Hypoallergenic dog food - TOP 9 best manufacturers 2022

Many dogs are susceptible to allergies, which can present with very severe symptoms and have serious consequences for the dog's health. The most common food allergy occurs. Once it has arisen, it will not disappear anywhere. The dog will have to take medications. The question immediately arises about changing the diet. Isolating an allergen is not so easy. Even those dogs that are fed a natural diet are forced to switch to dry food.

Any food will not work, even if it is selected from the premium or super premium line. Such dogs need only hypoallergenic food in their diet. You will have to choose by trial and error; I give you that among the special medicinal foods there are those that can cause a negative reaction in the dog’s body. From the article you will learn: why food allergies occur, what is included in hypoallergenic food, which are considered the best.

Causes of food allergies

Any allergy is the body’s reaction to a substance to which it is hypersensitive or completely intolerant. A food allergy means that there is a substance in your pet's diet that his body does not have enough enzymes to break down. Or they simply don't exist. Foods that most often cause allergic reactions in dogs:

  • cereals;
  • soy;
  • corn;
  • chicken meat;
  • yeast;
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • flavorings;
  • some types of fish and seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • bakery products;
  • honey;
  • chocolate;
  • eggs;
  • offal;
  • some types of fruits (citrus fruits, melon, strawberries, persimmons, peaches, apricots).

The list contains only those products to which allergies occur quite often. There is also an individual intolerance to the product by the dog. This means that a dog can have a reaction to the most harmless product. In addition, a reaction can also occur to dry food that does not contain hazardous substances.

List of dogs that do not cause allergies

Below are the most popular dog breeds that do not cause allergies. Get to know their features better before making your final choice.

Brussels Griffon

The bearded griffon looks like a tiny brownie. This energetic and sociable dog loves to be the center of attention.

The griffon's fur is regularly trimmed, that is, plucked. This is necessary due to the lack of natural shedding.


The Komondor is a fairly large dog with hypoallergenic fur that bunches up in tight cords. Combing of these unusual hairs is not provided, so care for the four-legged animal is minimal.

Komondors are very curious and friendly towards other animals, but do not trust strangers. They make good guards.

Jack Russell Terrier

This handsome guy is familiar to many thanks to the film “The Mask”. The Jack Russell Terrier is a true energizer. Not every owner is able to cope with its energy.

For those with allergies, the wire-haired variety is suitable. To care for this terrier you will need to purchase a trimmer.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Cresteds can be completely hairless and downy. They cannot stand loneliness, so if you have a busy schedule, you should give preference to another breed.

Despite their lack of fur, Chinese Cresteds are bathed several times a week. Otherwise, oil and sweat quickly accumulate on their skin.

Maltese (Maltese)

This small decorative dog is a real fidget. The Maltese loves to play with its owners, but is extremely jealous of other pets.

The fur of these dogs is not allergenic, but very capricious. To maintain a luxurious look, she requires real salon care, but she hardly sheds.

Miniature Poodle

Poodles are extremely smart and intelligent. They perceive over 70 words and perfectly understand speech by lip movements.

The hair of these hypoallergenic dogs does not fall out, so it needs to be combed at least 3 times a week. Otherwise, tangles will quickly form on the body.

Shih Tzu

Another miniature dog with long hair is moderately active and trusting. She becomes very attached to her owner and loves to lie on her lap.

The Shih Tzu's coat often becomes matted and dirty after each feeding. To maintain a neat appearance, it needs to be combed daily and put in ponytails.

Italian Greyhound

These hyper-emotional dogs need constant attention and love to play pranks. Only her toys and unnecessary things should be left next to the Italian Greyhound. Otherwise, everything valuable will be destroyed.

Italian Greyhounds are bathed every 10-12 days, but even if bath procedures are skipped, their fur does not begin to smell like a dog. Particular attention is paid to their claws, which do not grind down on their own.

Yorkshire Terrier

These small hypoallergenic dogs idolize their owners. During a walk, the Yorkie constantly monitors his person and is very worried when he loses sight of him.

The silky coat requires careful grooming. Most often, the care of her is entrusted to a groomer.


The Whippet is a close relative of the Italian Greyhound. He is very affectionate and loving, but outside the home he always awakens as a tireless and fearless hunter.

The whippet's coat has almost no odor, so 4-5 baths per year are enough for him. More frequent procedures deprive his skin of its protective layer.


Dogs that are not usually allergic to include Basenjis. These hunting dogs get along very poorly with rodents and birds. They are more peaceful towards children, but still do not have the stoic patience of a Labrador.

The Basenji's coat is devoid of the unpleasant dog odor even after getting wet. It should be combed no more than once every 2 weeks.

Samoyed Laika (Samoyed)

Snow White Samoyeds are friendly, playful and intelligent. They cannot stand loneliness and value all members of their family equally.

The coat of the Samoyed husky does not get wet in wet weather and cleans itself from dirt. For this reason, the recommended frequency of bathing is no more than 2 times a year.

French lapdog (Bichon Frize)

Plush Bichons resemble stuffed animals. These active and sociable dogs are ideal for keeping in a large family.

Despite the lack of shedding, the coat of French lap dogs needs to be brushed not just every day, but after every walk. Dirt and dust accumulate in it very quickly.

American Hairless Terrier

American Hairless Terriers are natural hunters. They easily get lost on the street, carried away by chasing a cat or digging holes.

The terrier's bare skin is very sensitive to sunlight and cold. She is protected with sunscreen, thick clothing and dog boots.

Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear is a close relative of the Maltese. Representatives of this breed are excellent companions who have a very hard time enduring loneliness.

The snow-white coat of the Coton de Tulear quickly loses its presentable appearance after walks. It needs to be washed every week.

Irish Water Spaniel

Representatives of this breed learn very quickly, but can be stubborn and capricious if they do not see their owner as a leader. Without timely socialization, they become fearful and distrustful.

The curly, hard coat of spaniels does not allow moisture to pass through and practically does not shed. Hairs stuck inside are combed out once a week.


Self-confident, but very devoted to its owner, the Affenpinscher is unusually jealous. If there are other pets in your house, pet them out of sight of the four-legged one.

The Affenpinscher's coarse fur needs to be plucked. Particular attention should be paid to the beard, on which traces of food eaten constantly remain.

Irish Wheaten Terrier

All terriers are distinguished by their restlessness. Without regular exercise, active games and jogging, their energy is directed towards damaging things in the house.

The Wheaten Terrier has no undercoat, so it practically does not shed. Despite this, he is combed and washed every week.

Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican Hairless)

Xoloitzcuintles are very attached to their owners. Because of this, they are often intrusive, but it is better to come to terms with this feature. Otherwise, your detachment may offend the animal.

Pimples and acne often form on the body of young Xoloitzcuintles. Scrubs and special lotions are used to remove them.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers look like lambs, but don't be fooled by their angelic appearance. Representatives of this breed often exhibit leadership habits and a hunting instinct.

There are a lot of hairs inside the ears of Bedlington Terriers that interfere with natural ventilation. To avoid the development of ear diseases, they should be regularly plucked with tweezers.

Bouvier des Flanders

Bouviers des Flandres have an easygoing character and charming appearance. They get along well in the same territory with other animals and love children.

The Bouvier's coarse coat is trimmed every 3 months. She sheds very little, so dead hairs are removed with a massage brush 1-2 times a week.

West Highland White Terrier

This fluffy dog ​​is incredibly stubborn and hates being ignored. He is wary of strangers, but does not show open hostility.

Among the advantages of the West Highland White Terrier, one should highlight the absence of shedding and a specific odor when wet. Despite this, it requires regular trimming. Otherwise, dead hairs will twist inside the fur coat.

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzers become attached to only one owner who has managed to prove his leadership. Representatives of this breed are very good-natured within the family. They demonstrate their fighting nature only to attackers who attempt to kill their masters.

A thick and dense coat protects Giant Schnauzers from water and dirt. Excess undercoat is removed with a furminator or trimmer.

Tibetan Terrier

The curious and good-natured Tibetan Terrier becomes very attached to children and constantly protects them. Despite its modest dimensions, this four-legged dog is hardy and very easy to climb, so you can take it with you on any trip.

To care for the luxurious coat of the Tibetan Terrier, you need a whole arsenal of combs, shampoos and lotions. Its owners recommend allocating several shelves in the bathroom for these accessories.


Representatives of this breed are patient with children and other pets. Hunting instincts are awakened in them only by those animals that are outside its territory.

Dead hairs on the Greyhound's body are removed with a rubber mitten. Particular attention is paid to their claws. Without timely pedicure, the paws of these four-legged animals become severely deformed, which puts an end to hunting and dog racing.

Features of hypoallergenic food

This type of food is produced according to the principle of eliminating the allergen from the composition:

  • replacement. For example, animal protein that is at risk (chicken) is replaced with a safer one (lamb, turkey). Replacing soybeans and corn with safe rice;
  • changing the processing method to reduce activity. For example, the hydrolysis of animal protein, that is, the breakdown of whole elements into small ones with low molecular weight;
  • maximum reduction or complete elimination of artificial components;
  • additional inclusion in the food of probiotics and vegetables that normalize digestion.

Please note that only food with hydrolyzed ingredients can be called hypoallergenic with complete confidence. Diets that eliminate the popular allergen also contain other components that can cause a reaction in your dog. Hydrolysates can include any type of meat and grain. The process of enzyme treatment followed by drying at low temperatures makes almost any component of the food safe for the health of the dog.

How to choose hypoallergenic food

The owner will have to make the choice of food based on the result of the dog’s analysis. You can’t just come and buy the most expensive pack of specialized food in the store. The allergy may only get worse.

If symptoms of food intolerance are detected, the dog urgently needs to be shown to a veterinarian. The doctor will take a skin scraping (if scratching or peeling appears) and conduct a blood test to identify the allergen. The tests are done very quickly, but if you have to wait several days, the veterinarian will advise you to change your diet so as not to worsen the consequences of the disease.

During the recovery period, the dog will need to take antihistamines.

Important: the choice of medication and its dosage are carried out by a veterinarian.

Having received the analysis results, you can begin choosing food. Naturally, they choose from those that do not contain an identified allergen. If there are several of them or the analysis did not give an exact answer, it is worth paying attention to those in which the method of production of the main components is hydrolysis.

Selection principles:

  • You should look for such compositions only in premium and super premium, holistic lines. Economy diets will not benefit your pet's health;
  • take into account the dog’s age, activity, and physiological state;
  • They buy small packages so that they don’t have to throw away a large amount of food if it doesn’t fit.

Symptoms of allergies to conventional food

A reaction to food can occur both in childhood and at any time in a dog’s life. The most common symptoms of food allergies in dogs are:

  • manifestations on the skin: itching, pimples, ulcers, blisters, eczema. Most often, eczema is localized in areas with little or no hair: on the face, between the toes, on the ears, in the groin, on the stomach;
  • dry skin, dandruff;
  • dullness of fur, heavy shedding;
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • swelling;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose, ears;
  • lethargy, refusal to eat;
  • increased thirst;
  • cramps, spasms.

This does not mean that if there is a negative reaction to food, the dog will experience all the symptoms listed in the list. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

The best anti-allergenic foods

It is impossible to choose one or two foods that would be universal and suitable for all dogs without exception. Based on reviews from veterinary specialists and animal owners, we can identify the most successful options that combine good composition, optimal cost, and high ratings.

For small breeds

Small breeds require special diets because they are more susceptible to any manifestations of allergies.

Husse Ocean Care mini

Made in Sweden

Cost: from 514 rubles per kg

Class: super premium.

Contains one source of protein (salmon) and one source of carbohydrates (rice). Monoprotein feeds are the safest option for feeding allergic animals. Also, the fish-rice combination is suitable for an elimination diet.

Pros: mono-protein food, valuable nutritional supplements (salmon oil, flax seed) to improve skin and coat condition, good balance for show animals as well. Free shipping.

Cons: high cost, rarely found in retail stores.

Husse dog food - composition analysis, reviews from owners and veterinarians

1st Choice Sensitive Skin&Coat Adult Lamb&Fish

The food line includes products for all breeds, including small breed dogs.

Made in Canada.

Cost: 2.72 kg - from 1300 rubles, 7 kg - from 2800 rubles.

The product belongs to the premium class. Animal protein is represented by lamb meat. Contains fish (herring), “good” cereals (rice), potatoes, mussels, vegetables, barley and oatmeal, and a vitamin complex.

Pros: protection of the skin, wool, presence of chondoprotectors, normalization of microflora. Affordable price.

Disadvantages: high calorie content (not suitable for dietary nutrition), potatoes and rice themselves can cause allergies in dogs, not suitable for feeding castrated animals (contains fish).

1st choice dog food - full review of the line


Made in Canada.

Cost: 2 kg - from 1300 rubles, 6 kg - from 2800 rubles, 15 kg - from 5500 rubles.

Class: holistic.

The wide range contains diets for puppies, older dogs, large and small breeds. Ingredients: animal protein is represented by those types of meat that have a low allergenic index (meat of wild animals), grains are replaced with legumes, fruits (apples, pumpkin), a complex of medicinal herbs.

Pros: no artificial ingredients, suitable for dogs with gluten intolerance, availability in stores, low cost.

The disadvantages include the availability of diets in which the manufacturer includes chicken and beef.

Akana dog food - full review of the line


Production: Czech Republic.

Cost: 3 kg - from 560 rubles, 8 kg - from 1300 rubles, 15 kg - from 2200 rubles.

Class: super premium.

The food line includes diets for small breeds. Animal protein is represented by the least allergenic types of meat: lamb, venison, salmon, etc. Ingredients: rice or potatoes, dried vegetables, a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Pros: wide range, products with chondroprotectors, low price.

Cons: poor composition, presence of chicken and potatoes in some diets.

Brit dog food - expert reviews and detailed analysis of the composition

Eukanuba Dermatosis FP Response

Production: Netherlands.

Cost: 1 kg - from 500 rubles, 5 kg - from 2000, 15 kg - from 4500 rubles.

Class: super premium.

High-quality medicinal food for dogs of small breeds with strong external manifestations of the disease. The line consists of only one type of food, which is suitable for all dogs. Only the serving size differs.


  • meat is replaced by several types of fish;
  • potato;
  • animal fat;
  • dried beets;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Pros: high quality ingredients, no grains (suitable for dogs with gluten intolerance), no “meat” allergens.

Cons: high calorie content, diet not suitable for neutered pets, strong fishy smell, difficult to find on store shelves.

Eukanuba dog food - reviews and composition analysis

For large and medium breeds

Dry food for large and medium-sized dog breeds should have increased calorie content to maintain the dog’s activity, and chondroprotectors to protect joints. In this case, the composition must be balanced, including only such components that will not cause a negative reaction from the body.

Husse Digest

Made in Sweden

Cost: from 450 rubles per kg.

Class: super premium.

The composition is minimalist, which makes it most suitable for feeding animals with food allergies. The main ingredients are lamb and rice. It also contains salmon meat and valuable nutritional supplements.

Pros: large amount of meat, simple composition without allergenic plants and additives, good balance for show animals as well. The line includes food for puppies and giant breed dogs. Free shipping.

Cons: Rarely found in retail stores.

Husse dog food - composition analysis, reviews from owners and veterinarians

Grandorf Duck & Potato Adult All Breeds (Grandorf)

Production: Belgium.

Cost: 1 kg - from 650 rubles, 3 kg - from 1600, 12 kg - from 5500 rubles.

Class: holistic.

There is only one type of this food available. Although the manufacturer offers a wide range of other diets.


  • poultry meat (duck, turkey);
  • sweet potato;
  • sea ​​krill;
  • composition of medicinal herbs;
  • citrus extract;
  • vitamin complex;
  • apples.

Pros: high quality ingredients, no grains, high percentage of protein.

Cons: age restrictions (for adult dogs only), seafood and citrus fruits can cause allergies, high cost and calorie content, difficult to find in the store.

Grandorf dog food - full review of the line and reviews from experts

GO! Daily Defense Lamb Meal Recipe (GOU)

Made in Canada.

Cost: 2.72 - from 1800 rubles, 5.5 kg - from 2500 rubles, 11.35 kg - from 4300 rubles.

Class: holistic.

There is only one diet in the line.


  • lamb;
  • cereals;
  • brown rice, unpolished;
  • seaweed;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bran;
  • complex of medicinal herbs;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Pros: no grains, allergenic meats, low cost of feed with high quality ingredients.

Cons: no animal fats, many carbohydrates, high calorie content, narrow range.

Dog food GO!: analysis of ingredients, reviews from owners and veterinary specialists

Hills Prescription Diet Canine Allergen-Free (Hills)

Production: Netherlands.

Cost: 3 kg - from 2500 rubles, 10 kg - from 5900 rubles.

Class: super premium (therapeutic and preventive nutrition).

There is only one similar type of food in the line; there is no division by age or breed. Not only dry food is produced, but also wet food. The form of processing of the components is hydrolysis.


  • chicken liver (hydrolyzed);
  • potato;
  • soybean oil;
  • corn flour;
  • animal fats.

Pros: no “chemicals”, hydrolysates in the composition, low calorie content, affordable, animal fats.

Cons: Corn and potatoes, only one type of dog food.

Hill's dog food - complete review of the line

Pro Plan ADULT MEDIUM Sensitive Skin OPTIDERMA (Pro Plan)

Manufacture: France (Russia).

Cost: 3 kg - from 1300 rubles, 7 kg - from 2500, 14 kg - from 4000, 18 kg - from 3800 rubles.

Class: premium.

The food is divided into types: for medium, large and small breeds of dogs.


  • protein - dehydrated sea fish;
  • rice;
  • animal fats;
  • corn;
  • soy;
  • dry beets;
  • natural flavoring;
  • cellulose;
  • egg powder;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Pros: low cost (the larger the package, the lower the price), dehydrated components are better absorbed by the dog’s body, availability.

Cons: not suitable for neutered animals; eating soy, corn, fish may cause a reaction.

Reviews and detailed analysis of the Purina Pro Plan dog food line

MONGE Specialty Line Hypoallergenic (Monge)

Made in Italy.

Cost: 12 kg - from 4800 rubles.

Class: holistic.

The food contains several types of fish: tuna and salmon. Such protein sources do not cause allergies, nourish, reduce inflammation and improve the condition of the skin. Owners note a good therapeutic effect of the food, but poor pet addiction. The diet has a fishy smell, so many dogs refuse to eat.

Pros: rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6, glucosamine for joints, mineral composition, vitamins.

Cons: contains chicken meal - a source of allergens, narrow range, not always available on store shelves.

As can be seen from the analysis of the ingredients, almost every dog ​​food, even the most expensive, can contain components that can cause a reaction. This means that diets are selected carefully, carefully monitoring the pet. It is necessary to constantly examine the dog for any unpleasant symptoms.

Monge food for dogs - reviews from veterinarians and a detailed analysis of the line

Diet – feed your pet if you have allergies correctly

It is very rare to get rid of allergies completely. That is why experts recommend choosing food for dogs with allergies, excluding the entire list of products that cause illness. For example, if a dog is allergic to millet, then you should exclude not only the product itself, but also all those dishes in which it is present.

When creating a new menu for your dog, you should remember the importance of balance. If the diet is unbalanced, then sooner or later your pet will begin to suffer from a lack of a certain substance and over time, allergies and other diseases will appear again.

Food for dogs prone to allergies is selected according to the results of a study conducted in a veterinary clinic: red category products - strictly prohibited; yellow – you can, but be careful; green category – completely permitted. Again, the question arises - how to choose the right products here and now, and not wait for a certain reaction from your pet, because he wants to eat.

In order not to endanger the animal’s body, we do it simply - we exclude all the products that you fed the dog until today and create a new menu. The term “all products” means absolutely everything – even a piece of sausage from the table.

A reasonable question arises: how to choose food for dogs with allergies? Veterinarians have developed a special diet, which is not a diet - rather, it is a fundamentally new approach to feeding. The idea is extremely simple - offer your pet a new list of foods that he has not even tried before (or has eaten very rarely). Find out why you shouldn't hit dogs

What’s interesting is that the dog’s diet will be limited to only one type of meat, grains or bones. At the same time, feeding other types of food - cottage cheese, milk, vegetables, cookies and sausages - is completely excluded. Don't worry - this technique is only a temporary solution. Hypoallergenic medicated dog food will help restore immunity and improve your pet’s overall health.

Experts do not exclude from the diet anti-allergenic dog food developed by various companies. But don’t rush to take it - you should approach the choice with utmost attention. To determine its compatibility, there is a special test in which the names of the food and the brand are indicated instead of products. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of such feeds are classified as “poor” and cannot fully compensate for the lack of certain substances in the animals’ bodies.

Currently reading:

  1. Thyroid dysfunction in dogs (hypothyroidism)
  2. Seven Signs and Remedies for Getting Rid of Fleas in Dogs
  3. What to do if your dog has an abnormal bite
  4. Is it worth it or not to include natural food in your dog’s diet?

Basic principles of feeding

After identifying an allergy in a dog, it needs to be switched to a completely new regime. How to proceed:

  • Visit your veterinarian for a blood test or patch test. These manipulations will identify the allergen;
  • The dog is put on an elimination diet. The intended irritant is removed from the diet;
  • when choosing a new food, you need to combine, look for “your” option: change the composition, amount of fat, fiber;
  • Don't always trust the labels on the packaging. Research has shown that about 45% of diets contain ingredients that the manufacturer did not indicate on the product packaging. Note that this study did not concern brands. which use hydrolysis in production. It is worth listening to the opinion of the veterinarian and other owners;
  • switching to hypoallergenic food means that the dog will always eat it. It is worth choosing from the average price range, counting on the fact that now the cost of feeding your pet will increase;
  • It is necessary to follow all the rules for feeding dry food: water must be available (clean and cool), drying should not be soaked unnecessarily. If you decide to soften the crackers with liquid (for example, for a puppy or an elderly dog), after feeding it, immediately put it in the refrigerator or throw it away.

Natural products

When deciding to switch your dog to homemade natural food, you need to follow some rules. The transition should be carried out gradually - over 3-4 weeks (especially if before that she ate an unbalanced diet). If the menu changes abruptly, your pet may experience diarrhea and stomach upsets.

In the first week, the menu should consist of 25% new food and 75% old food. During the second week, the indicators can be equalized. For 3 weeks, the percentage of old food in the diet can be at 20%. And already a month after starting home-cooked meals, it is advisable to switch to 100% natural dishes. During the diet, owners need to steam all food, use a minimum amount of salt and eliminate the addition of spices. Due to the softness of boiled food, the dog's gums are not stimulated, so it is periodically necessary to give it harder foods to strengthen its teeth. The table shows a list of allowed and prohibited products for allergies in dogs:

Authorized ProductsProhibited Products
Low-fat varieties of fish - normalize kidney function and restore intestinal balanceSmoked products slow down metabolism and promote fat deposition
Fruits (in particular green apples, pears) - restore intestinal functionSeafood: shrimp, mussels, squid - retain salt in the body
Vegetables - speed up metabolism, slow down glucose absorptionFatty meat provokes the development of intestinal pathologies
Cereals enrich the body with fiber and speed up metabolism.Flour and butter products - increase weight, contribute to the development of constipation
Fermented milk products: yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk - enrich the body with fatty acidsCitrus fruits contribute to the development of allergic reactions
Lean meat: chicken fillet, beef, rabbit - restores protein levels in the body, normalizes the condition of muscle and bone tissueEggs in any form increase blood cholesterol levels
Greens - have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tractBarley and wheat cereals slow down metabolic processes in the body

Veterinarians do not recommend choosing a diet for a pet with allergies on your own. You must first visit a doctor, undergo the necessary examinations, and determine allergen products. Based on the results of the study, the veterinarian will give his recommendations regarding the animal’s nutrition.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Food allergies in dogs are the most common type of disease.
  2. It can appear in childhood or at any time in life.
  3. There is a whole list of products to which reactions most often occur.
  4. The symptoms are different, one or the other may appear. It all depends on the degree of damage to the body.
  5. At the first symptoms, you should visit a veterinarian for testing to identify the allergen.
  6. The dog is put on an elimination diet, removing from its diet everything that is suspect.
  7. Start taking antihistamines prescribed by the doctor.
  8. Select food that is declared by the manufacturer as hypoallergenic.
  9. The choice is made from premium, super premium or holistic formulations.
  10. Selection is carried out by buying small packages of dry food, carefully observing the body's reaction.
  11. Choose a product that is affordable and available in stores.

There is no universal food that can be recommended for an allergenic pet. Even the most expensive products can contain components that can cause a negative reaction. The main thing for the owner is to identify the initial irritant and be prepared for the fact that the dog may be allergic to other ingredients of the composition.

Does your pet have food allergies? How was the type of allergen determined? What guided you when selecting special food? What brand did you choose? Share your experience in the comments, please. Your opinion is very important to us.

Criterias of choice

If a dog has a food allergy, the owner must be especially careful about its nutrition. It is necessary to take into account all the criteria for selecting hypoallergenic food.

  1. The diet should belong to the holistic or super premium class. Such food can provide the dog with all the necessary nutrients, and its owner will not have to worry that the pet is not getting enough.
  2. When purchasing, you should carefully study the composition - it should not contain those components to which the animal is intolerant.
  3. In addition to allergens specific to the dog, the composition should not include artificial components or ingredients to which the dog is likely to be allergic.
  4. Food for small breeds will not be suitable for large dogs, and the puppy’s menu will differ from the diet of an adult. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristics of a pet when choosing: age, breed, size, other characteristics (sterilization, pregnancy, reduced activity and others).

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

You should pay close attention to the ratio of food ingredients. Meat should be at least 60%. It is indicated in the first places of the composition. The exception is food intended for dogs that cannot tolerate animal protein.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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