How to cut a Yorkie puppy's hair for the first time? Secrets of groomers

The Miniature Yorkie is a sweet little breed that requires special care. In addition to daily brushing and regular bathing, your Yorkie will also need to be groomed and his nails trimmed. It should be understood that this is not a whim, but a necessity - the exterior of the Yorkshire Terrier largely depends on how carefully you care for it.

The advantage of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is its coat.

When to start

The Yorkie puppy's first grooming is done by the breeder - he should also trim his nails. Further responsibility for these procedures falls on the owners of the puppies. However, after purchasing and moving your baby to a new place, give him three to four weeks to get comfortable.

So, given that dogs are usually sold at 3 months, the first time you will need a haircut for your pet is at 4 months.

There are several options for cutting a Yorkshire Terrier:


  • If you are inexperienced and do not know how to cut a Yorkie, it is better to take him to a grooming mall. Experienced Yorkie groomers work there, photos of their work are evidence of their qualifications and creative talents;
  • You can call a professional to do a haircut at home. This is the most convenient, but also the most financially expensive option;

You should not experiment with Yorkie haircuts - it is better to entrust it to a professional

  • You can come to the hairdresser’s home and have your Yorkie cut at home. However, there is a need to adapt to his schedule or leave the pet for several hours with a stranger. This can be quite stressful for the puppy;
  • The ideal option is to buy the necessary tools and learn how to groom a Yorkshire Terrier yourself at home. This will help you gain independence from professionals and protect your pet from stress. However, it should be taken into account that if you plan to exhibit your dog, it is better to entrust it to the master. There are certain exhibition standards - if the dog does not meet them, it may receive fewer points from the jury.

Tips and tricks

An experienced specialist will tell you which haircut is suitable for the puppy for the first time. In this case, it will be taken into account how prepared the Yorkie is for the first haircut, and whether he can endure a long procedure.

When giving your dog a model hairstyle, do not forget about regular hygienic haircuts.

It is better to entrust the care of your Yorkie's coat to a specialist, since an incorrect procedure can damage the hair and disrupt its structure.

If you have a Yorkshire Terrier puppy in your home, you need to think in advance about how to care for its coat. It is also important to inquire about the first haircut of a Yorkie at what age and how it should be done. The Yorkshire coat is its main decoration, so it is necessary to care for it from an early age and carry out this procedure regularly.

Types of haircuts

The length of the coat of dogs of this breed usually depends on the time of year - in winter they are warmer if they have a warm “fur coat”, and in summer they are much more comfortable with short fur.

The length of a Yorkie's coat depends directly on the time of year.

There are many different options - cutting a Yorkie puppy can be done according to any of them:

  • hygienic Yorkie haircut - the name speaks for itself. This procedure is necessary in order to create more comfortable conditions for your pet and make it easier to care for;
  • classic - almost the same as a hygienic Yorkie haircut. The fur is left as long as possible, simply freeing the muzzle, removing tangles and everything unnecessary;
  • removal of split ends - practice shows that split ends look very unsightly. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly cut off the damaged ends to make it look smooth and shiny. Most often, the scruff of the neck, paws, tail and back are affected - they have to be tidied up much more often.

If you do not plan to take part in exhibitions, you have a very wide scope for realizing your own creative ideas. There are many ready-made model options - haircuts for Yorkie girls, for boys, Yorkie haircut for a puppy, etc.

For the exhibition, Yorkies get special haircuts

Step-by-step instructions at home

To independently maintain your dog’s health, you should read the step-by-step instructions; it will be useful to watch video tutorials.

You can do any haircut at home - the main thing is to gain experience

What tools are needed?

To cut your own hair, you will need the following tools:

  • Scissors specially designed for grooming. You will need several options for the device: with rounded ends for sensitive areas, mini ones for ears and paws, larger ones for fur.
  • Machine. Many owners prefer cutting their hair with a special device (works on the principle of a trimmer).
  • Rug. You can use any that is available, the main thing is with a rubberized base, since the dog needs stability.
  • Tweezers, guillotine for trimming animal claws (to size), nail file.
  • Comb.
  • Colt cutter, if necessary.

Attention! All tools must be of good quality so as not to harm the dog and really save money (inexpensive devices often break, scissors become dull). It is unacceptable to use devices intended for people - they differ in design and level of safety.

All instruments are prepared in advance

About washing before cutting

Experts advise bathing your pets before grooming. Benefits of the procedure:

  • the dog is clean, calm;
  • the amount of garbage and pollution is reduced;
  • Dirty wool makes tools dull faster;
  • Clean hair is easier to style – cut, trim.

After cutting, bathing is also recommended to remove cut off hair. You can try a thorough combing. The cut hairs will disturb the animal and remain throughout the apartment.

Attention! Yorkies are bathed no more than once a week. Double washing when cutting your hair is not a problem if you use professional shampoos and conditioners. The second time you can only use water and balm.

Bathing is a mandatory procedure, it is better to use special means for this

Features for boys and girls

There are no significant differences in the procedures. Each owner chooses the type that he likes or is appropriate in the current situation (for example, for an exhibition). The only feature is the anatomical component. Careful grooming of Yorkie boys and girls is the key to success.

Hygienic and standard haircut

Any handling of the Yorkshire Terrier requires great care. The dogs are small and quite mobile. Grooming a Yorkie's head begins with trimming the ears and eyes. Incorrect work with tools will lead to problems with the animal’s skin and a general deterioration in the pet’s health.

How to trim your Yorkshire Terrier's nails and paws

Long claws in Yorkies lead to difficulty walking and displacement of joints. In advanced cases, the blood vessels on the paws are damaged. The first signs of a neglected situation:

  • the pet has poor posture;
  • muscle tone decreases - the animal moves less, although it is a very active breed;
  • the springiness of gait decreases.

Attention! Overgrown claws become a serious problem for puppies. Babies develop a skeleton and constitution. Any violations lead to deformations that can rarely be corrected in older age.

Yorkies have their nails trimmed about once every three weeks.

In young animals, claws grow faster, so trimming is required more often. Only the keratinized part is cut off. If removed too briefly, the circulatory system will be damaged. Prepare for the procedure in advance: collect instruments and antiseptics. Interruptions make animals nervous.

The dog is placed on the table or held in your arms, whichever is more convenient. The paw is straightened, the pad is pressed - the claw comes forward and lengthens. Cut it with a special tool at an angle of 45 °. Then polish with a nail file to erase any unevenness.


Combing is a regular procedure. Otherwise, there is a high risk of tangles forming that will have to be cut off, which will significantly spoil the dog’s appearance (especially for show dogs).

All combs are collected and placed on the table next to the pet. Hold the Yorkie with one hand and comb it with the other. Start from the back, move to the sides and below.

Attention! The stomach and other sensitive areas are treated last. Finally, smooth the fur with a fine-toothed metal comb.

Types and descriptions of haircuts for Yorkie girls

Hairstyles for girls of the Yorkie breed are varied. Spectacular haircuts are complemented by ponytails, braids, and other details. Common options:

  • Korean. The hair is long on the sides, the bangs are pinned with an elastic band or a hairpin, the body is cut short, and the legs are left in “boots.”
  • Skirt. The hair is removed in a circle from the upper part of the body, the bangs are cut to the length of the “skirt”.
  • Under the Chinese Crested. They shave the hair on the back, sides, paws, belly, leave “boots”, a little on the head and tail in the form of a hanging tassel.

In the latter case, they take the appearance of a dog of another breed as a basis and simply repeat its image.

For haircuts of girls Yorkshire terriers, different details and styles are used.

For boys

There are few types of haircuts for Yorkie boys. The main difference is that males are cut shorter. Common variations:

  • "Pants." The fur is left on the paws and head (cut in a circle).
  • Like a puppy. This variation is suitable for the summer heat. The fur is leveled to 1.5 cm, on the head - in a circle, but shorter than in the previous version.
  • Miniature Schnauzer. Despite the name, the haircut is simple. The body is cut like a “pants”, the emphasis is on the paws, more is cut from the head, and longer on the cheeks.

Haircuts for Yorkshire Terrier boys are not very varied. You can cut your hair in any unusual way, taking into account the owner’s opinion.

There are few types of haircuts for Yorkie boys.

What you need to trim your Yorkshire Terrier yourself

If you decide that you will groom your Yorkie at home, you will need to take care of the following things:

  • special long-sleeved clothing or a robe to protect the skin from small hairs that can cause itching and irritation. Choose clothes made from natural materials, since synthetics tend to be charged with static electricity;
  • a place for carrying out the procedure - this can be a table with a tablecloth made of rubberized fabric;
  • a collar with a leash and a special tripod for fixation - this is necessary so that the dog does not turn its head and does not try to escape;

In order to cut a Yorkie at home, you must have special equipment.

  • scissors for children with rounded ends - they will be needed to shorten the hair near the eyes and ears;
  • straight and rounded scissors for removing hair on the back and stomach;
  • trimmer for treating the nose, eye sockets and groin area, where the skin is especially sensitive;
  • tangle cutter;
  • comb and rubber massage brush;
  • nail clipper

Host mistakes

Very often, Yorkie owners complain that they are unable to do the home grooming procedure. They talk about how the animal behaves inappropriately, whines, bites, and breaks out. Sometimes the tools fail too. We offer the top most common mistakes made by owners that lead to disastrous results:

Under no circumstances should you shout at the animal while grooming or raise your voice. You will scare the dog and put it into a nervous state, as a result of which the animal will break out. Don't try complex hairstyles right away

Pay attention to standard, proven and simple haircuts. Be sure to use special products that will make caring for your animal’s fur easier.

For example, detangling spray, shampoo and conditioner. Stock up on several types of combs. Buy clippers and scissors from special veterinary stores. Finally, you can purchase them from human hair salons. The main thing is that the equipment is professional and does not cause pain to the animal, and no additional difficulties for you. Be sure to stock up on dog treats. Offer them at the moment when the animal begins to get nervous. Make sure that there are no strangers or animals in your home during the first haircut. Then the dog will not be nervous. Catch the moment when the animal is in a favorable mood, in a good mood. If you try to cut your dog's hair while he's eating, you'll get a mixed reaction. If the animal is sick, recovering from surgery, injured, or in a state of heat, then you should not resort to grooming. Wait for complete recovery.

Love and affection are the main components of a successful haircut

Removing split ends

You can experiment a lot with the Yorkshire Terrier's coat.
First, we always remove split ends - this procedure looks like this:

  • comb your pet with a mat cutter to remove any matted fur;
  • separate the fur with a long-toothed comb;
  • take a small curl, twist it and cut off everything that sticks out;
  • do this wherever you do not plan to trim the dog.

Remember that damaged ends slow down hair growth, so their removal is necessary.

How to train?

Many owners wonder if the pet will resist the actions of the hairdresser. The fears are not without logic, but it will be easier to avoid problems if you start grooming in a timely manner, that is, from puppyhood. You will have to take your pet to the groomer at least every 2 months, and these visits should not become torture for the owner and his pet. However, there are “dog owners” who trim their Yorkies’ hair only once every six months. If the owners trim their claws in a timely manner and take care of hygiene, then this option is quite acceptable.

Since the first haircuts occur in puppyhood, the animal does not yet have very much fur. This makes the haircut process less lengthy and is beneficial for getting used to the procedure. Before the haircut begins, the hair is combed. Get your puppy used to brushing with a soft brush or comb. Pass it over her back, paws, tail and head.

Give the dog a treat after finishing this manipulation and stroke it. If you plan to cut your dog's hair yourself, then at the next stage, when he gets used to the comb, you can use scissors. If you take her to the hairdresser, then your home “training” will also be beneficial, because the puppy will not perceive brushing as something unpleasant. After this, the groomer can easily move directly to the haircut.

When creating another masterpiece of hairdressing on the body of your beloved Yorkie, remember that he should be comfortable with this hairstyle.

Trust your pet to professional groomers who will give your four-legged friend an original and creative look. And if you like to learn new things, then try to master grooming yourself, and then you won’t have to spend money on going to dog groomers.

It is better to learn grooming techniques using video lessons. One of them is presented in the following video.

Hygienic haircut

A hygienic haircut should be carried out at a certain frequency.
Next, a hygienic haircut of a Yorkie puppy is performed:

  • using a trimmer, carefully trim the outer edge of the ear, leaving about 5 centimeters of length;
  • at transitions, shorten the hairs using rounded scissors;
  • Using the same scissors, treat the areas around the eyes, inside the ears, in the groin and between the fingers, the recommended length is 1 centimeter.

Next, you can perform a model haircut using your imagination or ready-made solutions that can be found in photographs on the Internet.

Why does a Yorkie need a hairstyle?

The Yorkshire Terrier is cut for two reasons - pre-show preparation or a matter of hygiene. Depending on the purpose of the procedure, its methods will also differ. For a show Yorkie, there are certain standards designed to show the beauty of the animal in all its decoration, while the hairstyle should simply emphasize the advantages of the animal. If your pet is getting a haircut for the sake of ease of maintenance, then the best solution is a hygienic short haircut for the Yorkie. The animal's face will be free of food debris, less wax will accumulate in the ears, and the dog will not get dirty during walks.

The terrier is usually cut once every 1-2 months, but the face can be trimmed more often - once every 2-3 weeks. Since your pet’s entire life will be connected with the clipper and scissors, it is worth accustoming him to these tools from an early age. The shorter the hairline, the easier it is to care for it and the less effort you will have to expend to make your pet look neat.

Trimming nails

Trimming the nails is also a mandatory procedure - since the nails, if not shortened, begin to crack and bleed, which causes your pet great suffering.

Just like human nails, your Yorkie's nails should be trimmed regularly.

If you hear your dog clicking while walking on the parquet floor, it means it’s time to trim his nails. Before trimming your Yorkie puppy's nails to cope with this procedure, stock up on the following:

  • nail clipper;
  • cotton buds;
  • nail scissors
  • nailfile;
  • dry potassium permanganate.

After cutting, the dog’s nails should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Below are step-by-step recommendations on how to cut your Yorkie’s nails:

  • place your pet on your lap and secure it tightly;
  • move the hair from the finger you plan to process and lightly press it - the claw will extend and it will be more convenient to trim it;
  • at an angle of 45 degrees, trying not to touch the claw bed, trim the claw;
  • do not forget about the fifth fingers that are not visible;
  • if you accidentally hit the claw bed and blood comes out, treat the area with a cotton swab, dipping it in dry potassium permanganate;
  • a trimmed claw is too sharp - your pet can injure himself or someone else with it. Therefore, process it with a file;
  • Next, remove all the hair from the base of the paw - dried dirt accumulates there. Dogs love this procedure much more than the nail trimming that precedes it.

And finally, one more piece of advice - it is best to trim the nails after bathing, when they are as soft as possible and well processed. If you don’t have a nail clipper, it’s okay, you can easily do it with ordinary nail scissors.

Brushing your Yorkie after bathing

It is important to learn how to properly comb your Yorkie at home. The wool is thin and tangles form quickly.

After bathing, be sure to comb them. This is done while the dog is not yet completely dry. Use a comb to go over the entire body from the spine down. Be sure to treat the paws, face, and belly.

The tangles are combed out with a slicker brush. Those that could not be untangled will have to be cut off. Each time it is advisable to trim the hairs above the eyes, on the paws, and around the anus. To make caring for your Yorkie easier, it is advisable to brush it before bathing. You should also use conditioner.

Preparing for grooming

Before cutting Yorkie dogs, be sure to watch videos, photographs, and become familiar with the tools. Inexperienced owners are better off consulting a groomer.

Before using scissors and clippers, wash your pet with shampoo and conditioner to make the hair smoother and less tangled. Before washing, only comb the head, without touching the mustache and beard, and remove tangles.

The coat is washed with shampoo twice, the first time to wash away dust and major impurities, and the second time it is washed with care shampoo. After shampoo, apply balm or conditioner; you can add a few drops of broccoli oil, which has a laminating effect. This entire mixture is lightly rubbed into the skin and kept for at least five minutes. After washing, the hair should be slightly slippery. Dry the wet dog with a terry towel and clean the ears, removing any remaining moisture from them.

Dry the dog with a powerful hairdryer that has temperature control. Drying is carried out with a strong air flow until it is slightly damp, after which combing begins. You can spray the animal with antistatic agent. Brush the dog with a massage brush from the tips to the roots; if there are tangled places, they are sorted out using a regular comb with rotating teeth.

When everything is combed, take the hairdryer again and dry it with a warm and cold stream of air alternately. At the same time, the strands are pulled back so that there is no wave. Do not dry against the grain. Gradually switch to only the cold flow of the hairdryer.

The pet must be well dried before cutting, otherwise the hair will become tangled. When everything is ready, you can proceed to the most important thing.

At what age can a puppy be cut?

Yorkie puppy field bathing

At the age of 5 days, the Yorkie's nails are trimmed for the first time. At the age of 3 weeks, not only the claws are treated, but also the ears. When the puppy is one and a half months old, it is necessary to trim the hair in the groin area. This is done for hygienic purposes.

From 4 months, the puppy needs a full hygienic haircut. Naturally, you need to entrust the procedure to a professional who will treat the groin area, ears, abdominal area and muzzle. It is categorically not recommended to cut all the hair of a small Yorkie, otherwise it will subsequently lose its thickness and beauty. The baby's claws need to be cut approximately once every 2 weeks.

From 6-7 months, the puppy can have a model haircut.


For high-quality hair processing, like in a salon, you will need a set of tools and devices. Buying all the necessary grooming supplies to care for your pet will not be cheap, but regular grooming of your dog will quickly pay for the cost of the equipment.

The minimum kit for home grooming includes:

  • Rubber mat. An ordinary bath mat will do - it is needed for the dog’s comfort so that the paws do not slip during the procedure. If possible, it is better to purchase a special table for grooming, with a stand for securing the animal with a leash.
  • An electric machine with attachments, and a trimmer is also a must. The clipper, as well as the set of attachments, must be metal - the plastic becomes electrified, knocks off the hair, and the haircut will turn out sloppy. Plastic attachments clog quickly - the equipment will not last long. A trimmer is needed to treat especially delicate areas on the face, ears, and anus.
  • Metal combs.
  • Scissors of various shapes and lengths: straight, curved, with rounded tips for cutting on the muzzle or under the tail.
  • A special device for untangling matted wool is a tangle cutter.
  • Nippers (guillotine) for cutting claws, a file for trimming the sharp tips of the claw.
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