Cardiac is used in formulating the diet of animals with heart defects.
  4. Renal and Oxalate canned food is needed for dogs with liver failure.
  5. Hepatic is considered a food for animals with liver disease.
  6. Diabetic medicinal food is suitable for pets with diabetes.

Benefits of Monge Superpremium for dogs

The line of classic Monge Superpremium dog food is specially developed taking into account all the characteristics of animals. The development, health and life expectancy of a dog depend on proper nutrition.

Food for dogs of small and large breeds

The product contains raw meat, which attracts animals. At the same time, experts develop food in such a way that it does not contain various dyes, preservatives and chemical flavor enhancers. The balanced components that are present in the classic line are saturated with essential microelements, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

There are quite a few types in the line of classic food, so owners no longer have to spend a long time choosing the right one. The group includes:

  • 4 types of Monge food for puppies aged 2 weeks. The same product can be used to feed dogs during pregnancy and lactation;
  • 6 types for adult animals. This group includes Monge for small breed dogs and for medium-sized animals in old age.

Note! The main ingredient in the classic Monge line for dogs is chicken. The average price of a 0.8 kg pack for children is 500 rubles, a 1 kg pack for adults is estimated at approximately 450 rubles.* The packaging is varied, which allows the animal owner to choose the most suitable volume.

Daily Line is perfect for your daily diet

Feeding recommendations

  1. To give dry food to puppies or older dogs, dilute with water and leave for about 2-3 minutes.
  2. The food is perfect for pregnant bitches and during lactation.
  3. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has not yet developed a hypoallergenic food line, so you should not start feeding the animal if you are not sure of its health.
  4. An animal that eats dry food daily should always have clean, cool water available.
  5. Wet food should be fed warm or at room temperature.
  6. Since Djimon’s diet is high in carbohydrates, the animal often asks for more than the norm because it does not feel full. It is important to alternate dry, wet food and canned food, although each of them is considered a complete diet.
  7. The Djimon lines are light and low-protein, so they should only be given to a dog that does not have health problems.
  8. It is also possible that feeding protein products will be useful for the normal growth, development and well-being of your pet.

Below is a table of daily intake of Gemon food for dogs:

Animal weight in kilogramsAmount of dry food (g)Amount of wet food in grams

The feeding rate is individual for each dog, so it is important to adhere to this table. The manufacturer carefully selects the composition and volume of food.

Video: how to choose the right quality dry dog ​​food?

Monje dry food line

Dry granulated food Monge is presented in many options: size, age, treatment lines.

For puppies

For the smallest pets, the manufacturer has developed balanced formulations that allow the young body to develop correctly and not get sick.

Monge "Dog Grain Free"

Baby food does not contain a grain component, is hypoallergenic and easily digestible. Ginseng increases the overall resistance of a small pet’s body, and glucosamine and chondroitin will allow the formation of a strong skeleton. There are no dyes or preservatives.

For adult dogs

Monge "Special Dog"

The granules are made from high-quality fresh chicken meat, balanced omega-3 and omega-6 acids will keep your pet’s fur and skin in excellent condition, and fructo-oligosaccharides will help regulate the condition of the intestinal microflora. Contains Yucca Schidigera to reduce fecal odor.

Read reviews and order on OZON!

Composition analysis

The composition of this company's food allows you to provide complete nutrition to your pet:

  1. Meat. The main nutritional component and source of proteins. In Monge products the share of meat is 30-40%. The type of raw meat is indicated on all nutrition packages: chicken, turkey, lamb, venison and others. The company uses both fresh and dehydrated meat.
  2. Fat. Chicken fat contains polyunsaturated acids, which improve the overall tone of the body and keep the skin and coat in excellent condition.
  3. Corn. Grain components are represented by rice or corn. The function of grain is to increase the energy value of feed. Grains are a source of carbohydrates, which increases the absorption of the diet.
  4. Fish. The diet for puppies includes fish as a source of additional protein. Phosphorus and iodine contained in fish contribute to the development of skeleton and muscle mass.
  5. Vegetables. Vegetables enrich the diet with vitamins. The daily norm of vegetable mass is 200 g. The diet from Monge contains vegetables in the form of beet pulp and dietary fiber from sprouted oats, which are a source of fiber and glucose.

Portions for puppies and lactating dogs contain components that additionally enrich the body with energy. Medicinal and dietary types include medicinal herbs and complexes that have a healing effect on the body. The detailed composition of the diet is indicated on the product packaging.

Feeding standards

Typically an adult dog needs food 2-3 times a day. The puppy is fed 4-6 times a day. For puppies, the amount of daily food should be 5-7% of the animal’s weight. For an adult dog - 3.5% of body weight.

It is advisable to remove the bowl between meals to allow the body to calmly digest the food. This process lasts 6-7 hours in an adult dog. If the pet does not eat the entire portion from the bowl, it is necessary to reduce it. Also reduce the portion for dogs that gain excessive weight.

Did you know? In the 70s of the last century, the first dietary food for sick animals appeared, but it was primarily a marketing food: the contents of the packaging, unlike the inscription on it, were no different.

Assortment of veterinary diets for puppies and adult pets

The line of special food for animals with various diseases and tendencies to pathologies includes the following types of dietary food:

  • Gastrointestinal Pupp y – grain-free food with chicken for puppies with gastrointestinal pathologies. Contains a special formula to treat digestive problems.
  • Gastrointestinal is the same food for adult dogs with gastroenterological diseases.
  • Dermatosis is a diet for dogs with skin diseases. Contains salmon and high-quality sources of fat to accelerate regeneration processes on the skin.
  • Obesity is a diet to combat obesity. Food with chicken and anchovies - easily digestible proteins and low fat levels.
  • Renal is a low-protein chicken-based diet for the treatment of renal failure in adult dogs. Saturation and maintenance of energy balance is achieved due to the high level of animal fat.
  • Hepatic – a diet for liver pathologies in adult dogs. Food with plant components based on pea protein.
  • Diabetic – for dogs suffering from diabetes. Low-fat food based on chicken protein, contains coarse fiber and a special formula to control blood sugar levels.
  • Cardiac is a food based on freeze-dried chicken for dogs with heart problems.

Wet dietary products are represented by canned food for dogs:

  • With renal failure of the oxalate type.
  • With skin diseases.
  • With gastroenterological diseases.
  • After operations and injuries.

What do all the foods in the diet line have in common?

All veterinary diets are grain-free. No preservatives or flavorings are used in their production, and natural flavor enhancers in Monge are also good for health. In the development of all feeds, a special formula is used that has a powerful antioxidant effect, and prebiotics are also used that work in the large intestine, where they bring maximum benefit.

All foods contain Fit-aroma, a phytonutraceutical (a special aromatic formula of plant extract), which solves a range of problems: from increasing the palatability of the food to a positive effect on the health of dogs.

Reviews from veterinarians

Julia K.

I often recommend the Monge line when owners contact me if, for some unknown reason, their pet refuses other ready-made formulations. Most often, this type is to our taste, and then we choose a constant diet, mixing wet and dry options.

Elena V.

I really like the treatment line from this manufacturer. Most often I use the Hepatic, Dermatosis, Diabetic, Cardiac series. For liver diseases, canned food and dried hepatitis are very helpful. But the dermatosis series is just a lifesaver. In my practice, this food is of the highest quality and suitable for many animals, taking into account the affordable price.


Veterinarian, surgeon and ophthalmologist Elena Zhukova

I recommend the ready-made Gemon diet only if it is not possible to switch to higher-level feed. The only advantages are their quality-appropriate price and the attitude of Italian production to more thorough testing.

I believe that Djimon ready-made food is not suitable for long-term use, since both wet and dry food contain a large amount of grains. They do not bring the animal a feeling of satiety, so at the first opportunity it is better to switch to higher quality food with a high content of protein nutrients.

The manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of meat and meat by-products, or fish. Although there is a rather meager amount of them in the composition, it is not even clear in what form the fish ends up in the feed.

According to reviews from experienced veterinarians who have worked with Gemon, you can’t expect anything supernatural from this premium brand. It will be more beneficial for your pet to switch to a different, higher quality ready-made diet.

Messages: 280 was July 01

At wholesale prices Monge is super premium (you can order both large and small packages) for dogs and cats. Wide range.

At wholesale prices Gemon-premium class. Wide range. For cats and dogs.

Ask if anyone is interested.

Messages: 533 was October 01

Is Gemon available? Or only on order?

Messages: 6496 was today at 00:47

Tatiana Severenko

We are interested in Monge grain-free duck. I would like to know the price for all packaging. and what about availability and payment?

...It was no longer funny, but the clown continued to open his veins...

Messages: 280 was July 01

To order 20 kg bags, delivery every Thursday, I can make half a bag or less

Messages: 280 was July 01

Write in a personal message, an official representative will bring it.

Messages: 533 was October 01

write the price for dzhimon 20kg? where to pick it up if anything? How about payment, in advance or after the fact?

Messages: 280 was July 01

Messages: 280 was July 01

Monge - all kinds are available, grain-free is also available, hypoallergenic, etc. (with tuna, lamb, chicken)

Messages: 280 was July 01

By prepayment. Paid Wednesday, received Thursday, pickup

Messages: 280 was July 01

I’ll raise the topic, we’ve been eating Italian food for a year - the flight is good, everything is fine))) Join us

Messages: 66 was on August 22

Can I have full prices for all Monge and Djimon foods?

Messages: 280 was July 01

Some have already eaten food, if it’s not difficult, you can unsubscribe

I'll raise the topic, maybe someone needs it

Messages: 6496 was today at 00:47

We eat Monge grain-free) everything is very satisfying! Especially prices for nurseries)

...It was no longer funny, but the clown continued to open his veins...

Messages: 280 was July 01

2 shipments left to Chelyabinsk this year

Messages: 1520 was September 11

we would like a 20 kg bag of jamon lamb-rice, where to pay and where to pick up from

Messages: 1347 was August 13

We have been purchasing Monge and Gemon food since spring, we haven’t seen any difference in quality between them, we settled on Gemon salmon + rice or tuna + rice, they are quite hypoallergenic, the eyes and ears are clean, the coat is fine….

Messages: 24 was June 07, 2022

Hello. Can I have prices for jamon?

Messages: 6496 was today at 00:47

The official representative delivers food in Chelyabinsk on Fridays) Yesterday we received our order - I was very pleased with the 3+1 promotion (if you buy 3 bags of food, the 4th is free).

...It was no longer funny, but the clown continued to open his veins...

Messages: 280 was July 01

Yes, there is such a promotion, it applies to super premium food, i.e. MONGE

Messages: 280 was July 01

My same salmon-rice on Dzhemon, everyone liked it, the cats went on a hunt for this food - they picked open the bag, the little thing ate it well, and in the evening I couldn’t understand why they didn’t go for meat, although they didn’t go and ate, picking around, I thought they didn’t get sick Li.Then I discovered the reason when in the morning everyone went to the bag together

Owner reviews

Elena S.

We have two Yorkies, they really love Pouchies with different flavors from Monge. The only negative is that you have to purchase a sufficiently large amount of food at once, since they are quickly sold out in stores and sometimes you have to wait for delivery.

Ivan Z.

Our Spitz has liver pathology, we tried several types of food. We tried natural food - it didn’t work. Through experience, in consultation with a doctor, we came to the use of medicinal food Monge. This is the only type that the dog eats with pleasure and does not get fat from it. At the same time, the food has a medicinal effect, which is very pleasing. The cost is low, and it is increasingly appearing in stores in an almost complete assortment. But it’s the medicinal ones that you have to look for.


This food is intended for animals suffering from the formation of trichobezoars, or hairballs in the stomach. A gastrointestinal tract clogged with fur can cause vomiting and/or constipation. What do we have in our composition?

  • No name cereals are again in first place, but the manufacturer has added a small clarification - 4% of the grain mixture is represented by rice, probably ordinary white, polished and crushed, that is, with a fairly high glycemic index. One way or another, there is clearly not enough rice in the food to include it in the name of the food, which sounds like chicken and rice.
  • This is followed by unknown meat and meat by-products, of which 8% is fresh chicken. Need I say that 8% of the declared meat product is clearly not enough to consider the food a truly high-quality product?
  • Next on the list we see a substitute for animal protein - corn gluten, which often causes digestive ailments in animals.
  • The fats in this food are also not the highest quality - again represented by a mix of oils and fats, 0.5% of which is chicken fat - this is a good source of fatty acids. However, the manufacturer did not indicate how this product was preserved. And it’s not enough compared to other components.
  • Next we see a pinch of animal components: hydrolyzed chicken liver, fish and fish by-products, salmon meal. We have no complaints about salmon liver and flour; these ingredients are of quite high quality, but fish and fish by-products again disappoint with their inaccurate descriptions. The last animal component, located almost at the very end of the composition, is salmon oil, the amount of which is unknown to us.
  • Vitamin and mineral premixes with an unknown composition, as well as taurine, were added to the food. Taurine is usually found in animal products, but some of it is inevitably destroyed when food is cooked, so sometimes it has to be added in a synthesized form. Also, the presence of taurine in the composition may indicate insufficient quantity or quality of animal ingredients included in the feed blend.
  • Like other Gemon foods, Hairball contains added yeast (MOS), FOS and Yucca schidigera.

Strangely, according to the guaranteed analysis, this food does not contain much fiber. But it is the increased content of plant fibers in the feed that determines the effect of removing hair - fiber enhances intestinal motility and helps get rid of hair in the stomach naturally. Here the level of fiber is the same as in the two previous foods; it does not even contain any vegetables or additives rich in fiber, in addition to grains. How exactly this food helps remove hair is a secret.

Guaranteed analysis of Gemon Hairball with Chicken and Rice

In addition, the description states that the food contains an optimal ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6, which helps cats fight allergic reactions, although we personally hear about such an effect of these unsaturated fatty acids for the first time. It is written on the packaging that Omega 3 and Omega 6 in this product only provide the cat with shiny fur. However, it is an ambiguous product.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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