Royal Canin medicinal dog food: description, composition, photos and reviews

Are you familiar with Royal Canin medicated dog food? But the key to a pet’s health is proper nutrition. When choosing dry or wet food, it is important to carefully read the composition. Also, you should not trust those foods that can be found on the counter of any store and those that are constantly advertised.

As a rule, these are economy class feeds that contain few useful substances. In addition, such nutrition can do more harm than good. You should give preference to premium, super-premium or holistic series.

Animal sources of protein

No fresh and/or raw meat or fish ingredients were used in the production of Royal Canin Maxi Adult food for large breed dogs.
Ingredients #2 and #5 are dried animal protein sources “dehydrated animal proteins (poultry)” and “dehydrated animal proteins (pork)”. It is unclear what type of bird the first one is made from. Also, the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of the main ingredients. Animal protein hydrolyzate occupies only 6th place here, so it is most likely a protein component that improves the taste and smell of food.

The proportion of animal protein in the feed is generally average.

Reviews of Royal Canin food

Feedback from specialists and consumers provides additional information that cannot be found on the official website or in product descriptions from sellers.

Veterinarian review

This story was told by a friend, a veterinarian at a pet clinic at a kennel club. The owner brought in a dog that had thickened skin on its paws. They itched and hair fell out. External remedies did not help, I suspected a food allergy.

Royal Canin Hypoallergenic food did not help. I prescribed Royal Canin Anallergenic for dogs for allergies and food intolerances. There is no protein in the food, only hydrolyzed feather meal. A month and a half later, the dog’s owner came to thank him. I advised that the dog be switched to Anallergenic food for life.

Customer Reviews

Customers shared their opinions about the food in the following reviews:

Nastya: my pet, a Spitz, is a notoriously picky person. If she doesn't like the food, she goes hungry. I gave up several foods until I settled on Royal Canin for small breeds. I liked that the dosage was written on the packaging and there was a lot of useful information. The granules are small, the pet eats with pleasure, and the fur is shiny.

Maria: I have been using this food for a long time. The bag has a convenient zipper. The granules are small and greasy, but I feed them according to the norm and the dog is not gaining weight.

Natalya: Hello everyone. I purchased Royal Canin with chicken for small breed puppies. Two and a half months later, a rash appeared on the skin. The vet said it was a chicken allergy. I replaced dry food with food without chicken. After 2 weeks the rash went away. I think Royal Canin is a good food, but I’m not happy with the price. There are better quality products for the same price.

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Plant based protein sources

The food contains 3 cereal components: corn (No. 1), corn flour and corn gluten. All these components are sources of vegetable protein and carbohydrates, which means that the content of the latter in the feed is very high.

All three of these ingredients—corn, corn meal, and corn gluten—contain corn protein (gluten), which can cause allergies and food intolerances in dogs and cats.

The presence of as many as three corn derivatives is a sign of “split” ingredients (adding several components (most often plant-based) from the same source to the feed). In fact, their content may exceed that of animal protein sources. So, if you combine corn, corn flour and gluten, poultry and pork proteins will clearly be less than unhealthy gluten. This is just a guess, but its likelihood makes you think about the quality of the feed.

Cereals are not included in the natural diet of carnivores, and therefore in large quantities, and especially as the basis of food, are not recommended for them.

Diet Dermatology

Some dogs may suffer from allergic reactions and individual intolerances. Due to improper nutrition, your pet may begin to lose hair, develop wounds, and develop a weak appetite.

To save your dog from suffering, you need to choose hypoallergenic food. The medical nutrition of this Royal Canin line is a unique source of proteins. The food has an anti-inflammatory effect on the dog's skin. The diet contains a very low percentage of allergic substances.

The composition includes corn starch, coconut oil, vegetable fiber, free amino acids and so on. There are 388 kcal per 100 grams of product. The food is contraindicated for dogs with pancreatitis and hyperlipidemia.

Healthy Ingredients

Royal Canin food for large dogs contains yeast. They probably serve as a source of B vitamins, but due to their unclear origin, their quality is difficult to assess.

Crustacean shell hydrolysate (source of glucosamine) and cartilage hydrolysate (source of chondroitin) are rich in glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances are beneficial for animal joints. For large breeds of dogs (for which the food is intended), these ingredients are simply necessary. I would like to hope that their quantity will be sufficient for a positive effect.

This food also contains a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements. They are added partly due to a lack of minerals and vitamins in the raw materials, partly due to the peculiarities of the technological process for the production of dry food (this is the industry norm, and therefore is not a direct indicator of high or low quality of the diet).

Diet Health Management

Dogs that have been spayed or neutered are especially susceptible to urinary tract diseases. Also, such pets are prone to rapid weight gain. This can be prevented with the help of a special line of Royal Canin food for large dogs and small breeds.

This diet helps keep pets at a normal weight. The food allows dogs to feel full longer. The ruler prevents the appearance of tartar, thanks to the special shape of the croquettes. Food is an excellent prevention of kidney stones.

The food includes corn, beet pulp, wheat flour, barley, protein (pork), dehydrated meat, and so on. Energy value per 100 grams – 330 kcal.

Cons of Royal Canin Maxi Adult food (for large dogs up to 5 years old)

No fresh and/or raw meat or fish ingredients were used in the production of this food. Ingredient No. 1 – corn, a source of vegetable protein.

It is unknown what raw materials were used to prepare a number of products (dehydrated animal proteins, animal fats, vegetable protein isolate, hydrolyzed animal proteins, etc.). The composition of the feed varies depending on the cost of raw materials.

In addition, a “split” of vegetable protein source ingredients and an ingredient dangerous for dogs (corn gluten) were identified.

Feeding tips and tricks

When feeding dry food from this company, like any other, be sure to have a bowl of clean, fresh water nearby. Dry food requires a lot of water to digest, and you need to make sure your dog is quenching his thirst.

According to veterinarians, food containing grains can attract insects and rodents, so it is important to properly store opened packages. They should not only be put in a dark and cool place, but also carefully closed: a plastic sealed container is best. This will not only protect the diet from spoilage by pests, but will also leave it fresh and aromatic.

It is best, according to reviews, to keep food on the top shelves of cabinets, and also take them in small packages. This makes them more convenient to store and reduces the risk of edible granules oxidizing in air.

Wet food is sealed in airtight packaging and can be stored unopened longer than dry food. Dry diets are usually good for 1-1.5 years, while wet diets can be consumed after 3 years.

The packaging of wet menus is also convenient: since their shelf life in open packaging is no more than 2-3 days, they are packaged in small jars or bags for one meal of the animal. Veterinarians insist in their reviews that you thoroughly wash your pet’s bowl after each meal of wet food to avoid the growth of bacteria and the appearance of insects.


Royal Canin Maxi Adult dog food is based on a mixture of two processed (dried) animal protein sources, two vegetable protein grains and animal fat.

The food contains few sources of animal protein. Essentially, it is based on plant protein sources and cannot meet the needs of dogs. An owner who has already raised a large-breed puppy to be a guard dog has two options: either continue to give the dog the food from the brand it ate while growing up, or find some new food options that can be fed to the large dog later in adulthood. so that she is strong and healthy. Among the different diets for adult large dogs, there is food from the famous Royal Canin Maxi Adult brand - let's see what it contains.

We believe that it is important for a large breed dog, no matter what conditions it lives in, to maintain a normal weight and strong muscles. Then the joints will be in order, the dog will be active and, even approaching old age, will be able to behave and look like a young one. Unfortunately, we are not sure that this can be achieved with Royal Canin Maxi Adult food.

The second and fifth ingredients in the composition are dehydrated animal proteins (from unknown species of poultry and pork). The first five contain a lot of corn, and a little lower in the composition there is also corn protein, a highly allergenic product that is undesirable in the diet of carnivores, like, in fact, any cereals. In general, with such an abundance of grains, it is quite difficult for an animal to maintain optimal weight.

The nice thing is that the manufacturer still took care of the dog’s joints - he added natural ingredients that contain glucosamine and chondroitin. It is not encouraging that the minerals added to the feed are not listed separately, but are combined into one large group.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Diet for large dogs

Photo 2. Menu for dogs living in the city

Photo 3. Food for aging small dogs

Online test

By choosing a pet for yourself using the test, you will find a faithful and devoted friend.

The online test was developed based on canine observations and human psychological research. The psychological compatibility of the dog and the owner plays a very important role, since such a factor is one of the components of a long-term friendly relationship with a pet, otherwise if you are irritated by the presence of the animal, it will harm both of you.

There is no need to additionally register and send SMS messages to receive results. You will receive the result immediately after the test is completed.

Fact. Dogs can fall in love with people or other animals. The brain of these animals produces a hormone - oxytocin, the process of its production is identical to that of humans.

Happy testing!

Esotericist, tarot reader, astrologer (project consultant)

Material published: 2018-11-22, modified: 2020-04-04

Every pet is unique, as are their nutritional needs.

Every pet is unique, as are their nutritional needs.

Food for medium breed puppies Medium Junior

Medium Junior is a complete dry food for puppies of medium-sized dogs (weight of adult dogs - from 12 to 26 kg) up to 12-13 months of age. Premium dry food has a balanced composition, which is enriched with amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and other beneficial substances for the normal growth and development of medium breed dogs.

The food contains calcium, magnesium, fluorine, iodine, molybdenum, selenium, sodium, magnesium, vitamin D3, fish oil, dietary fiber, and plant fiber. Medium Junior helps strengthen the bones, prevents rickets, the formation of plaque and tartar.

Suitable for German Shepherd, Labrador, Retriever, Belgian, Dalmatian, Beagle, Medium Poodle puppies.

For medium breed puppies (weighing 11 to 25 kg) aged 12 months to 7 years, purchase Medium Adult.

Food for teenage dogs


To begin with, it is worth emphasizing the main problems caused by improper feeding of the dog:

  • nutrient deficiencies or imbalances early in life can lead to a wide variety of problems, including diseases of all major systems and stunted puppy growth,
  • lack of food in an adult dog directly affects the tone of the entire body and the mood of the pet,
  • Excess feed and direct access to a full plate during the day promises obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system.
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