BI Frontline Combo drops for dogs to protect against ticks and fleas 20-40 kg, L pipette 2.68 ml

French Frontline antiparasitic products are considered one of the best. They are often prescribed by veterinarians and recommended by breeders.

However, in recent years, the drugs have begun to be criticized. Some dog owners note a decrease in the effect, others indicate a weak effect, while others generally talk about frequent adverse reactions and mutagenic manifestations.

Is Frontline safe for dogs, how effective is it, is it worth buying this expensive drug, and are there any worthy analogues? We’ll look at it in this review.

Release forms and composition

The main advantage of Frontline is the abundance of types and forms of release. The drug is produced in 6 variations:

  1. Frontline Spot On. Classic drops on the withers against fleas and ticks. Contains 10% fipronil. Produced in 4 variations for dogs: marked S – from 2 to 10 kg (440 rubles), M – from 10 to 20 kg (475 rubles), L – from 20 to 40 kg (545 rubles), XL – from 40 to 60 kg (583 rubles).

  2. Frontline Combo. Also available in the form of drops on the withers, it has a similar effect. But in addition to fipronil (10 g), it additionally contains S-methoprene (9 g): this substance inhibits the growth of parasites. Therefore, the Combo variety eliminates insects at the stage of eggs and larvae. Release forms are similar to Frontline Spot On: S – 560 rubles, M – 640 rubles, L – 695 rubles, XL – 660 rubles.

  3. Frontline Tri-Act. Kills fleas, ticks and repels blood-sucking insects. Contains fipronil (6.76%) and repellent permethrin (50.48%). Available in 5 variations: on average 2-5 kg ​​costs 550 rubles, 5.1-10 kg – 510 rubles, 10.1-20 kg – 580 rubles, 20.1-40 kg – 680 rubles. rub., for 40.1-60 kg – 700 rub.

  4. Frontline Spray. Used primarily to protect young dogs and bitches. Made with fipronil (0.25 g). A 100 ml bottle costs 940 rubles, a 250 ml bottle costs 1,580 rubles.

  5. Frontline NexgarD. Medicine (medicine) in the form of a chewable tablet with the taste of stewed beef. The active ingredient is afoxolaner (2.27%), effective against exoparasites. There are 4 forms for dogs: for 2-4 kg (RUB 1,450), for 4.1-10 kg (RUB 1,660), for 10.1-25 kg (RUB 1,804), for 25.1 -50 kg (RUB 2,015). Each package contains 3 tablets.

  6. Frontline Nexgard Spectra. A subspecies of the regular Nexgard. In addition to afoxolaner (1.87%), it contains milbemycin oxime (0.38%). Therefore, it has a combined effect: it helps against blood-sucking parasites and helminths. Produced in 5 variations for dogs weighing: 2-3.5 kg (RUB 1,530), 3.5-7.5 kg (RUB 1,700), 7.5-15 kg (RUB 1,900). ), 15-30 kg (2,300 rub.), 30-60 kg (2,600 rub.).

Frontline Spot on

The drug is packaged in polymer pipettes of 0.5; 0.67; 1.34; 2.68; 4.02 ml.

The cost in September 2022 is 530 rubles.

A single treatment kills ticks and fleas in 48 and 28 hours, respectively. Frontline Spot protects pets from ticks for 28 days. The duration of the repellent effect against fleas for cats is 6, for dogs - 12 weeks.

The drug is used as part of the complex treatment of flea dermatitis, as well as otodectosis. In the latter case, the drug is administered once into both ears, having previously cleared them of crusts and exudate. If the second hearing organ is clinically healthy, it is also treated.

The drug is dosed depending on the weight of the animal according to the following scheme:

Kind of animal. Live weight, kg Volume, ml
Cats, ferrets0,5

The drug is not prescribed to kittens up to 1 kg, puppies up to 2 kg. Animals must be over 56 days old. To prevent the cubs from licking the liquid applied to the mother’s back, the female is removed before the drug is absorbed into the skin. In order not to inactivate the effect of Fipronil, the animal should not be allowed to bathe in open water or get wet.

Frontline Spot is stored for 3 years at temperatures from 0 to 30 °C.

Indications for use

All drugs in the Frontline series are prescribed to cure parasites and prevent their infection. So, they help from:

  • fleas;
  • lice eaters;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • scabies (sarcoptoid) mites – Spray, NexgarD and Spectra do not work against them;
  • lice;
  • mosquitoes

The Tri-Act form also has a repellent and insecticidal effect against dipterous insects: mosquitoes, burner flies, mosquitoes. And NexgarD Spectra destroys the larvae of heartworms and gastrointestinal nematodes: toxocara, hookworm, trichocephalosis.

Any medicine from Merial is indicated for:

  • entomosis – diseases caused by insects;
  • acaroses – pathologies that arose due to mites;
  • otodectosis - ear scabies;
  • allergic dermatitis caused by fleas (in complex therapy).

If, in addition to these conditions, there is a risk of contracting dirofilariasis, NexgarD Spectra is prescribed.

Drug safety studies

The instructions indicate that, according to GOST 12.1.007-76, medicines from the Spot On, Tri-Act, Combo and Spray lines belong to the 3rd hazard class (moderately hazardous substances), and NexgarD and Spectra - to the 4th class ( low-hazard substances). These results are confirmed by research from the manufacturer.

For the experiment, 4 primary groups were formed. The first was not treated with medication, the second received the drug in a single dosage, the third in a three-fold dosage, and the fourth in a five-fold dosage. The condition of the animals was monitored using clinical tests, skin biopsy, and histological studies.

The results of the analyzes showed that there were no differences in the well-being and condition of the pets of different control groups.

Additionally, a similar analysis was carried out on puppies. It was found that in some kittens, the antiparasitic agent leads to increased discharge from the eyes and the formation of dandruff. But in general, children tolerate the medication well.

Today, the results of pharmacological research continue. Over the entire period of the program, Frontline has treated over 3 million animals of different ages, sizes and breeds. Only isolated cases of treatment regarding side effects were recorded. However, all of them were not directly related to the use of the drug - it could only influence the occurrence of negative reactions indirectly.

However, a number of breeders claim that the medication has a mutagenic effect. In particular, there have been cases of puppies being born with conjunctivitis and dermoids of the eyelids from parents who previously gave birth to healthy litters. These data have not been clinically confirmed, but they should be taken into account by nursery owners.

How it works

The action of Frontline depends on the form of release. Thus, drops on the withers (Spot On, Tri-Act, Combo) and spray almost do not penetrate the body and do not enter the systemic bloodstream. After application, the active components spread over the entire surface of the skin, accumulate in the cells of the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, from where they are released along with the secretion.

But drugs in the form of tablets (NexgarD and Spectra) work systemically. The active substances included in their composition are absorbed by the walls of the stomach and intestines, enter the systemic circulation and accumulate in the plasma. Their maximum concentration is observed in the body after 30 minutes or 2-4 hours, and the elimination period ranges from 1.5 days to a month (depending on the type of component).

The effects of the components vary depending on their type:

  1. Fipronil. It disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses in insects, leading to their paralysis and death. Included in Spot-On, Combo, Spray, Tri-Act.
  2. S-methoprene. Inhibits the growth of blood-sucking parasites by disrupting chitin synthesis and prevents insects from reaching sexual maturity. Contained in Combo.
  3. Permethrin. It has an insectoacaricidal (deadly) and repellent (repellent) effect. Used in Tri-Act.
  4. Afoxolaner. Blocks insect receptors and the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes paralysis and subsequent death. Active ingredient: NexgarD and Spectra.
  5. Milbemycin oxime. Works against all forms of nematode development, as well as heartworm larvae. Increases the permeability of cell membranes, which causes paralysis and death of helminths. Used in Spectrum.

The duration of the protective effect also varies among different forms:

  • Spot It prevents infection by ticks for up to 35 days, fleas - 4-12 weeks;
  • The combo works: up to 28 days against ixodid ticks, 4-12 weeks against other insects;
  • The spray works: 3-5 weeks against ixodid ticks, 1-3 months against fleas;
  • Three-Act destroys fleas within a day, and within two days – lice-eaters, sarcoptic and ixodid ticks, the preventive effect lasts 4-5 weeks, during this period it also repels mosquitoes, mosquitoes and burn flies;
  • NexgarD begins to work half an hour after administration, destroys fleas in 6 hours, ticks in two days, remains effective for a month, gets rid of parasites before egg laying - this prevents re-infestation and the spread of insects in the house;
  • Spectra is similar in action to NexgarD, only it gets rid of ticks 2 times faster - within 24 hours.

Drops Frontline - description

Frontline drops for dogs are designed to combat insects such as fleas, lice, lice and ticks (including ixodid ticks). After external use, the drug is distributed over the pet’s skin within 24 hours to ensure long-term protection from bloodsucking insects.

Composition of the drug

Effective protection after applying drops to the withers of the animal is provided by the active component of the drug fipronil, as well as auxiliary substances and solvents that help the insectoacaricidal agent penetrate the skin faster to create an unacceptable habitat for insects.

Pharmacological properties

Fipronil, which is part of the insecticide as an active substance, is able to block the gamma-amino-butyric acid receptors of the nerve cells of bloodsuckers and have a pronounced acaricidal effect against parasitic insects in dogs.

After contact with the epidermal layer during an attempt to bite an animal, the already absorbed insecticide quickly kills the pest.

A distinctive feature of Frontline drops is that for protection they do not need to be absorbed into the pet’s blood, since thanks to the excipients the drug only accumulates on the top layer of the pet’s skin. The insecticide accumulates in the sebaceous glands of the skin, thereby ensuring a long-lasting effect of the product to protect against ectoparasites.

Let's celebrate! Within a day after applying the solution to the withers, the dog’s defense mechanism is activated for a month. After this period, re-processing is required.


Frontline is one of the products of the Merial company, specializing in the development and manufacture of vaccines and veterinary drugs for livestock farming and pets.

This French company was founded in 1997 as a joint venture between the veterinary and sanitary subsidiaries of Merck & Co and Sanofi-Aventis. In January 2022, Merial was acquired by the German corporation Boehringer Ingelheim and merged with its veterinary division.

Now they are one of the world leaders in the veterinary industry, and are actively engaged in research activities, as well as the creation of innovative drugs in the field of animal health.

Instructions for use and dosage

The nuances of using Frontline depend on the specific type of drug.

Drop shape

Spot On, Tri Act or Combo is applied to dry, uninjured skin in two places: at the base of the back of the head and between the shoulder blades. To do this, fix the pet and squeeze the solution out of the pipette, spreading the fur.

If the dog has otodectosis, the solution is instilled in 4-6 drops into both ears, and the remainder is squeezed out of a pipette between the shoulder blades.

Dosages are selected by purchasing the drug for the appropriate size. If the dog weighs more than 60 kg or its weight is in borderline values, combine 2 pipettes, whose total volume will be as close as possible to the weight of the pet.

Drops are used in the following dosages. Spot On:



Spray Form

The spray is more convenient in terms of dosage selection. It is used like this:

  • the treatment is carried out in the yard or in a ventilated area (with open windows and doors);
  • pre-cover aquariums, remove cages with ornamental birds, move away from the hives;
  • put a muzzle, a collar on the dog, or tighten the jaws with tape - they are not removed until the solution has completely dried, so that the pet does not lick the drug;
  • The bottle with the spray is shaken and, holding it vertically, sprayed at a distance of 10-20 cm;
  • apply the solution to the entire body of the dog in the direction against hair growth, lift the long hair with your hand;
  • then close the animal’s eyes and nose and carefully spray the spray onto the chest and ears;
  • Rub the product around the eyes and nose with your fingers.

Dosages for the Spray are as follows:

After applying drops or spray treatment, the pet is not bathed (with water or shampoo) for 48 hours. During this same period, they do not allow him to swim in bodies of water; they make sure that he does not run through puddles or roll around in mud or rotten meat.

Tablet form

Dogs usually eat the chewable tablets themselves. But if the dog refuses to eat them, the capsule can be given in 3 ways:

  • disguise it in the stern;
  • wrapped in a piece of delicacy: minced meat, cheese or butter;
  • force-feed by opening the jaws and placing the pill on the root of the tongue.

Dosages for NexgarD:

Dosages for NexgarD Spectra:

Select tablets according to the weight of the animal and the appropriate labeling. If the dog weighs over 50 kg, combine 2 capsules with different contents of components that are most suitable for the pet’s weight. You cannot break the pills.

Make sure the pet swallows the tablet. If he spits it out or vomits soon after giving the medicine, he is fed again in the same dosage.

Contraindications and side effects

Merial products are prohibited from being given to:

  • sick, recovering, weakened and exhausted animals;
  • pets with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of drugs;
  • for puppies up to 8 weeks and weighing up to 2 kg, with the exception of a spray that can be used from the 3rd day of life;
  • dogs with a perforated eardrum if ear treatment is planned;
  • together with other insectoacaricidal drugs;
  • Drops and spray should not be applied to wet, irritated or damaged skin.

In addition to these restrictions, take into account that both forms of NexgarD are prohibited for pets with severe liver and kidney disorders. And Spectra is not safe for collies, shelties and related breeds.

Puppy bitches can be given drugs, but they are treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Side effects are rare and go away on their own within 1-2 days. Possible:

  • itching;
  • hair loss;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • hypersalivation - increased salivation;
  • neurological symptoms: anxiety and irritability (associated with the activation of insects in the first hours), excessive activity or, conversely, a depressed state;
  • vomit.

If NexgarD or Spectra were used, peeling of the skin, erythrema, and drowsiness are also possible.

In case of overdose, in addition to these symptoms, muscle tremors and breathing problems may appear. And when using tablets, there is also a decrease in appetite and weight gain. Keep in mind that your pet may stagger when walking if you incorrectly calculated the dose of Spectra.

Precautionary measures

When treating an animal with drugs in liquid form, care must be taken to ensure that the drug does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes of a person or animal. If the medicine gets into these areas, you should quickly rinse the affected areas with plenty of warm water. The person carrying out the treatment must not drink, eat, smoke, or put their hands near their face. After completing all manipulations, wash your hands twice with soap.

Before using the drug, you should check with your veterinarian about the interactions of Frontline drugs with other medications. Before starting therapy, it is imperative to conduct an allergy test to avoid the development of pronounced negative consequences.

Frontline products cannot be used simultaneously with antiparasitic collars.

Side effects and contraindications

Frontline drugs have a small number of contraindications and side effects, all of them are indicated in the instructions for use; in addition, you can consult a veterinarian.

Drops and spray should be used strictly in accordance with the age and weight indicated on the package. In rare cases, pets experience short-term allergic reactions in the form of redness, swelling, itching and rashes on the skin. If the animal becomes restless and tries to scratch its skin, you need to show the dog to the veterinarian, otherwise wounds and erosions may occur.

The tablets are contraindicated in case of kidney and liver pathologies, the presence of infectious diseases, and they are not used to treat weakened pets. Possible side effects are vomiting, diarrhea. In such situations, you need to give the medicine again or replace it with an analogue. Most often, negative reactions occur in herding breed dogs.

Analogues of the drug

The selection of similar medications depends on which particular release form of Frontline needs to be replaced. The following analogues are produced:

NameWhat is the differencePrices
Insectoacaricidal spray BarsMade with fipronil. Do not use on pregnant and lactating females, as well as puppies. There is an improved formula “Forte” with diflubenzuron (0.1%) - the substance accumulates in the sebaceous glands and prolongs the effect of the drug. Bars Forte – 330 rub. for a 100 ml bottle, regular: 260 rub. – for 100 ml, 375 rub. for 200 ml.
Hartz UltraGuard Plus Flea and Tick Spray for DogsThe drug is in the form of a spray based on tetrachlorvinphos (1.08%) and methoprene (0.07%). Shorter duration: prevents infection by adult insects for up to 7 days, eggs – up to 4 weeks. Prohibited for puppies up to 1.5 months. RUB 1,050
BravectoSynonymous with Frontline Nexgard. Available in 2 types: drops on the withers and tablets. Works against exoparasites. Lasts longer - up to 12 weeks. 800 – 1,500 rub. depending on the release form and dosage.
Reksolin PlusAnalogous to Frontline Spot on and Combo. The composition is similar in the presence of fipronil and methoprene. 400-600 rub. depending on the species and the weight of the animal.
Hartz Ultra Guard dropsThe action is similar to Frontline Three Act. However, they contain another active ingredient – ​​phenothrin (85.7%). Allergic reactions, vomiting, and muscle tremors are possible. 740 rub.
StrongholdSynonymous with Spot On and Combo. It has a wider spectrum of action: kills fleas, ticks, roundworms and heartworms. 1,500 per pack of 3 pipettes.
AdvocateAnother drops of complex action. Helps against fleas and ticks. However, they are not effective against the parasites that cause ear scabies. But they work against helminths. 1,200 rub.

Types of drugs and principle of action

The manufacturer produces the following types of Frontline drugs:

  1. Combo for dogs.
  2. Combo for ferrets and cats.
  3. Spot-on.
  4. Spray.
  5. Tri-ACT.

The list of active ingredients and their concentration in the preparations is shown in the table:

NameConcentration of active substances, %
Combo for dogs109
Combo for cats and ferrets1012
Spot he10

Fipronil and Permethrin interrupt the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles of arthropods, immobilizing them. Methoprene is structurally reminiscent of an arthropod hormone that is involved in the synthesis of chitin. In immature forms, the maturation process stops. The larval stages may not survive to the age where they can reproduce.

Frontline components do not enter the bloodstream, accumulate in the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, epidermis, hairs and provide long-term protection against parasites.

Owner reviews

Bonnie-Blue: “Frontline drops were recommended to me by both the vets and a volunteer friend who helps homeless animals. I treated my cat with them for several years and was satisfied. But last year I also got a dachshund. The drops don't help her at all. Moreover, allergies popped up. I took the drug at the clinic, so counterfeits are excluded.”

CHOYU: “My two dogs spend the summer at the dacha, where there is a sea of ​​ticks. I give them Spectra and no problems: insects only allow themselves to crawl on animals.”

Katushka: “We came out of town for the weekend. While combing, I discovered fleas on my Spitz dogs. The choice of medication has become a problem because... I had a recently whelped female with two-week-old kittens. I decided that it was better to use Frontline Spray. It smells unpleasant, but the fleas disappeared on the third day. And all the pets, including babies, underwent the procedure without any problems.”

Answers to frequently asked questions

Recently the dog was treated with another antiparasitic agent. How quickly can Frontline be applied?

There should be at least a month between the use of different drugs. Carefully read the instructions for the previously used drug - it should contain instructions.

My pet weighs less than 2 kg. How should I treat him for fleas and ticks?

In such cases, it is recommended to use a spray form. The remaining types of drugs are designed for dogs weighing from 2 kg.

I am pregnant. Can I treat my dogs with medication myself?

Information about the dangers of Frontline for people, incl. during pregnancy, no. But it is better to ask another person to perform the procedure. If this is not possible, use gloves and then wash your hands thoroughly up to the elbows with soap.

I treated the dog with medicine, but soon found a tick on him. What to do?

The parasite must be removed quickly and carefully.

What else you need to know

Types of Frontline drops Frontline drops for dogs, reviews confirm this, are in great demand among consumers. After all, they can be used even by pregnant and lactating dogs. However, the drug also has some limitations. The product is contraindicated for treatment:

  • puppies under 2 months of age;
  • dogs weighing less than 2 kg;
  • pets suffering from individual intolerance to the components included in the medicine.

Frontline drops for dogs cannot be used on cats. For mustachioed pets, the Merial company produces a similar drug that differs in dosage. For dogs, other drops that have proven themselves in the treatment process can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies:

  • Barrier;
  • Dana Ultra Neo;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Inspector;
  • Leopard;
  • Celandine.


The drugs are generally good products that will destroy the parasites that have already settled on your pet and prevent subsequent infestations. The only thing is that it is better not to take Spectra, but to independently select an anthelmintic with a wider spectrum of action: Canikquantel, Drontal, Profender, Milbemax, Alben S, etc.

For several years I prescribed Frontline without fear. But lately there are a few things to consider:

  • counterfeits have become more frequent;
  • the clinic is often contacted about negative reactions after using drugs;
  • Entomoses and acaroses are becoming increasingly common in animals treated with drugs from Merial.

It is also impossible to ignore the observations of breeders who note mutagenic effects in litters of healthy purebred dogs and even mongrels, in which the risk of recessive genes and associated hereditary diseases is minimal. Although no research has been done on this, keep this point in mind.

Frontline drops, spray and tablets are controversial drugs. In most cases, they work well and do not affect the dogs' health. But it may cause side effects or may not work in some animals. Therefore, there is a reason to choose another medication: Bravecto, Bars, Hartz, Rexolin.

Interesting read: What kind of dog to have in an apartment

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