High Protein Dog Food: How Much Protein Does Your Dog Need?

Carnivores or omnivores

It is often thought that dogs are exceptional meat eaters, requiring a high protein diet. This idea arose partly because dogs are associated with wolves, which are indeed carnivorous predators, and also because dogs belong to the order Carnivora, which includes wolves and other carnivorous species of animals. But despite its name, the order also includes herbivores and omnivores, including bears, raccoons and giant pandas, according to Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. In fact, over thousands of years, dogs have evolved significantly and acquired several important differences from wolves. One of them, according to a study published in the journal Nature, is that the evolution of the dog's genome allows them not only to digest plant starches, but also to successfully grow and develop by eating foods containing a wide range of different ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, herbs , cereals, meat, poultry, fish and many other products, which makes them truly omnivorous animals.

Soybean oil

Soya oil / Soybean oil is obtained from the seeds of soybeans, a herbaceous plant of the legume family. It contains 3% lecithin and is considered a good source of fatty acids: it contains more than 50% linoleic acid (Omega-6) and 23 - 29% oleic acid (Omega-9). ⠀ Soybean oil does not contain soybean protein, so talk about the increased allergenicity of soybean oil is groundless. However, it contains more saturated vegetable fats than most other vegetable oils (for example, sunflower oil or coconut oil) and, as a rule, is regarded as a cheaper alternative. ⠀ ❗️This is the rub. Soy is an extremely popular product, and the production of soybean oil occupies a leading place in the world production of vegetable oils? The market dictates its own rules, so growing soybeans is often associated with the use of chemicals and genetic modification. But we can be absolutely calm if the ingredient is called “organic soybean oil.” ⠀ In any case, this is the 13th of 14 ingredients in the food in question, which means its share is very small.

How much protein does your dog need?

Dogs are not carnivores, but they do need essential amino acids found in protein to grow properly. However, some veterinarians still do not recommend feeding large amounts of protein foods to dogs with kidney disease or older dogs. If in doubt, it is better to consult a veterinarian and make sure that your dog’s diet is correct. Accordingly, instead of monitoring the amount of protein in your dog's diet, you should monitor its quality.

Dogs can only consume a certain amount of protein, which is immediately digested and absorbed, allowing for repair and maintenance of muscles and other tissues. The body tries to get rid of any excess, which means it is broken down and burned for energy or stored as fat. In either case, the kidneys remove byproducts of protein breakdown, which are excreted in the urine. If you've ever noticed yellow spots on your lawn after your dog goes to the toilet, it could very well be caused by excess protein. Additionally, if your dog is gaining weight, you should also check the amount of protein in his food.

Too little protein in your puppy's diet is also a problem. Dogs need protein to produce energy and build muscles, bones and joints. As a general recommendation, the American Association of State Feed Control Officials suggests that an adult dog's diet should include a minimum of 18% crude protein (protein) on a dry matter basis (that is, the amount of residue we would get if we isolated feed all the moisture). The diet of growing puppies and nursing mothers should include at least 22.5% protein based on dry matter content. Again, you should ask your veterinarian how much protein is recommended for your dog based on his age and activity level.


Are minerals needed in food? Yes! But which ones?

⠀❗️This is the main question. Minerals are inorganic compounds, but they are essential to every form of organic life. ? Like a strong mortar, minerals, through chemical reactions, “glue” together the elements that make up any protein: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. ⠀ For this purpose, 18 minerals are needed, and not all of them are synthesized in the body. Some can only be obtained through food. And this is our area of ​​responsibility if we are talking about pets.

Minerals are involved in many processes that occur every second in the body, for example, ☑️ in maintaining the structure of the skeleton, ☑️ in maintaining acid-base and water balance, ☑️ in conducting nerve impulses and muscle contraction, ☑️ in maintaining healthy skin, coat and joints ☑️ in the implementation of cell activity. ⠀ And this is only a small part of the work! Perhaps there is not a single process in the body in which minerals do not participate. Therefore, it is critical that they are in balance. If there is too much or too little of one mineral or another, serious bodily dysfunction can occur? ⠀ By law, any food must contain a certain minimum of minerals. And if the package says “minerals,” most likely the food contains some kind of complex mineral premix ❗️ However, this ingredient is considered controversial, since it is impossible to determine its exact composition. It is preferable when the manufacturer indicates specific chemical compounds - the sources of each mineral. ⠀ We at Lapas & Co carefully read everything that is written on food packages and are happy to share this information with you - here and in each of the four chain stores. Come, write - ask your questions! We are responsible for those we have tamed ❤️

High Protein Dog Food

The supply of high-protein dog foods is usually based on the perception of dogs as domesticated wolves. But dogs are not wolves. They are able to not only digest plant foods, but also extract amino acids from plant proteins using their digestive system. According to the Petfood Industry resource, it is not the amount of protein in a dog’s diet that is important, but the digestibility and bioavailability of amino acids. Often, high-protein, meat-based dog foods include protein sources that are neither digestible nor bioavailable to your dog. Unused protein is fermented and passed into the feces, making your dog's solid waste smell stronger, reports Petfood Industry.


Let's figure out what ingredients you should pay attention to when purchasing.


Any dog ​​food should primarily contain proteins necessary for tissue growth and repair. Ideally, the amount of meat contained should be at least 30–40%. The best digestible foods are beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, and rabbit.

In economy-class food, part of the meat product is replaced by offal: kidneys, tripe, lungs, etc. Meat flour is used for dry food. Some manufacturers contain dehydrated plant and animal proteins in their economy-class feeds, but they can cause allergies and are less digestible.


Fats in food are necessary for the normal functioning of the dog’s body - transporting nutrients and producing hormones. In addition, they are a concentrated source of energy.

Animal fats (usually chicken and fish) and vegetable oils (most often flaxseed) are most often added to dog food. They should be up to 18% of the total volume.


Carbohydrates in animal feed are represented by cereals, potatoes or flour made from them. Cereals, when broken down in the stomach, turn into an important source of energy - glucose. The percentage of carbohydrates in the feed should be no more than 5–8% of the total volume.

Wheat and corn, which are rich in the allergenic gluten, are not the best sources of carbohydrates. It is advisable that the macronutrients be represented by brown rice, millet or barley.

There are grain-free dog foods, but most researchers agree that they can be harmful to animals. Studies have shown that dogs whose diet does not include grains are prone to developing heart disease, in particular dilated cardiomyopathy.


Necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. For dog food, sugar beet pulp remaining after processing (pulp) is used. It is good for the intestines.


These are supplements that stimulate the growth and development of beneficial intestinal bacteria. In dog food, chicory root containing inulin or inulin in its pure form is often used as a prebiotic.


Probiotics also stimulate the development of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, but, unlike prebiotics, they themselves contain similar bacteria. Necessary in feed for weakened animals with diarrhea and other disorders of the digestive system, “fallen” immunity. Indispensable for the recovery of dogs after poisoning.


Vitamin E (a mixture of tocopherols) and rosemary extract are used as natural, harmless antioxidants. They increase the shelf life of the feed and do not allow the fats contained to oxidize under the influence of the environment.


The most popular and most harmless preservative is potassium sorbate, also known as E202. It is not an allergen, it can be added to food for pregnant dogs, as it does not affect the intrauterine development of future puppies.

Propyl gallate (E310) is also added to feed. It is not recommended to buy food with this additive if your dog is prone to allergies.

Healthy Supplements

The amino acid taurine is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Choline chloride is essential for normal growth and development of animals. It is involved in the creation of fibers to protect cells of the nervous system. With a lack of choline chloride, bone formation is impaired and the growth and development of puppies is delayed.

Yucca Schidigera extract is often added to dog food, especially in lines of specialized food for older pets. Normalizes digestion, removes ammonia and neutralizes bacteria and fungal mold spores.

High Quality Protein for Dogs

According to Petfood Industry, when it comes to digestibility and bioavailability, you need to understand that you need a mixture of animal and plant proteins that provide the maximum amount of essential amino acids. Beef, lamb and poultry alone do not provide the optimal ratio of bioavailable amino acids. This is why high-quality commercial dog foods typically include additional protein sources such as fish and fishmeal, eggs, animal by-products, and plant proteins such as wheat or corn gluten. This variety of protein sources ensures that your dog's body can use essential amino acids and he receives more complete nutrition.

What to feed your dog to build muscle mass?

What is natural nutrition

  1. Meat. It is a source of protein that is easily digested by the animal's body.
  2. Fish. Veterinarians recommend giving it no more than twice a week and under no circumstances mixing this product with meat.
  3. Dairy and fermented milk products. ...
  4. Vegetables, fruits, grain bran.

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High Protein Dog Food and Food Allergies

Grains and gluten are often cited as causes of food allergies and skin problems in dogs. However, according to Tufts University, food allergies are quite rare in dogs. Additionally, if they do occur, it is usually the meat that is to blame. Tufts University names proteins found in beef as the leading causes of food allergies in dogs. So it's important to understand that while grain-free, high-protein dog foods are sometimes promoted as a cure for food allergies, they may actually make the situation worse if you don't know the exact causes of your dog's allergies.

Dry or wet: which is better?

Dry food

Dry dog ​​food is a kibble or puff of a mixture of ingredients such as: animal protein sources (meat or organ meats), dehydrated meats, carbohydrates (cereals, legumes or potatoes), animal fats (fish or chicken) and fiber (sugar beet pulp). and etc.). Vitamin-mineral complexes are added after preparing the feed in the form of spraying, since they do not withstand heat treatment. All products, except flour, are ground into fine mince, then heated to a temperature of 90–150 degrees and passed through an extruder. The resulting mass is formed into balls or granules, dried and sent for packaging.

Pros of dry dog ​​food

  • Price. Dry food costs owners much less than wet food or natural food.
  • It is convenient to store. Dry food is sold in ziplock bags: they are easy to close, preventing oxygen and moisture from entering.
  • Huge selection. Manufacturers offer lines for different breeds of animals, special dietary foods, food for dogs with allergies, etc.
  • Good dry food fully provides the dog with useful substances.

Cons of dry dog ​​food

  • Dry food contains almost no moisture, and dogs need water vitally: they need to receive 40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day (for puppies, the need for water is 2 times greater). If there is a lack of moisture, kidney disease may develop. You can compensate for the lack of fluid by constant access to fresh water at any time of the day.
  • Buyers cannot know exactly the composition of such food.


Wet dog food is canned meat with added vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. For small dogs, manufacturers most often offer canned food in the form of pates and small pieces in jelly or sauce.


  • Clear composition.
  • Wet food looks more appetizing than dry food. Some dogs that ignore dry food are very fond of wet food.
  • These foods maintain water balance.
  • Soft food in the form of a pate is suitable for older dogs with dental problems.


  • Any canned food spoils quickly. The shelf life of opened food in the refrigerator is up to 24 hours, while dry food can be stored for quite a long time.
  • Wet food is more expensive than dry food and is consumed in much larger quantities.


Complete and balanced nutrition

Of course, protein is just one component of pet food that provides complete nutrition for your dog. Although some proponents of high-protein foods claim that the main thing is that the dog eats meat, the healthiest dog foods contain a balanced combination of digestible, bioavailable sources of protein and healthy sources of fiber, including grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Among other things, these ingredients provide essential energy, aid digestion, strengthen and protect joints, facilitate the absorption of vitamins and minerals, and improve skin, hair and dental health, says the ASPCA. While protein is an essential part of your dog's diet, protein alone cannot provide everything your dog needs for overall health.

When purchasing dog food, it is important to look beyond the advertising claims on the packaging. You need to carefully check its composition and nutritional value. High-quality sources of protein should be on your list, but you shouldn't forget quality sources of grains or vegetables and fats. Vitamins and minerals should complete the list. This way, you'll know you're feeding your puppy a high-quality food that doesn't just contain isolated ingredients, but provides complete nutrition that will help him live a long, healthy life.

Cereal flour

The farther, the sadder.

And we ask the questions again: Which grain crops? Why flour? Why grain crops? And there are no answers. Because this ingredient is one of the most undesirable in dog and cat food. Roughly speaking, “grain flour” is a waste from flour milling, and grains, in principle, are not needed by predators, especially cats? In addition, the composition of this waste is not precisely known. ⠀ Any cereal flour contains a lot of carbohydrates and some share of vegetable proteins. Some of them, such as gluten, are difficult for carnivores to digest and cause food intolerance and, consequently, various diseases. Therefore, the nutritional value of the ingredient is 1 point out of 10. It’s scary what awaits us ahead. ⠀


Interesting, ironic and a little sad? ⠀ Here we are at the last of the 14 premium cat food ingredients. And the last place in the list of ingredients means the smallest share in the product. Ironically, this ingredient has maximum nutritional value - 6 points out of 10. We have never seen such high indicators in this premium food ❗️ Well... ⠀ Fructooligosaccharides are a type of healthy prebiotics, fermentable fibers that are not digested in the intestines, but quickly fermented by colon microflora. They: improve the growth and reproduction of beneficial microflora, improve digestion and strengthen the immunity of animals. ⠀ Due to what? Fructooligosaccharides release volatile fatty acids, an ideal environment for the maintenance and renewal of epithelial cells of the colon wall. Thus, they help the pet’s body maintain balance in the intestines. ⠀ And yet let’s grumble a little. If the manufacturer does not indicate the exact amount of this ingredient, we have no reason to expect that the supplement will actually affect the health of the animal. Therefore... let's look together for those packages that contain all the necessary information.

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