Food for large breed dogs "Royal Canin": description, dosage and reviews

Who is the manufacturer?

One of the pressing issues of concern to dog owners. Who produces pet food?

In the case of Royal Canin for large breed dogs, there are two options. This is France, which laid the foundation for the production of this food. And Russia, which produces feed for its own market.

Our quality is inferior to the French one. Although it is produced by analogy with it.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Diet for large dogs

Photo 2. Menu for dogs living in the city

Photo 3. Food for aging small dogs

Feed composition

The French claim that Royal Canin for large breed dogs is a premium food. Let's deal with the honesty of the manufacturer.

What do we see when we read the composition on the package? We make a note: we are talking about food for large adult dogs whose weight reaches 45 kilograms.

  1. The first place is given to corn.
  2. The second one contained dehydrated chicken proteins.
  3. The third place is occupied by corn flour.
  4. The fourth contains dehydrated pork proteins.
  5. Here we see beet pulp.

And then there are minerals, vitamins, fish oil, soybean oil, yeast.

Such a composition does not at all suit premium food. Not a single drop. In good food, meat comes first. And its amount reaches 30%. This is natural, not dehydrated (that is, dry) meat.

And in Royal Canin food for large breed dogs, corn is in the foreground. This is a cheap filler for dry food. It does not benefit the animal. Some will refer to fiber, which is abundant in corn. But the dog is a carnivore, and it does not need an excess of fiber. Your pet needs protein.

And he is. True, in second place and it is not clear how much of it is available. And the word “dehydrated” is confusing. Dry chicken protein is offered as an alternative to meat.

Corn flour. We will not dwell on this point in detail. It is clear what corn is and what use it is for feed.

Dehydrated pork protein. Not the best filler, considering that dogs can't eat pork. Now food based on it has become popular. If you want your pet to live happily ever after, do not buy him this food.

There is no information on vitamins and minerals. What they are - history is silent.

In general, the composition in Royal Canin food for large breed dogs is not pleasing to the eye. Rather, it's upsetting. This food is not cheap, and the price does not correspond to the quality.

Diet Satiety

Overweight can occur in dogs of any breed and age. Of course, it is important to deal with this problem before it occurs. It is necessary to limit your pet's diet, strictly observe meal times, do not forget about active walks and not give in to complaining looks.

However, if the dog has gained a lot of weight, then it is necessary to help her lose excess weight. This must be done competently. You can’t just sharply reduce the daily feed intake. To help your dog lose excess weight without harming its health, you can switch to a special diet from Royal Canin.

This line of food allows you to lose weight without affecting muscle mass. It also keeps joints and bones healthy. At the same time, the food helps control the frequency of begging for food in dogs.

The food contains plant fiber, animal proteins, tapioca, gluten and dehydrated poultry. There are only 269 kcal per 100 grams of feed.

The food is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating dogs. Dogs that need a high-calorie diet for medical reasons should not switch to this food.

Cons of food

Is it worth putting your pet on this diet? Judging by the shortcomings of the declared food, no.

  • The composition leaves much to be desired. Even cheap economy-class feeds indicate the amount of a particular product in the composition. In the Royal Canin dry diet for large breed dogs, no numbers are even close.
  • The same goes for vitamins and minerals. How many, which ones - it’s unclear.
  • Price category. Pay the price they want in stores for something incomprehensible? This food is not worth it.

Puppy food

Despite all the shortcomings of the product, let's talk about its line. The market offers food for puppies, adult animals, as well as veterinary food.

  • Royal Canin Junior for large breed dogs. It is suitable for each individual breed: German Shepherd, Dalmatian, Labrador, Rottweiler and other pets.
  • Royal Canin Junior Maxi - for all large breeds.
  • Royal Canin Junior Active. This food is intended for very active puppies.
  • Royal Canin Starter. Suitable for feeding puppies over 2 months of age.
  • Royal Canin Urban Junior. Manufacturers characterize it as a complete diet for puppies living in urban environments.

Keeping up with the times is a constant at Royal Canin.

The Royal Canin company began its activities back in 1967, when a veterinarian from France developed a unique recipe for food for German shepherds and launched it into production. Since then, the company has become famous and opened its branches in countries such as Brazil, USA, Russia, Germany, Canada, China, Japan. The corporation's scientists do not stop there and continue to develop food for different categories of dogs and cats, taking into account their breed, age, lifestyle, and using the latest technologies in production.

Royal Canin

Food for adult dogs

We have dealt with the Royal Canin line of food for puppies of large breed dogs. What is offered to adult representatives of certain breeds?

  • Royal Canin Adult. Each breed has its own food. Need complete nutrition for German Shepherds? In the store, you need to pay attention to the packaging of this food, where a shepherd is drawn. Looking for food for your Dalmatian? You need packaging with a picture of a representative of this breed.
  • Royal Canin Adult Medium or Maxi. Designed for medium and large breed dogs.
  • Royal Canin 5-8+. Animals that are in the age group of 5-8 years can eat this type of food.
  • Royal Canin Agility - food for active pets.
  • Royal Canin Indoor Adult. Food for dogs - couch potatoes.

average price

The average cost of food for small dogs depends on the option chosen and the volume of packaging. The price range of dry food ranges from 260 to 2800 rubles. Wet food costs from 48 to 250 rubles*

With proper care and proper nutrition, a pet will delight its owners for a long time, remaining healthy and active. Food should be selected taking into account the age, activity level, and individual characteristics of the animal. Royal Canin guarantees the quality of its products designed specifically for small dogs.

*Prices are as of December 2022.

Medicinal feed

Dogs, like people, are prone to various diseases. When a pet is sick, it needs special nutrition. And the owner has to rack his brain: how to satisfy the food instincts of his beloved pet and not harm him.

The Royal Canin food line includes a medicinal series. This also includes Royal Canin food for neutered large breed dogs. It's called Royal Canin Neutered.

  • For pets suffering from excess weight, the manufacturer offers Royal Canin Weight Control.
  • Does your pet have digestive problems? Royal Canin Gastro Intenstila Low Fat, according to the manufacturer, helps solve them.
  • Among the medicinal foods in our line there is also Royal Canin Cardiac. From the name it is clear that this diet is intended for animals with heart problems.
  • What should those owners do if their dogs are diabetic? Feed them Royal Canin Diabetic.
  • Does your dog often get dermatitis? Royal Canin Skin Care is suitable for such a pet.
  • Does your pet suffer from musculoskeletal problems? And there is food for him. Check out Royal Canin Mobility.
  • Piroplasmosis is a dangerous canine disease. It involves a complete change in the life of the animal. You will have to give up your usual food. But don't be discouraged. Royal Canin Hepatic is intended for dogs with liver problems and those affected by piroplasmosis.
  • Royal Canin Renal. Dogs also have diseased kidneys. This food is the optimal diet for dogs with kidney disease.
  • Royal Canin Sensitivity Control is the ideal food for dogs with allergies.

Someone will ask: what does medicinal food have to do with it when the article is devoted to the nutrition of large breed dogs? But large pets are not immune from diseases. In addition, they are the ones who most often suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The same show-class German shepherds, for example. As well as allergies, representatives of large breeds also occur.

How to feed your pet?

What is the dosage of Royal Canin for large breed dogs? And how often should you feed the dog?

It all depends on the age of the pet. If you have a puppy between two and three months old, feed him six times a day.

From three to four months, the puppy eats five times a day.

At four to six months of age, feeding is provided four times a day.

From six to nine months the pet is fed three times a day.

From nine months the pet is transferred to two meals a day. Sick dogs and pregnant bitches need to increase feeding up to three times.

As for the dosage, recommendations on this matter are given on each food package. Measuring cups are also sold. They are very convenient for measuring the required portion.

Many owners, before giving their pet food, soak it in warm water and let it brew. A larger dosage than indicated on the package is not required. The food will swell in the stomach, and a large amount of it can cause discomfort in the pet.

Why do you need to calculate your daily intake?

Many owners refuse to feed their pets natural food and choose ready-made food, as this is one of the most convenient and affordable ways to provide the dog with all the necessary nutrients. Complete food is convenient because manufacturers always indicate on the packaging how much food a dog needs per day. This is very important, since there is no one universal figure for all feeds at once; this figure fluctuates depending on the composition and calorie content of the feed.

Why is it important to measure dog food and why shouldn’t you rely on their appetite when determining how much to give? Dogs very often try to eat all the food available to them, since in nature their ancestors did not get prey every day. A domestic dog does not need to get its own food, but the instinct remains, and “unlimited” access to food will very quickly lead it to obesity. Therefore, every owner must strictly monitor how much food his pet eats per day.

Let us immediately note that the daily dose is usually divided into two doses and given in the morning and evening after a walk, unless we are talking about puppies or dogs with a special feeding schedule. It is recommended to remove the bowl between meals. It is also very important to remember about the drinking regime: fresh water should always be freely available.


What are the reviews about Royal Canin for large breed dogs? Despite the poor composition, the owners are satisfied with this food. If you summarize their words, you get something like this:

  • high quality, dogs eat with pleasure;
  • diarrhea and constipation are not observed: the litter is good and there is little of it, like from other feeds;
  • they praise food for dogs with allergies: the pet forgets about allergies when eating it;
  • It is well tolerated by pets.

Among the disadvantages is the high cost.

Feeding recommendations

Do not give your pet excessive amounts of food, even if he asks for it. Over time, his gastrointestinal tract will adapt to the chosen food, and saturation will occur faster. If you think something is wrong, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

You cannot give your pets food from your own table. The dog’s gastrointestinal tract, and especially after a period of feeding dry croquettes, is adjusted to a certain operating mode, so it simply cannot digest regular food, even if it is meat. The animal may experience colic, diarrhea, and vomiting. In addition, food from the human table is fraught with obesity for a small pet.

There should be a container of clean, fresh water next to the food bowl. It needs to be changed every day, and sometimes more often. Food particles from the animal's lips get into the water, which may cause the animal to refuse to drink. The bowl must be cleaned regularly to prevent mucus and plaque from forming on the walls. Give your pet the same water that you drink yourself (except for sweet and carbonated drinks); it is unacceptable to take it from the tap.

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