Dry dog ​​food Favorit - an alternative to expensive food

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9 reviews and comments

Main characteristics
Feed class: Economy
Manufacturer: , a plant for the production of dry food of the Favorit brand is located in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.
  • Dry food Favorite 4 kg - from 330 rub.
  • Dry food Favorite 8 kg - from 660 rub.
  • Dry food Favorite 13 kg - from 1420 rub.

Composition of food Favorit

The basis of Favorit dog food is meat flour - the main source of proteins. Carbohydrate components are represented by corn and wheat germ, as well as soybeans. The recipe includes yeast and milk powder as a natural source of vitamin B, and vegetable oil and chicken fat are used to saturate the body with healthy fatty acids.

Composition of food Favorit

The food contains fructooligosaccharides, which are a source of prebiotics and normalize intestinal microflora. A balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduces the risk of heart, kidney and joint diseases. Vitamins E and C in the nutritional formula slow down the processes of early aging and have an antiallergic effect. Favorit food contains the necessary vitamin and mineral complex for the healthy development of the dog.

Important. Corn and wheat gluten are cheap fillers that in most cases cause allergies in the animal. Soy protein concentrate is also a low-quality allergen component.

Feed range

The Favorit brand produces a wide range of food for animals.

The composition of the food depends on how much energy a specific group of animals expends (nursing and pregnant bitches, puppies, elderly dogs).

Currently the company produces the following types of products:

  • Dry food Favorite Junior for puppies and dogs under one year of age. Price: 150 rub. (2 kg), 330 rub. (4 kg), 1107 rub. (13 kg).

Ingredients: meat flour, vegetable oil, vegetable protein, soy flour, wheat germ, vitamins, minerals, brewer's yeast, milk powder, corn germ, natural prebiotics.

  • Dry food Favorite Norm for adult dogs over eight months. Price: 150 rub. (2 kg), 330 rub. (4 kg), 1110 rub. (13 kg).

Ingredients: meat meal, fish meal, vegetable oil, vegetable protein, corn germ, wheat germ, soy flour, brewer's yeast, vitamin and mineral supplements.

  • Dry food Favorit Professional for dogs that expend a lot of energy. Price: 225 rub. (2 kg), 450 rub. (4 kg), 1420 rub. (13 kg).

Ingredients: meat meal, fish meal, gluten, milk powder, vegetable oil, vegetable fats, wheat and corn germ, brewer's yeast, myrrhic elements, vitamin and mineral supplements.

  • Dry food Favorit Active for dogs kept outside . Price: 225 rub. (2 kg), 450 rub. (4 kg), 1420 rub. (13 kg).

Ingredients: meat flour, rice, gluten, wheat and corn germ, soy flour, brewer's yeast, vitamin and mineral supplements.

Thanks to multi-stage laboratory testing, food containing fungal spores or dangerous pathogenic bacteria is not allowed for sale.

To prevent allergic reactions from cereals, mainly rice (whole or crushed) is used.

Pros and cons of Favorit food

Like any food, Favorite dog food has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages include:

  • Meat flour is used as the main ingredient, which is very good for premium food;
  • low cost and the ability to purchase in almost any specialized store;
  • a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and beneficial microelements.

Like many other foods, Favorit has its pros and cons.
Nutrition also has serious disadvantages:

  • inaccurate indication of ingredients: it is unclear from what animal meat the flour is obtained, what kind of grains, vegetable and animal fats are used in preparation;
  • the absence of a percentage of components on the packaging, which is a sign of dubious quality;
  • relatively poor composition , more typical for economy class feed;
  • small assortment.


Dry dog ​​food “Favorit” has an interesting composition. What makes it unique? The fact is that this product does not reach the premium level.

Let's refer to the composition indicated on the packaging. What do we see?

  • Meat meal takes first place.
  • It is followed by rice.
  • Wheat immediately after rice.
  • There are also wheat germs here.
  • Vegetable fats.
  • Vitamins.
  • Microelements.

The food is stated to contain 25% crude protein and 12% crude fat. The question arises: where would they come from here? The composition is poor, absolutely poor quality. And to prove this, we will analyze each line in detail.

Let's start with meat flour. Attention, owners! Any dog ​​lover knows that premium food contains up to 25% meat. This is what it says on the packages: chicken, beef, lamb. And the percentage of the component. Not meat meal, like in Favorit dog food. Here, not only is it not indicated what kind of meat this flour is from, but its percentage is also not stated.

Next we have rice. Just one short word and that's it. How much rice, what kind it is - history is silent.

Wheat and wheat germ. Makes us suspect that there is more of this “good” in our food. Despite the fact that products are in third and fourth place. Wheat gluten is a filler for cheap feed. There is no nutritional value in it. In addition, such a filler can also cause allergies in the dog.

Oddly enough, the content of vitamins is described in detail. However, their presence is highly doubtful.

Features of Favorit food

Favorite dog food is developed according to international standards. The production process uses special technology borrowed from the American company Wenger. Thanks to it, all toxic substances are removed from the final product, which allows your pet to eat only healthy ingredients.

When developing food, specialists take into account all the needs of the animal and include additional natural ingredients in each individual line. For dogs that need a lot of energy, the food is created from foods with high energy value. Food for highly active dogs contains a large amount of protein, and for low-active, elderly and overweight dogs, the diet is made from low-calorie ingredients.

Before Favorit products are delivered to store shelves, the feed undergoes strict control, consisting of a four-step test, which guarantees the safety of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

Favorite food is loved by many amateur and professional dog breeders. Numerous reviews indicate that animals eat this type of food with pleasure, grow well and gain weight. However, not everyone is satisfied with the composition of the feed.


Dry animal food “Favorite” is popular in Russian pet stores due to the fact that it is produced in Russia and is relatively inexpensive, especially compared to other foods. You can also easily choose food for a dog of any age and activity level. Here are the main benefits of the food:

  • The presence of brewer's yeast, rich in vitamins;
  • The presence of powdered milk, which significantly improves the taste of food;
  • High fiber content, which plays an important role in the prevention of stomach upsets;
  • Availability of feed in domestic retail outlets.

Another plus is that they produce a separate brand of food for dogs kept outside.


Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • Lack of pieces of natural fresh meat, they are replaced with meat flour;
  • High percentage of vegetable fats and vegetable oil;
  • Quite monotonous taste of different types;
  • Lack of special nutrition for pregnant and lactating bitches in the food line.

Experts also include the lack of a veterinary food line for frequently ill and sensitive animals as an undoubted disadvantage.

Favorite food line

The range of dog food is designed to meet the needs of certain categories of dogs. It includes:

Favorite food line for dogs.

  • Favorit Junior is a fully balanced food intended for puppies from 2 months to 1 year. The components of the food contribute to the proportional development of the skeleton and muscular system of the small pet. The granules are small in size and soft in texture for easy feeding.
  • Favorite Norma - food for adult pets in the age group from 8 months to 7 years. The balance of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, as well as good digestibility and high energy value help the dog maintain excellent physical shape.
  • Favorit Professional is a high-energy, balanced diet for dogs that require high energy and protein intake. Contains fructooligosaccharides, healthy Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids and a large amount of vitamins. The food is suitable for show and competition dogs. The Professional line includes food based on meat and rice, suitable for allergic pets.
  • Favorite Active and Active Plus are foods designed for highly active dogs with increased stress. They contain a large amount of protein to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue and strengthen bones, as well as a high percentage of fat to meet the pet’s energy needs and protect it from hypothermia.
  • Favorit Light is a complete food designed for sedentary and elderly dogs over 7 years old. The food components have low calorie content to prevent obesity, and essential vitamins to slow down the processes of premature aging. The ingredients are well absorbed, which helps to avoid digestive disorders and loss of appetite.

Useful tips

Are you new to the dog world? Are you just planning to buy a pet or have you bought it recently? You should know that:

  • The small puppy is fed several times a day. Starting at six and ending at nine months of age with three. Favorite dog food is not the best food for babies. Despite this, the manufacturer has released Junior food for pets up to one year old.
  • Before giving your pet food, soak the product in warm water. And let it brew. Once it swells, you can treat the dog.
  • Why can’t you give more food than the norm requires? Just because it tends to swell, which is what happens in the stomach. The product swells, filling the stomach. If there is too much of it, the stomach stretches. But the dog becomes bloated and experiences unpleasant sensations.
  • Your pet should have a bowl of clean water. Let's not forget about this.
  • If the owner notices that the dog is itching furiously, gnawing off invisible fleas, and his ears are red, this is a reason to change food. This is how allergies begin.
  • How to switch an animal to a new food? This is done in a week. First, 1/7 of the usual diet is removed, replacing it with a new one. The next day they clean 2/7. And so on throughout the week.

Why is this food better than others?

Favorit food granules.
One of the advantages of the Russian dog food Favorit is the high fiber content in the food line for older dogs. The body of an elderly pet functions much more slowly than an active young body, and the digestive system also suffers. Dietary fiber has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines. The Favorite diet for aging dogs contains up to 7% crude fiber, Happy Dog - 3%, and Pronature - 3.5%.

Favorite food for puppies contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A - at least 22,500 IU/kg, which helps normalize metabolism, proper development and growth of the young body. In addition, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on visual function, maintains healthy skin and coat, and is also a powerful antioxidant. For example, Chicopi food contains 18,000 IU/kg of this vitamin, while Trapeza and RosPes food contains only 5,000.

Important. With a lack of vitamin A, the animal experiences loss of appetite, decreased visual acuity, and loss of smell. The coat appears dull and ruffled and is prone to shedding, and many scaly scales can be seen on the skin.

Kennels Favorite dog food

Note that this has nothing in common with the Russian food “Favorit”. It is produced in the Netherlands. Positioned as super premium food for dogs. And yet it falls a little short of this characteristic.

The composition will tell us the following:

  • Dehydrated poultry meat. How many and what birds are not specified.
  • Cheap corn filler is in second place.
  • Next comes rice.
  • Behind it is barley.
  • Poultry fat.

It also contains brewer's yeast, herring fishmeal, salmon fat, dried egg, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Corn, along with wheat, provokes allergies in dogs. And “poultry meat” confuses me. If it is a chicken, you should be careful when giving this food to your dog. Other canines are allergic to this product. Kennels Favorite dog food is undoubtedly better than our Favorite. A wide range, the availability of wet food, and relative cheapness - this attracts buyers. But not every pet store can find these products. And this is a significant minus. You will have to spend time searching or ordering online. Again, wasting time searching for a virtual pet store.

Reviews from veterinarians about Favorite dog food

If your dog is prone to allergies, veterinarians recommend feeding Favorite food with caution.
Tatyana, veterinarian, 37 years old. In the production of Favorite premium dry dog ​​food, higher quality products are used than in economy class food. The main source of protein is meat meal, not soy and corn. It contains amino acids and natural fats necessary for the pet’s life, which saturate the body with additional energy. Higher quality products are better absorbed by the body and produce less undigested residue than economy class food. Dogs prone to allergies should use it with caution , as it contains cereals and soy. In general, Favorit food is a good budget option for daily feeding of pets.

Antonina, veterinarian, 53 years old. In my opinion, the components of the Favorit premium food are not of high quality. The only significant advantage of the food in comparison with the economy class is the increased amount of protein of animal origin. The manufacturer claims that the basis of the food is meat flour, but does not indicate its origin or percentage of content. In addition, the packaging does not indicate which cereals are used in the recipe, in case the dog is allergic to this particular cereal. Another unclear ingredient in the food formula is a combination of vegetable and animal fats, but which ones are not specified. In general, the composition is poor, there are no vegetables, fruits, or berries. And the lack of specifics on the label gives reason to think about the quality of the product. Therefore, I cannot recommend this food as a complete, balanced diet for dogs.

Manufacturer information

The food is produced industrially. The plant where dry food is produced is located in the Moscow region.

In the production of dry food for pets, modern equipment from Japan and the USA is used.

The finished food meets the latest European veterinary standards . Only the freshest and highest quality ingredients are selected for production. The finished food is tested in three laboratories located on the territory of the plant. This allows you to minimize the likelihood of manufacturing defects being sold.

Here are the main stages of the production process:

  1. The manufacturer selects the highest quality meat, vegetables and grains. The quality of products is tested in factory laboratories;
  2. The ingredients necessary for the production of dry food are placed in an American-made extruder, where they are crushed to a homogeneous mass;
  3. The finished mass is turned into granules using Japanese equipment;
  4. The finished product is tested in laboratories;
  5. Feed in which fungi or bacteria were found is destroyed;

Any manufacturing defect is destroyed and its cause is determined. The food that has passed the tests is placed in convenient vacuum packaging and distributed to retail outlets.

The finished food is sold in hypermarkets, pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. You can also order food online on the manufacturer’s official website.

Owner reviews of Favorite food for dogs

Alina. Our family has two puppies. At first, we cooked them porridge ourselves, which soon caused dandruff. The veterinarian said to remove porridge from the diet and add special dog food. The pet store recommended Favorite specifically for puppies. The pets really liked the food, they eat it with pleasure, there is no dandruff or digestive problems, the coat is shiny. In addition, the food has a reasonable price, and one 13-kilogram bag lasts for two weeks, which is very economical.

Alexei. When super premium food became more expensive, I had to switch to lower cost food. On the Internet I came across positive reviews about the domestic food Favorit and decided to try it. The downside of the food was its excessive dryness (compared to super premium food) and a weak odor. The dog sniffs it for a long time and is reluctant to eat it. But after a few days I got used to it and began to eat with pleasure. The food is well digested, there are no problems with stool. I noted that the coat was in good condition without dandruff or brittleness, the eyes were not running, and the dog was well-fed. In general, the food met all the important points for my dog.

The owners note that Favorit food is of quite good quality and has a good composition.

Veronica. At first we fed our puppy formula, and when he grew older, we switched to Favorite dry food. Our pet loves it very much. Since childhood, he has suffered from skin diseases and not every diet suits him. The favorite fit perfectly: no rashes, no baldness. By the way, the food is very economical, we pay 1100 rubles for a package of 13 kg, and it lasts for a month. We have been feeding our dog this food for four years now and are very pleased.

Dog Feeding Recommendations

Foods that should not be given to dogs at all include any sweets that cause lacrimation and suppuration of the eyes; the normal functioning of the liver may also be disrupted. A large amount of salt is poison for a dog; the food should be minimally added. Spices, spices and aromatic substances, even those contained in ordinary cookies, can cause loss of smell, especially in hunting and working dogs. Many dog ​​breeders add large amounts of plant food as a source of vitamins, which is completely unjustified: apart from enhancing intestinal motility, it does not bring much benefit. As for dairy products, it is advisable to give your puppy lactic acid products: kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, etc., as they contribute to the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines, which improves digestion. It is not recommended to give puppies fresh milk, which often causes stomach upset. Calcined cottage cheese is very useful for all puppies, especially in the first months of life, which is prepared as follows: 1 to 4 tablespoons of 10% calcium chloride are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling milk and the milk is curdled. It is filtered and the resulting mass is given to the puppies. The remaining whey is used instead of water for porridge. Even dogs of the same size and the same breed have different metabolisms, just like people, so on a diet that makes one dog monstrously fat, another will be just fine, despite the fact that they are the same breed, weight and gender. Obesity in dogs is just as much of a problem as it is in humans, if not more serious. The need for food is influenced by such factors as the degree of activity of the dog, the ambient temperature, and the characteristics of its metabolism. A working herding or hunting dog that runs all day and sleeps in a cold kennel at night will need 50-60% more food, divided into two feedings, than a dog that sleeps in an apartment all day and goes for short walks, even on a leash. . A growing dog requires more food than an adult dog of the same weight. That’s why any veterinarian’s recommendations give wide “tolerances,” and it’s up to the owner to decide how much food to give a given dog. In this case, you need to pay attention to the normal growth of the dog and whether it is full or not, that is, whether it begs for food several hours before the allotted time. A well-fed dog is full of energy, cheerful and has a shiny coat. Phlegmatism, lethargy during walks, and reluctance to run in the absence of obvious signs of illness may be the result of overfeeding. A hungry look, always protruding ribs (although for some dogs this is required by the breed standard) is a direct indication to increase the amount of food. Dry hair with dandruff is a sign that you need to add unrefined vegetable oil to your food. If the owner is lucky enough to find a food composition in which the dog feels great and always has properly formed excrement, then this diet should be given every day, except in cases where changes are required, for example, due to the dog’s illness. Dogs do best when fed food to which the bacterial flora of their digestive tract has already adapted.

Conclusions about Favorit food

Favorite dog food mostly has positive reviews from dog breeders. But the rather meager composition and lack of specifics in the list of ingredients make us think about the quality of the product. In general, the low cost of food corresponds to its high-quality content.

The price of food varies depending on the volume of packaging and the pricing policy of the store:

  • dog food Favorite 4 kg - from 350 to 560 rubles;
  • dog food Favorite 13 kg - from 1070 to 1650 rubles.

Let's sum it up

What can you say about Favorit dog food? We do not recommend feeding them to your dog. The quality is very bad. Good food cannot cost 1,500 rubles for a 13-kilogram package.

Yes, the price attracts owners. But what about the dog? Eating this food is comparable to human instant noodles. Imagine what will happen to the body if you put a person on this noodle? And feed it mainly, rarely giving anything else? At the very least, health problems will arise.

It's the same with dogs. They have serious problems due to poor quality food. Solving them is much more difficult than preventing them. If the owners saw what the stomach of a dog eating poor quality food looks like, they would not feed it that way.

So, the food is of low quality, with a poor composition, and is not suitable for the constant nutrition of the animal.

These are the conclusions about Favorit dog food. Whether it is worth feeding the pet or whether it is better to prefer products from other brands is up to the owner to decide. Just know that restoring a delicate dog’s stomach in case of problems with it is a troublesome task. And it is not always possible to do this.

Kennels Favorite Dog Food Review

Kennels Favorite dry and wet dog food is produced in the Netherlands by Prof Pet Corporation. Official website - (Russian version), it contains information about the composition of the entire line of feeds, feeding recommendations. In terms of composition, this food is close to the super premium class, but still falls short of it.

Prof Pet Corporation also produces KiS-KiS cat food and PRO-VET veterinary food.

Composition of Kennels Favorite food

Let's look at the composition of Kennels Favorite food using the Adult Dog option as an example (for adult dogs of all breeds). You can familiarize yourself with it in the image below (we recommend clicking on the image to enlarge it for easier reading):

Composition data from the manufacturer's official website, the information matches that indicated on the English version.

In first place is dehydrated poultry, which is a good source of protein. Other rich sources of protein include fish meal (herring), dried whole egg, hydrolyzed chicken liver, and hydrolyzed gelatin. Thus, the main part of the 26% of protein indicated in the analysis is of animal origin (better absorbed than plant-based).

The second, third and fourth places are occupied by sources of carbohydrates - corn, rice, barley. If it were not for corn and barley as the main sources of carbohydrates (and not yet natural preservatives), the food could be called super-premium. Sources of fatty acids are poultry fat and fish oil (salmon oil).

Dried beet fat is a source of fiber. Brewer's yeast extract - contains B-group vitamins and mannan oligosaccharides (prebiotics, improve digestion). Monocalcium phosphate is a source of calcium and phosphorus. Lecithin is a useful phospholipid and a natural emulsifier.

Flaxseed is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. The hydrolyzed extract of shellfish and crustaceans contains glucosamine and chondroitin, which are beneficial for cartilage and joints and help prevent diseases associated with them. Cartilage hydrolyzate extract is also rich in chondroitin.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of the food include:

  • the main source of protein is meat and fish, concentrated vegetable proteins are not used;
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • a natural antioxidant is used (a mixture of tocopherols, this is indicated on the official website);
  • wide range, wet food available;
  • relatively low price (lower than some feeds of poorer quality).

Disadvantages of Kennels Favorite food:

  • not very common, sold only in some pet stores;
  • preservatives such as ammonium propionate (E280), phosphoric acid (E338) are used, which, although permitted in EU countries, in some cases are not completely safe.

The disadvantages include the use of corn and barley. They are less absorbed by the digestive system of dogs than the same rice.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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