Pekingese haircut at home, price 1190 rub. Get a Pekingese haircut inexpensively in Moscow

Pekingese have long hair with a soft undercoat, so they need regular grooming. Grooming this breed according to the standard is unacceptable, but many owners still cut their pets.

Why do you need a Pekingese haircut? There are several reasons for this:

  • Make life easier in the heat. Due to their thick fur coat, dogs do not tolerate high temperatures well. The situation is aggravated by the structure of the muzzle. The air in the nose does not cool well, which, combined with thick fur, can lead to heatstroke.
  • Simplify care. Pekingese are very inquisitive dogs. The long fur on the belly is instantly covered with dirt. Often, animals refuse to wear overalls, which is why they get dirty on every walk. A trimmed pet will collect significantly less dirt, which will make grooming easier.
  • Maintain attractiveness in old age. The coat of older Pekingese cats becomes dull, sheds, and changes color. A haircut will help make your pet visually younger.
  • Protect from ticks. It is very difficult to notice a small parasite in dense cover. A short haircut will make it easier to find and prevent trouble.

Important: a groomed dog should not be left in the heat for a long time. Direct sunlight and hot air quickly provoke heat stroke.

Hygienic grooming of the Pekingese

A hygienic haircut for the Pekingese is more of a necessity than following fashion trends. In some situations, this procedure simply cannot be avoided. For example, in the presence of mats (tightly knitted tufts of fur that cannot be combed), certain diseases of the pet (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatitis), the presence of parasites (ticks and fleas). An old dog is no longer able to fully take care of himself, so in old age he is also advised to have a hygienic haircut. The name of the process itself speaks about its purpose - to maintain the health of your pet.

Why is grooming needed?

If a luxurious “fur coat” is one of the main characteristic features of the breed, is it worth removing it?

Pekingese fur is fluffy and loose. It requires great attention, careful care, and the use of special cosmetics. Otherwise, such fur is prone to matting, matting, it quickly loses its appearance and causes a lot of inconvenience to the pet. If you can’t devote a lot of time and effort to your dog’s hair, it’s better to do grooming.

In old age, the quality of the coat may deteriorate, so trimming will become necessary to keep your pet looking well-groomed. Only show class dogs do not get their hair cut.

Standard Pekingese haircut

A standard haircut is necessary in order to prepare your dog for participation in the exhibition. This important event in the dog’s life requires her to have an ideal appearance: the hairs must be trimmed evenly and be of the same length, the hair must be neatly trimmed in the animal’s groin, in the anal area, at the tips of the ears, between the toes and pads. Only an experienced specialist can do such a haircut for a Pekingese, and at the same time emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of your dog!

Tips for caring for your Pekingese dog's coat

The Pekingese has a long and fluffy coat that requires a lot of attention and the use of cosmetics. It easily falls off and becomes tangled, causing discomfort to the dog. The answer to the question of how often to trim your Pekingese depends on the rate of hair growth. Each case is individual.

You need to accustom your pet to grooming at home from an early age - from six months. The puppy may be scared of the procedure, so it is advisable to reward him with sweets.

A trimmed mane should be combed at least twice a week and washed once every 1.5-2 months. It is better to use shampoos designed for long hair. After walking, you should wash the animal's paws and the area under the tail.

Model Pekingese haircut

Model dog haircut is a fashion trend that began not so long ago, about ten years ago. But the number of her fans is growing rapidly every day. Owners give their pets a wide variety of hairstyles: braids, ponytails, tattoos and even dyeing! So how much does a Pekingese haircut cost today with such interesting creative nuances? The price is set individually and depends on many factors (level of complexity, place where the procedure will be performed, etc.).

A Pekingese haircut like a lion is one of the possible options for model haircuts. In this case, the fur is not completely cut off - only on the body and legs, and the pants are cut off. All that remains is the gorgeous mane and tail. This hairstyle will make your pet a real King of Beasts!

Grooming a Pekingese puppy like a puppy is another creative approach to caring for the appearance of the animal. The fur is cut completely over the entire body, but not very short, leaving a length of about two centimeters. At the owner's request, the ears, paws, tail, etc. can be made shaggy. – There are many options for this haircut.

Instructions on how to cut a Pekingese haircut yourself

To cut a Pekingese haircut yourself, you will need sharp, good scissors and a lot of free time. Also useful:

  • crest;
  • trimmer;
  • small, curved and thinning scissors.

The machine is indispensable in most cases. You need to choose a silent tool so as not to scare the dog.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Washing the dog with shampoo. The animal's ears are plugged with cotton to prevent water from getting into them.
  2. Blow dry. You need to adjust it so that the air is not too warm.
  3. Grooming the dog with a slicker brush and removing tangles.
  4. Trimming nails and hair between toes and on paw pads. This can be done conveniently with small scissors.
  5. Haircut in the groin area. There is some vegetation here, but it needs to be trimmed carefully.
  6. Gradual treatment of the back, paws, sides and chest. You can use a machine or scissors.
  7. In the area of ​​the neck, chest and hind legs, the fur is given the desired shape. Around the head it is better to make it round. An even contour is cut on the stomach. The vegetation here should be no more than 1.5 cm in length. Thinning removes excess.
  8. The fringe in the ear area is removed with thinning scissors.
  9. The last stage is cutting under the tail in the genitals and anus. The ends are trimmed to 1 cm, leaving the tail fluffy. You need to do everything extremely carefully so as not to injure your pet.



During the procedure, you must constantly comb the dog, brushing off excess hair. It should be taken into account that too short Pekingese coat will lead to overheating in the sun; it should be no shorter than 2 cm.

How often is the procedure performed?

The frequency of going to a professional salon or performing a home procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the pet. Pekingese grooming is carried out as soon as the dog has acquired a new “fur coat”.

Representatives of the breed show patience and calmness during a session with a hairdresser. But this is only if the owner promptly began to accustom his pet to mandatory procedures.

Already at 6 months, the baby’s fur is quite long and requires the intervention of a groomer. At first, your puppy may be afraid of strange-sounding or unfamiliar objects.

The Pekingese develops the habit of cutting his hair gradually. He needs to be treated affectionately, kindly, without raising his voice, and with treats. Over time, the animal will understand how to behave correctly, and the procedure will become commonplace.

Where to get a haircut: at home or in a salon

The first full haircut is best done in a salon. A professional groomer will shape the coat and give advice on caring for it. In the salon, the haircut can be done individually, so that the dog will become unlike any other.

The disadvantage of salon grooming is its high price. In addition, not in all cities it is easy to find a grooming salon near your home.

Regular hygienic haircuts can be done at home.

Is it necessary to get a haircut for the summer?

Among all the decorative dog breeds, it is the Pekingese that has the thickest coat, consisting of long guard hairs and dense undercoat..

Such coat requires careful care and not all Pekingese owners are willing to spend a lot of time on this.

In addition, the thick and dense coat, combined with the brachycephalic structure of the skull, causes poor heat tolerance in representatives of this breed.

Among the main disadvantages of haircuts are::

  • loss of the breed’s characteristic appearance;
  • suspension of the insertion career until the coat has completely grown back.

However, this procedure has many more advantages.:

  • After a haircut, a dog can tolerate the heat more easily;
  • daily pet care is greatly simplified;
  • the likelihood of tangles forming decreases;
  • Fleas and other parasites, including ticks, are easier to spot on short hair.

In addition, with age, the color and structure of the coat of the Pekingese changes, and it loses its natural shine. Therefore, with the help of a haircut, you can give your dog a neater and more youthful appearance.

Exhibition animals cannot be cut; only light trimming of the coat and hygienic trimming are permissible..

When deciding to trim your Pekingese, it is important to remember that if the coat is too short in extreme heat, the dog’s risk of sunburn or heatstroke increases.

Therefore, you should carefully choose the type of haircut and listen to the advice of a professional groomer, who can tell you what length of hair will be optimal.

Profitable grooming - complex for Pekingese:

A full range of care for your pet includes the following procedures:

Gentle and caring hands of the administrator and groomer!

Washing the pexiness with professional products, conditioning the fur;

Styling the wool with a professional hairdryer, which does not overheat the wool and does not dry it out, but blows water out of the wool;

Model haircut according to the breed standard, at your request you can choose from a photo album and discuss with the hairdresser;

Hygienic haircut: a mandatory procedure that is included in the complex in our pet salon

- treatment of paws, cutting of hair between toes, tummy, hygienic places;

Cleaning ears and eyes. Our master groomers will not ignore such an important procedure as cleaning the eyes and ears. The master plucks hair from the ears using a special powder, and with the help of lotion removes dirt from the corners of your pet’s eyes (tear tracks). Of course, ear cleaning is not the most pleasant procedure for an animal, but nevertheless it is mandatory. If you clean your ears regularly, your animal will get used to it and experience minimal discomfort.

Nail trimming. Also one of the most important procedures. Too long claws prevent the Pekingese from moving fully. In the most neglected state, the claws form a spiral and grow into the dog’s paw pad. To prevent this, you need to trim your dog's nails regularly. However, the claws must be trimmed carefully, being careful not to damage living tissue. If you walk a lot with your pet, then this procedure can be avoided altogether - the claws wear off perfectly on the asphalt.

“Complex” is the most profitable service for your pet, who will leave our salon clean, beautifully trimmed, with neat claws. Please take into account that the cost of the complex does not include combing out tangles.

Pet store for dogs and cats.

In Baluti pet salons you can purchase professional cosmetics for caring for the hair of dogs and cats.

  1. Shampoos for dogs and cats.
  2. Air conditioners
  3. Masks - for different types of hair and skin of dogs and cats
  4. Conditioners are for caring for coats that are susceptible to matting.
  5. Creams and care for paw pads of dogs and cats.
  6. Powder - ear care.
  7. Eye lotions.

Large selection of manufacturers and pricing policies.

The beauty salon for dogs and cats has a huge selection of clothing and pet supplies for dogs of all breeds.

The dog salon “Baluti” operates a clothing and accessories store for dogs.

1. Raincoats, suits, dresses for dogs, sweaters, vests, overalls,

2. Leashes, tape measures, collars, bowls, beds, combs, slicker brushes.

3. Treats for dogs and cats, mint balls and lots of goodies.

4. bows, hairpins, latex elastic bands for dogs.

I hasten to announce the good news! Due to numerous requests, we are opening foster care for dogs during the holidays!

Daycare for dogs while on vacation. Pet hotel for dogs and cats from one hour.

Any types of haircuts, model, home, hygienic, taking into account the characteristics of your dog and your personal wishes. Selection of an individual haircut.

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

The main reason why most Pekingese owners prefer to groom their pets themselves is the high cost of professional groomer services..

Secondary factors include the location of grooming salons, which are not convenient for everyone to get to, as well as the need to adjust to a certain time when the groomer will be free.

Of course, if possible, it is better to entrust the haircut to professionals.

At a minimum, this should be done the first time when the dog is unfamiliar with the process and may be nervous or scared of the tools, especially the sound of the machine..

In addition, this will give the owner the opportunity to observe the progress of the haircut, and then repeat it himself.

Briefly and clearly

There is a simple haircut for hygiene and easier care of the coat. Every Pekingese owner can do it using hairdressing scissors, but you can use a special machine. As a result, the fur will be slightly shortened and trimmed on your pet's ears, elbows, pants and belly. Here's how to properly trim a Pekingese at home, based on the photo:

  • Give your dog a bath and dry him with a hairdryer or towel, then gently comb his fur. Place your pet on the table and carefully examine it, marking out the cutting area for yourself.
  • First we start cutting the body. First, we make vertical cuts from top to bottom and carefully trim the fur with a clipper, one centimeter at a time, from the sides to the tummy.
  • Then continue with straight cuts to form the chest and abdomen.
  • Carefully shorten the puffy collar to match the shape of the body, rounding the edges of the frill under the bust.
  • The dog needs to be combed and excess hair cut off all the time.
  • Now let's start decorating the paws. We cut the hairs on the pads that are too long in a semicircle, and between the pads of the paws we cut them to a minimum. Use a nail clipper to shorten the claws.
  • To get a haircut on your elbows and pants, you don’t need to invent anything, we just cut off the hair that is too long. Here you need to beautifully design the transition to the thigh, so you will have to comb the fur and use scissors to give the hind legs the desired shape on all sides while cutting off excess hair. Do not forget that all cuts must be vertical and preferably from top to bottom. Then you will need to comb the dog again and cut it again until you are completely satisfied with the result.
  • In the area of ​​the genitals and anus, the fur is also carefully trimmed, while being careful not to injure the pet with scissors.

As you can see, cutting Pekingese is not too difficult, and with experience, you will be able to invent new, amazing hairstyles and haircuts. And when admiring passers-by, guests or friends ask you where you got your pet’s haircut so luxuriously, you can proudly answer that the perfect haircut of your Pekingese is entirely your fault!

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