How to convince your parents that you are free to choose your own career: 7 useful tips

According to psychological surveys, almost 50% of parents at least once looked for a job for their child that he could get. Yes, between the ages of 18 and 28, finding your calling can be extremely difficult. First, you need to spend several years studying at a university, and then develop work experience. Because of this, various troubles and disputes with parents can arise. But how can you convince adults that you are free to choose your own career?

Show your enthusiasm

Why do most parents begin to interfere in their child's career choice? That's right, they simply don't see any enthusiasm from him. They say to him: “What do you want to do in life?” And he replies that for now he is ready to just go with the flow, hoping that tomorrow something will change and he will have a favorite pastime. However, adults understand well that success does not come to those who do not strive for it, so they choose a career for their children themselves.

If you have a business for which you have a real passion, do not be afraid to tell your parents about it. Even if initially it will be very difficult to build a career, this is not a reason to remain silent. The most important thing is to explain to your parents that you are ready to give everything in the world in order to do this particular business. If they understand that you have a passion for what you love, they will not stop you from achieving your dreams.

Which breed to choose and where to buy a dog

It is better to purchase a pet from a specialized nursery, where they will provide all the information. For an apartment, it is better to beg for one of ten breeds:

  • Yorkshire Terrier is the most popular pet, it is easy to train, and its special coat structure does not cause allergies;
  • Jack Russell is an active animal, requires frequent walking, training and a lot of space;
  • Chihuahua is the smallest dog with a strong character, sheds, and has low food consumption;
  • Pekingese, pug, shih tzu, spitz - dogs are almost the same size, do not require frequent walks, get along well with children;
  • Spaniel is a medium-sized pet with hunter instincts, needs training, and has a beautiful wavy coat;
  • the dachshund is a small hunter, a reasonable and balanced dog, great friends with cats;
  • The poodle is a playful and active dog, requires regular grooming, and remembers commands well.

Despite the advantages of a small breed, it is worth remembering that any animal is a living being. You can take a larger dog like a husky, but it needs more space.

Attention! Before asking your mother for a large dog with a complex character, it is better to understand that it is not suitable for teenagers and children. It will be difficult to subdue her.

The dog is a member of the family

Having a pet in the house is not only joy and fun, but also a huge responsibility. Sometimes children don’t understand how difficult it is to care for a dog, but they really want a puppy to run around next to them in the morning. Before asking your parents for a dog, you should consider all the advantages and benefits of having a pet. Particular attention should be paid to finding a breed that will suit all family members in character.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

Many children, after hearing disapproval from their parents, do not even ask adults any questions, since they need to be obeyed unconditionally. However, it is still worth asking about the reason for the refusal. Some people may simply not understand how promising a career as an eSports player or video blogger can be. However, if you have strong arguments in your favor, then it is best to start arguing.

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But under no circumstances should you switch to elevated tones and personalities. Your main task is to understand the parents’ position in order to try to convince them. To do this, try to stand in their place. How would you react if your son or daughter said that they refuse to work for a large company just because they want to be creative? Tell your parents that you understand their concerns, but that they need to believe in you.

How else can you convince your family to get a pet?

It can take a long time to persuade mom and dad to have a four-legged friend, but it’s best to help them decide to do this for this purpose:

  • invite you to go to the shelter and tell them how noble it is to help an animal find a new home;
  • choose or view a training course, but so that mom and dad see this process - let them see that their child is absolutely serious;
  • become a volunteer at a dog shelter: this will help demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions.

Don't hit your head against the wall

This advice is suitable for those people who have been trying for a long time to convince their relatives of something that they are not able to understand. Unfortunately, in some cases it is best to give up trying to convey complex information. For example, it will be almost impossible for a programmer to prove the importance of a particular project to old people who do not even understand what smartphone applications are.

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This advice should also be used if your parents cannot accept this or that matter, since it contradicts their principles and character traits. Most likely, all arguments and arguments will work exactly the opposite. You will justify your actions in one way or another in order to resolve the issue peacefully, but they will only see hostility in this. So you should use other methods to convince your parents.

Limit conversations about your career

The harsh truth is that some parents simply do not want to take the time to listen to the delights of this or that activity that their child is going to do in the future. This is especially true for those situations when a person is reminded literally every day that he is not going to do as his parents want. In this case, it would be best to refrain from lengthy statements so as not to irritate the parents.

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But does this mean that we should back down and stop even trying to convince adults? Definitely not. You just shouldn’t bother them with your thoughts, which for them are nothing more than the fantasies of a child. If you want to prove something to your parents, then it is better to do it in practice. For example, you can save your pocket money to save up a certain amount to attend courses that will help you realize your dream.

If parents are pragmatists

Pragmatists are people who build a system of actions, actions and life views based on the benefits they bring. How to persuade your mother to switch to homeschooling if she is a pragmatist? In this case, it is worth comparing the financial costs of studying in a regular school and when switching to home schooling.

When studying at school, parents are required to make a lot of financial expenses:

  • On average, 21,000 rubles are needed to purchase a backpack, school uniform, sportswear, replacement shoes, teaching aids and stationery for a child.
  • Contributions for school needs. Depending on the school, this amount usually ranges from 500 rubles. up to 5000 rubles per month.
  • Lunch in the school canteen. In Moscow it costs about 3,000 rubles. In the regions, you need to pay approximately 1000-2000 rubles for food every month.
  • When using the services of a tutor, you need to pay about 350 rubles for each lesson. If you attend two classes a week throughout the year, you will need to pay about 30,000 rubles. When preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, the costs are much higher.

In our example, for a year of study at a public school you will have to pay approximately 70,000 rubles. And this is the minimum cost.

Knowing your school expenses, you can calculate how much money parents spend on education each year.

Now you need to calculate the cost of homeschooling. It is worth noting that they will be much smaller because:

  • The child does not need to buy a backpack, uniform and other mandatory school attributes. Costs for tutors are also reduced, since there is no need to strive to master the school curriculum. To study at home, you generally only need to purchase pens and notebooks.
  • There are no regular collections for school needs and no gifts for teachers.
  • No need to spend money on travel every day.
  • The child will eat at home. This will allow you to control his nutrition.
  • Payment will be required if remote certification is selected.

On average, homeschooling will cost approximately 10,000 rubles. in year.

Obviously, family education involves much lower costs compared to a regular school. This comparison will help convince pragmatists.

Admit that you don't have all the answers

In most cases, parents will begin to ask the child a lot of provocative questions about the activities that he wants to do. There is no point in accusing parents of being biased and saying that they don’t understand anything. It would be best to admit defeat by saying that you don’t yet know the answer to this or that question, but you will definitely ask about it at your leisure. Only after this do not forget to tell your parents that the work was done.

In addition, when a teenager admits that he is not omniscient, he automatically grows in the eyes of his parents. After all, you can’t find a person who understands absolutely everything. Even the wisest people can be fools in a certain matter. So, if you say that you still have a lot to learn before you can confidently declare this or that, then you will move up a notch in the eyes of your parents.

How to persuade parents to buy a dog - effective methods of influence

First we should talk about dogs, how cute and smart they are. You can ask whether your parents had pets when they were children. It is better to prepare for the conversation early. If doubt arises and parents are against it, then they should learn about dog breeds, their appearance and advantages.

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It is necessary to emphasize that a pet will bring the family closer together. And you will have to walk more in the fresh air, eliminating the use of the phone and computer for a while. It’s worth remembering that communicating with a dog has a positive effect on a person’s mental state. A dog is a protector and is safer with it. Any animal will teach responsibility. After such advantages, you often no longer have to persuade your parents.

Advice! You can adopt a pet not only from a specialized nursery, but also from a shelter. This will save money and give a home and care to an animal in need.

Resolving Parental Concerns

The child must demonstrate that he is able to walk the dog himself. Parents are afraid that in a week their child will forget about their promises and stop caring for the dog. It is better to immediately create a feeding schedule, choosing the appropriate food. Additionally, it is worth preparing a list of veterinarians, vaccinations and drawing up an action plan for the duration of your family vacation. The first step is to force your pet to go to the toilet and clean up after him.

Parents must be sure that the animal will not destroy the house. When talking with them, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • what measures will be taken if the dog gets dirty on the street;
  • It is necessary to purchase toys to prevent the dog from chewing the furniture;
  • weekly bathing;
  • During molting, house cleaning becomes more frequent.

Friends who have gone through this can tell you how to ask your parents for a dog. But it’s better to wait to buy a dog to prove your loyalty to your goal.

Regular pet training

Demonstrating personal responsibility

First, you should make sure that buying a pet is not a passing whim. It is necessary to share in the costs, because you will need to buy a toy or treats, visit the veterinarian, and get vaccinations. You should perform your business duties in good faith. If there is order and help, then parents will more easily agree to a new family member. This also applies to studies. Good grades always increase the chance of getting what you want. Another demonstration of your responsibility will be a trial attempt. You can borrow a dog from friends or relatives for a while and show your willingness to care for the pet.

Important! Having an allergy to wool becomes a problem. If someone in the family suffers from such manifestations, then it is better to convince them to adopt a hypoallergenic breed of dog.

Thank your interlocutors

The harsh reality is that most children simply do not appreciate the work their parents put into them. However, if you start thanking your relatives for giving you life and a decent education, then they may believe in you. The only catch is that such words must sound sincere. Otherwise, it will be quite easy to confuse them with ordinary flattery, which is used to manipulate human consciousness.

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In addition, psychologists note that parents trust those children who are on good terms with them much more. If the son is a friend to his father, then he will definitely take his side in the dispute, even if the mother is against it. So don’t be surprised by your parents’ refusal when you always ignore their words or forget to congratulate them on their holiday. Become a good child for adults so that they know that you can be trusted.

How to choose the right moment to talk

How to find a dog if it runs away and gets lost

It is not recommended to start a conversation about buying an animal when parents are busy. Especially if they are at work. It is also better to avoid large crowds of people or guests. But you can ask your grandmother for support. The best period for conversation is evening or weekend. Mom and dad must be in a good mood, otherwise failure is guaranteed. The chances increase if they see how their child studies well, keeps order, and pleases with his behavior.

Attention! A great conversation starter would be watching a movie together about the life of dogs, their devotion and fidelity.

Don't fall into the emotional trap

Since many adults are much smarter than the younger generation, they may begin to use various psychological techniques during arguments. For example, some parents may appeal to a sense of duty or pity - you should not give in to this. You should tell them that you respect and appreciate them, but they have no right to decide your future, because you will be the one who will have to go to work for many years.

Also, you shouldn’t make “compromises” that don’t suit you. Some parents may force their child to undergo an internship at one company or another under the pretext that “if you don’t like it, you can refuse.” However, in most cases, after several years of work, the words will follow: “How can you let down the person who hired you?” So don't consider compromises that go against your wishes.

Unprofitable persuasion tactics

When trying to get time off for a walk, you should avoid the following:

  • Threaten to leave without asking . Nobody likes bullying. In this case, mom will only get angrier and walks will definitely be banned in the near future;
  • Making impossible promises . You shouldn't tell your mom that you will get excellent grades in all subjects. For example, if mathematics is difficult for you, then it is unlikely that you will quickly improve it and get an A in six months;
  • Take offense . There's no need to sulk, refuse lunch, or ignore your mom's attempts to talk to you. It’s better to reconsider your persuasion tactics and be more savvy next time.

Asking your mother to take time off for a walk will require patience and the desire to find a common language with her. Sometimes you have to find a compromise. For example, do your homework first, and only then go out with friends. In any case, the main thing is not to get into conflict with your mother and calmly defend your point of view.

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