How to choose a Yorkshire Terrier puppy: what to look for

When buying a dog, you must immediately decide for what purpose you need it. Either she should be a pet or a show class, with whom you will go to different exhibitions and be sure to win. Or maybe you have decided to build a business on dogs and are purchasing them for breeding. In any case, you must find out how to choose a Yorkshire Terrier puppy!

Who are Yorkshire Terriers suitable for?

Small Yorkies are very similar to each other.
These dogs are very active and love to play. They are curious and explore everything around them. The Yorkshire Terrier is the choice of active people. He needs to spend at least three hours a day playing and running.

The breed is suitable for older people only if the owners adhere to an active lifestyle.
Games, fun and walks are very important for pets. And Yorkies will have to forgive pranks; this breed does not tolerate punishment. Although these dogs are very trainable. Additional Information. Terriers get along well with children.
Puppies willingly accept children into their pack and play with them as equals. The only thing you need to watch out for is that the child does not injure the puppy, since its bones are fragile. When choosing a Yorkie, you should know some of the nuances of this mischievous behavior:

  • If the owners are away from home for a long time, he will be bored and mischievous. Everything that this furry little playful comes across will be bitten - the TV remote control, chair legs, newspapers, books, children's toys.
  • If your Yorkie is not physically stressed, he quickly becomes lazy. The dog is prone to obesity, which in turn leads to other diseases.
  • These curious hunters will stick their noses anywhere. They will follow their owners on their heels and will definitely steal something from under their hands into their bed.
  • Yorkies are very loyal watchdogs and guards, they react to any extraneous sounds. Noise in the entrance, car horns, neighbors talking behind the wall will cause loud and prolonged barking.

If you give your dog enough time and exercise him physically, he will become a real member of the family. This is a faithful companion for many years. Yorkies are very affectionate and love to be in the company of the whole family. They love to wake up their owners in the morning, love to play and follow commands. Dogs of this breed get along easily with other pets and get along with cats.

Yoricks love to run on the grass


The skull is flat, small in shape, proportional to the body, and the ears are triangle-shaped and stand up. The coat is glossy, straight, thick, not fluffy, shiny. On the head and muzzle - long, golden brown brighter on the sides of the head, on the tips of the ears and in the longest places on the muzzle. The fur is slightly darker at the very tip of the tail.

An interesting fact is that the Yorkie hardly sheds due to the lack of undercoat, and its hair is very similar to human hair; it falls out due to mechanical factors or disease.

Straight, developed limbs and hind legs create an angle. The animal is active, with round beady eyes.

Active, cheerful dog, without aggression. Recently, babies' tails have been docked, but over time this fades into the background and is not necessary.

An important point for males is the descending testicles into the scrotum; if a male with age remains without the main male indicator, then this is a defect of the breed - cryptorchid.

What you need to prepare before buying a pet

Before choosing a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, you need to properly prepare the house for its arrival. To quickly adapt and comfort your pet, you should pay attention to the following areas:

  • Sleeping area. For your little friend, you need to choose a secluded corner where he can retire. There is no need to equip a dark corner of the pantry, but it is better to place the bed so that the dog is not disturbed from sleeping and resting in its place. The place for the dog should not be on the aisle, near heating devices or in drafts.
  • Active owners should also take care of joint vacations and trips. To do this, you should purchase a dog carrier. In it, the dog will be more comfortable on the road and traveling.
  • Choosing a place for the toilet in advance is not easy. Especially for a small pet. At first, the dog will go “to relieve himself” anywhere. Having become a little older, the pet will determine one place for the toilet. You can put a tray there or put disposable diapers.
  • It is better to equip the place for eating with a tripod and bowls made of stainless steel or ceramics. The containers must be clean and the water should be changed daily. Yorkies drink a lot; water should always be available at the feeding area.
  • Feed. To know what to feed your baby, you should find out more about it from the breeder. A sudden change in food can lead to digestive disorders and allergic reactions. New products or feeds are introduced gradually and in small portions.
  • Puppy hygiene. To maintain your baby’s health, you need to bathe him once a week with special shampoos, brush his teeth and comb his hair. After bathing, the dog should clean its ears with cotton swabs, trim its nails with a special nail clipper and nail files.
  • A haircut. A hygienic haircut is required once every 3-4 weeks. To carry it out at home, you should get scissors, a trimmer, a dog clipper and a set of natural bristle combs.
  • Walks. To walk your puppy, you should purchase a harness, a collar and a 3-5 meter leash. It is better to accustom a puppy to a harness and leash at home so that the dog does not get scared and quickly gets used to walking outside.
  • A first aid kit for a baby should be selected together with a veterinarian. He will help you calculate the correct dosage for your dog and select essential medications.

A house for your pet
And of course, the yorkie should buy toys. It’s not easy to do this in advance, but your baby will definitely enjoy playing with a squeaky ball, a bone and a small soft toy. Further toys for your pet should be chosen based on its hobbies and preferences.

When can gender be determined accurately?

Dogs are born with genitals, but it is quite difficult to distinguish males from females. To avoid making a mistake, it is better to wait 2-3 weeks, when sexual characteristics become quite pronounced. In adolescence (from 6 months), the difference between females and males can be determined not only by the appearance of the genitals, but also by behavior.

The easiest way to determine the sex of a puppy is after it reaches one month of age.

What is the difference between a mini Yorkie and a standard Yorkie - similarities and differences

Among dog breeders and owners there are divisions into standard and mini. Their main differences are the weight and size of the pets. The mini typically weighs from 1.6 to 2.2 kg.

But there are also differences in appearance. Mini Yorkies are called "baby faces" because of their unusual skull structure. Their muzzle is smaller, the nose is not so elongated and is more turned up. The lifespan of miniature dogs is several years shorter. The hunter's instincts are more developed in the standard breed, while the mini breeds are more timid and vulnerable.

This is interesting! The mini breed cannot bear offspring well at home, so the “baby face” is more expensive and less common.

Difference between standard and mini

In contrast to the standard

The most popular type of Yorkie is the baby face. This is a small dog with large round eyes and a short muzzle, and it certainly looks cute. Unfortunately, the appearance goes against the standard, and the dog has a number of problems related to breathing and vision. Too large eyes contribute to poor vision due to frequent conjunctivitis. Frequent diseases of the respiratory system due to the irregular anatomical structure of the skull - short and round, and the muzzle is narrow and small. Low set ears.

Who to choose when buying: a boy or a girl

Before choosing the gender of your pet, it is important to decide on the purpose of purchasing the dog. Who exactly do they want to see in the house - a brave companion or a plush, affectionate toy?

Initial tips

If you want to choose a less troublesome pet, then the gender of the dog does not play a special role. It is much more important how the dog is raised. Both girls and boys can be troublesome.

Important! The character of a Yorkie is formed in childhood and partly depends on upbringing and daily routine.

Pros of a bitch

The character of a Yorkie girl is more passive and docile. They are loving and open. Compared to other breeds, Yorkshire bitches are very clean when in heat.

Cons of a bitch

If a Yorkie girl was not adopted for the purpose of breeding and producing offspring, periodic estrus can cause inconvenience for the owners.

Pros of a male dog

Males are more cheerful and curious. They are active and love to play and run. Boys easily learn to go to the toilet in a diaper and do not mark the territory of their home on the walls.

Cons of a male dog

Males have more pronounced character and hunting instincts. On the street or in the house, boys can show aggression towards strangers and even bite.

How to find out the size

To determine the size of a dog, you need to take 3 measurements using a soft measuring tape:

  1. Neck circumference: Measure the widest part of the neck.
  2. Back length: measured from withers to tail.
  3. Chest circumference: Measurement is taken just behind the Yorkie's front paws.

You can determine your Yorkie's clothing size using the following table:

Neck circumference, cmChest circumference, cmBack length, cm

Important! Even if you find out the size of the dog, you still shouldn’t refuse to try it on. It is best to take your Yorkie with you to the store. This way you can choose the most suitable clothes for him.

Where is the best place to buy a puppy, and what is its price?

Purchasing a puppy from an ad and selecting one based on a photo is not the best option. You should get to know him and watch his behavior. After all, not only the owner chooses his puppy, but also his owner’s dog.

What makes up the price of a particular animal?

The average price of a puppy is from 14 to 30 thousand rubles (prices as of May 2020). This range depends on the place of purchase. You can buy a cheaper dog from the breeders, but you will see who will grow out of it in a year. But a pet with the appropriate certificates and documents will cost a lot.

The price of puppies from titled parents can reach up to 60 thousand rubles

Breeder or nursery

Contact information for a responsible breeder can be found at a veterinary clinic or at a dog show. You should ask the breeder about his experience in breeding. They often sell puppies from relatives’ dogs or underfeed the babies in order to sell them as mini ones at a higher price.

On a note! The nursery should also be chosen carefully (and it’s not about certification and documents). The nursery's activities are aimed at making a profit. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the conditions in which the litter is kept and the attitude towards the dogs. Psychological trauma can remain with the puppy for life.

What to look for

How to choose the right Yorkie puppy:

  • he must be mobile, active and curious;
  • nose – black and wet, gums – pink;
  • stomach – soft, without bloating;
  • the coat should be soft and silky.

The puppy must be a member of the club and have a brand. The passport must contain age-appropriate vaccination records.

When choosing a dog, it is important to remember that Yorkies come into the family for a short period of 10 years. For a dog, this is a whole life. And what this life will be like depends on the correct choice of a puppy and its upbringing.


Prices for puppies How to evaluate a puppy Tips for the buyer How to determine the character


Of course, everyone wants to buy a dog as early as possible, but a self-respecting nursery will never sell you a puppy under the age of two months. Because a Yorkshire terrier at two months of age is just a small dog that requires a lot, a lot of attention. But the main vaccinations have not yet been done because the first vaccination is required, and after a certain period the second vaccination is a revaccination. And only after complete quarantine can the dog be taken over by a new owner.

Mostly puppies sold from the kennel are three months old. But it often happens that puppies that are already grown up are sold. Don't be afraid of it! On the contrary, you can already see what size he will be, his character will already be formed. And the breeder will tell you exactly what kind of puppy this is. He's probably already toilet trained. You can see what beautiful fur he has and what color it is.

If you notice after purchasing a dog that their ears are not erect, do not be upset. Because during the vaccination period, puppies’ ears tend to droop. In the future, of course, they will stand, because their size is not large and their weight is not so heavy.

There is no need to worry about the fact that the puppy does not show any special character traits at all. Because a two or three month old puppy does not yet know the feeling of fear; everything is ahead of him!

History of the breed

The Yorkshire Terrier (York) is a relatively young breed.
The dogs got their name from the county of Yorkshire, which is located in the UK. English peasants and coal miners were the first to breed Yorkies. Nowadays this Yorkshire Terrier is a decorative indoor breed, but in the 19th century it was a working dog, the main purpose of breeding which was to hunt rats. Later, Yorkies began to be used for hunting animals living in burrows. The poor sections of the population did not have the opportunity to have large dogs - this was prohibited by law. However, very quickly the beautiful dogs were noticed by rich people and increasingly appeared in luxury homes.

Already at the end of the 19th century, the breed was officially recognized. This happened in 1886. The Yorkshire Terrier first came to Russia in 1971. It was a gift to ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya. The dog became an object of admiration, and some diplomats managed to bring representatives of this breed from abroad. Needless to say, breeding Yorkies in our country at that time was impossible.

And only when the Iron Curtain was torn apart, in 1991, Yorkies were brought en masse to Russia, and the first kennel appeared.

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